DNP 810 Evidence-based Practice for Quality Improvement

DNP 810 Evidence-based Practice for Quality Improvement

Module 4 Discussion

You are a DNP graduate who is functioning in an education position in a large teaching medical center that is university-affiliated. You are concerned that the IV catheter insertion technique and orientation program currently being used with new registered nurses is not as effective as other methods.


How would you perform a systematic review of the evidence on this subject?

How would you design a new clinical practice guideline for the facility once the systematic review is complete? DNP 810 Evidence-based Practice for Quality Improvement


GCU UNV104 Full Course

GCU UNV104 Full Course

GCU UNV104 Full Course. DQ1 In this topic, you are required to begin the development of your expository essay by completing several brainstorming techniques.

Please review Topic 1: Study Materials and locate “Invention: Finding Your Ideas” and then share with your classmates two brainstorming techniques that you found helpful. In addition, explain why you found these helpful and how it relates to information literacy and the writing process.

DQ2 Considering the resources and readings assigned to you this week, give a brief overview of Information Literacy in your own words. Include in your response, the process of information literacy and challenges that college students may face in becoming information literate.



UNV104 21st Century Skills: Communication and Information Literacy

Week 2 Discussion

DQ1 The topic resource and readings have reviewed the reasons and importance of using online GCU Library resources in your research. Using examples from the Course Materials, explain why it is important to use scholarly, peer reviewed resources retrieved from the online GCU Library vs. a general Internet search. In those instances where you need to do a search on the Internet, what guidelines should you follow? Why?

DQ2 Review the reading strategies on pages 70-73 in the textbook. Apply one of the reading strategies towards one of the peer-reviewed articles you chose in the Topic 1 Brainstorming Worksheet. After reading your article, select a sentence that supports your essay topic. Format this sentence into a direct quote and include an in-text citation. Then, paraphrase the quote and include an in-text citation. In addition, include a reference citation at the end of your response. GCU UNV104 Full Course


UNV104 21st Century Skills: Communication and Information Literacy

Week 3 Discussion

DQ1 This week, you will be creating an organized blueprint of your plans for the essay by creating a thesis statement.

The thesis statement for this type of essay is called a mapped thesis statement and should be one sentence in length. All three supporting paragraph subtopics should be present within it and listed at the end of the statement.

Please post your proposed thesis statement as your response to this DQ (no need to meet the word count for this response). We will be working together as a class to approve and/or revise the thesis statements.

For this DQ response:

1. List the main topic/question you selected in Topic 1 for the brainstorming worksheet:

2. List three subtopics:

3. List your proposed thesis statement exactly as you would like it to appear in your paper. Remember, your thesis statement will be located at the end of your introductory paragraph. Make sure your thesis statement lists three subtopics clearly and is written in third person:


1. Topic: Freshman year academic success

2. Subtopics: Goal setting, Time Management, Motivation

3. Thesis: Freshman year academic success has been proven to be achieved through goal setting, time management, and motivation.

DQ2 Explore the LopesWrite Technical Support page, and answer the following questions: 1) what is the purpose of the LopesWrite report; 2) why is it important to review your report and similarity score before hitting the final submission option; and 3) what are some possible consequences of not checking your LopesWrite report?


UNV104 21st Century Skills: Communication and Information Literacy

Week 4 Discussion

DQ1 Read the two articles and view the video provided below.

After reviewing all three resources, use your own words to discuss some implications of being accused of plagiarism in the professional world or in your chosen career.

Within your response, include a paraphrased statement from at least two of the sources to support your thoughts.  Be sure to include their appropriate in-text citations.

Article and Video Links:

Barry, D., Barstow, D., Glater, J. D., Liptak, A., & Steinberg, J. (2003). Correcting the record: Times reporter who resigned leaves long trail of deception. New York Times, 11. Retreived from

The Jayson Blair story: Favoritism and plagiarism at The New York Times [Video file]. (2003). In Films On Demand. Retrieved from

SPJ Code of Ethics. (2014, September 6). Retrieved June 12, 2017, from

DQ2 When someone’s writing is not focused, clear, and precise the message is often lost or confusing. To succeed in today’s competitive, professional world you must be able to communicate effectively; especially through writing.

Describe a situation (real or fictional) where not having a focused message in your writing could lead to a problem or poor outcome. Describe how you can use the writing process to ensure your writing is focused and effective. GCU UNV104 Full Course


UNV104 21st Century Skills: Communication and Information Literacy

Week 5 Discussion

DQ1 In this course you have been introduced to many different types of resources to help you become a good writer at the college level. What resources did you use prior to taking this course to help you with the research and/or writing process? What new resource(s) have you found most helpful? Please explain.

DQ2 Identify challenges that may be present in the online classroom communication such as the nonverbal and auditory cues? What are some strategies we can use to overcome these obstacles?


UNV104 21st Century Skills: Communication and Information Literacy

Week 6 Discussion

DQ1 Review your first draft, instructor feedback, LopesWrite feedback, and course materials. Provide three successful strategies you will use in preparing your final draft. Why did you select these strategies? Do you have any questions as you prepare for your final draft this week?

DQ2 Explain why going through the writing process steps improves the quality of writing. What did you find most difficult about the writing process?


UNV104 21st Century Skills: Communication and Information Literacy

Week 7 Discussion

DQ1 Choose one of the required or optional readings assigned this week (go to Dashboard >> Path >> Topic 7 >> Study Materials to find optional readings). Discuss the importance of effective communication; support your response by integrating paraphrased information from at least one of the required or optional readings assigned this week.

Give the title of the reading chosen and a brief explanation of why you chose it.

Explain the importance of effective communication. (Do this by paraphrasing from the resource. Remember to include an in-text citation.)

List the full APA citation for the source you chose.

DQ2 In using the GCU Online Library, please research an article within your program of study (POS) or career field that is current (within the last 5 years). Provide a brief summary of the article, and discuss why this article appealed to you and how it is relevant to your POS or career field. If there were any questions that arose from the reading, please include them as well.

Please provide proper GCU Style referencing format, include in-text citation, as well as the permalink to the article.


UNV104 21st Century Skills: Communication and Information Literacy

Week 1 Assignment  

Brainstorming and Beginning Research Worksheet

Access and complete the “Brainstorming and Beginning Research Worksheet” assignment.

To assist you with this assignment, be sure to review the “The Writing Process” media; this is a great resource for you to use as you create your essay throughout the course.

Access and complete the “Brainstorming and Beginning Research” worksheet. This assignment will walk you through the writing process steps of choosing a topic, brainstorming techniques, research strategies, and research. GCU UNV104 Full Course

Submit the completed assignment to the final assignment drop box by the end of Topic 1 (Sunday, by 11:59pm, Arizona Time).





Expository Essay: Brainstorming and Beginning Research

Before you begin any writing assignment, it is often necessary to complete several “pre-writing” activities necessary for completing your expository essay including selecting a topic, brainstorming, research strategies, and research. Follow the instructions to complete these pre-writing activities. Make sure you complete all sections of this worksheet.

Part 1: Select a Topic – Pick One

Below are lists of essay topics to use for the expository essay please highlight/bold your topic choice so your instructor will know your selection.

1.            Three services Veterans need to successfully return to civilian life

2.            Three characteristics of good leaders

3.            Three ways bullying can negatively impact children

4.            Three ways technology can impact communication

5.            Three issues found in a large classroom

6.            Three services the Christian church can provide the community

Part 2: Brainstorming Strategies

Read: Topic 1 Lecture.

Review: “Invention: Finding Your Ideas” section of “The Writing Process” media piece:

Complete: In box 1, use the brainstorming method of “Free Writing”.

Brainstorm Method: Free Writing:

Set a timer for 10 minutes and complete your free write brainstorm activity in this box to show your work.

Part 3: Research Strategies – Key Words & Phrases

Step 1: Pull keywords that were generated from your brainstorming activity in part 2.  These keywords need to pertain to the topic selected from part 1.

Step 2: Combine keywords to come up with Boolean search terms. Boolean Search Possibilities: Boolean search terms utilize AND phrases and is covered on page 15 of the course eBook.

An example table is provided below to demonstrate how you should complete this. Please do not use any part of the example as part of your own table.


Example Tables

Keywords pulled from brainstorming         Boolean: Phrases from Keywords

1. Online Learning            1. Online Learning AND Education

2. Student Success            2. Online Learning AND Student Success

Keywords pulled from brainstorming

Boolean: Phrases with Keywords – Boolean search terms utilize AND phrases. This is covered on page 15 of the course eBook

1.            1.

2.            2.

3.            3.

Part 4: Define Sub-topics

State three potential sub-topics you want to write about based on the topic you selected in Part 1. Subtopics are the main ideas you plan to use to explain your chosen topic. GCU UNV104 Full Course

1.            Sub-topic 1:

2.            Sub-topic 2:

3.            Sub-topic 3:

Part 5: Navigating the GCU Online Library

Overview: The GCU Library will be a vital resource for you during your academic career. The Library contains a wealth of resources that will help you find, research, and broaden your understanding on any given topic. Learning to correctly use resources to support your writing is an essential component of your academic success.

Before starting this section, review the short walk-through tutorial on the GCU Library.


UNV104 21st Century Skills: Communication and Information Literacy

Week 2 Assignment 

Reading Strategies and Annotated Reference List Assignment

Using your preferred reading strategy, read through three articles you plan to use as references in your Expository Essay. You will then complete the assignment, which in return, will also help you prepare citations for you to include within your essay.

Review the Topic 2 readings and resources.

Access and complete the “Annotated Reference List” worksheet.

Submit the completed assignment to the final assignment drop box by the end of Topic 2 (Sunday, by 11:59pm, Arizona Time). GCU UNV104 Full Course

Diagnosing Integumentary Disorders Discussion

Diagnosing Integumentary Disorders Discussion



A 46-year-old male presents to the office complaining of a pruritic skin rash that has been present for a few weeks. He initially noted the rash on his feet, but it then spread to between the fingers, his wrist, and waist. He notes that it does not seem to be on his face or trunk. He recently came home from a trip to Florida where he had stayed in multiple hotels. He takes occasional ibuprofen for knee pain, but denies taking other medications or having other health problems. He has no known drug allergies. The physical examination reveals a male with several tiny vesicles and scales in between the fingers, on the feet and ankles, around the patient’s wrist and around the belt line.


Picture of a hand that is covered in a pruritic skin rash between the fingers, which covers the wrist. The rash does not uniformly cover the hand and is scaly in some areas.

  • reflect on the provided patient information including history and physical exams.
  • Think about a differential diagnosis. Consider the role the patient’s history and physical exam played in your diagnosis.
  • Reflect on potential treatment options based on your diagnosis. Diagnosing Integumentary Disorders Discussion

Psychological Resilience Research Paper

Psychological Resilience Research Paper


Recall what you have learned in the program thus far related to stress effects on the mental and physical body as well as what resilience is. Discuss why it is important to build psychological resilience in yourself in order to best meet the needs of your patients.  Psychological Resilience Research Paper


Write a 4–5 page paper addressing the following:

  1. What are the physical and mental effects of stress?
  2. What is psychological resilience, and why is it so important? (consider pathophysiology and coping skills)
  3. As a PMHNP, why is it important to build psychological resilience in yourself in order to best meet the needs of your patients?
  4. On a personal note, discuss a healthy coping mechanism that you have in place that will guide you to set healthy boundaries between work and home life as well as cope with stressful cases.
  5. What areas of improvement will you set as goals for yourself to work on for your own psychological resilience

Review article before completing the assignment


Walden NURS3100 All Assignments

Walden NURS3100 All Assignments

NURS3100 Issues/Trends in Nursing

Week 1 Assignment 1

1: Technology Contingency Plan

Professionals Learning online will put you into contact with a number of new
technologies. Some of the tools that you will use will be easy to understand
and even fun to engage with, but you may also encounter technology that you
find frustrating. Technology can and does enhance learning, and technology also
can cause many distractions. In this Assignment, you will view the Creating a
Technology Backup Plan media located in this week’s Learning Resources and
complete the Technology Contingency Plan worksheet.

To prepare

View the
Creating a Technology Backup Plan video (Laureate Education, 2014), provided in
this week’s Learning Resources.

View the
Assignment 1 Rubric to guide you in completing your Assignment.

Access the Technology Contingency Plan worksheet in this week’s resources.



the Technology Contingency Plan worksheet.

By Day 7

Submit your
Technology Contingency Plan worksheet. Walden NURS3100 All Assignments

NURS3100 Issues/Trends in Nursing

Week 1 Assignment 2

2: Journal: Observe, Process, Reflect

Glasses and
PenThe objective of the Journal Assignment is to provide you with a private
place to think on the page; “thinking on the page” is a phrase used
to describe writing as a form of thinking. Some of us process our thoughts out
loud as we describe them to others. In an academic environment, you will be
asked to record your ideas in writing (“thinking on the page”) to
show the new knowledge that you’ve acquired through reading and listening to
the resources and completing the assignments. The Journal is not formal
writing, and only you and your Instructor will see the Journal Assignment.
These assignments are meant to be free writing, but you should revise before

As you
write, think about the audience to whom you are writing and the difference
between personal writing and scholarly writing. Your journal writing falls into
the category of personal writing and should be approached in that way. Think of
the Journal as an academic reflection space.

To prepare

Review the
Week 1 Assignment 2 Rubric, provided in the Course Information area.

Think about
the feelings you have had as you prepared to return to school for your BSN.

Think about
the material you encountered in the course this week and consider one aspect of
the classroom resources (Assignments, Discussions, or assigned readings) that
surprised you. Be sure to think about why the material interested you as a

Set a timer
(on the stove, a clock, or on your phone) and write for 10 minutes without

You may
find it helpful to use the following format as a guide for your Journal

Describe the week’s content and resources as if you are writing to a person who
has not seen, heard, or observed them. Walden NURS3100 All Assignments

Answer the question, “What does this content or topic mean?”

Answer the question, “What is the value of understanding this

By Day 7

Submit a
minimum 150-word Journal Assignment. Journal about one aspect of the classroom
resources (Assignments, Discussions, or assigned readings) that surprised you.
Make sure to describe why the material interested you as a thinker. You can
also include your thoughts about returning to school, including your
excitement, anxieties, and any concerns.

Assignment is for you to share your feelings. There are no rules, and you will
not be graded on your writing.

NURS3100 Issues/Trends in Nursing

Week 2 Assignment 1

1: Journal: Time Management (Observe, Process, Reflect)

Glasses and
PenReturning to school to earn your next degree is a wonderful goal, and
balancing family, work, and school can seem daunting. Often when focusing on
one task, you lose track of others. That is why it is important to have a plan
for stepping out of your other roles and into your new role as student. We all
have multiple roles in life. Being engaged in your classwork requires you to
plan, prioritize, and create a space in which learning takes place.

For this
assignment, you consider how to address distractions you might encounter as a
student at Walden.

To prepare

Review the
Week 2 Assignment 1 Rubric, provided in the Course Information area.

the Time Management Tracking Table listed in the Time Management Tool Kit.

Read or
view at least one additional resource listed in the Time Management Tool Kit
based upon your specific needs.

Set a timer
(on the stove, a clock, or on your phone) and write for 10 minutes without

By Day 7

Submit a
minimum 150-word Journal Assignment. Journal about one aspect of the classroom
resources (Assignments, Discussions, or assigned readings) that surprised you.
Additionally, journal about one or both of the options below:

Option 1

concerns do you have about managing distractions and obtaining the support you
need to be successful? Include how you plan to make certain that you have
support, and how you will take personal responsibility for your own success.


Option 2

What study
rituals are you putting in place, and how will these rituals help you focus and
decrease distractions? Share your plan to develop rituals to help you
transition into the role of Walden student.

Assignment is for you to share your feelings. There are no rules, and you will
not be graded on your writing. Walden NURS3100 All Assignments

NURS3100 Issues/Trends in Nursing

Week 2 Assignment 2

2: Improving Writing: The “Grammarly” Report

Grammarly is
a writing enhancement platform that helps make you a better writer by
correcting more than 250 grammatical mistakes, while also catching contextual
spelling errors and poor vocabulary usage. All you have to do is submit your
work—and Grammarly will work its magic!

