Analysis and Application of The Patient-Centred Nursing Framework

Analysis and Application of The Patient-Centred Nursing Framework

Analysis and Application of The Patient-Centred Nursing Framework
Consider how the following components would be included in an analysis of the Patient Centered Nursing Framework model

Origin of the model
Meaning of the model
Logical adequacy of the model
Usefulness of the model
Generalizability of the model
Degree of parsimony within the model
Testability of the model

What rationale can you provide which validates the Patient Centered Nursing Framework model as a theoretical framework for nursing practice?
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Rational for the PCN Framework


The PCN framework as established by McCormak and McCance plays an integral role in nursing practice since it enables the transformation of the field to offer excellent care with the patient as the centerpiece. Wolstenholme, Ross, Cobb, and Bowen (2017) posit that during the application of the framework in nursing, an environment that responds to the particular needs of the patient is formulated. Further, since patient-centred care has become a fundamental cog in health care, the PCN framework offers excellent basis though which evidence-based practice is implemented to enhance the quality of services hence patient satisfaction. Analysis and Application of The Patient-Centred Nursing Framework

Cingel, M., Brandsma, L. Dam, M. Dorst, M. Verkaart, C., & Velde, C. (2016). Concepts of person-centred care: A framework analysis of five studies in daily care practice. International Practice Development Journal, 6(2), 1-17.
McCormack, B., & McCance, T. (2017).Person-centered practice in nursing and health care. Theory and practice(2nd ed.). Oxford, UK: Wiley Blackwell.
Wolstenholme, D., Ross, H., Cobb, M., & Bowen, S. (2017). Participatory design facilitates Person Centred Nursing in service improvement with older people: a secondary directed content analysis. Journal of clinical nursing, 26(9-10), 1217–1225. doi:10.1111/jocn.13385
Concept Analysis of Patient Centered Care
Monet J. Scott
Chamberlain College of Nursing
NR: 501 Theoretical Basis Advance Nursing
May 2015


Concept Analysis of Patient Centered Care
A concept analysis seeks to outline, distinguish, and enhance the clarity of the nursing profession as well as stimulate future research endeavors. Within the development of a concept analysis, notions and thoughts are outlined and examined through the fundamental features of that particular concept. According to Walker & Avant (2011), the seven steps to accomplishing a concept analysis includes the selection of a concept, determining the purpose of analysis, identifying all uses of the concept, defining attributes, identifying a model case of the concept, identifying antecedents and consequences, and identifying empirical references.
Patient centered care is an imperative task performed by not only nurses, but the absolute interdisciplinary staff involved. It is essential to the establishment of quality care with the ultimate goal of positive patient outcomes. Several responsibilities of the nurse for patient centered care may include pain relief, listening, advocating for the patient, disease prevention, health promotion, respect for patient values and preferences, and maintaining patient dignity and identity (Lusk & Fater, 2013). Jean Watson’s theory of caring closes correlates with the concept of patient centered care in respect to the practice of nursing. This concept analysis of patient centered care includes examination of the aim of the selected analysis, literature review, concept usage, defining attributes, model cases, contrary cases, antecedents and consequences, and empirical referents. Aim of the Analysis
The objective for this analysis of patient centered care is to propose a formal conceptual definition with promotion of Jean Watson’s theory of caring. There is a deficiency in research and reports on a standard definition and relevant interventions on patient centered care in regards to the nursing practice. A well- defined meaning of the concept is imperative to the understanding of the nursing practice and may assist in future research endeavors in respect to its proposed principal essentials. Comprehension of a predetermined set of interventions or tasks for implementation are needed for the production of substantial positive outcomes. Literature Review
Within the context of the healthcare team, the patient is viewed as an integral entity. Patient centered care incorporates the individual’s values and beliefs, healthcare preferences, and application of healthcare related activities (Fredricks, Lapum, & Hui, 2015). To execute these demands it necessitates the nurse to exude a respectful demeanor as well as caring approach. According to Fredricks, Lapum & Hui (2015), four elements have been corroborated within the nurse-patient theoretical framework to include characteristics and competencies of the nurse, the health. Analysis and Application of The Patient-Centred Nursing Framework