NRS 429VN – Transtheoretical model (TTM)

NRS 429VN – Transtheoretical model (TTM)

Re: Topic 1 DQ 2
A health promotion model used for behavioral change is the transtheoretical model (TTM). An example of a behavioral change is smoking cessation. According to Whitney (2018), this method helps to identify a patient’s level of readiness to make necessary to changes to improve their health. It is broken down into 6 stages: 

  1. Precontemplation
  2. Contemplation
  3. Preparation
  4. Action
  5. Maintenance
  6. Termination

This model aids in behavioral changes by using it as an assessment tool. It helps to identify in what stage a person is in to begin a behavioral change. Knowing what stage a person is in can help guide behavioral strategies that can influence behaviors towards a better health outcome. The first stage of this model is the first barrier that can affect the patient’s ability to learn. The precontemplation stage is when a person is not even considering making a change, they may have thought about it, but they don’t have the confidence or will to make a change. They know smoking is bad for them they know the side effects, but they are just not mentally ready to even think about smoking cessation. If a patient is not ready or motivated to learn or change their behavior, a positive learning outcome will not be met NRS 429VN – Transtheoretical model (TTM).



Whitney, S. (2018). Teaching and Learning Styles. Retrieved October 7, 2021, from

Describe a health promotion model used to initiate behavioral changes. How does this model help in teaching behavioral changes? What are some of the barriers that affect a patient’s ability to learn? How does a patient’s readiness to learn, or readiness to change, affect learning outcomes?


The transtheoretical model is a good theory for patients to self reflect. This model holds the patient accountable to really understand what the real problem is. Also the great thing about this theory is that it is done in stages, or baby steps to the patient.The theory helps with staying motivated to continue reaching the next goal. By assessing the patient’s readiness to change, the nurse can create appropriate behavioral objectives for the patient’s current stage (Whitney, 2018). I do agree with you that if a patient is not ready or motivated to learn or change their behavior no goals will be met NRS 429VN – Transtheoretical model (TTM).

Whitney, S. (2018). Teaching and Learning Styles. Retrieved October 7, 2021, from NRS 429VN – Transtheoretical model (TTM)

Family Health Assessment Part I GCU NRS-429VN

Family Health Assessment Part I GCU NRS-429VN

Family Health Assessment Part-1

Performing a family health assessment is a way that nurses can interact with the family.  Obtaining knowledge about one’s family structure, how they function, and the way they process situations, and perform task will inform the nurse on how they can optimize a nursing care educational plan to in cooperate in their family structure and can provide individualized nursing care plans that will be unique to their family system. According to (Kaakinen, 2018).

I have chosen a family that is very dear to me, but that has endured great tragedy recently and other medical and mental health problems. I thought this would be a great family to conduct this interview. In this family there are four members that consist of three teenagers that include a 15-year-old boy, girl A who is 19, Girl B who is 17, a mother and a recently deceased father Family Health Assessment Part I GCU NRS-429VN.

They all work well in supporting each other, especially with the recent loss of their father. The current health of the family is not the best due to their circumstances, they all know this though and are willing and taking appropriate steps to achieve a healthy outcome. Some of the areas they could improve would be the nutritional, exercise, and following medication orders provided by the doctor.

The Family states that their health is important to them especially since the untimely death of the kids’ father was due to a massive heart attack at age 34 who was extremely overweight. The eldest daughter has recently gained a substantial amount of weight and is not making the best decisions on what she eats states the mother. The son is extremely active and plays basketball and football, he states that he works out regularly during the week at school Family Health Assessment Part I GCU NRS-429VN.



The mother said that during the week it is hard for them to eat at home all together due to everyone’s busy schedules, school activities, and work. She said that when they are all home on the weekends though that they do eat at home and a well-balanced meal. However, the eldest daughter has been eating a lot of sweets and carbs said she is worried that the loss of her father is making her depressed, and she has been eating a lot due to that.


All the family members stated that they do not get enough sleep and do not feel very rested in the mornings, the son stated that he comes home every day from school and lays down till around 7 or 8pm. The middle daughter takes melatonin to assist in falling asleep, and mother states she is only getting about four hours of sleep at night, she lies awake every night and worries about her kids in this difficult time and stresses out over her financial situation. (Radek, 2021) states that the recommended amount of sleep is 7-8 hours of sleep.



All family members stated they do not have any problems with their bowels or bladder except mother, she stated she has a large kidney stone, but she cannot have surgery due to Covid right now and that the hospital will only do emergency surgeries at this time. According to (Ferraro, 2020) it is recommended to increase fluid intake, and maintain a healthy well-balanced diet with reducing intake of sodium and animal proteins, and to also increase fiber intake Family Health Assessment Part I GCU NRS-429VN.

Activity and exercise

Except for the son, the family states that they do not have a regular exercise routine and the eldest daughter cannot exercise due to a foot injury she had a few years ago that she is still suffering from. However, they do stay active and are always on the go.


The mother reports all the children are doing well in school and the son is in all honors classes and making all A’s, the eldest daughter just started college and the middle daughter is doing well also, they also all hold down a job with no issues.

Sensory/ perception

All members of the family report they do not wear glasses or contacts, they are up to date on their eye exams and deny any hearing problems.


When asked about this all members stated they are very depressed, and life is not very enjoyable at this moment however they do know that it will get better they are just dealing with a hard time in life right now. I deny any feelings of self-harm and are all currently in counseling to help grieve their loss. Family Health Assessment Part I GCU NRS-429VN

Role relationship

The mother is the head of household but states the oldest daughter helps a lot as well, she assists in taking the other kids to and from school and anywhere else they need to go while the mother is working and helps a lot with housework Family Health Assessment Part I GCU NRS-429VN.


The kids are not in relationships and deny having any sexual partners. The mother States that she has zero sex drive since her hysterectomy two years ago. She states that she tried the hormones, but she could not stand the way that they made her feel, so she stopped taking them and now suffers from vaginal dryness and painful sex. She states that she knows that she needs to see the doctor and inquire about trying a different kind of medication.


This family has had a recent tragedy and all state that they are doing the best they can to just get by. The kids are in counseling, and mother states she thinks it is slowly helping. The mother states that she just deals by not thinking about it, which then immediately stated she knew that was not the healthy thing to do.


Family focused questions and answers

Values/ Health perception

  1. How do you view your overall health as a family? Mother states “I think we have our

moments where a kid will get sick here or there but overall, I feel like we’re a pretty normal and healthy family”

  1. Have you had any major surgeries, or does anyone have any chronic illness?

“I had several surgeries on my foot after I stepped on a big piece of glass in the lake three years ago, I went to the hospital and they did not clean it, and just stitched it up. They didn’t even give me any antibiotics. I ended up being care flighted to a children’s hospital where I had to have several more surgeries to save my foot.” Says daughter 1

  1. Do any of you smoke or drink on a regular basis?

“They better not” laughs mom, then adds “I vape”


  1. Would you all say of your eating habits are healthy? “I don’t know about healthy, but I also wouldn’t say it was the best” says Mom
  2. Do you all drink enough water throughout the day? Son states “That is all I drink, I don’t drink anything else, well except tea occasionally.” All others state they drink plenty of water.
  3. Do you eat more home cooked meals or eat out for the most part? “Honestly, we eat out a lot, like a lot. We are all so busy with school, sports, and work during the week that we mostly just grab something on our own.” Says mom

Sleep/ Rest

  1. How many hours on average do you think you all get a night? “Anywhere from 3-8 hours depending on the day.
  2. Do any of you take any medications to assist with falling asleep? Girl 2 started taking melatonin recently after the death of her father.
  3. Do you feel rested in the mornings? They all agree they do Family Health Assessment Part I GCU NRS-429VN.


  1. Do you all have regular bowel movements? All 3 girls respond together while laughing saying that the son “has no problem at all going.” Then say they are regular as well.
  2. Do you have any problems urinating? “I have a large kidney stone that makes it difficult sometimes” states mom.
  3. Any complaints of constipation? They all deny

Activity/ Exercise

Family Health Assessment Part I


Understanding family structure and style is essential to patient and family care. Conducting a family interview and needs assessment gathers information to identify strengths, as well as potential barriers to health. This information ultimately helps develop family-centered strategies for support and guidance.

This family health assessment is a two-part assignment. The information you gather in this initial assignment will be utilized for the second assignment in Topic 3.

Develop an interview questionnaire to be used in a family-focused functional assessment. The questionnaire must include three open-ended, family-focused questions to assess functional health patterns for each of the following:

  1. Values/Health Perception
  2. Nutrition
  3. Sleep/Rest
  4. Elimination
  5. Activity/Exercise
  6. Cognitive
  7. Sensory-Perception
  8. Self-Perception
  9. Role Relationship
  10. Sexuality
  11. Coping

Select a family, other than your own, and seek permission from the family to conduct an interview. Utilize the interview questions complied in your interview questionnaire to conduct a family-focused functional assessment. Document the responses as you conduct the interview. Family Health Assessment Part I GCU NRS-429VN

Upon completion of the interview, write a 750-1,000-word paper. Analyze your assessment findings. Submit your questionnaire as an appendix with your assignment.

Include the following in your paper:

  1. Describe the family structure. Include individuals and any relevant attributes defining the family composition, race/ethnicity, social class, spirituality, and environment.
  2. Summarize the overall health behaviors of the family. Describe the current health of the family.
  3. Based on your findings, describe at least two of the functional health pattern strengths noted in the findings. Discuss three areas in which health problems or barriers to health were identified.
  4. Describe how family systems theory can be applied to solicit changes in family members that, in turn, initiate positive changes to the overall family functions over time.

Cite at least three peer-reviewed or scholarly sources to complete this assignment. Sources should be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Course Materials if you need assistance.

  1. Do you exercise regular? “No”, says mom, well son 1 “does because he is in athletics, and they have to go to weight room every day.” She added
  2. Are there any barriers that would prevent any of you to exercise? “My foot shoots pain if I lift heavy things.” States daughter 1, mom says “No, just time and motivation.”
  3. Would you say you are all active throughout the day? “Yes.” reply all Family Health Assessment Part I GCU NRS-429VN


  1. How are your grades in school, do you feel like you are able to understand and comprehend when the teacher is teaching? “Yes” state the kids.
  2. While at work do any of you have any problems completing task? They all deny any issues
  3. Do any of you have any problems focusing or remembering things? Mom says “I am so forgetful, but I think it’s just because I have so much going on, and things I have to remember. Kids deny any problems

Sensory perception

  1. Do any of you wear glass or contacts? No
  2. Do any of you wear hearing aids? No
  3. Have you all had your vision and hearing test done recently? “We just had ours all done actually” says mom

Self- perception

  1. Do any of you struggle with feeling depressed? Yes, they all answer and all 4 tear up, these sweet kids lost their dad very unexpectedly recently and they are all struggling with coping with it. Daughter one states “everyday” while the others nod yes.
  2. Do you ever have any thoughts of self- harm? “No” they all say
  3. Are any of you on any anti-depressants? “I am” says daughter 2. She was a daddy’s girl, and as a close friend of the family I know how bad she is struggling with this sudden loss.

