NURS 6052:Introduction to Clinical Inquiry-Research Methodologies

NURS 6052:Introduction to Clinical Inquiry-Research Methodologies

NURS 6052: Essentials of Evidence-Based Practice | Module 2 essay assignment

Learning Objectives

Students will:

  • Differentiate between quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-method research methodologies
  • Analyze the relationship between peer-reviewed articles and clinical issues
  • Analyze research ethics related to clinical issues and peer-reviewed research
  • Analyze the aims of research studies presented in peer-reviewed articles
  • Analyze research methodologies described in peer-reviewed articles
  • Analyze strengths, reliability, and validity of research methodologies in peer-reviewed research. NURS 6052:Introduction to Clinical Inquiry-Research Methodologies


Quiz: Is It Quantitative, Qualitative, or Mixed Methods?essay assignment

An effective understanding and application of research requires an understanding of the underlying methodologies employed. This quiz will assess your understanding of the quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-method research methodologies.

To Prepare:

  • Review the research methodology terms and concepts presented to you this week.

By Day 7 of Week 2

Submit your Quiz.

Assignment: Evidence-Based Project essay assignment

Is there a difference between “common practice” and “best practice”?

When you first went to work for your current organization, experienced colleagues may have shared with you details about processes and procedures. Perhaps you even attended an orientation session to brief you on these matters. As a “rookie,” you likely kept the nature of your questions to those with answers that would best help you perform your new role.

Over time and with experience, perhaps you recognized aspects of these processes and procedures that you wanted to question further. This is the realm of clinical inquiry.

Clinical inquiry is the practice of asking questions about clinical practice. To continuously improve patient care, all nurses should consistently use clinical inquiry to question why they are doing something the way they are doing it. Do they know why it is done this way, or is it just because we have always done it this way? Is it a common practice or a best practice?

In this Assignment, you will identify clinical areas of interest and inquiry and practice searching for research in support of maintaining or changing these practices. You will also analyze this research to compare research methodologies employed. NURS 6052:Introduction to Clinical Inquiry-Research Methodologies


To Prepare:

  • Review the Resources and identify a clinical issue of interest that can form the basis of a clinical inquiry.
  • Based on the clinical issue of interest and using keywords related to the clinical issue of interest, search at least four different databases in the Walden Library to identify at least four relevant peer-reviewed articles related to your clinical issue of interest.
  • Review the results of your peer-reviewed research and reflect on the process of using an unfiltered database to search for peer-reviewed research.
  • Reflect on the types of research methodologies contained in the four relevant peer-reviewed articles you selected.

NURS 6052:Introduction to Clinical Inquiry-Research Methodologies

Part 1: An Introduction to Clinical Inquiry

Create a 4- to 5-slide PowerPoint presentation in which you do the following:

  • Identify and briefly describe your chosen clinical issue of interest.
  • Describe how you used keywords to search on your chosen clinical issue of interest.
  • Identify the four research databases that you used to conduct your search for the peer-reviewed articles you selected.
  • Provide APA citations of the four peer-reviewed articles you selected.

Part 2: Identifying Research Methodologies

After reading each of the four peer-reviewed articles you selected, use the Matrix Worksheet template to analyze the methodologies applied in each of the four peer-reviewed articles. Your analysis should include the following:

  • The full citation of each peer-reviewed article in APA format.
  • A brief (1-paragraph) statement explaining why you chose this peer-reviewed article and/or how it relates to your clinical issue of interest, including a brief explanation of the ethics of research related to your clinical issue of interest.
  • A brief (1-2 paragraph) description of the aims of the research of each peer-reviewed article.
  • A brief (1-2 paragraph) description of the research methodology used. Be sure to identify if the methodology used was qualitative, quantitative, or a mixed-methods approach. Be specific.
  • A brief (1- to 2-paragraph) description of the strengths of each of the research methodologies used, including reliability and validity of how the methodology was applied in each of the peer-reviewed articles you selected.

By Day 7 of Week 3

Submit Part 1 and Part 2 of your Evidence-Based Project. NURS 6052:Introduction to Clinical Inquiry-Research Methodologies

NURS 6050: Healthcare Program Design and Implementation

NURS 6050: Healthcare Program Design and Implementation

NURS 6050: Policy and Advocacy for Improving Population Health | Module 4 essay assignment

Learning Objectives

Students will:

  • Analyze health policies
  • Analyze opportunities for RNs and APRNs to participate in policy-making
  • Analyze strategies for overcoming challenges for participating in policy-making
  • Recommend strategies to improve the advocacy and communication of policy-making opportunities
  • Analyze healthcare programs
  • Analyze the role of the nurse in healthcare program design
  • Analyze the role of the nurse as advocates for target populations of healthcare programs
  • Analyze the role of the nurse in healthcare program implementation
  • Analyze healthcare teams necessary for implementing healthcare programs


Due By Assignment
Week 7, Days 1–2 Read/Watch/Listen to the Learning Resources.
Compose your initial Discussion 1 post.
Week 7, Day 3 Post your initial Discussion 1 post.
Begin to compose your Assignment.
Week 7, Days 4-5 Review peer Discussion 1 posts.
Compose your peer Discussion 1 responses.
Continue to compose your Assignment.
Week 7, Day 6 Post at least two peer Discussion 1 responses on two different days (and not the same day as the initial post).
Week 7, Day 7 Wrap up Discussion 1.
Week 8, Days 1–2 Compose your initial Discussion 2 post.
Continue to compose your Assignment.
Week 8, Day 3 Post your initial Discussion 2 post.
Continue to compose your Assignment.
Week 8, Days 4-5 Review peer Discussion 2 post.Compose your peer Discussion 2 post.
Continue to compose your Assignment. NURS 6050: Healthcare Program Design and Implementation
Week 8, Day 6 Post at least two peer Discussion 2 responses on two different days (and not the same day as the initial post).
Week 8, Day 7 Wrap up Discussion 2.
Deadline to submit your Assignment.

