Final Project: PowerPoint Presentation of Your Professional Development Plan

Final Project: PowerPoint Presentation of Your Professional Development Plan

You have already identified many resources in your network—in this class and outside the university—and within the wider Walden community. Support is best used when you know what you need; it is hard to get support in building a ladder if you do not know what a ladder looks like.

If you have an idea of what a ladder looks like, you can ask for rungs and nails and a hammer. Think of the resources offered by Walden as the rungs and nails for your ladder, but you are the one who must design the ladder. A PDP allows you to design your ladder and identify which supports you need to build it Final Project: PowerPoint Presentation of Your Professional Development Plan.

Remember that you must help your classmates and colleagues along the way with their ladders too. Think of what you need to give, as well as what you will need to receive, in terms of support and help.

A PDP explains how you, individually, came to the decision to begin your graduate studies, what you envision for yourself and others when you complete the degree, and what objectives or steps you need to define in order to realize your dream and become your previously envisioned “future self.” You will refer to your PDP when you want to check your progress or re-evaluate your goals. It should be motivating and related to the mission of Walden, your mission, and the community of your colleagues. Remember, we are all in this together. Final Project: PowerPoint Presentation of Your Professional Development Plan


PowerPoint presentations will be used in many of your courses at Walden. This Assignment will also provide an opportunity for you to become familiar with, or become a more advanced user of, PowerPoint as a communication tool which will narration.

NOTE: You are strongly encouraged to submit this Assignment as a narrated PowerPoint presentation, but if you are having difficulty with the software, you may submit it as a Word document with sufficient notes to explain each “slide.” Please feel free to contact your Instructor if you need any support with this Assignment Final Project: PowerPoint Presentation of Your Professional Development Plan.

To prepare for this Final Project:

  • Review the Learning Resources for this week and specifically focus on how to create a narrated PowerPoint for your Final Project presentation.
  • Use the PowerPoint Template located in the Learning Resources for this week to complete this Final Project.

Final Project Assignment:

In this Final Project Assignment, you will create a 10- to 12-slide narrated PowerPoint presentation related to your Professional Development Plan (PDP). Your PowerPoint needs to include the following:

  • A cover slide with the following:
    • Title of your Project
    • Date -Walden University
    • Course number
    • Your name
  • Part I: Personal and Professional Goals (3-4 slides)
    • Include a brief personal introduction in which you state your personal and professional goals and articulate how these goals intersect with your academic interests and selected field of study.
    • Reflect upon the mission of the university: “Walden University provides a diverse community of career professionals with the opportunity to transform themselves as scholar-practitioners so that they may transform society” and how this mission statement connects to your personal vision for future practice.
    • Explain how specialized learning and the attainment of a doctoral degree will help you meet your career and personal life goals Final Project: PowerPoint Presentation of Your Professional Development Plan.
  • Part II: Educational Background and Research Proficiency (3-4 slides)
    • Reflect on the formal and informal learning experiences that compose your educational background and explain how these experiences support the direction of study established in Part I. You are encouraged to include individual knowledge, skills, and accomplishments.
    • Explain the academic and research proficiencies you bring to the program and identify any areas you want to consider for improvement. Final Project: PowerPoint Presentation of Your Professional Development Plan
    • Explain your current readiness to engage in dissertation research (Note: Honest disclosure will help guide and provide clear focus on any knowledge and skills needed to propel you forward in your program.)
      • Categories for you to consider when writing this section include the following:
        • Academic coursework in the social and behavioral sciences
        • Academic coursework in other fields
        • Professional presentations, seminars, and workshops
        • Volunteer activities
        • Prior experience designing and executing research
        • Publications and other writing experiences
        • Teaching assignments
        • Professional training
        • Academic strengths and weaknesses
        • Research strengths and weaknesses
        • Availability of library, reference, and information technology resources
        • Students should be clear about plans for preparing themselves for doctoral study, particularly if gaps exist in their background.
  • Part III: Plan of Study and Program Progress Guide (PPG) Form (3-4 slides)

    : Refer to your Program Progress Guide (PPG). Your PPG is available in your student portal Final Project: PowerPoint Presentation of Your Professional Development Plan.