Role relationship

Mom is the head of the house, but the oldest daughter helps with taking the other kids to school, and to and from work.


I asked this question to mom in private and she told me that she has “zero desire” she explained that she had to have a hysterectomy at age 35 so 2 years ago and she has not taken her hormone pills. Kids deny being intimate with anyone.


“All 3 kids just started counseling” says mom,” they are all dealing with this loss in their own way and that she cannot stand that she cannot take their pain away. She also adds that daughter 2 with just start whaling and crying uncontrollably and mom states “it is the hardest thing we have ever had to handle and so I knew I had to get them in to see someone.”Family Health Assessment Part I GCU NRS-429VN



Ferraro, P. M. (2020, March 15). Risk of kidney stones: Influence of dietary factors, dietary patterns, and vegetarian–vegan diets. MDPI.

Kaakinen, J. (2018). Family health care nursing. Google Books.

Radek, K. (2021, June 3). An overview of worldwide sleep disturbance | Highlights on medicine and medical science Vol. 3. Book Publisher International.


Course Code Class Code Assignment Title Total Points
NRS-429VN NRS-429VN-O502 Family Health Assessment Part I 150.0
Criteria Percentage Unsatisfactory (0.00%) Less than Satisfactory (75.00%) Satisfactory (79.00%) Good (89.00%) Excellent (100.00%) Comments Points Earned
Content 80.0%
Interview Questionnaire Assessing Functional Health Patterns 15.0% Interview questionnaire is omitted. The interview questionnaire presented does not include family-focused functional health patterns. More than three of the functional heath patterns have been omitted. Four or more of the functional health patterns have fewer than three open-ended questions. The interview questionnaire presented is incomplete. One or two of the functional heath patterns have been omitted. Two or three of the functional health patterns have fewer than three open-ended questions. Overall, the interview questionnaire is inconsistent with the assignment criteria. The interview questionnaire presented. One of the functional heath patterns has been omitted. One of the functional health patterns has fewer than three open-ended questions. Overall, the interview questionnaire is consistent with the assignment criteria. Some of the open-ended questions are not family-focused or not relevant to the scope of the assignment. The interview questionnaire presented. All functional heath patterns are included, and each has three open-ended questions that are family focused and relevant to functional health patterns. The interview questionnaire is consistent with the assignment criteria. Overall, the open-ended questions are family-focused and relevant to the scope of the assignment. The interview questionnaire presented and demonstrates strong insight into family-focused assessment strategies.  All functional heath patterns include three highly relevant open-ended questions.
Family Structure (individuals, relevant attributes of family composition, race/ethnicity, social class, spirituality, environment) 15.0% Description of family structure omitted. A partial description of family structure is presented. Not all individuals are included. Relevant attributes are listed but incomplete. Some attributes are missing. There are inaccuracies. A summary of family structure is presented. All individuals are included. Most relevant attributes listed are summarized. Some aspects are vague. There are minor inaccuracies. The family structure is described. All individuals and relevant attributes are presented. Overall, the discussion provides insight into the family structure. The family structure is clearly described. All individuals and relevant attributes are discussed in detail. The discussion demonstrates an in-depth perspective into family structure.
Family Health and Health Behaviors 15.0% Health behaviors and current health of the family are not presented. Health behaviors and current health of the family are partially presented. Overall, the health and health behaviors of the family are unclear. Health behaviors and current health of the family are summarized. Overall, the health and health behaviors of the family are generally presented. Health behaviors are identified and presented. The current health behaviors of the family are described. Health behaviors are identified and presented in detail.  The current health of the family is described. A clear understanding of family health and health behavior is demonstrated.
Findings (functional health patterns strengths, health problems or barriers to health) 15.0% Functional health pattern strengths, health problems, and barriers to health are not presented as indicated in assignment criteria. Two functional health pattern strengths, and three health problems or barriers to health are partially presented. Some aspects presented are not relevant, or are not consistent with findings. Two functional health pattern strengths, three health problems, and barriers to health are summarized. Aspects presented are relevant and generally consistent with findings. Two functional health pattern strengths, three health problems, and barriers to health are discussed. Aspects presented are relevant and consistent with findings. Two functional health pattern strengths, three health problems, and barriers to health are discussed. Discussion identifies and assesses key aspects from findings. Discussion demonstrates insight into assessment of findings to identify functional health pattern strengths and health problems or barriers.
Application of Family Systems Theory 20.0% Application of family systems theory is not presented. Application of family systems theory is partially presented. It is unclear how the theory will be applied to positively change overall family functions over time. There are inaccuracies in the application or representation of the theory. Application of family systems theory is presented. A general discussion on how the theory will be applied to initiate positive changes in family functions over time is presented. There are minor inaccuracies in the application or representation of the theory. Application of family systems theory to initiate positive changes in family functions over time is discussed. The manner in which the theory is applied is relevant and generally supports steps toward the desired outcomes. Application of family systems theory to initiate positive changes in family functions over time is thoroughly discussed. The manner in which the theory is applied is highly relevant and strongly supports steps to achieving the desired outcomes.
Organization and Effectiveness 15.0%
Thesis Development and Purpose 5.0% Paper lacks any discernible overall purpose or organizing claim. Thesis is insufficiently developed or vague. Purpose is not clear. Thesis is apparent and appropriate to purpose. Thesis is clear and forecasts the development of the paper. Thesis is descriptive and reflective of the arguments and appropriate to the purpose. Thesis is comprehensive and contains the essence of the paper. Thesis statement makes the purpose of the paper clear.
Argument Logic and Construction 5.0% Statement of purpose is not justified by the conclusion. The conclusion does not support the claim made. Argument is incoherent and uses noncredible sources. Sufficient justification of claims is lacking. Argument lacks consistent unity. There are obvious flaws in the logic. Some sources have questionable credibility. Argument is orderly, but may have a few inconsistencies. The argument presents minimal justification of claims. Argument logically, but not thoroughly, supports the purpose. Sources used are credible. Introduction and conclusion bracket the thesis. Family Health Assessment Part I GCU NRS-429VN Argument shows logical progressions. Techniques of argumentation are evident. There is a smooth progression of claims from introduction to conclusion. Most sources are authoritative. Clear and convincing argument that presents a persuasive claim in a distinctive and compelling manner. All sources are authoritative.
Mechanics of Writing  (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, language use) 5.0% Surface errors are pervasive enough that they impede communication of meaning. Inappropriate word choice or sentence construction is used. Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors distract the reader. Inconsistencies in language choice (register), sentence structure, or word choice are present. Some mechanical errors or typos are present, but they are not overly distracting to the reader. Correct sentence structure and audience-appropriate language are used. Prose is largely free of mechanical errors, although a few may be present. A variety of sentence structures and effective figures of speech are used. Writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English.
Format 5.0%
Paper Format  (use of appropriate style for the major and assignment) 2.0% Template is not used appropriately or documentation format is rarely followed correctly. Template is used, but some elements are missing or mistaken; lack of control with formatting is apparent. Template is used, and formatting is correct, although some minor errors may be present. Template is fully used; There are virtually no errors in formatting style. All format elements are correct.
Documentation of Sources (citations, footnotes, references, bibliography, etc., as appropriate to assignment and style) 3.0% Sources are not documented. Documentation of sources is inconsistent or incorrect, as appropriate to assignment and style, with numerous formatting errors. Sources are documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, although some formatting errors may be present. Sources are documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is mostly correct. Sources are completely and correctly documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is free of error.
Total Weightage 100%
Family Health Assessment Part I GCU NRS-429VN

NRS-429VN Topic 2 DQ 1 Family Structures Discussion Essay

NRS-429VN Topic 2 DQ 1 Family Structures Discussion Essay

Re: Topic 2 DQ 1

What is a definition of family that encompasses the different family structures prevalent today?

The definition of a family that encompasses the different family structures in modern times is the family of choice. According to Green (2018), this type of family is unique in that the individual chooses the individual to care, love and trust for them rather than their family or origin.


Discuss the importance of acknowledging nontraditional family structures.

It’s important for the nurse to acknowledge the non- traditional family structure so that health promotion can be implemented according to their family structure. The concerns of a nontraditional family might be different than a traditional family unit. As mentioned in the chapter on health promotion, for the nurse to understand what “family,” is, it’s important to assess so that proper interventions can be placed (Green, 2018). Proper assessment of the family structure of the individual will aid the nurse to promote health and behavioral changes. It’s also important to note that an individual’s illness affects the family’s health as well. The family unit can have a negative or positive impact on each other NRS-429VN Topic 2 DQ 1 family structures discussion essay.

Explain how family systems theory can be used to better understand the interactions of a modern family (traditional or nontraditional)

The family systems theory can be used when interacting with any type of family whether traditional or non-traditional as the approach is the same. In family systems theory, the family is a whole and each member of the unit affect each other. The family member is independent, has personal goals, roles, functions, and individual characteristic, but is interdependent of the family unit. Understanding the importance of each person in the patient’s family unit is crucial to engage the family in promoting changes to improve health outcomes. The family systems theory helps to aid the Nurse in health promotion to understanding the patient’s behaviors. Among family systems theories the main theme is that they all empower the individual to make decisions that will make them feel valued, loved, and accepted. Individual want others attention, approval, and support as well as feel connected to their family unit. The family unit is an emotional unit that is very emotionally connected (Devlin, 2021).


