NRNP 6552 Discussion: Different Roles of the Nurse Practitioner

NRNP 6552 Discussion: Different Roles of the Nurse Practitioner

The shortage of physicians allows non-physician professionals to practice to the full extent of their education and training which gives patients more options for types of services (ANA, n.d.). Many non-physician health care providers are trained and willing to help meet this need, but are not permitted to do so because of limitations in their scope of practice. Given the shortage of primary care physicians, allowing non-physician professionals to practice to the full extent of their education and training gives patients more options and more types of services (ANA, n.d.) NRNP 6552 Discussion: Different Roles of the Nurse Practitioner. NRNP 6552 Discussion: Different Roles of the Nurse Practitioner

Advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) can practice to the full extent of education, training, and certification with regard to individual State practice regulations concerning requirements such as clinical supervision or mandatory collaboration with physicians. A certified registered nurse practitioner (CRNP) competencies include functioning as an independent practitioner while demonstrating the highest level of accountability for professional practice. APRN’s provide the full spectrum of health care services including health promotion, disease prevention, health protection, anticipatory guidance, counseling, disease management, palliative, and end-of-life care (NONPF, 2017). Providers use advanced health assessment skills to differentiate between normal, variations of normal and abnormal findings. Diagnostic screening and strategies aide in the development of diagnosing disease. Medications are prescribed within scope of practice NRNP 6552 Discussion: Different Roles of the Nurse Practitioner. Patients with acute and chronic disease are managed while providing patient-centered care that recognizes cultural diversity (NONPF, 2017).

A physician’s assistant (PA) role is comprised of primary care and specialty care in the medical and surgical field. Professional competencies for physician assistants include effective and appropriate application of medical knowledge, interpersonal and communication skills, patient care, professionalism, practice-based learning and improvement, and systems-based practice (AAPA, 2013).

The scope of practice for certified nurse midwifes (CNMs) includes primary health care for women from adolescence through menopause, contraceptive care, prenatal and postnatal care, care of the newborn during the first month of life, gynecology, family planning services, health promotion, disease prevention, and individualized wellness education and counseling (Marzalik et al., 2018). Prescriptive authority varies from state to state (Marzalik et al., 2018)


Influence on my future practice as an APRN will come from clinical practicum and learning experiences. The PA profession is an emerging profession that provides substantial contribution to the healthcare workforce in all medical specialty areas (Kulo et al., 2021). PA’s practice under a physician giving them a broad knowledge base NRNP 6552 Discussion: Different Roles of the Nurse Practitioner. This background will challenge my thought process when it comes to diagnosing and treating patients. A surgical PA would be able to provide procedural techniques such as suturing that I may not have exposure to in a primary care office setting. Though similar to an advanced practice nursing degree, the PA’s role with provide a different view and approach to treatment through their diverse training and education. A CNM can provide specific training regarding women’s health, and neonatal health. Their specified education is targeted of women’s health and allows for the expertise that the specialized field requires. A CNM will help expand my role as a Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) my bridging primary care with women’s health. Healthcare providers educated to provide primary healthcare services such as CNM’s are projected to play a key role in meeting the demand of access to affordable healthcare since the passing of the Affordable Care Act in 2010 (Hastings-Tolsma et al., 2015). A CNM can provide me with insight into caring for a pregnant woman and specific considerations for the high risk pregnant population. While working with an FNP during my first clinical rotation I quickly realized the vast amount of knowledge a primary care provider must possess in order to adequately manage patients of all populations. Initiating insulin treatment for a type 2 diabetic and starting statin treatment when lifestyle modifications have not improved cholesterol levels are examples of treatment plans I learned from my previous primary care preceptor. Gaining and applying knowledge from different mid-level providers can improve practice and clinical skills to create a well-rounded FNP NRNP 6552 Discussion: Different Roles of the Nurse Practitioner.


American Academy of Physician Assistants (AAPA) (2013). Competencies for the Physician Assistant Profession.

American Nurses Association (ANA). (n.d.). Scope of Practice.

Hastings-Tolsma, M., Tanner, T., Hensley, J. G., Anderson, J., Patterson, E., Dunemn, K. N., & Purcell, S. K. (2015). Trends in Practice Patterns and Perspectives of Colorado Certified Nurse-Midwives. Policy, Politics & Nursing Practice, 16(3/4), 97–108.

Kulo, V., Fleming, S., Gordes, K. L., Jun, H.-J., Cawley, J. F., & Kayingo, G. (2021). A physician assistant entry-level doctoral degree: more harm than good? BMC Medical Education, 21(1), 274.

Marzalik, P. R., Feltham, K. J., Jefferson, K., & Pekin, K. (2018). Midwifery education in the U.S. – Certified Nurse-Midwife, Certified Midwife and Certified Professional Midwife. Midwifery, 60, 9–12.

The National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties (NONPF). (2017). Nurse Practitioner Core Competencies Content. NRNP 6552 Discussion: Different Roles of the Nurse Practitioner


So true the shortage of Physicians and non-physicians has allowed APRN to have more professional responsibilities. An Advanced Practice Nurse can work as either a FNP or Midwife with the appropriate training. Although both of these clinical positions are underutilized in some communities, each of these disciplines can facilitate cost saving and effective care when collaborating together (Casey et al., 2017). The FNP works in tandem with the Midwife, the symbiotic relationship can help reduce pregnancy related deaths in the United States (Krishnaswami & Del C Colon-Gonzalez, 2019). The collaboration should foster respect and communication (Smith, 2016).

Maternity patients must receive timely medical care from the perinatal point to the postnatal time frame. A FNP typically provides medical management, family planning and management of patients in the beginning months of their pregnancies (Van Hecke et al., 2019). For complicated cases and pregnancies beyond the first trimester, the FNP can refer the case to the Midwife’s practice or to an obstetrician.


Casey, M., O’Connor, L., Cashin, A., Smith, R., O’Brien, D., Nicholson, E., O’Leary, D., Fealy, G., McNamara, M., Glasgow, M. E., Stokes, D., & Egan, C. (2017). An overview of the outcomes and impact of specialist and advanced nursing and midwifery practice, on quality of care, cost and access to services: A narrative review. Nurse Education Today, 56, 35–40.

Krishnaswami, J., & Del C Colon-Gonzalez, M. (2019). Reforming Women’s Health Care: A Call to Action for Lifestyle Medicine Practitioners to Save Lives of Mothers and Infants. American journal of lifestyle medicine, 13(5), 495–504.

Smith, D. C. (2016). Interprofessional Collaboration in Perinatal Care. The Journal of Perinatal & Neonatal Nursing, 30(3), 167–173. doi:10.1097/JPN.0000000000000187.

Van Hecke, A., Goemaes, R., Verhaeghe, S., Beyers, W., Decoene, E., & Beeckman, D. (2019). Leadership in nursing and midwifery: Activities and associated competencies advanced practice nurses and midwives. Journal of Nursing Management NRNP 6552 Discussion: Different Roles of the Nurse Practitioner. 2019;27(6):1261-1274. doi:10.1111/jonm.12808

Discussion: Different Roles of the Nurse Practitioner

The term ‘history” is broad in meaning. Within that broad framework archeologists tend to focus their careers on various specialties and areas of interest, such as specific historical eras or geographical areas.

So it is with nurses. Within the broad framework of healthcare, nurse practitioners focus their careers on various roles. These roles may in part be based on narrower areas of interest such as women’s health. Careers also focus on selected technical nursing specialties. NRNP 6552 Discussion: Different Roles of the Nurse Practitioner

Photo Credit: Getty Images/Blend Images

For this Discussion, you will explore your professional interests and those interests are addressed in specific guidelines and competencies. You also examine the different nurse practitioner roles related to women’s health and how these roles might impact the way you work.