When politics and medical science intersect, there can be much debate. Sometimes anecdotes or hearsay are misused as evidence to support a particular point. Despite these and other challenges, however, evidence-based approaches are increasingly used to inform health policy decision-making regarding causes of disease, intervention strategies, and issues impacting society. One example is the introduction of childhood vaccinations and the use of evidence-based arguments surrounding their safety.

In this Discussion, you will identify a recently proposed health policy and share your analysis of the evidence in support of this policy.

To Prepare:

  • Review the Congress website provided in the Resources and identify one recent (within the past 5 years) proposed health policy.
  • Review the health policy you identified and reflect on the background and development of this health policy.

By Day 3 of Week 7

Post a description of the health policy you selected and a brief background for the problem or issue being addressed. Explain whether you believe there is an evidence base to support the proposed policy and explain why. Be specific and provide examples. NURS 6050: Healthcare Program Design and Implementation

By Day 6 of Week 7

Respond to at least two of your colleagues* on two different days by either supporting or respectfully challenging their explanation on whether there is an evidence base to support the proposed health policy they described.

*Note: Throughout this program, your fellow students are referred to as colleagues.

Word cloud generators have become popular tools for meetings and team-building events. Groups or teams are asked to use these applications to input words they feel best describe their team or their role. A “word cloud” is generated by the application that makes prominent the most-used terms, offering an image of the common thinking among participants of that role.

What types of words would you use to build a nursing word cloud? Empathetic, organized, hard-working, or advocate would all certainly apply. Would you add policy-maker to your list? Do you think it would be a very prominent component of the word cloud?

Nursing has become one of the largest professions in the world, and as such, nurses have the potential to influence policy and politics on a global scale. When nurses influence the politics that improve the delivery of healthcare, they are ultimately advocating for their patients. Hence, policy-making has become an increasingly popular term among nurses as they recognize a moral and professional obligation to be engaged in healthcare legislation.

To Prepare:

  • Revisit the website provided in the Resources and consider the role of RNs and APRNs in policy-making.
  • Reflect on potential opportunities that may exist for RNs and APRNs to participate in the policy-making process.

By Day 3 of Week 8

Post an explanation of at least two opportunities that exist for RNs and APRNs to actively participate inpolicy-making. Explain some of the challenges that these opportunities may present and describe how you might overcome these challenges. Finally, recommend two strategies you might make to better advocate for or communicate the existence of these opportunities to participate in policy-making. Be specific and provide examples.

By Day 6 of Week 8

Respond to at least two of your colleagues’* posts by suggesting additional opportunities or recommendations for overcoming the challenges described by your colleagues. NURS 6050: Healthcare Program Design and Implementation

*Note: Throughout this program, your fellow students are referred to as colleagues.

Assignment: Advocating for the Nursing Role in Program Design and Implementation

As their names imply, the honeyguide bird and the honey badger both share an affinity for honey. Honeyguide birds specialize in finding beehives but struggle to access the honey within. Honey badgers are well-equipped to raid beehives but cannot always find them. However, these two honey-loving species have learned to collaborate on an effective means to meet their objectives. The honeyguide bird guides honey badgers to newly discovered hives. Once the honey badger has ransacked the hive, the honey guide bird safely enters to enjoy the leftover honey.

Much like honeyguide birds and honey badgers, nurses and health professionals from other specialty areas can—and should—collaborate to design effective programs. Nurses bring specialties to the table that make them natural partners to professionals with different specialties. When nurses take the requisite leadership in becoming involved throughout the healthcare system, these partnerships can better design and deliver highly effective programs that meet objectives.

In this Assignment, you will practice this type of leadership by advocating for a healthcare program. Equally as important, you will advocate for a collaborative role of the nurse in the design and implementation of this program. To do this, assume you are preparing to be interviewed by a professional organization/publication regarding your thoughts on the role of the nurse in the design and implementation of new healthcare programs.

To Prepare:

  • Review the Resources and reflect on your thinking regarding the role of the nurse in the design and implementation of new healthcare programs.
  • Select a healthcare program within your practice and consider the design and implementation of this program. NURS 6050: Healthcare Program Design and Implementation
  • Reflect on advocacy efforts and the role of the nurse in relation to healthcare program design and implementation.

NURS 6050: Healthcare Program Design and Implementation

The Assignment: (2–3 pages)

In a 2- to 3-page paper, create an interview transcript of your responses to the following interview questions:

  • Tell us about a healthcare program, within your practice. What are the costs and projected outcomes of this program?
  • Who is your target population?
  • What is the role of the nurse in providing input for the design of this healthcare program? Can you provide examples?
  • What is your role as an advocate for your target population for this healthcare program? Do you have input into design decisions? How else do you impact design?
  • What is the role of the nurse in healthcare program implementation? How does this role vary between design and implementation of healthcare programs? Can you provide examples?
  • Who are the members of a healthcare team that you believe are most needed to implement a program? Can you explain why? NURS 6050: Healthcare Program Design and Implementation

By Day 7 of Week 8

Submit your interview transcript.

