PSYC 6800: Applied Psychology Research Methods

PSYC 6800: Applied Psychology Research Methods

Week 1: Data Collection and Management

Research helps you understand a topic more deeply. To develop this understanding, you must review what others have said or studied about the topic. You must also collect data on a specific topic from a variety of sources, including published articles, data, and statistics. The management of this collected data can be daunting.

This week, you will reflect on your own levels of anxiety or comfort about conducting quantitative research in your particular field or discipline. You will also review the elements of the Final Project that you will work on throughout this course PSYC 6800: Applied Psychology Research Methods.


Learning Objectives

Students will:

  • Evaluate level of personal anxiety related to quantitative research.
  • Analyze how quantitative data are used in your field/discipline.
  • Analyze anxiety, fears, and challenges related to quantitative research. PSYC 6800: Applied Psychology Research Methods
  • Learning Resources

Required Readings

Johnson, R. B., & Christensen, L. B. (2020). Educational research: Quantitative, qualitative, and mixed approaches (7th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

  • Chapter 7, “Standardized Measurement and Assessment” (pp. 150-155)
  • Chapter 8, “Methods of Data Collection in Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Research” (pp. 179-206)

Salkind, N. (2016). Excel Statistics: A Quick Guide (3rd ed.). SAGE Publications, Inc.

  • Preface, “How to Use This Book” (pp. viii-xi)
  • Part I, “Using Excel Functions” (pp.1-7)
  • Part II, “Using the Analysis ToolPak” (pp. 89-91)

Document: Final Project Worksheet (Word document)

Study Notes

Document: The Purpose of Research (e.g., basic research, applied research, evaluation research, research and development, and action research) (PowerPoint presentation)

Document: Important Terms in Quantitative Analysis (e.g., independent variable, dependent variable, dichotomous variables, categorical variables, continuous variables) (PowerPoint presentation)

Required Media

Walden University (Producer). (2019). Common fears and anxiety about research [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 25 minutes

Final Project Datasets

Choose from one of the datasets listed to use for your Final Project. You will need to download both the dataset and its codebook in order to complete the Final Project assignments throughout the course. PSYC 6800: Applied Psychology Research Methods

Diebold Dataset and Codebook

  • This dataset is a fictionalized set of data reflecting how a random sample of employees in the United States might respond to questions regarding their perceptions of their value in the workplace, their skill level, training in self-advocacy, their job satisfaction, the amount of a raise they requested and whether they received it. Additionally, these fictitious participants were rated by their peers and supervisors (a 360 review).Diebold, C. (n.d.). Diebold Dataset and Codebook. Charles Diebold. 

Document: Diebold Dataset (Excel worksheet)

Document: Diebold Dataset Codebook (Word document)

School Survey on Crime and Safety Dataset and Codebooks

  • The dataset “is a cross-sectional survey of the nation’s public schools designed to provide estimates of school crime, discipline, disorder, programs and policies. Regular public schools were sampled. The data collection was conducted using a mail questionnaire with telephone follow-up. The data collection’s response rate was 62.9 percent. Key statistics produced from SSOCS:2016 include the frequency and types of disciplinary actions taken for select offenses; perceptions of other disciplinary problems, such as bullying, verbal abuse and disorder in the classroom; the presence and role of school security staff; parent and community involvement; staff training; mental health services available to students; and school policies and programs concerning crime and safety.” (National Center for Education Statistics, 2016, para. 1) PSYC 6800: Applied Psychology Research Methods.

National Center for Education Statistics. (2016). 2015-2016 School Survey on Crime and Safety. U.S. Department of Education.  

Document: School Survey on Crime and Safety Dataset (Excel worksheet)

Document: School Survey on Crime and Safety Codebook (Word Document)

Fictional Working Sample Dataset and Codebook

This dataset provides information about adults’ interest in books and electronic tablet use. Demographic information includes gender, age, and characteristics of the town they live in. Note: The data in this sample are fictional and are meant for use within this course only. You cannot share any information based on this dataset outside of the classroom, as the information does not reflect actual participants or a real-world population PSYC 6800: Applied Psychology Research Methods.

Document: Fictional Working Sample Dataset (Excel worksheet)

Document: Fictional Working Sample Codebook (Word Document)

Optional Resources

In the event you want to work ahead on your Final Project, please begin reviewing the following resources:

Johnson, R. B., & Christensen, L. B. (2016). Educational research: Quantitative, qualitative, and mixed approaches (6th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

  • Chapter 7, “Standardized Measurement and Assessment” (pp. 162–188)
  • Chapter 11, “Validity of Research Results in Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Research”

Note: In Chapter 11, pay special attention to the section on quantitative research.