For this
Assignment, you will practice using Grammarly by submitting your Week 1
Discussion posts to the Grammarly platform.

To prepare

Review the
Grading Rubric for Week 2 Assignment 2 provided in the Course Information area.

Review the
following documents to guide you (found at the end of the submission

Report Instructions (PDF)

Copy and
Paste (PDF)

Review the
tutorial Grammarly: Accessing Grammarly (Walden University, n.d.-f) from this
week’s Learning Resources.

Access the
Grammarly Student Login website and follow the instructions for creating a free
Grammarly student account. (A link to Grammarly is found at the end of these

Access your
Discussion posts from Week 1. You may find it helpful to copy and paste it into
a word processing document (such as in Microsoft Word).

Submit your
Word Document that contains the Week 1 Discussion to Grammarly.

Submit your work to Grammarly no later than Day 4 due to occasional turn-around
delays from Grammarly.

Document: Grammarly Report Instructions (PDF)


Once you
receive you Grammarly Report back regarding your Week 1 Discussion post, upload
your Grammarly Report for grading using the Assignment submission link.

Please save
your Assignment using the following naming convention: WK2Assgn2+last
name+first initial.

NURS3100 Issues/Trends in Nursing

Week 3 Assignment 1

1: Impact of Nurses On Health Care Quality

It is
important for nurses to stay abreast of current issues and trends in our field.
Use this opportunity to develop or enhance your expertise on your chosen topic.

Assignment introduces you to the Walden Library. The Library is an invaluable
resource for discovering nursing and health care–related databases and
professional articles. Practice and refine your paraphrasing skills.

To prepare

Review the
Week 3 Assignment 1 Rubric, provided in the Course Information area.

Review the
AWE Checklist and Additional Resources for your Assignment:

1000 AWE
Level Assignment Template

Reference and Citations

Walden SafeAssign and Academic Integrity Online Tutorial, provided in this
week’s Learning Resources.

Use the
1000 AWE Level Assignment Template found in the Resources for this week to
complete your Assignment.

this week’s Writing Resources and Program Success Tools, and specifically:

Use Google
Scholar to search for articles related to the topic you selected. Link Google
Scholar to the Walden Library using the instructions provided. Walden NURS3100 All Assignments

Search for
articles related to the topic you selected using the Nursing Databases of the
Walden Library.

Use the
Walden Library to research the impact of nursing on healthcare quality as
viewed through the Magnet professional practice model. Select one current
(published within the last 5 years) research article on this topic to address.
This week’s Library Learning Resources will guide you through your database

Response Assignment

Write a
one-page summary and response to the article that you selected from the Walden
Library. A template is provided in the Learning Resources to guide you in
formatting your paper.

As you
reflect on the findings in your chosen article, consider how the findings
compare to your own professional nursing experience with Magnet, or, if you
have no personal experience with Magnet, your thoughts concerning Magnet:

and integrate information from the article into paper.

Include an
introduction, body, and a summary (conclusion).

factors or principles from the article that hold true for or resonate with you.

this week’s Writing Center Course Resources to guide you through the process of
paraphrasing and referencing evidence from your article. Review the AWE
Checklist, Weeks 1–3, to see where you should be concerning your writing
abilities. The Week 3 Assignment Rubric will keep you on track. Use Grammarly
to check your writing for errors before submitting your Assignment.

Have fun
writing your first paper!

NURS3100 Issues/Trends in Nursing

Week 3 Assignment 2

Promise to
Practice by Walden’s Code for Academic Integrity

As a nurse,
the Nurses’ Code of Ethics is a foundational guide as you practice your
professional obligations with integrity and ideals. This assignment allows you
build on those nursing ethics as they pertain to your academic work and

As a
university student, you are bound by Walden’s Code of Conduct. An important
aspect of the Code of Conduct is maintaining academic integrity which includes
avoiding plagiarism. Here you will familiarize yourself with a portion of
Walden’s Code of Conduct called Academic Integrity. You are asked to
acknowledge that you have read the Academic Integrity expectations of the Code
to uphold your HIGHEST standards in your student practice as you already do in
your nursing practice.

To prepare

Go to the
Student Handbook found at

Click on
Student Expectations and Responsibilities and

Choose Code
of Conduct and click on it. Scroll down the page and please review number 4
Academic Integrity and the following topics that are covered:


Misuse of Their Own Scholarly Work


False Information



Fill in the
attached template document Promise to Practice With Academic Integrity by
typing your initials and name into the provided blank spaces. Walden NURS3100 All Assignments

NURS3100 Issues/Trends in Nursing

Week 4 Assignment

Quality Nursing (Part 1 of 2)

Welcome to
Part 1 of this assignment!

Quality Nurses
use Quality Indicators (QIs) for several purposes. QIs highlight potential
quality concerns, identify areas that need further study and investigation, and
track changes over time. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
QIs include Prevention Quality Indicators, Inpatient Quality Indicators,
Patient Safety Indicators, and Pediatric Quality Indicators (Agency for
Healthcare Research and Quality, n.d.). You will use these quality indicators
within your Assignment.

Assignment also takes you back to the Walden Library. The Library is an
invaluable resource for discovering nursing and health care–related databases
and professional articles. Continue to practice and refine your writing skills.
Learn how to use APA in-text citations and references. Use the Grammarly
program—it is an invaluable writing tool to enhance your work.

subsequent weeks, you will continue working in this substantive area.

To prepare

Review the
Week 4 Assignment Rubric, provided in the Course Information area.

Review the
AWE Checklist and Additional Resources for your Assignment:

AWE Level Assignment Template

References and Citations

Review this
week’s Writing Resources and Program Success Tools. Revisit the Writing
Resources and Program Success Tools from Weeks 1 through 3 as needed. Focus on
the QIs at

Choose a QI
related to a nursing topic of interest to you. Think about the ways in which
following and measuring this crucial health data improve effectiveness and
efficiency in your nursing practice. Consider any points that relate your
selected topic to the journey ahead in your nursing career.

Find two
articles in the Walden Library to support your scholarly opinion in your paper.


Use the
Walden Writing Center guidelines titled “Writing a Paper” and “Scholarly
Writing: Overview” to do the following:

Draft a 2-
to 3-page paper describing your selected QI in general, and then describe how
this QI has the potential to improve the quality, safety, and outcomes of your
patients and their families.

the current data available and leadership’s goal for improvement.

Draft a
solution using 2 sources from professional and scholarly literature to support
your proposal.

Use the
2000/3000 AWE Level Assignment Template in the resources for this week to
complete your Assignment.

Use in-text
citations to support your paper. Use essay-level writing skills, including the
use of transitional material and organizational frames.

Before you
submit your final paper for grading, submit it to a Safe Assign Draft in
Academic Integrity. Use the information provided in the Originality Report
(Walden University, n.d.-c) to revise your paper. Paraphrasing and citing your
sources in-text will decrease the similarity score. Go to Academic Integrity to
learn how to interpret your originality score. Revise your paper before
submitting it to Week 4 Assignment within the course.

Safe Assign
provides feedback to students on their use of source material using the world’s
largest content comparison database. Safe Assign highlights original writing
and instances of proper citation. Later in Week 6, you will learn the
importance of understanding plagiarism and the concept of originality. Safe
Assign is also found in Academic Integrity.

By Day 7

Submit both
your revised paper and the Safe Assign report.

NURS3100 Issues/Trends in Nursing

Week 5 Assignment

Maintaining Academic Integrity by Avoiding Plagiarism

In Week 3,
you reviewed the Academic Integrity portion of Walden’s Code of Conduct and
signed a Promise to Practice According to Walden’s Code for Academic Integrity.
As a nurse, you are empowered by practicing with the HIGHEST standards in both
your nursing and academic writing practices.

This week,
you will learn about plagiarism and ways to strengthen your academic writing
integrity. As a future nurse scholar-practitioner, you want to have the
skill-set to successfully propose changes for quality and safety in healthcare.
Your integrity in the collection and sharing of this evidence is foundational
to successfully support your propositions to change practice.

You want to
be adequately prepared to successfully propose changes for quality and safety
in healthcare. Your integrity in the collection and sharing of this evidence is
foundational to successfully support your propositions to change practice.

According to the Walden Writing Center (2017), plagiarism is when an author represents
someone else’s intellectual property as his or her own work. Authors are most
commonly at risk of plagiarizing when they fail to adequately cite the original
source material from which they took words and ideas. Plagiarism can occur in
many forms and can range from a lack of citations to incorrect paraphrasing or
actual direct copy and pasting of a source’s phrasing into another author’s own
paper. (para 1) Walden NURS3100 All Assignments

Key ways to avoid plagiarizing are as follows:

Paraphrase your sources. Paraphrasing means rewriting your source’s content into your own words
and NOT using direct quotes or cutting and pasting from sources.

Synthesize the reading material. Throughout your program, focus on synthesizing more than
paraphrasing. Thus, by graduation, you will be at the point where you can
collect all pertinent sources for evidence, read and think about the material,
and then synthesize those readings into your OWN words. Again, this process
does NOT include the use of direct quotes.

Write with the same level of integrity as you practice your nursing obligations. Cheating
is taken seriously at Walden and consequences include expulsion from the
program. As a BSN student, avoid plagiarism in your assignments in the
following ways.

Do not use
direct quotes.

that academic writing is about putting forth scholarly opinions in your own
words. Provide proof of those opinions by paraphrasing and synthesizing
material from scholarly research and professional experts. Throughout the
program, focus on synthesizing more than paraphrasing so by graduation you will
be at the point where you can collect all pertinent sources of evidence, read
and think about the material, and then synthesize those readings into your own
words. This process does not include the use of direct quotes. Walden NURS3100 All Assignments

Give credit
to someone else’s ideas and writings by citing and referencing in APA style.

Upload all
of your assignments to Safe Assign Drafts prior to submitting them for grading.

To Prepare:

Read the
Writing Center’s section on Plagiarism found at

The Writing
Center has developed a Plagiarism Checklist to assist students in
double-checking their work and scholarship practices to avoid plagiarism.
Download the plagiarism checklist below and use it for each assignment to
establish good academic integrity practices!

Read the
Writing Center’s section on Paraphrasing and watch the video on Paraphrasing
found at

Read the
Writing Center’s section on Synthesizing and watch the video on Synthesizing
found at


In this Assignment, a) describe how you will avoid plagiarism in your submitted
assignments; and b) discuss how paraphrasing and synthesizing professional
literature strengthens your future nurse scholar-practitioner practice.

NURS3100 Issues/Trends in Nursing

Week 6 Assignment 1

1: Quality Nursing (Part 2 of 2)

Welcome to
Week 6, the final week of this 2-part assignment!

Quality As
you learned in previous weeks, effectiveness and efficiency are improved in
your nursing practice by following and measuring Quality Indicators (QIs). In
Week 4 you learned how quality, safety, and outcomes are vastly improved by
monitoring and adjusting nursing practice for QIs.

You have
learned many new skills as well! You learned to utilize the Walden Library,
Grammarly, and Safe Assign; to cite articles using APA in-text citations; and
to summarize your colleagues’ work. Give yourself a “pat on the back”!

In this
Week 6 Assignment, you revisit your paper one last time. This Assignment gives
you the opportunity to thoroughly review your paper and incorporate your
instructor’s feedback that you received in Week 4. You will also learn more
about the “Safe Assign” program.

When it comes to writing, “practice makes perfect.” Enjoy the practice!

To prepare

Review the Week 6 Assignment Rubric from the Course Information area.

Review the AWE Checklist and Additional Resources for your Assignment:

AWE Level Assignment Template

References and Citations

Review your
Week 4 Assignment (Quality Nursing: Part 1) and the feedback that you received
from your instructor (both within the paper and in the gradebook comments).

Review the
Week 5 Summary (Quality Nursing: Part 2) of your assignment by your fellow

Review “Q.
How Do I Proofread or Revise?” (Walden University, n.d.-k) from this week’s
Writing Resources and Program Success Tools.

Use the
2000/3000 AWE Level Assignment Template to complete your Assignment.

Revision of Quality Nursing Paper

Revise your
paper as needed to reflect the feedback that you received from your instructor
within the paper and in the gradebook comments.

Compose a
paragraph about what you learned from writing and rewriting the Week 4 and Week
6 Assignments. For example, did you learn how to become a more organized
writer; are you more adept at accessing Library resources; do you have a better
understanding of how to cite resources using APA Style? This paragraph should be inserted before the
conclusion paragraph (see the Assignment Template in your Week 4 Learning
Resources for assistance in placement). Walden NURS3100 All Assignments

Do not
submit your revised paper to the SafeAssign Draft area of the course this week
unless you have made major revisions to your paper. SafeAssign will recognize
your Week 4 draft and give you a high SafeAssign Score. Thus, if you are
satisfied with the integrity of your Assignment, submit it for grading.

NURS3100 Issues/Trends in Nursing

Week 6 Assignment 2

2: Journal: Observe, Process, and Reflect

Glasses and
PenAs mentioned in Week 1 Assignment 2, the objective of the Journal Assignment
is to provide you with a private place to “think on the page.” As a reminder,
the Journal is not formal writing, and only you and your Instructor will see
your Journal Assignment. Although these assignments are meant to be free
writing, you should revise before submitting.

As you
write, think about the audience to whom you are writing and the difference
between personal writing and scholarly writing. Your Journal writing falls into
the category of personal writing and should be approached in that way. Think of
the Journal as an academic reflection space.

To prepare

Review the
Week 6 Assignment 2 Rubric from the Course Information area.

Review the
information about how to complete Journal Assignments.

Think about
the feelings you have experienced while completing your first BSN course.

Reflect on
your goals and think about how you plan to achieve them.

Think about
the material you encountered in the course this week and consider one aspect of
the classroom resources (Assignments, Discussions, or assigned readings) that
surprised you. Be sure to think about why the material interested you as a

Set a timer
(on the stove, a clock, or on your phone) and write for 10 minutes without

You may
find it helpful to use the following format as a guide for your Journal

Describe the week’s content and resources as if you are writing to a person who
has not seen, heard, or observed them.

Answer the question, “What does this content or topic mean?”

Answer the question, “What is the value of understanding this material?”

Assignment is for you to share your feelings. There are no rules, and you will
not be graded on your writing.

By Day 7

Submit a
minimum 150-word Journal Assignment. How do you feel about completing your
first BSN course? What are your goals, and how do you plan to achieve them? Walden NURS3100 All Assignments

NURS3100 Issues/Trends in Nursing

Week 1 Assignment 1

1: Technology Contingency Plan

Professionals Learning online will put you into contact with a number of new
technologies. Some of the tools that you will use will be easy to understand
and even fun to engage with, but you may also encounter technology that you
find frustrating. Technology can and does enhance learning, and technology also
can cause many distractions. In this Assignment, you will view the Creating a
Technology Backup Plan media located in this week’s Learning Resources and
complete the Technology Contingency Plan worksheet.

To prepare

View the
Creating a Technology Backup Plan video (Laureate Education, 2014), provided in
this week’s Learning Resources.

View the
Assignment 1 Rubric to guide you in completing your Assignment.

Access the
Technology Contingency Plan worksheet in this week’s resources.


the Technology Contingency Plan worksheet.

By Day 7

Submit your
Technology Contingency Plan worksheet.

NURS3100 Issues/Trends in Nursing

Week 1 Assignment 2

2: Journal: Observe, Process, Reflect

Glasses and
Pen The objective of the Journal Assignment is to provide you with a private
place to think on the page; “thinking on the page” is a phrase used
to describe writing as a form of thinking. Some of us process our thoughts out
loud as we describe them to others. In an academic environment, you will be
asked to record your ideas in writing (“thinking on the page”) to
show the new knowledge that you’ve acquired through reading and listening to
the resources and completing the assignments. The Journal is not formal
writing, and only you and your Instructor will see the Journal Assignment.
These assignments are meant to be free writing, but you should revise before

As you
write, think about the audience to whom you are writing and the difference
between personal writing and scholarly writing. Your journal writing falls into
the category of personal writing and should be approached in that way. Think of
the Journal as an academic reflection space. Walden NURS3100 All Assignments

To prepare

Review the
Week 1 Assignment 2 Rubric, provided in the Course Information area.