NURS 6050: Healthcare Program Design and Implementation

NURS 6050: Healthcare Program Design and Implementation

NURS 6050: Policy and Advocacy for Improving Population Health | Module 4 essay assignment

Learning Objectives

Students will:

  • Analyze health policies
  • Analyze opportunities for RNs and APRNs to participate in policy-making
  • Analyze strategies for overcoming challenges for participating in policy-making
  • Recommend strategies to improve the advocacy and communication of policy-making opportunities
  • Analyze healthcare programs
  • Analyze the role of the nurse in healthcare program design
  • Analyze the role of the nurse as advocates for target populations of healthcare programs
  • Analyze the role of the nurse in healthcare program implementation
  • Analyze healthcare teams necessary for implementing healthcare programs. NURS 6050: Healthcare Program Design and Implementation


Due By Assignment
Week 7, Days 1–2 Read/Watch/Listen to the Learning Resources.
Compose your initial Discussion 1 post.
Week 7, Day 3 Post your initial Discussion 1 post.
Begin to compose your Assignment.
Week 7, Days 4-5 Review peer Discussion 1 posts.
Compose your peer Discussion 1 responses.
Continue to compose your Assignment.
Week 7, Day 6 Post at least two peer Discussion 1 responses on two different days (and not the same day as the initial post).
Week 7, Day 7 Wrap up Discussion 1.
Week 8, Days 1–2 Compose your initial Discussion 2 post.
Continue to compose your Assignment.
Week 8, Day 3 Post your initial Discussion 2 post.
Continue to compose your Assignment.
Week 8, Days 4-5 Review peer Discussion 2 post.Compose your peer Discussion 2 post.
Continue to compose your Assignment.
Week 8, Day 6 Post at least two peer Discussion 2 responses on two different days (and not the same day as the initial post).
Week 8, Day 7 Wrap up Discussion 2.
Deadline to submit your Assignment.

When politics and medical science intersect, there can be much debate. Sometimes anecdotes or hearsay are misused as evidence to support a particular point. Despite these and other challenges, however, evidence-based approaches are increasingly used to inform health policy decision-making regarding causes of disease, intervention strategies, and issues impacting society. One example is the introduction of childhood vaccinations and the use of evidence-based arguments surrounding their safety.

In this Discussion, you will identify a recently proposed health policy and share your analysis of the evidence in support of this policy.

To Prepare:

  • Review the Congress website provided in the Resources and identify one recent (within the past 5 years) proposed health policy.
  • Review the health policy you identified and reflect on the background and development of this health policy.

By Day 3 of Week 7

Post a description of the health policy you selected and a brief background for the problem or issue being addressed. Explain whether you believe there is an evidence base to support the proposed policy and explain why. Be specific and provide examples. NURS 6050: Healthcare Program Design and Implementation

By Day 6 of Week 7

Respond to at least two of your colleagues* on two different days by either supporting or respectfully challenging their explanation on whether there is an evidence base to support the proposed health policy they described.

*Note: Throughout this program, your fellow students are referred to as colleagues.

Word cloud generators have become popular tools for meetings and team-building events. Groups or teams are asked to use these applications to input words they feel best describe their team or their role. A “word cloud” is generated by the application that makes prominent the most-used terms, offering an image of the common thinking among participants of that role.

What types of words would you use to build a nursing word cloud? Empathetic, organized, hard-working, or advocate would all certainly apply. Would you add policy-maker to your list? Do you think it would be a very prominent component of the word cloud?

Nursing has become one of the largest professions in the world, and as such, nurses have the potential to influence policy and politics on a global scale. When nurses influence the politics that improve the delivery of healthcare, they are ultimately advocating for their patients. Hence, policy-making has become an increasingly popular term among nurses as they recognize a moral and professional obligation to be engaged in healthcare legislation.

To Prepare:

  • Revisit the website provided in the Resources and consider the role of RNs and APRNs in policy-making.
  • Reflect on potential opportunities that may exist for RNs and APRNs to participate in the policy-making process.

By Day 3 of Week 8

Post an explanation of at least two opportunities that exist for RNs and APRNs to actively participate inpolicy-making. Explain some of the challenges that these opportunities may present and describe how you might overcome these challenges. Finally, recommend two strategies you might make to better advocate for or communicate the existence of these opportunities to participate in policy-making. Be specific and provide examples.


By Day 6 of Week 8

Respond to at least two of your colleagues’* posts by suggesting additional opportunities or recommendations for overcoming the challenges described by your colleagues. NURS 6050: Healthcare Program Design and Implementation

*Note: Throughout this program, your fellow students are referred to as colleagues.

Assignment: Advocating for the Nursing Role in Program Design and Implementation

As their names imply, the honeyguide bird and the honey badger both share an affinity for honey. Honeyguide birds specialize in finding beehives but struggle to access the honey within. Honey badgers are well-equipped to raid beehives but cannot always find them. However, these two honey-loving species have learned to collaborate on an effective means to meet their objectives. The honeyguide bird guides honey badgers to newly discovered hives. Once the honey badger has ransacked the hive, the honey guide bird safely enters to enjoy the leftover honey.

Much like honeyguide birds and honey badgers, nurses and health professionals from other specialty areas can—and should—collaborate to design effective programs. Nurses bring specialties to the table that make them natural partners to professionals with different specialties. When nurses take the requisite leadership in becoming involved throughout the healthcare system, these partnerships can better design and deliver highly effective programs that meet objectives.

In this Assignment, you will practice this type of leadership by advocating for a healthcare program. Equally as important, you will advocate for a collaborative role of the nurse in the design and implementation of this program. To do this, assume you are preparing to be interviewed by a professional organization/publication regarding your thoughts on the role of the nurse in the design and implementation of new healthcare programs.

To Prepare:

  • Review the Resources and reflect on your thinking regarding the role of the nurse in the design and implementation of new healthcare programs.
  • Select a healthcare program within your practice and consider the design and implementation of this program.
  • Reflect on advocacy efforts and the role of the nurse in relation to healthcare program design and implementation.