To prepare:

  • Review the modular structure of this course and reflect on how each module defines the specific skills needed as an advanced Nurse Practitioner (NP).
  • Review the ANA guidelines, NP competencies, and the Ethic resources found in this week’s Learning Resources and consider how they impact the work of the NP NRNP 6552 Discussion: Different Roles of the Nurse Practitioner.

By Day 3

Post a brief explanation about the differences in roles related to a CRNP, a CNM, and a PA and how each of these roles might impact the how you practice as a FNP. Be specific and provide examples.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses.

By Day 6

Respond to at least two of your colleagues’ posts on two different days and provide additional insight to your colleagues related to issues and topics they may want to also consider. Use the Learning Resources and/or the best available evidence from current literature to support your explanation.

Note: For this Discussion, you are required to complete your initial post before you will be able to view and respond to your colleagues’ postings. Begin by clicking on the “Post to Discussion Question” link and then select “Create Thread” to complete your initial post. Remember, once you click on Submit, you cannot delete or edit your own posts, and you cannot post anonymously. Please check your post carefully before clicking on Submit!

Week 1 Discussion: Career Goals, Strength and Challenges

Certified Registered Nurse Practitioner (CRNP), Certified Nurse Midwifery (CNM), and Physician Assistant are all mid-level providers yet have different roles in the health care system. Mid-level providers have their position and specialty in providing care to other areas of health care. Also, every state has its unique scope on how they function and providing care to the individual. Manning et al. (2018) described that as paradigms of health care delivery evolve, mid-level providers such as nurse practitioners and physician assistants have become an essential consideration in the health care workforce planning and patient care. According to the AMA Journal of Ethics (2021), physician assistants are health care professionals licensed to practice medicine under physician supervision NRNP 6552 Discussion: Different Roles of the Nurse Practitioner. Their role is to conduct physical exams, diagnose and treat illnesses, order, and interpret tests, counsel on preventive health care, assist in surgery, and write prescriptions (AMA Journal of Ethics, 2021). AANP (2021) described that the Nurse Practitioner has autonomously and collaborates with health care professionals and other individuals; NPs provide a full range of primary, acute, and specialty health care services. A nurse-midwife is a licensed health care professional who specializes in women’s reproductive health and childbirth. In addition, attending births, perform annual exams, give counseling, and write prescriptions (Staff Writers, 2021). In a profession as dynamic as nursing, and with evolving health care demands, changes in the scope of practice and overlapping responsibilities are inevitable in our current and future health care system. Each of these roles will have a significant impact on my practice as a Nurse Practitioner. Mid-level providers working in different areas and specialties significantly impact each other by providing care to each area that the patient needs it.

For example, last semester, I did my clinical rotation for adults across the life span. I had a female patient came to the clinic with an annual pap smear. The result came in, and it was positive; my preceptor was able to refer the patient to Gynecology for further examination and treatment. Another example, when I have a patient who came in with non-compliance Type 2 diabetes with acute kidney injury. My preceptor and I are able to refer the patient to Endocrinologist, nutritionist, nephrologist, and community group for diabetes. The number of patients with multiple and chronic medical conditions is increasing globally, which causes functional and emotional impairment to increase in health care demands. Ang et al. (2021) explain that collaboration in health care has been shown to enhance patient outcomes, including reducing preventable adverse drug effects, lowering morbidity and mortality rates, and adjusting medication dosages, especially in medical-based departments in a hospital. Besides improving patient care, health care providers have also benefited from teamwork, including reduced overlapping tasks, reduced burnout, and increased job satisfaction (Ang et al., 2021) NRNP 6552 Discussion: Different Roles of the Nurse Practitioner.


AANP. (2021). What’s a nurse practitioner (NP).

AMA Journal of Ethics. (2021). Illuminating the art of medicine.

American Nurses Association (ANA). (n.d.). Scope of practice.

Ang, W. C., Abd Rahim, S. N., Abd Rahman, N. F., Muhamad, S. N., Rokimi, W. R., & Ng, S.C. (2021). Healthcare Professionals’ Experiences on Interdisciplinary Collaboration in a Medical Department of a Malaysian General Hospital. Medicine & Health (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia), 16(1), 246–255.


Manning, B. T., Bohl, D. D., Hannon, C. P., Redondo, M. L., Christian, D. R., Forsythe, B., Nho, S. J., & Bach, B. R. (2018). Patient Perspectives of Midlevel Providers in Orthopaedic Sports Medicine. Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine, 6(4), 1–7.


Staff Writers. (2021). What is a certified nurse-midwife (CNM)? NRNP 6552 Discussion: Different Roles of the Nurse Practitioner

NRNP 6565 Discussion: Certification and Licensure

NRNP 6565 Discussion: Certification and Licensure

Discussion: Certification and Licensure

Now that you are in your final course in your program, it is time to turn in earnest to preparing for certification and licensure. You will need to take and pass a national AGPCNP certification exam.  Once certified, you will then be eligible to apply for licensure as an advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) in the state desired. It will be up to you to ensure you are knowledgeable about the practice agreements, scope of practice, and prescriptive authority in your state NRNP 6565 Discussion: Certification and Licensure.

Photo Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto

Although there is a movement called the APRN Consensus Model to standardize NP regulations nationally, it is still the case that requirements vary state to state. In some states, NPs may establish independent practice without the supervision of an MD. Additionally, states are currently categorized as either allowing full practice, reduced practice, or restricted practice. Full practice states allow NPs to evaluate, order diagnostics, diagnose, and treat patients. They are licensed under the exclusive authority of the state board of nursing for the appropriate state. Many states may require prescriptive authority protocols in addition to collaborative agreement. NRNP 6565 Discussion: Certification and Licensure

Another important area to consider and plan for is prescriptive authority. Prescriptive authority is granted under state law by the appropriate board. The board granting prescriptive authority may be the medical board, state board of pharmacy, or nursing board for the appropriate state licensure being pursued. The authority to write for a controlled substance is granted at a federal level and is verified through the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) by the appropriate state board. Drug Enforcement Agency registration is granted at the federal level and has additional requirements/fees for the registration process.


Finally, the legal landscape for NPs is constantly changing as the status of NPs as providers improves on a national level. Legislative changes may occur annually, bi-annually, or during an emergency legislative meeting at the state or federal level. These legislative sessions and any subsequent changes will significantly impact your scope of practice as a nurse practitioner NRNP 6565 Discussion: Certification and Licensure.

For this Discussion, you examine professional issues for your state, including certification and licensure, scope of practice, independent practice, prescriptive authority, and legislative activities.

To prepare:

  • Review practice agreements in your state.
  • Identify whether your state requires physician collaboration or supervision for nurse practitioners and, if so, what those requirements are.
  • Research the following:
    • How do you get certified and licensed in your state?
    • What is the application process for certification in your state?
    • What is the primary nurse licensure office resource website in your state?
    • How does your state define the scope of practice of a nurse practitioner?
    • What is included in your state’s practice agreement?
    • How do you get a Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) license?
    • How does your state describe a nurse practitioner’s controlled-substance prescriptive authority and what nurse practitioner drug schedules are nurse practitioners authorized to prescribe?
    • In what legislative and advocacy activities are your state nurse practitioner organization(s) involved?