Think about
the feelings you have had as you prepared to return to school for your BSN.

Think about
the material you encountered in the course this week and consider one aspect of
the classroom resources (Assignments, Discussions, or assigned readings) that
surprised you. Be sure to think about why the material interested you as a

Set a timer
(on the stove, a clock, or on your phone) and write for 10 minutes without

You may
find it helpful to use the following format as a guide for your Journal

Describe the week’s content and resources as if you are writing to a person who
has not seen, heard, or observed them.

Answer the question, “What does this content or topic mean?”

Answer the question, “What is the value of understanding this

By Day 7

Submit a
minimum 150-word Journal Assignment. Journal about one aspect of the classroom
resources (Assignments, Discussions, or assigned readings) that surprised you.
Make sure to describe why the material interested you as a thinker. You can
also include your thoughts about returning to school, including your
excitement, anxieties, and any concerns.

Assignment is for you to share your feelings. There are no rules, and you will
not be graded on your writing.

NURS3100 Issues/Trends in Nursing

Week 2 Assignment 1

1: Journal: Time Management (Observe, Process, Reflect)

Glasses and
PenReturning to school to earn your next degree is a wonderful goal, and
balancing family, work, and school can seem daunting. Often when focusing on
one task, you lose track of others. That is why it is important to have a plan
for stepping out of your other roles and into your new role as student. We all
have multiple roles in life. Being engaged in your classwork requires you to
plan, prioritize, and create a space in which learning takes place.

For this assignment, you consider how to address distractions you might encounter as a
student at Walden.

To prepare

Review the
Week 2 Assignment 1 Rubric, provided in the Course Information area.

the Time Management Tracking Table listed in the Time Management Tool Kit.

Read or
view at least one additional resource listed in the Time Management Tool Kit
based upon your specific needs.

Set a timer
(on the stove, a clock, or on your phone) and write for 10 minutes without

By Day 7

Submit a
minimum 150-word Journal Assignment. Journal about one aspect of the classroom
resources (Assignments, Discussions, or assigned readings) that surprised you.
Additionally, journal about one or both of the options below:

Option 1

concerns do you have about managing distractions and obtaining the support you
need to be successful? Include how you plan to make certain that you have
support, and how you will take personal responsibility for your own success. Walden NURS3100 All Assignments


Option 2

What study
rituals are you putting in place, and how will these rituals help you focus and
decrease distractions? Share your plan to develop rituals to help you
transition into the role of Walden student.

Assignment is for you to share your feelings. There are no rules, and you will
not be graded on your writing.

NURS3100 Issues/Trends in Nursing

Week 2 Assignment 2

2: Improving Writing: The “Grammarly” Report

Grammarly is
a writing enhancement platform that helps make you a better writer by
correcting more than 250 grammatical mistakes, while also catching contextual
spelling errors and poor vocabulary usage. All you have to do is submit your
work—and Grammarly will work its magic!

For this
Assignment, you will practice using Grammarly by submitting your Week 1
Discussion posts to the Grammarly platform.

To prepare

Review the
Grading Rubric for Week 2 Assignment 2 provided in the Course Information area.

Review the
following documents to guide you (found at the end of the submission

Report Instructions (PDF)

Copy and
Paste (PDF)

Review the
tutorial Grammarly: Accessing Grammarly (Walden University, n.d.-f) from this
week’s Learning Resources.

Access the
Grammarly Student Login website and follow the instructions for creating a free
Grammarly student account. (A link to Grammarly is found at the end of these

Access your
Discussion posts from Week 1. You may find it helpful to copy and paste it into
a word processing document (such as in Microsoft Word).

Submit your
Word Document that contains the Week 1 Discussion to Grammarly.

Submit your work to Grammarly no later than Day 4 due to occasional turn-around
delays from Grammarly.

Document: Grammarly Report Instructions (PDF)


Once you
receive you Grammarly Report back regarding your Week 1 Discussion post, upload
your Grammarly Report for grading using the Assignment submission link.

Please save
your Assignment using the following naming convention: WK2Assgn2+last
name+first initial.

NURS3100 Issues/Trends in Nursing

Week 3 Assignment 1

1: Impact of Nurses On Health Care Quality

It is
important for nurses to stay abreast of current issues and trends in our field.
Use this opportunity to develop or enhance your expertise on your chosen topic.

Assignment introduces you to the Walden Library. The Library is an invaluable
resource for discovering nursing and health care–related databases and
professional articles. Practice and refine your paraphrasing skills.

To prepare

Review the
Week 3 Assignment 1 Rubric, provided in the Course Information area.

Review the
AWE Checklist and Additional Resources for your Assignment:

1000 AWE
Level Assignment Template

Reference and Citations

Walden SafeAssign and Academic Integrity Online Tutorial, provided in this
week’s Learning Resources.

Use the
1000 AWE Level Assignment Template found in the Resources for this week to
complete your Assignment.

this week’s Writing Resources and Program Success Tools, and specifically:

Use Google
Scholar to search for articles related to the topic you selected. Link Google
Scholar to the Walden Library using the instructions provided.

Search for
articles related to the topic you selected using the Nursing Databases of the
Walden Library.

Use the
Walden Library to research the impact of nursing on healthcare quality as
viewed through the Magnet professional practice model. Select one current
(published within the last 5 years) research article on this topic to address.
This week’s Library Learning Resources will guide you through your database

Response Assignment

Write a one-page summary and response to the article that you selected from the Walden
Library. A template is provided in the Learning Resources to guide you in
formatting your paper. Walden NURS3100 All Assignments

As you
reflect on the findings in your chosen article, consider how the findings
compare to your own professional nursing experience with Magnet, or, if you
have no personal experience with Magnet, your thoughts concerning Magnet:

and integrate information from the article into paper.

Include an
introduction, body, and a summary (conclusion).

factors or principles from the article that hold true for or resonate with you.

this week’s Writing Center Course Resources to guide you through the process of
paraphrasing and referencing evidence from your article. Review the AWE
Checklist, Weeks 1–3, to see where you should be concerning your writing
abilities. The Week 3 Assignment Rubric will keep you on track. Use Grammarly
to check your writing for errors before submitting your Assignment.


NURS3100 Issues/Trends in Nursing

Week 3 Assignment 2

Promise to
Practice by Walden’s Code for Academic Integrity

As a nurse, the Nurses’ Code of Ethics is a foundational guide as you practice your
professional obligations with integrity and ideals. This assignment allows you
build on those nursing ethics as they pertain to your academic work and
writing. Walden NURS3100 All Assignments

As a university student, you are bound by Walden’s Code of Conduct. An important
aspect of the Code of Conduct is maintaining academic integrity which includes
avoiding plagiarism. Here you will familiarize yourself with a portion of
Walden’s Code of Conduct called Academic Integrity. You are asked to
acknowledge that you have read the Academic Integrity expectations of the Code
to uphold your HIGHEST standards in your student practice as you already do in
your nursing practice.

To prepare

Go to the
Student Handbook found at

Click on
Student Expectations and Responsibilities and

Choose Code
of Conduct and click on it. Scroll down the page and please review number 4
Academic Integrity and the following topics that are covered:


Misuse of Their Own Scholarly Work


False Information



Fill in the
attached template document Promise to Practice With Academic Integrity by
typing your initials and name into the provided blank spaces.

NURS3100 Issues/Trends in Nursing

Week 4 Assignment

Quality Nursing (Part 1 of 2)

Welcome to
Part 1 of this assignment!

Quality Nurses
use Quality Indicators (QIs) for several purposes. QIs highlight potential
quality concerns, identify areas that need further study and investigation, and
track changes over time. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
QIs include Prevention Quality Indicators, Inpatient Quality Indicators,
Patient Safety Indicators, and Pediatric Quality Indicators (Agency for
Healthcare Research and Quality, n.d.). You will use these quality indicators
within your Assignment.

Assignment also takes you back to the Walden Library. The Library is an
invaluable resource for discovering nursing and health care–related databases
and professional articles. Continue to practice and refine your writing skills.
Learn how to use APA in-text citations and references. Use the Grammarly
program—it is an invaluable writing tool to enhance your work.

In subsequent weeks, you will continue working in this substantive area.

To prepare

Review the
Week 4 Assignment Rubric, provided in the Course Information area.

Review the
AWE Checklist and Additional Resources for your Assignment:

AWE Level Assignment Template

References and Citations

Review this
week’s Writing Resources and Program Success Tools. Revisit the Writing
Resources and Program Success Tools from Weeks 1 through 3 as needed. Focus on
the QIs at

Choose a QI
related to a nursing topic of interest to you. Think about the ways in which
following and measuring this crucial health data improve effectiveness and
efficiency in your nursing practice. Consider any points that relate your
selected topic to the journey ahead in your nursing career.

Find two
articles in the Walden Library to support your scholarly opinion in your paper.


Use the
Walden Writing Center guidelines titled “Writing a Paper” and “Scholarly
Writing: Overview” to do the following:

Draft a 2-
to 3-page paper describing your selected QI in general, and then describe how
this QI has the potential to improve the quality, safety, and outcomes of your
patients and their families.

the current data available and leadership’s goal for improvement.

Draft a
solution using 2 sources from professional and scholarly literature to support
your proposal.

Use the
2000/3000 AWE Level Assignment Template in the resources for this week to
complete your Assignment.

Use in-text
citations to support your paper. Use essay-level writing skills, including the
use of transitional material and organizational frames. Walden NURS3100 All Assignments

Before you
submit your final paper for grading, submit it to a Safe Assign Draft in
Academic Integrity. Use the information provided in the Originality Report
(Walden University, n.d.-c) to revise your paper. Paraphrasing and citing your
sources in-text will decrease the similarity score. Go to Academic Integrity to
learn how to interpret your originality score. Revise your paper before
submitting it to Week 4 Assignment within the course.

Safe Assign
provides feedback to students on their use of source material using the world’s
largest content comparison database. Safe Assign highlights original writing
and instances of proper citation. Later in Week 6, you will learn the
importance of understanding plagiarism and the concept of originality. Safe
Assign is also found in Academic Integrity.

By Day 7

Submit both
your revised paper and the Safe Assign report.

NURS3100 Issues/Trends in Nursing

Week 5 Assignment

Maintaining Academic Integrity by Avoiding Plagiarism

In Week 3,
you reviewed the Academic Integrity portion of Walden’s Code of Conduct and
signed a Promise to Practice According to Walden’s Code for Academic Integrity.
As a nurse, you are empowered by practicing with the HIGHEST standards in both
your nursing and academic writing practices.

This week,
you will learn about plagiarism and ways to strengthen your academic writing
integrity. As a future nurse scholar-practitioner, you want to have the
skill-set to successfully propose changes for quality and safety in healthcare.
Your integrity in the collection and sharing of this evidence is foundational
to successfully support your propositions to change practice.

You want to
be adequately prepared to successfully propose changes for quality and safety
in healthcare. Your integrity in the collection and sharing of this evidence is
foundational to successfully support your propositions to change practice.

According to the Walden Writing Center (2017), plagiarism is when an author represents
someone else’s intellectual property as his or her own work. Authors are most
commonly at risk of plagiarizing when they fail to adequately cite the original
source material from which they took words and ideas. Plagiarism can occur in
many forms and can range from a lack of citations to incorrect paraphrasing or
actual direct copy and pasting of a source’s phrasing into another author’s own
paper. (para 1)

Key ways to avoid plagiarizing are as follows:

your sources. Paraphrasing means rewriting your source’s content into your own words
and NOT using direct quotes or cutting and pasting from sources.

the reading material. Throughout your program, focus on synthesizing more than
paraphrasing. Thus, by graduation, you will be at the point where you can
collect all pertinent sources for evidence, read and think about the material,
and then synthesize those readings into your OWN words. Again, this process
does NOT include the use of direct quotes.

Write with the same level of integrity as you practice your nursing obligations. Cheating
is taken seriously at Walden and consequences include expulsion from the
program. As a BSN student, avoid plagiarism in your assignments in the
following ways.

Do not use
direct quotes.

Understand that academic writing is about putting forth scholarly opinions in your own
words. Provide proof of those opinions by paraphrasing and synthesizing
material from scholarly research and professional experts. Throughout the
program, focus on synthesizing more than paraphrasing so by graduation you will
be at the point where you can collect all pertinent sources of evidence, read
and think about the material, and then synthesize those readings into your own
words. This process does not include the use of direct quotes.

Give credit
to someone else’s ideas and writings by citing and referencing in APA style.

Upload all
of your assignments to Safe Assign Drafts prior to submitting them for grading.

To Prepare:

Read the
Writing Center’s section on Plagiarism found at

The Writing
Center has developed a Plagiarism Checklist to assist students in
double-checking their work and scholarship practices to avoid plagiarism.
Download the plagiarism checklist below and use it for each assignment to
establish good academic integrity practices!

Read the
Writing Center’s section on Paraphrasing and watch the video on Paraphrasing
found at

Read the
Writing Center’s section on Synthesizing and watch the video on Synthesizing
found at


In this
Assignment, a) describe how you will avoid plagiarism in your submitted
assignments; and b) discuss how paraphrasing and synthesizing professional
literature strengthens your future nurse scholar-practitioner practice.

NURS3100 Issues/Trends in Nursing

Week 6 Assignment 1

1: Quality Nursing (Part 2 of 2)

Welcome to
Week 6, the final week of this 2-part assignment!

Quality As
you learned in previous weeks, effectiveness and efficiency are improved in
your nursing practice by following and measuring Quality Indicators (QIs). In
Week 4 you learned how quality, safety, and outcomes are vastly improved by
monitoring and adjusting nursing practice for QIs.

You have
learned many new skills as well! You learned to utilize the Walden Library,
Grammarly, and Safe Assign; to cite articles using APA in-text citations; and
to summarize your colleagues’ work. Give yourself a “pat on the back”!

In this
Week 6 Assignment, you revisit your paper one last time. This Assignment gives
you the opportunity to thoroughly review your paper and incorporate your
instructor’s feedback that you received in Week 4. You will also learn more
about the “Safe Assign” program. Walden NURS3100 All Assignments

When it
comes to writing, “practice makes perfect.” Enjoy the practice!

To prepare

Review the
Week 6 Assignment Rubric from the Course Information area.

Review the
AWE Checklist and Additional Resources for your Assignment:

AWE Level Assignment Template

References and Citations

Review your
Week 4 Assignment (Quality Nursing: Part 1) and the feedback that you received
from your instructor (both within the paper and in the gradebook comments).

Review the
Week 5 Summary (Quality Nursing: Part 2) of your assignment by your fellow

Review “Q.
How Do I Proofread or Revise?” (Walden University, n.d.-k) from this week’s
Writing Resources and Program Success Tools.

Use the
2000/3000 AWE Level Assignment Template to complete your Assignment.

Revision of Quality Nursing Paper

Revise your
paper as needed to reflect the feedback that you received from your instructor
within the paper and in the gradebook comments.

Compose a
paragraph about what you learned from writing and rewriting the Week 4 and Week
6 Assignments. For example, did you learn how to become a more organized
writer; are you more adept at accessing Library resources; do you have a better
understanding of how to cite resources using APA Style? This paragraph should be inserted before the
conclusion paragraph (see the Assignment Template in your Week 4 Learning
Resources for assistance in placement).

Do not
submit your revised paper to the SafeAssign Draft area of the course this week
unless you have made major revisions to your paper. SafeAssign will recognize
your Week 4 draft and give you a high SafeAssign Score. Thus, if you are
satisfied with the integrity of your Assignment, submit it for grading.

NURS3100 Issues/Trends in Nursing

Week 6 Assignment 2

2: Journal: Observe, Process, and Reflect

Glasses and
PenAs mentioned in Week 1 Assignment 2, the objective of the Journal Assignment
is to provide you with a private place to “think on the page.” As a reminder,
the Journal is not formal writing, and only you and your Instructor will see
your Journal Assignment. Although these assignments are meant to be free
writing, you should revise before submitting.

