Healthcare Systems Leadership Assignment

Healthcare Systems Leadership Assignment

Part I:
· What is the impact of the DNP-prepared healthcare systems leader on healthcare systems of today?
DNP-prepared healthcare systems leader has shown to positively impact the healthcare systems of today. DNP-prepared scholars has proven to affect health outcomes by improved patient quality of care, innovation, and influence (Boswell & Batcheller, 2021). DNP-prepared scholars have the competencies for communication, leadership, and ability to promote change in multiple areas (Boswell & Batcheller, 2021). The DNP scholars were prepared for the faster transition of evidence-based findings into actual clinical practice, which improves overall provision of updated scientific findings for better patient outcomes and staff processes. Healthcare Systems Leadership Assignment

· How do you anticipate integrating this role into your current or future career?
I am a newly graduated Family Nurse Practitioner in California. As a DNP-prepared scholar, I am planning to utilized my knowledge and skills to update patients’ treatment plans and clinic processes based on the best evidence-based findings related to outpatient services. I can use such knowledge and skills to advocate for the patients in the clinic and community that hopefully provide quality care at affordable healthcare costs.

· In your opinion, what is needed for successful professional identity formation in DNP students to achieve healthcare systems leadership roles after graduation?
In my opinion, DNP students will need further support to achieve healthcare system leadership roles after graduation. One step to achieve such exposure is to apply for DNP residency programs that support further exposure to situations and resources thus promoting healthcare leadership competencies. Another step is to finder a mentor that provides support and guidance for both personal and professional growth.


Part II: For Case Study

· Please state your practice question in PICOT format
For patients 18 years of age and above in an acute care unit, will the 4AT rapid clinical screening tool to detect delirium, as compared to current practice, impact the use of restraints within 8-10 weeks.

· Discuss best practices for implementing evidence-based practice guidelines with citations and matching references sufficient to support your discussion.Healthcare Systems Leadership Assignment
It is essential to utilized best practices for the implementation of evidence-based practice guidelines. The first step is identifying current issue at the identified site and creating an answerable and clinically relevant questions based on the clinical practice (Esteban-Sepulveda et al., 2021). Additional processes involves: the search for and retrieval of the best available evidence to answer the clinical questions; appraisal of the evidence for relevance and validity; application of the appraised evidence in clinical practice; implementation and integration of evidence with clinical experience; and evaluation of the impacts of the intervention on individuals (Esteban-Sepulveda et al., 2021). These steps are necessary to support best practices and effectiveness in implementing evidence-based practice guidelines.

· Discuss strategies for overcoming barriers in implementing evidence-based practice with citations and references to support strategies.
There are various strategies that the DNP student can utilized for overcoming barriers in implementing evidence-based practice. Strategies can include effective training and support systems, clear allocation of roles to implementation team, provision of evidence to stakeholders related to its cost-effectiveness, and ease of use, and providing a transparency and flexibility to all individuals involved in the implementation process (Mathieson, Grande, & Luker, 2018). Effective planning, communication, and collaboration are additional strategies that can aid the implementation process of evidence-based practice. Healthcare Systems Leadership Assignment

· Discuss your formative evaluation plan to check intervention fidelity.
It is essential to create a formative evaluation plan to check for intervention fidelity. The DNP student can utilize the manager’s checklist to monitor the progression of the intervention, while the nursing champions can utilize the nursing champion checklist to check if the nurses are utilizing appropriate interventions per patient daily. Improvement in intervention fidelity should focus on utilization of frameworks, clarification on defined interventions, and clear definition on the various formative evaluation for involved individuals (Hardeman et al., 2020). In addition, the DNP student can use one-to-one discussions and weekly follow-ups in the formative evaluation plan.

· In Week 2, your formative evaluation plan reveals a few staff did not implement the evidence-based intervention as intended. What is your next step?
The formative evaluation plan revealed that a few staff did not implement the interventions. As a project lead, it is essential to investigate the varying reasons related to the staff not able to implement the interventions. The first step is to identify the next scheduled work of the staff and perform a one-to-one discussion on the revelation of the evaluation plan. Provide additional support and resources for staff that are unable to perform interventions due to lack of time or unclear on the required steps.

· In your simulated Case Study, some staff state, “I am too busy” or “I do not see a need for change since the ‘way we have always done it’ works fine.” How will you address this?
There will always be a resistance to change and it is essential to provide information on the reasons and benefits of changing current processes. For the staff that were too busy, the DNP student or the nursing champions can assist in filling out the 4AT forms per patient daily or report the intervention to the next shift. For the staff the are resistant to change, it is important to emphasized that the facility has a growing concern for increased physical restraint usage, thus promoting the creation of an initiative to help decrease restraint use. It is also important to detect patients that are at risk or positive for delirium so that we can provide early interventions that can prevent worse outcomes, thus leading to more work for the staff.

· You identify that stakeholders were not included in the project planning meetings and are resisting change. How will you work with these stakeholders to turn their resistance into support?
The DNP student had identified that some stakeholders are resistant to change. Additional resources and support are necessary to start the process of changing the resistant behaviors of some stakeholders. It is essential to include stakeholders in every step of the implementation process to increase involvement, rapport, and lower resistance to change. In addition, it is essential to follow-up on the stakeholders that are resistant to change and provide additional information on the importance of the project and how it will impact staff and patient care.

· Thinking about a live implementation, are there additional resources that may be necessary for a successful implementation? If so, what are those resources?
Additional resources are required to have a successful implementation. The project implementation will require a weekly meeting room, laminated cards for nursing staff, printers and office supplies, and gift cards for staff involvement. In addition, a budget for provision of snacks during meetings and educational sessions is another resource during the planning to implementation transition. Healthcare Systems Leadership Assignment


Boswell, C., & Batcheller, J. (2021). Capturing the impact of the Doctor of Nursing Practice degree on West Texas health care. (Links to an external site.)

Esteban-Sepulvedam, S., Sese-abad, A., Lacueva-Perez, L., Domingo-Pozo, M., Alosno-Fernandez, S., Aquilue-Ballarin, M., Barcelo-Martinez, A., Cristobal-Dominguez, E., & Fernandez-Dominguez, J. (2021). Impact of the implementation of best practice guidelines on nurse’s evidence-based practice and on nurses’ work environment: Research protocol.
Hardeman, E., Hankonen, N., Byrne, M., McSharry, J., Matvienko-Sikar, K., & Lorencatto, F. (2020). Focusing on fidelity: narrative review and recommendations for improving itnervention fidelity within trials of health behaviour change interventions. (Links to an external site.)