For non-licensure students in the School of Psychology, you only need to refer to your Program Progress Guide for this section.


For students in Clinical Psychology, a state licensure plan also needs to be discussed in this section. This licensure plan needs to present the results of your investigation into the licensing requirements for your state and how you plan to meet those requirements during your study at Walden.

All students must create a timeline for completing the requirements in their PPG for this Part III as follows:

  • In your timeline, group your degree requirements into stages of progress. It is suggested that you target a completion date and work backwards from this date.
  • Identify specific milestones of academic progress and time frames for completion.
  • Account for review, revision, and approval of academic work throughout your timeline. Note: Be familiar with the approval processes of your academic work.

Even though you are providing narration to your PowerPoint presentation, please include the following:

  • Write detailed speaker notes for the slide to complement the slide content. Speaker notes should be clear, in-depth, and function as augmentation to the slide material.Note: These notes should be written with sufficient depth to allow someone else to deliver the presentation. Make sure the PowerPoint presentation reflects graduate-level writing and presentation standards, with professional-looking graphics and appropriate type style.
  • Your presentation should be explicit in its detail about what you plan to do at Walden to meet your personal and professional goals Final Project: PowerPoint Presentation of Your Professional Development Plan.

PSYC 6215/ DPSY 8215: Lifespan Development

PSYC 6215/ DPSY 8215: Lifespan Development


PSYC 6215/ DPSY 8215: Lifespan Development

Children are a valuable population in society that scientists research and observe. When conducting research on a vulnerable population like children and minors, investigators will need to include additional steps to ensure the safety and protection of the children (Society for Research in Child Development [SRCD], 2012). Standard ethical principles must still be followed based on the APA Code of Ethics (American Psychological Association [APA], 2010).

A child or minor’s guardian will be required to offer consent as children are often assumed to be unable to understand the context to which they are consenting (Fisher & Vacanti-Shova, 2012). However, according to the SRCD (2012), if a child is old enough to understand and comprehend what is being asked, they should also give their consent to participate. Additionally, when obtaining consent from a child, investigators should ensure that the language being used is comprehensible to the child based on age, perceived cognitive abilities, and developmental level (Fisher & Vacanti-Shova, 2012).


In addition to consent, scientists should also ensure that there is a developed sense of honesty and trustworthiness throughout the study to ensure the safety and protection of the child and minors (SRCD, 2012). If scientists find any potential risks or potential harm to the participants in the study, scientists are required to find alternative and safer ways to obtain the information (APA, 2010; SRCD, 2012) PSYC 6215/ DPSY 8215: Lifespan Development.


American Psychological Association. (2017, January 1). Ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct.

Fisher, C. B., & Vacanti-Shova, K. (2012). The responsible conduct of psychological research: An overview of ethical principles, APA

Ethics Code standards, and federal regulations. In APA handbook of ethics in psychology, Vol 2: Practice, teaching, and research. (pp.    335–369). American Psychological Association.

Society for Research in Child Development. (2021, March). Ethical principles and standards for developmental scientists.

Week 1: Introduction to Human Development and Research

Life is simply a matter of concentration: you are what you set out to be. You are a composite of things you say, the books you read, the thoughts you think, the company you keep, and the things you desire to become.

—B.C. Forbes (1880–1954)

Scottish journalist

Welcome to the first week of Lifespan Development. Forbes presents a compelling quote, but he left out one part—the impact of biology. Have you thought about to what degree human development is the product of biology and genetics or the result of environmental factors? This week, you begin to investigate the “nature and nurture” topic and examine other concepts that frame lifespan development. You learn how these concepts form the basis of many lines of research in lifespan development. You also explore how and why the populations typically studied in developmental research are considered vulnerable and require particular ethical protections PSYC 6215/ DPSY 8215: Lifespan Development.

learning Objectives

Students will:
  • Analyze the role of ethics in developmental psychology research related to vulnerable populations
  • Analyze developmental concepts as applied to the life of an individual (assessed in Week 10)

Learning Resources

Required Readings

Berk, L. E. (2018). Development through the lifespan (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.

  • Chapter 1, “History, Theory, and Research Strategies” (beginning of chapter to “Scientific Beginnings”; and “Studying Development” to end of chapter)

American Psychological Association. (2020). Scholarly writing and publishing principles. In Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.).