Devlin, K. (2021). Family Systems Theory Definition & What is it? Retrieved October 11, 2021from

Green, S.Z. (2018). Health Promotion: Health and Wellness Across the Continuum. Retrieved from NRS-429VN Topic 2 DQ 1 family structures discussion essay


What is a definition of family that encompasses the different family structures prevalent today? Discuss the importance of acknowledging nontraditional family structures. Explain how family systems theory can be used to better understand the interactions of a modern family (traditional or nontraditional).



it is important for a nurse to understand the family system theory. That way, she knows to include the family in the decision-making and care of the patient. because any decision taken on the patient indirectly affects the entire family.


response 2

That is so well written you discussed the family structure and the use of the Family Systems Theory. The system created by these individuals influences values and morals.



sample 2

Re: Topic 2 DQ 1
After attempting several times to find a more modern definition of family, I was honestly surprised that I really could not find one that I felt really encompassed the different family structures of the present day. I have combined multiple definitions to create what I believe to be the most suitable, A family is a group of one or more parents/guardians and their children who may or may not be descendants of a common ancestor, living together as a unit. The nuclear family, elementary family or conjugal family are family groups consisting of only parents and their children. These types of families still exist but are no longer the majority. We now have family structures that include Grand Parents, Aunts, Uncles, and cousins all who live under the same roof and operate successfully as a family unit. The nontraditional family structure has become normal. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, in 2020 married couples made up 48% of U.S. households, down from 71% in 1970. Over this same period, non-traditional households increased from just 29% in 1970 to 52% today. Acknowledgment of the nontraditional family is a must in order to provide effective care and teaching of both patients and students in the nursing field.Family Systems Theory is a theory introduced by Dr. Murray Bowen that suggests that individuals cannot be understood in isolation from one another, but rather as a part of their family, as the family is an emotional unit. This theory can be used to understand the interactions between the modern family in a few ways. By understanding the roles each individual plays in the nontraditional family, we can breakdown their interactions and how we should interact with them as well NRS-429VN Topic 2 DQ 1 family structures discussion essay. With the ever-changing family structure, we must remain flexible and open-minded about what a family truly is.References May 2021 2020

sample 2

Topic 2 DQ 1
The definition of family ranges from country to country, and has many interworking differences that include religion, culture, and socioeconomic status. Time has changed repeatedly, changing the way families survive. At one time family meant there was a father, mother and children. Today, the family could mean two fathers and children, 2 mothers and children, no parents with grandparents raising the children. It can also include other relatives, friends and much more.It is important to know about nontraditional family structures, because in today’s world, traditional is not the norm. Blended families are everywhere, and each is unique. Household’s include parents, biological children, foster, children, adopted children, stepchildren and so on. Nontraditional also means different religion practices, hierarchy of kinship and who is the head of household. 

“Because of the multitude of definitions of “family” and the changing realities of the current times, there is a felt need for redefining the family and the common types, for the purpose of study of the family as a factor in health and other variables of interest. The following definition of a “family” is hence proposed. People related by marriage, birth, consanguinity or legal adoption, who share a common kitchen and financial resources on a regular basis.” (NCBI 2013)

There are eight concepts using the family systems theory and they include:

  1. Differentiation of self
  2. Emotional triangle
  3. Family projection process
  4. Multigenerational transmission process
  5. Emotional cutoff
  6. Sibling position
  7. Societal emotional process
  8. Nuclear family emotional process. (Goodtherapy 2018)

Being able to respond to anxiety, separating thoughts from feelings, and being able to cope with the many changes in life successfully is being able to differentiate yourself. The emotional triangle means that there are always two sides to emotions. The triangle includes harmony and conflict, and they are a constant balance. Knowing when projecting on family members is key to help prevent having a negative impact NRS-429VN Topic 2 DQ 1 family structures discussion essay. As generations continue to pass on, differentiation can lower and eventually break the pattern if the individuals find partners with similar or lower levels. Knowing when to be able to distance yourself emotionally will not only be helpful to you but family members as well depending on the situation. Siblings and their ranking in the family have their own roles. Older children have a duty to help and be role models for younger children. Society always plays an important role in the family. It can affect the household in many ways, good and bad, causing even more stress. The nuclear process is always a high anxious and high energy family. Constant fighting, arguments and criticism passing on more stress and anguish to the family dynamics. NRS-429VN Topic 2 DQ 1 Family Structures Discussion Essay

Regardless of the family, it is important to know how it works to be able to help each family in the household thrive, especially with their healthcare. Achieving good outcomes at home, most likely the family will be participating and knowing how they work can get the right tools and people in place to be successful.

References: Topic 2 DQ 1 family structures discussion essay

NRS-429VN Topic 2 DQ 1 family structures discussion essay

NRS-429VN Topic 2 DQ 1 family structures discussion essay

Re: Topic 2 DQ 1

What is a definition of family that encompasses the different family structures prevalent today?

The definition of a family that encompasses the different family structures in modern times is the family of choice. According to Green (2018), this type of family is unique in that the individual chooses the individual to care, love and trust for them rather than their family or origin.

Discuss the importance of acknowledging nontraditional family structures.

It’s important for the nurse to acknowledge the non- traditional family structure so that health promotion can be implemented according to their family structure. The concerns of a nontraditional family might be different than a traditional family unit. As mentioned in the chapter on health promotion, for the nurse to understand what “family,” is, it’s important to assess so that proper interventions can be placed (Green, 2018). Proper assessment of the family structure of the individual will aid the nurse to promote health and behavioral changes. It’s also important to note that an individual’s illness affects the family’s health as well. The family unit can have a negative or positive impact on each other NRS-429VN Topic 2 DQ 1 family structures discussion essay.

Explain how family systems theory can be used to better understand the interactions of a modern family (traditional or nontraditional)


The family systems theory can be used when interacting with any type of family whether traditional or non-traditional as the approach is the same. In family systems theory, the family is a whole and each member of the unit affect each other. The family member is independent, has personal goals, roles, functions, and individual characteristic, but is interdependent of the family unit. Understanding the importance of each person in the patient’s family unit is crucial to engage the family in promoting changes to improve health outcomes. The family systems theory helps to aid the Nurse in health promotion to understanding the patient’s behaviors. Among family systems theories the main theme is that they all empower the individual to make decisions that will make them feel valued, loved, and accepted. Individual want others attention, approval, and support as well as feel connected to their family unit. The family unit is an emotional unit that is very emotionally connected (Devlin, 2021).


Devlin, K. (2021). Family Systems Theory Definition & What is it? Retrieved October 11, 2021from

Green, S.Z. (2018). Health Promotion: Health and Wellness Across the Continuum. Retrieved from NRS-429VN Topic 2 DQ 1 family structures discussion essay


What is a definition of family that encompasses the different family structures prevalent today? Discuss the importance of acknowledging nontraditional family structures. Explain how family systems theory can be used to better understand the interactions of a modern family (traditional or nontraditional).  NRS-429VN Topic 2 DQ 1 family structures discussion essay



it is important for a nurse to understand the family system theory. That way, she knows to include the family in the decision-making and care of the patient. because any decision taken on the patient indirectly affects the entire family.


response 2

That is so well written you discussed the family structure and the use of the Family Systems Theory. The system created by these individuals influences values and morals.



sample 2

Re: Topic 2 DQ 1
After attempting several times to find a more modern definition of family, I was honestly surprised that I really could not find one that I felt really encompassed the different family structures of the present day. I have combined multiple definitions to create what I believe to be the most suitable, A family is a group of one or more parents/guardians and their children who may or may not be descendants of a common ancestor, living together as a unit. The nuclear family, elementary family or conjugal family are family groups consisting of only parents and their children. These types of families still exist but are no longer the majority. We now have family structures that include Grand Parents, Aunts, Uncles, and cousins all who live under the same roof and operate successfully as a family unit. The nontraditional family structure has become normal. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, in 2020 married couples made up 48% of U.S. households, down from 71% in 1970. Over this same period, non-traditional households increased from just 29% in 1970 to 52% today. Acknowledgment of the nontraditional family is a must in order to provide effective care and teaching of both patients and students in the nursing field.Family Systems Theory is a theory introduced by Dr. Murray Bowen that suggests that individuals cannot be understood in isolation from one another, but rather as a part of their family, as the family is an emotional unit. This theory can be used to understand the interactions between the modern family in a few ways. By understanding the roles each individual plays in the nontraditional family, we can breakdown their interactions and how we should interact with them as well NRS-429VN Topic 2 DQ 1 family structures discussion essay. With the ever-changing family structure, we must remain flexible and open-minded about what a family truly is.References May 2021 2020

sample 2

Topic 2 DQ 1
The definition of family ranges from country to country, and has many interworking differences that include religion, culture, and socioeconomic status. Time has changed repeatedly, changing the way families survive. At one time family meant there was a father, mother and children. Today, the family could mean two fathers and children, 2 mothers and children, no parents with grandparents raising the children. It can also include other relatives, friends and much more.It is important to know about nontraditional family structures, because in today’s world, traditional is not the norm. Blended families are everywhere, and each is unique. Household’s include parents, biological children, foster, children, adopted children, stepchildren and so on. Nontraditional also means different religion practices, hierarchy of kinship and who is the head of household. NRS-429VN Topic 2 DQ 1 family structures discussion essay 

“Because of the multitude of definitions of “family” and the changing realities of the current times, there is a felt need for redefining the family and the common types, for the purpose of study of the family as a factor in health and other variables of interest. The following definition of a “family” is hence proposed. People related by marriage, birth, consanguinity or legal adoption, who share a common kitchen and financial resources on a regular basis.” (NCBI 2013)


There are eight concepts using the family systems theory and they include:

  1. Differentiation of self
  2. Emotional triangle
  3. Family projection process
  4. Multigenerational transmission process
  5. Emotional cutoff
  6. Sibling position
  7. Societal emotional process
  8. Nuclear family emotional process. (Goodtherapy 2018)

Being able to respond to anxiety, separating thoughts from feelings, and being able to cope with the many changes in life successfully is being able to differentiate yourself. The emotional triangle means that there are always two sides to emotions. The triangle includes harmony and conflict, and they are a constant balance. Knowing when projecting on family members is key to help prevent having a negative impact NRS-429VN Topic 2 DQ 1 family structures discussion essay. As generations continue to pass on, differentiation can lower and eventually break the pattern if the individuals find partners with similar or lower levels. Knowing when to be able to distance yourself emotionally will not only be helpful to you but family members as well depending on the situation. Siblings and their ranking in the family have their own roles. Older children have a duty to help and be role models for younger children. Society always plays an important role in the family. It can affect the household in many ways, good and bad, causing even more stress. The nuclear process is always a high anxious and high energy family. Constant fighting, arguments and criticism passing on more stress and anguish to the family dynamics.

Regardless of the family, it is important to know how it works to be able to help each family in the household thrive, especially with their healthcare. Achieving good outcomes at home, most likely the family will be participating and knowing how they work can get the right tools and people in place to be successful.

References: Topic 2 DQ 1 family structures discussion essay

NRS-429 VN Topic 2 DQ 2 -Family health promotion strategies

NRS-429 VN Topic 2 DQ 2 -Family health promotion strategies

NRS-429 VN Topic 2 DQ 2 -Family health promotion strategies

Re: Topic 2 DQ 2

The concept of family health is important in society as individual in each family affect each other and plays a role in helping each other to achieve optimal healt. Families have a connectedness with everyone in the unit and it enables for changes to occur. Families love, trust, and support each other during times of distress. It’s important to determine in health promotion who the family unit is for a patient so that they are engaged in family education to promote positive behavioral changes NRS-429 VN Topic 2 DQ 2 -Family health promotion strategies.