Mathieson, A., Grande, G., & Luker, K. (2018). Strategies, facilitators and barriers to implementation of evidence-based practice in community nursing: a systematic mixed-studies review and qualitative synthesis.


Template_NURS497 AACN Essentials Summary Paper1

Template_NURS497 AACN Essentials Summary Paper1


AACN Essentials Summary Paper

Your Name

West Coast University

NURS 497: Nursing Capstone

Dr. Esquer


AACN Essentials Paper


Essential I: Liberal Education for Baccalaureate Generalist Nursing Practice

First Paragraph for each Essential: The student provides an accurate and concise summary paragraph for each Essential. All summary descriptions expertly identify key aspects of each essential. Every essential is supported with at least one scholarly source. You need to cite your source(s) like the ACCN Essentials pdf that was provided.

Second Paragraph for each Essential: At least one detailed and explicit example of how the student met each essential during the nursing program is provided for all nine Essentials. The student expertly synthesizes and incorporates significant feedback, concepts, and ideas from the week’s discussion into the assignment. It is evident that the student has thoroughly reflected upon and met the nine essentials. Template_NURS497 AACN Essentials Summary Paper1

Essential II: Basic Organizational and Systems Leadership for Quality Care and Patient Safety

Essential III: Scholarship for Evidence Based Practice

Essential IV: Information Management and Application of Patient Care Technology

Essential V: Healthcare Policy, Finance, and Regulatory Environments

Essential VI: Interprofessional Communication and Collaboration for Improving Patient Health Outcomes

Essential VII: Clinical Prevention and Population health

Essential VIII: Professionalism and Professional Values

Essential IX: Baccalaureate Generalist Nursing Practice


American Association of Colleges of Nursing. (2017). Baccalaureate Essentials Tool Kit. Template_NURS497 AACN Essentials Summary Paper1

Developing advocacy campaign – Child Obesity

Developing advocacy campaign – Child Obesity

Developing advocacy campaign – Child Obesity
To prepare:

Select a population health issue of interest to you and identify the population affected by the issue.
Locate two scholarly articles, each of which provides a description of an effective health advocacy campaign that addresses your issue. The articles need to focus on two different advocacy campaigns.
Analyze the attributes of the two campaigns to determine what made them effective.
Reflect on a policy you could propose or suggest a change to a current policy to improve the health of the population you selected.


Consider how you could develop an advocacy campaign, applying the attributes identified in similar, effective campaigns.
To complete:

For the Part 1 application (approximately 3 pages of content with a title page and references in APA format) address the following:

Describe your selected population health issue and the population affected by this issue.
Summarize the two advocacy campaigns you researched in this area.
Explain the attributes that made those campaigns effective. Developing advocacy campaign – Child Obesity
Begin to develop a plan for a health advocacy campaign that seeks to create a new policy or change an existing policy with regard to the issue and population you selected. Be sure to include in your plan:
A description of the public health issue and proposed policy solution Developing advocacy campaign – Child Obesity Essay.

Specific objectives for the policy you want to be implemented
Begin to substantiate of your proposed campaign by data and evidence.

Developing an Advocacy Campaign


The CDC (2015) reports that close to 13 million children in the USA (17% of their population) are suffering from obesity, with that population including individuals between 2 and 19 years of age. It is caused by changes in physical activity and dietary patterns that limit physical activity even as fatty foods consumption is increased Developing advocacy campaign – Child Obesity Essay. This is based on the understanding that obesity is by a body mass index (BMI) figure that exceeds 30 in which fat accumulates in the body to present both social implications, health risks, and economic effects. The social implications include: deleterious self-image; diminished self-esteem; suicidal tendencies; low self-esteem; low body satisfaction; eating disorders; and reduced quality of life. The health risks include expression of: type 2 diabetes; compromised glucose tolerance; apnea; stress; gout; gallstones; fatty liver; musculoskeletal disorders like osteoarthritis; hypertension; dyslipidemia; predisposition to cardiovascular diseases; pregancy complications when older; and cancers of the endometrium, breast and colon (Childhood Obesity Foundation, 2015). The economic effects take the form of direct costs, intangible costs and indirect costs to include; medical services; hospital-related costs; medication; and productivity losses (Katz et al., 2014). Therefore, childhood obesity is a source of medical and social concern that must be addressed as a priority within the USA. Developing advocacy campaign – Child Obesity


Medical systems are intended to ensure that populations are healthy. In this case, childhood obesity has been identified as a source of concern that must be addressed with the intention of reducing its incidence. As such, the main objective of this paper is to identify the for an intervention plan regarding childhood obesity, as well as develop a feasible advocacy plan for childhood obesity Developing advocacy campaign – Child Obesity Essay.

Proposed Campaign by Evidence

There is a consensus that lack of government support has created a situation in which the society and environment creates conditions that are unfavorable for good diet and physical activity among children thereby allowing them to develop obesity. In essence, the lack of supportive government policies has created ideal conditions for the continued presentation of childhood obesity as a source of concern within the public arena. The federal government is aware of this concern and has since taken steps to address the issue. Key in the government efforts is the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 that provides funding for school-focused national programs targeted at addressing the occurrence of obesity within the school children. Working through the Act, the government has been able to conceptualize, present, fund and support school feeding programs whereby school diets are optimized to ensure that schoolchildren are fed with healthy food. In fact, the program has adopted a school-focused approach, making it possible for school to provide their students with foods that have the correct nutrient values. One of the campaigns that the Act has supported is the Coordinated School Health Program (CSHP). The program focuses on eight interrelated and critical modules. The eight modules include involvement of the community and family, environmental safety and health, nutrition services, social services, health services, physical education and health education (King & Ling, 2015).

Other than the school-focused programs, there are advocacy campaigns that have applied a family-focused approach. One of this is the Let’s Move campaign that has identified the family unit as a valuable tool for addressing childhood obesity thereby adopting a family-focused approach. The campaign is based on the understanding that the readiness and motivation to change behavior must start in the family unit (Bumpus, Tagtow & Haven, 2015). Childhood Obesity Foundation (2015) identifies family-focused approach, as applied by Let’s Move, as a tool for bringing about effective and active lifestyle changes for the family as a unit and children as part of the unit that is influenced by the setting.