As you
write, think about the audience to whom you are writing and the difference
between personal writing and scholarly writing. Your Journal writing falls into
the category of personal writing and should be approached in that way. Think of
the Journal as an academic reflection space.

To prepare

Review the
Week 6 Assignment 2 Rubric from the Course Information area.

Review the
information about how to complete Journal Assignments.

Think about
the feelings you have experienced while completing your first BSN course.

Reflect on
your goals and think about how you plan to achieve them.

Think about
the material you encountered in the course this week and consider one aspect of
the classroom resources (Assignments, Discussions, or assigned readings) that
surprised you. Be sure to think about why the material interested you as a

Set a timer
(on the stove, a clock, or on your phone) and write for 10 minutes without

You may
find it helpful to use the following format as a guide for your Journal

Describe the week’s content and resources as if you are writing to a person who
has not seen, heard, or observed them.

Answer the question, “What does this content or topic mean?”

Answer the question, “What is the value of understanding this material?”

Assignment is for you to share your feelings. There are no rules, and you will
not be graded on your writing.

By Day 7

Submit a
minimum 150-word Journal Assignment. How do you feel about completing your
first BSN course? What are your goals, and how do you plan to achieve them? Walden NURS3100 All Assignments

Shadow Health Focused Exams

Shadow Health Focused Exams

  • Complete the ShadowHealth© Focused Exams – Special Populations: Chest Pain, Cough and Abdominal Pain assignments

After you have achieved at least 80% on the assignment(s) download, save and upload your LabPass document to the dropbox.

Professional Development

  • Write a 500-word APA reflection essay of your experience with the Shadow Health virtual assignment(s). At least two scholarly sources in addition to your textbook should be utilized. Answers to the following questions may be included in your reflective essay:
    • What went well in your assessment?
    • What did not go so well? What will you change for your next assessment?
    • What findings did you uncover?
    • What questions yielded the most information? Why do you think these were effective?
    • What diagnostic tests would you order based on your findings?
    • What differential diagnoses are you currently considering?
    • What patient teaching were you able to complete? What additional patient teaching is needed?
    • Would you prescribe any medications at this point? Why or why not? If so, what?
    • How did your assessment demonstrate sound critical thinking and clinical decision making? Shadow Health Focused Exams



Focused Exam: Chest Pain Results | Turned In Advanced Physical Assessment – March 2020, advanced_physical_assessment__td8__031720__sect1

Return to Assignment (/assignments/313481/)

(/site_notice_dismissals?from_flash=true&site_noticBecome a paid student tester for Shadow Health! Click here for more information (

(/site_notice_dismissals?from_flash=true&site_noticShadow Health will be performing planned maintenance this Friday, from 7:00am until 7:30am Eastern. During this time assignment attempts will be disabled. Thank you for helping us to improve your Shadow Health experience!

Documentation / Electronic Health Record

Document: Provider Notes

Student Documentation Model Documentation


Brain is a 58 you caucasian Male who presents with C/o chest pain in the middle of his chest over his heart, 3 times this month. His pain is 5/10 when the pain arises, no chest pain currently. Chest pain does not radiate to his arm, shoulder or neck. Aggravated chest pain when walking up the steps, and is relieved when he rests. Denies any heartburn, difficult breathing. No change in appetite but mentioned he gained some weight when his bike was stolen. Rare exercise at this moment, desires clearance for exercise since the onset of his chest pain. Never been seen for chest pain, and has not taken anything for chest pain. Medical history: HTN on Lopressor 100 mg/daily x1 year Hyperlipedmia on lipitor 20 mg daily x1 year Omega 3 daily No surgical history Family Medical hx: Father: htn/hyperlipdemia, obesity, died of colon cancer @ 75yo MGF: heart attack died @ 54 yo Sister: HTN and Diabetes type 2 Social hx: beer 3 drinks in a weekend denies tobacco or drug use

Pt. reports “I have been having some troubling chest pain in my chest now and then for the past month.” Experiencing periodic c pain with exertion such as yard work as well as with overeating. Points to midsternum as location. Describes pain as “tight and uncomfortable.” Denies radiation. Pain lasts for “a few” minutes goes away when he rests. Most recent episode was three days a after eating a large restaurant dinner. States “It has never gotten ‘really bad’” so didn’t think it was an emergency, but is concerne after three episodes in one month and wants his heart checked o Reports mild cramping in legs with activity. Denies shortness of breath, indigestion, heartburn. Denies chest pain at this time. Shadow Health Focused Exams

Your Results Lab Pass (/assignment_attempts/6701636/lab_pass.pd



Subjective Data Collection

Objective Data Collection

Education & Empathy


Document: Vitals Document: Provider Notes



Student Documentation Model Documentation


Brian is a 58 year old Caucasian male appears to be well-groomed, is pleasant and answers questions clearly and appropriately. He maintains eye contact throughout the exam. He appears in no distress VSS: Bp 146/90 Skin warm to touch, dry, pink and intact. no tenting Heart: S1, s2, s3 and S4 with murmur Carotid pulse: positive Thrill, +3 on right: PMI: displaced laterally, briks and tapping, <3cm Breath sounds: clear in upper lobes, posterior lower lobes with crackles bilaterally. GI: no tenderness, no masses, guarding or distension. BS present at all quads, WNL Liver is palpable and nontender: spleen and kidneys are not palpable Extremties: No edema, Brachial and radial pulse neg for thrill at 2+ popliteal, tibal and dorsalis pedis pulse diminised at 1+. capillary refill less than 3 seconds on extremiteis. EKG: Regular sinus rhythm. No ST changes

• General Survey: 58 year old male is alert and oriented, with clea speech and in no acute distress. • Cardiac: S1, S2, without murmurs or rubs. PMI displaced latera S3 noted at mitral area. • Peripheral Vascular: Right side carotid bruit. JVP 3cm above ste angle. Right carotid pulse with thrill, 3+. Left carotid pulse withou thrill, 2+. Brachial, radial, femoral pulses without thrill, 2+. Poplite tibial, and dorsalis pedis pulses without thrill, 1+. Cap refill less t 3 seconds – 4 extremities. • Respiratory: Breathing is quiet and unlabored. Breath sounds a clear to auscultation in upper lobes and RML. Fine crackles/rales posterior bases of L/R lungs. • Gastrointestinal: Round, soft, non-tender with normoactive bow sounds in 4 quadrants; no abdominal bruits. No tenderness to lig or deep palpation. Tympanic throughout. Liver is 7 cm at the MC and 1 cm below the right costal margin. Spleen and bilateral kidn are not palpable. • Neuro: Alert and oriented x 3, follows commands, moves all extremities. • Skin: Warm, dry, pink, and intact. No tenting. • EKG (interpretation): Regular sinus rhythm. No ST changes. Shadow Health Focused Exams


Coronary Artery disease Stable angina Carotid disease pericarditis Aortic aneurysm r/o GERD R/O Sarcodosis

Based on the abnormal findings during cardiovascular and respiratory auscultation, my differentials include coronary artery disease with stable angina; congestive heart failure; carotid disea aortic aneurysm; pericarditis; or GERD.


Blood work for cardiac enzyme, electrolytes, CBC, Lipid profile, liver function test, cxr, 12 lead EKG Consult with cardiologist Echocardiogram Exercise stress test Dopplers for carotid Patient should be tested with results on labs at the least, and not discharged home. Baby Asa upon arrival Ntiroglycerin if chest pain is present again Warning signs of when to seek medical help like another onset of chest pain, SOB, shoulder or arm pain

Mr. Foster should receive a 12-lead ECG, chest x-ray, and lab workup (cardiac enzymes, electrolytes, CBC, BNP, CMP, Hgb A1 lipid profile, and liver function tests) to confirm a diagnosis. He should be referred for an echocardiogram, exercise stress test, a carotid dopplers as well as a consult with a vascular surgeon for carotid evaluation. Mr. Foster should be prescribed diltiazem and diuretic in addition to his daily Lopressor and Lipitor. If needed, an ACE inhibitor to manage his hypertension and PRN nitroglycerin for chest pain that does not subside with rest.


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Focused Exam: Abdominal Pain Results | Turned In Advanced Physical Assessment – March 2020, advanced_physical_assessment__td8__031720__sect1

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Miss Park is a pleasant Korean 78 year old woman who presents to the clinic with complaints of abdominal pain for the past 5 days. She is oriented to person place and time. She answers the questions appropriately and maintains eye contact during the interview and exam. This with her daughter who assist with her Care at home. Pains are described as crampy, dull at her lower abdomen, with a pain scale of 6/10, mostly constant. Has had difficulty using the bathroom this past 5 days, which has affected her daily activites. She has been feeling more tired than usual, denies feeling fever chills or rectal pain. She drinks two glasses of water a day and eats well, although has had a decrease in appetite since her abdominal pain started. Her abominal pain Is aggravated with food and activity, pain is relieved with rest. Her stool is soft and brown, no current diarrhea. She has history of colonoscopy that was negative. She denies any vaginal bleeding or urinary difficulty. She denies any GERD, colon cancer or stomach issues. PMHx: HTN on accupril 10 mg daily Immunizations: updated: declines flu vaccination today. Surgical hx: choleystectomy at 42yo Cesarean delivery at 40yo: OB/GYN: G3P3L2: one stillbirth for cord accident. No hx of STI. Pap WNL 2010 Social hx: has a friend who she is intimate with, no tobacco use, no illicit drugs. Drinks once a week with white wine. Has stong family support. Visits her Son in Houston occasionally. Family Hx: Mother: DM and HTN: Deceased @ 88yo Father: HTN and hypercholestremia: deceased at 82yo MGP: HTN PGM: HTN/ CVA/obesity Brothers: HTN SOn: healthy daughter: Healthy

Ms. Park reports that she is “having pain in her belly.” She experienced mild diarrhea three days ago and has not had a bow movement since. She reports that she has been feeling some abdominal discomfort for close to a week, but the pain has increased in the past 2-3 days. She now rates her pain at 6 out o 10, and describes it as dull and crampy. She reports her pain lev the onset at 3 out of 10. She is also experiencing bloating. She d not feel her symptoms warranted a trip to the clinic but her daug insisted she come. She describes her symptoms primarily as generalized discomfort in the abdomen, and states that her lowe abdomen is the location of the pain. She denies nausea and vomiting, blood or mucus in stool, rectal pain or bleeding, or rece fever. She denies vaginal bleeding or discharge. Reports no histo of inflammatory bowel disease or GERD. Denies family history of disorders. Her appetite has decreased over the last few days and she is taking small amounts of water and fluids. Previously she reports regular brown soft stools every day to every other day. Shadow Health Focused Exams

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Alert and oriented x3: Some discomfort due to abdominal pain HEENT: moist mucus mambrane, normal skin turgor, no tenting Heart: S1 and S2 with no abnormal heart sounds Lungs; CTA Liver: 1cm below Rt costal margin: nontender Abdomen: BS present at all quads, normoactive, No bruits or friction sounds. Dullness on LLQ, Tender to touch, with guarding and distension. 2x4cm oblong mass palpated on LLQ. RUQ : with scar s/p choleystectomy, and al lower transverse abdominal scar from s/p cs no CVA tenderness Pelvic: neg Rectal: no hemorrhoids, strong spincter reflex, fecal mass detected in rectal vault Extremties: no edema: normal reflexes UA: clear but dark urine, neg for nitrites, wbc or ketones.

• General Survey: Uncomfortable and flushed appearing elderly woman seated on exam table grimacing at times. Appears stable mildly distressed. • HEENT: Mucus membranes are moist. Normal skin turgor; no tenting. • Cardiovascular: S1, S2, no murmurs, gallops or rubs; no S3, S4 rubs. No lower extremity edema. • Respiratory: Respirations quiet and unlabored, able to speak in sentences. Breath sounds clear to auscultation. • Abdominal: 6 cm scar in RUQ and 10 cm scar at midline in suprapubic region. An abdominal exam reveals no discoloration; normoactive bowel sounds in all quadrants; no bruits; no friction sounds over spleen or liver; tympany presides with scattered dullness over LLQ; abdomen soft in all quadrants; an oblong ma noted in the LLQ with mild guarding, distension; no organomega no CVA tenderness; liver span 7 cm @ MCL; no hernias. • Rectal: No hemorrhoids, no fissures or ulceration; strong sphinc tone, fecal mass in rectal vault. • Pelvic: No inflammation or irritation of vulva, abnormal discharg or bleeding; no masses, growths, or tenderness upon palpation. • Urinalysis: Urine clear, dark yellow, normal odor. No nitrites, WB RBCs, or ketones detected; pH 6.5, SG 1.017.


Constipation causing abdominal mass Intestinal obstruction Diverticulitis Irritable bowel syndrome

Mrs. Park’s bowel sounds are normoactive in all quadrants, with bruits or friction sounds. Scattered dullness in LLQ during percussion is suggestive of feces in the colon; otherwise, her abdomen is tympanic. Her abdomen is soft to palpation; mild guarding and oblong mass suggesting feces were discovered in LLQ. No CVA tenderness; liver span 7 cm @ MCL; no splenic dullness. Digital rectal exam revealed a fecal mass in the rectal v No abnormalities were noted during the pelvic exam, so pelvic inflammatory disease is not suspected. Ms. Park’s urinalysis was normal, which rules out a urinary tract infection. No signs of dehydration or cardiovascular abnormalities. Mrs. Park’s sympto and health history suggest she has constipation. Differential diagnoses are constipation, diverticulitis, and intestinal obstruction


stool for occult blood CBC/ ESR with CRP Metabolic panel serum amylase abdominal sonogram or abdominal x-ray for to locate mass; Bowel rest if diverticulitis : if neg: increase po fluids, increase fiber, increase activity as tolerated. Creating a bowel regimen is encouraged.

Mrs. Park should receive diagnostic tests to rule out differentials CBC to assess for elevated WBCs associated with diverticulitis, electrolyte profile to evaluate electrolyte and fluid status, and a C scan to assess for obstruction. If Mrs. Park has diverticulitis I recommend IV fluids and bowel rest. If she has bowel obstructio recommend NPO, IV fluids, and general surgical consult. If she h constipation, I recommend that she increase fluids, increase fibe and increase activity as tolerated.


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Focused Exam: Cough Results | Turned In Advanced Physical Assessment – March 2020, advanced_physical_assessment__td8__031720__sect1

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Document: Provider Notes

Student Documentation Model Documentation


Dany is a 8 year old hispanic boy, brought into clinic by his grandmother. He is able to answer the questions independently and maintains eye contact. He reports a gurgly watery cough for the last 4-5 days. His throat is hurting with the cough, and is feeling tired. Difficult sleeping due to the cough. His mother gave him a “purple medicine” this morning, for the cough, although he doesn’t know the name of it. It has helped, but then his cough presents itself again. He has c/o right ear pain, that started yesterday. He has had hx of ear infections when he was 2 yo. He denies fever or chills, or watery eyes but states he gets the “cold” frequently. Denies chest pain or difficult breathing No allergies to meds or pollen Immunizations: updated PMHx; ear infections at childhood Surgical hx: none Social hx: Lives with parents, grandmother assists with care, when parents are at work. does not smoke, exposed to 2nd hand smoke from his Papi. Washes hands before eating or after restroom. No family history of asthma or allergies.