There are various strategies to promote health but as mentioned in the article, “5 Health Promotion Action Areas Every Nurse Should Know,” there are three key strategies to create effective health promotion, Health Communication, Health Education and Policy, Systems and Environmental changes. In health communication the goal is to promote health literacy, discuss health screenings, educate the patient and families regarding their health issues. Health Education promotes preventive health, daily choices a person makes to improve their health, to lead a healthy lifestyle. In an example given by the article was, for poor communities to have access to a Nutritionist to combat diabetes. The other strategy is for Policy systems and Environmental changes, creating policies that enable a person to have access to healthcare for instance and environment is the environmental changes within a community that inhibits their health outcomes, for example people that live in communities that high pollution.


The Nurse can determine which strategies will be best to enable individuals or families by assessing the socioeconomic, financial, and family structure of the family to improve their health. To promote health changes within the family the Nurse also needs to determine what the barriers are to promoting those changes in the family. For instance, as mentioned in previous discussion in our forum with Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs a family with a low socioeconomic background is unable to focus on education when their focus is daily life is to meet their physical needs first. Assessing the family unit will enable to the nurse to develop a health promotion health plan based on their needs NRS-429 VN Topic 2 DQ 2 -Family health promotion strategies.


Anonymous (2020). Environment Health. Goal: Promote Healthier environments to promote health. Healthy People 2030. Retrieved from

Anonymous (2020). University of Maine Fort Kent. 5 Health Promotion Action Areas Every Nurse Should Know. Retrieved from


Why is the concept of family health important? Consider the various strategies for health promotion. How does a nurse determine which strategy would best enable the targeted individuals to gain more control over, and improve, their health?

Re: Topic 2 DQ 2

The concept of family health is important because a family health history can identify people with a higher-than-usual chance of having common disorders, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, certain cancers, type 2 diabetes as well as possible mental health issues. These complex disorders are influenced by a combination of genetic factors, environmental conditions, and lifestyle choices. understanding these preexisting factors within the family dynamic help nurses formulate better treatment plans. Strategies that would be effective for health promotion when dealing with family health are assessing education level, family structure, inquiring about previous encounters with healthcare professionals and health concerns. Deciding which strategy to use in order to help a patient gain control over and improve their health can be tricky. The best approach in my opinion is to use the person’s own motivations and goals towards health as well as educating the family so the environment can be supportive, this will make behavioral changes that will positively affect the patients’ health a lot easier for the patient to stick to over time which will in turn produce better health outcomes NRS-429 VN Topic 2 DQ 2 -Family health promotion strategies.

References May 12, 2021

5 Health promotion Action Areas Every Nurse Should Know February 7, 2020


sample 3

Topic 2 DQ 2

Family health is important because the family is there every day to help each other survive. Knowing the needs of the patient and the family will help ensure their health promotion on target with goals that are given. There are many different strategies the nurse can use to target the family. Doing a complete assessment of the patient and family will help determine which path to take. Making sure the patient has control over their own needs is important, but what is the family able to do to help and what are their barriers as well. Being sure the family’s overall health is important so that they can continue to help each other and care for one another. As a nurse it is our duty to help find ways to ease the stress of the patient and their family to help them in their healthcare journey. If the patient’s financial situation is not that great, knowing the local tools to help like shelters, food banks, churches and other programs that are available in the community can be a huge help to them. When working with families it is important to always use “an accepting, nonjudgmental approach that can enhance collaborative efforts from the family members.” (Green, S. 2018) Knowing the patient and family’s strengths and weaknesses will help determine what their needs will be and what services to provide.

Below are some core concepts I thought were interesting!

“Core Concepts of Patient- and Family-Centered Care

  • Dignity and Respect. Health care practitioners listen to and honor patient and family perspectives and choices. Patient and family knowledge, values, beliefs and cultural backgrounds are incorporated into the planning and delivery of care.
  • Information Sharing. Health care practitioners communicate and share complete and unbiased information with patients and families in ways that are affirming and useful. Patients and families receive timely, complete and accurate information in order to effectively participate in care and decision-making NRS-429 VN Topic 2 DQ 2 -Family health promotion strategies.
  • Participation. Patients and families are encouraged and supported in participating in care and decision-making at the level they choose.
  • Collaboration. Patients, families, health care practitioners, and health care leaders collaborate in policy and program development, implementation, and evaluation; in facility design; in professional education; and in research; as well as in the delivery of care.” NRS-429 VN Topic 2 DQ 2 -Family health promotion strategies


Green, S. (2018). CCC Web Books by AWS & CDD. NRS-429 VN Topic 2 DQ 2 -Family health promotion strategies

Family Assessment Part II GCU – social determinates of health (SDOH)

Family Assessment Part II GCU – social determinates of health (SDOH)

Family Assessment Part II

Social Determinants of health or (SDOH) is the determination of one’s health by examining their social and economic factors.  According to (WHO, 2019) SDOH definition is “the conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work and age. These circumstances are shaped by the distribution of money, power and resources at global, national and local levels.”

A disruption in any of these can lead to poor health outcomes.

Upon interviewing the Foster family, it does not appear they experience a lot of SDOH factors. One factors they do experience though, would be financial strain. With the recent tragedy of the kids’ father, there was a lot of unexpected expenses and a loss of income which has resulted in a huge financial strain that has not only been felt with Mrs. Foster, but also with the oldest daughter. With the pressure of this strain, there has been a notable decrease in Ms. Fosters health that has been exacerbated by the decrease in sleep. Also, the loss of medical insurance that the father provided has in return halted the health promotion Family Assessment Part II GCU – social determinates of health (SDOH).


Another SDOH that has affected the family is food insecurity which is related to financial strain.  With the loss of income, the family has struggled with the means to buy groceries, in return, the family is making poor eating choices by eating fast food mostly. Thus, increasing the risk of some health problems if not corrected soon.

Appropriate health screenings are a great primary preventative treatment. Ms. Foster is 35 and has had a previous hysterectomy and has stated she is currently not receiving any hormone therapy due to side effects she developed after taking some. She however is experiencing vaginal dryness, no sex drive, and bad hot flashes, and now these side effects are interfering with her daily life. She should seek a gynecologist appointment to further review possible medication treatments. She also has a kidney stone that is unable to be operated on now due to limited surgeries from covid that needs to be monitored. Also, with the amount of stress Ms. Foster has been going through and the lack of sleep she should get a blood pressure screening done as well as getting her routine lab work done.

Ashlynn, 19 years old, should get lab work done for cholesterol and lipids, as well as an A1 C due to extreme weight gain. According to (American Stroke Association, 2018) young adults that are overweight can begin to develop high blood pressure that will put them at higher risk for developing stroke and heart disease later in life Family Assessment Part II GCU – social determinates of health (SDOH). Studies show that there is a relationship between being overweight and heart problems in young adults and that heart damage can begin long before the heart attacks and strokes are seen in overweight adults. Also, with the added fatal heart attack on her father this is a very big concern that should be addressed quickly. Family Assessment Part II GCU – social determinates of health (SDOH)

Kylee the middle daughter who is 17, has been acting out and rebelling should be assessed for depression, she also is having a hard time sleeping and is taking medication to help her. She has also never seen an OBGYN so she should make an appointment to be see so she can get a pap-smear and so she can also discuss over HPV vaccine option.

Cade, is the 15 year old son. He should have a mental health screening to rule out depression due to the passing of his father.  According to (Douglas M. Maurer|Tyler J. Raymond|Bethany N. Davis, 2018) a disturbed family environment can be a risk factor for depression in youth, and with him not opening very much about how he is feeling, this would be an indicator that he needs to get this screening.

For this family the Self-empowerment model would be beneficial, the main objective in this model is to promote self-empowerment and enhances self- awareness. Also, it uses the action competence process that recognizing determinants that may be beyond their control.

Some health promotion strategies for this family would be to promote exercise and healthy eating, encourage open communication on how each induvial is feeling along with being there and listening when one need to talk, education on developing some healthy coping skills, and educate family on stages of grief. Also, to encourage medical checkups on previously discussed topics.  With open communication on how each other’s filling and being respectful on the stages they are going through this family will eventually heal and will be stronger for coming together in this time Family Assessment Part II GCU – social determinates of health (SDOH).


American Stroke Association. (2018, August 1). Obesity as young adult sets stage for heart disease, stroke.

Douglas M. Maurer|Tyler J. Raymond|Bethany N. Davis. (2018, October 15). Depression: Screening and diagnosis. AAFP American Academy of Family Physicians.

WHO. (2019, May 30). Social determinants of health

Family Assessment Part II


Refer back to the interview and evaluation you conducted in the Topic 2 Family Health Assessment assignment. Identify the social determinates of health (SDOH) contributing to the family’s health status. In a 750-1,000 word paper, create a plan of action to incorporate health promotion strategies for this family. Include the following:

  1. Describe the SDOH that affect the family health status. What is the impact of these SDOH on the family? Discuss why these factors are prevalent for this family.
  2. Based on the information gathered through the family health assessment, recommend age-appropriate screenings for each family member. Provide support and rationale for your suggestions.
  3. Choose a health model to assist in creating a plan of action. Describe the model selected. Discuss the reasons why this health model is the best choice for this family. Provide rationale for your reasoning.
  4. Using the model, outline the steps for a family-centered health promotion. Include strategies for communication.

Cite at least three peer-reviewed or scholarly sources to complete this assignment. Sources should be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion Family Assessment Part II GCU – social determinates of health (SDOH).

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Course Materials if you need assistance.