NURS 6050: Healthcare Program Design and Implementation

The Assignment: (2–3 pages)

In a 2- to 3-page paper, create an interview transcript of your responses to the following interview questions:

  • Tell us about a healthcare program, within your practice. What are the costs and projected outcomes of this program?
  • Who is your target population?
  • What is the role of the nurse in providing input for the design of this healthcare program? Can you provide examples?
  • What is your role as an advocate for your target population for this healthcare program? Do you have input into design decisions? How else do you impact design?
  • What is the role of the nurse in healthcare program implementation? How does this role vary between design and implementation of healthcare programs? Can you provide examples?
  • Who are the members of a healthcare team that you believe are most needed to implement a program? Can you explain why?

By Day 7 of Week 8

Submit your interview transcript. NURS 6050: Healthcare Program Design and Implementation

NURS 6660 Week 3: Autism Spectrum Disorder-ADHD-ODD and ICD

NURS 6660 Week 3: Autism Spectrum Disorder-ADHD-ODD and ICD

NURS 6660: Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Role I: Child and Adolescent | Week 3  essay assignment

“I can’t believe I am sitting here talking to this lady. Mom thinks I am nuts just because I will not do what she asks. She does not care about me. She only cares about my little brother and that man that keeps coming around. I don’t care anything about her. That is why I throw things and won’t do what she asks. I don’t care about anyone. Those kids at school who used to be my friends don’t know anything. I am so much smarter than they are. NURS 6660 Week 3: Autism Spectrum Disorder-ADHD-ODD and ICD

Jacob, age 11”

There are many mental disorders that occur early in the life course. The DSM-5 describes neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism spectrum disorder and ADHD and disruptive, impulse-control, and conduct disorders, such as oppositional defiant disorder and conduct disorder. These disorders are examined together with a particular emphasis on comparing and contrasting presenting features. Diagnosis of these various conditions can rarely be made in a single office setting and often require a comprehensive approach involving multiple stakeholders, including the child, as well as his or her parents, teachers, and other significant figures in the child’s life and mental health professionals, such as psychologists who can conduct comprehensive neuropsychological testing.


The PMHNP must coordinate and integrate several sources of information to arrive at an accurate diagnosis of these disorders. Early and accurate diagnosis is essential to developing an effective treatment plan, which will have the potential to minimize the impact of these disorders on the child’s developmental trajectory. When one considers appropriate diagnosis from this perspective, the importance of diagnostic accuracy becomes quite apparent.

This week, you begin exploring disorders that occur early in the life course by working with your group to develop a Parent Guide. You also examine a case to determine a differential diagnosis and treatment plan that incorporates both psychotherapy and psychopharmacology. NURS 6660 Week 3: Autism Spectrum Disorder-ADHD-ODD and ICD

Note: You and your group will use the wiki function to develop three Parent Guides (one in Week 3, one in Week 7, and one in Week 10). A wiki is a site that allows collaborative editing by all users. Each group will have its own place to communicate and collaborate on the assignments. Once your group has completed each assignment, one member should transfer the information to its final format and submit it through the group submission link in the Discussion. Do not delete the assignment from the wiki format, as your Instructor will review this area to determine each member’s participation.

Collaboration is essential to accurate diagnosis of the conditions under consideration in this week. For this week’s Discussion, you practice collaboration by working in a group on developing a “Parent Guide,” which will serve as a teaching tool for parents with children who have been diagnosed with a specific mental health disorder.

It is recommended that you make your project as attractive as possible and consider using the finished product as teaching tools for families that you will work with in your own practices.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

  • Analyze signs and symptoms of neurodevelopmental disorders
  • Analyze the pathophysiology of neurodevelopmental disorders
  • Analyze diagnosis and treatment methods for neurodevelopmental disorders
  • Evaluate Parent Guides

To Prepare for this Discussion:

  • Your Instructor will assign you to a group and a disorder by Day 1 of Week 2.
  • Review the resources concerning your assigned disorder.
  • Review the Blackboard Help website concerning wikis. NURS 6660 Week 3: Autism Spectrum Disorder-ADHD-ODD and ICD
  • Use your group’s Discussion Board to design and develop the Parent Guide before posting to the group wiki. For further guidance, refer to the Accessing Group Discussions instructions below.

Using evidence-based research, design and develop a Parent Guide for your assigned disorder including:

  • Signs and symptoms
  • Pathophysiology
  • How the disorder is diagnosed
  • Treatment options

Provide a minimum of three academic references.

By Day 5

One designated group member should post the completed Parent Guide to the Discussion.

By Day 7

Respond to at least two other groups’ wikis by providing at least two contributions for improving or including in their Parent Guide and at least two things that you like about their guide. NURS 6660 Week 3: Autism Spectrum Disorder-ADHD-ODD and ICD

NURS 6730: Public Health Leadership at the Personal Level

NURS 6730: Public Health Leadership at the Personal Level

NURS 6730: Public Health Nursing Leadership | Week 5 essay assignment

Leadership expert Leonard Rowitz (2018) identifies five essential skills necessary for being a successful public health leader:

  1. Knowledge with the intelligence to use it;
  2. Empathy and the ability to motivate others;
  3. Risk-taking with action and follow through;
  4. Ability to communicate at many different levels; and finally,
  5. Systems thinkers with an understanding of how complexity affects their work. NURS 6730: Public Health Leadership at the Personal Level

An important part of your unique development as a public health nurse leader is the ability to look inward and reflect on public health leadership at the personal level. What kind of leader are you right now? What kind of leader do you wish to become? What essential leadership skills do you possess, and which ones do you need to acquire to become a more effective leader? These are all important questions that only you can answer!