Danny reports a cough lasting four to five days. He describes the cough as “watery and gurgly.” He reports the cough is worse at n and keeps him up. He reports general fatigue due to lack of slee He reports pain in his right ear. He is experiencing mild soreness his throat. He reports his mother treated his cough symptoms wi over-the-counter medicine, but it was only temporarily effective. reports frequent cold and runny nose, and he states that he had frequent ear infections as a child. He reports a history of pneumo in the past year. He reports normal bowel movements. He denies fever, headache, dizziness, trouble swallowing, nosebleed, phleg or sputum, chest pain, trouble breathing and abdominal pain. He denies cough aggravation with activity. Shadow Health Focused Exams


Daniel appears slightly tired, and has been coughing throughout the exam Vital signs stable Spirometer: FEV1: 3.15L FVC 3.91L/ 80.5% Head: Cervical lymph nodes enlarged and tender on right side; Sinus: no tenderness on frontal or maxillary eyes: pink in color, no discharge Ears: right ear redness and inflammed: no d/c nose: clear watery phlem, no odor Throat: oropharynix: cobberstone, redness with postnasal drip Lungs: CTA bilaterally: Breath sounds: clear bilaterally anterior and posterior. bronchophony: negative Chest: S1 and S2 audible, no murmurs or abnormal heart sounds

• General Survey: Fatigued appearing young boy seated on nurs station bench. Appears stable. • HEENT: Mucus membranes are moist, clear nasal discharge. Redness, cobblestoning in the back of throat. Eyes are dull in appearance, pink conjunctiva. Right Tympanic membrane is red inflamed. Right cervical lymph node enlarged with reported tenderness. • Cardiovascular: S1, S2, no murmurs, gallops or rubs. • Respiratory: Respiratory rate increased, but no acute distress. A to speak in full sentences. Breath sounds clear to auscultation. Negative bronchophony. Chest wall resonant to percussion. Expected fremitus, equal bilaterally. Spirometry: FEV1: 3.15 L, FV 3.91L (FEV1/FVC: 80.5%)

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Differential diagnosis: 1. flu-like syndrome or cold 2. strep throat 3. Allergies 4. Allergic rhinitis

My differentials include cold, strep throat, rhinitis, allergies and asthma based on abnormal findings affecting the ears, upper respiratory tract and lymphatic region.


Discuss hand hygiene and hygiene ettiquitte when coughing: cough in elbows, and hand hygiene. Strep culture Cough medication to help sleep at night and suppress cough Antihistamine to dry up secretions Encourage fluid intake, avoid dairy products that can make cough worse: phlem may get thicker Refer for allergy testing if antihistamine did not work Educate warning signs for immediate attention like difficult breathing, fever, chills, or cough worsening. Follow up in a week or telephone appt in 3 days to follwo up on progress Educate the family the importance of hand hygiene

Danny should be referred for an allergy test to rule out allergies a well as a lung function test to rule out asthma. He should receive strep culture to rule out strep throat. I recommend antitussive treatment at night to help with his sleep in addition to bed rest.


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Focused Exam: Abdominal Pain Results | Turned In Advanced Physical Assessment – March 2020, advanced_physical_assessment__td8__031720__sect1

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Education & Empathy : 6 of 7 (85.7%)

During the patient interview, there are a number of opportunities to provide patient education and empathy. The opportunities listed below ar those identified by nursing experts to be of particular importance to this patient. A Model Statement is provided as an example of an appropriate response to each opportunity.

Opportunities marked as Not Encountered are opportunities that were not elicited in the interview Opportunities marked as Not Followed Up are missed opportunities that were present in the interview, but where no statements were made Opportunities marked as Followed Up were followed up by students, and include the dialogue between student and patient

Description: Ms. Park describes staying socially active and exercising.

Is there anything that makes it worse Questio

03:07 PM MD

Yes. When I move around the house or try to garden, I feel more pain. And I did not go to my exercise classes. I was sure that would be too much. I prefer to be active, but my daughter wants me to rest.

Does the pain radiate anywhere in your body Questio

03:14 PM MD

Model Statement: “It sounds like you stay physically and socially active. That’s great!”

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Objective Data Collection

Education & Empathy


Student Survey

1 Symptoms Followed Up

2 Medications Followed Up

3 Diet Followed Up

4 Activity Level Not Followed Up

5 Medical History Followed Up

6 Sexual Activity Followed Up

7 Family and Support Followed Up




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Focused Exam: Chest Pain Results | Turned In Advanced Physical Assessment – March 2020, advanced_physical_assessment__td8__031720__sect1

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(/site_notice_dismissals?from_flash=true&site_noticShadow Health will be performing planned maintenance this Friday, from 7:00am until 7:30am Eastern. During this time assignment attempts will be disabled. Thank you for helping us to improve your Shadow Health experience!

Education & Empathy : 5 of 6 (83.3%)

During the patient interview, there are a number of opportunities to provide patient education and empathy. The opportunities listed below ar those identified by nursing experts to be of particular importance to this patient. A Model Statement is provided as an example of an appropriate response to each opportunity.

Opportunities marked as Not Encountered are opportunities that were not elicited in the interview Opportunities marked as Not Followed Up are missed opportunities that were present in the interview, but where no statements were made Opportunities marked as Followed Up were followed up by students, and include the dialogue between student and patient

Description: Mr. Foster describes his past medical history of hypertension and high cholesterol.

What is your medical history Questio

07:07 PM MD

The doctors told me I have a little bit of high blood pressure and cholesterol, but that’s it.

Have you had any surgeries Questio

07:07 PM MD

I’ve never had any surgeries.

Are you allergic to any medication Questio

07:07 PM MD

I think I’m allergic to codeine. It makes me toss my cookies.

Model Statement: “It’s good that I know you have been diagnosed with hypertension and high cholesterol, because those conditions can cause additional heart problems. I would like to find out more about your diagnosis and treatment of those conditions.”

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Objective Data Collection

Education & Empathy


1 Symptoms Followed Up

2 Hypertension and High Cholesterol Not Followed Up



3 Exercise Followed Up

4 Diet Followed Up

5 Weight Gain Followed Up

6 Family History Followed Up


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Focused Exam: Abdominal Pain Results | Turned In Advanced Physical Assessment – March 2020, advanced_physical_assessment__td8__031720__sect1

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Started: Apr 22, 2020 | Total Time: 115 min

Question 04/22/20 3:02 PM MD

Question 04/22/20 3:03 PM MD

Question 04/22/20 3:04 PM MD

Question 04/22/20 3:05 PM MD

Question 04/22/20 3:05 PM MD

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Subjective Data Collection

Objective Data Collection

Education & Empathy


Student Survey

All Lines (271) Interview Questions (135) Statements (42) Exam Actions (94)


Thank you for explaining that.

What brings you into the office today

I have some pain in my belly. . . and I’m having difficulty going to the bathroom. My daughter was worried about me.

Thank you.

What do you mean by difficult going to the bathroom (Clarified to What do you mean by difficulty going to the bathroom?.)

Well, for several days I’ve had to strain to even have a bowel movement, and I can’t make it happen. And the pain is there in my stomach. [AUDIO COMING SOON] (Clarified to what I mean by difficulty going to the bathroom.)

Thank you for explaining that.

What is your name and date of birth

My name is Esther Park, and I was born on January 7th . . . [Ms. Park reports correct birth year.]

Do you know where you’re at today

Yes. I am at Shadowville General Clinic.

Do you know what time it is (Clarified to What is todays date?.)



Question 04/22/20 3:05 PM MD

Question 04/22/20 3:05 PM MD

Question 04/22/20 3:06 PM MD

Question 04/22/20 3:06 PM MD

Question 04/22/20 3:06 PM MD

Question 04/22/20 3:07 PM MD

Question 04/22/20 3:14 PM MD

Question 04/22/20 3:14 PM MD

Question 04/22/20 3:15 PM MD

Question 04/22/20 3:15 PM MD

Today must be . . . [Ms. Park reports the correct date]. (Clarified to what today’s date is.)

What time is it (No matching questions found.)

When did the pain start

The pain started as a general discomfort, about five days ago, when I started having the. . . difficulties going to the bathroom.

Where is the pain at

The pain and discomfort is down low in my belly.

How long is this been happening

I have not felt as energetic as usual for — I believe for the past week.

Describe your pain

I’d say it’s crampy and. . . a dull, crampy feeling.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Is there anything that makes it worse

Yes. When I move around the house or try to garden, I feel more pain. And I did not go to my exercise classes. I was sure that would be too much. I prefer to be active, but my daughter wants me to rest.

Does the pain radiate anywhere in your body

I wouldn’t say that, no. It’s more of a general pain that stays in one place.

Does anything make the pain better

When I rest and try not to move much, I feel better. But the pain is still there.

can you Point to your pain (Clarified to Can you point to the location of your abdominal pain?.)

Well my whole belly is uncomfortable to some degree, but it’s mostly in the lower part, that’s where the pain is. Down in my lower belly. (Clarified to if I can point to where my abdominal pain is.)

Does your back hurt



Question 04/22/20 3:16 PM MD

Question 04/22/20 3:19 PM MD

Question 04/22/20 3:19 PM MD

Question 04/22/20 3:19 PM MD

Question 04/22/20 3:20 PM MD

Question 04/22/20 3:20 PM MD

Question 04/22/20 3:20 PM MD

Question 04/22/20 3:20 PM MD

Question 04/22/20 3:21 PM MD

Question 04/22/20 3:21 PM MD

No. I think my exercising helps me avoid that.

What is your pain scale from 1 to 10

Right now. . . 6 out of 10.

What is the pain at its worst (Clarified to What would you rate your pain at its worst?.)

I’d say it’s as bad as it gets right now. . . about a 6 out of 10. (Clarified to how I would rate my pain at its worst.)

Is this all the time (No matching questions found.)

Is this constant pain (Clarified to Is your pain constant?.)

Yes. Certain things can make it a tiny bit better or a tiny bit worse, I suppose. But it’s always there. (Clarified to if the pain is constant.)

What makes it better

When I rest and try not to move much, I feel better. But the pain is still there.

Have you tried anything to help it

I’ve tried taking small sips of warm water, resting. The warm water does nothing. A friend suggested it, but it’s nonsense.

Are you taking any pain medication

I’m not taking anything for it.

Are you taking any laxatives (Clarified to Have you tried taking laxatives?.)

I haven’t tried laxatives. I don’t think they’re very good for you. [AUDIO COMING SOON] (Clarified to if I have tried taking laxatives.)

Thank you for explaining that.

Does eating make it worse (Clarified to Does eating anything make your pain worse?.)

Yes. The pain is there all the time, but eating can make it worse. (Clarified to if eating makes the pain worse.)

Is it worse when you’re walking around (Clarified to How are you getting around?.)

When I have to go somewhere that’s too far for me to walk, my daughter drives me. But usually, I get most places by walking. I usually like to do that whenever I can. (Clarified to how I am getting around.)



Question 04/22/20 3:22 PM MD

Question 04/22/20 3:23 PM MD

Question 04/22/20 3:23 PM MD

Question 04/22/20 3:23 PM MD

Question 04/22/20 3:23 PM MD

Question 04/22/20 3:23 PM MD

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Question 04/22/20 3:26 PM MD

Question 04/22/20 3:26 PM MD

Question 04/22/20 3:26 PM MD

Question 04/22/20 3:26 PM MD

Thank you for explaining that.

Does this interfere with your daily activities (Clarified to Has the pain affected your usual activities?.)

Well, I don’t feel unnaturally tired or weak. But I have experienced low energy, like I need to rest more often. (Clarified to if my pain has affected my activities.)


Thank you.

Do you take naps (Clarified to Do you take vitamins or supplements?.)

No, I don’t take anything like that. (Clarified to if I take vitamins or supplements.)

Have you had any diarrhea

Yes, I did have a bout of diarrhea pretty recently. [AUDIO COMING SOON]

How often do you get diarrhea

I don’t have diarrhea often at all. . . the bout six months ago was the first time in a long while. [AUDIO COMING SOON]

When was your last diarrhea episode

That must have been six months ago. It lasted for a day. [AUDIO COMING SOON]

Do you have anything on your stool like mucus (No matching questions found.)

Do you have anything on your stool like blood or mucus (No matching questions found.)

Do you have bloody stools

No. I’ve never experienced that.

do you have mucus in your stool

No, I haven’t noticed anything like that.

Are you avoiding okay


Do you have trouble peeing

No, no trouble.



Question 04/22/20 3:26 PM MD

Question 04/22/20 3:27 PM MD

Question 04/22/20 3:28 PM MD

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Question 04/22/20 3:29 PM MD

Question 04/22/20 3:29 PM MD

Question 04/22/20 3:29 PM MD

Question 04/22/20 3:29 PM MD

Question 04/22/20 3:29 PM MD

Question 04/22/20 3:30 PM MD

Question 04/22/20 3:30 PM MD

What color is your urine

Yellow and. . . maybe a bit darker than usual.

Do you have blood in your urine

No, it seems normal enough to me. Maybe a little darker than usual.

How much fluids are you taking Daily

Usually I drink, oh, two glasses of water a day. But it’s been difficult to drink much in the last few days. [AUDIO COMING SOON]

Thank you for explaining that.

Do you drink caffeinated drinks

No. I avoid caffeinated drinks altogether.

Do you drink soda

No, I never do.

What is your typical bowel movement routine

What has been happening with my. . . digestion. . . is new. I’m usually fairly regular, but I haven’t moved my bowels in about five days. [AUDIO COMING SOON]

What color is your stool

Brown. A normal shade of brown. Like. . . oh, I don’t know. Cardboard.

Is it soft or hard (No matching questions found.)

is your stool soft or hard

My stool? Usually it’s brown, not too hard. Solid. Not watery.

Are you allergic to any medication

No, not that I’m aware of.

Do you have any food allergies




Question 04/22/20 3:30 PM MD

Question 04/22/20 3:30 PM MD

Question 04/22/20 3:30 PM MD

Question 04/22/20 3:31 PM MD

Question 04/22/20 3:31 PM MD

Question 04/22/20 3:31 PM MD

Question 04/22/20 3:32 PM MD

Question 04/22/20 3:32 PM MD

Question 04/22/20 3:32 PM MD

Question 04/22/20 3:32 PM MD

Question 04/22/20 3:32 PM MD

Are you allergic to anything

I have an allergy to latex.

What happens with latex

I get an itchy skin rash.

Do you see the doctor regularly

Yes. I usually see Dr. Keller, here–at Shadowville Primary Care. But I was told she’s out today.

When was your last pap smear

A pap smear? I haven’t had one in years. Ten years, at least.

define your health today

I haven’t been feeling well lately.

Have you ever had a colonoscopy

I’ve had two colonoscopies. The last one was ten years ago.

What was your results (Clarified to What was the result of your colonoscopy?.)

They had nothing to report. [AUDIO COMING SOON] (Clarified to what the result of my colonoscopy was.)

What was your result for your last pap smear

A pap smear? I haven’t had one in years. Ten years, at least.

what is your result for your pap smear (Clarified to What was the result of your last smear test?.)

It was years ago, so I don’t remember anything about it. I’m sure it was fine. (Clarified to what the result of my last pap smear was.)

Have you ever had any sexual transmitted infections (Clarified to Do you have a history of STD?.)

No, I’ve never had anything… like that. (Clarified to if I have had an STD.)

Are you still sexually active

I have a gentleman friend and, yes… We are intimate.



Question 04/22/20 3:33 PM MD

Question 04/22/20 3:33 PM MD

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Question 04/22/20 3:35 PM MD

Question 04/22/20 3:36 PM MD

Question 04/22/20 3:36 PM MD

Question 04/22/20 3:37 PM MD

Question 04/22/20 3:37 PM MD

Does it burn or hurt with urination (Clarified to Do you feel burning when you urinate?.)

No, my urination has felt normal. (Clarified to if it burns when I urinate.)

Thank you for explaining that.

do you take any blood pressure medications


Have you had trouble with your blood pressure lately

Yes, I have been diagnosed with high blood pressure. But I take very good care of that.

Thank you for explaining that.

Have you had any surgeries

I’ve had two operations, both many years ago.

What was the reason for your surgery (Clarified to What type of surgery did you have?.)

I’ve had two. I had my gallbladder out, and I had a C-section. Both in my early 40s. (Clarified to what surgery I had.)

Have you been hospitalized before

Yes. I had a couple surgeries years ago. And of course I stayed in the hospital briefly when Jennifer and Timothy were born.

Are you taking any over-the-counter medication

No. Those over-the-counter medicines. . . Tylenol–they say it’s very bad for the stomach.

Difficult with daily activities (Clarified to Have you required assistance in performing daily activities?.)

Usually I don’t need much help. But since I’ve been sick, my daughter has been helping me, doing things around the house–gardening, cleaning, making sure I eat a little something. She’s very busy with her job, and it’s very sweet of her to help me. (Clarified to if I have needed help with daily activities.)

Are you able to dress yourself

No — I had to miss my exercise classes this week — I didn’t have the energy for them. That’s unusual for me.