  • Read only (p. 10–23)

Required Media

Harris, N. B. (Producer). (2014). How childhood trauma affects health across a lifetime [Video file]. Retrieved August 26, 2016, from


Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 16 minutes.

Discussion: Research and Ethics in Psychology

Developmental psychology attempts to understand cognitive, physical, and social-emotional development throughout the lifespan. In order to understand, for example, how maternal stress during pregnancy might impact the child later in life, pregnant women and children could be studied. Vulnerable populations, such as pregnant women, newborns, children, cognitively impaired individuals, incarcerated individuals, or older adults, require additional consideration and protection when planning to conduct research with them.

When conducting research in the field of human development, particularly with vulnerable populations, it is important to keep in mind that a unique set of ethical considerations should be taken into account. These populations need extra care to ensure their rights because some individuals may lack the mental capacity to give informed consent, may have decreased free will, or may be vulnerable in terms of their physical or mental welfare. As you approach this Discussion, keep in mind how ethical considerations might have affected the type of research that could be conducted.

For this Discussion, you will examine the role of ethics in developmental psychology research as it relates to vulnerable populations PSYC 6215/ DPSY 8215: Lifespan Development.

To prepare for this Discussion:

  • Review the example of a Discussion post and response found in this week’s Learning Resources as well as the Discussion Rubric to understand the Discussion’s expectations.
  • Review the Learning Resources related to ethics and research in the field of developmental psychology
  • Choose a population from the following:
    • Children
    • Women who are pregnant
    • Geriatric individuals
    • Individuals with cognitive disabilities
    • Adolescents

By Day 4

Based on the population you selected, post an explanation of the role of ethics in developmental psychology research with attention to the characteristics of this vulnerable population. Be specific in your post and use the Learning Resources to support your post. Use proper APA format and citations to support your explanation.

By Day 6

Respond to a post from at least one of your colleagues who selected a population different from that of your Discussion post and add one additional ethical consideration.

Return to this Discussion in a few days to read the responses to your initial posting and respond to any questions. Note what you have learned and/or any insights that you have gained as a result of your colleagues’ comments.

Submission and Grading Information

Grading Criteria

To access your rubric:

Week 1 Discussion Rubric

Post by Day 4 and Respond by Day 6

To participate in this Discussion:

Week 1 Discussion

Assignment: Final Project Overview

The purpose of this Final Project Assignment is for you to recognize human development and outcomes (e.g., developmental constructs, processes, milestones, and stages) through the lifespan of an influential person. You will describe this person’s development through cognitive, physical, and social-emotional processes at various key periods, and how his or her development is influenced by nature (genetics), nurture (environment), or both PSYC 6215/ DPSY 8215: Lifespan Development.

For this Final Project Assignment, you will read a biography about an individual of your choosing. Think about leaders, artists, composers, researchers, professors, and otherwise influential people, etc. The person you choose should be someone who has had an impact (positive or negative) on others and/or on society.

This Final Project Assignment is a 6- to 8-page paper composed of three parts. These parts include: the Summary during Week 2, Part 1 during Week 7, and the Final Project submission during Week 10. Note: It is recommended that you begin reviewing the biography you chose starting at Week 2 and plan your time accordingly.

For this week, you will review the Final Project Assignment Overview document and consider an influential person you would like to learn more about.

To prepare for this Final Project Assignment:

  • Review the Final Project Assignment Overview document found in this week’s Learning Resources.
  • Select a biography, not an autobiography, of an influential person. Your selection must be one person and not a group of individuals.
  • The biography should be written for adults and not children and cover the entire life of the individual.
  • You must use an actual hardcover/paperback book or ebook (Note: Using or other websites as primary sources of information is not acceptable).
  • You must include at least two theories from this course in your Final Project Assignment and discuss at least two of the three developmental processes (cognitive, physical, and social-emotional).

No Assignment submission due this week.

Submit your Final Project Assignment in Week 10.

Week in Review

This week, you analyzed the role of ethics in developmental psychology research as it relates to vulnerable populations. Also, you reviewed the Final Project Assignment for this course and selected a biography of an influential person to begin analyzing developmental concepts as they would apply to the life of this individual.