This week you will identify leadership skills that you currently possess as well as your own unique leadership style. You will also create a professional leadership plan at which you identify your goals for developing yourself as a public health nurse leader.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

  • Create personal development checklists (D)
  • Create personal leadership philosophy statements (D)
  • Create leadership contracts (D)
  • Apply personal growth and development tools to future professional growth development (J)
  • Identify professional mentors (J)
  • Apply leadership competencies to personal growth and development goals (J) NURS 6730: Public Health Leadership at the Personal Level

In the first week of this course you reflected on past experiences with leaders — both positive or negative. Although many contributing factors may have existed, to what extent do you think attention—or lack of attention—to personal growth and development may have had a role in their quality of leadership? Personal leadership development is foundational, and it influences all other levels of leadership.

For this Discussion, you consider your personal style of leadership and specific strategies for effective leadership development at the personal level.


  • Complete the Myers Briggs Leadership style assessment in the Resources, and reflect on your personal leadership style in various settings.
  • Review the leadership style’s video in this week’s Resources.
  • Review this week’s Resources, and focus on personal development tools described by Rowitz (2018). NURS 6730: Public Health Leadership at the Personal Level

By Day 3

The following completed tools:

  • A Personal Development Checklist
  • A Personal Leadership Philosophy Statement
  • A Leadership Contract

Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses.

By Day 6

Respond to at least two of your colleagues by taking on the role of a coach or mentor and offering suggestions to strengthen at least two of their tools.

Leadership Journal: Personal Level Leadership essay assignment

“As leaders, we need to keep our eyes and ears focused on many things and issues in the course of a working day. Our journals prevent us from losing many of these high-speed ideas.” (Rowitz, p.60)

As presented in this week’s resources, journals are used in many ways, both in format and application. As you examine the various levels of leadership, in the coming weeks you will practice the skill of intentional journaling for professional development. Use this practice in the course to create your own routine and a journaling practice that works for you outside of this course. If you already have a journal practice, look for ways to improve your practice based on the resources and journal assignments in this course.

For this Leadership Journal assignment, you will reflect on your personal growth and development and take specific actions for continued development.

To prepare:

  • Review the tools you focused on for this week’s Discussion and the feedback/support you received from colleagues.
  • Review Rowitz (2018) for his explanation of the leadership journal and how its best applied by leaders.
  • Consider how you might incorporate a leadership journal outside of this course (style, format, ease of integration into daily work, etc.)

The Assignment:

Respond to the following prompts:

  1. How will you use the resources developed in this week’s Discussion? How can you ensure that you will utilize them beyond this course? Which of the personal leadership tools did you find most useful?
  2. Consider an experienced professional who could serve as your mentor. Who might you reach out to? Identify at least two people. Explain why you selected these individuals. What questions might you ask them related to personal growth and development?
  3. Identify how the leadership competencies from ANA (2013) align with your personal growth and development goals.
  4. Make note of any additional insights and resources regarding leadership at the personal level you would like to pursue further. Consider how topics covered in the previous weeks of this course inform your personal leadership goals. NURS 6730: Public Health Leadership at the Personal Level

By Day 7

Submit your Leadership Journal.

NURS 6565 Week 7: Drug Enforcement Administration Registration

NURS 6565 Week 7: Prescriptive Authority and Drug Enforcement Administration Registration essay assignment

NURS 6565: Synthesis in Advanced Practice Care of Complex Patients in Primary Care Settings | Week 7 essay assignment

Prescriptive authority is granted under state law by the appropriate board. The board granting prescriptive authority may be the Medical Board, State Board of Pharmacy, or Nursing Board for the appropriate state licensure is being pursued. The authority to write for a controlled substance is granted at a federal level and is verified through the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) by the appropriate state board. Drug Enforcement Agency registration is granted at the federal level and has additional requirements/fees for the registration process. NURS 6565 Week 7: Drug Enforcement Administration Registration

Each state has different laws regarding the role of the Nurse Practitioner that may significantly impact the NPs’ practice. Legislative changes may occur annually, bi-annually, or during an emergency legislative meeting at the state or federal level. These legislative sessions and any subsequent changes will significantly impact your scope of practice as a Nurse Practitioner.

Remaining current regarding state law is essential. In the Week 4 Discussion, as you may recall, we introduced the recent change regarding the classification of hydrocodone-containing drugs at the federal level from a Schedule III drug to a Schedule II drug. For states that allow for Nurse Practitioners to write Schedule III-V drugs, these NPs are now unable to write for hydrocodone-containing medications, which significantly impacts their ability to provide care for their patients. However, there are states that do not grant NPs prescriptive authority and/or do not allow NPs to write for controlled substances. Over the last 55 years, Nurse Practitioners have made great strides in obtaining prescriptive authority to prescribe both non-controlled and controlled drugs.

This week students will explore the prescriptive authority application process for their state. Additionally, the DEA Registration Application process will be reviewed.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this week, students will:
  • Analyze appropriate prescriptive authority and DEA registration processes
  • Analyze safe prescribing practices
  • Evaluate professional strengths and weaknesses
  • Evaluate mastery of NP clinical skills

In 1915, the Drug Enforcement Administration was formed, known then as the Bureau of Internal Revenue. Recognizing the variance in state laws and the process for completing applications for prescriptive authority and DEA registration is essential to the role of the NP as a prescriber. Within the last decade, safe prescribing of opioids has also become a national concern. For this Discussion, you will focus on the process for obtaining prescriptive authority after successfully completing your program of study and passing a National Certification Exam. You also will explore safe prescribing. NURS 6565 Week 7: Drug Enforcement Administration Registration

To prepare:
  • Review your state’s process for obtaining prescriptive authority and associated fees
  • Review the DEA website and review the process for obtaining a DEA number and associated fees.
  • Review and select one of the following case studies and analyze the provider information:
    • Case Study One: Lori, FNP-BC, is a new graduate and has recently passed her certification exam. She has just been hired to work for a Primary Care Clinic in a small town. She will be working with one physician at one site.
    • Case study Two: James, FNP-BC, works with a physician who specializes in pain control. He works in several clinics in the large urban city where he practices.

