PSYC 6717 Discussion: Behaviorism

PSYC 6717 Discussion: Behaviorism

One skill of an applied behavior analyst is collaborating to identify negative behaviors an individual is exhibiting and then developing treatments for those behaviors (e.g., strategies, interventions, etc.) to help them change the behaviors and derive improved outcomes for themselves PSYC 6717 Discussion: Behaviorism. Radical behaviorism posits there is a science of behavior that has shown the environment as a significant cause of behavior and that experiential factors play a primary role in determining behavior (Cooper et al., 2020). The strategies and interventions of the applied behavior analyst represent efforts to change maladaptive behavior by systematically employing techniques that control circumstances in which negative behaviors arise and helping individuals learn and apply new skills.

For example, if a child in a classroom is repeatedly leaving their seat during instruction (i.e., maladaptive behavior), an applied behavior analyst would work with the child to identify the factors contributing to the maladaptive behavior and then develop strategies or interventions to generate more appropriate behavior by the child.

For this week’s Discussion, you will consider your perspectives on radical behaviorism and its learning principles.

Cooper, J. O., Heron, T. E., & Heward, W. L. (2020). Applied behavior analysis (3rd ed.). Pearson. 

To Prepare

  • Review the Learning Resources for this week as well as the required weekly media program to gain an understanding of radical behaviorism.
  • Think about whether you concur with the learning principles of radical behaviorism PSYC 6717 Discussion: Behaviorism.


By Day 4 of Week 3

Post an explanation of whether you agree or disagree with the following statement, and why or why not:

  • Skinner’s “radical behaviorism” proposes that behavior, rather than cognitive processes, should be the primary topic of study.

Read your colleagues’ postings.

Note: For this discussion, you are required to complete your initial post before you will be able to view and respond to your colleagues’ postings. Begin by clicking on the To Participate in this Discussion link, then select Create Thread to complete your initial post. Remember, once you click on Submit, you cannot delete or edit your own posts, and cannot post anonymously. Please check your post carefully before clicking on Submit!

By Day 6 of Week 3

Respond to at least two colleagues’ posts by expanding on each colleague’s rationale for why they agree or disagree with Skinner’s proposal. Justify your response.

Be sure to support your posts and responses with specific references to behavior-analytic theory and research. In addition to the Learning Resources, search the Walden Library and/or internet for peer-reviewed articles to support your posts and responses. Use proper APA format and citations, including those in the Learning Resources.

Return to this Discussion in a few days to read the responses to your initial posting. Note what you have learned and/or any insights that you have gained because of your colleagues’ comments.


For this discussion, I agree with the statement that B.F. Skinner’s “radical behaviorism” focuses on behavior instead of cognitive processes as the topic of study. Rather than internal and mental processes, Behaviorism itself is concerned with observable, empirical evidence in animals and individuals in coming up with an explanation of the psyche (Cooper, Heron, & Heward, 2020). Skinner’s radical behaviorism has only intensified this concentration on behaviors by arguing that behavior is only a function of the external and environmental histories of an individual through the use of his operant conditioning chamber, also known as the “Skinner Box” (Walden University, 2021). Through his experiments on rats and pigeons, Skinner, later on, developed the principle of reinforcement, wherein behavior comes as a response from the interactions between an individual (or animal) and their environment PSYC 6717 Discussion: Behaviorism.


In this case, Skinner’s radical behaviorism has nothing to do with internal thoughts or feelings. While Behaviorists accept internal processes of the brain as valid, they never mentioned the independence of these processes from the external environment. For Skinner, all that could be objectively observed, studied, and measured, are behavioral responses from environmental interfaces. Because of these reasons, I argue that radical behaviorism concerns itself more with behavior rather than cognitive processes.


Cooper, J. O., Heron, T. E., & Heward, W. L. (2020). Applied behavior analysis (3rd ed.).


Walden University, LLC. (2021). Radical behaviorism [Video]. Walden University Blackboard. PSYC 6717 Discussion: Behaviorism

PSYC 6717 Assignment: The Science of Behavior Analysis

PSYC 6717 Assignment: The Science of Behavior Analysis

Behaviorism- It centers around the way of thinking of conduct examination. The school of behaviorism incorporates the standards of molding like operant and old style molding. John B. Watson was the pioneer in the field of behaviorism. He zeroed in on the noticeable conduct of the organic entity and focused on the significance of the result of conduct. In the event that the outcome is positive, the conduct is rehashed in future.

APA/ABA- It expects to manage dangerous conduct and advances socially advantageous conduct. The components of this methodology are applied, social, logical, adroitly orderly, compelling, innovatively solid, and generalizable PSYC 6717 Assignment: The Science of Behavior Analysis.


EAB- It centers around perceiving and looking at the fundamental suppositions basic the rules that clarify conduct. The standards or this methodology are-determinism, induction, experimentation, dependability, miserliness, and philosophical uncertainty.

Behaviorists recommend that conduct examination looks at conduct from the perspective of inherent science. They hold the view that the conduct of an organic entity is an aftereffect of its connection with the climate. The scientists in this field apply comparable standards to themselves as they do to individuals with whom they do explore PSYC 6717 Assignment: The Science of Behavior Analysis. Accordingly, ABA is innate science as it centers around the connection among climate and conduct. It applies the rule of behaviorism to show suitable abilities to kids and help them in taking on socially huge conduct. PSYC 6717 Assignment: The Science of Behavior Analysis


Fisher, W. W., Piazza, C. C., & Roane, H. S. (Eds.). (2011). Handbook of applied behavior analysis. Guilford Press.


PSYC 6717 Assignment: The Science of Behavior Analysis

Assignment: The Science of Behavior Analysis

Photo Credit: gustavofrazao –

The field of behavior analysis comprises three separate yet overlapping and related branches: behaviorism, experimental analysis of behavior (EAB), and applied behavior analysis (ABA). The theories, procedures, and practices of each of the three branches should inform one another. Because behavior analysis is a science, it necessarily seeks to identify and implement behavioral treatment strategies and interventions in the real world that are grounded in both the philosophy and research from the field and with the ultimate goal of improving behavioral outcomes for the client PSYC 6717 Assignment: The Science of Behavior Analysis.

For this Assignment, you will define each of the three branches of behavior analysis and analyze their similarities and differences. You will also provide examples of how each branch contributes to the practice of behavior analysis

To Prepare:

  • Review the Learning Resources for this week, including the video and interactive media, “Branches of Behavior Analysis,” to gain an understanding of the three branches of behavior analysis.
  • Consider the relationships between the three branches of behavior analysis and how they contribute to the practice. PSYC 6717 Assignment: The Science of Behavior Analysis

Assignment (1–2 pages)

Define of each of the three branches of behavior analysis: behaviorism, experimental analysis of behavior (EAB), and applied behavior analysis (ABA). Then, clarify the similarities and differences by giving examples of how each contributes to the practice of behavior analysis PSYC 6717 Assignment: The Science of Behavior Analysis.

Be sure to support your Assignment with specific references to behavior-analytic theory and research. In addition to the Learning Resources, search the Walden Library and/or the internet for peer-reviewed articles to support your Assignment. Use proper APA format and citations, including those in the Learning Resources.


By Day 7 of Week 4

Submit your Assignment.

Submission and Grading Information

To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading, do the following:

  • Please save your Assignment using the naming convention “WK4Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension)” as the name.
  • Click on the Week 4 Assignment Rubric to review the Grading Criteria for the Assignment.
  • Click on the Week 4 Assignment link. You will also be able to “View Rubric” for grading criteria from this area.
  • Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My Computer button. Find the document you saved as “WK4Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension)” and click on Open.
  • If applicable: From the Plagiarism Tools area, click the checkbox for I agree to submit my paper(s) to the Global Reference Database.
  • Click on the Submit button to complete your submission.
Grading Criteria PSYC 6717 Assignment: The Science of Behavior Analysis

PSYC 6717 Applied Behavior Analysis Discussion Essay

PSYC 6717 Applied Behavior Analysis Discussion Essay

You have made a significant decision to further your formal education in the field of applied behavior analysis. You likely have an interest in behaviors and their relationship with the environment and a desire to learn and apply behavioral techniques that will help individuals achieve beneficial behavioral change. While applied behavior analysts work with individuals of different ages, the skills of an applied behavior analyst are especially needed with children with autism PSYC 6717 Applied Behavior Analysis Discussion Essay.


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2020) reports that autism spectrum disorders (ASD) affect 1 in 54 children, representing a tripling of the prevalence rate since 2000. The respected and specialized behavior analysis assessment and intervention strategies you employ in your role as an applied behavior analyst can help autistic children and others with developmental issues to learn new skills and meet behavioral challenges.

For this Discussion, you will analyze your decision to embark on a course of study that will lead to your becoming a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA). PSYC 6717 Applied Behavior Analysis Discussion Essay

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2020). Prevalence of autism spectrum disorder among children aged 8 years — autism and developmental disabilities monitoring network, 11 sites, United States, 2016. Surveillance Summaries69(4), 1–12.

To Prepare

  • Reflect on what motivated you to pursue a course of study that will lead to your becoming a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA).
  • Consider what professional goals you will have once you earn your BCBA.

By Day 4 of Week 4

Post a reflection addressing the following:

  • What led you to decide to study behavior analysis?
  • What experience do you have in behavior analysis?
  • What work do you hope to do once you earn your BCBA and how might this impact your desire for positive social change?

Behavioral analysis is a growing field. The Behavior Analyst Certification Board recently reported that the demand for board certified behavioral analysts increased by 127% just within the last three years. The field is expected to continue on this growth track. Besides this exciting statistic, I have selected this as my career path because is aligns with core areas of my strengths and interests. I am inquisitive, observant, and I enjoy applying what I learn to practical daily living. With an extensive career working with vulnerable groups of adolescents in residential settings, I can see the value of a knowledge base in behavioral analysis PSYC 6717 Applied Behavior Analysis Discussion Essay.

