Holistic Nursing Theory Group Project Assignment

Holistic Nursing Theory Group Project

Due date:


The purpose of the presentation is to demonstrate the student’s knowledge of the theory and the ability to draw logical applications to holistic nursing practice and research.  Approaches which may be used for this presentation include: (1) identifying a significant problem in the student’s area of interest and how it could be addressed using the theoretical framework; (2) discussing how a theory could be used in the student’s place of employment or specialization area to guide practice of holistic nursing. Holistic Nursing Theory Group Project Assignment



The purpose of this assignment is to help you practice the following skills that are essential to your success in this course:

  • Module Outcome 6: Analyze the theory of your choosing and how it impacted the nursing field and clinical practice setting. Holistic Nursing Theory Group Project Assignment



This assignment will also help you become familiar with the following important content knowledge in this discipline:

  • Analyzing the various nursing theories and the impact that it makes the nursing profession
  • Conduct quality research strategies as a group
  • Collaborate as a group and work together towards a common goal

Holistic Nursing Theory Group Project Assignment


To complete the assignment, please complete the following:

  1. Select a theory as a group and email your professor your chosen theory:
    1. Dorothy Johnson’s Behavioral System Model and its Applications
    2. Dorothea Orem’s Self- Care Deficit Nursing Theory
    3. Imogene King’s Theory of Goal Attainment
    4. Sister Callista Roy’s Adaptation Model
    5. Helen Erickson, Evelyn Tomlin, and Mary Ann Swain’s Theory of Modeling and Role Modeling
    6. Rosemarie Parse’s Human becoming Paradigm
    7. Madeleine Leininger’s Theory of Culture Care Diversity and Universality
    8. Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring
    9. Another nursing theory that has been approved by your instructor
  2. Conduct research on your selected theory as a group. Your research should consist of a minimum of 5 sources. These source should be a mix between current and classic, peer-reviewed articles.
  3. As a group, work together to create a presentation that covers the following information:
    1. How were the concepts of Health, Person, Nursing, and Environment explicated?
    2. What unique definitions/terms/concepts were identified in the theory, and were these explained?
    3. Were the relational links among the concepts identified? Were relational statements clearly explicated? A student should use a visual diagram of the theory and explain how the concepts are related.
    4. What were the assumptions of the theory? Were they identified by the theorist? If not, can they be identified?Holistic Nursing Theory Group Project Assignment
    5. What is the overview of the theory? Holistic Nursing Theory Group Project Assignment
    6. How has the theory been used in research? Has it been used in specific specialty areas? Can it be used at all levels of prevention? Why or why not?
    7. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the model/ theory?
  4. Email your professor the day of your presentation with the correct APA format for your references.
  5. Present as a group and record your presentation. Post to the discussion area.
  6. You will be evaluated on presentation style, pace, and professionalism.
  7. As a group, respond to each group theory presentation. (You will be tested on all of the theories that are presented).

Holistic Nursing Theory Group Project Assignment

Criteria for Success (Rubric):


Grade and Point Range Description of Criteria







“A” level

10 – 9 points



·         The theory was explicated well and provided severaladditional resources

·         Terms specific to the theory were explained and provided additional references to back-up claims

·         A visual provided an added level of detail to the theory that was not copied from the internet

·         A through overview of the theory was explained in detail and made a connection to other theories

·         The theory explained how research was utilized, along with specific areas and provided detailed examples

·         Strengths and weaknesses were provided in great detail and provided a few studies to back-up claims

·         PowerPoint slides were used and the slides were used as an outline

·         The pace and professionalism went beyond what was expected

Holistic Nursing Theory Group Project Assignment




“B” level

8 – 7 points



·         The theory was explained and provided a few extra resources

·         Terms specific to the theory were explained and provided additional reference to back-up claims

·         A visual provided an added level of detail to the theory that was not copied from the internet

·         A through overview of the theory was explained and made a connection to other theories

·         The theory explained how research was utilized, along with specific areas and provided a few examples

·         Strengths and weaknesses were provided and included an additional study to backup claims

·         PowerPoint slides were used and the slides were used as an outline

·         The pace and professionalism was sufficient. Holistic Nursing Theory Group Project Assignment








“C” level

6 – 5 points



·         The theory was explained but missed important parts

·         No additional resources were used

·         Terms specific to the theory were casually mentioned, leaving the audience confused

·         A visual was provided and copied from the internet

·         A low-level explanation of the theory was provided but lacked additional resources

·         The theory explained how research was utilized and casually skimmed over specific areas

·         Strengths and weaknesses were provided in but were clearly found in a textbook

·         PowerPoint slides were used and the slides were overwhelmed with text

·         The pace and professionalism was either too fast or too slow

Holistic Nursing Theory Group Project Assignment







“D” or “F” level

4 – 0 points



·         The theory lacked any sort of detail and the only resource was provided by a textbook

·         Terms specific to the theory were not explained

·         No additional references were used

·         A visual provided no additional details to aid to the theory

·         The visual was copied from the internet

·         The theory was not explained and did not make a connection to other theories

·         The theory did not explain how other research utilized the theory and did not provide other examples for specific nursing areas

·         Strengths and weaknesses were not provided or were generic

·         PowerPoint slides were used and words overwhelmed each of the slides

·         The pace and professionalism was either disregarded or too fast to understand what was being said


Holistic Nursing Theory Group Project Assignment