Grantham University Complete Medical Terminology Worksheet

Grantham University Complete Medical Terminology Worksheet

Unit II Word Parts Worksheet
Word Parts Assignment (Part 1): New Word Parts
Directions: Write the meaning of each combining form word part in the first column. Then locate a new
term from the chapter that uses the word part, and list it in the second column. In the third column, write
the meaning of the chapter terms.

Combining Forms Meaning Chapter Term Meaning


1. abdomin/o
2. anter/o
3. brachi/o
4. caud/o
5. cephal/o
6. cervic/o
7. chondr/o
8. crani/o
9. cubit/o
10. dist/o


Word Parts Assignment (Part 2): Directional Terms
Directions: First, define each of the following directional terms. Then give its opposite direction.
1. anterior
opposite is:
2. caudal
opposite is:
3. cephalic
opposite is:
4. deep
opposite is:
5. distal
opposite is:
6. dorsal
opposite is:
7. inferior
opposite is:
8. lateral
opposite is:

HCA 1301, Basic Medical Terminology 2
9. medial
opposite is:
10. posterior
opposite is:
Abbreviations (Part 3):
Directions: Write the full term that each abbreviation stands for.
1. BCC ____________________________________________________
2. BX, bx __________________________________________________
3. C&S ____________________________________________________
4. decub ___________________________________________________
5. Derm ____________________________________________________
6. HSV ____________________________________________________
7. I&D _____________________________________________________
8. ID _______________________________________________________
9. MM _____________________________________________________
10. SG ______________________________________________________
11. SCC _____________________________________________________
12. STSG ____________________________________________________
13. Subc, Subq ________________________________________________
14. ung ________________________________________________________
Case Study Assignment (Part 4):
Directions: Below is a case study presentation of a patient with a condition covered in Chapter 5 in your
textbook. Read the case study and provide complete and detailed responses for the questions below.
Some questions will ask for information not included within this chapter. Use your textbook, a medical
dictionary, or any other reference material you choose to answer these questions.
A 40-year-old female is seen in the dermatologist’s office, on the recommendation of her internist, for a
workup for suspected MM on her left forearm. The suspicious lesion was a blackish skin growth
approximately 1 cm in diameter. The dermatologist examined the patient and a tissue biopsy was
performed. The biopsy confirmed that the growth was MM. Surgery was performed to remove the tumor.
In addition, a 5 cm by 5 cm square of skin immediately surrounding the tumor was also moved. Because
the removed skin included all three layers of skin, a skin graft was necessary to cover the open area. The
donor site was the patient’s thigh. Following recovery from surgery, the patient was referred to an
oncologist for follow-up care. Grantham University Complete Medical Terminology Worksheet
Critical Thinking Questions
Answer the questions below regarding this case study. Do not just copy words out of the case study;
translate all medical terms. To answer some of these questions, you may need to look up information
from another chapter of this textbook.

HCA 1301, Basic Medical Terminology 3
1. What pathological condition does the internist think this patient may have? Look this condition up
in a reference source, and include a short description of it in your answer.
2. What diagnostic test did the dermatologist perform? Describe it in your own words.
3. Explain why a skin graft was necessary.
4. Explain why it was necessary to remove so much additional skin tissue along with the tumor.
5. What is the specialty of an oncologist?
6. What do you think the possible follow-up care might include? Grantham University Complete Medical Terminology Worksheet