I was first led to explore behavior analysis after seeing the high level of need for this discipline in residential settings. The youth I worked with in these settings had extensive trauma and the pain and impact of the  trauma they experienced was clearly evident in the many dysfunctional behaviors observed in the residential setting. Most of the staff in the residential setting were paraprofessionals and did not have a high level of training in behavior management.  These observations caused me to look further into career paths specific to the behavioral needs of these high needs youth.


My experience in this area includes working hands on with the youth in these residential settings. As a youth worker in the early years of my career, I was responsible for monitoring the youth and managing the residential milieu. From there, I advanced to case management roles where I had the responsibility of developing care plans, which included behavioral interventions to help manage the behaviors of individual youth residents. Later, I was given oversight responsibilities for these settings and responsible for managing others who were responsible for the hands-on day to day activities in the facilities. At this time, I desire to take on a more analytical approach to the behavioral needs of these youth. I believe that behavioral analysis is an apt choice for what comes next in my career PSYC 6717 Applied Behavior Analysis Discussion Essay.


Finally, the work that I hope to do after earning my BCBA is to continue working in the area of adolescent behavioral health. I want to work in mor of an administrative or consultant  capacity, helping bring greater understanding to the behavioral needs of youth in these settings. Many youth in the protective care systems spend years in residential care/foster care settings. These settings need qualified professionals to help youth manage their behavioral needs and to also work on the other side of the table, helping the caretakers, foster parents, case managers, and others implement effective treatment modalities for these youth.  My skills and training in these area can bring positive social change by helping equip staff and residents at these facilities with the strategies they need to be successful in a residential milieu that they have to call home. PSYC 6717 Applied Behavior Analysis Discussion Essay


Behavior Analyst Certification Board (2019). Retrieved from PSYC 6717 Applied Behavior Analysis Discussion Essay

Read your colleagues’ postings.

Note: For this discussion, you are required to complete your initial post before you will be able to view and respond to your colleagues’ postings. Begin by clicking on the To Participate in this Discussion link, then select Create Thread to complete your initial post. Remember, once you click on Submit, you cannot delete or edit your own posts, and cannot post anonymously. Please check your post carefully before clicking on Submit!

By Day 6 of Week 4

Respond to at least two colleagues’ posts by providing your perspectives on their professional goals once they earn their BCBA.

Be sure to support your posts and responses with specific references to behavior-analytic theory and research. In addition to the Learning Resources, search the Walden Library and/or the internet for peer-reviewed articles to support your posts and responses. Use proper APA format and citations, including those in the Learning Resources.

Return to this Discussion in a few days to read the responses to your initial posting. Note what you have learned and/or any insights that you have gained because of your colleagues’ comments PSYC 6717 Applied Behavior Analysis Discussion Essay.

I decided to study behaviour analysis because my goal is to become a behavioral therapist. My mother and aunt are currently behavioral therapists working with children and adults. Our goal one day is to open our own behavioral health clinic to continue our mission to help individuals cope or overcome their behaviours. I am currently working as a service coordinator working with adults and seniors with disabilities. Many of my clients have behavioral diagnosis and are in need of support. My hope is to continue to work with adults and seniors with disabilities and assist them with their behavioral needs. Behavioral issues that currently are affecting their life. My hope is to improve their well-being and decrease their specific behaviours. According to ” Copper, Heron, Heward (2020) “, Applied behaviour analysis is a scientific approach experimenting ways to improve individuals behaviour and finding out the reason why the behaviour change occured. PSYC 6717 Applied Behavior Analysis Discussion Essay



Cooper, J. O., Heron, T. E., & Heward, W. L. (2020). Applied behavior analysis (3rd ed.). Pearso PSYC 6717 Applied Behavior Analysis Discussion Essay

PSYC 6717 week 6 Discussion: Applications of Philosophical Underpinnings

PSYC 6717 week 6 Discussion: Applications of Philosophical Underpinnings

PSYC 6717 week 6 Discussion: Applications of Philosophical Underpinnings

Making logical deductions from a study relies on establishing causal relationships, linking antecedents, eliminating fallacies, and using an evidence-based approach to ascertain findings. In this study, the philosophical underpinnings are entrenched on a causal relationship between the psychological impacts of the adverse effects of the COVID-19 vaccine on other people and its repudiation by unvaccinated people. These study implications ensure that future research questions concerning the topics can be based on a sound rationale that could extrapolate future studies regarding vaccine reception by people. The mental assent or dissent of an individual has been tied to their willingness to accept or reject the vaccine based on their past psychological experiences on the effects of the vaccine on recipients PSYC 6717 week 6 Discussion: Applications of Philosophical Underpinnings.


Causal relationships, the generalizability of the findings, and the implications of the results are viable tenets of philosophical underpinnings in this study. The study enunciates that the memory of an adverse effect of the vaccine on a person known or heard of by the proposed recipient culminates in vaccine rejection. The philosophical tenet of generalizability applies to a limited extent because the people who reject the vaccine because of emotions instigated by their mental disposition to the vaccine belong to the same group. The likelihood of vaccine rejection when an individual has learned of the adverse effects or the detriments on another individual is highly likely. However, to avoid committing a hasty generalization on the possibility of vaccine rejection because of mental dissent, the data used provides sample size information on the projected assent or dissent to the vaccine. Doing so ensures that the investigator does not run into the fallacy of ignoratio elenchi through hasty generalizations (Hitchcock, 2017). Therefore, applying rationale is the dynamic for philosophical underpinnings the study that resonates with the theoretical framework PSYC 6717 week 6 Discussion: Applications of Philosophical Underpinnings.


Hitchcock, D. (2017). Do the fallacies have a place in the teaching of reasoning skills or critical thinking?. In On reasoning and argument (pp. 401-408). Springer, Cham.

Discussion: Applications of Philosophical Underpinnings

Have you ever wondered why it is relevant to understand the theory and philosophy that underpins the field of behavior analysis? In this week’s Learning Resources, Fryling (2013) discusses some ways behavior analytic theory and philosophy are relevant to the practice of applied behavior analysis. He focuses on its unique features of having a natural science perspective as well as comprehensive, integrated components. The natural science perspective of behavior analysis requires its constructs come from observable, socially significant events, as opposed to hypothetical constructs prevalent in mentalistic, traditional psychology and other helping professions.

Comprehensive, integrated components are a feature in behavior analysis demonstrated by the coordinated interdependence between behavior analytic theory and philosophy, experimental analysis of behavior (EAB), applied behavior analysis (ABA), and delivery of behavioral services.

Attention to the systemic, natural science approach and the coordinated integration of the components of behavior analysis are what distinguish it as a unique field and underpin the rationale for behavior analytic interventions. Because a behavior analyst will typically collaborate with other professionals who adhere to hypothetical constructs that can be anti-behavioral in nature, it is especially important that they be grounded in the theory and philosophy of behavioral analysis in order to effectively represent those ways of thinking about behavior PSYC 6717 week 6 Discussion: Applications of Philosophical Underpinnings.

In his book, Radical Behaviorism for ABA Practitioners, James M. Johnston provides the following reasons ABA practitioners should understand the philosophical underpinnings of their field (Graff, 2014):

Practitioners work at the interface between science and society and, therefore, must be able to bridge the gap between scientific and everyday understandings of how behavior works.

Most people’s beliefs about how behavior works conflict with established scientific findings.

Practitioners must be able to convince clients and other professionals to support objectives and procedures shown in the ABA literature to be effective.

Understanding radical behaviorism helps ensure consistency between the field’s science and the resulting technology.

Understanding radical behaviorism helps avoid conceptual backsliding that might be encouraged by everyday language. (p. 3)

In this Discussion, you will identify an article you retrieved from the behavior analytic literature (2012 to the present) that describes an intervention to address an applied concern. For the article you select, you will then evaluate how each of the following philosophical underpinnings of behavior analysis are represented: selectionism, determinism, empiricism, parsimony, and pragmatism.

Graff, R. B. (2014). A review of radical behaviorism for ABA practitioners by James M. Johnston [Review of the book Radical behaviorism for ABA practitioners, by J. M. Johnston]. APBA Reporter, 50, 1–3.

To Prepare

  • Review the Learning Resources for this week in order to gain an understanding of the following philosophical underpinnings of applied behavior analysis: selectionism, determinism, empiricism, parsimony, and pragmatism.
  • Identify an article retrieved from the behavior analytic literature (2012 to the present) that describes an intervention to address an applied concern PSYC 6717 week 6 Discussion: Applications of Philosophical Underpinnings.
  • Review the interactive media in the Learning Resources, “Philosophical Underpinnings of Behavior Analysis.”

By Day 4 of Week 6

Post the title of the article you selected and provide a brief summary of the article. Next, include your evaluation of each philosophical underpinning of behavior analysis for the article, including selectionism, determinism, empiricism, parsimony, and pragmatism. Make sure to include a reference and link to your article. Use proper APA format and style.

Read your colleagues’ postings.

Note: For this discussion, you are required to complete your initial post before you will be able to view and respond to your colleagues’ postings. Begin by clicking on the To Participate in this Discussion link, then select Create Thread to complete your initial post. Remember, once you click on Submit, you cannot delete or edit your own posts, and cannot post anonymously. Please check your post carefully before clicking on Submit!

By Day 6 of Week 6

Respond to at least two colleagues’ posts by expanding on each colleague’s explanation of how the article does or does not represent each of the philosophical underpinnings of behavior analysis. Provide examples.

Be sure to support your posts and responses with specific references to behavior-analytic theory and research. In addition to the Learning Resources, search the Walden Library and/or the internet for peer-reviewed articles to support your posts and responses. Use proper APA format and citations, including those in the Learning Resources.