By Day 3

Post a brief summary of your case study and an explanation of the appropriate prescriptive authority and DEA registration process needed for the case study you selected. Then, explain the safe prescribing practices that these providers should use for these settings.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses.

By Day 7

Respond to at least two of your colleagues on three different days in one or more of the ways listed below. Respond to colleagues who selected a different Case Study than you did.

  • Suggest additional actions to take to ensure delivery of safe care.
  • Provide key components of a Malpractice Policy.
  • Validate an idea with your own clinical experiences with the support of an additional literature search. NURS 6565 Week 7: Drug Enforcement Administration Registration

NURS 6050 Module 1: Agenda Setting essay assignment

NURS 6050 Module 1: Agenda Setting essay assignment

NURS 6050 Module 1: Agenda Setting (Weeks 1-2) essay assignment help

NURS 6050: Policy and Advocacy for Improving Population Health | Module 1 essay assignment

Learning Objectives

Students will:

  • Compare U.S. presidential agenda priorities
  • Evaluate ways that administrative agencies help address healthcare issues
  • Analyze how healthcare issues get on administrative agendas
  • Identify champions or sponsors of healthcare issues
  • Create fact sheets for communicating with policymakers or legislators
  • Justify the role of the nurse in agenda setting for healthcare issues


Due By Assignment
Week 1, Days 1–2 Read/Watch/Listen to the Learning Resources.
Compose your initial Discussion post.
Begin to compose a draft of your Assignment.
Week 1, Day 3 Post your draft of Part 1 of your Assignment as the initial Discussion post.
Begin to compose your final draft of your Assignment.
Week 1, Days 4-5 Review peer Discussion posts.
Compose your peer Discussion responses.
Continue to compose your final draft of your Assignment.
Week 1, Day 6 Post at least two peer Discussion responses on two different days (and not the same day as the initial post).
Continue to compose your final draft of your Assignment. NURS 6050 Module 1: Agenda Setting essay assignment
Week 1, Day 7 Wrap up Discussion.
Week 2, Day 1–6 Review the responses to your initial post in the Discussion and revise your Assignment accordingly.
Continue to compose and refine the final draft of your Assignment.
Week 2, Day 7 Deadline to submit your Assignment.


Regardless of political affiliation, every citizen has a stake in healthcare policy decisions. Hence, it is little wonder why healthcare items become such high-profile components of presidential agendas. It is also little wonder why they become such hotly debated agenda items.

In Part 1 of this module’s Assignment, you were asked to begin work on an Agenda Comparison Grid to compare the impact of the current/sitting U.S. president and the two previous presidents’ agendas on the healthcare item you selected for study. In this Discussion, you will share your first draft with your colleagues to receive feedback to be applied to your final version. NURS 6050 Module 1: Agenda Setting essay assignment

To Prepare:

  • Review the Resources and reflect on the importance of agenda setting.
  • Consider how federal agendas promote healthcare issues and how these healthcare issues become agenda priorities.
  • Review Part 1 of the Module 1 Assignment and complete the requirements for this Discussion.

By Day 3 of Week 1

Post a draft of the Agenda Comparison Grid you completed for Part 1 of the Agenda Comparison Grid and Fact Sheets or Talking Points Brief Assignment.

By Day 6 of Week 1

Respond to at least two of your colleagues* on two different days and provide a critique on their comparison grids. Suggest at least one feature of your colleagues’ comparison grids that you would revise and explain why. Be specific and provide examples.

*Note: Throughout this program, your fellow students are referred to as colleagues. NURS 6050 Module 1: Agenda Setting essay assignment

NURS 6630 Week 9: Therapy for Clients with ADHD

NURS 6630 Week 9: Therapy for Clients with ADHD

NURS 6630: Psychopharmacologic Approaches to Treatment of Psychopathology | Week 9 essay assignment

Tyler, a 9-year-old third grader, had always been an energetic child with a short attention span. For years, his mother attributed his behaviors to him being “all boy” and assumed it would improve as he grew older. Instead, daily tasks like chores and homework became increasingly overwhelming for Tyler, resulting in disruptive behaviors at home and school. After being evaluated by his healthcare provider, Tyler was diagnosed with and treated for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).


ADHD is a prevalent disorder for clients across the lifespan, as more than 6 million children (CDC, 2016) and 8 million adults (ADAA, 2016) have been diagnosed with the disorder. Like Tyler, individuals of all ages find that symptoms of ADHD can make life challenging. However, when properly diagnosed and treated, clients often respond well to therapies and have positive health outcomes.