By Day 3

Post a summary of your findings on your state based on the questions listed above. Explain the types of regulations that exist and the barriers that may impact nurse practitioner independent practice in your state. Be specific. Also, describe what surprised you from your research. NRNP 6565 Discussion: Certification and Licensure

 a selection of your colleagues’ responses.

By Day 6

Respond to at least two of your colleagues on 2 different days in one or more of the ways listed below.

  • Share an insight from having viewed your colleagues’ posts.
  • Suggest additional actions or perspectives.
  • Share insights after comparing state processes, roles, and limitations.
  • Suggest a way to advocate for the profession.
  • Share resources with those who are in your state NRNP 6565 Discussion: Certification and Licensure

PSYC 6717 Philosophical Assumptions Discussion

PSYC 6717 Philosophical Assumptions Discussion

PSYC 6717 Philosophical Assumptions Discussion

The study of applied behavior analysis is undergirded by a common set of philosophical tenants. Determinism is one of these. It is a belief that all behaviors occur as a result of preceding causes. Much of the early behavioral theory emerged from this philosophical position. For example, in his work Setting the Stages for Behaviorism’s Social Action Legacy (1913), B.F. Watson argued that  environment is the single most influential factor that determines one’s behavior. Watson’s belief was that the preexisting conditions of environment was a greater influence on behavior that even one’s s genetics or temperament. Watson’s contemporaries, Skinner, and others shared these beliefs. Skinner promoted that all behaviors occur as a result of determined reinforcement contingencies (Brent, D. Slife, Yanchar, & Williams, 1999) PSYC 6717 Philosophical Assumptions Discussion.


In terms of the applicability of determinism to the study of human behavior, determinism is a predicate of  operant  conditioning. Similar to early deterministic views, this approach to behavior is based on a casual relationship between an antecedent or existing condition exists to which a stimulus is introduced to change a behavior.

Another philosophical underpinning of behavior analysis is empiricism. Empiricism is objective observation and drawing inferences from data that can be collected, recorded, measured, and analyzed from these observations (Cooper, Heron, & Heward, 2020). It is a scientific approach to understanding human behavior and its consequences. PSYC 6717 Philosophical Assumptions Discussion

In terms of its applicability to the study of behavior, it aligns with the assertion that human behavior is a phenomenon that can be observed. Empiricism can be applied to behavior by observing, recording, and drawing inference from the behavioral manifestations of what one is thinking, feeling, and experiencing PSYC 6717 Philosophical Assumptions Discussion.


Brent, D. Slife, S. Yanchar. C. & Williams, B. (1999). Conceptions of Determinism in Radical Behaviorism: A Taxonomy. Behavior and Philosophy 27, (2), 75-96.


Cooper, J. O., Heron, T. E., & Heward, W. L. (2020). Applied behavior analysis (3rd ed.). Pearson.


Watson, J. (1913). Setting the Stages for Behaviorism’s Social Action Legacy. Retrieved from PSYC 6717 Philosophical Assumptions Discussion

Discussion: Philosophical Assumptions


Photo Credit: esoxx –

The behavior of the scientists of applied behavior analysis is characterized by a set of philosophical assumptions and attitudes of science. They guide the work of the behavior analyst, including their investigations, strategic approaches, and interpretations of findings.

For this Discussion, you will analyze six assumptions and attitudes of behavior analysis discussed in the Learning Resources—determinism, empiricism, experimentation, replication, parsimony, and philosophic doubt. You will also consider examples of how the assumptions apply to the study of behavior.

To Prepare

  • Review the Learning Resources for this week as well as the required weekly media program to gain an understanding of the philosophical assumptions that inform the practice of behavior analysis.
  • Consider examples of how the philosophical assumptions apply to the study of human behavior.
  • Review the interactive media in the Learning Resources, “Six Assumptions or Attitudes of Behavior Analysis.”PSYC 6717 Philosophical Assumptions Discussion

By Day 4 of Week 2

The behavior of scientists, including behavior analysts, is characterized by a common set of assumptions: determinism, empiricism, experimentation, replication, parsimony, and philosophic doubt.


Post two of these assumptions and give an example of how each applies to the study of human behavior.

Read your colleagues’ postings.

Note: For this discussion, you are required to complete your initial post before you will be able to view and respond to your colleagues’ postings. Begin by clicking on the To Participate in this Discussion link, then select Create Thread to complete your initial post. Remember, once you click on Submit, you cannot delete or edit your own posts, and cannot post anonymously. Please check your post carefully before clicking on Submit!

By Day 6 of Week 2

Respond to at least two colleagues’ posts by expanding on each of their explanations of how the assumptions they identified in their examples apply to the study of human behavior.

Be sure to support your posts and responses with specific references to behavior-analytic theory and research. In addition to the Learning Resources, search the Walden Library and/or internet for peer-reviewed articles to support your posts and responses. Use proper APA format and citations, including those in the Learning Resources.

Return to this Discussion in a few days to read the responses to your initial posting. Note what you have learned and/or any insights that you have gained because of your colleagues’ comments.


Parsimony considers a “simple, logical explanation for something before taking into account something much more complex or advanced” (Walden university, 2021). Philosophic doubt questions everything when it comes to understanding human behavior” (Walden university, 2021). Parsimony assumption allows room for the introduction of new material it helps to explain a behavior without over complicating it. I think accepting a simpler explanation helps behavioralist minimize assumptions about a behavior to maintain how credible they are on the matter. Philosophic doubt is utilized to leave room for new findings. It sheds light on the idea that there is always something better to keep expanding the knowledge about a specific area. Not questioning anything prevents the knowledge of a certain area from growing and it stunts the capabilities of how far the area could go PSYC 6717 Philosophical Assumptions Discussion.


Cooper, J. O., Heron, T. E., & Heward, W. L. (2020). Applied behavior analysis (3rd ed.). Pearson.

Walden University, LLC. (2021). Six assumptions and attitudes of behavior analysis [Interactive media]. Walden University Blackboard.


Hi xx, I agree with your assessments regarding parsimony and philosophic doubt. Not only does parsimony employ the common sense use of applying the simplest explanation as that is usually the case, it also gives professionals a standard to use across the board. Using the same idea as a starting point keeps ideas and facts organized and on task easier. As far as philosophic doubt goes, some people might think it’s easy to dismiss if we think we have concrete, undeniable proof of something. However, it’s been proven time and time again that applying philosophic doubt to scientific issues that we’ve previously thought we knew well, turned out to offer either deeper insight, or new meaning altogether (Cooper 2020). It sort of goes hand in hand with our society and technology as well, because those two areas are ever-expanding too.


Cooper, J. O., Heron, T. E., & Heward, W. L. (2020). Applied behavior analysis (3rd ed.). Pearson.

Walden University, LLC. (2021). Six assumptions and attitudes of behavior analysis [Interactive media]. Walden University Blackboard. PSYC 6717 Philosophical Assumptions Discussion

PSYC 6717 week 2 Assignment: Parsimony Essay

PSYC 6717 week 2 Assignment: Parsimony Essay

BCBA’s use techniques precluding essential consistent clarifications, either experimentally, prior to inspecting more intricate or dynamic data. The thought prompts the idea of making the least presumptions essential while clarifying a circumstance or thing. Parsimony  incorporates the most fundamental straightforward clarifications that attention exclusively on the most pertinent realities and information accessible while ignoring any remaining elements.

Parsimony  takes a stab at lucidity through straightforwardness while talking about a forthcoming intercession with a parent or educator. Parsimony is proper in the accompanying manners:

Parsimony  is a more productive strategy for deciding the most straightforward, least convoluted response for a situation or perception.