Return to this Discussion in a few days to read the responses to your initial posting. Note what you have learned and/or any insights that you have gained because of your colleagues’ comments PSYC 6717 week 6 Discussion: Applications of Philosophical Underpinnings.


Evidence-based practice (EBP) is a professional strategy in which practitioners apply the most reliable evidence in combining with client’s beliefs and context and clinical abilities to present assistance to their clients. This frame provides a basis for behavior analysts to execute the extensive application of the most reliable available evidence in the complex conditions in which they operate. According to the article, behavior analysis is about not concerning hypothetical constructs in any of the work areas. (Fryling, 2013)

Recognizing the significance of having a clear and precise knowledge of the strength of the evidence confirming intervention opportunities, the critical contextual factors, such as client beliefs, that impact decision making, and the crucial role of clinical expertise in case intervention, conceptualization, and evaluation. For example, the article also mentions that behavior analysts mainly bypass describing behavior through diagnoses or disorders, cognitive constructs. (Fryling, 2013) The theory and framework for EBP correspond with well-established outlines of EBP in medicine, science, and other professions. The method can improve clear information about treatment determinations across systems and with critical outside companies such as insurance corporations and granting agencies and promote the systematic usage of research evidence in behavior analytic judgment making.


Fryling, M. J. (2013). Theory, philosophy, and the practice of applied behavior analysis. European Journal of Behavior Analysis, 14(1), 45–54. PSYC 6717 week 6 Discussion: Applications of Philosophical Underpinnings

Discussion: Applications of Philosophical Underpinnings

Discussion: Applications of Philosophical Underpinnings

Have you ever wondered why it is relevant to understand the theory and philosophy that underpins the field of behavior analysis? In this week’s Learning Resources, Fryling (2013) discusses some ways behavior analytic theory and philosophy are relevant to the practice of applied behavior analysis. He focuses on its unique features of having a natural science perspective as well as comprehensive, integrated components. The natural science perspective of behavior analysis requires its constructs come from observable, socially significant events, as opposed to hypothetical constructs prevalent in mentalistic, traditional psychology and other helping professions Discussion: Applications of Philosophical Underpinnings.

Comprehensive, integrated components are a feature in behavior analysis demonstrated by the coordinated interdependence between behavior analytic theory and philosophy, experimental analysis of behavior (EAB), applied behavior analysis (ABA), and delivery of behavioral services.


Attention to the systemic, natural science approach and the coordinated integration of the components of behavior analysis are what distinguish it as a unique field and underpin the rationale for behavior analytic interventions. Because a behavior analyst will typically collaborate with other professionals who adhere to hypothetical constructs that can be anti-behavioral in nature, it is especially important that they be grounded in the theory and philosophy of behavioral analysis in order to effectively represent those ways of thinking about behavior.

In his book, Radical Behaviorism for ABA Practitioners, James M. Johnston provides the following reasons ABA practitioners should understand the philosophical underpinnings of their field (Graff, 2014):

Practitioners work at the interface between science and society and, therefore, must be able to bridge the gap between scientific and everyday understandings of how behavior works Discussion: Applications of Philosophical Underpinnings. Discussion: Applications of Philosophical Underpinnings

Most people’s beliefs about how behavior works conflict with established scientific findings.

Practitioners must be able to convince clients and other professionals to support objectives and procedures shown in the ABA literature to be effective.

Understanding radical behaviorism helps ensure consistency between the field’s science and the resulting technology.

Understanding radical behaviorism helps avoid conceptual backsliding that might be encouraged by everyday language. (p. 3)

In this Discussion, you will identify an article you retrieved from the behavior analytic literature (2012 to the present) that describes an intervention to address an applied concern. For the article you select, you will then evaluate how each of the following philosophical underpinnings of behavior analysis are represented: selectionism, determinism, empiricism, parsimony, and pragmatism.

Graff, R. B. (2014). A review of radical behaviorism for ABA practitioners by James M. Johnston [Review of the book Radical behaviorism for ABA practitioners, by J. M. Johnston]. APBA Reporter, 50, 1–3.

To Prepare

  • Review the Learning Resources for this week in order to gain an understanding of the following philosophical underpinnings of applied behavior analysis: selectionism, determinism, empiricism, parsimony, and pragmatism.
  • Identify an article retrieved from the behavior analytic literature (2012 to the present) that describes an intervention to address an applied concern.
  • Review the interactive media in the Learning Resources, “Philosophical Underpinnings of Behavior Analysis.”

By Day 4 of Week 6

Post the title of the article you selected and provide a brief summary of the article. Next, include your evaluation of each philosophical underpinning of behavior analysis for the article, including selectionism, determinism, empiricism, parsimony, and pragmatism. Make sure to include a reference and link to your article. Use proper APA format and style Discussion: Applications of Philosophical Underpinnings.

Read your colleagues’ postings.

Note: For this discussion, you are required to complete your initial post before you will be able to view and respond to your colleagues’ postings. Begin by clicking on the To Participate in this Discussion link, then select Create Thread to complete your initial post. Remember, once you click on Submit, you cannot delete or edit your own posts, and cannot post anonymously. Please check your post carefully before clicking on Submit!

By Day 6 of Week 6

Respond to at least two colleagues’ posts by expanding on each colleague’s explanation of how the article does or does not represent each of the philosophical underpinnings of behavior analysis. Provide examples.

Be sure to support your posts and responses with specific references to behavior-analytic theory and research. In addition to the Learning Resources, search the Walden Library and/or the internet for peer-reviewed articles to support your posts and responses. Use proper APA format and citations, including those in the Learning Resources.

Return to this Discussion in a few days to read the responses to your initial posting. Note what you have learned and/or any insights that you have gained because of your colleagues’ comments.

eterminism-ABA Practices by Wolf et al. shows a precise way that individuals do in their life; on account of medically introverted individuals, the ABA-based intercession would assist with breaking this framework and make another framework where experts do operant molding systems to bring down the recurrence of meddling conduct. It is additionally to build the recurrence of supportive of social conduct. Experts can just do the ABA-Based mediation under the determinism theory since they can decide the interceding conduct by noticing the framework that the medically introverted individual did.


Empiricism- ABA Practices  of Ivar Lovaas shows how he might want for individuals with mental imbalance to recuperate from it by doing rough trials like the utilization of shock, beating, intercession force by the quantity of hours, and standard mediation. The philosophical supporting in Ivar Lovaas and the UCLA Gab is experimentation since he accepts that when he utilized electric shocks, it prevents kids from dangerous self-harmful practices. It shows observation in light of the fact that Lovaas utilized shock, beating, or extensive, conventional intercession as the free factor. The reliant variable is simply the hazardous harmful practices of mentally unbalanced youngsters, which can show a utilitarian relationship Discussion: Applications of Philosophical Underpinnings.


Parsimony-Discipline and elimination based systems show how the experts didn’t consider the incidental effects since they didn’t influence mentally unbalanced individuals that much. The philosophical supporting, miserliness, can show that experts accept that if an activity has become wiped out, the intercession is a triumph without pondering its incidental effects on youngsters.


Selectionism-The subject of changes to independence and character shows how character and conduct connect. Conduct is supposed to be brought about by characters which shows selectionism philosophical supporting. The explanation is that there is a development of conduct from being the character of an individual or youngster. The intercessions like impersonation, responsive guidelines, and sitting better are under the philosophical supporting, particular since it can show that as mentally unbalanced individuals do this conduct, they can acquire complex abilities like perusing, cooking, and adjusting checkbooks.


Pragmatism-Stimming is a significant conduct on the grounds that a grown-up mentally unbalanced individual utilized this and presently has control of his abundance feeling. Along these lines, individuals accept that stimming can assist mentally unbalanced kids with controlling their various feelings. The self-stimulatory and cliché conduct show sober mindedness on the grounds that conduct experts and others see stimming as the best mediation that could help medically introverted individuals. All things considered, they didn’t consider the general public that might manhandle this stereotypic conduct Discussion: Applications of Philosophical Underpinnings.

PSYC 6717: Foundation and Philosophy of Behavior Analysis Course Reflection Essay

PSYC 6717: Foundation and Philosophy of Behavior Analysis Course Reflection Essay

Throughout this course, you have examined applied behavior analysis (ABA) and developed a fundamental understanding of its tenets and applications. You explored philosophical underpinnings of ABA through an examination of its foundational psychological and behavioral theories, philosophical assumptions, and dimensions and their application to behavioral change. Additionally, you examined foundational concepts and principles of ABA, including conditioning, contingencies, stimulus control, and motivating operations from which to inform the methods you use to effect behavioral changes and positively impact learning PSYC 6717: Foundation and Philosophy of Behavior Analysis Course Reflection Essay.

Given the breadth of the concepts and information you have covered, it makes sense to take a moment at the end of the course to consider what knowledge you have gained.

For this Assignment, you reflect on the knowledge you have gained in this course and how it will support your continued work as a behavior analyst, including your potential to impact positive social change within your life and career. PSYC 6717: Foundation and Philosophy of Behavior Analysis Course Reflection Essay


To Prepare:

  • Review your Learning Resources, Discussions, and Assignments to identify areas that significantly supported your learning of topics throughout the course.
  • Consider any areas in which you feel you might need further support and think about how the course applies to your personal and professional experiences.
  • Consider actions you could take in these areas to promote positive social change.

Assignment (1 page)

Write a Reflection that includes the following:

  • Explain how the course aligns with the expectations and learning objectives you established for the course.
  • Describe any areas or components of the course in which you believe you need further support in order to master.
  • Describe any unexpected learning or insights you gained from the course and provide specific examples PSYC 6717: Foundation and Philosophy of Behavior Analysis Course Reflection Essay.
  • Explain how the knowledge you gained in this course might help you in promoting positive social change within your life and career.