Do you need help eating



Question 04/22/20 3:37 PM MD

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Question 04/22/20 3:40 PM MD

I don’t need any help right now. Thank you.

Do you have difficult walking (Clarified to Is it hard for me to walk?.)

I can walk just fine. (Clarified to if it is hard for me to walk.)

Do you need help bathing

No, I can do that myself.

Are you able to get in and out of a chair

Any kind of movement makes my abdominal discomfort worse, but I don’t usually have problems with that.

Tell me about your diet (Clarified to What is your diet like?.)

I usually eat low fat foods, healthy proteins. . . on holidays our family gets together, so I make traditional dishes then. Korean dishes. But usually I eat very light. (Clarified to what my diet is like.)

Do you eat three meals a day

Usually three, but sometimes I skip breakfast. I don’t eat snacks.

What are you eating habits (Clarified to What are your eating habits?.)

Hm. Toast for breakfast. For lunch. . . usually soup. But I don’t always have lunch. And for dinner I eat fish, or sometimes chicken, and rice. [AUDIO COMING SOON] (Clarified to what my eating habits are.)

Thank you for explaining that.

Have you had any change in weight

No, not that I’ve noticed.

Have you had any fever or chills

No, I haven’t been feverish or chilly. [AUDIO COMING SOON]

Have you had night sweats

No. That is not a problem for me.

so you see swelling in your extremities or face




DNP810 All Modules Discussions

DNP810 All Modules Discussions

DNP 810 Evidence-based Practice for Quality Improvement

Module 1 Discussion

Select a topic or clinical problem.

Go to several of the recommended Web sites to find any information available in summaries or guidelines.

Do you believe the information on these sites is as up-to-date as the results of a PubMed® or CINAHL search on the same topic? How do you explain any discrepancies in your findings?


DNP 810 Evidence-based Practice for Quality Improvement

Module 2 Discussion

Describe a scientific misconduct within the last five years involving some aspect of the process of conducting research or dissemination of findings.

Use annual reports or newsletters published by the U. S. Office of Research Integrity or other sources such as Lexus-Nexus or PubMed®.

Include the following in your description:

Name, position, employer of offender

Nature of the misconduct

Legal consequences or pending litigation from the misconduct

Actual or potential consequences for patients/public

Actual or potential consequences for EBP

DNP 810 Evidence-based Practice for Quality Improvement

Module 3 Discussion

Consider the topic of your DNP project. Utilize the DNP 810Module3- Template for Asking PICOT Questions.pdf and discuss the uses of the various types of PICOT questions. Post your PICO question for your future DNP Project, so that your colleagues can provide feedback. DNP810 All Modules Discussions

DNP 810 Evidence-based Practice for Quality Improvement

Module 4 Discussion

You are a DNP graduate who is functioning in an education position in a large teaching medical center that is university-affiliated. You are concerned that the IV catheter insertion technique and orientation program currently being used with new registered nurses is not as effective as other methods.

How would you perform a systematic review of the evidence on this subject?

How would you design a new clinical practice guideline for the facility once the systematic review is complete?

DNP 810 Evidence-based Practice for Quality Improvement

Module 5 Discussion

Describe Qualitative Research in evidence based practice.

What is the difference been qualitative and quantitative research?

What are the advantages and limitations of using qualitative research design?

DNP 810 Evidence-based Practice for Quality Improvement

Module 6 Discussion

Outline the following steps for conducting QUANTITATIVE Research:

Describe the Research Problem and Questions

Describe the Review of Literature

Explain the design

Outline the sample selection

DNP 810 Evidence-based Practice for Quality Improvement

Module 7 Discussion

After reviewing the website, do the following:

Describe the purpose of the Agree ll instrument. DNP810 All Modules Discussions

Describe the history of the AGREE Project

Compare the original AGREE and AGREE II items.

What guidelines can be evaluated with the AGREE ll instrument.

Is there a Guideline that you are interested in that would benefit from an evaluation by the AGREE ll instrument? Why?

DNP 810 Evidence-based Practice for Quality Improvement

Module 8 Discussion

This module’s assignment is a poster creation about your hypothetical completed DNP Project, at the end of your program. For this discussion, post what images, graphics, tables, figures and visual materials you would include in the poster to the discussion board. Why is the material you selected important to your project? Respond to your peer’s questions regarding your presentation material. DNP810 All Modules Discussions

HLT306 Full Course Paper

HLT306 Full Course Paper

HLT 306 Advanced Patient Care

Week 1 Discussion

DQ1 Alma Faulkenberger is an 85-year-old female outpatient sitting in the waiting room awaiting an invasive pelvic procedure. The health care professional who will assist in her procedure enters the room and calls “Alma.” There is no reply so the professional retreats to the work area. Fifteen minutes later the professional returns and calls “Alma Frankenberg.” Still no reply, so he leaves again. Another 15 minutes pass and the professional approaches Alma and shouts in her ear, “Are you Alma Frankenberg?” She replies, “No I am not, and I am not deaf either, and when you get my name correct I will answer you.”

Using the topic 1 materials, develop a plan to help Alma be compliant with the procedure and post-treatment medication. Also, describe the approach you would take to patient education in this case.

DQ2 How would you use collaboration to assist in compliance with a patient as difficult as Alma? HLT306 Full Course Paper

HLT 306 Advanced Patient Care

Week 2 Discussion

DQ1 Sister Mary is a patient in Level 2 Emergency Department. She must have a neural examination, physical assessment, radiographs of her facial bones, and a computed tomography scan of the head. Taking into consideration that she is a Roman Catholic nun, what would be the ideal course of patient education as this woman progresses from department to department?

DQ2 What possible reservations could a health care professional have in working with Sister Mary? (Discuss the psychosocial responses the professional might have.)

HLT 306 Advanced Patient Care

Week 3 Discussion

DQ1 Discuss a patient of another culture. How can the health care professional communicate in presenting patient education? Consider language, family, cultural differences, and method of communication.

DQ2 Compare and contrast culture, ethnicity, and acculturation.

HLT 306 Advanced Patient Care

Week 4 Discussion

DQ1 How has the patient’s control over his own health care changed?

DQ2 What part does negotiation play in patient education?

HLT 306 Advanced Patient Care

Week 5 Discussion

DQ1 Using the NIH website, how would you describe CAM and the typical person who uses CAM?

DQ2 What are the percentages of people using CAM with prayer and those who do not?

HLT 306 Advanced Patient Care

Week 1 Assignment

Homework Topic One

Write a short (50-100-word) paragraph response for each question. This assignment is to be submitted as a Microsoft Word document.

Define patient compliance and explain its importance in your field.

Identify the health care professionals’ role in compliance and give examples of ways in which the health care professional may actually contribute to noncompliance.

Compare compliance and collaboration.

Compare and contrast patient education in the past with that practiced today.

Explain the importance of professional commitment in developing patient education as a clinical skill.

Explain the three categories of learning and how they can be used in patient education.

List three problems that may arise in patient education and how they would be solved?

List some methods of documentation of patient education. HLT306 Full Course Paper

HLT 306 Advanced Patient Care

Week 2 Assignment

Homework Topic 2

Write a short (50-100-word) paragraph response for each question. This assignment is to be submitted as a Microsoft Word document.

Give examples of psychosocial factors that affect the health care professional and the effect those factors could have on patient education.

Give examples of psychosocial factors that affect the patient and the effect those factors could have on patient education.

Explain what is meant by personality styles and give examples of approaches that could be used to help the patient. Include self-perception as a factor.

List the steps in adjustment to illness and how the patient copes with each step.

Explain the health professional’s role in teaching the patient at different life stages.

Define the role of the family in patient education.

How might the family influence the compliance of the patient and what measures can the health care professional use in communication with the family?

HLT 306 Advanced Patient Care

Week 3 Assignment

Homework Topic 3

Write a 650-1300 word response to the following questions:

Explain multicultural communication and its origins.

Compare and contrast culture, ethnicity, and acculturation.

Explain how cultural and religious differences affect the health care professional and the issues that can arise in cross-cultural communications.

Discuss family culture and its effect on patient education.

List some approaches the health care professional can use to address religious and cultural diversity.

List the types of illiteracy.

Discuss illiteracy as a disability.

Give examples of some myths about illiteracy.

Explain how to assess literacy skills and evaluate written material for readability.

Identify ways a health care professional may establish effective communication.

Suggest ways the health care professional can help a patient remember instructions.

This assignment is to be submitted as a Microsoft Word document.

HLT 306 Advanced Patient Care

Week 4 Assignment

Homework Topic 4

Write a short (50-100-word) paragraph response for each question. This assignment is to be submitted as a Microsoft Word document.

Define negotiation as it applies to patient education.

Explain how the change in the patient’s status through the years has affected patient education.

List the pros and cons of negotiation.

Describe the general conditions that would be included in a patient contract. HLT306 Full Course Paper

Discuss old age and the baby boomer.

List several generational, religious, and cultural differences between the 30-year-old health care professional and the elderly patient.

Explain some of the barriers to patient education of the elderly and discuss their special needs.

List ways to best approach patient education of the elderly.

Discuss some cultural and religious beliefs about death that you have encountered.

Explain why it is important to discuss death and dying with the elderly patient and what the impact is on all involved.

Explain how to teach a patient with a life-threatening illness.

HLT 306 Advanced Patient Care

Week 5 Assignment

Homework Topic 5

Write a short (50-100-word) paragraph response for each question posed below. Submit this assignment as a Microsoft Word document.

Define CAM.

Describe the patient who uses CAM the most.

List some common misconceptions about CAM.

Identify methods of including the use of CAM in patient education.

Discuss the safe use of CAM.

List ways in which conventional medicine and CAM can be integrated.

Define ethical theories, ethical principles, and values.

Provide examples of ethical issues in patient education and compliance, and describe ways in which an effective professional/patient relationship and a poor health professional/patient relationship can impact these issues.

Explain what is meant by “ethical patient education practices”.

Explain the purpose of informed consent.

Discuss what factors determine the patient’s ability to give informed consent.

Compose a sample informed consent form. .

Discuss the process of communication to use with the patient and the family when obtaining informed consent.

HLT 306 Advanced Patient Care

Week 2 Assignment

Stages of Life Essay and Interview

Write a 500?750?word essay on the Stages?of?Life and the influence of age in health care from a patient’s perspective. Interview a friend or family member about that person’s experiences with the health care system. You may develop your own list of questions.


Suggested questions:

Do you feel that your stage?of?life had any effect on your interaction with health care professionals?

Which areas of the hospital or clinic were most concerned with your well?being and feelings?

Was your family with you during this hospital stay or outpatient visit?

Was your family included in your treatment, such as post?procedure instructions?

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. Only Word documents can be submitted to LopesWrite.

HLT 306 Advanced Patient Care

Week 4 Assignment

Older Adults Patient Education Issues Essay and Interview

Write a 500?750?word essay on the influence patient education has in health care using the experiences of a patient. Interview a friend or family member about that person’s experiences with the health care system. You may develop your own list of questions.

Suggested interview questions:

Did a patient education representative give you instructions on how to care for yourself after your illness or operation?

Did a health care professional, pharmacist, nurse, doctor, or elder counselor advise you on your medication, diet, or exercise?

Who assisted you at home after your illness or operation?

Do you know of any assistance services, i.e., food, transportation, medication, that would help you stay in your home as you get older?

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. Only Word documents can be submitted to LopesWrite. HLT306 Full Course Paper

HLT 306 Advanced Patient Care

Week 4 Quiz

What is the healthcare professional legally responsible to do in patient education?

Inform the patient about their care

Explain any procedures they will undergo

Check for patient understanding

All of the above

2 Examples of patient noncompliance include:

Missing Appointments

Not taking prescribed medication

Dietary or lifestyle changes

All of the Above

3 Why was there more concern with preventative health care starting in the fifties?

Prosperity of the average household

Polio and other diseases could be prevented with immunization

Close family ties

All of the above

4 What is multicultural patient education?

Using an interpreter to do the patient education

Adapting patient education to the cultural needs of the patient and family

Expecting the patient to understand English

Avoiding a patient who is not of the healthcare professional’s ethnicity

5 Which of the following has been found to be one of the most important factors in patient compliance?


Written material

Family input

Pre-appointment reminders

6 Which of the following are considered relationship skills?




All of the Above

7 What are the goals of patient education?

To help the patient understand

To explain concepts to the patient

To help the patient incorporate healthcare into his life

All of the above

8 Which of the following is an example of patient compliance?

A patient forgetting to pick up a prescription.

A patient sharing medication with a family member.

A patient arriving to appointments on the correct day and time.

A patient underutilizing prescribed medication.

9 What percentage of patients has been found to be noncompliant with health recommendations?





10 What is the healthcare professional’s role in teaching the patient at different life stages?

To follow procedures and protocols

To adapt patient education to the life stage of the patient

To delegate responsibility to another healthcare professional

To skip patient education if the patient is young, deaf, blind or old

11 Which of the following would be considered life-stages?



Senior Citizen

All of the above

12 Which of the following are the three categories of learning? HLT306 Full Course Paper

Cognitive, affective, psychomotor

Affective, psychosocial, cognitive

Psychosocial, behavioral, affective

Psychomotor, cognitive, psychosocial

13 Why is the need for patient education expanding?

Aging population is growing rapidly

Growth of new technologies

Earlier discharge from hospital

All of the above

14 What is acculturation?

The patient is strongly attached to the culture he came from

The patient lives on the reservation

The patient refuses to speak the language of the new environment

The patient intermingles willingly in the new culture and adopts its culture

15 Which of the following is one form of nonverbal behavior?

Explaining a procedure to a patient

Kneeling down to the patients level before speaking

Checking for understanding

Giving the patient material to read

HLT 306 Advanced Patient Care

Week 5 Quiz

1 CAM is:

• Complementary and alternative medicine

•Complete and advised medicine

•Complex and addictive medicine

•All of the above

2What is the goal of patient education of the elderly?

•To coerce the patient into compliance

•To maximize both the quantity and quality of life of the patient

•To overly simplify information for the patient

•To teach the patient to understand directions

3The definition of negotiation as it applies to patient education is:

•Telling the patient to ask the doctor what they should do

•Insisting the patient follow the treatment as prescribed

•Letting the patient direct his treatment

•Conferring, discussing and bargaining with the patient to conform treatment to his needs

4What should the patient’s condition be to give informed consent?

•Awake and aware

•Under the influence of drugs or alcohol

•Of legal age of consent

•Awake and aware and of legal age of consent

5Teaching aids should be used

•To enhance oral communication

•Giving the patient something to do while waiting

•To substitute for one-on-one patient education

•None of the above

6What is the purpose of informed consent?

•To meet the legal obligation of informing the patient about his care

•Kneeling down to the patients level before speaking

•Both A and B

•To keep the patient from refusing the exam after signing consent

7What is the one thing terminal patients find most difficult? HLT306 Full Course Paper

•Poor hospital food

•Lack of visitors or too many visitors

•Others acting as if the patient is already deceased

•Too many painful treatments

8Which of the following ethical theories means “do no harm”?





9Illiteracy is:

•Rare in the United States

•Only occurs in low income, unemployed, uneducated people

•Connected to intelligence

•Inability to read and understand written material

10What is “ageism” in healthcare?

•Recording the patient’s correct age

•The same as geriatrics

•Discrimination based on age

•The same as pediatrics

11Activity/passivity is usually used in patient education under such circumstances as

•Emergency room treatment

•Semi-conscious patient

•Elderly patient who does not understand

•All of the above

12What are values?

•Personal ethics

•Personal theories



13How is it possible to integrate CAM and conventional medicine?

• Under medical professional guidance

•Considering CAM as a type of treatment also

•Avoidance of negative interactions about CAM

•All of the above

14Which of the following is a barrier to education of the elderly?

•Lack of tolerance and respect for the patient

•Patient reminisces too much

•Must repeat directions to patient several times

•Patient is overly demanding

15When a patient receives a terminal diagnosis what are some of the stages he will experience?