Parsimony  is useful in both learning and educating. PSYC 6717 week 2 Assignment: Parsimony Essay


Parsimony  s assesses direct effects, is tendency movements to moderation as a method for accomplishing lucidity utilizing the least stages, with the least assets, to show up at the best outcome. Thus, it suggests seeking after the most productive and approach plausible by the parent or an educator. Parsimony  tracks down the most essential and right clarification for cerebrum cycles and human activities. PSYC 6717 week 2 Assignment: Parsimony Essay


Actual points, exercises, looks, test results, and different subtleties are inadequate in depictions or clarifications. An instructor might have to realize this to convey viably to understudies.

PSYC 6717 week 2 Assignment: Parsimony Essay

Parsimony additionally makes correspondence simpler and improves the probability that the data is perceived. In showing new ideas, language and suitable models ease understanding. Better arrangement will furnish educators and guardians with a simple method to show understudies and young people separately. Parsimony  in brain science is direct, reasonable, and significant. It’s likewise important that the clarifications are right and dependable. Parsimony  in brain research is significant to conduct experts when managing emotional well-being hardships.



Cooper, J. O., Heron, T. E., & Heward, W. L. (2020). Applied behavior analysis (3rd ed.). Pearson.

Epstein, R. (1984). The principle of parsimony and some applications in psychology. The Journal of Mind and Behavior, 119-130


PSYC 6717 week 2 Assignment: Parsimony Essay

Photo Credit: iushakovsky –

For this week’s Discussion, you examined a common set of assumptions characterizing the behavior of behavior analysts. One of those assumptions is the Law of Parsimony. The history and etymology of the word parsimony is from the Latin pars-, meaning “to act sparingly, be thrifty (with), refrain from” (Merriam-Webster, n.d.). By extension, the Law of Parsimony posits that given two explanations for a given phenomenon, you should choose the simplest scientific explanation that fits the evidence parsimony essay.


Ultimately, an important purpose for using parsimonious interpretations is to enable a principle of economy when determining where new findings might incorporate into the existing knowledge base of a given field. By way of illustration, consider the following review regarding negative symptoms in schizophrenia. In the review, the authors identify a lengthy list of nearly 20 negative schizophrenia symptoms ranging from different forms of affect issues to poor grooming to asociality. Applying the law of parsimony (referred to as Occam’s Razor in the review) the authors simplified their evidence by stating, “…we propose that while negative symptoms are varied and broad in both their clinical presentation and longitudinal course, they can all be subsumed under the concept of avolition. As the primary construct, avolition translates to decreased functional performance, a hallmark of schizophrenia’s longer-term outcome but identifiable in its earliest stages” (Foussias, & Remington, 2010).

For this Assignment, you will consider why parsimony is an important construct a behavior analyst might use when communicating interventions to a parent or teacher. PSYC 6717 week 2 Assignment: Parsimony Essay

Foussias, G., & Remington, G. (2010). Negative symptoms in schizophrenia: Avolition and Occam’s razor. Schizophrenia Bulletin36(2), 359–369.
Merriam-Webster. (n.d.). Parsimony. Retrieved February 6, 2021, from parsimony essay

To Prepare:

  • Review this week’s Learning Resources about parsimony.
  • Consider practical ways parsimony might be used by a behavior analyst.

Assignment (1 page)

  • Write an explanation addressing why parsimony is important for a behavior analyst when communicating a prospective intervention to a parent or teacher. Be parsimonious in your response.

Be sure to support your Assignment with specific references to behavior-analytic theory and research. In addition to the Learning Resources, search the Walden Library and/or the internet for peer-reviewed articles to support your Assignment. Use proper APA format and citations, including those in the Learning Resources.

By Day 7 of Week 2

Submit your Assignment.

Submission and Grading Information

To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading, do the following:

  • Please save your Assignment using the naming convention “WK2Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension)” as the name.
  • Click on the Week 2 Assignment Rubric to review the Grading Criteria for the Assignment.
  • Click on the Week 2 Assignment link. You will also be able to “View Rubric” for grading criteria from this area.
  • Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My Computer button. Find the document you saved as “WK2Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension)” and click on Open.
  • If applicable: From the Plagiarism Tools area, click the checkbox for I agree to submit my paper(s) to the Global Reference Database.
  • Click on the Submit button to complete your submission parsimony essay.


Excellent Good Fair Poor
10.5 (70%) – 12 (80%)
Assignment demonstrates an excellent understanding of all of the concepts and key points presented in the text/s and Learning Resources. Assignment provides significant detail including multiple relevant examples, discerning ideas, and evidence from scholarly sources (i.e., Learning Resources, Walden Library, and/or internet).
8.5 (56.67%) – 10.25 (68.33%)
Assignment demonstrates a good understanding of most of the concepts and key points presented in the text/s and Learning Resources. Assignment includes moderate detail, discerning ideas, and sufficient evidence from scholarly sources (i.e., Learning Resources, Walden Library, and/or internet).
(33.33%) – 8.25 (55%)
Assignment demonstrates a fair understanding of the concepts and key points as presented in the text/s and Learning Resources. Assignment may be lacking in detail and specificity and/or may not include sufficient pertinent examples, discerning ideas, evidence from scholarly sources (i.e., Learning Resources, Walden Library, and/or internet).
(0%) – 4.5 (30%)

Assignment demonstrates poor understanding of the concepts and key points of the text/s and Learning Resources. Assignment is missing detail and specificity and/or does not include any pertinent examples discerning ideas, or sufficient evidence from scholarly sources (i.e., Learning Resources, Walden Library, and/or internet).

PSYC 6717 week 2 Assignment: Parsimony Essay

(20%) – 3 (20%)
Assignment is well organized, uses scholarly tone, follows APA style, uses original writing and proper paraphrasing, contains very few or no writing and/or spelling errors, and is fully consistent with graduate-level writing style. Assignment contains multiple, appropriate and exemplary sources expected/required for the assignment (i.e., Learning Resources, Walden Library, and/or internet).
(13.33%) – 2 (13.33%)
Assignment is mostly consistent with graduate-level writing style. Assignment may have some small or infrequent organization, scholarly tone, or APA style issues, and/or may contain a few writing and spelling errors, and/or somewhat less than the expected number of or type of sources (i.e., scholarly sources from the Learning Resources, Walden Library, and/or internet).
(6.67%) – 1 (6.67%)
Assignment is somewhat below graduate-level writing style, with multiple smaller or a few major problems. Assignment may be lacking in organization, scholarly tone, APA style, and/or contain many writing and/or spelling errors, or shows moderate reliance on quoting versus original writing and paraphrasing. Assignment may contain inferior sources (number or quality of scholarly sources from the Learning Resources, Walden Library, and/or internet).
(0%) – 0 (0%)
Assignment is well below graduate-level writing style expectations for organization, scholarly tone, APA style, and writing, or relies excessively on quoting. Assignment may contain few or no quality sources (i.e., scholarly sources from the Learning Resources, Walden Library, and/or internet).
Total Points: 15

PSYC 6717 Assignment: The Science of Behavior Analysis

PSYC 6717 Assignment: The Science of Behavior Analysis

Behaviorism- It centers around the way of thinking of conduct examination. The school of behaviorism incorporates the standards of molding like operant and old style molding. John B. Watson was the pioneer in the field of behaviorism. He zeroed in on the noticeable conduct of the organic entity and focused on the significance of the result of conduct. In the event that the outcome is positive, the conduct is rehashed in future.