To end this week, your Instructor may provide a brief summary. Be sure to access the Faculty Corner to review your Instructor’s summary, which will help you focus on the important aspects of this week’s learning.


Next week, you will examine cognitive, physical, and social-emotional developmental processes specific to a period of a character’s life. You also will determine the impact of diversity on those developmental processes. For your Final Project, you will provide a brief summary of the individual and the biography you selected PSYC 6215/ DPSY 8215: Lifespan Development.

The Impact of Diversity Essay Assignment

The Impact of Diversity Essay Assignment

Discussion 2: The Impact of Diversity
Understanding the impact of diversity on an individual’s cognitive, physical, and social-emotional developmental processes requires an examination of a multitude of characteristics, including gender, race, ethnicity, culture, socioeconomic status, religion, sexual orientation, physical ability, etc. In addition, behavior within a group is important to examine, along with the similarities and differences of behaviors and attitudes across groups. The goal of understanding the impact of diversity is not to determine whether one group is inferior to another, but to gain an appreciation of the breadth and depth of variability in human behavior. Cross-cultural investigation allows for the testing of theoretical concepts and predictions to evaluate their generalizability (Jensen, 2012). Another outcome of studying the results of cross-cultural research is that, as a psychology professional, you will be better equipped to empathize with and advocate for those you will be serving.


For this Discussion, you will explore how diversity shapes and influences cognitive and social-emotional developmental processes The Impact of Diversity Essay.

To prepare for this Discussion:

Review and consider the same fictional human character from your Discussion 1 for this week.
Also, consider only the cognitive and social-emotional developmental processes and how diversity* shapes and influences these processes.*Diversity includes but is not limited to gender, race, ethnicity, culture, socioeconomic status, religion, sexual orientation, physical ability, etc. It is not the same as adversity, which refers to a difficulty or tragedy in one’s life.
Think about the kinds of attitudes and behaviors that might be generated from someone who grew up in a collectivist society, which is common in Asian cultures, compared to the attitudes of someone who grew up in an individualistic society, such as that found in the United States The Impact of Diversity Essay.
By Day 4
Post a 1- to 2-sentence description of the fictional human character (i.e., cartoon character, film/TV character, virtual character) you selected. Then, explain how diversity might shape and influence his/her cognitive and social-emotional developmental processes. Be specific in your post and provide examples. Use your Learning Resources and/or other scholarly sources to support your post. Use proper APA format and citations to support your post.

By Day 6
Respond to at least one of your colleagues’ posts and search the Internet or the Walden library to locate an article related to how diversity might shape and influence their fictional human character’s cognitive or social-emotional developmental processes. Referring to the article you found, explain how an aspect of diversity could impact the fictional character’s development. The Impact of Diversity Essay Assignment

Return to this Discussion in a few days to read the responses to your initial posting and respond to any questions. Note what you have learned and/or any insights that you have gained as a result of your colleagues’ comments.


Rachel Green is a white privileged girl living in New York City who is trying to earn a living by working as a waitress at a coffee shop. She has several close friends who support and encourage her to follow her dreams.

Diversity is a huge factor in determining a child’s development, both physically and psychologically. Society views people with different skin colors, religion, socioeconomic status, gender, religion, sexual orientation, etc. differently which can have a large impact on a child’s development. Developmental researchers have determined that the ethnic minority children are made more aware of societal opportunities and differences (Jensen, 2012). It is clear that children and individuals from a minority or different culture than what society deems ‘normal’ have different societal and life experiences (Jensen, 2012) The Impact of Diversity Essay.

Rachel comes from a white family with a lot of money and power in the community. She was handed a lot of things before realizing that she didn’t want to be dependent on her family or on someone else for the rest of her life, which is why she left her fiancé at the altar. Rachel never had to worry about finances, which shaped her into someone who was incredibly materialistic. She does, however, decline any financial help from her family in order to make her own way in life and she soon realizes the struggles that come with not having money. For example, there is an episode where Rachel injures her ankle and when she goes to hospital, they realize she has no insurance to cover the bill. It almost stops her from receiving the treatment she needs.

