The Application of Data to Problem-Solving Essay

The Application of Data to Problem-Solving Essay

Discussion: The Application of Data to Problem-Solving

In the modern era, there are few professions that do not to some extent rely on data. Stockbrokers rely on market data to advise clients on financial matters. Meteorologists rely on weather data to forecast weather conditions, while realtors rely on data to advise on the purchase and sale of property. In these and other cases, data not only helps solve problems, but adds to the practitioner’s and the discipline’s body of knowledge.


Of course, the nursing profession also relies heavily on data. The field of nursing informatics aims to make sure nurses have access to the appropriate date to solve healthcare problems, make decisions in the interest of patients, and add to knowledge.

In this Discussion, you will consider a scenario that would benefit from access to data and how such access could facilitate both problem-solving and knowledge formation The Application of Data to Problem-Solving Essay.

To Prepare:

  • Reflect on the concepts of informatics and knowledge work as presented in the Resources.
  • Consider a hypothetical scenario based on your own healthcare practice or organization that would require or benefit from the access/collection and application of data. Your scenario may involve a patient, staff, or management problem or gap. The Application of Data to Problem-Solving Essay

By Day 3 of Week 1

Post a description of the focus of your scenario. Describe the data that could be used and how the data might be collected and accessed. What knowledge might be derived from that data? How would a nurse leader use clinical reasoning and judgment in the formation of knowledge from this experience?

Informatics is such an important part of healthcare and a great tool to thoroughly coordinate patient care. It is a way to promote patient care and allow patients to share important health information with their providers and vice versa (Snyder et al., 2011). During the current pandemic informatic lead virtual healthcare has become invaluable with the use of telemedicine. Telemedicine allows clinicians to perform evaluations, consultations, and diagnosis remotely (Nagle et al., 2017). Informatics has allowed healthcare to continue to grow and evolve to reach more patients and provide more complete patient care The Application of Data to Problem-Solving Essay.

I work in an outpatient pain management clinic and there are times our patients come in for a steroid injection while they have an active infection or after recently receiving a steroid shot or dose pack from another provider. This causes us to have to cancel the patient’s procedure and reschedule them. If the patient could go online and fill out a preprocedural survey prior to coming into the clinic the nurse could then review their submission and make a clinical decision on whether the patient is appropriate for injection at that time. We would then be able to avoid leaving gaps in our schedule which in turn would allow for a smoother flow through our office. According to Julie Sweeney when referring to such systems, “it is important to not only consider the technology at hand but also the workflow and the data collection process” (Sweeney, 2017). In a clinic such as ours there are times when patients must wait weeks for a procedure, so any gaps left in the schedule is a missed opportunity to provide treatment. The use of informatics as described above would allow for better patient care in the clinical setting.  The Application of Data to Problem-Solving Essay


Nagle, L. M., Sermeus, W., & Junger, A. Evolving Role of the Nursing Informatics Specialist The Application of Data to Problem-Solving Essay. Forecasting Informatics Competencies for Nurses in the Future of Connected Health, 212–221.

Sweeney, J. (2017). Healthcare Informatics. Online Journal of Nursing Informatics, 21(1).

Snyder, C. F., Wu, A. W., Miller, R. S., Jensen, R. E., Bantug, E. T., & Wolff, A. C. (2011). The role of informatics in promoting patient-centered care. Cancer journal (Sudbury, Mass.).


By Day 6 of Week 1

Respond to at least two of your colleagues* on two different days, asking questions to help clarify the scenario and application of data, or offering additional/alternative ideas for the application of nursing informatics principles.

*Note: Throughout this program, your fellow students are referred to as colleagues.

Thank you for your post. “Healthcare Information Technology (HIT) applications such as Electronic Medical Records, Electronic Health Records, Telemedicine, and Mobile Health have tremendous potentials to overcome some of critical issues plaguing healthcare”(Kumar, Singh, Chandwani, & Gupta 2020 p.1). I think you brought up some great points about completing questionnaires online to avoid a delay in care.  Many doctors’ offices give the patients the option to complete their paperwork online prior to appointments prevent long wait times and delays in care. I have found that some health care workers are opposed to the changes in technology The Application of Data to Problem-Solving Essay. “Healthcare research continuously produces new and innovative findings but there is evidence that these improvements are often forgotten, changed or replaced in practice long before they can reach wider populations”(Lennox, Linwood, Maher & Reed, 2020 p.2). Being able to adapt to the changes in technology and healthcare is vital to providing quality healthcare. In the midst of the pandemic it is especially important to provide quality, efficient healthcare. Great work on your post!


Kumar, M., Singh, J. B., Chandwani, R., & Gupta, A. (2020). “Context” in healthcare information technology resistance: A systematic review of extant literature and agenda for future research. International Journal of Information Management51.

L. Lennox, A. Linwood-Amor, L. Maher, & J. Reed. (2020). Making change last? Exploring the value of sustainability approaches in healthcare: a scoping review. Health Research Policy and Systems18(1), 1–24. The Application of Data to Problem-Solving Essay

response 2

Thank you for your post, Emily. I also found telemedicine to be a useful tool in the arsenal of medical technology. Patients are becoming more involved in their

own healthcare The Application of Data to Problem-Solving Essay. Informatics applications allow patients to play a pivotal role in their healthcare by providing data that will direct their primary care provider

(PCP) to prescribe the appropriate treatment or further diagnostic study. As you have discussed, if the patients were able to electronically convey preprocedural

information, a gamut of lost productivity could be avoided. Such feedback of data is considered “information science” (Mastrian & McGonigle, 2017). This overall

information grouping prioritizes the larger issue, rather than individual pieces of technology. It is primarily concerned with the Input, processing, output, and

feedback of data and information through technology integration with a focus on comprehending the perspective of the stakeholders involved (Mastrian &

McGonigle, 2017). Ensuring the public trusts the systems in place which provide multidisciplinary safe and effective healthcare is of paramount importance. This

is necessary to maintain participation of the patient (Sweeney, 2017).


Mastrian, K., & McGonigle, D. (2017). Nursing science and the foundation of knowledge. In Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge

           (4th ed., pp. 7–19). Jones & Bartlett Learning.


Sweeney, J. (2017). Healthcare informatics. Online Journal of Nursing Informatics (OJNI)21(1) The Application of Data to Problem-Solving Essay.