Be sure to support your Assignment with specific references to behavior-analytic theory and research. In addition to the Learning Resources, search the Walden Library and/or the internet for peer-reviewed articles to support your Assignment. Use proper APA format and citations, including those in the Learning Resources PSYC 6717: Foundation and Philosophy of Behavior Analysis Course Reflection Essay.

PSYC-6002 Foundations of Graduate Study in Psychology

PSYC-6002 Foundations of Graduate Study in Psychology

Week 1: Welcome! The Walden Community and Your Program

Welcome to Walden!

When you were researching Walden University prior to enrolling in this program, you might have come across Walden’s vision, value, and mission statements. What does it mean to have a mission? How is the Walden community committed to “advancing the greater global good?” Beginning with this course, you will learn that Walden really “talks the talk and walks the walk” when it comes to the mission of effecting positive social change.

This week, as you begin your first graduate courses at our university, you will delve into Walden’s vision, mission, goals, and values and, in so doing, find out why we are so excited about what happens at our university and how it relates to you, your educational journey, and the goals of your program and specialization PSYC-6002 Foundations of Graduate Study in Psychology.

This week, you will identify and focus on the strengths and skills that will lead you to success as you progress through your program.


What’s Happening In This Week?


When do I have to do it? Title What do I have to do?
Monday – Tuesday
(Days 1 & 2)
Learning Resources Begin reviewing your Learning Resources to complete your Discussion 1
Wednesday, Day 3 Discussion: Hopes, Challenges, and Strategies Initial Post
Friday, Day 5 Discussion: Hopes, Challenges, and Strategies (2) Response Posts
Sunday, Day 7 Prepare for Week 2


Learning Objectives

You will:

  • Analyze personal expectations related to program of study
  • Apply Walden’s vision and mission to professional careers
  • Apply Walden’s goal and values to academic programs
  • Analyze strategies for overcoming challenges to obtaining a degree
  • Analyze best practices for time management
  • Explain back-up plans for successful online learning

Learning Resources

Required Readings

Course Tool: My Progress Tracker

Note: Access the “My Progress Tracker” page on the course menu of the Blackboard classroom and review the features of the My Progress Tracker tool as a time management strategy you might use for this course and for the rest of your program of study. PSYC-6002 Foundations of Graduate Study in Psychology

Spreadsheet: Weekly Schedule (Excel)
One of the most valuable skills you can have as an online student is effective time management. Therefore, we ask that you

  • download and save this sample weekly schedule,
  • use it to create your own based on your work and personal responsibilities, and
  • revisit the schedule at least once a month to ensure that it still reflects your time commitments.

Required Media

Walden University (Producer). (2020b). Meet the faculty [Video file].
Note: The approximate length of this media is 10 minutes.
Walden University faculty share their thoughts about the graduate programs in Psychology.

Walden University (Producer). (n.d.-c). Diverse learning community [Video file].
Note: The approximate length of this media is 1 minute.
This media program shows how Walden’s programs support a global environment, with students from all parts of the world.


Credit: Walden University. (Producer). (2013). Diverse Learning Community [Video]. Minneapolis, MN: Walden University. Retrievedfrom experience/international/overview/diverse-learning-community

Optional Resources

Discussion: Hopes, Challenges, and Strategies

As you begin your studies at Walden, you have probably thought about what you hope to gain from the Program Progress Guide (PPG) you will complete. What are your hopes and aspirations as an emerging professional beginning graduate-level study? Apart from a degree in psychology, also think about what you will gain from engaging with the scholarly community at Walden University. Your Program Progress Guide (PPG) can help you anticipate the topics you will learn about and perhaps the kinds of skills you will master as you complete your graduate degree.

This week, you will discuss potential challenges you and your classmates foresee in the coming weeks. Together, you can share strategies that could help you overcome these challenges, as a group and individually.

This dialogue through the Discussion Board is designed to connect you with your new colleagues so that you can develop community and engage with each other in a supportive manner as you begin the educational journey together. PSYC-6002 Foundations of Graduate Study in Psychology

To prepare for this Discussion:

  • Locate and download your Program Progress Guide (PPG) from your DegreeWorks. Note: if you have difficulty, please contact your academic advisor to help you.
  • Review Walden’s mission and vision statements and Walden’s goals and values in this week’s Learning Resources.
  • Explore the web page “Social Change,” located in this week’s Learning Resources.
  • Reflect on what you hope to achieve as a graduate student personally, professionally, and within the larger community.
  • Consider factors that could pose a challenge to the successful completion of your chosen degree.
  • Reflect on your values, ideals, and goals in relation to what you have learned about Walden.
  • Think about how you will incorporate a commitment to social change, particularly as it relates to the area(s) of interest represented by your program/specialization, into your professional, personal, and academic goals.
  • Review the “Meet the Faculty” media program found in this week’s Learning Resources and consider the inspiring messages from the faculty.

With these thoughts in mind:

By Day 3

Post a reflection of something that inspired you from the faculty video messages. Describe how your expectations for your program are reflected in Walden’s mission, vision, and values. Share any challenges that you may face in completing your degree and provide at least one strategy to help overcome these challenges. Then explain why you chose this particular field of study at Walden and how you intend to use your degree PSYC-6002 Foundations of Graduate Study in Psychology.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ postings and note the similarities and differences compared to what you shared.

My journey into the field of Psychology was not what I expected that I would go for. I always wanted to teach children. It wasn’t until I worked with young children who had special needs that had me wanting to know how their minds worked and how their families managed through the joys and trials that come with their needs. While working on my bachelor’s I discovered that I really want to help those families who have newly diagnosed children, that may not know where to turn. I see their struggles and want to help them come to terms with where their child is at and give them a positive outlook on what their child can do. I want to help those children that have behavior issues that keep them from being able to function in a classroom.

In my opinion, if a child can attend and focus on a teacher, the learning will come. If they have a safe and friendly environment that is free of bias and stereotypes, they can reach their full potential. After watching the video of Walden giving Baltimore teachers tablets and learning kits to help get kids connected for learning, I knew I made the right choice in joining this family. It is nice to be part of a community that wants the best for all who are in it.

While viewing the meet the faculty videos, I was really drawn to Siliva Bagatti. She talks of the stress of an illness on a family and how stress can also lead to health issues. My students and their families have many issues that we don’t see as the teacher. I only see the student and how they are at school. My students have severe and profound disabilities that are a lifetime of care for the families to look after them. They will never be considered normal or independent. It is my hope that getting my master’s will help me give these families a little relief from behaviors that they just don’t know how to manage. While it will benefit my classroom, I look beyond to how it can help the families and the students at home. In my job, I remind myself that while I might have a difficult day with a student, the parents and families deal with it on a daily basis. PSYC-6002 Foundations of Graduate Study in Psychology

One struggle that I see I may have is writing in APA format. I have Grammarly to help me but plan to use any and all resources that Walden has to offer. I will be looking for writing workshops to help me along the way.

Walden University. (n.d.). Social Change. Walden University.

Walden University. (2020). Meet Your Faculty. [Video]. Walden University.


By Day 5

Respond to two of your colleagues and continue the Discussion through Day 7 by affirming colleagues’ concerns or hopes and suggesting another strategy you find useful. Suggest at least one resource at Walden that they might also find helpful.

Submission and Grading Information

Grading Criteria

To access your rubric:

Week 1 Discussion Rubric

Post by Day 3 and Respond by Day 5

To participate in this Discussion:

Week 1 Discussion

Looking Ahead

To help guide your time management throughout your course and program, you are provided with the “My Progress Tracker” tool in the classroom navigation area. This tool will help you keep track of any completed, late, or upcoming work for the course. Please feel free to use this tool as a time management strategy.

Also, this course will require a Final Project. This project will be due in Week 6. Please familiarize yourself with the expectations of the project by reviewing Final Project Overview document. Also note that you will be referencing resources from Week 1 for your Final Project so you might want to archive this information for quick access later in the course. PSYC-6002 Foundations of Graduate Study in Psychology

Next Week

Week 2: Information Is Power: Scholarly Resources and Critical Thinking

Because psychology touches all aspects of our lives you can find a wealth of information available online on just about any psychology topic. As a graduate student, it is essential to understand the type of information you are looking at, the source of that information, and be able to differentiate between scholarly and non-scholarly sources.

Consider Jan: She is writing a paper for her psychology course about romantic relationships and how opposites attract. This is a saying she has heard often, and as she researches online, she finds numerous websites that confirm this. Just before she submits her paper, she discovers an online news article about a research study published in the past few months that shows the opposite to be true: people prefer others who are similar to themselves. The article goes on to explain the belief that “opposites attract” is a psychology myth that researchers have been disproving for years. Which source should she believe? Which is fact and which is opinion? Which of her sources are trustworthy?

Psychology is steeped in science and looks to the literature for guidance, specifically peer reviewed research. During your time here at Walden, as well as in your professional career, you will be asked to support your ideas and assertations using this type of information.

This week, you will focus on evaluating sources and identifying the characteristics of scholarly and non-scholarly sources and peer reviewed and non-peer reviewed sources. You will also be introduced to the Walden Library and academic databases where peer reviewed literature is found as well as techniques and strategies to begin expanding your research skills.

What’s Happening In This Week?


When do I have to do it? Title What do I have to do?
Monday  – Tuesday
(Days 1 & 2)
Learning Resources Begin reviewing your Learning Resources to complete your Discussion 1
Wednesday, Day 3 Discussion 1: Scholarly Sources and the Walden Library Initial Post
Thursday, Day 4 Learning Resources Continue reviewing Learning Resources to complete your Discussion 2
Thursday, Day 4 Discussion 2: Trends and Issues in Psychology Initial Post
Friday, Day 5
(Note: Response posts can be submitted any day of the week but no later than Day 7)
Discussion 1: Scholarly Sources and the Walden Library (2) Response Posts
Sunday, Day 7 Assignment: The Value of Critical Thinking in the Field of Psychology Submit your 1-page paper


Learning Objectives

You will:

  • Contrast between scholarly and non-scholarly sources
  • Demonstrate familiarity with academic databases in the Walden Library
  • Analyze the importance of peer-reviewed articles in scholarly research
  • Identify the elements involved in critical thinking
  • Apply critical-thinking skills PSYC-6002 Foundations of Graduate Study in Psychology

Learning Resources

Required Readings

Required Media

Walden University Library. (2019, November 25). Short video: Database search techniques [Video file]. Retrieved from
Note: Approximate length of this media program is 5 minutes.