APA/ABA- It expects to manage dangerous conduct and advances socially advantageous conduct. The components of this methodology are applied, social, logical, adroitly orderly, compelling, innovatively solid, and generalizable PSYC 6717 Assignment: The Science of Behavior Analysis.


EAB- It centers around perceiving and looking at the fundamental suppositions basic the rules that clarify conduct. The standards or this methodology are-determinism, induction, experimentation, dependability, miserliness, and philosophical uncertainty.

Behaviorists recommend that conduct examination looks at conduct from the perspective of inherent science. They hold the view that the conduct of an organic entity is an aftereffect of its connection with the climate. The scientists in this field apply comparable standards to themselves as they do to individuals with whom they do explore PSYC 6717 Assignment: The Science of Behavior Analysis. Accordingly, ABA is innate science as it centers around the connection among climate and conduct. It applies the rule of behaviorism to show suitable abilities to kids and help them in taking on socially huge conduct. PSYC 6717 Assignment: The Science of Behavior Analysis


Fisher, W. W., Piazza, C. C., & Roane, H. S. (Eds.). (2011). Handbook of applied behavior analysis. Guilford Press.


PSYC 6717 Assignment: The Science of Behavior Analysis

Assignment: The Science of Behavior Analysis


Photo Credit: gustavofrazao –

The field of behavior analysis comprises three separate yet overlapping and related branches: behaviorism, experimental analysis of behavior (EAB), and applied behavior analysis (ABA). The theories, procedures, and practices of each of the three branches should inform one another. Because behavior analysis is a science, it necessarily seeks to identify and implement behavioral treatment strategies and interventions in the real world that are grounded in both the philosophy and research from the field and with the ultimate goal of improving behavioral outcomes for the client PSYC 6717 Assignment: The Science of Behavior Analysis.

For this Assignment, you will define each of the three branches of behavior analysis and analyze their similarities and differences. You will also provide examples of how each branch contributes to the practice of behavior analysis

To Prepare:

  • Review the Learning Resources for this week, including the video and interactive media, “Branches of Behavior Analysis,” to gain an understanding of the three branches of behavior analysis.
  • Consider the relationships between the three branches of behavior analysis and how they contribute to the practice.

Assignment (1–2 pages)

Define of each of the three branches of behavior analysis: behaviorism, experimental analysis of behavior (EAB), and applied behavior analysis (ABA). Then, clarify the similarities and differences by giving examples of how each contributes to the practice of behavior analysis PSYC 6717 Assignment: The Science of Behavior Analysis.

Be sure to support your Assignment with specific references to behavior-analytic theory and research. In addition to the Learning Resources, search the Walden Library and/or the internet for peer-reviewed articles to support your Assignment. Use proper APA format and citations, including those in the Learning Resources. PSYC 6717 Assignment: The Science of Behavior Analysis

By Day 7 of Week 4

Submit your Assignment.

Submission and Grading Information

To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading, do the following:

  • Please save your Assignment using the naming convention “WK4Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension)” as the name.
  • Click on the Week 4 Assignment Rubric to review the Grading Criteria for the Assignment.
  • Click on the Week 4 Assignment link. You will also be able to “View Rubric” for grading criteria from this area.
  • Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My Computer button. Find the document you saved as “WK4Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension)” and click on Open.
  • If applicable: From the Plagiarism Tools area, click the checkbox for I agree to submit my paper(s) to the Global Reference Database.
  • Click on the Submit button to complete your submission.

PSYC 6717 Applied Behavior Analysis Discussion Essay

PSYC 6717 Applied Behavior Analysis Discussion Essay

You have made a significant decision to further your formal education in the field of applied behavior analysis. You likely have an interest in behaviors and their relationship with the environment and a desire to learn and apply behavioral techniques that will help individuals achieve beneficial behavioral change. While applied behavior analysts work with individuals of different ages, the skills of an applied behavior analyst are especially needed with children with autism PSYC 6717 Applied Behavior Analysis Discussion Essay.


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2020) reports that autism spectrum disorders (ASD) affect 1 in 54 children, representing a tripling of the prevalence rate since 2000. The respected and specialized behavior analysis assessment and intervention strategies you employ in your role as an applied behavior analyst can help autistic children and others with developmental issues to learn new skills and meet behavioral challenges.

For this Discussion, you will analyze your decision to embark on a course of study that will lead to your becoming a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA). PSYC 6717 Applied Behavior Analysis Discussion Essay

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2020). Prevalence of autism spectrum disorder among children aged 8 years — autism and developmental disabilities monitoring network, 11 sites, United States, 2016. Surveillance Summaries69(4), 1–12.

To Prepare

  • Reflect on what motivated you to pursue a course of study that will lead to your becoming a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA).
  • Consider what professional goals you will have once you earn your BCBA.

By Day 4 of Week 4

Post a reflection addressing the following:

  • What led you to decide to study behavior analysis?
  • What experience do you have in behavior analysis?
  • What work do you hope to do once you earn your BCBA and how might this impact your desire for positive social change?

Behavioral analysis is a growing field. The Behavior Analyst Certification Board recently reported that the demand for board certified behavioral analysts increased by 127% just within the last three years. The field is expected to continue on this growth track. Besides this exciting statistic, I have selected this as my career path because is aligns with core areas of my strengths and interests. I am inquisitive, observant, and I enjoy applying what I learn to practical daily living. With an extensive career working with vulnerable groups of adolescents in residential settings, I can see the value of a knowledge base in behavioral analysis PSYC 6717 Applied Behavior Analysis Discussion Essay.

I was first led to explore behavior analysis after seeing the high level of need for this discipline in residential settings. The youth I worked with in these settings had extensive trauma and the pain and impact of the  trauma they experienced was clearly evident in the many dysfunctional behaviors observed in the residential setting. Most of the staff in the residential setting were paraprofessionals and did not have a high level of training in behavior management.  These observations caused me to look further into career paths specific to the behavioral needs of these high needs youth. PSYC 6717 Applied Behavior Analysis Discussion Essay


My experience in this area includes working hands on with the youth in these residential settings. As a youth worker in the early years of my career, I was responsible for monitoring the youth and managing the residential milieu. From there, I advanced to case management roles where I had the responsibility of developing care plans, which included behavioral interventions to help manage the behaviors of individual youth residents. Later, I was given oversight responsibilities for these settings and responsible for managing others who were responsible for the hands-on day to day activities in the facilities. At this time, I desire to take on a more analytical approach to the behavioral needs of these youth. I believe that behavioral analysis is an apt choice for what comes next in my career PSYC 6717 Applied Behavior Analysis Discussion Essay.

Finally, the work that I hope to do after earning my BCBA is to continue working in the area of adolescent behavioral health. I want to work in mor of an administrative or consultant  capacity, helping bring greater understanding to the behavioral needs of youth in these settings. Many youth in the protective care systems spend years in residential care/foster care settings. These settings need qualified professionals to help youth manage their behavioral needs and to also work on the other side of the table, helping the caretakers, foster parents, case managers, and others implement effective treatment modalities for these youth.  My skills and training in these area can bring positive social change by helping equip staff and residents at these facilities with the strategies they need to be successful in a residential milieu that they have to call home.


Behavior Analyst Certification Board (2019). Retrieved from PSYC 6717 Applied Behavior Analysis Discussion Essay

Read your colleagues’ postings.