The two campaigns make it clear that any attempt targeted at addressing childhood obesity as a health concern must actively involve the community of which the children form a part to include the schools and family. They are grounded on the idea that healthy behavior is resultant of dynamic links between the social environment and influences realized from interpersonal, organization, community and policy level. This means that social, group and individual efforts should be combined to bring about behavioral change within the community as required for effective management of childhood obesity (Cohen et al., 2014). This makes it evident that any campaign targeted at reducing the incidence of childhood obesity must include social, group, and individual efforts. They use social marketing as a strategy to promote health behavior change, drawing on concepts that are typically applied in business marketing and modifying them to be used in promoting socially desirable health-related behaviors that include eating the right food and being physically active. They can use health workers to counsel the community members or even addresses in town meetings (McKenzie-Mohr, 2013). A prominent advantage of social marketing use in implementing community behavior change is that it introduces health promotion behaviors that do not rely on messages concerning health risk, and severity, as is the case in other approaches applied to implement community behavioral changes (Katz et al., 2014). Based on this analysis, the proposal is for the use of an advocacy plan that combines elements from both school-focused and family-focused campaigns to address childhood obesity. Amalgamating the two programs will address different populations with the same goal, thereby improving the possibility for success if they are used in combination. Developing advocacy campaign – Child Obesity


Bumpus, K., Tagtow, A. & Haven, J. (2015). Let’s Move! Celebrates 5 Years. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 115(3), 338-341.

CDC (2015). Childhood Obesity Facts. Retrieved from

Childhood Obesity Foundation (2015). Childhood Obesity. Retrieved from

Cohen, J., Richardson, S., Parker, E., Catalano, P. & Rimm, E. (2014). Impact of the New U.S. Department of Agriculture School Meal Standards on Food Selection, Consumption, and Waste. Am J Prev Med., 46(4), 388-394.

Katz, D., Elmore, J., Wild, D. & Lucan, S. (2014). Jekel’s Epidemiology, Biostatistics, Preventive Medicine, and Public Health (4th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier Saunders.

King, K. & Ling, J. (2015). Results of a 3-year, nutrition and physical activity intervention for children in rural, low-socioeconomic status elementary schools. Health Education Research, 30(4), 647-659.

McKenzie-Mohr, D. (2013). Fostering Sustainable Behavior: An introduction to community-based social marketing (3rd ed.). Gabriola Island, British Columbia: New Society Publishers.

In the first assignment, you reflected on whether the policy you would like to promote could best be achieved through the development of new legislation, or a change in an existing law or regulation. Refine as necessary using any feedback from your first Developing advocacy campaign – Child Obesity Essay paper.
Contemplate how existing laws or regulations may affect how you proceed in advocating for your proposed policy.
Consider how you could influence legislators or other policymakers to enact the policy you propose.
Think about the obstacles of the legislative process that may prevent your proposed policy from being implemented as intended.


To complete:

Part Two will have approximately 3 pages of content plus a title page and references. Part Two will address the following:

Explain whether your proposed policy could be enacted through a modification of existing law or regulation or the creation of new legislation/regulation.
Explain how existing laws or regulations could affect your advocacy efforts. Be sure to cite and reference the laws and regulations using primary sources.
Provide an analysis of the methods you could use to influence legislators or other policymakers to support your policy. In particular, explain how you would use the “three legs” of lobbying in your advocacy efforts Developing advocacy campaign – Child Obesity Essay.
Summarize obstacles that could arise in the legislative process and how to overcome these hurdles.

Advocacy Campaign


It is acknowledged that childhood obesity is a source of social, medical and financial concerns since it affects 17% of this population (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2015). In fact, the social concerns include deleterious self-image, diminished self-esteem, suicidal tendencies, low self-esteem, low body satisfaction, eating disorders, and reduced quality of life. The health concerns include predisposition to type 2 diabetes, compromised glucose tolerance, apnea, stress, gout, gallstones, fatty liver, musculoskeletal disorders like osteoarthritis, hypertension, dyslipidemia, predisposition to cardiovascular diseases, pregnancy complications when older, and cancers of the endometrium, breast and colon (Childhood Obesity Foundation, 2015). The economic concerns include direct, intangible and indirect costs linked with medical services, hospital-related costs, medication, and productivity losses (Katz et al., 2014). Following this awareness, there is a need for an advocacy plan that facilitates the presentation of a healthy diet while encouraging physical activity to preempt and reverse childhood obesity. The proposed advocacy plan intends to achieve this goal by using elements of both family-focuses and school-focused approaches the entail implementing a two pronged approach that targets children both at school and at home where they have the most social interactions Developing advocacy campaign – Child Obesity Essay.

Explain whether your proposed policy could be enacted through a modification of existing law or regulation or the creation of new legislation/regulation.

The proposed policy will be enacted by modifying an existing legislation. In this case, the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 is intended for revision. As the Act stands, it advocates for a school-focused approach by allocated federal resources towards conceptualizing, presenting, funding and supporting school feeding programs across the USA. Through the Act’s mandate, school diets have been optimized to offer healthy foods to school children while also considering their nutrient needs. Although the Act has comprehensively improved obesity management in school environments through involving the community, environmental safety and health, nutrition services, social services, health services, physical education and health education (King & Ling, 2015), it can be faulted for only applying half measures by focusing on one social environment when there are many environments that should be addressed for a better outcomes. In fact, the campaign identifies the family as a social environment in which the children spend most of their time and take many meals. In fact, a typical school child will take two major meals at home (breakfast and dinner) on a typical school day while only taking one major meal in school (lunch). The implication is that the current framing of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 only has a direct influence on lunch as a major meal to imply that any gains made in school could easily be overturned by detriments in the breakfast and dinner meals presented at home. Besides the meals, the family unit has an influence on the child’s readiness and motivation to change behavior and adopt a healthier lifestyle. As such, there is a need for the Act to be revised to include provisions for a family-focused approach that target the family as a tool for influencing the school children to adopt healthy lifestyles.

Explain how existing laws or regulations could affect your advocacy efforts.