Discussion 1: Scholarly Sources and the Walden Library

Scholarly information comes from a wide variety of sources including academic books, encyclopedias, handbooks, and journals. “Scholarly” is a broad term for publications written by and for researchers and scholars. These publications are typically not found in your local bookstore or public library because they are written for a very specific audience. They are mostly available in university and specialized libraries, not freely available online. This is why it is essential to learn to navigate the Walden Library and use it often!

During your time at Walden, you will be focusing on peer reviewed journal articles, a specific type of scholarly publication that goes through a specialized review process. These types of articles may report on original research or review the work of other researchers. PSYC-6002 Foundations of Graduate Study in Psychology

As you use the Walden Library to search the peer reviewed literature to support your discussion posts and assignments, it is important to understand how the Library is organized. Most modern libraries make their materials available electronically through searchable databases. Here in the Walden Library, you have access to specialized academic databases, many of which are specific to psychology and the social and behavioral sciences.

As part of this week’s Discussion, you will explore the databases in the Walden Library and compare and contrast peer reviewed articles found in these databases to those found online.

To prepare for this Discussion:

  • Review Learning Resources for this week and familiarize yourself with navigating the Walden Library, searching Library databases, and limiting your searches to full text, peer review, and publication date.
  • Search the “APA PsycINFO database” in the Walden Library and locate a peer reviewed article on a psychology topic you would like to explore relevant to your area of specialization in your program.
  • Next, search the Internet and locate an article related to the same topic.
  • Reflect on the sources of both articles, and evaluate each article using the evaluation methods listed in the Learning Resources.

With these thoughts in mind:

By Day 3

Post a brief description of the articles you found. Next, compare and contrast the articles and explain the differences you noticed between them.  Further explain how the use of peer review articles will improve the arguments  in your scholarly writing. As a professional in the field of psychology, which article would you use as evidence to support your ideas? Provide the article title and journal name for the article you find in the Library and the URL for the article you found online.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to this week’s Learning Resources.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ postings.

The first article I chose was Assessing the Relative Impact of Diverse Stressorsamong Public Safety Personnel (Carleton, R. N., et al. 2020) published by the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, and can be found from Walden’s Library. The article discusses public safety personnel, including emergency communication call takers, and their frequent exposure to what they describe as “potentially psychologically traumatic events”, other work related stressful events, and mental health issues.

The second article is Stress Continues to Plague Telecommunicators (Snyder, D, 2020) ( published by the Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials International (APCO), which is an organization dedicated to helping emergency communication centers (ECCs) and 911 call takers. The author notes a lack of research pertaining specifically to call takers as most public safety articles related to stress (including the first one I’ve mentioned here) tend to focus on the firefighters and police officers in the field. The article examines the resources available to the call takers, and how administrative staff can play a role in communicating with the call takers about the stress of the job. PSYC-6002 Foundations of Graduate Study in Psychology

The first article has an extensive amount of graphs to relay the results of the information the researchers found. It included numerous statistics and references throughout the article to support the information provided. The layout consists of headers and subheaders and includes sections such as an introduction, the methods and materials, data, statistical analysis, ethics, results, discussion, strengths and limitations of the study, conclusions, etc. This article is clearly intended for a scholarly audience. The second article, however, had two brightly coloured graphs and a picture to support the data. While it provided statistics there are no in text citations and all the references are saved for the list at the bottom of the article. The paragraphs in this article were divided up according for ease of reading and to keep the reader’s attention. In summary, the first article has a layout that one would typically expect to find in a scholarly article while the second one is oriented towards the public’s understanding of the material.

Using the peer reviewed article the argument would have more evidence based information and statistics, be harder to disprove, and therefore help strengthen the argument more effectively. This would be the primary article to use. If the second article is used in an argument, it would be best to support the first article and provide a summary with call taker specific details.


Carleton, R. N., Afifi, T. O., Taillieu, T., Turner, S., Mason, J. E., Ricciardelli, R., McCreary, D. R., Vaughan, A. D., Anderson, G. S., Krakauer, R. L., Donnelly, E. A., Camp, R. D., 2nd, Groll, D., Cramm, H. A., MacPhee, R. S., & Griffiths, C. T. (2020). Assessing the Relative Impact of Diverse Stressors among Public Safety Personnel. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(4).

Snyder, D. L. (2020, July 2). Stress continues to plague telecommunicators. Public Safety Communications. Retrieved from

By Day 5

Respond to two of your colleagues and continue the discussion through Day 7. When researching a topic, often leads to another. Choose one of your colleague’s posts and search the Walden Library databases to locate another peer reviewed article on the same topic as your colleague’s article. Describe the article you found and why it might be of interest to your colleague. Include the name of the database where you found it (i.e., APA PsycINFO, etc.) and further provide the citation to the article in APA format (author, publication, year, article title, journal title, and volume/issue/page numbers).

Submission and Grading Information

Grading Criteria

To access your rubric:

Week 2 Discussion 1 Rubric

Post by Day 3 and Respond by Day 5

To participate in this Discussion:

Week 2 Discussion 1

Discussion 2: Trends and Issues in Psychology

This is a non-graded Discussion that will provide you with another option for exploring psychology topics in your program of study. Please note that it is highly recommended that you complete this Discussion to help you gain important library skills for your academic success.

In Discussion 1, you searched a topic across multiple psychology journals using a subject specific database. For this Discussion, you will browse a psychology journal of your choice to explore current trends and issues.

To prepare:

  • Using the Top Psychology Journals in the Learning Resources, choose a journal that is related to a topic in your program of study. Select an issue/volume of that journal from the last 2-3 years to browse.

With these thoughts in mind:

By Day 4

Post a brief summary of your observations about the journal. What did you notice about the topics that were covered? What articles interested you? Did anything surprise you? Include the name of the journal, how often it is published, and a description of the type of research it publishes. PSYC-6002 Foundations of Graduate Study in Psychology

No response will be required for this Discussion. However, if you want to follow up with an additional question or insight to your colleague’s posts, please feel free to do so.

Submission and Grading Information

Grading Criteria

This is a non-graded Discussion.

Post by Day 4. No response required.

To participate in this Discussion:

Week 2 Discussion 2

Assignment: The Value of Critical Thinking in the Field of Psychology

Overfamiliarity with an idea can lead you to accept the information as true without questioning it. Just like the psychology myth that opposites attract, have you heard these other common psychology myths? Smiling makes you happier. We only use 10 percent of our brain. Memory is like a video recording. People are either left-brained or right-brained.PSYC-6002 Foundations of Graduate Study in Psychology

Have you ever wondered where these ideas  originated and why  so widely believed? Are they completely false or partially true? When you begin to look more closely at ideas and where the information came from,  you have started the critical-thinking process.

Critical thinking is inherent in scholarly work because it forces you to separate opinions and biases from the evidence found in the research literature

In this Assignment, you will examine the value of critical thinking by exploring facts and opinions and how they are distinguished from one to the other.

To Prepare for this Assignment:

  • Review the readings in this week’s Learning Resources and specifically focus on the critical thinking resources.
  • Think of and choose a common psychology myth that you have heard. If you have trouble of thinking of an example, identify one using a general Internet search.

The Assignment (1-page):

  • Based on the psychology myth you chose, write a short paragraph that would be considered an opinion and why this is an opinion.
  • Search the Walden Library databases for a peer-reviewed article on this same topic. Based on what you learn from the article, write a second paragraph that would be considered a fact and why it would be considered factual. Support your ideas with information cited from the article and include the reference to the article in APA format.
  • Explain the differences between the two paragraphs. Explain how a reader would know which statement is opinion and which is factual.  Use the Learning Resources to support your rationale.

By Day 7

Submit your Assignment.

Submission and Grading Information

To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading, do the following:

  • Please save your Assignment using the naming convention “WK2Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension)” as the name.
  • Click the Week 2 Assignment Rubric to review the Grading Criteria for the Assignment.
  • Click the Week 2 Assignment link. You will also be able to “View Rubric” for grading criteria from this area.
  • Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My Computer button. Find the document you saved as “WK2Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension)” and click Open.
  • If applicable: From the Plagiarism Tools area, click the checkbox for I agree to submit my paper(s) to the Global Reference Database.
  • Click on the Submit button to complete your submission. PSYC-6002 Foundations of Graduate Study in Psychology
Grading Criteria

To access your rubric:

Week 2 Assignment Rubric

Check Your Assignment Draft for Authenticity

To check your Assignment draft for authenticity:

Submit your Week 2 Assignment draft and review the originality report.

Submit Your Assignment by Day 7

To submit your Assignment:

Week 2 Assignment

Next Week

Week 3: Scholarly Writing: A New Way of Communicating

Now that you have developed the ability to analyze scholarly resources and employ critical thinking more diligently, we move on to how to express yourself in a scholarly manner. Scholarly writing, also referred to as academic writing, has a voice and style unique to this format.

The primary purpose of scholarly writing is to clearly communicate information supported by the academic body of literature, furthering the knowledge and understanding of a topic in the field of psychology to an audience of scholars and those trained in psychology. There are many aspects to scholarly writing that will be covered in the next weeks of the course.

This week, you will use a body of literature to support your ideas, and you will need to paraphrase in order to communicate ideas from the literature.

What’s Happening In This Week?


