Assignment: Nurse’s Role in the Systems Development Life Cycle

Assignment: Nurse’s Role in the Systems Development Life Cycle

Assignment: Nurse’s Role in the Systems Development Life Cycle
While the process of developing and implementing a health information technology system may seem overwhelming at first, the systems development life cycle (SDLC) provides organizations with a framework to deliver efficient and effective information systems. Though the SDLC is a common overarching structure for implementing information systems, it is not a one-size-fits-all process.In fact, there are a multitude of approaches that can be used to guide the systems development life cycle. The SDLC approach that is most appropriate for a particular organization will be highly contextual and subject to organization-specific differences. Assignment: Nurse’s Role in the Systems Development Life Cycle
This week prompts you to analyze the process of selecting an appropriate health information technology and then evaluate techniques that positively impact the steps of the systems development life cycle in an EHR implementation. You also determine what barriers might occur at each stage and how these could be overcome.
Learning Objectives


Students will:

Analyze how a nurse can contribute to each stage of the systems development life cycle

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Learning Resources
Note:To access this week’s required library resources, please click on the link to the Course Readings List, found in the Course Materials section of your Syllabus.
Required Readings for Assignment: Nurse’s Role in the Systems Development Life Cycle
McGonigle, D., & Mastrian, K. G. (2015).Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge(3rd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning.

Chapter 10, “Systems Development Life Cycle: Nursing Informatics and Organizational Decision Making”This chapter explains the systems development life cycle and explores various methods of applying it. The chapter also examines the importance of interoperability in implementing HITECH.

Chapter 11, “Administrative Information Systems” This chapter provides an overview of agency-based health information systems. The text also details how administrators can use core business systems in their practice.

Boswell, R. A. (2011). A physician group’s movement toward electronic health records: A case study using the transtheoretical model for organizational change.Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 63(2), 138–148. Assignment: Nurse’s Role in the Systems Development Life Cycle
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

The authors of this article present a case study on an EHR implementation in a multispecialty physician group. The case study attempts to determine actions that promote successful EHR implementation and the pros and cons of implementation.
Hsiao, J., Chang, H., & Chen, R. (2011).A study of factors affecting acceptance of hospital information systems: A nursing perspective.Journal of Nursing Research, 19(2), 150–160.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

The focus of this article is to determine what factors are most important in predicting the acceptance of new health information technology. The results of the study indicated that self-efficacy, top management support, and the quality of information retrieved are the most important determinants of the willingness of nurses to adopt and use a new technology.
Kelley, T. F., Brandon, D. H., & Docherty, S. L. (2011). Electronic nursing documentation as a strategy to improve quality of patient care.Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 43(2), 154–162.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

This article summarizes a literature review of the relationship between electronic health records (EHRs) and quality of patient care. The article identifies deficiencies in existing research regarding the daily interactions of nurses, patients, and electronic documentation, and it provides a comparison between electronic and paper-based documentation and its effect on quality of care.
Nurse leaders discuss the nurse’s role in driving technology decisions. (2010).Virginia Nurses Today, 18(1), 8–9.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

This article summarizes a roundtable held with a number of nursing executives to discuss the role nurses should take in the selection and adoption of new technologies for health care. The executives concluded that the nurses’ goals should be to select technology that will further their ability to provide safe, quality care to their patients.
Page, D. (2011). Turning nurses into health IT superusers.Hospitals & Health Networks, 85(4), 27–28.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

This article highlights the importance of involving nurses with all phases of the decision and implementation process surrounding new health information technology. The author stresses the importance of communication in the process as well as defining success.
Swab, J., & Ciotti, V. (2010). What to consider when purchasing an EHR system.hfm(Healthcare Financial Management), 64(5), 38–41. Assignment: Nurse’s Role in the Systems Development Life Cycle