Revising the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 will affect the advocacy efforts by availing resources for the plan. The Act makes provisions for federal funding to be allocated towards anti-obesity campaigns (King & Ling, 2015). Using the revised Act, the advocacy will gain access to the extensive government resources (including funding, personnel, linkages, and so on) to roll out nationwide with minimal resistance. This means that should the Act be revised to include a family-focused approach along with the school-focused approach, then its roll out would be easily implemented by the federal government.

Provide an analysis of the methods you could use to influence legislators or other policymakers to support your policy. In particular, explain how you would use the “three legs” of lobbying in your advocacy efforts.

The “three legs” of lobbying will be applied in seeking support for revising Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 from legislators and policymakers. Firstly, direct lobbying will be applied by convincing professional health bodies and organizations concerned with childhood obesity to gain their support. For instance, support will be sought from the American National Association since the advocacy plan has been conceptualized by a nurse who is a member of the organization. Secondly, grassroots lobbying will be applied by rallying communities to support the revision through presenting them with verified tangible data that shows the merits of the plan. This would include holding community forums and discussions where the community members are allowed to question the plan even as it is presented. Finally, political lobbying will be applied by seeking help from legislators to place the revision through the legislative process. This would entail framing the revision in a realistic manner that does not conflict with other existing legislation then getting legislators to endorse its passage (Goodwin, K., Ainsworth & Goodwin, 2013). Applying the three approaches to lobbying is anticipated to influence opinion and gain support for the advocacy plan Developing advocacy campaign – Child Obesity Essay.

Summarize obstacles that could arise in the legislative process and how to overcome these hurdles.

A major obstacle is the laws concerning the ethics of lobbying. There are fine guidelines governing how lobbying is conducted when seeking support for a legislative change. To overcome this hurdle, the rules governing how lobbying is conducted will be reviewed with focus being on credibility (Goodwin, K., Ainsworth & Goodwin, 2013). Another obstacle is the need for funding to carry out the lobbying. Funds are necessary for coordinating support. This obstacle will be overcome by presenting a proposal to professional organizations who would then fund the lobbying efforts Developing advocacy campaign – Child Obesity Essay.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2015). Childhood Obesity Facts. Retrieved from

Childhood Obesity Foundation (2015). Childhood Obesity. Retrieved from

Goodwin, K., Ainsworth, S. & Goodwin, E. (2013). Lobbying and Policymaking: The public pursuit of private interests. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.

Katz, D., Elmore, J., Wild, D. & Lucan, S. (2014). Jekel’s Epidemiology, Biostatistics, Preventive Medicine, and Public Health (4th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier Saunders.

King, K. & Ling, J. (2015). Results of a 3-year, nutrition and physical activity intervention for children in rural, low-socioeconomic status elementary schools. Health Education Research, 30(4), 647-659. Developing advocacy campaign – Child Obesity Essay.

Discussion- GI/Endocrine Case Studies

Discussion- GI/Endocrine Case Studies

Gastrointestinal Function:
R.H. is a 74-year-old black woman, who presents to the family practice clinic for a scheduled appointment. She complains of feeling bloated and constipated for the past month, some-times going an entire week with only one bowel movement. Until this episode, she has been very regular all of her life, having a bowel movement every day or every other day. She reports straining most of the time and it often takes her 10 minutes at a minimum to initiate a bowel movement. Stools have been extremely hard. She denies pain during straining. A recent colonoscopy was negative for tumors or other lesions. She has not yet taken any medications to provide relief for her constipation. Furthermore, she reports frequent heartburn (3–4 times each week), most often occur-ring soon after retiring to bed. She uses three pillows to keep herself in a more upright position during sleep. On a friend’s advice, she purchased a package of over-the-counter aluminum hydroxide tablets to help relieve the heartburn. She has had some improvement since she began taking the medicine. She reports using naproxen as needed for arthritic pain her hands and knees. She states that her hands and knees are extremely stiff when she rises in the morning. Because her arthritis has been getting worse, she has stopped taking her daily walks and now gets very little exercise.
Case Study Questions . Discussion- GI/Endocrine Case Studies


In your own words define constipation and name the risk factors that might lead to develop constipation. List recommendations you would give to a patient who is suffering from constipation. You might use a previous experience you might have.
Based on the clinical manifestations on R.H. case study, name and explain signs and symptoms presented that are compatible with the constipation diagnosis. Complement your list with signs and symptoms not present on the case study.
Sometimes as an associate diagnosis and a complication, patients with constipation could have anemia. Would you consider that possibility based on the information provided on the case study?
Endocrine Function:
C.B. is a significantly overweight, 48-year-old woman from the Winnebago Indian tribe who had high blood sugar and cholesterol levels three years ago but did not follow up with a clinical diagnostic work-up. She had participated in the state’s annual health screening program and noticed that her fasting blood sugar was 141 and her cholesterol was 225. However, she felt “perfectly fine at the time” and could not afford any more medications. Except for a number of “female infections,” she has felt fine until recently. Today, she presents to the Indian Hospital general practitioner complaining that her left foot has been weak and numb for nearly three weeks and that the foot is difficult to flex. She denies any other weakness or numbness at this time. However, she reports that she has been very thirsty lately and gets up more often at night to urinate. She has attributed these symptoms to the extremely warm weather and drinking more water to keep hydrated. She has gained a total of 65 pounds since her last pregnancy 14 years ago, 15 pounds in the last 6 months alone. Discussion- GI/Endocrine Case Studies
Case Study Questions

In which race and ethnic groups is DM more prevalent? Based on C.B. clinical manifestations, please compile the signs and symptoms that she is exhibiting that are compatible with the Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 diagnosis.
If C.B. develop a bacterial pneumonia on her right lower lobe, how would you expect her Glycemia values to be? Explain and support your answer.
What would be the best initial therapy non-pharmacologic and pharmacologic to be recommended to C.B?
***Post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. Discussion- GI/Endocrine Case Studies

Assignment: Transcultural Assessment Essay

Assignment: Transcultural Assessment Essay

This is a template to record your information for this assignment. Do not rely only on this template to determine everything you must include! Please read Milestone 2: Transcultural Assessment Guide and Questions guidelines, grading criteria, and grading rubric to learn details of what to include on this template.