When do I have to do it? Title What do I have to do?
Monday  – Tuesday
(Days 1 & 2)
Learning Resources Begin reviewing your Learning Resources to complete your Discussion
Thursday, Day 4 Discussion: Discoving Key Concepts in Scholarly Writing Initial Post
Saturday, Day 6
(Note: Response posts can be submitted any day of the week but no later than Day 7)
Discussion: Discoving Key Concepts in Scholarly Writing (2) Response Posts
Sunday, Day 7 Assignment: Paraphrasing: Putting It Into Your Own Words Submit your 1-page paper


Learning Objectives

You will:

  • Demonstrate the ability to paraphrase
  • Explain key concepts in academic writing: purpose, audience, presence of bias, and quality of evidence

Learning Resources

Required Readings

Articles for Discussion

Required Media

Laureate Education (Producer). (2012a). Introduction to scholarly writing: Purpose, audience, and evidence [Video file]. Retrieved from
Note: The approximate length of this media is 4 minutes.
Learning to be a scholarly writer will enhance your writing skills and increase your ability to succeed as an online learner as well as in your professional life. This media will introduce you to the key concepts of scholarly writing.


Walden University Writing Center. (2020a). Paraphrasing sources: Paraphrasing strategies video [Video file]. Retrieved from
Note: The approximate length of this media is 3 minutes.

Walden University Writing Center. (2020b). Practical skills: Paraphrasing Source Information [Video file]. Retrieved from

Note: The approximate length of this media is 60 minutes.
This webinar explains what paraphrasing is and provides tips for paraphrasing. In the second half of the session, you will be asked to practice paraphrasing so you can walk away confident in your paraphrasing skills.

Optional Resources

Discussion: Discovering Key Concepts in Scholarly Writing

Scholarly or academic writing is comprised of a number of key ideas, including purpose, audience, presence of bias, and quality of evidence. It is important to understand these terms in order to incorporate them in your writing.

To prepare for this Discussion:

  • Review the “Example Articles” found in the Learning Resources and select one of the articles for this Discussion. consider how the four concepts (purpose, audience, presence of bias, and quality of evidence) relate to the article you chose.
  • Review the Study Notes: Introduction to Scholarly Writing: Purpose, Audience, and Evidence and the media presentation Introduction to Scholarly Writing: Purpose, Audience, and Evidence.

With these thoughts in mind:

By Day 4

Post a description of the four key concepts (purpose, audience, presence of bias, and quality of evidence) of scholarly writing as they relate to the article you chose. Further explain why you believe these concepts are important to writing and communication in the field of psychology. Include at least one example to illustrate one of the concepts.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ postings.

By Day 6

Respond to at least two of your colleagues’ posts and continue the Discussion through Day 7 by providing an example or personal experience that illustrates one of the points made by your colleague. Refer back to the “Purpose, Audience, and Evidence” media program to review the personal experience illustration to guide you. Further explain to your colleague this example from a personal experience perspective. PSYC-6002 Foundations of Graduate Study in Psychology

Submission and Grading Information

Grading Criteria

To access your rubric:

Week 3 Discussion Rubric

Post by Day 4 and Respond by Day 6

To participate in this Discussion:

Week 3 Discussion

Assignment: Paraphrasing: Putting It Into Your Own Words

Paraphrasing is at the center of scholarly writing. One of the habits that many undergraduate students develop when discussing information from references is to quote that information. As graduate students, you are expected to advance your academic writing style to rely on paraphrasing—or putting what you read into your own words; however, the ideas and information are still always cited.

To prepare for this Assignment:

  • Review the Learning Resources for this week and pay close attention to good paraphrasing.
  • Select a peer reviewed article from your previous search in Week 2 or based on a topic of interest and consider a paragraph you would like to paraphrase for your Assignment.

Assignment (1 page):

  • Copy a paragraph from the article you chose with a reference to your article.
  • Next, using the Learning Resources related to good paraphrasing for guidance, paraphrase this paragraph and include this in your assignment.

Note: Cite your source in APA style. Use your APA Manual to help guide your referencing.

By Day 7

Submit your Assignment.

Note: When you submit this Assignment, you will submit to SafeAssign and generate an originality report. Please make sure to save this report since you will use this in Week 5. To access SafeAssign tutorial and the Originality Report support and help, please access the “Classroom Help” feature in the dashboard of your classroom as well as the “Academic Integrity” source in the Learning Resources.

Submission and Grading Information

To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading, do the following:

  • Please save your Assignment using the naming convention “WK3Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension)” as the name.
  • Click the Week 3 Assignment Rubric to review the Grading Criteria for the Assignment.
  • Click the Week 3 Assignment link. You will also be able to “View Rubric” for grading criteria from this area.
  • Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My Computer button. Find the document you saved as “WK3Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension)” and click Open.
  • If applicable: From the Plagiarism Tools area, click the checkbox for I agree to submit my paper(s) to the Global Reference Database.
  • Click on the Submit button to complete your submission.PSYC-6002 Foundations of Graduate Study in Psychology
Grading Criteria

To access your rubric:

Week 3 Assignment Rubric

Check Your Assignment Draft for Authenticity

To check your Assignment draft for authenticity:

Submit your Week 3 Assignment draft and review the originality report.

Submit Your Assignment by Day 7

To submit your Assignment:

Week 3 Assignment

Looking Ahead

Be sure to review the instructions for the Final Project due in Week 6. You can review the Final Project details by viewing the Project area of Week 6. Begin thinking about what you will want to include in your PowerPoint slides. Be sure to review your Discussion posts from previous weeks for material you might find useful.

Next Week

Week 4: APA Form and Style: The “Language” of Psychology

As part of the academic community of Walden University, you are learning to identify scholarly sources and critically evaluate and communicate your findings. You will also learn to communicate in writing in the “language” of the profession. APA format is the structure for scholarly writing for the behavioral and social sciences. The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association is the resource book you can use to understand this structure, and it is the style you should replicate in your own writing.

APA format is precise in terms of punctuation, the structure of citations and references, and in addressing topics such as bias in language and the ethics of authorship. You will be expected to apply APA format and scholarly writing in all your courses at Walden (and likely in your career). You can read about APA format, but it takes ongoing practice to be able to integrate it into your writing style. It is important to begin mastering these skills now.

What’s Happening In This Week?


When do I have to do it? Title What do I have to do?
Monday – Tuesday
(Days 1 & 2)
Learning Resources Begin reviewing your Learning Resources to complete your Assignment 1
Wednesday, Day 3 Assignment 1: Basic Skills in APA Complete and submit your results of your APA Tutorial interactive
Thursday –Saturday
(Days 4 – 6)
Learning Resources Continue reviewing Learning Resources to complete your Assignment 2
Sunday, Day 7 Assignment 2: You’re the Editor Submit your Assignment Sheet: Social Change


Learning Objectives

You will:

  • Demonstrate basic proficiency with APA style
  • Demonstrate ability to use the APA Publication Manual as a resource

Learning Resources

Required Readings

American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.).

  • Chapter 8, “Works Credited in the Text”
  • Chapter 9, “Reference List”
  • Chapter 10, “Reference Examples”These chapters describe how to credit sources in APA style

Document: Assignment Sheet: Social Change (Word Document)
This document will be used for your Discussion assignments this week.

Required Media

Walden University. (2020, May 6). APA citations part I: Methods to the madness [Video file]. Retrieved from
Note: The approximate length of this media is 60 minutes.
This presentation is an overview of APA citation principles along with standard formats for references and citations.

Assignment 1: Basic Skills in APA

For this Assignment, you will practice basic APA skills to prepare you for Assignment 2. You will need to demonstrate your knowledge by completing this APA interactive tutorial which includes an APA Quiz. You are encouraged to retake the quiz as many times as you like to help you to improve in those areas you may find that need further practice. Also, it is recommended to use your APA Manual throughout the interactive experience to support and guide your efforts. Note: Make sure to follow the instructions below to save your results and upload for your Assignment submission.

To prepare for this Assignment:

  • View the video APA Citations Part I: Methods to the Madness, and read the Study Notes from the Learning Resources.
  • Become familiar with the APA Publication Manual; review Chapter 8, “Works Credited in the Text,” Chapter 9, “Reference List,” and Chapter 10, “Reference Examples” and note their contents and the variety of topics covered.
  • Take the time to complete the interactive media program “APA Tutorial” to help you to practice the basic skills of APA citing and referencing your sources. Note: It is recommended to use your APA Manual throughout for support and guidance. You will have unlimited opportunities to retake the quiz portion of the tutorial so make sure to save the results you want for this Assignment submission.


  • Complete the “APA Tutorial”, which includes a ten-question quiz.
  • Once you have completed the quiz portion of the interactive tutorial, save your results page in a word document and upload the document to the Assignment 1 submission link. To copy your results page, use the Print Screen keyboard shortcut ctrl+prt sc, then paste the results into a Word document.

By Day 3

Submit your APA Tutorial Results for this Assignment.

Submission and Grading Information

To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading, do the following:

  • Please save your Assignment using the naming convention “WK4Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension)” as the name.
  • Click the Week 4 Assignment link.
  • Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My Computer button. Find the document you saved as “WK4Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension)” and click Open.
  • If applicable: From the Plagiarism Tools area, click the checkbox for I agree to submit my paper(s) to the Global Reference Database.
  • Click on the Submit button to complete your submission. PSYC-6002 Foundations of Graduate Study in Psychology
Grading Criteria

This assignment is graded S/U.

Submit Your Assignment by Day 3

To submit your Assignment:

Week 4 Assignment 1

Assignment 2: You’re the Editor

The APA Publication Manual is an essential reference guide for all students and practitioners in the social and behavioral sciences. The purpose of this Discussion is to assist you in becoming familiar with and applying key parts of the manual. For this Discussion, you will play the role of an editor who must provide feedback to the writer, identifying and correcting flaws in the writer’s use of citations, quotes, and references. How would you make the writer’s work reflect the language of the profession?

