Denver School of Nursing Global Health Promotion Questions

Denver School of Nursing Global Health Promotion Questions


Discussion question 1

Global Health Promotion

Step 1 Research a health promotion program or initiative that you can operating in another country, or by an international organization, such as the World Health Organization. Find a similar initiative operating somewhere in the United States.

Step 2 Answer the following prompts:

· In your opinion, what topic has seen the most important progress in health worldwide over the last 50 years?

· Is the information presented in both initiatives the same or are there differences (beyond language). If differences are seen, what are they? Would you expect the initiative to be more or less effective if the format and information was similar or different?

· Many people around the word believe that illness is caused by factors other than disease as defined by the biomedical model. How could a health promotion initiative be adapted to address this belief?


Step 3 Read other students’ posts and respond to at least two of them

· Your initial post should be 2-3 paragraphs long and follow the requirements outlined in the discussion rubric. Please add to the discussion in your peer responses with informative responses, instead of posts similar to “great idea! I really agree with you.” The initial post and the peer responses have different deadlines. Make sure that your discussion adheres to these deadlines.

· APA guidelines and plagiarism prevention matter in discussion posts just like with other scholarly assignments. Cite all references appropriately using APA format. Denver School of Nursing Global Health Promotion Questions

Discussion response 1 Philetha

Health promotion programs

Health promotion programs aim to empower and engage individuals and communities in choosing healthy lifestyle behaviors and make appropriate changes that help in reducing the risk of developing diseases (Rural Health Information Hub, 2018). Over the last 50 years, obesity and chronic diseases have been a significant problem for many people worldwide, making it one of the most important topics that have seen significant progress. As a result, many international health promotion initiatives such as the United Nations Children’s Fund and US-based initiatives such as the Center for Disease Control Program and prevention (CDC) have been established. These initiatives aim to improve policies and environmental factors influencing health (UNIVERSITY AT ALBANY, 2020). Further, both initiatives offer similar information regarding the measures that people need to take to reduce the burden of obesity and other chronic diseases.

However, if the initiatives’ information were different, it would be less effective, and many people would probably be confused about what advice to follow (UNIVERSITY AT ALBANY, 2020). This is because health issues are similar worldwide, and measures used to prevent chronic diseases and obesity are the same. Such measures include exercising, eating healthy, and avoiding tobacco. Typically, human behaviors and beliefs play a significant role in maintaining their health. Still, health promotion initiatives can address such beliefs by adopting a holistic approach that involves empowering individuals and communities to take the right actions for their health. Also, they can foster leadership for public health, create sustainable health systems, and promote intersectoral actions to build healthy public policies in all sectors. Also, it should include a set-based approach to promote health in certain settings, such as residential areas, schools, hospitals, and workplaces (Kumar & Preetha, 2012). Health promotion is important to all individuals and, if efficiently utilized, will lead to positive outcomes.


Kumar, S., & Preetha, G. (2012). Health promotion: An effective tool for global health. Indian Journal of Community Medicine37(1), 5. (Links to an external site.)

Rural Health Information Hub. (2018, April 30). Defining health promotion and disease prevention – RHIhub toolkit (Links to an external site.)

UNIVERSITY AT ALBANY. (2020). Organizations working in global health. University at Albany – State University of New York.

Discussion response 2 Elizabeth

Health promotion is the idea or movement to promote

individuals to live a healthy lifestyle and make healthy choices. “It

moves beyond a focus on individual behaviour towards a wide range of

social and environmental interventions. As a core function of public

health, health promotion supports governments, communities and

individuals to cope with and address health challenges. This is accomplished by building healthy public policies, creating supportive environments, and strengthening community action and personal skills”

(Health Promotion).

Smoking cessation is an example of a health promotion that is relatively standard throughout different countries in the world. “The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control is the first international treaty negotiated under the auspices of WHO. It has since become one of the most rapidly and widely embraced treaties in United Nations history” (2019). Similarly to the United States, smoking is banned in almost all indoor places as well as some outdoor areas such as playgrounds, outside hospitals, and schools. Many countries have instated similar laws when it comes to smoking. Australia has banned smoking in vehicles with children and as of January 2018, the U.S has done the same thus protecting children from second hand smoke. These bans ultimately protect the citizens of the residing countries and make it more inconvenient for smokers in the hopes to deter their decisions. Denver School of Nursing Global Health Promotion Questions


Health promotion. (n.d.). Retrieved November 24, 2020, from (Links to an external site.)