Course Code Class Code Assignment Title Total Points
NRS-429VN NRS-429VN-O502 Family Assessment Part II 150.0
Criteria Percentage Unsatisfactory (0.00%) Less than Satisfactory (75.00%) Satisfactory (79.00%) Good (89.00%) Excellent (100.00%) Comments Points Earned
Content 80.0%
SDOH Affecting Family and Family Health Status 20.0% SDOH affecting family health status, and the direct impact to the family, are not presented. SDOH affecting family health status are partially presented. SDOH listed are not relevant to the family. The direct impact to the family, and why the factors are prevalent to the family, are unclear. There are inaccuracies. Key SDOH affecting family health status are summarized. The SDOH identified are relevant to the family. The direct impact to the family, and why the factors are prevalent to the family, are generally discussed. More support or rationale is needed in some areas. The overall SDOH affecting family health status are accurately identified and described. The SDOH identified are relevant to the family. The direct impact to the family, and why the factors are prevalent to the family, are discussed. The SDOH directly affecting family health status are relevant, accurately identified and thoroughly described. The direct impact to the family, and why the factors are prevalent to the family, are discussed in detail. The discussion is well supported and illustrates insight into SDOH and their effect on family health status.
Age-Appropriate Screening Recommendations 20.0% Age-appropriate screenings are not presented. Screenings are presented for some family members. The screenings are not age appropriate. Screenings are not relevant to the information gathered through family health assessment. Family Assessment Part II GCU – social determinates of health (SDOH) Screenings are presented for each family member. Screenings are generally age appropriate, but entirely not relevant based on the information gathered through family health assessment. More rationale and support is required. Screenings presented for each family member are age appropriate.  Screenings are relevant and based on the information gathered through family health assessment. Some minor rationale or support is needed. Screenings presented for each family member are age appropriate and highly relevant.  Screenings correlate to the information gathered through family health assessment. Strong rationale and support is presented.
Assessment of Health Model 20.0% A health model to assist in the creation of a plan of action is not presented. The model chosen is not a health model. A health model is selected to assist in creating a plan of action. The description of the model is incomplete. It is unclear why the chosen model is best for this family. A health model is selected and described. A summary of how the model will assist in creating a plan of action is presented. A general overview for why it is best for this family is provided. More rationale and support is required. A health model is selected and described. A discussion of how the model will assist in creating a plan of action is presented. Reasons for why it is best for this family are provided. Some rationale or support is needed. A health model is selected and thoroughly described. A detailed discussion of how the model will assist in creating a plan of action is presented. Reasons for why it is best for this family are clearly outlined. Strong rationale and support are provided to support reasoning.
Application of Health Model 20.0% Family-centered health promotion using selected health model is omitted. Steps for a family-centered health promotion are partially presented. The health promotion is not based on the health model. Significant aspects are missing. There are major inaccuracies. The health model is used to create a general family-centered health promotion. The steps to achieve the desired outcome require more detail to illustrate a clear plan of action. A general plan for communication with the family is presented. More rationale and support is required. The health model is used to create a relevant family-centered health promotion. The steps to achieve the desired outcome are illustrated. Strategies for communication with the family are presented. The health model is used to create a relevant and viable family-centered health promotion. The steps to achieve the desired outcome are described in detail. Appropriate strategies for communication with the family are clearly presented. The health promotion is well-designed and demonstrates an ability to assimilate findings and appropriately apply theoretical knowledge to achieve desired outcomes.
Organization and Effectiveness 15.0%
Thesis Development and Purpose 5.0% Paper lacks any discernible overall purpose or organizing claim. Thesis is insufficiently developed or vague. Purpose is not clear. Thesis is apparent and appropriate to purpose. Thesis is clear and forecasts the development of the paper. Thesis is descriptive and reflective of the arguments and appropriate to the purpose. Thesis is comprehensive and contains the essence of the paper. Thesis statement makes the purpose of the paper clear.
Argument Logic and Construction 5.0% Statement of purpose is not justified by the conclusion. The conclusion does not support the claim made. Argument is incoherent and uses noncredible sources. Sufficient justification of claims is lacking. Argument lacks consistent unity. There are obvious flaws in the logic. Some sources have questionable credibility. Argument is orderly, but may have a few inconsistencies. The argument presents minimal justification of claims. Argument logically, but not thoroughly, supports the purpose. Sources used are credible. Introduction and conclusion bracket the thesis. Argument shows logical progressions. Techniques of argumentation are evident. There is a smooth progression of claims from introduction to conclusion. Most sources are authoritative. Clear and convincing argument that presents a persuasive claim in a distinctive and compelling manner. All sources are authoritative.
Mechanics of Writing  (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, language use) 5.0% Surface errors are pervasive enough that they impede communication of meaning. Inappropriate word choice or sentence construction is used. Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors distract the reader. Inconsistencies in language choice (register), sentence structure, or word choice are present. Some mechanical errors or typos are present, but they are not overly distracting to the reader. Correct sentence structure and audience-appropriate language are used. Prose is largely free of mechanical errors, although a few may be present. A variety of sentence structures and effective figures of speech are used. Writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English.
Format 5.0%
Paper Format  (use of appropriate style for the major and assignment) 2.0% Template is not used appropriately or documentation format is rarely followed correctly. Template is used, but some elements are missing or mistaken; lack of control with formatting is apparent. Template is used, and formatting is correct, although some minor errors may be present. Template is fully used; There are virtually no errors in formatting style. All format elements are correct.
Documentation of Sources (citations, footnotes, references, bibliography, etc., as appropriate to assignment and style) 3.0% Sources are not documented. Documentation of sources is inconsistent or incorrect, as appropriate to assignment and style, with numerous formatting errors. Sources are documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, although some formatting errors may be present. Sources are documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is mostly correct. Sources are completely and correctly documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is free of error.
Total Weightage 100%

Family Assessment Part II GCU – social determinates of health (SDOH)

Nrs 429vn health promotion in minority populations essay

Nrs 429vn health promotion in minority populations essay

Health Promotion in Minority Populations

America is known as the most culturally diverse countries in the world and Hispanics make up one, if not the largest minority groups in America. When I used to think of Hispanic families, I shamefully knew nothing about their heritage, culture, or beliefs. Then 14 years ago I met a Hispanic who turned out to be the most incredible man I have ever met, he is now my husband of 7 years, and the father of my children. Over the past 14 years I have learned so much about the Hispanic culture, traditions, and health habits, and also that they are some of the most caring and loving people I have ever met, and their culture puts a huge emphasis on family, traditions, and faith nrs 429vn health promotion in minority populations essay.


However, unfortunately, Hispanics do not have the greatest health habits and according to (“Hispanic/Latino – The Office of Minority Health,” 2021) some of the main perpetrators of illness and death among Hispanics include that of heart disease, cancer, accidental injuries, and strokes. Hispanics also have higher rates of obesity than other ethnic groups, which could be a reason why they also suffer greatly from diabetes and diabetes complications. Race and ethnicity can play a large role in the influence of health for Hispanics. According to (“RACE, ETHNICITY, AND THE HEALTH OF AMERICANS,” n.d.) genetics and biology can account for some of the variation in health status of racial and ethnic groups, social science research shows the powerful influence on health of risk taking and preventive behavior, social and economic inequalities, communities and environments, health policy, and racist practices. These imbrication dynamics play a role in explaining how racial and ethnic disparities in health outcomes.

Health disparities are things that happen with one’s health that according to (Health disparities,” 2019) that have preventable differences in the burden of disease, injury, violence, or in opportunities to achieve optimal health experienced by.  Though some of the health indicators have improved some, such as life expectancy and infant mortality, a lot of minorities experience a disproportionate burden of preventable disease, death, and disability compared with non-minorities. Some of the health barriers that Hispanics have socially disadvantaged racial, ethnic, and other population groups, and communities nrs 429vn health promotion in minority populations essay.

A covid study that was done, and article published by (National Institute of Health, 2021) showed that minority health disparities are most likely attributable to the continuous effects of residential racial segregation and poverty, which, more than likely influences multiple relevant risk factors and describe health barriers that includes economic, population health, housing, and health care characteristics. An example would be residing in an overcrowded or multi-generational housing due to economic hardship, cultural factors, or the use of public transit may facilitate the spread of the disease within the community.  Also, economic pressures that can arise from being a single parent, limited English proficiency or from living in communities that have a large unemployment or housing costs may cause individuals to continue working even if they are ill. In addition, individuals living on incomes below poverty, or racial and ethnic minorities may have a higher risk of major illness or a higher mortality rate because of their greater burden of underlying chronic diseases and having limited access to health care nrs 429vn health promotion in minority populations essay.

Nutritional challenges among Hispanics are very prevalent, due to the large number of family celebrations and excess of food that is high in calories and fats. With Hispanics being known for their strong family bond and sharing meals at home, it can be extremely hard for one family member to make healthy changes with nutrition. There is also the aspect of culture where turning down food is seen as rude, impolite, and disrespectful. According to (“Hispanic/Latino Americans and type 2 diabetes,” 2021) Hispanics/Latinos are known to have a much higher rate of obesity then other ethnic groups and are also thought to be less physically active than non-Hispanic whites. Some, however, see being overweight as a sign of health instead of as a health problem, thus not changing eating habits and making healthier lifestyle choices.

Hispanics from what I can find from researching and my own experiences, the do not practice a lot of health promotion activities. While researching I found an article that had this quote and I just fell in love with it, it states in (Mikell & Snethen, n.d.) “As Jesus directs us to glorify God in our good works, approaching health promotion from a faith perspective provides additional support for Latino parishes as safe places where nurses can connect faith and health, address disparities in health outcomes, and increase access to health programs.” Nurses should educate on health promotion activities with the understanding of all aspects I have covered so that they will see you have a cultural respect, which will enhance trust and establish a relationship in which they feel cared and understood, then in return will improve the quality of care and eliminate disparities nrs 429vn health promotion in minority populations essay.


Health promotion prevention that would be the most beneficial and effective for Hispanics would be having a primary goal of a healthier diet and promoting exercise. Making sure to provide resources to help with ideas on healthy food options and exercises to do at home, since Hispanics have a higher rate of poverty, making sure they have the understanding that they can achieve this at home without added expense would improve chances of the prevention being achieved and maintained. Secondary prevention is to address any prediabetes, checking hgA1C, to treat and prevent the need for a tertiary management, which would be to prevent any further complications of diabetes, including correct treatments of wounds to prevent limb removal. Making sure to provide all education in Spanish so that they fully understand.

Culture practices should be considered when creating a care plan for Hispanics, making sure to include support of religious beliefs, family participation, and culture respect. In doing this the best way would be to use the cultural competence theory to provide the best knowledge, polices, and skills to provide the best treatment to patient.


Health disparities. (2019, February 15). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Hispanic/Latino – The Office of Minority Health. (2021, April 5). U.S Department of Health & Human Services.

Hispanic/Latino Americans and type 2 diabetes. (2021, April 7). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Mikell, M. J., & Snethen, J. (n.d.). CEArticlePrint. Lippincott NursingCenter | Professional Development for Nurses.

National Institute of Health. (2021, June 29). Race, ethnicity, poverty and the social determinants of the coronavirus divide: U.S. County-level disparities and risk factors. PubMed Central (PMC).

RACE, ETHNICITY, AND THE HEALTH OF AMERICANS. (n.d.). American Sociological Association |.

nrs 429vn health promotion in minority populations essay

Health Promotion in Minority Populations


Select an ethnic minority group that is represented in the United States (American Indian/Alaskan Native, Asian American, Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, Native Hawaiian, or Pacific Islander). Using health information available from Healthy People, the CDC, and other relevant government websites, analyze the health status for this group.