This week, as you study ADHD therapies, you examine the assessment and treatment of clients with ADHD. You also explore ethical and legal implications of these therapies. NURS 6630 Week 9: Therapy for Clients with ADHD


Discussion: Presentations of ADHD essay assignment

Although ADHD is often associated with children, this disorder is diagnosed in clients across the lifespan. While many individuals are properly diagnosed and treated during childhood, some individuals who have ADHD only present with subsyndromal evidence of the disorder. These individuals are often undiagnosed until they reach adulthood and struggle to cope with competing demands of running a household, caring for children, and maintaining employment. For this Discussion, you consider how you might assess and treat individuals presenting with ADHD.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

  • Assess client factors and history to develop personalized therapy plans for clients with ADHD
  • Analyze factors that influence pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes in clients requiring therapy for ADHD
  • Evaluate efficacy of treatment plans
  • Apply knowledge of providing care to adult and geriatric clients presenting for antidepressant therapy


To prepare for this Discussion:

Note: By Day 1 of this week, your Instructor will have assigned you to one of the following case studies to review for this Discussion. To access the following case studies, click on the Case Studies tab on the Stahl Online website and select the appropriate volume and case number. NURS 6630 Week 9: Therapy for Clients with ADHD

Case 1: Volume 1, Case #13: The 8-year-old girl who was naughty

Case 2: Volume 1, Case #14: The scatter-brained mother whose daughter has ADHD, like mother, like daughter

Case 3: Volume 2, Case #21: Hindsight is always 20/20, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

  • Review this week’s Learning Resources and reflect on the insights they provide.
  • Go to the Stahl Online website and examine the case study you were assigned.
  • Take the pretest for the case study.
  • Review the patient intake documentation, psychiatric history, patient file, medication history, etc. As you progress through each section, formulate a list of questions that you might ask the patient if he or she were in your office.
  • Based on the patient’s case history, consider other people in his or her life that you would need to speak to or get feedback from (i.e., family members, teachers, nursing home aides, etc.).
  • Consider whether any additional physical exams or diagnostic testing may be necessary for the patient.
  • Develop a differential diagnoses for the patient. Refer to the DSM-5 in this week’s Learning Resources for guidance.
  • Review the patient’s past and current medications. Refer to Stahl’s Prescriber’s Guide and consider medications you might select for this patient.
  • Review the posttest for the case study. NURS 6630 Week 9: Therapy for Clients with ADHD

Note: For this Discussion, you are required to complete your initial post before you will be able to view and respond to your colleagues’ postings. Begin by clicking on the “Post to Discussion Question” link and then select “Create Thread” to complete your initial post. Remember, once you click on Submit, you cannot delete or edit your own posts, and you cannot post anonymously. Please check your post carefully before clicking on Submit!

By Day 3

Post a response to the following:

  • Provide the case number in the subject line of the Discussion.
  • List three questions you might ask the patient if he or she were in your office. Provide a rationale for why you might ask these questions.
  • Identify people in the patient’s life you would need to speak to or get feedback from to further assess the patient’s situation. Include specific questions you might ask these people and why.
  • Explain what physical exams and diagnostic tests would be appropriate for the patient and how the results would be used.
  • List three differential diagnoses for the patient. Identify the one that you think is most likely and explain why.
  • List two pharmacologic agents and their dosing that would be appropriate for the patient’s ADHD therapy based on pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. From a mechanism of action perspective, provide a rationale for why you might choose one agent over the other.
  • If your assigned case includes “check points” (i.e., follow-up data at week 4, 8, 12, etc.), indicate any therapeutic changes that you might make based on the data provided.
  • Explain “lessons learned” from this case study, including how you might apply this case to your own practice when providing care to patients with similar clinical presentations.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses.

By Day 6

Respond to at least two of your colleagues who were assigned to a different case than you. For example, if you were assigned to Case Study 1, respond to one colleague assigned to Case Study 2 and one colleague assigned to Case Study 3. Explain how you might apply knowledge gained from your colleagues’ case studies to you own practice in clinical settings. NURS 6630 Week 9: Therapy for Clients with ADHD

NURS 6051: Technologies Supporting Applied Practice-Patients Outcome

NURS 6051: Technologies Supporting Applied Practice-Patients Outcome

NURS 6051 Module 4: Technologies Supporting Applied Practice and Optimal Patient Outcomes (Weeks 6-8) essay assignment
NURS 6051: Transforming Nursing and Healthcare Through Technology | Module 4 essay assignment
Learning Objectives


Students will:

Evaluate healthcare technology trends for data and information in nursing practice and healthcare delivery
Analyze challenges and risks inherent in healthcare technology
Analyze healthcare technology benefits and risks for data safety, legislation, and patient care
Evaluate healthcare technology impact on patient outcomes, efficiencies, and data management
Analyze research on the application of clinical systems to improve outcomes and efficiencies
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Due By Assignment
Week 6, Days 1–2 Read/Watch/Listen to the Learning Resources.
Compose your initial Discussion post.
Week 6, Day 3 Post your initial Discussion post.
Begin to compose your Assignment.
Week 6, Days 4-5 Review peer Discussion posts.
Compose your peer Discussion responses.
Continue to compose your Assignment.
Week 6, Day 6 Post at least two peer Discussion responses on two different days (and not the same day as the initial post). NURS 6051: Technologies Supporting Applied Practice-Patients Outcome
Week 6, Day 7 Wrap up Discussion.
Week 7, Days 1-7 Continue to compose your Assignment.
Week 8, Days 1-6 Continue to compose your Assignment.
Week 8, Day 7 Deadline to submit your Assignment.
Discussion: Healthcare Information Technology Trends essay assignment
Throughout history, technological advancements have appeared for one purpose before finding applications elsewhere that lead to spikes in its usage and development. The internet, for example, was originally developed to share research before becoming a staple of work and entertainment. But technology—new and repurposed—will undoubtedly continue to be a driver of healthcare information. Informaticists often stay tuned to trends to monitor what the next new technology will be or how the next new idea for applying existing technology can benefit outcomes.

In this Discussion, you will reflect on your healthcare organization’s use of technology and offer a technology trend you observe in your environment.