Note: For this discussion, you are required to complete your initial post before you will be able to view and respond to your colleagues’ postings. Begin by clicking on the To Participate in this Discussion link, then select Create Thread to complete your initial post. Remember, once you click on Submit, you cannot delete or edit your own posts, and cannot post anonymously. Please check your post carefully before clicking on Submit!

By Day 6 of Week 4

Respond to at least two colleagues’ posts by providing your perspectives on their professional goals once they earn their BCBA.

Be sure to support your posts and responses with specific references to behavior-analytic theory and research. In addition to the Learning Resources, search the Walden Library and/or the internet for peer-reviewed articles to support your posts and responses. Use proper APA format and citations, including those in the Learning Resources.

Return to this Discussion in a few days to read the responses to your initial posting. Note what you have learned and/or any insights that you have gained because of your colleagues’ comments PSYC 6717 Applied Behavior Analysis Discussion Essay.

I decided to study behaviour analysis because my goal is to become a behavioral therapist. My mother and aunt are currently behavioral therapists working with children and adults. Our goal one day is to open our own behavioral health clinic to continue our mission to help individuals cope or overcome their behaviours. I am currently working as a service coordinator working with adults and seniors with disabilities. Many of my clients have behavioral diagnosis and are in need of support. My hope is to continue to work with adults and seniors with disabilities and assist them with their behavioral needs. Behavioral issues that currently are affecting their life. My hope is to improve their well-being and decrease their specific behaviours. According to ” Copper, Heron, Heward (2020) “, Applied behaviour analysis is a scientific approach experimenting ways to improve individuals behaviour and finding out the reason why the behaviour change occured.



Cooper, J. O., Heron, T. E., & Heward, W. L. (2020). Applied behavior analysis (3rd ed.). Pearso PSYC 6717 Applied Behavior Analysis Discussion Essay

Assignment: Dimensions of Applied Behavior Analysis

Assignment: Dimensions of Applied Behavior Analysis

Baer et al. (1968) suggest that for a science to be considered truly applied behavior analysis it must demonstrate the seven dimensions of being applied, behavioral, analytic, technological, conceptually systematic, effective, and display generality. These dimensions define the parameters of a scientifically based intervention. When designing the intervention, it should be consistent with research-based principles of applied behavior analysis. The behaviors receiving the intervention should be socially important to the individual and individual’s family and conducted in real-world settings Assignment: Dimensions of Applied Behavior Analysis.

The techniques of an intervention should be explicitly identified and described in enough detail that others could replicate it. It should include an evaluative component defining what data you will collect and analyze in order to evaluate whether an intervention is working and whether the desired behavioral change is generalizable across different environments and time. In effect, the data must demonstrate a reliable, functional relationship between the intervention and desired behavioral change. Assignment: Dimensions of Applied Behavior Analysis

For this Assignment, you will analyze each of the seven dimensions of applied behavior analysis and provide examples of how each applies to the practice of behavior analysis.


Baer, D. M., Wolf, M. M., & Risley, T. R. (1968). Some current dimensions of applied behavior analysis. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 1(1), 91–97.

To Prepare:

  • Review the Learning Resources for this week, particularly those describing the dimensions of applied behavior analysis proposed by Baer, Wolf, and Risley.
  • Consider how you think each dimension might apply to the practice of behavior analysis.
  • Review the interactive media in the Learning Resources, “Dimensions of Applied Behavior Analysis.” Assignment: Dimensions of Applied Behavior Analysis

Assignment (1–2 pages)

Explain what Baer, Wolf, and Risley meant when they said each of the following criteria must be present for applied behavior analysis to be considered a science. Give an example of how each applies to the practice of behavior analysis.

  • applied
  • behavioral
  • analytic
  • technological
  • conceptually systematic
  • effective
  • capable of appropriately generalized outcomes

Be sure to support your Assignment with specific references to behavior-analytic theory and research. In addition to the Learning Resources, search the Walden Library and/or the internet for peer-reviewed articles to support your Assignment. Use proper APA format and citations, including those in the Learning Resources Assignment: Dimensions of Applied Behavior Analysis. 

By Day 7 of Week 5

Submit your Assignment.

Submission and Grading Information

To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading, do the following:

  • Please save your Assignment using the naming convention “WK5Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension)” as the name.
  • Click on the Week 5 Assignment Rubric to review the Grading Criteria for the Assignment.
  • Click on the Week 5 Assignment link. You will also be able to “View Rubric” for grading criteria from this area.
  • Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My Computer button. Find the document you saved as “WK5Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension)” and click on Open.
  • If applicable: From the Plagiarism Tools area, click the checkbox for I agree to submit my paper(s) to the Global Reference Database.
  • Click on the Submit button to complete your submission Assignment: Dimensions of Applied Behavior Analysis.

PSYC 6717 Discussion: Baer, Wolf, and Risley (1968)

PSYC 6717 Discussion: Baer, Wolf, and Risley (1968)

PSYC 6717 Discussion: Baer, Wolf, and Risley (1968)

Discussion: Baer, Wolf, and Risley (1968)


Photo Credit: utah51 / Adobe Stock

Applied behavior analysis is a movement that began in the late 1950s within the field of experimental analysis of behavior (EAB) and was based on B. F. Skinner’s operant conditioning principles. As the applied orientation began to develop, it focused on practical interventions and applied topics relevant to socially significant behavior. This focus represented an incongruity with the criteria and research questions representing basic theoretical research and analysis in the field of contemporary applied psychology. This incongruity grew enough to demonstrate a need for a journal focused on the increasingly popular applied orientation PSYC 6717 Discussion: Baer, Wolf, and Risley (1968).

In 1967, the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis (JABA) was launched to address the need. The editors of the journal included Donald Baer, Montrose M. Wolf, and Todd Risley, who in the first issue of the JABA journal contributed an article that proposed criteria that would come to inform the application of concepts of applied behavior analysis. It also served to provide guidance to researchers seeking to be published in the journal. As indicated by the title of their seminal 1968 article, “Some Current Dimensions of Applied Behavior Analysis,” Baer, Wolf, and Risley proposed seven criteria, or dimensions, of applied behavior analysis (Baer et al., 1968). PSYC 6717 Discussion: Baer, Wolf, and Risley (1968)

For this Discussion, you will reflect on the seminal article by Baer et al. (1968), located in this week’s Learning Resources, and evaluate the relevance of the seven dimensions of behavior analysis in the article to the practice of behavior analysis today. You will also identify your most important takeaway from the article.


Baer, D. M., Wolf, M. M., & Risley, T. R. (1968). Some current dimensions of applied behavior analysis. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 1(1), 91–97 PSYC 6717 Discussion: Baer, Wolf, and Risley (1968).

To Prepare

  • From the Learning Resources for this week, review the seminal Baer, Wolf, and Risley article and consider how the information applies to applied behavior analysis today.

By Day 4 of Week 5

Post what makes the information in the Baer, Wolf, and Risley article relevant to the practice of Applied Behavior Analysis today, more than 50 years later as well as what is the most important thing you learned from this article and how might this information impact your future professional work as a behavior analyst.

Read your colleagues’ postings.

Note: For this discussion, you are required to complete your initial post before you will be able to view and respond to your colleagues’ postings. Begin by clicking on the To Participate in this Discussion link, then select Create Thread to complete your initial post. Remember, once you click on Submit, you cannot delete or edit your own posts, and cannot post anonymously. Please check your post carefully before clicking on Submit!

