NSG 4076 South Online Assessing & Planning Care for an Elderly Person Capstone

NSG 4076 South Online Assessing & Planning Care for an Elderly Person Capstone




Class: NSG 4076 Capstone Synthesis Project

Request: I have wrote a paper for my NSG 4076 Capstone, but the professor is not very happy with it and needs it edited/rewritten accordingly to ensure a high mark. I am attaching three words file
1. Original Request = this includes the original request to help you have an understand what the task is about and what the professors wants to read.


2. Original Template = this was the template provided by the professor to guide us when writing the paper

3. Final Paper = this was my paper. The professor was not happy with the content and the way the subject was approached so he marked it with a low grade. You need to adjust and rewrite some parts of the paper to ensure a high mark ( some parts needs to be fully rewritten).

Here are the professor comments regarding the final paper which needs to be approached:

-Both members of the aggregate are acceptable for the project. There are many sections of the paper missing–see template provided in feedback section. You need to add strengths and weaknesses of the community and the two members of the aggregate you assessed. The community strengths and weaknesses are based on the windshield tour you completed for the week 2 paper. The aggregate S/W are from this assessment data.

-This statement does not provide a reason, only information of the members of the aggregate you choose.

-The two assessments are adequate. However, you did not add all of the necessary information as noted in comment above. You also made a lot of APA errors in formatting, font used and how you added the completed assessment documents.
– Appendix go after the references not before. NSG 4076 South Online Assessing & Planning Care for an Elderly Person Capstone