(2019, March 07). Retrieved November 24, 2020, from

Discussion question 2

Telehealth and Nursing

Respond to the following question based on this weeks lesson and, if it’s relevant, include your own personal experience

  • Describe at least two ways that telehealth could be used with a particular patient population.
  • How would telehealth improve the quality of patient care, patient outcomes, and/ or patient satisfaction?
  • How would telehealth impact nursing practice?

Read other students’ posts and respond to at least two of them. .

Discussion response 1 Kelly

Telehealth can be used in so many ways, and with so many different

populations. One population that can benefit from telehealth especially

this time of the year is immunocompromised patients. Telehealth can

allow them to talk or see their health care provider over the telephone

instead of them going to their office to risk catching an illness such

as Covid-19. They can also have easy access to their lab results,

schedule their appointments, refill requests, and get reminders on when

immunizations, and appointments are needed. Using telehealth care

improve patients’ outcomes by allowing them easier access to care from

the comfort of their own homes. It helps to relieve stress of how they

are going to get to the appointments, anxiety about spreading or

catching illnesses from the waiting rooms etc. When there are better

patient outcomes in health care this in turn leads to increased patient

satisfaction. Telehealth can impact nursing practice several different

ways, one way is we can continue to educate our patients on their care,

medications, dressings, injections etc in the comfort of their own homes

without the distractions of call lights, phone calls etc. Also, while

the patient is in their own homes it may help them to talk more about

their care, or their feelings on their care. They won’t feel as rushed.

Discussion response 2 Rebecca

To start with I would like to share my first experience recently with telehealth from the mom point of view. My older daughter, Sarah, was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease about a year and a half ago. She has been receiving infusions of Remicade every eight weeks and it has been like a miracle. The problem was we had to drive an hour and fifteen minutes to go to the doctor the morning of the infusion and then drive to the hospital where the infusion was done. This made the process a whole day affair and the out of pocket expense was quite a lot! Last month when I was setting up the appointments, I was informed that the hospital was no longer going to do Remicade infusions and we would have to set up for home infusion (which I had been told in the past was not possible). Sarah’s last infusion was done in the privacy of our home, and instead of driving to the doctor’s office, we did a telehealth appointment. The ways in which this improved our quality of care was that all the orders were not on the paperwork so the infusion nurse was able to get verbal orders for all the bloodwork needed during the telehealth appointment, she had him right there. In the hospital we would have had to wait for the nurse to get ahold of the doctor and wait for the orders so she would have the correct blood draw. The patient outcome for my daughter was that of having the comfort of home, food she was familiar with, staying in her pajamas, much less time consuming, and I was able to do my homework on my PC in a quiet space. So direct from the source, Sarah, patient satisfaction was 10/10 and we are so happy that this change has come about. Denver School of Nursing Global Health Promotion Questions

Ways in which telehealth can impact nursing include, “Greater healthcare flexibility; not only does telehealth provide flexibility in term of location, but it also more effectively uses patients’ and nurses’ time, extended options for patients and nurses; some healthcare providers are now extending coverage for telehealth … [and] … there has been an effort to ‘normalize’ telehealth, and more common healthcare practice; more common and accessible for healthcare providers and their patients” (Telehealth; Changing, 2020). Other ways in which telehealth will impact nursing practice are outlined in our lesson this week as, “home health nurses may use this technology to submit data, images, and assessments to other members of the health care team to best meet the patient’s needs. Patient teaching in clinical and nonclinical settings is dependent on the technology and equipment used for telehealth” (Telehealth Week 8 lesson, n.d., Topic 2).



Telehealth: Changing the Future of Nursing Practice. (2020, August 18).

Telehealth. Week 8 Lesson: Telehealth: 20201005-C11 – HIT420OL.1 – Healthcare Informatics.

Discussion question 3

Evidence-Based Practice in Health Care Delivery


Respond to at least two of your fellow students’ posts

Step 1 Post a response to the discussion board.