•All of the Above

NUR3666 Assignment 1

NUR3666 Assignment 1


NUR3666 Evidence-Based Nursing and Research in Global Health Care

Assignment 1

Theoretical Foundation
of Nursing Practice: What Theory Suits You?

This assignment was
locked Sep 14 at 11:59pm.

Assignment #1
(PDF)Preview the document: Theoretical Foundation of Nursing Practice: What
Theory Suits You?

This paper will be
3-page narrative (three pages maximum – 5-point deduction for over page limit
as submitted in Turnitin) plus a title page, abstract page, and a reference
page in APA format.

The purpose is to
discuss the nursing theories (1 or 2 different theories) you have applied to
your nursing practice. Provide the basis or rationale on how these principles
helped you to make care decisions and evaluate your patient care.


Page 1: Title page
Theoretical Foundation of Nursing Practice: What Theory Suits You?

Page 2: Abstract The
abstract should open with a sentence that will serve as an introduction to the
purpose of the paper. Refer to your APA Manual. An abstract is usually a brief
outline of the contents you wrote in the paper and typically does not exceed
250 words. At the end of the abstract place the phrase Key Words, and denote
3-4 keywords that would describe your paper (as for publication and indexing in
CINAHL or PubMed). NUR3666 Assignment 1

Pages 3-5 Narrative
(Three pages maximum)

Use the heading:
Theoretical Foundations of Nursing Practice Start the paper with a short
paragraph that introduces the theories discussed in the paper. (Approximately

Use the heading: [Type
in the name of the Theory] (Approximately 1 page).

Use the heading: [Type
in the name of the Theory] (Approximately 1 page).

Use the heading:
Conclusion Summarize the key points from your discussion. (Approximately ½

Page 6: Reference page.
Refer to your APA Manual.

This review is a
scholarly paper in APA format and with at least three APA references (two
articles and one textbook), cited both in the text and the reference page. Use
the “Sample APA Format Template” to help you format your paper.

Use the CINAHL database
to conduct a Literature Review to find articles from NURSING journals. (Refer to the presentations How to Access the
FIU Library and How to Do a Literature Search using CINAHL found in the
Supplemental Readings).

Use only current articles from 2015 – present.

Do Not use websites. Only use a library database sites.

Do Not use a medical, interdisciplinary, or a non-peer reviewed journal.

Do Not use a literature review article, a systematic review article, or clinical protocols
as one of your articles.

Cite the articles in the text and reference page.

HCA415 All Assignments

HCA415 All Assignments

HCA 415 Healthcare Ethics

Module 1 Assignment


For this assignment, the student will create a Power Point Presentation on a cultural group.

Pick a cultural or religious group (different from yours) that you commonly encounter at workplace. You can select a group discussed in Chapter 1 of Pozgar or a different group. Research the answers to the following…

Title Slide with your name (1 slide)

Health beliefs and practices (1-2 slides)

Family patterns (1 slide)

Communication style (1-2 slides)

Space orientation (1-2 slides)

Time orientation (1-2 slides)

Nutritional Patterns (1-2 slides)

Pain Responses (1-2 slides)

Childbirth and perinatal care (1-2 slides)

Death and Dying (1-3 slides)

Spirituality, religion, and faith (include holy days) (1-2 slides)

Prayer and meditation (1-2 slides)

What knowledge did you gain about this group that you were not aware of? (2-3 slides)

Identify at least two ethical healthcare issues might arise when caring for this cultural group? (2-3 slides)

Reference slides (1-2 slides)

For this section, insure information is referenced and cited in your slides. The presentation should start with a title slide and end with a reference slides. At least 2 references are required for this assignment. If you include pictures, your pictures should also be referenced and cited. HCA415 All Assignments


HCA 415 Healthcare Ethics

Module 2 Assignment


This week, students will be completing a paper to address the following two case studies.

Greg Case Study:

Peggy and Gary had been married for five years, and had been trying to have a child. They had undergone artificial insemination and in vitro fertilization, but each pregnancy had resulted in a miscarriage. Peggy and Gary decide that surrogacy was their best option and placed an advertisement in the local college newspaper.

Josephine, a 21-year-old college student, answered the advertisement. At the time, she was dating a man named Jerry who she loved very much and hoped to marry. But Jerry had recently broken up with Josephine. Hoping to trick Jerry into marrying her, Josephine agreed to be the surrogate for Peggy and Gary. Using Peggy and Gary’s zygote, Josephine underwent in vitro fertilization and became pregnant. During the pregnancy Josephine underwent routine medical examinations, as required by the surrogacy contract. During one of the examinations, a genetic screening test was performed and it was discovered that the child had Down Syndrome. Peggy and Gary did not desire to have a child with Down Syndrome and in accordance with the surrogacy contract paid Josephine to undergo an abortion. In addition, Josephine contacted Jerry, telling him that she was carrying his child. Not wanting to be a husband or father at a young age, Jerry paid Josephine for an abortion as well. He then transferred to another school in a different state.

As a college student who could use the cash, Josephine gladly took the money for the abortion. But because of religious reasons she did not have an abortion and carried the child to term. She never told Peggy, Gary, or Jerry that she delivered a child. Unfortunately, being a single mother and college student was too much for Josephine. At three months, she took the child, whom she called Greg, to the local hospital and surrendered him under the state’s Safe Haven law. HCA415 All Assignments

Address the following questions:

Shortly after the child was surrendered, Jerry found out that Josephine had delivered a child, which he thought was his. Jerry’s parents completed the paperwork necessary to adopt Greg, because they could not fathom the idea of someone else raising their grandchild. Should Jerry’s parents be allowed to adopt Greg? Explain and support your answer.

Shortly after the child’s second birthday, Greg needed to have minor surgery to correct an intestinal problem. Part of the pre-surgery laboratory work involved determining the child’s blood type. The blood typing indicated that it was biologically impossible for Jerry to have fathered Greg. Jerry and Jerry’s parents are now suing Josephine. Should Josephine have to pay the amount of money it cost to raise and support Greg? Explain and support your answer.

As part of her testimony in the lawsuit, Josephine discloses the truth about Greg and the surrogacy pregnancy. Although enraged, Jerry’s parents felt it necessary to contact Peggy and Gary. When Peggy and Gary learn that their biological child had actually been born, they petitioned the court to have their child returned to them and to award them custody. How should the court decide? Should the child remain with Jerry’s parents or be given to Peggy and Gary? Explain and support your answer. HCA415 All Assignments

Baby Fae Case Study

On October 14, 1984, Baby Fae was born two weeks premature, with hypoplastic left heart syndrome (a condition that at the time was 100 percent fatal). Baby Fae’s mother, Teresa Beauclair, was presented with two options; keep the child in the hospital or take the child home. Teresa opted to take the child home, and was preparing to go through the dying process until Dr. Leonard Bailey presented her with a third option. The highly experimental surgery involved replacing Baby Fae’s heart with that of a baboon. Dr. Bailey had been investigating the possibility of cross-species transplantation and discussed his research with Teresa, gaining her consent to the operation. As you can image, the medical procedure was publicized across the United States and animal rights activists were outraged and protested.

While initially, the operation appeared to be successful, Baby Fae’s organs started to fail, leading to her death 21 days after the transplant surgery was performed. In announcing her death at a press conference, Dr. Bailey stated, “Infants with heart disease yet to be born will someday soon have the opportunity to live, thanks to the courage of this infant and her parents.” One year later, the first human to human heart transplant was performed in a child. Dr. Bailey credits the success, in part, to the information and experience that was gained by performing the xenotransplant (Cross-species) procedure.

Address the following questions:

What is your initial reaction to this case? What ethical concerns does this case bring up in relation to: autonomy, nonmaleficence, beneficence, fidelity, and justice? Explain and give specific examples.

The study of animal research has led to many advances in diabetes, cancer, neurological conditions, and cardiac. Currently, pig and bovine valves are still used in heart surgeries. Do you feel research on animals is necessary in the medical field? Explain your answer.

If you were caring for baby Fae, how could the following information effect your interaction with the parents, and possible care of the child? Do you feel information about the family: their past, current status, and criminal record, should be publicized or shared? Explain your answers.

After the transplant, NBC news released this information:

“NBC News has learned the identity of the child’s parents. We will respect their wishes and not name them. However, certain aspects of their past might be relevant to some of the medical controversies in this case. According to relative and court records, the couple was never married. They had separated by the time the infant was born. Both have had trouble with the law in the state they came from, the father for disorderly conduct, and the mother for passing bad checks. They had little money when the baby was born.”

For each of these cases an APA formatted paper must be used, and should include a title page, level headings, references and citations.

This assignment should include at least 3 references and

Should be at least three pages in length for each case (six pages, not including title page and references).

Students should address the proposed questions providing ample detail, examples, and additional support.

HCA 415 Healthcare Ethics

Module 3 Assignment


This week students will be completing a PowerPoint presentation in two parts.

Student’s State Law:

Student’s should research their state’s law and then describe the following topics : Living Will, DNR, Power of Attorney, Spouse/Partner Rights, Euthanasia, Patient Self-Determination. Use the following guideline for the presentation.

Title page (1 slide)

Living Will (1-2 slides)

DNR (1-2 slides)

Power of Attorney (1-2 slides)

Spouse or Partner’s Rights in decision making (1-2 slides)

Euthanasia: Active, Passive, Voluntary, and Involuntary (4-6 slides)

Patient Self-Determination Act of 1990 (1-2 slides)

For the above, students must address: who needs to sign, is a medical evaluation needed, does the document expire, what rights does the person have, what treatment options does the document cover.

For the second part of this presentation, address this Case Study:

Brittany Maynard, a 29-year-old with terminal brain cancer decides to uproot her family from California to Oregon so she could die with dignity. Brittany’s story was covered by the news and on Nov. 1, 2014 she did end her life and suffering with physician assistance suicide.

Research and provide your own background of the story (2-3 slides)

Research Oregon’s Death with Dignity Act and discuss: who is eligible, and what steps need to be followed (2-3 slides)

Do you feel Brittany opened a door to many people suffering from a terminal disease? Do you feel health professionals should discuss this option with their patients, why or why not? (2-3 slides)

Do you feel this is a personal decision that needs to be made by the individual, and that healthcare professionals need to respect the patient’s wishes? (1-2 slides) HCA415 All Assignments

For the presentation, insure information is referenced and cited in your slides. The presentation should start with a title slide and end with a reference slides. At least 3 references are required for this assignment. You must include at least 5 pictures or graphics. All pictures or graphics taken from outside sources must be referenced and cited.

HCA 415 Healthcare Ethics

Module 4 Assignment

Remember to submit your work following the file naming convention FirstInitial.LastName_M01.docx. For example, J.Smith_M01.docx. Remember that it is not necessary to manually type in the file extension; it will automatically append.

Start by reading and following these instructions:

Quickly skim the questions or assignment below and the assignment rubric to help you focus.

Read the required chapter(s) of the textbook and any additional recommended resources. Some answers may require you to do additional research on the Internet or in other reference sources. Choose your sources carefully.

Consider the discussion and the any insights you gained from it.

Create your Assignment submission and be sure to cite your sources, use APA style as required, check your spelling.


This week students will complete an APA paper to address the following case study.

Mr. Corley Case Study:

Walter and Sheila Corley were married on January 20, 1984. ? At the time, they lived in Texarkana, Arkansas. ? Their son Jerry was born in July 1985. ? Later that year, the Corleys separated and were divorced. ? Sometime thereafter, the Corleys reconciled and resumed living together, holding themselves out to others as a married couple. ? In February 1988, the Corleys moved to Mr. Corley’s hometown of Ferriday, Louisiana. ? The Corleys were remarried in December 1988.

Neurofibromatosis, a disease of the peripheral nerves of the body, is a condition marked by the presence of numerous neurofibromas, which are tumors or growths arising from the Schwann cells which form the covering membrane or sheath of a nerve fiber. ? Persons with neurofibromatosis frequently have café au lait spots of varying sizes on their bodies as well. ? In addition, people afflicted with neurofibromatosis experience a significantly increased risk of developing cancer.

In 1978, Mr. Corley was diagnosed with neurofibromatosis and had four neurofibromas removed from his head, arm, hip and leg by a physician in Texarkana. ? Thereafter, a few months prior to his return to Louisiana in 1988, Mr. ?Corley, who had no other known health problems, began experiencing low back pain.

On February 11, 1988, Mr. Corley sought medical treatment from Dr. Maurice Gremillion, a family practitioner in Ferriday. ? On that date, Mr. Corley complained that he had been experiencing low back pain and abdominal discomfort for approximately four months. ? He also noted that he had intermittent right shoulder pain and trouble sleeping. ? At Mr. Corley’s request, Dr. Gremillion ordered a total work-up which included x-rays of the lower spine, chest, kidneys and gall bladder, as well as an upper GI series. ? Dr. Gremillion also prescribed Flexeril, a muscle relaxer, and Anaprox, an anti-inflammatory pain medication. ? Dr. Gremillion, feeling that Mr. Corley should be seen by a specialist, then gave him a written referral to E.A. Conway Medical Center in Monroe for an orthopedic evaluation.

E.A. Conway, which is part of the L.S.U. system, is a teaching facility staffed by permanent, full-time physicians as well as by doctors who are employed on a temporary, rotating basis as interns and residents following their graduation from medical school. ? The general operating procedure of E.A. Conway at the time of Mr. Corley’s presentment was that all new patients, even those who have referrals to a specific service or department, first go through the emergency room. ? At that time, a patient is charted and evaluated by an emergency room physician. ? From there, the patient is either treated or referred to a specific clinic for further follow-up. ? In most cases, patients see different doctors each time they report to the hospital or one of its clinics.

On March 2, 1988, Mr. Corley, accompanied by Sheila Corley, reported to the E.A. Conway Emergency Room. The Corleys presented admitting personnel with all of Mr. Corley’s records from Dr. Gremillion, including the x-rays and other test reports. ? Dr. Bruce Fuller, an emergency room physician, took a history from Mr. Corley and reviewed Dr. Gremillion’s notes and the x-ray reports. ? He also conducted a routine physical examination and had x-rays made of Mr. Corley’s low back. ? Notwithstanding the presence of several growths and café au lait spots on Mr. Corley’s back and torso, Dr. Fuller was unaware that his patient had neurofibromatosis.

Dr. Fuller found everything to be within normal limits and it was his impression that Mr. Corley was suffering from low back pain based on minimal subjective complaints of pain. ? Dr. Fuller continued Mr. Corley on the medication prescribed by Dr. Gremillion and made an appointment for him with the Orthopedic Clinic on March 16, 1988.

On that date, Mr. Corley was seen in the Orthopedic Clinic by fourth year resident McIntyre Bridges. ? Dr. Bridges does not recall looking at or reading the x-rays or reports from Mr. Corley’s previous examinations. ? Dr. Bridges conducted a physical exam, which was normal, and started Mr. Corley on a conservative course of treatment for low back pain. ? Dr. Bridges’ notes from this date indicate his awareness of Mr. Corley’s neurofibromatosis.

Mr. Corley was next seen on April 20, 1988 by Dr. David Mehta. ? At the time, Dr. Mehta was doing a surgical internship and was rotating through the Orthopedic Department. ? Dr. Mehta’s notes reflect that his physical exam of Mr. Corley was normal, but that he felt that Mr. Corley had a posture problem and referred him to physical therapy for correction of his posture. ? Again, the notes do not reflect whether Dr. Mehta reviewed any of Mr. Corley’s previous medical records, x-rays or reports.

On September 14, 1988, Mr. Corley was seen by fourth year surgical resident Keith White. ? On that date, Mr. Corley noted that his pain had worsened and was occasionally affecting his walking. ? Dr. White’s examination yielded no objective findings of low back pain, but he did notice several café au lait spots indicative of neurofibromatosis so he ordered a CT scan of Mr. Corley’s low back to rule out any neurofibroma changes in the nerve roots. ? Dr. Ellis, a radiologist at E.A. Conway, interpreted the CT scan as showing arthritis consistent with fibrosis or spinal stenosis and possible edema of the right L-5 nerve root, which, according to Dr. White, may or may not have been the cause of Mr. Corley’s back pain. ? As with Drs. Bridges and Mehta, Dr. White did not review any of the previous medical records, x-rays or reports. ? Mr. Corley’s last visit to E.A. Conway was September 21, 1988. ? On that date, Dr. White reviewed the results of the CT scan with Mr. Corley, continued him on an anti-inflammatory drug and encouraged him to continue his back exercises. ? Dr. White instructed Mr. Corley to return to the clinic in three months.

