MSN Essential VIII, and the Nurse Practitioner Core Competency

MSN Essential VIII, and the Nurse Practitioner Core Competency

please only include sources 5 years or newer.

Reflect back over the past eight weeks and describe how the achievement of the course outcomes in this course have prepared you to meet the MSN program outcome #5, the MSN Essential VIII, and the Nurse Practitioner Core Competency # 8 Ethics Competencies.

Program Outcome #5
Advocates for positive health outcomes through compassionate, evidence-based, collaborative advanced nursing practice. (Extraordinary nursing)

Masters Essential VIII: Clinical Prevention and Population Health for Improving Health


1. Design patient-centered and culturally responsive strategies in the delivery of clinical prevention and health promote on interventions and/or services to individuals, families, communities, and aggregates/clinical populations.

2. Integrate clinical prevention and population health concepts in the development of culturally relevant and linguistically appropriate health education, communication strategies, and interventions. MSN Essential VIII, and the Nurse Practitioner Core Competency

NONPF: #8 Ethics Competencies

1. Integrates ethical principles in decision making.
2. Evaluates the ethical consequences of decisions.
3. Applies ethically sound solutions to complex issues related to individuals, populations and systems of care

The reflection specifically identifies and addresses the pre-determined program outcome and provides two (2) or more examples of how the student specifically achieved or had exposure to this outcome during this course/clinical.

The reflection specifically identifies and addresses the pre-determined MSN Essential Competency and provides two (2) or more examples of how the student specifically achieved or had exposure to this competency during the course/clinical.

The reflection specifically identifies and addresses the pre-determined NP core Competency and provides two (2) or more examples of how the student specifically achieved or had exposure to this competency during this course/clinical. MSN Essential VIII, and the Nurse Practitioner Core Competency