Weems, G. H., & Onwuegbuzie, A. J. (2001). The impact of midpoint responses and reverse coding on survey data. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 34, 166-176.

Weems, G. H., Onwuegbuzie, A. J., Eggers, S. J., & Schreiber, J. B. (2003). Characteristics of respondents who respond differently to positively- and negatively-worded items on rating scales. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 28, 587-607. doi:10.1080/0260293032000130234


Every field and discipline of study is different in some way. It also means that every field/discipline of study has a different approach to research and data collection reflecting the nuances of the subject matter. Each method can be daunting to understand, especially to the uninitiated in that area of research. What has been your experience with research, either in school or in your professional career? How prepared do you feel to learn about how to conduct research? Does the idea of conducting experiments, collecting data, interviewing other professionals, or examining data in the literature cause you anxiety? Maybe you love to conduct research and find that it energizes you.

For this Discussion, you will reflect on your personal and professional experience with research and whether or not the idea or act of research brings you a level of anxiety. PSYC 6800: Applied Psychology Research Methods

To Prepare:

  • Review the Learning Resources for this week and the Common Fears and Anxiety About Research media program.
  • Consider your own personal anxieties, fears, and challenges you might have for research.
  • Consider the following:

Levels of Anxiety Survey

1                    2                    3                    4                    5
(Low)                            (Moderate)                            (High)

On this 5-point scale, with 5 being highest level of anxiety, 3 being moderate, and 1 being the lowest, score yourself as to your level of anxiety about this course. Use these results for your Discussion PSYC 6800: Applied Psychology Research Methods.

By Day 4

Post a self-introduction and describe your particular field or discipline. Explain how quantitative data in general are used in your field. Describe how numbers (i.e., quantitative data) are used to interpret a phenomenon in your field or discipline.

Next, based on the Levels of Anxiety survey, explain why you scored yourself at the level of anxiety you selected. Also, discuss your anxiety, fears, and one challenge you might have with research and how you might address this challenge.

Read your colleagues’ postings carefully.

By Day 6

Respond to at least one of your colleagues’ posts and suggest a way to mitigate the challenge presented in her/his post. Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources. Use proper APA format and citations.

Return to this Discussion in a few days to read the responses to your initial posting. Note what you have learned and/or any insights that you have gained as a result of your colleagues’ comments.

Submission and Grading Information

Grading Criteria

To access your rubric:

Week 1 Discussion Rubric

Post by Day 4 and Respond by Day 6

To participate in this Discussion:

Week 1 Discussion

Assignment: Preparing for Data Analysis

You will be using Excel to run the data analyses for this course, which requires loading the Analysis ToolPak for Excel. You are asked to accomplish this during Week 1 so that if you should run into difficulties, you can resolve any issues before you will need to use Excel for your course assignments. Microsoft has a resource with step by step instructions for Windows and for MacOS PSYC 6800: Applied Psychology Research Methods.

To Prepare:


  • Follow the instructions to load the Analysis ToolPak in Excel.
  • After you have successfully added the Analysis TookPal Add-in, take a screenshot of the Data tab showing the Data Analysis command is available.

Contact your faculty instructor if you encounter any difficulties.

By Day 7 (required but not assessed)

Load the Analysis ToolPak in Excel and submit your screenshot.

Submission Information

To submit your completed Project for review and grading, do the following:

  • Please save your Assignment using the naming convention “WK1Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension)” as the name.
  • Click the Week 1 Assignment link.
  • Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My Computer button. Find the document you saved as “WK1Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension)” and click Open.
  • If applicable: From the Plagiarism Tools area, click the checkbox for I agree to submit my paper(s) to the Global Reference Database.
  • Click on the Submit button to complete your submission.
Submit Your Assignment by Day 7

To submit your Assignment:

Week 1 Assignment

Final Project Overview: Connecting Real-World Data through Quantitative Analysis

Cassie is a 9-year-old who received the flu vaccine yet was hospitalized after contracting the flu in 2018. Cassie’s parent is torn on whether or not to give her the flu vaccine in 2019. Based on recent findings from the Center for Disease Control, the flu vaccines have reduced hospitalized risk by almost half (47%) in comparison to previous years (Stanglin, 2019). Is this due to the increased effectiveness of the vaccine or has the virulence of flu strains changed? Quantitative analysis can help answer such questions.