By Day 6 of Week 5

Respond to at least two colleagues’ posts in one of the following ways:

  • Expand on their explanation of what makes the information in the Baer, Wolf, and Risley article relevant to the practice of Applied Behavior Analysis today, more than 50 years later.
  • Offer additional insights regarding the most important thing they learned from the article and its potential impact on their future professional work as a behavior analyst. PSYC 6717 Discussion: Baer, Wolf, and Risley (1968)

Be sure to support your posts and responses with specific references to behavior-analytic theory and research. In addition to the Learning Resources, search the Walden Library and/or the internet for peer-reviewed articles to support your posts and responses. Use proper APA format and citations, including those in the Learning Resources.

Return to this Discussion in a few days to read the responses to your initial posting. Note what you have learned and/or any insights that you have gained because of your colleagues’ comments PSYC 6717 Discussion: Baer, Wolf, and Risley (1968). PSYC 6717 Discussion: Baer, Wolf, and Risley (1968)

PSYC 6717 week 6 Discussion: Applications of Philosophical Underpinnings

PSYC 6717 week 6 Discussion: Applications of Philosophical Underpinnings

PSYC 6717 week 6 Discussion: Applications of Philosophical Underpinnings

Making logical deductions from a study relies on establishing causal relationships, linking antecedents, eliminating fallacies, and using an evidence-based approach to ascertain findings. In this study, the philosophical underpinnings are entrenched on a causal relationship between the psychological impacts of the adverse effects of the COVID-19 vaccine on other people and its repudiation by unvaccinated people. These study implications ensure that future research questions concerning the topics can be based on a sound rationale that could extrapolate future studies regarding vaccine reception by people. The mental assent or dissent of an individual has been tied to their willingness to accept or reject the vaccine based on their past psychological experiences on the effects of the vaccine on recipients PSYC 6717 week 6 Discussion: Applications of Philosophical Underpinnings.


Causal relationships, the generalizability of the findings, and the implications of the results are viable tenets of philosophical underpinnings in this study. The study enunciates that the memory of an adverse effect of the vaccine on a person known or heard of by the proposed recipient culminates in vaccine rejection. The philosophical tenet of generalizability applies to a limited extent because the people who reject the vaccine because of emotions instigated by their mental disposition to the vaccine belong to the same group. The likelihood of vaccine rejection when an individual has learned of the adverse effects or the detriments on another individual is highly likely. However, to avoid committing a hasty generalization on the possibility of vaccine rejection because of mental dissent, the data used provides sample size information on the projected assent or dissent to the vaccine. Doing so ensures that the investigator does not run into the fallacy of ignoratio elenchi through hasty generalizations (Hitchcock, 2017). Therefore, applying rationale is the dynamic for philosophical underpinnings the study that resonates with the theoretical framework PSYC 6717 week 6 Discussion: Applications of Philosophical Underpinnings.


Hitchcock, D. (2017). Do the fallacies have a place in the teaching of reasoning skills or critical thinking?. In On reasoning and argument (pp. 401-408). Springer, Cham.

Discussion: Applications of Philosophical Underpinnings

Have you ever wondered why it is relevant to understand the theory and philosophy that underpins the field of behavior analysis? In this week’s Learning Resources, Fryling (2013) discusses some ways behavior analytic theory and philosophy are relevant to the practice of applied behavior analysis. He focuses on its unique features of having a natural science perspective as well as comprehensive, integrated components. The natural science perspective of behavior analysis requires its constructs come from observable, socially significant events, as opposed to hypothetical constructs prevalent in mentalistic, traditional psychology and other helping professions.

Comprehensive, integrated components are a feature in behavior analysis demonstrated by the coordinated interdependence between behavior analytic theory and philosophy, experimental analysis of behavior (EAB), applied behavior analysis (ABA), and delivery of behavioral services. PSYC 6717 week 6 Discussion: Applications of Philosophical Underpinnings

Attention to the systemic, natural science approach and the coordinated integration of the components of behavior analysis are what distinguish it as a unique field and underpin the rationale for behavior analytic interventions. Because a behavior analyst will typically collaborate with other professionals who adhere to hypothetical constructs that can be anti-behavioral in nature, it is especially important that they be grounded in the theory and philosophy of behavioral analysis in order to effectively represent those ways of thinking about behavior PSYC 6717 week 6 Discussion: Applications of Philosophical Underpinnings.

In his book, Radical Behaviorism for ABA Practitioners, James M. Johnston provides the following reasons ABA practitioners should understand the philosophical underpinnings of their field (Graff, 2014):

Practitioners work at the interface between science and society and, therefore, must be able to bridge the gap between scientific and everyday understandings of how behavior works.

Most people’s beliefs about how behavior works conflict with established scientific findings.

Practitioners must be able to convince clients and other professionals to support objectives and procedures shown in the ABA literature to be effective.

Understanding radical behaviorism helps ensure consistency between the field’s science and the resulting technology.

Understanding radical behaviorism helps avoid conceptual backsliding that might be encouraged by everyday language. (p. 3)

In this Discussion, you will identify an article you retrieved from the behavior analytic literature (2012 to the present) that describes an intervention to address an applied concern. For the article you select, you will then evaluate how each of the following philosophical underpinnings of behavior analysis are represented: selectionism, determinism, empiricism, parsimony, and pragmatism. PSYC 6717 week 6 Discussion: Applications of Philosophical Underpinnings

Graff, R. B. (2014). A review of radical behaviorism for ABA practitioners by James M. Johnston [Review of the book Radical behaviorism for ABA practitioners, by J. M. Johnston]. APBA Reporter, 50, 1–3.

To Prepare

  • Review the Learning Resources for this week in order to gain an understanding of the following philosophical underpinnings of applied behavior analysis: selectionism, determinism, empiricism, parsimony, and pragmatism.
  • Identify an article retrieved from the behavior analytic literature (2012 to the present) that describes an intervention to address an applied concern PSYC 6717 week 6 Discussion: Applications of Philosophical Underpinnings.
  • Review the interactive media in the Learning Resources, “Philosophical Underpinnings of Behavior Analysis.”

By Day 4 of Week 6

Post the title of the article you selected and provide a brief summary of the article. Next, include your evaluation of each philosophical underpinning of behavior analysis for the article, including selectionism, determinism, empiricism, parsimony, and pragmatism. Make sure to include a reference and link to your article. Use proper APA format and style.

Read your colleagues’ postings.

Note: For this discussion, you are required to complete your initial post before you will be able to view and respond to your colleagues’ postings. Begin by clicking on the To Participate in this Discussion link, then select Create Thread to complete your initial post. Remember, once you click on Submit, you cannot delete or edit your own posts, and cannot post anonymously. Please check your post carefully before clicking on Submit!

By Day 6 of Week 6

Respond to at least two colleagues’ posts by expanding on each colleague’s explanation of how the article does or does not represent each of the philosophical underpinnings of behavior analysis. Provide examples.

Be sure to support your posts and responses with specific references to behavior-analytic theory and research. In addition to the Learning Resources, search the Walden Library and/or the internet for peer-reviewed articles to support your posts and responses. Use proper APA format and citations, including those in the Learning Resources.

Return to this Discussion in a few days to read the responses to your initial posting. Note what you have learned and/or any insights that you have gained because of your colleagues’ comments PSYC 6717 week 6 Discussion: Applications of Philosophical Underpinnings.


