Healthcare Information Technology Trends Discussion

Healthcare Information Technology Trends Discussion

Discussion: Healthcare Information Technology Trends

By Day 3 of Week 6

Post a brief description of general healthcare technology trends, particularly related to data/information you have observed in use in your healthcare organization or nursing practice. Describe any potential challenges or risks that may be inherent in the technologies associated with these trends you described. Then, describe at least one potential benefit and one potential risk associated with data safety, legislation, and patient care for the technologies you described. Next, explain which healthcare technology trends you believe are most promising for impacting healthcare technology in nursing practice and explain why. Describe whether this promise will contribute to improvements in patient care outcomes, efficiencies, or data management. Be specific and provide examples Healthcare Information Technology Trends Discussion.

Week 6 Initial Discussion Post

Healthcare technology trends are making it easier to track health and receive care regardless of location or time. Examples of healthcare technology trends are mobile health, data tracking heath applications, telemonitoring, and telemedicine (Shumov, 2018; Walker, 2020). Both patients and healthcare providers expect increased flexibility in providing and receiving care and as such medicine has begun to shift away from brick-and-mortar locations running on 9-5 schedules (Shumov, 2018). Increased patient engagement and increased access to health services are benefits of current health technology trends Healthcare Information Technology Trends Discussion.


Potential risks and challenges of mobile health, health apps, and telehealth include inaccurate logging, generalized or non-applicable health advice, technology delays, and unsecured transmission of private health information. Additionally, Worthington (2020) identifies remote workers as a possible risk for data safety due to increased numbers of access points, the potential for misuse, and mobile security across personal devices. Legislative efforts to protect private health information, financial information, and patient identity will need to focus specifically on new challenges like personal device use for providing and receiving care.

I believe the most promising technology trend in healthcare today is mobile health apps in which patients can track and log vitals, blood sugar, symptoms, medication management, etc.  Many hospital systems offer mobile applications for patients to access their health records and communicate with their doctors. In addition to the patient portal, the health system I work for also has recommended apps for behavioral health care including cognitive behavioral therapy and lifestyle/ diet applications. Mobile health applications can improve patient care and efficiency by enabling patients to transfer data in real-time to their health professionals Healthcare Information Technology Trends Discussion.


Shumov, N. (2018, July 6). Top 7 healthcare technology trends in 2021.

Walker, H. (2020, October 20). Technology trends in healthcare today. HealthTech Zone.

Worthington, E. (2020, August 26). Current top 5 data security risks in healthcare.,by%20employees%20and%20contractors%20is%20a…%20More%20

By Day 6 of Week 6

Respond to at least two of your colleagues* on two different days, offering additional/alternative ideas regarding opportunities and risks related to the observations shared Healthcare Information Technology Trends Discussion.

I do think that being able to log and track health symptoms, treatments, and vitals are important parts of patients being an active participant in their care. Being able to access healthcare via telehealth at any time is definitely a convenience as well. Many patients are now able to use a healthcare portal to initiate and access care, medication, and information regarding their health concerns (Chen et al, 2018). Many insurance companies are now even offering a telemedicine nurse in order to improve care and reduce costs (Snoswell et al, 2020 ). This reduces costs while improving patient satisfaction and access to care. While using these applications it is important to remember that increased access does come with privacy risks and concerns, however, if proper care is taken to remain hipaa compliant then patients and providers can have better communication and improved quality of care (Chen et al, 2018). Healthcare Information Technology Trends Discussion

Snoswell, C. L., Taylor, M. L., Comans, T. A., Smith, A. C., Gray, L. C., & Caffery, L. J. (2020). Determining if Telehealth Can Reduce Health System Costs: Scoping Review. Journal of medical Internet research, 22(10), e17298.