To prepare for this Assignment:

  • Review the “Assignment Sheet: Social Change” document (located in this week’s Learning Resources area) that includes quotes, paraphrased information, and reference information without format. Use this document to complete your Assignment.


Complete the following steps to edit the “Social Change” excerpts:

Step 1: Use the “Assignment Sheet: Social Change” document to edit each excerpt. This document is found in the Learning Resources. Please use your best effort to make your edits within the document.

Step 2: Referring to Chapter 8 and 9 of the APA Publication Manual, revise the paragraph in correct APA format, rewriting the citations, quotations, and references as necessary. Use the references listed for your paragraph number as your citation sources.

Step 3: For this Assignment, include the references for each paragraph are listed in the Social Change document. These references are not in correct APA format. Using the information from Chapter 10 of the APA Publication Manual, put the references for your paragraph in correct APA format.

Step 4: In addition and based on the information provided about social change as well as the topics you have explored in this course, explain how social change relates to the field of psychology. Provide examples.

By Day 7

Submit your Assignment.

Submission and Grading Information

To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading, do the following:

  • Please save your Assignment using the naming convention “WK4Assgn2+last name+first initial.(extension)” as the name.
  • Click the Week 4 Assignment 2 Rubric to review the Grading Criteria for the Assignment.
  • Click the Week 4 Assignment 2 link. You will also be able to “View Rubric” for grading criteria from this area.
  • Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My Computer button. Find the document you saved as “WK4Assgn2+last name+first initial.(extension)” and click Open.
  • If applicable: From the Plagiarism Tools area, click the checkbox for I agree to submit my paper(s) to the Global Reference Database.
  • Click on the Submit button to complete your submission.
Grading Criteria

To access your rubric:

Week 4 Assignment 2 Rubric

Check Your Assignment Draft for Authenticity

To check your Assignment draft for authenticity:

Submit your Week 4 Assignment 2 draft and review the originality report.

Submit Your Assignment by Day 7

To submit your Assignment:

Week 4 Assignment 2

Next Week

Week 5: Guarding the Integrity of the Profession: Academic Integrity and Plagiarism

As a student, you work hard each week to complete Discussions and Assignments that show your high personal standards and academic ability. Most, if not all, of your Discussion posts or Assignments will make you proud of the work you did PSYC-6002 Foundations of Graduate Study in Psychology. How would you feel if someone used your work and took credit for it?


Academic integrity is one of those terms that can really create some anxiety for graduate students. It is important to understand that this type of “integrity” is focused on protecting the integrity—the wholeness—of the profession and its literature. Simply put, it is making sure that you “respect and acknowledge the research and ideas of others” in your work (Walden University, 2013a, para. 9). Learning how to credit the owner/creator of other work is a skill that is learned and used in every Assignment and Discussion post throughout your graduate career.

As you review the Learning Resources this week, you will learn about the high standards that Walden University and the psychological profession set when it comes to academic integrity, scholarly writing, and properly crediting the source of information. You will be expected to maintain these standards as well; this week’s lesson will provide you with information to do that. PSYC-6002 Foundations of Graduate Study in Psychology

Through the Learning Resources and Discussions, you will learn how to recognize and avoid plagiarism, even unintentional plagiarism. You will also learn how to interpret a SafeAssign Originality Report and what to do if your report indicates possible plagiarism.

It is a complicated topic and not limited to the idea of “stealing” someone’s work. There are some very specific rules and ways of writing that protect the integrity of the literature and learning, and practicing these skills is critical for graduate students in psychology.

What’s Happening In This Week?


When do I have to do it? Title What do I have to do?
Monday  – Tuesday
(Days 1 & 2)
Learning Resources Begin reviewing your Learning Resources to complete your Discussion 1
Wednesday, Day 3 Discussion: Recognizing and Avoiding Plagiarism Initial Post
Thursday, Day 4 Learning Resources Continue reviewing Learning Resources to complete your Assignment
Friday, Day 5
(Note: Response posts can be submitted any day of the week but no later than Day 7.)
Discussion: Recognizing and Avoiding Plagiarism (2) Response Posts
Sunday, Day 7 Assignment: Understanding Academic Integrity and Plagiarism as a Psychology Professional Submit your 1–2 page paper


Learning Objectives

You will:

  • Evaluate scenarios for plagiarism
  • Analyze strategies to avoid plagiarism
  • Analyze the purpose of SafeAssign Similarity Indexes in maintaining academic integrity

Learning Resources

Required Readings

American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.).

  • 1.17, “Implications of Plagiarism and Self-Plagiarism”This section discusses plagiarism and self-plagiarism PSYC-6002 Foundations of Graduate Study in Psychology.

Required Media

Laureate Education (Producer). (2012a). Introduction to scholarly writing: Plagiarism and academic integrity [Video file]. Retrieved from
Note: The approximate length of this media is 5 minutes.
Scholarly writing requires ethical practice in every phase and form of the process—from the drafting of a course paper to a capstone project. Academic integrity is basic to all teaching and learning at Walden University. As a Walden student, you are required to follow the guidelines of academic integrity as set forth in the Walden Catalog. This course media segment will help you to do so.


Discussion: Recognizing and Avoiding Plagiarism

What is plagiarism exactly? Is it always done on purpose? The rules related to plagiarism can be complex, and there are instances in which people who have unwittingly plagiarized have ended up in court. The concept of academic integrity includes the avoidance of plagiarism. To avoid plagiarism, it helps to first recognize it.

For this Discussion, you will review fictional scenarios that depict common occurrences in the classroom. It is an opportunity for you to practice identifying plagiarism and discussing how to avoid plagiarism in these situations.

To prepare for this Discussion:

  • Review the materials in this week’s Learning Resources.
  • Read the four scenarios presented below and, for each situation, determine whether the student has plagiarized.

1. John has not had time to work on his online assignment on psychological theory. He found a website that has an article with the content he needs to complete his assignment. However, he has only 30 minutes before his assignment is due. John believes that the author of the article described psychological theory so well that it would take John hours to paraphrase the material. John decides to copy several sentences and one short paragraph from the article and paste it into his own paper. He includes the author in the references and believes that this appropriately cites the author.

2. Sally has a writing assignment due. She has written about the topic before in a previous course and received 100% on that paper. She decides to include several paragraphs from her previous work in her current paper.

3. Brad just finished submitting his writing assignment through SafeAssign, and the similarity report shows a 40% match between passages he wrote and various websites.

4. Catherine likes to include quotes from famous psychologists in her writing assignments. She does not use quotation marks, but Catherine makes sure to include the citation immediately following each quote.

  • Reflect on how the Walden resources and communication with colleagues (including your Instructor) could impact the outcome of the scenarios.
  • Choose one of the scenarios for your Discussion. PSYC-6002 Foundations of Graduate Study in Psychology

With these thoughts in mind:

By Day 3

Post a description of the scenario you chose and whether you believe the student plagiarized. Explain what led you to make that determination. Provide one strategy that the student can use to avoid potential plagiarism, given the scenario presented.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to this week’s Learning Resources.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ postings.

By Day 5

Respond to at least two of your colleagues, and continue the discussion through Day 7 by providing another strategy to avoid potential plagiarism, given the scenario presented.

Return to this Discussion periodically to read the responses to your initial posting. Note what you have learned and/or any insights you have gained as a result of the comments your colleagues made. Remember to be supportive and build community; this is a tough topic!

Submission and Grading Information

Grading Criteria

To access your rubric:

Week 5 Discussion Rubric

Post by Day 3 and Respond by Day 5

To participate in this Discussion:

Week 5 Discussion

Assignment: Understanding Academic Integrity and Plagiarism as a Psychology Professional

As you have progressed through this course, you have learned the importance of developing your scholarly voice, you have learned about critical thinking, you have practiced paraphrasing, and you are beginning to understand the importance of crediting the sources of ideas and of presenting the literature in your own words. You are still at the early stages of mastering these many skills. Luckily, Walden provides resources and tools to help you along the way.

For this Assignment, you will familiarize yourself with a tool that can aid you in avoiding plagiarism: SafeAssign.

To prepare for this Assignment:

  • Review the Academic Integrity resources located in this week’s Learning Resources and consider the different aspects of plagiarism PSYC-6002 Foundations of Graduate Study in Psychology.
  • Review the document “How to Read a SafeAssign Originality Report” in this week’s Learning Resources. Also, the “Classroom Help” feature in the dashboard of this course provides additional information related to SafeAssign as well as how to read the Originality Report.
  • In Week 3, you submitted “The Process of Critical Thinking” Assignment and submitted your Assignment to SafeAssign to generate an originality report. Locate the SafeAssign Originality report you downloaded for this Assignment.
  • Review the Similarity Index and the Match Overview.
  • Review the matches in detail.

The Assignment (1–2 pages):

Describe the SafeAssign Originality report for your Assignment from Week 3:

  • Provide the Similarity Index.
  • List the source that constitutes the highest match with your written work.
  • Explain why a high Similarity Index might not necessarily indicate plagiarism and why a low Similarity Index does not necessarily indicate a lack of plagiarism.
  • Based on the review by SafeAssign, what changes would you make to your paper?
  • Explain how you would use SafeAssign in the future to minimize issues with plagiarism.
  • As a future psychology professional, explain how academic integrity will impact/influence your academic and professional practice.

By Day 7

Submit your Assignment.

Submission and Grading Information

To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading, do the following:

  • Please save your Assignment using the naming convention “WK5Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension)” as the name.
  • Click the Week 5 Assignment Rubric to review the Grading Criteria for the Assignment.
  • Click the Week 5 Assignment link. You will also be able to “View Rubric” for grading criteria from this area.
  • Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My Computer button. Find the document you saved as “WK5Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension)” and click Open.
  • If applicable: From the Plagiarism Tools area, click the checkbox for I agree to submit my paper(s) to the Global Reference Database.
  • Click on the Submit button to complete your submission.
Grading Criteria

To access your rubric:

Week 5 Assignment Rubric

Check Your Assignment Draft for Authenticity

To check your Assignment draft for authenticity:

Submit your Week 5 Assignment draft and review the originality report.