Review NR394_Differences Between Closed and Open-Ended Questions prior to completing this template. The link to this file is located in the Guidelines for this assignment. Refer to Appendix A in your text and select three categories upon which you will concentrate your assessment guide and questions.
Type your answers to the questions using complete sentences and correct grammar, spelling, and syntax. This template is expandable to accommodate your typing. You may need more pages to provide comprehensive information required by the guidelines…
Once you have filled in the template, click Save As and save the assignment name and your last name. For example, “NR394_Milestone2_Template_Smith”. Submit to the Milestone 2 assignment page by 11:59 p.m. MT Sunday at the end of Week 4. Assignment: Transcultural Assessment Essay


Title: Milestone 2 (Fill in all the blanks in this section)
Your Name Individual’s Initials TJ
Your Instructor’s Name Date of Assignment
Individual’s Country of Birth and Cultural Background
Age Career/Profession

1. State the proposed date of the assessment which must be after Friday of Week 5. Describe the location of the assessment and how privacy/confidentiality will be maintained. Be specific. (20 points)
The assessment will be undertaken on 10/12/2019 at in the evening. It will take place at our clinic where there is guaranteed privacy during the assessment. The office of the social worker will be used since it will have been closed during this time. The office also has translucent curtains that make it difficult for people outside to see those in the room. The data will be confidential since I will be the only healthcare provider interacting with the client. There will be no people seeking services of a social worker during this time too.

2. Describe the process you will use for documenting your assessment and what steps you will take to ensure its accuracy. For example, do you plan to take notes and then ask the subject for verification, or do you plan to record the assessment in audio or video and then transcribe it? Be specific.(14 points)
The assessment findings will be audio-recorded. This will enable the assessor to replay any information that needs clarification. The assessor will also probe further in cases where he feels that the response is inadequate. The recorded information will then be transcribed to identify the common themes in the client’s experiences.

3. Identify three (3) categories from Appendix A in your text from which you will develop primary (and follow-up) questions for your assessment. The categories from which you may choose include:
• Biocultural Variations and Cultural Aspects of the Incidence of Disease
• Communication
• Cultural Affiliations
• Cultural Sanctions & Restrictions
• Developmental Considerations
• Economics
• Educational Background
• Health-Related beliefs and Practices
• Kinship and Social Networks
• Nutrition
• Religion and Spirituality
• Values Orientation

Type the names of the three categories you select in the table below in the column marked “Categories.”
4. Develop one open-ended primary question for each of the three categories. Please note that the questions should be in your own words and designed to elicit meaningful responses. Use the table to type each question next to its corresponding category. (60 points)
5. Develop two open-ended follow-up questions for each primary question. Type these next to the corresponding primary questions. Formulate questions that your individual will understand. Avoid “medical/nursing jargon.”(50 points) Assignment: Transcultural Assessment Essay
6. Indicate reasons for asking specific questions that relate to culture of origin. (50 points)
Categories Primary Question Related to Category Follow-up Questions for each primary question Indicate reasons for asking questions that are related to culture of. In other words, why are you asking the questions? How will knowing the answers inform your care of future patients from the same culture?

Name Category:
Educational Background Open question: tell me how your educational experience in your native country made you adapt to the US system.
Closed question: Did you study your area of specialization in your native country or the US?

1. Open question: share with me how your profession has enabled you fit into the US system.
2. Closed question: Do you think your professional area of specialization was relevant at your time of arrival to the US? Education is

Assignment Transcultural Assessment Essay
Assignment Transcultural Assessment Essay

one of the determinants of health. It is therefore important to assess the client’s educational background to know whether it has influenced his access to care in the state.
The emphasis placed on education determines aspects of healthcare such as uptake of healthcare interventions and adherence to the stated regime of care.
1. Open question: tell me about the type of education system that is practiced in your country of origin.
2. Closed question: Do the government provide any support to the students as they pursue their academic dreams?

Fill in Category
____health related beliefs and practices ___________
Primary Question
Open question
Tell me about your health beliefs and practices that influence your health.
Closed question
Do you have any religious practices that influence your uptake of healthcare interventions? Follow-up Question a.
Open question
Tell me about the health related values and beliefs that we should respect when providing care to you.
Closed question
Did you receive all the immunizations? Assignment: Transcultural Assessment Essay

Culture shapes individual health beliefs. The uptake of health-related behaviors and lifestyles is dependent on the influence of culture. Therefore, they should be explored and respected for optimum goals of care to be achieved. Culture also influences the uptake of services such as immunizations and family planning in some communities.

Some religious practices also influence patient’s healthcare beliefs. It is important to assess and clarify them for better health outcomes when working with patients from different cultural backgrounds.
Follow-up Question b.
Open question
Tell me about your religious affiliation and practices that relate to healthcare.
Closed question
Does your religion prohibit blood transfusion?

Fill in Category: nutrition
Primary Question
Open question
Tell me about your daily dietary intake routine and its components.
Closed question
How many meals do you take in a day? Follow-up Question a.
Open question
Tell me about the foods that you do not take and why?
Closed question
Do you think it is good to take a balanced diet?

The questions on nutrition are important since it helps understand the influence of culture on dietary choices of the client. It shows the nutritional status of not only the client but the whole family too.

The number and components of the meals are also important determinants of the health of the client. Inclusion of alcohol might affect the nutritional status of the client.
Follow-up Question b.
Open question
Tell me about you’re the dietary components of your bedtime meal
Closed question
Do you take alcohol?

Fill in Category: kinship and social networks
Primary Question
Open question
Tell me about your family structure and support system
Closed question
Do you feel that you are safe in your home? Follow-up Question a.
Open question
Tell me about your close family members

Closed question
Does your family help you in times of difficulties?

The kinship structure and relations is important in determining individual health in the society. Clients need support from their families to achieve their health needs.

Family safety also determines the health of individuals in the society. It provides them with a sense of belonging to the society and reduces their vulnerability to health problems such as depression and substance abuse.
Follow-up Question b.
Open question
Tell me about what helps you feel safe when at home
Closed question
Do you have a preferred person who can make decisions related to healthcare on your behalf?


The purpose of the Course Project is to give the student the opportunity to apply concepts in transcultural nursing by performing a transcultural nursing assessment. The purpose of Milestone 2 is to develop an assessment guide utilizing open-ended questions that will encourage participation by the individual.

Course Outcomes

The completion of the Course Project enables the student to meet the following Course Outcomes.

CO1: Identify theories, concepts, and beliefs related to transcultural nursing. (PO1)

CO2: Communicate effectively with culturally diverse individuals, families, and organizations. (PO3)

CO4: Perform a culturally competent nursing assessment. (PO3)


The entire project is worth 600 points. Milestone 2 is worth 225 points of this total.