Thereafter, on October 26, 1988, Mr. Corley, plagued by constant back pain and beginning to experience difficulty breathing, consulted Dr. Rick Maxwell, a chiropractor, who did a full spinal x-ray which revealed a markedly diminished right lung area. ? Dr. Maxwell sent Mr. Corley to his father, also a chiropractor, who confirmed that there was a potential problem with Mr. Corley’s right lung and recommended that he see a pulmonary specialist.

On October 31, 1988, Mr. Corley presented to Dr. Gremillion complaining of chest congestion and shortness of breath. ? Dr. Gremillion diagnosed him with bronchitis and implemented treatment accordingly. ? Mr. Corley returned to Dr. Gremillion on November 14, 1988 with complaints of shortness of breath and marked weight loss. ? Subsequent diagnostic testing confirmed the presence of a very large mass in Mr. Corley’s right chest.

Prior to his death on January 23, 1990, Mr. Corley received radiation and chemotherapy treatment at LSU Medical Center in Shreveport.

Corley v. State Department of Health Hospitals.

Student should address the following questions regarding this case in an APA paper

What are the facts of the case? This should include: what do we need to know, who is involved in the situation, where does the ethical situation take place, and when does it occur? HCA415 All Assignments

What is the precise ethical issue in regards to autonomy, nonmaleficence, beneficence, fidelity, and justice?

Identify the major principles, rules, and values of the case. Values are sets of beliefs about good and bad, right and wrong, and about many other aspects of living and interacting in the society with others. A principle is a personal rule that governs personal behavior. A rule is generally imposed by a figure of authority, and used to guide and govern people.

Is there legal ground for this case, if so what? Who is at fault? What legal action should be taken?

Are there alternatives to the actions completed in this case by both the patient and healthcare facility? Do you feel the physicians were following hospital protocol?

If you were a member of the ethics committee at this facility, what actions or changes would you recommend changing? Why?

For the case study, an APA formatted paper should be used, and needs to include a title page, level headings, references and citations. This assignment should include at least 2 references and should be at least five pages in length. Students should address the proposed questions providing ample detail, examples, and additional support.

HCA 415 Healthcare Ethics

Module 5 Assignment


This week students will complete an APA paper to address the following case study

Amish Case Study:

After an Ohio Medina County judge ruled that Andy and Anna Hershberger, the parents of a 10-year-old girl, had the right to choose what was medically best for her, an appeals court reversed the decision and sided with a hospital that is fighting to resume her chemotherapy after her parents terminated the treatment. The Hershbergers are a deeply religious Amish family, who chose to take a different route from modern medicine after Sarah became ill from chemotherapy in June. The girl reportedly begged her parents to stop her chemotherapy and testified in court against resuming the treatment. “Our belief is, to a certain extent, we can use modern medicine, but at some times we have to stop it and do something else,” her father told the AP. They plan on going to a wellness center and turning to natural medication such as herbs and vitamins in the hopes that they could help her without putting her in pain. Akron Children’s Hospital, where Sarah had begun her chemotherapy, strongly advocated for the girl to continue her chemo, stating that it was a matter of life or death.

Sarah has lymphoblastic lymphoma, a form of non-Hodgkin lymphoma that rarely affects adults but is most often found in people under 35. It is reported to have a five-year survival rate of 85 percent if the patient undergoes chemotherapy. Lymphoma is a blood cancer that occurs when white blood cells divide faster than regular cells, causing tumors of lymphoid cells to grow throughout the body, typically in lymph nodes. “Although there’s all these dire medical predictions they (Sarah’s parents) would refute that by saying this is matter beyond the province of mortal man,” the Hershbergers’ attorney John Oberholtzer told WKYC. “You have to have a kind of faith that a lot of us don’t have…they absolutely have that faith.” He added that Sarah’s parents might take the case to the Ohio Supreme Court, and that it could potentially set a legal precedence with regards to who should hold the rights over a child’s medical decisions when it’s a life or death situation. “There has never been an allegation of parental unfitness, nor has the hospital or anyone else requested legal or physical custody of this child,” Akron Children’s Hospital said in a statement. “This involves a disagreement between providers and parents over what course of treatment is best for their child.” The hospitals’ chief medical officer Robert McGregor said last week that they had a moral and legal duty to ensure that Sarah receives the treatment that is in her best interest.

Bushak, L. (2013, Aug. 9). Court rules that Sarah Hershberger, Amish girl battling cancer, should be appointed legal guardian after parents stop her chemotherapy. Medical Daily. Retrieved from

Address the following questions regarding the case study

What are the facts of the case? This should include: what do we need to know, who is involved in the situation, where does the ethical situation take place, and when does it occur?

What is the precise ethical issue in regards to autonomy, nonmaleficence, beneficence, fidelity, and justice?

Identify the major principles, rules, and values of the case. Values are sets of beliefs about good and bad, right and wrong, and about many other aspects of living and interacting in the society with others. A principle is a personal rule that governs personal behavior. A rule is generally imposed by a figure of authority, and used to guide and govern people.

Are there alternative to the actions completed in this case by both the parents and healthcare facility?

Do you feel, in this case, the hospital is honoring the religious and cultural beliefs of the patient and her family? Can a hospital take a Jehovah Witness to court to receive a medically needed blood transfusion? Is this case different due to the age of the patient? Explain and support your answer.

If you were a member of the ethics committee at this facility, what actions would you recommend in this case? Would you be in support of the facility or family? Explain and support your decision.

For the case study, an APA formatted paper should be used, and needs to include a title page, level headings, references and citations. This assignment should include at least 2 references and should be at least five pages in length. Students should address the proposed questions providing ample detail, examples, and additional support.

HCA 415 Healthcare Ethics

Module 6 Assignment


This week students will create a powerpoint to address the following questions…

Case Study:

A mother expecting her first child miscarried at home on June 22, 2010. The pregnancy was six months along. An ambulance was called at 4:57 a.m. The EMTs helped the mother to the stretcher and then went inside to retrieve the fetus from the bathroom floor. The baby was seen moving its head. The EMTs requested ALS to the scene. The baby was placed inside a small container. The ALS personnel visually assessed the fetus and stated the fetus was “non-viable”. There was never a fetal heart check in the field. Mother and fetus were transported to the hospital arriving at 5:16 a.m. HCA415 All Assignments

At the hospital, a nurse noticed that the fetus was warm and had a heartbeat. The baby was raced to the special care nursery and placed on a warmer. The staff then proceeded to resuscitate the baby. The baby was dusky and noted to have a heart rate of 30 with respirations of 6-8 at 5:40 a.m., and cardiopulmonary resuscitation was initiated. The oxygen saturation was 2-10%. The baby was intubated at 5:55 a.m. At 6:05 a.m., the blood pressure was 44/24. By 6:15 a.m., the baby was on a ventilator with oxygen saturation of 96%, a heart rate of 102, but remained dusky. By 6:30 a.m., the baby’s heart rate was 120 and blood pressure 52/24.

At 7:45 a.m., the baby was transported to a Boston hospital NICU for further care and treatment. Unfortunately, the baby died on August 10, 2010 at age 1 month and 16 days, not from prematurity but rather from brain damage due to lack of oxygen.

The plaintiffs’ claimed the accepted standard of care for basic and paramedic emergency medicine technicians in Massachusetts in 2010 required basic and paramedic EMTs to provide appropriate evaluation and treatment by following established protocols. It is beyond the scope of practice for EMTs at any level to make determinations in regard to viability of a patient. As a result of the negligence, the baby was improperly designated as “non-viable”, was placed in a Pizzeria Uno’s delivery plastic bag inside of a box with a lid on it further depriving the baby of oxygen, and as a result was not resuscitated for the first several minutes of life.

Lubin & Meyers. (2016). EMT negligence lawsuit settles for $1 million. 2011 medical Malpractice Trial Report. Retrieved from

Title page (1 slide)

What are the facts of the case? This should include: what do we need to know, who is involved in the situation, where does the ethical situation take place, and when does it occur? (3-4 slides)

What is the precise ethical issue in regards to autonomy, nonmaleficence, beneficence, fidelity, and justice? (4-5 slides)

Identify the major principles, rules, and values of the case. Values are sets of beliefs about good and bad, right and wrong, and about many other aspects of living and interacting in the society with others. A principle is a personal rule that governs personal behavior. A rule is generally imposed by a figure of authority, and used to guide and govern people. (3-4 slides)

Locate the scope of practice for EMTs in your state. Is your scope of practice dictated by the state or facility the EMT works for? Does the scope of practice vary from state to state? Explain and support your answers (4-5 slides)

Locate your professional code of ethics for EMTs. Does the code of ethics address autonomy, nonmaleficence, beneficence, fidelity, and justice? Explain and provide an example for each (5-6 slides)

Based on the scope of practice and code of ethics found, do you support the EMT’s decision in this case? Why or why not? Be specific with examples (3-4 slides)

If you were a member of the ethics committee at this facility, what actions or changes would you recommend changing? Why? (2-3 slides)

For the presentation, insure information is referenced and cited in your slides. The presentation should start with a title slide and end with a reference slides. At least 3 references are required for this assignment. You must include at least 5 pictures or graphics. All pictures or graphics taken from outside sources must be referenced and cited.

HCA 415 Healthcare Ethics

Module 7 Assignment


This week students will be completing a narrated power point to discuss one of the following cases.

Lisa McPherson Clearwater, Florida (1995)

Terri Schiavo St. Petersburg, Florida (1990–2005)

Nadya Doud-Suleman Bellflower, California (January 2009)

Elodie Irvine v. Regents of the University of California 57 Cal.Rptr.3d 500, 149 Cal.App.4th 994 (2007) Court of Appeal State of California, Fourth Appellate District Division Three

First, students should pick one of the ethical cases above and create a power point presentation to address the following:

What are the facts of the case? This should include: what do we need to know, who is involved in the situation, where does the ethical situation take place, and when does it occur? (3-4 slides)

What is the precise ethical issue in regards to autonomy, nonmaleficence, beneficence, fidelity, and justice? (5-6 slides)

Identify the major principles, rules, and values of the case. Values are sets of beliefs about good and bad, right and wrong, and about many other aspects of living and interacting in the society with others. A principle is a personal rule that governs personal behavior. A rule is generally imposed by a figure of authority, and used to guide and govern people. (3-5 slides)

Is there legal ground for this case, state what they are? Who is at fault? What legal action should be taken? (2-4 slides)

Are there alternative to the actions completed in this case by the parties involved? What could have been done to prevent the outcome of the case? (3-6 slides) HCA415 All Assignments

If you were a member of the ethics committee at the facility the event happened, what action would you take in this case? (2-4 slides)

As a healthcare professional, how did the outcome of the case make you feel? Does it align with your personal values and beliefs? Would caring for this patient be difficult? How do you separate your personal beliefs when completing your job? (4-6 slides)

For the presentation, insure information is referenced and cited in your slides. The presentation should start with a title slide and end with a reference slides. At least 3 references are required for this assignment. If you include pictures, your pictures should also be referenced and cited.

Now students will add the narrative to their power point using one of the following tools.

VoiceThread ( – VoiceThread allows you to upload, share and discuss documents, presentations, images, audio files and videos (over 50 different types of media can be used in a VoiceThread). Within the presentation, you can comment on VoiceThread slides using one of five options: Microphone, webcam, text, phone, and audio-file upload. VoiceThreads can be used to create microlectures by:

Narrating a PowerPoint presentation

Discussing a journal article

Annotating a website or document

Reviewing a picture or graphic

For detailed information on how to use VoiceThread to create microlectures, see:

Written instructions:

Video tutorial:

Screencast-o-Matic ( – Screencast-o-Matic is a program that allows for one-click screen capture recording. Not only does Screencast-o-Matic record all the activities on your computer screen, but it allows you to simultaneously record your voice as the narration to support your screen capture recording. Screencast-o-Matic is great for:

Narrating PowerPoint lectures (i.e., create lectures for your online courses)

Demonstrating website navigation (i.e., create how-to videos for using the library or a required web-based activity)

Demonstrating software application (i.e., create videos demonstrating how to run an analysis in SPSS)

Course overview tutorials (i.e., provide students with a visual tour of your online course)

Syllabus overview tutorials (i.e., create a video walking students through the requirements of your course)

For detailed information on how to use Screencast-o-Matic to create engaging course supplements, see:

Written instructions:

Video tutorial:

HCA 415 Healthcare Ethics

Module 8 Assignment


Students will complete an APA paper about the following case study. The provided case study represents ethical issues of historical interest.

Case Study

A nurse has sued Memorial Hospital, charging that she was demoted after complaining about a heart surgeon tossing bloody tissue at her during an operation. The eight-page complaint filed Friday in U.S. District Court by Sonja Morris alleges that Dr. Bryan Mahan tossed the 4-by-6-inch piece of tissue at her, hitting her on the leg during an open-heart surgery in August 2008. She contends Mahan made a joke about it to the other surgeons, saying, “Oh (expletive), I hit her. Can we get cultures on that?” Morris said she felt humiliated as the other surgeons chuckled. Mahan could not be reached for comment Friday afternoon.

Morris claims that the incident was part of a pattern of harassing behavior by Mahan toward her. She also alleged that in June 2008, Mahan came up behind her and hit her in the head. She told him to stop, but two weeks later, he did it again, the suit alleged. Again she asked him to stop.

Chris Valentine, a spokesman for the hospital, declined to comment on the lawsuit. “Obviously, because it’s in legal hands, we’re not in a position to comment,” he said. Mahan is the chairman of cardiac and thoracic medicine at Memorial. He is not named as a defendant in the lawsuit. Morris has worked at the hospital as a nurse since June 1999. She has been a member of the heart surgery team since October 2007.


The incident with the bloody tissue occurred on Aug. 28, 2008, after normal working hours during an operation in which doctors were doing a procedure known as a pericardiectomy. The surgery involved removing a protective layer of tissue from the heart. Morris contends that was the bloody tissue that Mahan tossed at her. She said she was standing at a work station about 15 feet away from the operating table. Because the operation was still in progress, she was unable to immediately clean the part of her leg that the tissue hit. She filed a complaint about the incident but said that resulted in no disciplinary action.

On Dec. 10, she filed a notice of claim against Mahan and the hospital. Her complaint to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission alleged that she was subjected to a hostile work environment because of her gender. Seven days later, she said hospital administrators removed her from the heart surgery team, considered a prestigious position, and transferred her to the main operating room. The suit alleged that this action violated her First Amendment rights to petition the hospital to correct something she considered wrong. HCA415 All Assignments

Ensslin, J.C. (2009, June 6). Nurse sues Memorial, claims surgeon threw human tissue at her. The Gazette. Retrieved from

Morris v. City of Colorado Springs, 666 F.3d 654 (2012) LINK

Answer the following questions:

What are the facts of the case? This should include: what do we need to know, who is involved in the situation, where does the ethical situation take place, and when does it occur?

What is the precise ethical issue in regards to autonomy, nonmaleficence, beneficence, fidelity, and justice?

Identify the major principles, rules, and values of the case. Values are sets of beliefs about good and bad, right and wrong, and about many other aspects of living and interacting in the society with others. A principle is a personal rule that governs personal behavior. A rule is generally imposed by a figure of authority, and used to guide and govern people.

Is there legal ground for this case, if so what? Who is at fault? What legal action should be taken?

Are there alternative to the actions completed in this case by both the nurse, physician, and healthcare facility? Do you feel the physician and nurse were following hospital protocol?

If you were a member of the ethics committee at this facility, what actions or changes would you recommend changing? Why?

For the case study, an APA formatted paper should be used, and needs to include a title page, level headings, references and citations. This assignment should include at least 2 references and should be at least four pages in length. Students should address the proposed questions providing ample detail, examples, and additional support. HCA415 All Assignments