Submit Your Assignment by Day 7

To submit your Assignment:

Week 5 Assignment

Looking Ahead

Be sure to review the instructions for the Final Project due in Week 6. You can review the Final Project details by viewing the Project area of Week 6. By now, you should be thinking about what you will want to include in your PowerPoint slides. Be sure to review your Discussion posts from previous weeks for material you might find useful.

Next Week

Assignment: The Value of Critical Thinking in the Field of Psychology

Assignment: The Value of Critical Thinking in the Field of Psychology

Over familiarity with an idea can lead you to accept the information as true without questioning it. Just like the psychology myth that opposites attract, have you heard these other common psychology myths? Smiling makes you happier. We only use 10 percent of our brain. Memory is like a video recording. People are either left-brained or right-brained. Assignment: The Value of Critical Thinking in the Field of Psychology

Have you ever wondered where these ideas  originated and why  so widely believed? Are they completely false or partially true? When you begin to look more closely at ideas and where the information came from,  you have started the critical-thinking process The Value of Critical Thinking in the Field of Psychology Essay Example.

Critical thinking is inherent in scholarly work because it forces you to separate opinions and biases from the evidence found in the research literature

In this Assignment, you will examine the value of critical thinking by exploring facts and opinions and how they are distinguished from one to the other.


To Prepare for this Assignment:

  • Review the readings in this week’s Learning Resources and specifically focus on the critical thinking resources.
  • Think of and choose a common psychology myth that you have heard. If you have trouble of thinking of an example, identify one using a general Internet search.

The Assignment (1-page):

  • Based on the psychology myth you chose, write a short paragraph that would be considered an opinion and why this is an opinion.
  • Search the Walden Library databases for a peer-reviewed article on this same topic. Based on what you learn from the article, write a second paragraph that would be considered a fact and why it would be considered factual. Support your ideas with information cited from the article and include the reference to the article in APA format.
  • Explain the differences between the two paragraphs. Explain how a reader would know which statement is opinion and which is factual.  Use the Learning Resources to support your rationale.

By Day 7

Submit your Assignment The Value of Critical Thinking in the Field of Psychology Essay Example. Assignment: The Value of Critical Thinking in the Field of Psychology

Assignment: Understanding Academic Integrity and Plagiarism as a Psychology Professional

Assignment: Understanding Academic Integrity and Plagiarism as a Psychology Professional

As you have progressed through this course, you have learned the importance of developing your scholarly voice, you have learned about critical thinking, you have practiced paraphrasing, and you are beginning to understand the importance of crediting the sources of ideas and of presenting the literature in your own words. You are still at the early stages of mastering these many skills. Luckily, Walden provides resources and tools to help you along the way Assignment: Understanding Academic Integrity and Plagiarism as a Psychology Professional. Assignment: Understanding Academic Integrity and Plagiarism as a Psychology Professional


For this Assignment, you will familiarize yourself with a tool that can aid you in avoiding plagiarism: SafeAssign.

To prepare for this Assignment:

  • Review the Academic Integrity resources located in this week’s Learning Resources and consider the different aspects of plagiarism.
  • Review the document “How to Read a SafeAssign Originality Report” in this week’s Learning Resources. Also, the “Classroom Help” feature in the dashboard of this course provides additional information related to SafeAssign as well as how to read the Originality Report.
  • In Week 3, you submitted “The Process of Critical Thinking” Assignment and submitted your Assignment to SafeAssign to generate an originality report. Locate the SafeAssign Originality report you downloaded for this Assignment.
  • Review the Similarity Index and the Match Overview.
  • Review the matches in detail Assignment: Understanding Academic Integrity and Plagiarism as a Psychology Professional.

The Assignment (1–2 pages):

Describe the SafeAssign Originality report for your Assignment from Week 3:

  • Provide the Similarity Index.
  • List the source that constitutes the highest match with your written work.
  • Explain why a high Similarity Index might not necessarily indicate plagiarism and why a low Similarity Index does not necessarily indicate a lack of plagiarism.
  • Based on the review by SafeAssign, what changes would you make to your paper?
  • Explain how you would use SafeAssign in the future to minimize issues with plagiarism.
  • As a future psychology professional, explain how academic integrity will impact/influence your academic and professional practice.

By Day 7

Submit your Assignment. Assignment: Understanding Academic Integrity and Plagiarism as a Psychology Professional

PSYC-6002 Discussion: Ethical Considerations

PSYC-6002 Discussion: Ethical Considerations

In this discussion I will focus on 9.01 Bases for Assessments subclause (a) and (b) in APA’s ethical principles for psychologists and code of conduct (American Psychological Association, 2017). In this section, the ethical principles state that, psychologists should provide their opinions only after conducting adequate examination; and when individual examination is not needed, psychologists should conduct thorough record review and explain what information they use to come to the opinions, and why individual examination is not necessary (American Psychological Association, 2017). I am curious where in the ethical principles can “do no harm” be found, but am confident that this should be important for all psychologists as well PSYC-6002 Discussion: Ethical Considerations.


It bothers me significantly after reading these APA principles and knowing that in my home province in Canada, there is an expert panel consisting of a registered psychologist, speech language pathologist, occupational therapist and physiotherapist, which the provincial funding agency routinely consults with to determine if a child with disabilities is severe enough to be approved for therapy, and the intensity of therapy offered. Based on my own personal experience, when this panel is consulted, it is almost always certain the leading psychologist will recommend reduction or discontinuation of therapy, to the child and family’s dismay. I have participated in meetings like this to present the needs of the children, but because of the “expert opinions” given by the leading psychologist and their panel, many of the children were not approved the therapy they desperately need, despite severe disability. This practice in my province bothers me greatly. PSYC-6002 Discussion: Ethical Considerations

This situation may also involve conflict of interest, as the provincial funding agency compensates the members on the panel to participate in those meetings to determine approval or denial of children’s therapy. This may be beyond the current discussion, but I also believe psychologists must be cautious about conflict of interests and how it may affect their acting ethically and professionally PSYC-6002 Discussion: Ethical Considerations.

As a professional in training, these ethical principles really remind me how profoundly my behaviors in practice will impact my clients. If I make recommendations without thoroughly examining my clients, or offer opinions without noticing how conflict of interest cloud my judgment, I could make recommendation detrimental to my clients and would be accountable for the long-term damage done to my clients. This oversight can so profound; it can negatively impact client outcome and not be overlooked.


We are here to receive training to become an expert in the future, not to inflict harm on our clients but to help them obtain improved functioning and self-actualization. The APA ethical principles 9.01 Bases for Assessments (American Psychological Association 2017) reminds me how crucial it is to examine our individuals carefully and thoroughly, and conduct record review stringently in order to offer appropriate recommendation that benefit our clients. I will remind myself over and over again in everything I do with my clients – is this ethical? Am I protecting my clients?PSYC-6002 Discussion: Ethical Considerations

American Psychological Association (2017). Ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct.

Discussion: Ethical Considerations
Ethical considerations can become complex, particularly within the many careers in which psychology graduates find themselves. This week, you received just an introduction to the area of professional ethics. Your Discussion gives you an opportunity to consider what ethical principles are in psychology and what they might mean to you as a professional. PSYC-6002 Discussion: Ethical Considerations

To prepare for this Discussion:

Read the information on ethics presented in the APA websites listed in this week’s Learning Resources.
Review the General Principles of the APA Ethical Standards from the resource titled “Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct” found in the Learning Resources
Select one of the principles and think about how it applies to your program or area of specialization.
Take the time to really envision what your success looks and feels like; really sit back and put yourself in that position and create the “you” that successfully finishes this program and how you might put what you learn into action for positive social change PSYC-6002 Discussion: Ethical Considerations.
With these thoughts in mind:

By Day 3
Post a brief description of the principle you selected from the General Principles of the APA Ethical Standards you read about in “Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct.” Explain it in your own words. Explain in what way the principle could be applicable in your area of specialization and why.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to this week’s Learning Resources.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ postings.

By Day 5
Respond to two of your colleagues and continue the Discussion through Day 7. Choose one of the ethical principles discussed by your colleagues and respond with your thoughts about how positive social change relates to this ethical principle. Describe one act of positive social change that you can foresee resulting from your psychology specialization/program.

Return to this Discussion periodically to read the responses to your initial posting and reply as you wish. Note what you have learned and/or any insights you have gained as a result of the comments your colleagues made PSYC-6002 Discussion: Ethical Considerations.


One of the ethical principles of practicing psychologist listed on the American Psychological Association webpage is the first principle of “beneficence and nonmaleficence” (American Psychological Association, 2010). The principle discusses the importance of professionals in ensuring clients “…benefit those with whom they work and take care to do no harm” (American Psychological Association, 2010). It is imperative to understand the impacts of treatment, especially in working towards becoming a behavior analyst. According to the Behavior Analyst Certification Board (2014), “effective treatment procedures have been validated as having both long-term and short-term benefits to clients and society.” As a future professional in the field of psychology, as a behavior analyst, utilizing unethical treatment protocols does not create positive change, is detrimental to not only the client, their family and the practice of others in the field. Currently, I am working in the field as a Registered Behavior Technician (RBT), and I strive to follow the treatment procedures set forth by the behavior analyst as it is written to ensure that the client is safe. PSYC-6002 Discussion: Ethical Considerations


American Psychological Association. (2010). Ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct. American Psychological Association.

Behavior Analyst Certification Board. (2014). Compliance code for behavior analysts. BACB. PSYC-6002 Discussion: Ethical Considerations.