Due Dates

You are to submit your completed NR394 Milestone 2 by Sunday, 11:59 p.m. MT, at the end of Week 4.

Requirements and Guidelines

Review the Course Outcomes for this assignment, which are listed above.
Read the Course Project Overview document located under the Modules Tab. Here you will find more details and helpful tips.
Research your individual\’s cultural background prior to developing questions. Think about the impact the culture of origin has on the individual\’s physical health; that is, what illnesses and conditions are prevalent in this culture? What are commonly held beliefs about health in the individual\’s culture of origin that could influence the individual\’s perception of healthcare and health practices in the current culture/community?
Refer to Appendix A in your text and select three (3) categories upon which you will concentrate for your assessment guide and questions. Thoroughly review each of the categories, and think about your individual.
D Develop an assessment guide and questions with specific initial and follow-up questions. Include questions that reflect a thorough understanding of the categories (Appendix A) that you selected about the influence culture may have on the individual\’s health and well-being.
Review the Differences Between Closed and Open-Ended Questions document (Links to an external site.). Use the suggestions as you formulate/propose your initial and follow-up questions.
Download the Milestone 2 assessment template (Links to an external site.) embedded in these guidelines.
Fill in information using the template. This does not require APA formatting; however, you are expected to write clearly and use proper grammar and spelling. The template is expandable to accommodate your typing.
Submit the completed template to the Milestone 2 assignment page by Sunday of Week 4 at 11:59 p.m. MT.
Prior to submission of Milestone 3, revise the Assessment Guide and Questions based on instructor feedback.
Contact your instructor if you have questions.
Note: Do not schedule the assessment to occur until after midnight on Friday of Week 5 to allow your instructor time to grade this Milestone unless you have obtained special permission from your instructor. Do not perform/conduct the assessment until after midnight on Friday of Week 5 for the same reason. If the individual\’s schedule requires that you conduct the assessment before this day and time, consult your instructor regarding early submission of Milestone 2 (Assessment Guide and Questions) to ensure that you receive comments and incorporate revisions/suggestions in your assessment. Make sure you obtain your instructor\’s permission before proceeding. Assignment: Transcultural Assessment Essay


Before preparing your assignment, please review this \”Crediting Sources Made Simple (Links to an external site.)\” resource. This tool is intended to help you understand scholarly writing, APA, referencing, and crediting. Please reach out to your instructor with any questions as you prepare your assignment.

**Academic Integrity**

Chamberlain College of Nursing values honesty and integrity. All students should be aware of the Academic Integrity policy and follow it in all discussions and assignments.

By submitting this assignment, I pledge on my honor that all content contained is my own original work except as quoted and cited appropriately. I have not received any unauthorized assistance on this assignment.

Please see the grading criteria and rubrics (Links to an external site.) on this page.

Note: Please use your browser\’s File setting to save or print this page.

NR394_Milestone 2
NR394_Milestone 2
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProposed Date and Location of Assessment
Proposed date and location of assessment are described. Location is appropriate for private, confidential communication.
20.0 pts
Thorough details include: Proposed date and location of assessment. Assessment location is appropriate to hold a private, confidential conversation.
18.0 pts
Brief details include: Proposed date and location of assessment. Location may not be appropriate to hold a private confidential conversation.
16.0 pts
Incomplete information is provided about the date and location of the assessment. No mention is made as to whether the location is appropriate for a private, confidential conversation.
8.0 pts
Date indicates plans to conduct assessment PRIOR to receiving feedback from instructor on Milestone 2.
0.0 pts
Date and/or location of assessment is not apparent, OR assessment was conducted prior to approval of questions by instructor.
20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAssessment Process
Describes the process that is planned to document ensure its accuracy.
15.0 pts
Thorough details include: Plans for documenting the assessment to ensure its accuracy, e.g., taking notes and later verifying with the subject, or taping and transcribing.
13.0 pts
Brief details include: Plans for documenting assessment and how accuracy will be ensured.
12.0 pts
Incomplete details include: Plans for documenting assessment and how accuracy will be ensured.
6.0 pts
States how assessment will be documented or how accuracy will be ensured but not both.
0.0 pts
Does not describe what process will be used to document assessment and how accuracy will be ensured.
15.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePrimary Questions
One primary question is derived from each of the three (3) different categories in the text, Appendix A. Specific category is named. Questions are open-ended. Primary questions should receive highest priority.
60.0 pts
Selects three (3) categories from Appendix A. Develops three, open-ended, primary questions, one each from three different categories. Questions are designed to: Elicit information about the individual’s cultural background. All questions are open-ended
53.0 pts
Selects three (3) categories from Appendix A. Develops three primary questions from three different categories. Questions are designed to: Elicit information about the individual’s cultural background. Two questions are open-ended.
48.0 pts
Selects three (3) categories from Appendix A. Develops three primary questions from three different categories. Questions are designed to: Elicit information about the individual’s cultural background. One question is open-ended.
23.0 pts
Selects three (3) categories from Appendix A. Questions do not pertain to the categories or are not related to the individual’s specific cultural background.
0.0 pts
No evidence that Appendix A was used to formulate questions.
60.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFollow-Up Questions
Two follow-up questions relate to each primary question and promote expansion of discussion. Follow-up questions are listed adjacent to the primary questions. Questions are open-ended.
50.0 pts
Develops two follow-up questions related to each primary question. . Follow-up questions: promote expansion of discussion, clearly identify the primary question to which they pertain, all are open-ended.
44.0 pts
Develops two follow-up questions related to each primary question. Follow-up questions: promote expansion of discussion, clearly identify the primary question to which they pertain, most are open-ended.
40.0 pts
Develops two follow-up questions related to each primary question. Follow-up questions: promote expansion of discussion, somewhat identify the primary question to which they pertain, few are open-ended.
19.0 pts
Develops two follow-up questions that are not related to each primary question. Or, questions do not promote expansion of discussion.
0.0 pts
Fails to develop follow-up questions.
50.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSpecifics and Importance of Questions
Indicates detailed reasons for asking specific questions and relates them to culture of origin. Why ask the questions? What do you anticipate learning? Assignment: Transcultural Assessment Essay
60.0 pts
Thoroughly states reasons for asking specific questions that are related to individual’s culture of origin.
53.0 pts
Generally states reasons for asking most of the questions but questions may not be closely related to individual’s culture of origin.
48.0 pts
Briefly states reasons for asking most of the questions but questions may not be closely related to individual’s culture of origin.
23.0 pts
Reasons for asking questions are not related to individual’s culture of origin.
0.0 pts
Does not state reasons for asking questions.
60.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMechanics
Template mechanics have correct formatting with minimal errors of the following: correct grammar and spelling using complete sentences that are clear to reader.
20.0 pts
Excellent mechanics formatting with minimal errors of the following: – correct grammar and spelling using complete sentences
18.0 pts
Good mechanics and formatting considering the elements listed in the first column.
16.0 pts
Fair mechanics and formatting considering the elements listed in the first column.
8.0 pts
Poor mechanics and formatting considering the elements listed in the first column.
0.0 pts
Very poor mechanics and formatting such that paper is difficult to read
20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTemplate Use
0.0 pts
0 points deducted
Correct template used. 0 points deducted
0.0 pts
20 points (10% ) lost
Incorrect template or No template used results in a loss of 20 points (10%) of all possible points.
0.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLate Deduction
0.0 pts
0 points
Submitted on time
0.0 pts
Not submitted on time – Points deducted
1 day late =11.25 deduction; 2 days=22.5 deduction; 3 days=33.75 deduction; 4 days =45 deduction; 5 days = 56.25 deduction; 6 days =67.5 deduction; 7 days =78.75 deduction; Score of 0 if more than 7 days late
0.0 pts. Assignment: Transcultural Assessment Essay