At this point in the series, Rachel is well past Piaget’s four stages of cognitive development (Harris, 2005) but if she hadn’t grown up in the life of privilege, her cognitive development would have turned out differently. Perhaps Rachel would have gotten a job a lot earlier on to help pay the bills in the family. Maybe Rachel wouldn’t have left a stable life at the alter if she was struggling with money. She would have wanted to be with someone who could provide for her instead of struggling by herself. The Impact of Diversity Essay Assignment

Socially, her development would have also been affected. Rachel was involved in her high school cheerleading squad and had a lot of friends, she was very popular. If Rachel’s family wasn’t financially stable, and Rachel was working to help provide for her family, she wouldn’t have time to be on the cheerleading squad or be able to go to the mall with her friends. Her social development would have slowed. Perhaps she wouldn’t have the same relationship with her parents and family either, seeing as she could have resented them for putting her in that situation in the first place. Socioeconomic status plays a large part in the development of a child, and Rachel wouldn’t be the same if she experienced a different up bringing.


Harris, Y. R. (2005). Cognitive development. In N. J. Salkind (Ed.), Encyclopedia of human development (Vol. 1, pp. 276-280). SAGE Publications, Inc.

Jensen, L. A. (2012). Bridging universal and cultural perspectives: A vision for developmental psychology in a global world. Child Development Perspectives, 6(1), 98-104. doi: 10.1111/j.1750-8606.2011.00213.x The Impact of Diversity Essay.

PSYC 6800: Applied Psychology Research Methods

PSYC 6800: Applied Psychology Research Methods

Week 1: Data Collection and Management

Research helps you understand a topic more deeply. To develop this understanding, you must review what others have said or studied about the topic. You must also collect data on a specific topic from a variety of sources, including published articles, data, and statistics. The management of this collected data can be daunting.

This week, you will reflect on your own levels of anxiety or comfort about conducting quantitative research in your particular field or discipline. You will also review the elements of the Final Project that you will work on throughout this course PSYC 6800: Applied Psychology Research Methods.


Learning Objectives

Students will:

  • Evaluate level of personal anxiety related to quantitative research.
  • Analyze how quantitative data are used in your field/discipline.
  • Analyze anxiety, fears, and challenges related to quantitative research.
  • Learning Resources

Required Readings

Johnson, R. B., & Christensen, L. B. (2020). Educational research: Quantitative, qualitative, and mixed approaches (7th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

  • Chapter 7, “Standardized Measurement and Assessment” (pp. 150-155)
  • Chapter 8, “Methods of Data Collection in Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Research” (pp. 179-206) PSYC 6800: Applied Psychology Research Methods

Salkind, N. (2016). Excel Statistics: A Quick Guide (3rd ed.). SAGE Publications, Inc. PSYC 6800: Applied Psychology Research Methods

  • Preface, “How to Use This Book” (pp. viii-xi)
  • Part I, “Using Excel Functions” (pp.1-7)
  • Part II, “Using the Analysis ToolPak” (pp. 89-91)

Document: Final Project Worksheet (Word document)

Study Notes

Document: The Purpose of Research (e.g., basic research, applied research, evaluation research, research and development, and action research) (PowerPoint presentation)

Document: Important Terms in Quantitative Analysis (e.g., independent variable, dependent variable, dichotomous variables, categorical variables, continuous variables) (PowerPoint presentation)

Required Media

Walden University (Producer). (2019). Common fears and anxiety about research [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 25 minutes

Final Project Datasets

Choose from one of the datasets listed to use for your Final Project. You will need to download both the dataset and its codebook in order to complete the Final Project assignments throughout the course.

Diebold Dataset and Codebook

  • This dataset is a fictionalized set of data reflecting how a random sample of employees in the United States might respond to questions regarding their perceptions of their value in the workplace, their skill level, training in self-advocacy, their job satisfaction, the amount of a raise they requested and whether they received it. Additionally, these fictitious participants were rated by their peers and supervisors (a 360 review).Diebold, C. (n.d.). Diebold Dataset and Codebook. Charles Diebold. 