In a paper of 1,000-1,250 words, compare and contrast the health status of your selected minority group to the national average. Include the following:

  1. Describe the ethnic minority group selected. Describe the current health status of this group. How do race and ethnicity influence health for this group?
  2. What are the health disparities that exist for this group? What are the nutritional challenges for this group?
  3. Discuss the barriers to health for this group resulting from culture, socioeconomics, education, and sociopolitical factors. Nrs 429vn health promotion in minority populations essay
  4. What health promotion activities are often practiced by this group?
  5. Describe at least one approach using the three levels of health promotion prevention (primary, secondary, and tertiary) that is likely to be the most effective in a care plan given the unique needs of the minority group you have selected. Provide an explanation of why it might be the most effective choice.
  6. What cultural beliefs or practices must be considered when creating a care plan? What cultural theory or model would be best to support culturally competent health promotion for this population? Why?

Cite at least three peer-reviewed or scholarly sources to complete this assignment. Sources should be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and public health content.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion nrs 429vn health promotion in minority populations essay.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Course Materials if you need assistance.

Course Code Class Code Assignment Title Total Points
NRS-429VN NRS-429VN-O502 Health Promotion in Minority Populations 200.0
Criteria Percentage Unsatisfactory (0.00%) Less than Satisfactory (75.00%) Satisfactory (79.00%) Good (89.00%) Excellent (100.00%)
Content 80.0%
Identification and Description of Selected Minority Group 10.0% Description and health status for ethnic minority group is not presented. Description of ethnic minority group is partially presented. Health status for this group is vague. It is unclear how race and ethnicity influence health for this group. Summary of ethnic minority group is partially presented. Health status for this group is generally discussed. Explanation of how race and ethnicity influence health this group is generally presented. It is unclear how the health status of this ethnic minority group compares to the national average. A general comparison for how the ethnic minority group compares to the national average is presented. Description of ethnic minority group is partially presented. Health status for this group is discussed. Explanation of how race and ethnicity influence health for this group is presented. A comparison for how the ethnic minority group compares to the national average is presented. A detailed description of ethnic minority group is partially presented. Health status for this group is thoroughly discussed. Explanation of how race and ethnicity influence health for this group is clearly presented. A well-developed comparison for how the ethnic minority group compares to the national average is presented.
Health Disparities and Nutritional Challenges for Minority Group 15.0% Health disparities and nutritional challenges for this group are not presented. A summary of the health disparities and nutritional challenges for this group is presented. Significant details have been omitted. Summary lacks evidence to support statements. A discussion of the health disparities and nutritional challenges for this group is generally presented. Most significant findings related to the ethnic minority group have been included. A general comparison for how the ethnic minority group compares to the national average is presented. Some support is needed to support statements. A discussion of the health disparities and nutritional challenges for this group is presented. The significant findings related to the ethnic minority group have been included. A comparison for how the ethnic minority group compares to the national average is presented.  Some detail is needed for clarity. A thorough discussion of the health disparities and nutritional challenges for this group is clearly presented. All relevant findings related to the ethnic minority group have been included. A well-developed comparison for how the ethnic minority group compares to the national average is presented.
Barriers to Health for Minority Group 15.0% Barriers to health for ethnic minority group are not presented. Barriers to health for ethnic minority group are partially presented. The summary is not consistent with the assignment criteria. There are significant inaccuracies. Summary lacks evidence to support statements. Barriers to health for ethnic minority group are summarized. The summary includes barriers resulting from culture, socioeconomics, education, and sociopolitical factors. There are some inaccuracies. A general comparison for how the ethnic minority group compares to the national average is presented. Some evidence is needed to support statements. Barriers to health for this ethnic minority group resulting from culture, socioeconomics, education, and sociopolitical factors are discussed. A comparison for how the ethnic minority group compares to the national average is presented. Minor evidence is needed to support statements. Barriers to health for this ethnic minority group resulting from culture, socioeconomics, education, and sociopolitical factors are thoroughly discussed. A well-developed comparison for how the ethnic minority group compares to the national average is presented. Compelling and accurate evidence is provided to support statements.
Health Promotion Activities Practiced by Minority Group 10.0% Health promotion activities practiced by minority groups are not presented. Health promotion activities practiced by minority groups are partially summarized. There are significant inaccuracies. Summary lacks evidence to support statements. Health promotion activities practiced by minority groups are generally described. There are minor inaccuracies. A general comparison for how the ethnic minority group compares to the national average is presented. Some evidence is needed to support statements. Health promotion activities practiced by minority groups are described. A comparison for how the ethnic minority group compares to the national average is presented. Minor evidence is needed to support statements. Health promotion activities practiced by minority groups are accurately identified and described in detail. A well-developed comparison for how the ethnic minority group compares to the national average is presented. Compelling and accurate evidence is provided to support statements.
Three Levels of Health Promotion Prevention 15.0% A care plan, with at least one approach using the three levels of health promotion prevention, is not presented. A care plan, with at least one approach using the three levels of health promotion prevention, is partially presented. It is unclear how this plan meets the unique needs of the ethnic minority group selected. There are inaccuracies. A care plan, with at least one approach using the three levels of health promotion prevention, is summarized. A general explanation of how this plan meets the unique needs of the ethnic minority group selected, and why it is the most effective choice, is presented. Some support or rationale is needed. A care plan, with at least one approach using the three levels of health promotion prevention, is described. An explanation of how this plan meets the unique needs of the ethnic minority group selected, and why it is the most effective choice, is presented. Minor support or rationale is needed. A care plan, with at least one approach using the three levels of health promotion prevention, is thoroughly described. A well-supported explanation of how this plan meets the unique needs of the ethnic minority group selected, and why it is the most effective choice, is presented. The discussion demonstrates a clear understanding of the three levels of health promotion prevention and their application to a unique group.
Cultural Competent Health Promotion for Ethnic Minority Population 15.0% Cultural beliefs, practices, and relevant cultural theory significant to supporting a culturally competent health promotion for this population are not presented. Cultural beliefs and practices to be considered are presented but are incomplete or inaccurate. The cultural theory or model proposed is partially presented; or, the model is not relevant. Overall, the content does not support a culturally competent health promotion for this population. There are significant inaccuracies. Cultural beliefs and practices to be considered are summarized. A relevant cultural theory or model is proposed. Overall, the content generally supports a culturally competent health promotion for this population. There are some inaccuracies. More evidence or rationale is needed. Cultural beliefs and practices to be considered are discussed. A relevant cultural theory or model is proposed. Overall, the content generally supports a culturally competent health promotion for this population. Some evidence or rationale is needed. Cultural beliefs and practices to be considered are thoroughly discussed. A relevant cultural theory or model is proposed. Overall, the content strongly supports a culturally competent health promotion for this population. Strong evidence and rational are provided for support. The discussion demonstrates aptitude for understanding cultural competence and developing culturally competent health promotions.
Organization and Effectiveness 15.0%
Thesis Development and Purpose 5.0% Paper lacks any discernible overall purpose or organizing claim. Thesis is insufficiently developed or vague. Purpose is not clear. Thesis is apparent and appropriate to purpose. Thesis is clear and forecasts the development of the paper. Thesis is descriptive and reflective of the arguments and appropriate to the purpose. Thesis is comprehensive and contains the essence of the paper. Thesis statement makes the purpose of the paper clear.
Argument Logic and Construction 5.0% Statement of purpose is not justified by the conclusion. The conclusion does not support the claim made. Argument is incoherent and uses noncredible sources. Sufficient justification of claims is lacking. Argument lacks consistent unity. There are obvious flaws in the logic. Some sources have questionable credibility. Argument is orderly, but may have a few inconsistencies. The argument presents minimal justification of claims. Argument logically, but not thoroughly, supports the purpose. Sources used are credible. Introduction and conclusion bracket the thesis. Nrs 429vn health promotion in minority populations essay Argument shows logical progressions. Techniques of argumentation are evident. There is a smooth progression of claims from introduction to conclusion. Most sources are authoritative. Clear and convincing argument that presents a persuasive claim in a distinctive and compelling manner. All sources are authoritative.
Mechanics of Writing  (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, language use) 5.0% Surface errors are pervasive enough that they impede communication of meaning. Inappropriate word choice or sentence construction is used. Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors distract the reader. Inconsistencies in language choice (register), sentence structure, or word choice are present. Some mechanical errors or typos are present, but they are not overly distracting to the reader. Correct sentence structure and audience-appropriate language are used. Prose is largely free of mechanical errors, although a few may be present. A variety of sentence structures and effective figures of speech are used. Writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English.
Format 5.0%
Paper Format  (use of appropriate style for the major and assignment) 2.0% Template is not used appropriately or documentation format is rarely followed correctly. Template is used, but some elements are missing or mistaken; lack of control with formatting is apparent. Template is used, and formatting is correct, although some minor errors may be present. Template is fully used; There are virtually no errors in formatting style. All format elements are correct.
Documentation of Sources (citations, footnotes, references, bibliography, etc., as appropriate to assignment and style) 3.0% Sources are not documented. Documentation of sources is inconsistent or incorrect, as appropriate to assignment and style, with numerous formatting errors. Sources are documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, although some formatting errors may be present. Sources are documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is mostly correct. Sources are completely and correctly documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is free of error.
Total Weightage 100%
nrs 429vn health promotion in minority populations essay

CLC – Health Promotion and Community Resource Teaching Project

CLC – Health Promotion and Community Resource Teaching Project

CLC – Health Promotion and Community Resource Teaching Project


This is a Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) assignment.

An important role of nursing is to provide health promotion and disease prevention. Review the topics and related objectives provided on the Healthy People 2030 website. Choose a topic of interest that you would like to address, in conjunction with a population at-risk for the associated topic. Submit the topic and associated group to your instructor for approval CLC – Health Promotion and Community Resource Teaching Project.


Create a 15-20 slide PowerPoint presentation for your topic and focus group. Include speaker notes and citations for each slide, and create a slide at the end for References.

Address the following:

  1. Describe the approved topic and associated population your group has selected. Discuss how this topic adversely affects the population. How does health disparity affect this population?
  2. Explain evidence-based approaches that can optimize health for this population. How do these approaches minimize health disparity among affected populations?
  3. Outline a proposal for health education that can be used in a family-centered health promotion to address the issue for the target population. Ensure your proposal is based on evidence-based practice CLC – Health Promotion and Community Resource Teaching Project.
  4. Present a general profile of at least one health-related organization for the selected focus topic. Present two resources, national or local, for the proposed education plan that can be utilized by the provider or the patient. CLC – Health Promotion and Community Resource Teaching Project
  5. Identify interdisciplinary health professionals important to include in the health promotion. What is their role? Why is their involvement significant?