Assignment: Controlling Seizures

Assignment: Controlling Seizures

Assignment: Controling Seizures

which Lia, her parents, and her doctors would never recover. Lia’s parents, Foua and Nao Kao, were part of a large Hmong community in Merced, refugees from the “ Quiet War” in Laos. Her parents and doctors both wanted the best for Lia, but their ideas about the causes of her illness and its treatment were very different.

The Hmong see illness and healing as spiritual matters that are linked to virtually everything in the universe, but the U.S. medical community marks a division between body and soul and concerns itself almost exclusively with the former. Lia’s doctors attributed her seizures to the misfiring of her cerebral neurons; her parents called her illness “ qaug dab peg”—the spirit catches you and you fall down—and ascribed it to the wandering of her soul. The doctors prescribed anticonvulsants; her parents preferred animal sacrifices. The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down moves from hospital corridors to healing ceremonies, and from the hill country of Laos to the living rooms of Merced, uncovering in its path the complex sources and implications of two dramatically clashing worldviews. Assignment: Controlling Seizures


Lia’s doctors prescribed a complex regimen of medication designed to control her seizures. However, her parents believed that the epilepsy was a result of Lia “ losing her soul” and did not give her the medication as indicated because of the complexity of the drug therapy and the adverse side effects. Instead, they did everything logical in terms of their Hmong beliefs to help her. They took her to a clan leader and shaman, sacrificed animals, and bought expensive amulets to guide her soul’s return. Lia’s doctors believed that her parents were endangering her life by not giving her the medication, so they called child protective services, and Lia was placed in foster care. Lia was a victim of a misunderstanding between these two cultures that were both intent on saving her. The results were disastrous: a close family was separated, and Hmong community faith in Western doctors was shaken.

Lia was surrounded by people who wanted the best for her and her health. Unfortunately, the involved parties disagreed on the best treatment because they understood her epilepsy differently. The separate cultures of Lia’s caretakers had different concepts of health and illness. Assignment: Controlling Seizures

This example illustrates how culture and health influence each other and at times clash. To help ensure good care for diverse patients, health care providers must address cultural issues and respect the cultural values of each patient.

There are several issues to consider about this case:

How can health care providers prepare for situations like Lia’s?

Should child protective services have been contacted?

Were Lia’s parents irresponsible?

How did the parents’ belief system affect Lia’s health care?

Were the parents’ decisions morally and legally wrong?

You must proofread your paper. But do not strictly rely on your computer’s spell-checker and grammar-checker; failure to do so indicates a lack of effort on your part and you can expect your grade to suffer accordingly. Papers with numerous misspelled words and grammatical mistakes will be penalized. Read over your paper – in silence and then aloud – before handing it in and make corrections as necessary. Often it is advantageous to have a friend proofread your paper for obvious errors. Handwritten corrections are preferable to uncorrected mistakes.

Use a standard 10 to 12 point (10 to 12 characters per inch) typeface. Smaller or compressed type and papers with small margins or single-spacing are hard to read. It is better to let your essay run over the recommended number of pages than to try to compress it into fewer pages. Assignment: Controlling Seizures

Likewise, large type, large margins, large indentations, triple-spacing, increased leading (space between lines), increased kerning (space between letters), and any other such attempts at “padding” to increase the length of a paper are unacceptable, wasteful of trees, and will not fool your professor.

The paper must be neatly formatted, double-spaced with a one-inch margin on the top, bottom, and sides of each page. When submitting hard copy, be sure to use white paper and print out using dark ink. If it is hard to read your essay, it will also be hard to follow your argument.

Risk for Osteoporosis Assignment

Risk for Osteoporosis Assignment

Answer the following items using your own words, be objective and concise while being professional
1. During case presentation at your clinic, you are reviewing four women with predisposing factors for osteoporosis. Which patient is least likely to be at risk for osteoporosis?


A. Nehineza, an overweight African American female with family history of uterine cancer
B. Cristina, a Hispanic woman living a sedentary life
C. Park-Gim-Ka, an underweight Asian woman with a history of tobacco use
D. Skylar, a Caucasian woman experiencing early onset of menopause.
2. Densitometry results are given as T-scores, which values would be considered as osteopenia?
3. After prompt analysis of your patient, you decide to institute treatment for osteoporosis. Which class medication is considered as the first-line treatment? Are there any considerations to be taken prior starting therapy? Which recommendations would you provide to the patient regarding this treatment? Risk for Osteoporosis Assignment

Draft Clinical Scholarship Project [CSP] Introduction and Literature Review

Draft Clinical Scholarship Project [CSP] Introduction and Literature Review

Final Paper (Draft Clinical Scholarship Project [CSP] Introduction and Literature Review)

Instructions See APA, 7th Ed. (2020) manual for each section required in the paper (sections are bolded and underlined).