As a working professional, you will experience quantitative data in many different ways. These data will contribute to answering research questions, guiding conclusions, shaping decisions, and helping generate more questions. As part of the Final Project for this course, you will do just that. You will gain a better understanding of how quantitative data and their analyses provide an opportunity for you to see how a phenomenon can impact your field/discipline of study.

Your Final Project for this course will consist of a narrative/report in which you demonstrate your learning through a research question related to a dataset, the variables related to the research question, and the data analyzed using specific types of analysis to determine the results from the data.

There are three items you will use to complete your Final Project. The Final Project Overview, Final Project Worksheet, and Final Project Dataset are in this week’s Learning Resources:

1) Final Project Overview – A document providing specific details about the Final Project criteria. Take time to review this document carefully and plan your time accordingly. PSYC 6800: Applied Psychology Research Methods

2) Final Project Worksheet – A document that allows you to gather information/notes you need in order to complete your Final Project narrative/report due in Week 11. This Worksheet will be submitted in Week 3 and Week 5 of the course.

3) Final Project – A narrative/report you will develop, applying the criteria in the Final Project Overview and the Final Project Worksheet information gathered throughout the course. The required structure and format for this narrative/report is provided in Week 11 PSYC 6800: Applied Psychology Research Methods.

The Final Project is a narrative/report you will develop, applying the criteria in the Final Project Overview and the Final Project Worksheet information gathered throughout the course. The required structure and format for this narrative/report are provided in the Final Project Overview as well as in Week 11.

This week, you will begin your work on Part 1: Selecting a Dataset

Begin completing Part 1 of your Final Project Worksheet; however, it will not be submitted until Week 3 by Day 7.

Stanglin, D. (2019). Flu widespread in US with 15.2 million cases since October, but experts see ‘low-severity’ season. Retrieved from USA Today

To Prepare:

  • Final Project Overview: Review the Final Project Overview in this week’s Learning Resources and use it to guide your Final Project work.
  • Final Project Worksheet: Access the Final Project Worksheet in this week’s Learning Resources and use it to begin gathering information/notes you will use to develop your Final Project.
  • Review the dataset descriptions provided in Final Project Datasets. Select a dataset that most closely matches an area of interest.
  • Once you select your dataset, use the Final Project Worksheet to complete Part 1: Selecting a Dataset.

There are no submissions required for your Final Project this week.

Submit Final Project Worksheet, Part 1: Selecting a Dataset and Part 2: Research Questions and Design by Day 7 of Week 3.

Week in Review

This week, you considered your own levels of anxiety about quantitative research. You also examined any challenges you might have with research and how to mitigate such challenges. You reviewed the Final Project criteria in the Final Project Overview, as well as the Final Project Worksheet you will complete and periodically submit throughout this course.

Next week, you will identify research questions to help you build a foundation for your research throughout this course and inform your completion of Part 2: Research Questions and Design of your Final Project Worksheet PSYC 6800: Applied Psychology Research Methods.

Next Week

Week 2: Developing Quantitative Research Questions

Juanita is a human resources manager who works with young employees, often college students, at a call center. The call center is part of a large technology organization. Juanita has discovered that although there are many opportunities for advancement within the organization, many of the young employees leave after only a few months. She has been asked to determine how the organization might encourage more of these young employees to consider growing and building their careers within the organization. What would you do if you were in Juanita’s position?

An important first step of any research project is to develop a question or set of questions to which you want to find answers. These questions are called research questions. The answers to these research questions will come from your research. In this second week of Module 1, you will develop research questions and corresponding research designs, based on the dataset you selected in Week 1, and then select one of those questions to be the basis for your work throughout the remainder of this course.

This week, you will become familiar with the Excel data analysis menu that you will apply to your work throughout various research phases in this course). Additionally, you will continue your work on Final Project Worksheet, Part 1 and Part 2 PSYC 6800: Applied Psychology Research Methods.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

  • Create quantitative research questions.
  • Learning Resources

Required Readings

Johnson, R. B., & Christensen, L. B. (2020). Educational research: Quantitative, qualitative, and mixed approaches (7th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

  • Chapter 4, “How to Critically Review the Literature and Develop Good Research Questions” (pp. 77–105)

Note: Focus on pages 474–482 of the article “Linking Research Questions to Mixed Methods Data Analysis Procedures.”

Document: Research Question Types Quiz Worksheet (Word document)

Note: You will refer to your completed Research Question Types Quiz Worksheet again in Week 4, in order to complete that week’s Discussion 1.