Cite at least three peer-reviewed or scholarly sources to complete this assignment. Sources should be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and public health content.

Refer to the resource, “Creating Effective PowerPoint Presentations,” located in the Student Success Center, for additional guidance on completing this assignment in the appropriate style CLC – Health Promotion and Community Resource Teaching Project.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Course Materials if you need assistance.

Course Code Class Code Assignment Title Total Points
NRS-429VN NRS-429VN-O502 CLC – Health Promotion and Community Resource Teaching Project 160.0
Criteria Percentage Unsatisfactory (0.00%) Less than Satisfactory (75.00%) Satisfactory (79.00%) Good (89.00%) Excellent (100.00%)
Content 100.0%
Approved Topic, Associated Population and Health Disparity 10.0% Topic and associated population selected is not approved; topic and associated population are not relevant to the scope of the assignment. Topic and associated population are omitted. Approved topic and associated population are partially presented. It is unclear how the topic adversely affects the selected population. Health disparities are partially described, or are not relevant to selected population. There are significant inaccuracies. Approved topic and associated population are summarized. A general correlation of how the topic adversely affects the selected population is presented. Relevant health disparities are summarized. There are some inaccuracies. More evidence or rationale is needed for support. Approved topic and associated population are described. A correlation of how the topic adversely affects the selected population is established and discussed. Relevant health disparities are discussed. There are minor inaccuracies. Some evidence or rationale is needed for support. Approved topic and associated population are thoroughly described. A strong correlation of how the topic adversely affects the selected population is established and discussed in detail. Relevant health disparities are clearly presented and discussed. Strong evidence and compelling rationale is offered for support.
Evidence-Based Approaches to Optimize Health for Population 10.0% Evidence-based approaches to optimize health for this population are not presented. Evidence-based approaches to optimize health for this population are partially presented; some approaches presented are not evidence-based, or are not relevant for this population. Explanation of how these approaches minimize health disparity is incomplete, or are not relevant for the affected population. There are significant inaccuracies. Evidence-based approaches to optimize health for this population are summarized; it is unclear how some approaches presented are relevant for this population.  A general explanation of how these approaches minimize health disparity is presented. There are some inaccuracies. More evidence or rationale is needed for support. Evidence-based approaches to optimize health for this population are discussed. Explanation of how these approaches minimize health disparity is presented. Some evidence or rationale is needed for support. Evidence-based approaches to optimize health for this population are discussed, and approaches are accurately represented and highly relevant to the population. Explanation of how these approaches minimize health disparity is well-developed. Strong evidence and rationale are provided throughout. An understanding of the importance of evidence-based approaches in the optimization of health for an at-risk population is demonstrated.
Proposal for Health Education for Family-Centered Health Promotion CLC – Health Promotion and Community Resource Teaching Project 10.0% A proposal for health education for a family-centered health promotion to address the issue for the target population is omitted. The proposal is not supported by evidence-based practice. A proposal for health education for a family-centered health promotion to address the issue for the target population is partially presented. The proposal is not entirely relevant to the target population. The proposal requires more support relevant to evidence-based practice. There are significant inaccuracies. A proposal for health education for a family-centered health promotion to address the issue for the target population is presented. It is generally supported by evidence-based practice; there are some inaccuracies, or some areas need more support using evidence-based practice. Overall, the proposal is relevant to the target population. A proposal for health education for a family-centered health promotion to address the issue for the target population is presented. It is supported by evidence-based practice and relevant to the target population. There are minor inaccuracies. A well-developed proposal for health education for a family-centered health promotion to address the issue for the target population is presented. It is strongly supported by evidence-based practice and highly relevant to the target population. The ability to apply evidence-based practice to health education for a target population is clearly demonstrated.
Resources and Organizations for Proposed Education Plan 5.0% Resources and organizations to support the proposed education plan are omitted. One health-related organization for the selected topic is presented. The profile is incomplete, or it is unclear how the organization is relevant to the focus topic. Two resources (national or local) are presented. It is unclear how the resources are supposed to be used, or how the resources are relevant to the focus topic. CLC – Health Promotion and Community Resource Teaching Project A general profile for a health-related organization relevant to the selected topic is summarized. Two relevant resources (national or local) are presented, and there is a general explanation for how the resources are supposed to be used by the patient or provider. A general profile for a health-related organization relevant to the selected topic is presented. Two relevant resources (national or local) are presented, and there is an explanation for how the resources are supposed to be used by the patient or provider. A general profile for a health-related organization relevant to the selected topic is well presented. Two relevant resources (national or local) are presented, and there is a clear explanation for how the resources are supposed to be used by the patient or provider.
Interdisciplinary Health Professional Involvement 5.0% Interdisciplinary health professionals important to the health promotion are not included. At least one significant interdisciplinary health professional is presented. It is unclear how the professional important to the health promotion, and what the role of the professional would be. Support for the suggested member is needed. Some significant interdisciplinary health professionals are presented. A summary of their role and importance to the health promotion is provided. Some support for the suggested members is needed. Key interdisciplinary health professionals are presented A discussion of their role and importance to the health promotion is provided. All significant interdisciplinary health professionals are presented. A clear discussion of their role and importance to the health promotion is provided.
Presentation of Content 40.0% The content lacks a clear point of view and logical sequence of information. Includes little persuasive information. Sequencing of ideas is unclear. The content is vague in conveying a point of view and does not create a strong sense of purpose. Includes some persuasive information. The presentation slides are generally competent, but ideas may show some inconsistency in organization or in their relationships to each other. The content is written with a logical progression of ideas and supporting information exhibiting a unity, coherence, and cohesiveness.  Includes persuasive information from reliable sources. The content is written clearly and concisely. Ideas universally progress and relate to each other. The project includes motivating questions and advanced organizers. The project gives the audience a clear sense of the main idea.
Layout 5.0% The layout is cluttered, confusing, and does not use spacing, headings, and subheadings to enhance the readability.  The text is extremely difficult to read with long blocks of text, small point size for fonts, and inappropriate contrasting colors. Poor use of headings, subheadings, indentations, or bold formatting is evident. The layout shows some structure, but appears cluttered and busy or distracting with large gaps of white space or a distracting background. Overall readability is difficult due to lengthy paragraphs, too many different fonts, dark or busy background, overuse of bold, or lack of appropriate indentations of text. The layout uses horizontal and vertical white space appropriately. Sometimes the fonts are easy to read, but in a few places the use of fonts, italics, bold, long paragraphs, color, or busy background detracts and does not enhance readability. The layout background and text complement each other and enable the content to be easily read. The fonts are easy to read and point size varies appropriately for headings and text. The layout is visually pleasing and contributes to the overall message with appropriate use of headings, subheadings, and white space. Text is appropriate in length for the target audience and to the point. The background and colors enhance the readability of the text.
Language Use and Audience Awareness (includes sentence construction, word choice, etc.) 5.0% Inappropriate word choice and lack of variety in language use are evident. Writer appears to be unaware of audience. Use of primer prose indicates writer either does not apply figures of speech or uses them inappropriately. Some distracting inconsistencies in language choice (register) or word choice are present. The writer exhibits some lack of control in using figures of speech appropriately. Language is appropriate to the targeted audience for the most part. The writer is clearly aware of audience, uses a variety of appropriate vocabulary for the targeted audience, and uses figures of speech to communicate clearly. The writer uses a variety of sentence constructions, figures of speech, and word choice in distinctive and creative ways that are appropriate to purpose, discipline, and scope.
Mechanics of Writing  (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, language use) 5.0% Slide errors are pervasive enough that they impede communication of meaning. Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors distract the reader. Some mechanical errors or typos are present, but they are not overly distracting to the reader. Slides are largely free of mechanical errors, although a few may be present. Writer is clearly in control of standard, written, academic English.
Documentation of Sources (citations, footnotes, references, bibliography, etc., as appropriate to assignment and style) 5.0% Sources are not documented. Documentation of sources is inconsistent or incorrect, as appropriate to assignment and style, with numerous formatting errors. Sources are documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, although some formatting errors may be present. Sources are documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is mostly correct. Sources are completely and correctly documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is free of error.
Total Weightage 100%
CLC – Health Promotion and Community Resource Teaching Project

NRS-434VN- Environmental Factors and Health Promotion Presentation: Accident Prevention and Safety Promotion for Parents and Caregivers of Infants

NRS-434VN- Environmental Factors and Health Promotion Presentation: Accident Prevention and Safety Promotion for Parents and Caregivers of Infants

Environmental Factors and Health Promotion    Presentation

  • Air pollution is the admission of substances into the environment that are harmful to humans.
  • Health promotion plan
  • Recommendations on accident prevention
    Saftey promotions
  • Avoid physical activities when the air pollution is high.
  • Ventilate house when outside pollution is low.
  • Don’t smoke or allow anyone to smoke in car home and especially around infant.
  • Walk or ride a bike if you can, to reduce the admission.
  • Avoid going outside when air quality is poor NRS-434VN- Environmental Factors and Health Promotion Presentation: Accident Prevention and Safety Promotion for Parents and Caregivers of Infants.

(AirLief, 2018)

  • Accident
  • Avoid running your car or lawn mower while its in garage
  • Don’t use or sleep with Kerosene space heaters
  • Have fuel burning appliances and chimneys check once a year
  • Install CO alarms throughout house
  • Breathelife
    Air Pollution

BreatheLife is partnered with WHO, UN Environment and the Climate and Clean Air Coalition in order to Reduce Short-lived Climate Pollutants .NRS-434VN- Environmental Factors and Health Promotion Presentation: Accident Prevention and Safety Promotion for Parents and Caregivers of Infants

The goal is to increase awareness and action on air pollution by governments and individuals.

For more information go to

  • Plume labs is aFree online or app thatshows live air quality and pollution information

    In real time across the world.


  • Community resources

(CDC, 2020)

  • Moms clean air force
  • “Our mission is to protect children from air pollution and climate change. We envision a safe, stable, and equitable future where all children breathe clean air.”NRS-434VN- Environmental Factors and Health Promotion Presentation: Accident Prevention and Safety Promotion for Parents and Caregivers of Infants

Environmental Factors and Health Promotion Presentation: Accident Prevention and Safety Promotion for Parents and Caregivers of Infants


You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.

The growth, development, and learned behaviors that occur during the first year of infancy have a direct effect on the individual throughout a lifetime. For this assignment, research an environmental factor that poses a threat to the health or safety of infants and develop a health promotion that can be presented to caregivers.