Paper formatting should be as recommended in the APA manual (except for the title page).

Source citation should be in APA format and studies published within the last five-years is recommended (older studies are acceptable if they are a classic reference, meaning the publication is the first or the foundation for other publications on the same topic).


Title Page See Graduate School recommendation for how to set the title page for doctoral work

(Appendix A).

No abstract needed at this time. Introduction (2-3 pages) [See APA (2020) p. 39 in the “format” section for how to start the introduction page.

Do NOT start this section with “Introduction” as the heading.] Draft Clinical Scholarship Project [CSP] Introduction and Literature Review

Description of the problem

o Start with background information: set the stage for why this is a problem, then include the problem statement

Describe the significance of the problem Last paragraph of this section should include: o Purpose of the project o EBP framework or model to be used to guide the study o Aim(s) of the project o Outcome measures of interest (primary and secondary) o Objectives or study question(s) Literature Review (Should be a subheading, centered, 5-6 pages) Note: Identify themes from the publications in an effort to organize the publications into a logical format. Do not use subheadings for the themes, rather, introduce the new theme in the first sentence of the first paragraph when you are switching themes. Also, be careful not to provide an annotated bibliography (i.e., each paragraph describes only one study).  Draft Clinical Scholarship Project [CSP] Introduction and Literature Review.Rather, comparing and contrasting publications on the same theme contributes to a thoughtful review of the literature. A minimum of 10 publications should be in this review draft. Describe the literature review process (introductory paragraph for this section) o Search engines used (at least three engines) o Key search terms and phrases (including Boolean operators) o Number of initial publications generated o Refined search with inclusion and exclusion criteria o Number of publications generated after refined search o Any other search methods (such as an ancestry method) and number of publications generated o Final number of publications selected for this literature review Provide an in-depth analysis of the current literature and evidence-based practices related to the problem o Key concepts, themes, similarities, differences, strengths, and weaknesses should be part of the literature review Explain the EBP framework or model selected to guide this project and why this was selected (second to last paragraph of this section) Summarize and synthesize the review of literature (last paragraph) o highlight what is known about the problem, identify any gaps in the literature, and reiterate the EBP framework to be used to guide the project

2 Appendix A Dissertation Sample Title Page Info in YELLOW is required, info in BLUE is optional, text in RED should be deleted from final doc. Title of Dissertation [Each significant word should be capitalized, titles in ALL CAPS will not be accepted] Johnny A. Appleseed M.Ed., Educational Administration, University of Missouri-St. Louis, 2003 B.S. Human Development and Family Studies, University of Missouri- Columbia, 1992 A Dissertation Submitted to The Graduate School at the University of Missouri-St. Louis in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Doctor of Philosophy in Education with an emphasis in Counseling May/August/December 2019 Month and Year of graduation Advisory Committee Committee Chairperson, Ph.D. Chairperson Committee Faculty Member 2, Ph.D. Committee Faculty Member 3, Ph.D. Committee Faculty Member 4, Ph.D. Copyright, Johnny A. Appleseed, 2004. Draft Clinical Scholarship Project [CSP] Introduction and Literature Review

Capstone Change Project Evaluation Plan Assignment

Capstone Change Project Evaluation Plan Assignment

Topic 7 DQ 1
Disseminating the results of evidence-based practice projects is important in nursing practice. The dissemination informs nurses about new practice interventions that can be adopted to improve care outcomes. Internal and external methods can be used to achieve the objective. The internal method that would be adopted to disseminate the results of the evidence-based practice project is the hospital board. A formal meeting will be held with the members of the board to inform them about the project results. Formal reports will be developed for sharing with the board members. The presentation will focus on aspects such as the project results, strengths, weaknesses, challenges experienced, and recommendations for future projects(Purtle et al., 2020). Focusing on the board is important, as it helps them determine if the project is desirable for an implementation to meet its stakeholder needs. Capstone Change Project Evaluation Plan Assignment


An external method of disseminating project results that would be adopted is scientific conferences. Conferences for healthcare providers, including nurses will be used in disseminating the project results. The conferences will provide an opportunity to reach an extensive audience and seek more input about ways of enhancing project effectiveness further. It is important to share project findings with both internal and external stakeholders to create awareness about the need for the project in the patient care process. Sharing also informs healthcare stakeholders about the cost-effectiveness and relevance of the project to their settings. It also allows them to provide their input on the interventions that can be adopted to optimize the project outcomes(Barnes-Daly et al., 2018). Communication strategies change when sharing the results with the internal and external stakeholders. The internal methods of sharing the project results may be too detailed to identify the critical organizational issues that influenced the outcomes. The external methods of sharing are brief, as it seeks to inform and stimulate interest among healthcare stakeholders.

Describe one internal and one external method for the dissemination of your evidence-based change proposal. For example, an internal method may be the hospital board, and an external method may be a professional nursing organization. Discuss why it is important to report your change proposal to both of these groups. How will your communication strategies change for each group?

Using 200-300 words APA format with at least two references. Sources must be published within the last 5 years. There should be a mix between research and your reflections. Add critical thinking in the posts along with research. Capstone Change Project Evaluation Plan Assignment

Dissemination of an Evidence-based Practice Project Proposal Assignment

Dissemination of an Evidence-based Practice Project Proposal Assignment

Assessment Descriiption
The dissemination of an evidence-based practice project proposal is an important part of the final project. Dissemination of your project to a local association or clinical site/practice informs important stakeholders of evidence-based interventions that can improve clinical practice and ultimately patient outcomes.
For this assignment, develop a professional presentation that could be disseminated to a professional group of your peers.


Develop a 12-15 slide PowerPoint detailing your evidence-based practice project proposal. Create speaker notes of 100-250 words for each slide. For the presentation of your PowerPoint, use Loom to create a voice-over or a video. Refer to the topic Resources for additional guidance on recording your presentation with Loom. Include an additional slide for the Loom link at the beginning and an additional slide for References at the end. Be sure to consider your personal demeanor and tone during the recorded presentation.
Include the following in your presentation:
1. Introduction (include PICOT statement)
2. Organizational Culture and Readiness
3. Problem Statement and Literature Review
4. Change Model, or Framework
5. Implementation Plan
6. Evaluation Plan
7. Conclusion
You are required to cite a minimum of six peer-reviewed sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and nursing content. Dissemination of an Evidence-based Practice Project Proposal Assignment