Respond to the following prompts and, if it’s relevant, include your own personal experience:

  • Discuss one example of when and how EBP impacted the quality of care delivered in nursing.
  • How has EBP influenced overall health care delivery?

Step 2 Read and respond to two other students’ posts

Read other students’ posts and respond to at least two of them. Use your personal experience, if it’s relevant, to help support or debate other students’ posts. If differences of opinion occur, debate the issues professionally and provide examples to support your opinions.

In addition to your original post, be sure to provide a meaningful response to at least two of your peer’s posts by Friday night at 11:59pm Mountain Time. Cite any sources in APA format.

Discussion response 1

For years the gold standard for monitoring patients during moderate sedation was oxygen saturation monitoring (SaO2).

The pulse oximetry probe beams light into your capillaries, reads the

oxygen molecules attached to the receptors on the hemoglobin protein and

sends you a readout in percent saturation. The trouble with this is it

may not give you an accurate picture of what is happening this second

with your sedated patient.

Monitoring the partial pressure of exhaled carbon dioxide (end-tidal CO2 [EtCO2]) gives a more accurate picture of respiratory efficiency during sedation. If a patient is experiencing hypoventilation you will notice an increase in EtCO2 before you see a decrease in oxygen saturation (Ciocirlan, 2016). Therefore, it is surmised that acting on early capnographic indications of inadequate ventilation would decrease the incidence of O2 desaturation, near misses, and other adverse events (Holton & Flattery, 2016).

Evidence-based practice is key to advancing quality and safety in health care. To significantly improve the quality of healthcare, we need to apply evidence-based practice (EBP). Without EBP, healthcare providers and nurses are at risk for inconsistencies in care that could seriously affect patient outcomes (Troseth, 2016).


Ciocirlan, M. (2016, March). Is capnography mandatory during sedation for endoscopy? Endoscopy international open, 4(3), 352-353. (Links to an external site.)

Holton, J. & Flattery, B. (2016, December). Capnography compared to pulse oximetry for early detection of respiratory compromise in non-intubated patients undergoing gastrointestinal endoscopy procedures: a systematic review protocol. JBI evidence synthesis, 14(12), 38-47. (Links to an external site.)

Troseth, M. (2016, June). Evidence-based practice: The key to advancing quality and safety in health care. Becker’s Hospital Review.

Discussion response 2 Donna

EBP impacted the quality of care delivered in nursing

Evidence-based practice in nursing is a patient-centered, holistic approach to patient care. The reason for applying evidence-based research is to supplement the knowledge and expertise of nurses and improve patient safety, reduce healthcare costs, support decision-making for individualized patient care, and generate additional data (Evidence-Based Practice in Modern Healthcare, 2017). Thus, nurses utilize research to close the gap between theory and clinical practice. This method can decrease errors, injuries, and negative patient outcomes (Evidence-Based Practice in Modern Healthcare, 2017).

Infection Control

The last thing a patient wants when going to a hospital for treatment is a hospital-acquired infection. Nurses play a key role in preventing illness before it happens by adhering to evidence-based infection-control policies. This includes keeping the healthcare environment clean, wearing personal protective clothing, using barrier precautions, and practicing correct handwashing. Although nurses are busy with many responsibilities, the time it takes to control infection is well worth the effort (4 Examples of Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing, 2016).

How has EBP influenced overall health care delivery

To significantly impact quality improvement, one needs to apply evidence-based practice (EBP). Without EBP, healthcare providers are at risk for variances in care that could seriously affect patient outcomes (Troseth, 2016). Evidence-based practice can provide an exceptional opportunity to optimize patient care and outcomes by creating and leveraging the right tools, culture, education, and patient engagement skills in the overall care process (Troseth, 2016). Denver School of Nursing Global Health Promotion Questions


4 examples of evidence-based practice in nursing(2016, December 20). A-State (Links to an external site.).

Evidence-based practice in modern healthcare. Northeastern State University Online. (2017, December 5).

Troseth, M. R. (2016, June 28). Evidence-based practice: The key to advancing quality and safety in healthcare. . Becker’s Hospital Review. Denver School of Nursing Global Health Promotion Questions