Create a 10-12 slide PowerPoint health promotion, with speaker notes, that outlines a teaching plan. For the presentation of your PowerPoint, use Loom to create a voice over or a video. Include an additional slide for the Loom link at the beginning, and an additional slide for references at the end.

In developing your PowerPoint, take into consideration the health care literacy level of your target audience, as well as the demographic of the caregiver/patient (socioeconomic level, language, culture, and any other relevant characteristic of the caregiver) for which the presentation is tailored NRS-434VN- Environmental Factors and Health Promotion Presentation: Accident Prevention and Safety Promotion for Parents and Caregivers of Infants.

Include the following in your presentation:

  1. Describe the selected environmental factor. Explain how the environmental factor you selected can potentially affect the health or safety of infants.
  2. Create a health promotion plan that can be presented to caregivers to address the environmental factor and improve the overall health and well-being of infants.
  3. Offer recommendations on accident prevention and safety promotion as they relate to the selected environmental factor and the health or safety of infants.
  4. Offer examples, interventions, and suggestions from evidence-based research. At least three scholarly resources are required. Two of the three resources must be peer-reviewed and no more than 6 years old.
  5. Provide readers with two community resources, a national resource, and a Web-based resource. Include a brief description and contact information for each resource.


Refer to the resource, “Creating Effective PowerPoint Presentations,” located in the Student Success Center, for additional guidance on completing this assignment in the appropriate style.

Refer to the resource, “Loom,” located in the Student Success Center, for additional guidance on recording your presentation.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance NRS-434VN- Environmental Factors and Health Promotion Presentation: Accident Prevention and Safety Promotion for Parents and Caregivers of Infants.

NRS-434VN: Developmental Assessment and the School-Aged Child

NRS-434VN: Developmental Assessment and the School-Aged Child

Children who are between the ages of 5 and 12 years are in the developmental stage and are school going. According to Cherry (2018), physical examination is carried out on these children for various reasons such as being taken to a well-baby clinic, or they are sick and are about to be admitted. The underlaying issue is that it is essential to be conscious of the needs of a child based on their age and developmental stage (Sevo, 2017). The assessment will inform the care panning for the child upon receiving the right subjective and objective information NRS-434VN: Developmental Assessment and the School-Aged Child.

Physical Assessment

Physical assessment among the children between the ages of 5 and 15 years is quite different from that of the toddlers and preschoolers. This is because the school going children have started appreciating and understanding the reality as opposed to fantasy. They are capable of thinking logically and can easily understand the resultant effect of an action. Their thoughts processes at this stage of development are known as ‘concrete operations’. At this stage their reasoning is advanced and can interact with other people in the outside world. It is also essential to note that at this stage, the child becomes very eager to learn, accomplish tasks and be appreciated. Developmental theorist Erik Erikson points out that between 5-12 years the child is in the stage of industry which explains their industrious nature (Cherry, 2018).


Between the ages of 5-12 years, a child is able to give an accurate account of their illness. This is one of the reasons why they should be interviewed together with parents or guardians. The techniques can be modified to suite the age and development stage of the child (Kaufman, 2018). Children at this stage are asked questions they can answer, especially regarding school, how they perform and their friends. They are examined thoroughly just like an adult because they can cooperate when carrying out the procedure (Kaufman, 2018) NRS-434VN: Developmental Assessment and the School-Aged Child.

The needs of between the ages of 5 and 12 years also vary. The data obtained at each age is therefore different at each age. The mode of assessment should be dynamic. For example, a 5-year-old obtains more information from the parent or caregiver while a 12-year old can easily express themselves well. One of the techniques that can be used during the assessment is observation. In this case, the caregiver will interact with the child and come up with conclusions based on how the child conducts themselves (Kaufman, 2018). Caregiver rating, portfolios and standardized test are some of the methods that can be used. The methods are applicable to different ages, and in each case, techniques are modified accordingly. For instance, questions can be read out on a standardized test to a 5-year-old while a 12-year old will be left to read for themselves. After an examination, the assessor will be able to identify specific needs that help in establishing the intervention required to support a child. The assessor will also come up with an individualized strategy for a child or a group of children within a given age to provide the best care (Cherry, 2018).

The specific developmental milestones attained by children need to be appreciated by the assessors. It will help them understand the various needs and problems of the children based on their ages. Assessment is essential in determining the welfare of a child. The caregivers will also have an opportunity to understand the special needs required by a child. It is also a perfect opportunity for both the caregiver and the parent to cooperate and support the child. However, the needs of a child keep on changing with time, therefore the mechanism used should also vary NRS-434VN: Developmental Assessment and the School-Aged Child.


 Cherry, K. (2018). Erik Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development. Retrieved Juny5, 2018.

Kaufman, A. S. (2018). Contemporary intellectual assessment: Theories, tests, and issues.     Guilford Publications.

Sevo, M. D. . (2017). Pediatric Nursing: Content Review PLUS Practice           Questions.  Pennsylvania:  F.A. Davis


Course Code Class Code Assignment Title Total Points
NRS-434VN NRS-434VN-O502 Developmental Assessment and the School-Aged Child 110.0
Criteria Percentage 1: Unsatisfactory (0.00%) 2: Less Than Satisfactory (75.00%) 3: Satisfactory (79.00%) 4: Good (89.00%) 5: Excellent (100.00%)
Content 80.0%
Comparison of Physical Assessment Among School-Aged Children 25.0% A comparison of physical assessments among different school-aged children is omitted. An incomplete comparison of physical assessments among different school-aged children is summarized. How assessment techniques would be modified depending on the age and developmental stage of the child is omitted or contains significant inaccuracies. A general comparison of physical assessments among different school-aged children is summarized. How assessment techniques would be modified depending on the age and developmental stage of the child is generally described. More information or support is needed for clarity or accuracy. A comparison of physical assessments among different school-aged children is presented. How assessment techniques would be modified depending on the age and developmental stage of the child is described. Some information is needed for clarity. A detailed comparison of physical assessments among different school-aged children is presented. How assessment techniques would be modified depending on the age and developmental stage of the child is thoroughly described. Insight is demonstrated into the physical assessment of school age children.
Typical Assessment for a Child of a Specific Age 25.0% The typical developmental stage of a child between the ages 5 and 12 is not described. The typical developmental stage of a child between the ages 5 and 12 is summarized. The summary contains significant inaccuracies for the age of the child. The typical developmental stage of a child between the ages 5 and 12 is generally described. The description contains some inaccuracies for the age of the child. The typical developmental stage of a child between the ages 5 and 12 is described. The overall description is accurate. Some information is needed for clarity. The typical developmental stage of a child between the ages 5 and 12 is accurately and thoroughly described.
Developmental Assessment of a Child Using a Developmental Theory (Erickson, Piaget, Kohlberg) 30.0% A child assessment based on a developmental theory is omitted. A child assessment based on a developmental theory is partially summarized. Partial strategies to gain cooperation and for how explanations would be offered during the assessment are presented. The potential findings expected from the assessment are omitted or are incorrect. There are significant inaccuracies. A child assessment based on a developmental theory is generally described. General strategies to gain cooperation and for how explanations would be offered during the assessment are presented. The potential findings expected from the assessment are summarized. There are minor inaccuracies. A child assessment based on a developmental theory is described. Appropriate strategies to gain cooperation and for how explanations would be offered during the assessment are presented. The potential findings expected from the assessment are described. Some information is needed for clarity. A child assessment based on a developmental theory is thoroughly described. Well-developed strategies to gain cooperation and for how explanations would be offered during the assessment are presented. The potential findings expected from the assessment are all accurate and described in detail.
Organization and Effectiveness 15.0%
Thesis Development and Purpose 5.0% Paper lacks any discernible overall purpose or organizing claim. Thesis is insufficiently developed or vague. Purpose is not clear. Thesis is apparent and appropriate to purpose. Thesis is clear and forecasts the development of the paper. Thesis is descriptive and reflective of the arguments and appropriate to the purpose. Thesis is comprehensive and contains the essence of the paper. Thesis statement makes the purpose of the paper clear.
Argument Logic and Construction 5.0% Statement of purpose is not justified by the conclusion. The conclusion does not support the claim made. Argument is incoherent and uses noncredible sources. Sufficient justification of claims is lacking. Argument lacks consistent unity. There are obvious flaws in the logic. Some sources have questionable credibility. Argument is orderly but may have a few inconsistencies. The argument presents minimal justification of claims. Argument logically, but not thoroughly, supports the purpose. Sources used are credible. Introduction and conclusion bracket the thesis. Argument shows logical progressions. Techniques of argumentation are evident. There is a smooth progression of claims from introduction to conclusion. Most sources are authoritative. Clear and convincing argument that presents a persuasive claim in a distinctive and compelling manner. All sources are authoritative.
Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, language use) 5.0% Surface errors are pervasive enough that they impede communication of meaning. Inappropriate word choice or sentence construction is used. Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors distract the reader. Inconsistencies in language choice (register), sentence structure, or word choice are present. Some mechanical errors or typos are present, but they are not overly distracting to the reader. Correct sentence structure and audience-appropriate language are used. Prose is largely free of mechanical errors, although a few may be present. A variety of sentence structures and effective figures of speech are used. Writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English.
Format 5.0%
Paper Format (use of appropriate style for the major and assignment) 2.0% Template is not used appropriately, or documentation format is rarely followed correctly. Template is used, but some elements are missing or mistaken; lack of control with formatting is apparent. Template is used, and formatting is correct, although some minor errors may be present. Template is fully used; There are virtually no errors in formatting style. All format elements are correct.
Documentation of Sources (citations, footnotes, references, bibliography, etc., as appropriate to assignment and style) 3.0% Sources are not documented. Documentation of sources is inconsistent or incorrect, as appropriate to assignment and style, with numerous formatting errors. Sources are documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, although some formatting errors may be present. Sources are documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is mostly correct. Sources are completely and correctly documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is free of error.
Total Weightage 100%


The needs of the pediatric patient differ depending on age, as do the stages of development and the expected assessment findings for each stage. In a 500-750-word paper, examine the needs of a school-aged child between the ages of 5 and 12 years old and discuss the following:

  1. Compare the physical assessments among school-aged children. Describe how you would modify assessment techniques to match the age and developmental stage of the child NRS-434VN: Developmental Assessment and the School-Aged Child.
  2. Choose a child between the ages of 5 and 12 years old. Identify the age of the child and describe the typical developmental stages of children that age.
  3. Applying developmental theory based on Erickson, Piaget, or Kohlberg, explain how you would developmentally assess the child. Include how you would offer explanations during the assessment, strategies you would use to gain cooperation, and potential findings from the assessment.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance NRS-434VN: Developmental Assessment and the School-Aged Child.