Document: Diebold Dataset (Excel worksheet)

Document: Diebold Dataset Codebook (Word document)

School Survey on Crime and Safety Dataset and Codebooks

  • The dataset “is a cross-sectional survey of the nation’s public schools designed to provide estimates of school crime, discipline, disorder, programs and policies. Regular public schools were sampled. The data collection was conducted using a mail questionnaire with telephone follow-up. The data collection’s response rate was 62.9 percent. Key statistics produced from SSOCS:2016 include the frequency and types of disciplinary actions taken for select offenses; perceptions of other disciplinary problems, such as bullying, verbal abuse and disorder in the classroom; the presence and role of school security staff; parent and community involvement; staff training; mental health services available to students; and school policies and programs concerning crime and safety.” (National Center for Education Statistics, 2016, para. 1) PSYC 6800: Applied Psychology Research Methods. PSYC 6800: Applied Psychology Research Methods

National Center for Education Statistics. (2016). 2015-2016 School Survey on Crime and Safety. U.S. Department of Education.  

Document: School Survey on Crime and Safety Dataset (Excel worksheet)

Document: School Survey on Crime and Safety Codebook (Word Document)

Fictional Working Sample Dataset and Codebook

This dataset provides information about adults’ interest in books and electronic tablet use. Demographic information includes gender, age, and characteristics of the town they live in. Note: The data in this sample are fictional and are meant for use within this course only. You cannot share any information based on this dataset outside of the classroom, as the information does not reflect actual participants or a real-world population PSYC 6800: Applied Psychology Research Methods.

Document: Fictional Working Sample Dataset (Excel worksheet)

Document: Fictional Working Sample Codebook (Word Document)

Optional Resources

In the event you want to work ahead on your Final Project, please begin reviewing the following resources:

Johnson, R. B., & Christensen, L. B. (2016). Educational research: Quantitative, qualitative, and mixed approaches (6th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

  • Chapter 7, “Standardized Measurement and Assessment” (pp. 162–188)
  • Chapter 11, “Validity of Research Results in Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Research”

Note: In Chapter 11, pay special attention to the section on quantitative research.

Weems, G. H., & Onwuegbuzie, A. J. (2001). The impact of midpoint responses and reverse coding on survey data. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 34, 166-176.

Weems, G. H., Onwuegbuzie, A. J., Eggers, S. J., & Schreiber, J. B. (2003). Characteristics of respondents who respond differently to positively- and negatively-worded items on rating scales. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 28, 587-607. doi:10.1080/0260293032000130234


Every field and discipline of study is different in some way. It also means that every field/discipline of study has a different approach to research and data collection reflecting the nuances of the subject matter. Each method can be daunting to understand, especially to the uninitiated in that area of research. What has been your experience with research, either in school or in your professional career? How prepared do you feel to learn about how to conduct research? Does the idea of conducting experiments, collecting data, interviewing other professionals, or examining data in the literature cause you anxiety? Maybe you love to conduct research and find that it energizes you.

For this Discussion, you will reflect on your personal and professional experience with research and whether or not the idea or act of research brings you a level of anxiety.

To Prepare:

  • Review the Learning Resources for this week and the Common Fears and Anxiety About Research media program.
  • Consider your own personal anxieties, fears, and challenges you might have for research.
  • Consider the following:

Levels of Anxiety Survey

1                    2                    3                    4                    5
(Low)                            (Moderate)                            (High)

On this 5-point scale, with 5 being highest level of anxiety, 3 being moderate, and 1 being the lowest, score yourself as to your level of anxiety about this course. Use these results for your Discussion PSYC 6800: Applied Psychology Research Methods. PSYC 6800: Applied Psychology Research Methods

By Day 4

Post a self-introduction and describe your particular field or discipline. Explain how quantitative data in general are used in your field. Describe how numbers (i.e., quantitative data) are used to interpret a phenomenon in your field or discipline.

Next, based on the Levels of Anxiety survey, explain why you scored yourself at the level of anxiety you selected. Also, discuss your anxiety, fears, and one challenge you might have with research and how you might address this challenge.

Read your colleagues’ postings carefully.

By Day 6

Respond to at least one of your colleagues’ posts and suggest a way to mitigate the challenge presented in her/his post. Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources. Use proper APA format and citations.

Return to this Discussion in a few days to read the responses to your initial posting. Note what you have learned and/or any insights that you have gained as a result of your colleagues’ comments.