Note: This document provides step-by-step instructions about how to use Excel to access datasets and conduct statistical analyses, as well as how to post visual displays of those analyses PSYC 6800: Applied Psychology Research Methods.

Study Notes

Document: Inductive Reasoning and Deductive Reasoning (PowerPoint presentation)

Document: Quantitative Research Designs (PowerPoint presentation)

Document: Quantitative Research Questions (PowerPoint presentation)

Required Media

Walden University (Producer). (2019). Research question types quiz [Interactive file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Note: Use this interactive quiz for practice identifying types of research questions (i.e., descriptive, relational, or comparative)

Optional Resources

Document: Descriptive Statistics (PowerPoint presentation)

As you consider your statistical software, this resource is common to data analysts and accessible in the Week 7 Learning Resources.

Discussion: Research Question(s)

Karen is a director of human resources at a mid-size company. Her team has been exploring causes of turnover for new employees—employees that start with the company but leave within a year. Some of the research questions she and her team have developed include:

  • What training and advancement opportunities might encourage employees to commit to long-term growth within the company?
  • What benefits are new employees seeking in career-based employment?

For this Discussion, you will generate your own research questions, based on the dataset you chose in Week 1. You will create three different types of research questions (i.e., one descriptive question, one relational question, and one comparative question). Then, select an appropriate research design for each question.

To Prepare:

  • Review this week’s Learning Resources, particularly the Onwuegbuzie & Leech (2006) article, Study Notes, Research Question Types Quiz Worksheet, and Research Questions Types Quiz (interactive media program).
  • Complete the Research Question Types Quiz Worksheet. Then, take the Research Questions Types Quiz interactive media program, referring to the Worksheet as you complete the Quiz. (Note: As you take the Quiz, you will learn the correct answer to each quiz question. Update your Worksheet to reflect the correct answers, as needed, since you will need this information in order to complete the Week 4, Discussion 1).  PSYC 6800: Applied Psychology Research Methods

By Day 4

Post one of your three different types of research questions (i.e., descriptive question, relational question, or comparative question) based on the dataset you selected in Week 1. Then, post an appropriate research design for the question you post. Explain how the research question might promote positive social change.

By Day 4

Respond to one of your colleagues’ posts and rewrite your colleague’s question to fit one of the other three research question formats (i.e., descriptive, relational, or comparative). Also, identify an appropriate research design for the rewritten question you post.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources. Use proper APA format and citations.

Return to this Discussion in a few days to read the responses to your initial posting. Note what you have learned and/or any insights that you have gained as a result of your colleagues’ comments.

Submission and Grading Information

Grading Criteria

To access your rubric:

Week 2 Discussion Rubric

Post by Day 4 and Respond by Day 6

To participate in this Discussion:

Week 2 Discussion

Assignment: Getting Ready for Data Collection

Throughout this first module of the course, you will be working with data as part of your research. There are many data collection software tools available for both collecting and managing data. In this course, you will use Excel as your method for conducting statistical analyses. Ensure you have loaded the Analysis Toolpak (see the Week 1 Assignment).

Through your Office 365 access or through your personal access, you will use Microsoft Excel for this Assignment and for your Final Project PSYC 6800: Applied Psychology Research Methods.

No Assignment submission is required for this week.

Final Project: Connecting Real-World Data through Quantitative Analysis

Have you ever thought about a topic you are really interested in and want to know more about? Are you always wondering how something happened, why it continues to happen, and what can possibly be done to address the situation? Your inquiry is really no different from searching to find the answer to a research question. However, the key to finding the answer is to first have a well thought-out research question.

For this week, you will continue working on Part 1 of your Final Project Worksheet for the submission due in Week 3.

No Assignment submission is required for this week.

Looking Ahead

Plan your time accordingly for your Part 1: Selecting a Dataset and Part 2: Research Questions and Design Final Project Worksheet submission in Week 3. You will receive feedback on your worksheet and incorporating your Instructor’s feedback will be critical to you as you move forward with your Final Project.

Week in Review

This week, you identified research questions related to descriptive, relational, or comparative approaches. These research questions help to form your foundational thinking for your research throughout the remainder of this course. You also began working on your Final Project for this course.

Next week, you will explore challenges and solutions related to the data cleaning and management process. You also will submit Part 1: Selecting a Dataset and Part 2: Research Questions and Design of your Final Project Worksheet. You will receive feedback from your Instructor on your worksheet in Week 4.

Next Week