Chen, J., Kullgren, J.,Malani, P. (2018). Patient Portals: Improving the health of older adults by increasing use and access. Health Affairs.

response 2

Great information! I agree that mobile health apps are very promising now and for the future of healthcare Healthcare Information Technology Trends Discussion. Apps such as a clinical decision-making app can greatly assist health care professionals (HCPs) in making the best decisions on patient care through access to the latest evidence-based practice information (Ventola, 2014). A 2013 study found that physicians spend about 64% of their workday online searching for information, which is almost double the amount of time spent on paper resources (Ventola, 2014). With mobile health apps, information can be more easily accessed to improve work efficiency and patient outcomes. On the other end of the spectrum, other mobile health apps that patients use to connect their personal health information to outside of the healthcare facility run the risk for data breaches. A 2019 study showed that though the servers for mobile health were more secure, they still had issues with configuration (Müthing, Brüngel, & Friedrich, 2019). Issues such as patient-to-HCPs communication exposure was found, leading to the display of harmful or false information (Müthing, Brüngel, & Friedrich, 2019). Even with this potential for information leaks or hacks, mobile health apps are already becoming a critical addition to improving the healthcare industry.


Müthing, J., Brüngel, R., & Friedrich, C. M. (2019). Server-Focused Security Assessment of Mobile Health Apps for Popular Mobile Platforms. Journal of Medical Internet Research21(1), e9818.

Ventola, C. L. (2014). Mobile Devices and Apps for Health Care Professionals: Uses and Benefits. P & T: A peer-reviewed journal for formulary management39(5), 356–364 Healthcare Information Technology Trends Discussion.

sample response 3

Enjoyed reading your post. Several new emerging trends are affecting healthcare today. The healthcare system is moving towards making healthcare more affordable and easily accessible to its users. One of the emerging trends in healthcare is the conjunction of health systems with health plans. The best health plan solutions are those that can connect healthcare users with the best healthcare available, (Hutchinson et al., 2009). In the healthcare sector, there is a lot of useful data that is collected from insured patients. The data is now being used to create health plans that are more effective in the long term in offering quality health care to patients. Doctors and physicians can also use this information to understand their patients better and therefore offer better healthcare solutions. Healthcare Information Technology Trends Discussion

Another emerging trend is the continued focus on patients rather than the disease or the illness of the patient. This has led to the creation of better relationships between healthcare and its users. This new trend has witnessed great success with reports of patients being more open about their conditions leading better services in healthcare, (Brandao, 2009). Patients are becoming more aware of the benefits that the healthcare system can offer as well as understanding at a personal level the importance of leading a healthy life. This trend has helped remove the stigma that a patient feels when he or she is suffering from a certain illness; the feeling of being a walking disease. Patients now more than ever are positive that they will recover Healthcare Information Technology Trends Discussion.

The use of artificial intelligence-based technology in the healthcare system is another trend in healthcare. The use of technology is saving time that is used by doctors, nurses, and patients filling forms. As a result, doctors and nurses are able to use this time to practice medicine and engaging with their patients. The continued integration of the healthcare system and technology also offers patients easy access to information. Patients moving around big hospitals used to spend a lot of time looking for certain areas with the hospital, (Chen et al., 2004). However, with technology using their mobile phones or computers placed at strategic places within the hospital can access these areas easily.

The use of new technology in the healthcare system will surely have a positive impact. Technology not only increases efficiency in healthcare but also make healthcare more effective. Technology is certainly the key to providing quality and affordable healthcare since the use of technology saves a lot of time and resources while still improving the quality of services. However, the use of information systems has also had some criticism. One of the major concerns has been the misuse of patients’ records by unauthorized persons. The data collected from the patients contains lots of information that should be kept private as it relates to personal details such as financial records. While information systems in healthcare have been beneficial, it is essential to ensure that the patient’s privacy is maintained. It is impossible for patients to seek health care services in a place where they feel that their privacy is at risk. The healthcare system is based on trust between the healthcare providers and the patients, and thus it must be maintained Healthcare Information Technology Trends Discussion. 




Hutchinson, A., Young, T. A., Cooper, K. L., McIntosh, A., Karnon, J. D., Scobie, S., & Thomson, R. G. (2009). Trends in healthcare system.

Brandao de Souza, L. (2009). Trends and approaches in lean healthcare. Leadership in health services22(2), 121-139.

Chen, J. C., Dolan, M., & Lin, B. (2004). Improve processes on healthcare: current issues and future trends. International journal of electronic healthcare1(2), 149-164 Healthcare Information Technology Trends Discussion.