Evidence-based practice (EBP) is a professional strategy in which practitioners apply the most reliable evidence in combining with client’s beliefs and context and clinical abilities to present assistance to their clients. This frame provides a basis for behavior analysts to execute the extensive application of the most reliable available evidence in the complex conditions in which they operate. According to the article, behavior analysis is about not concerning hypothetical constructs in any of the work areas. (Fryling, 2013)

Recognizing the significance of having a clear and precise knowledge of the strength of the evidence confirming intervention opportunities, the critical contextual factors, such as client beliefs, that impact decision making, and the crucial role of clinical expertise in case intervention, conceptualization, and evaluation. For example, the article also mentions that behavior analysts mainly bypass describing behavior through diagnoses or disorders, cognitive constructs. (Fryling, 2013) The theory and framework for EBP correspond with well-established outlines of EBP in medicine, science, and other professions. The method can improve clear information about treatment determinations across systems and with critical outside companies such as insurance corporations and granting agencies and promote the systematic usage of research evidence in behavior analytic judgment making.


Fryling, M. J. (2013). Theory, philosophy, and the practice of applied behavior analysis. European Journal of Behavior Analysis, 14(1), 45–54. PSYC 6717 week 6 Discussion: Applications of Philosophical Underpinnings

Discussion: Applications of Philosophical Underpinnings

Discussion: Applications of Philosophical Underpinnings

Have you ever wondered why it is relevant to understand the theory and philosophy that underpins the field of behavior analysis? In this week’s Learning Resources, Fryling (2013) discusses some ways behavior analytic theory and philosophy are relevant to the practice of applied behavior analysis. He focuses on its unique features of having a natural science perspective as well as comprehensive, integrated components. The natural science perspective of behavior analysis requires its constructs come from observable, socially significant events, as opposed to hypothetical constructs prevalent in mentalistic, traditional psychology and other helping professions Discussion: Applications of Philosophical Underpinnings.


Comprehensive, integrated components are a feature in behavior analysis demonstrated by the coordinated interdependence between behavior analytic theory and philosophy, experimental analysis of behavior (EAB), applied behavior analysis (ABA), and delivery of behavioral services.

Attention to the systemic, natural science approach and the coordinated integration of the components of behavior analysis are what distinguish it as a unique field and underpin the rationale for behavior analytic interventions. Because a behavior analyst will typically collaborate with other professionals who adhere to hypothetical constructs that can be anti-behavioral in nature, it is especially important that they be grounded in the theory and philosophy of behavioral analysis in order to effectively represent those ways of thinking about behavior.

In his book, Radical Behaviorism for ABA Practitioners, James M. Johnston provides the following reasons ABA practitioners should understand the philosophical underpinnings of their field (Graff, 2014):

Practitioners work at the interface between science and society and, therefore, must be able to bridge the gap between scientific and everyday understandings of how behavior works Discussion: Applications of Philosophical Underpinnings.

Most people’s beliefs about how behavior works conflict with established scientific findings.

Practitioners must be able to convince clients and other professionals to support objectives and procedures shown in the ABA literature to be effective.

Understanding radical behaviorism helps ensure consistency between the field’s science and the resulting technology. Discussion: Applications of Philosophical Underpinnings

Understanding radical behaviorism helps avoid conceptual backsliding that might be encouraged by everyday language. (p. 3)

In this Discussion, you will identify an article you retrieved from the behavior analytic literature (2012 to the present) that describes an intervention to address an applied concern. For the article you select, you will then evaluate how each of the following philosophical underpinnings of behavior analysis are represented: selectionism, determinism, empiricism, parsimony, and pragmatism.

Graff, R. B. (2014). A review of radical behaviorism for ABA practitioners by James M. Johnston [Review of the book Radical behaviorism for ABA practitioners, by J. M. Johnston]. APBA Reporter, 50, 1–3.

To Prepare

  • Review the Learning Resources for this week in order to gain an understanding of the following philosophical underpinnings of applied behavior analysis: selectionism, determinism, empiricism, parsimony, and pragmatism.
  • Identify an article retrieved from the behavior analytic literature (2012 to the present) that describes an intervention to address an applied concern.
  • Review the interactive media in the Learning Resources, “Philosophical Underpinnings of Behavior Analysis.”


By Day 4 of Week 6

Post the title of the article you selected and provide a brief summary of the article. Next, include your evaluation of each philosophical underpinning of behavior analysis for the article, including selectionism, determinism, empiricism, parsimony, and pragmatism. Make sure to include a reference and link to your article. Use proper APA format and style Discussion: Applications of Philosophical Underpinnings.

Read your colleagues’ postings.

Note: For this discussion, you are required to complete your initial post before you will be able to view and respond to your colleagues’ postings. Begin by clicking on the To Participate in this Discussion link, then select Create Thread to complete your initial post. Remember, once you click on Submit, you cannot delete or edit your own posts, and cannot post anonymously. Please check your post carefully before clicking on Submit!

By Day 6 of Week 6

Respond to at least two colleagues’ posts by expanding on each colleague’s explanation of how the article does or does not represent each of the philosophical underpinnings of behavior analysis. Provide examples.

Be sure to support your posts and responses with specific references to behavior-analytic theory and research. In addition to the Learning Resources, search the Walden Library and/or the internet for peer-reviewed articles to support your posts and responses. Use proper APA format and citations, including those in the Learning Resources.

Return to this Discussion in a few days to read the responses to your initial posting. Note what you have learned and/or any insights that you have gained because of your colleagues’ comments.

eterminism-ABA Practices by Wolf et al. shows a precise way that individuals do in their life; on account of medically introverted individuals, the ABA-based intercession would assist with breaking this framework and make another framework where experts do operant molding systems to bring down the recurrence of meddling conduct. It is additionally to build the recurrence of supportive of social conduct. Experts can just do the ABA-Based mediation under the determinism theory since they can decide the interceding conduct by noticing the framework that the medically introverted individual did. Discussion: Applications of Philosophical Underpinnings


Empiricism- ABA Practices  of Ivar Lovaas shows how he might want for individuals with mental imbalance to recuperate from it by doing rough trials like the utilization of shock, beating, intercession force by the quantity of hours, and standard mediation. The philosophical supporting in Ivar Lovaas and the UCLA Gab is experimentation since he accepts that when he utilized electric shocks, it prevents kids from dangerous self-harmful practices. It shows observation in light of the fact that Lovaas utilized shock, beating, or extensive, conventional intercession as the free factor. The reliant variable is simply the hazardous harmful practices of mentally unbalanced youngsters, which can show a utilitarian relationship Discussion: Applications of Philosophical Underpinnings.


Parsimony-Discipline and elimination based systems show how the experts didn’t consider the incidental effects since they didn’t influence mentally unbalanced individuals that much. The philosophical supporting, miserliness, can show that experts accept that if an activity has become wiped out, the intercession is a triumph without pondering its incidental effects on youngsters.


Selectionism-The subject of changes to independence and character shows how character and conduct connect. Conduct is supposed to be brought about by characters which shows selectionism philosophical supporting. The explanation is that there is a development of conduct from being the character of an individual or youngster. The intercessions like impersonation, responsive guidelines, and sitting better are under the philosophical supporting, particular since it can show that as mentally unbalanced individuals do this conduct, they can acquire complex abilities like perusing, cooking, and adjusting checkbooks.


Pragmatism-Stimming is a significant conduct on the grounds that a grown-up mentally unbalanced individual utilized this and presently has control of his abundance feeling. Along these lines, individuals accept that stimming can assist mentally unbalanced kids with controlling their various feelings. The self-stimulatory and cliché conduct show sober mindedness on the grounds that conduct experts and others see stimming as the best mediation that could help medically introverted individuals. All things considered, they didn’t consider the general public that might manhandle this stereotypic conduct Discussion: Applications of Philosophical Underpinnings