Implementation Plan paper

Implementation Plan paper

The chosen evidenced-based practice proposal will be conducted at a 111-bed psychiatric institution. The rate of medication errors in the population will be evaluated before the implementation of electronic health records and 6 months after its implementation Implementation Plan paper. The goal of this proposal is to ascertain whether or not electronic health records decrease medication errors, thereby improving outcomes. For this to occur, a change in the current workflow has to be implemented. The institution is currently on paper charting, therefore a change process will be required to illicit the desired effect. Implementation Plan paper


For change to be successful, strategic planning is of utmost importance. The implementation team should be identified; the goals, budget and time-frame should also be clearly communicated (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 2014). The project member should clearly outline the team members, the tasks, the background literature, the needs assessment and time-frame for the proposal. A communication plan, risk management plan and change management plan are necessary components to guide a successful change. In order to execute a successful change, the implementation team should support and guide the implementation throughout the pilot (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 2014). The project manager should outline milestones to ensure deliverables are met in accordance to the goals, time-frame and scope of the project. Regular meeting should be conducted at scheduled intervals to ensure the project is functioning as expected, or to implement mitigation strategies. A Model for Change by Rosswurm and Larrabee (1999), is the model of choice to guide the proposal. The steps required for this change is highlighted in the table below: Implementation Plan paper

Evidenced Based Plan Implementation Project
PICOT In patients admitted to a psychiatric institution that converted from paper charting to electronic health records (P) , does the implementation of electronic health records (I) compared to paper charting ( C) decrease medication errors (O) within 6 months of its implementation (T).
Evidence Based Model to Guide Implementation A Model for Change by Rosswurm and Larrabee (1999) is a model based on theoretical literature related as it relates to evidence‐based practice, research utilization, standardized language, and change theory. This model guides practitioners through the change process through steps 6 steps: assess, link, synthesize, design, implement/evaluate and integrate/maintain (Rosswurn & Larrabee, 1999). These steps will be implemented in the chosen proposal to guide change and evaluate outcomes.
Project Stakeholders · The project stakeholders will be clearly identified. The project manager, project sponsor and all team members (active and supportive) will be highlighted. Implementation Plan paper
· All necessary human and physical resources will be gathered (including approvals and budget). Implementation Plan paper

Milestone One (Checkpoint)- Assess · Assess the need for change (needs assessment: the inefficiencies of paper-charting to the desired effect of a computerized system. Also, the high rate of medication errors, to the desired effect of a low/ no rate of medication errors)
· Review of quality reports regarding medication error events

· Assess knowledge of the implementation team in relations to the PICOT, goals, evidenced based knowledge and skills.

Milestone Two (Checkpoint)-Link · Link problems with interventions and outcomes; Link medication errors to the intervention of electronic health records implementation.
· Conduct background research


Milestone Three (Checkpoint)-Synthesize · Synthesize literature to support stance.
· Define the purpose of the project.

· Define the key quality indicators to determine if the project is successful

· Communicate information and address concerns with implementation team.


Milestone Four (Checkpoint)-Design · Formulate plan for the implementation of the electronic system with hospital administration. Identify the vendor and project sponsors responsible for the computerized system implementation project. Get communication of the time-frame in which system should be implemented in order to formulate a timeframe for the post implementation evaluation.
· Delegate to relevant team member/s to gather current data as it relates to medication errors in the hospital. Implementation Plan paper

· Formulate plan on evaluating outcomes after the implementation of the electronic system.

· Design a communication and risk management plan.

· Create a poster to disseminate of initiation of project information.

Milestone Five (Checkpoint)-Implement/Evaluate · Implementation of electronic health records.
· Make adjustments to poster as necessary.

· Launch the pilot study.

· Evaluate medication error rates monthly post implementation.

· Review progress of project during meetings, using the previously defined key quality indicators as guidance.

· Compare medication error findings to the pre electronic health records implementation phase.

· Analyze findings

· Celebrate project’s success


Milestone Six (Checkpoint)- Integrate &Maintain · Formulate a report of the medication error data before electronic health records implementation and 6 months after its implementation
· Close the project- review lesson learned and make recommendations. Implementation Plan paper




Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, . (2014, October). How Do We Implement Best Practices in Our Organization? (continued). In AHRQ. Retrieved from


Rosswurm, M., & Larrabee, J. (1999). A Model for Change to Evidence-Based Practice. The Journal of Nursing Scholarships, 31(4), 317-322. doi:file:///C:/Users/vpw63478/Downloads/A_Model_for_Change_to_Evidence_Based_Pra.pdf Implementation Plan paper