To Prepare:

Reflect on the Resources related to digital information tools and technologies.
Consider your healthcare organization’s use of healthcare technologies to manage and distribute information.
Reflect on current and potential future trends, such as use of social media and mobile applications/telehealth, Internet of Things (IoT)-enabled asset tracking, or expert systems/artificial intelligence, and how they may impact nursing practice and healthcare delivery.
NURS 6051: Technologies Supporting Applied Practice-Patients Outcome
By Day 3 of Week 6

Post a brief description of general healthcare technology trends, particularly related to data/information you have observed in use in your healthcare organization or nursing practice. Describe any potential challenges or risks that may be inherent in the technologies associated with these trends you described. Then, describe at least one potential benefit and one potential risk associated with data safety, legislation, and patient care for the technologies you described. Next, explain which healthcare technology trends you believe are most promising for impacting healthcare technology in nursing practice and explain why. Describe whether this promise will contribute to improvements in patient care outcomes, efficiencies, or data management. Be specific and provide examples.



By Day 6 of Week 6
Respond to at least two of your colleagues* on two different days, offering additional/alternative ideas regarding opportunities and risks related to the observations shared.

*Note: Throughout this program, your fellow students are referred to as colleagues.

Assignment: Literature Review: The Use of Clinical Systems to Improve Outcomes and Efficiencies essay assignment
New technology—and the application of existing technology—only appears in healthcare settings after careful and significant research. The stakes are high, and new clinical systems need to offer evidence of positive impact on outcomes or efficiencies. NURS 6051: Technologies Supporting Applied Practice-Patients Outcome

Nurse informaticists and healthcare leaders formulate clinical system strategies. As these strategies are often based on technology trends, informaticists and others have then benefited from consulting existing research to inform their thinking.

In this Assignment, you will review existing research focused on the application of clinical systems. After reviewing, you will summarize your findings.

To Prepare:

Review the Resources and reflect on the impact of clinical systems on outcomes and efficiencies within the context of nursing practice and healthcare delivery.
Conduct a search for recent (within the last 5 years) research focused on the application of clinical systems. The research should provide evidence to support the use of one type of clinical system to improve outcomes and/or efficiencies, such as “the use of personal health records or portals to support patients newly diagnosed with diabetes.”
Identify and select 5 peer-reviewed articles from your research.
The Assignment: (4-5 pages)

In a 4- to 5-page paper, synthesize the peer-reviewed research you reviewed. Be sure to address the following:

Identify the 5 peer-reviewed articles you reviewed, citing each in APA format.
Summarize each study, explaining the improvement to outcomes, efficiencies, and lessons learned from the application of the clinical system each peer-reviewed article described. Be specific and provide examples.
By Day 7 of Week 8

Submit your completed Assignment.

NURS 6421 Week 9: Change Management

NURS 6421 Week 9: Change Management

NURS 6421 Week 9: Change Management essay assignment essay assignment

NURS 6421: Supporting Workflow in Healthcare Systems | Week 9 essay assignment

It’s not the progress I mind, it’s the change I don’t like.

—Mark Twain

As the above quote suggests, people are usually enthused by the idea of progress and improvement, but they are often reluctant to undergo the necessary changes involved. Implementing a workflow change can be a challenging process that requires the commitment of a variety of stakeholders, including leaders, managers, and end users. Without “buy-in” from these groups, workflow changes will often be met with resistance and potential failure. In order to ensure the smooth implementation of workflow changes, nurse informaticists will need to employ a variety of change management strategies.

This week you consider how change management is an integral component of the role of the nurse informaticist. You explore change-management strategies for promoting better end-user adoption. In addition, you submit Part 3 of your Course Project and begin developing a presentation to explain the components of your Course Project to stakeholders in a health care organization. NURS 6421 Week 9: Change Management

Learning Objectives
Students will:

  • Evaluate change-management strategies to promote end-user adoption
  • Assess competencies needed for a nurse informaticist to be a successful change agent
  • Design a solution in response to a workflow problem
  • Develop a future-state workflow model in Visio


As health care organizations adopt more and more informatics solutions, they inevitably experience significant changes. Such changes are often met with hesitation, resistance, and even outright refusal. Nurse informaticists should be aware of these barriers and be prepared to employ change-management strategies to ensure stakeholder buy-in and end-user adoption.

In this Discussion, you explore the concept of change management and how it is relevant to the role of the nurse informaticist. You consider what steps can be taken during implementation of a project to contribute to more successful end-user adoption. In addition, you explore the competencies and skills a nurse informaticist should have when serving as a change agent within an organization.

To prepare:

  • Review this week’s Learning Resources, including pages 408–410 in the Dennis course text, on change management. How is change management relevant to the role of the nurse informaticist?
  • Consider steps a nurse informaticist can take to promote more successful end-user adoption.
  • What change-management strategies are most useful for a nurse informaticist to be aware of when implementing a change within an organization? How can those strategies help to mitigate negative attitudes toward change? NURS 6421 Week 9: Change Management
  • Reflect on the competencies and skills required for nurse informaticists to be effective change agents. How can you best prepare yourself to manage change and address resistance?

With these thoughts in mind:

By Day 3

Post an analysis of how change management is relevant to the role of the nurse informaticist. Explain at least two change-management strategies that can be used to promote end-user adoption, and justify their effectiveness in mitigating resistance. Identify at least two skills or competencies necessary for nurse informaticists in serving as change agents, and describe how you plan to cultivate those skills or competencies.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses.

By Day 6

Respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days using one or more of the following approaches:

  • Ask a probing question substantiated with additional background information, evidence, or research.
  • Share an insight from having read your colleagues’ postings, synthesizing the information to provide new perspectives.
  • Offer and support an alternative perspective using readings from the classroom or from your own research in the Walden Library.
  • Validate an idea with your own experience and additional research.
  • Make a suggestion based on additional evidence drawn from readings or after synthesizing multiple postings.
  • Expand on your colleagues’ postings by providing additional insights or contrasting perspectives based on readings and evidence. NURS 6421 Week 9: Change Management