Submission and Grading Information

Grading Criteria

To access your rubric:

Week 1 Discussion Rubric

Post by Day 4 and Respond by Day 6

To participate in this Discussion:

Week 1 Discussion

Assignment: Preparing for Data Analysis

You will be using Excel to run the data analyses for this course, which requires loading the Analysis ToolPak for Excel. You are asked to accomplish this during Week 1 so that if you should run into difficulties, you can resolve any issues before you will need to use Excel for your course assignments. Microsoft has a resource with step by step instructions for Windows and for MacOS PSYC 6800: Applied Psychology Research Methods.

To Prepare:


  • Follow the instructions to load the Analysis ToolPak in Excel.
  • After you have successfully added the Analysis TookPal Add-in, take a screenshot of the Data tab showing the Data Analysis command is available.

Contact your faculty instructor if you encounter any difficulties.

By Day 7 (required but not assessed)

Load the Analysis ToolPak in Excel and submit your screenshot.

Submission Information

To submit your completed Project for review and grading, do the following:

  • Please save your Assignment using the naming convention “WK1Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension)” as the name.
  • Click the Week 1 Assignment link.
  • Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My Computer button. Find the document you saved as “WK1Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension)” and click Open.
  • If applicable: From the Plagiarism Tools area, click the checkbox for I agree to submit my paper(s) to the Global Reference Database.
  • Click on the Submit button to complete your submission. PSYC 6800: Applied Psychology Research Methods
Submit Your Assignment by Day 7

To submit your Assignment:

Week 1 Assignment

Final Project Overview: Connecting Real-World Data through Quantitative Analysis

Cassie is a 9-year-old who received the flu vaccine yet was hospitalized after contracting the flu in 2018. Cassie’s parent is torn on whether or not to give her the flu vaccine in 2019. Based on recent findings from the Center for Disease Control, the flu vaccines have reduced hospitalized risk by almost half (47%) in comparison to previous years (Stanglin, 2019). Is this due to the increased effectiveness of the vaccine or has the virulence of flu strains changed? Quantitative analysis can help answer such questions.

As a working professional, you will experience quantitative data in many different ways. These data will contribute to answering research questions, guiding conclusions, shaping decisions, and helping generate more questions. As part of the Final Project for this course, you will do just that. You will gain a better understanding of how quantitative data and their analyses provide an opportunity for you to see how a phenomenon can impact your field/discipline of study.

Your Final Project for this course will consist of a narrative/report in which you demonstrate your learning through a research question related to a dataset, the variables related to the research question, and the data analyzed using specific types of analysis to determine the results from the data.

There are three items you will use to complete your Final Project. The Final Project Overview, Final Project Worksheet, and Final Project Dataset are in this week’s Learning Resources:

1) Final Project Overview – A document providing specific details about the Final Project criteria. Take time to review this document carefully and plan your time accordingly.

2) Final Project Worksheet – A document that allows you to gather information/notes you need in order to complete your Final Project narrative/report due in Week 11. This Worksheet will be submitted in Week 3 and Week 5 of the course.

3) Final Project – A narrative/report you will develop, applying the criteria in the Final Project Overview and the Final Project Worksheet information gathered throughout the course. The required structure and format for this narrative/report is provided in Week 11 PSYC 6800: Applied Psychology Research Methods.

The Final Project is a narrative/report you will develop, applying the criteria in the Final Project Overview and the Final Project Worksheet information gathered throughout the course. The required structure and format for this narrative/report are provided in the Final Project Overview as well as in Week 11.

This week, you will begin your work on Part 1: Selecting a Dataset

Begin completing Part 1 of your Final Project Worksheet; however, it will not be submitted until Week 3 by Day 7.

Stanglin, D. (2019). Flu widespread in US with 15.2 million cases since October, but experts see ‘low-severity’ season. Retrieved from USA Today

To Prepare:

  • Final Project Overview: Review the Final Project Overview in this week’s Learning Resources and use it to guide your Final Project work.
  • Final Project Worksheet: Access the Final Project Worksheet in this week’s Learning Resources and use it to begin gathering information/notes you will use to develop your Final Project.
  • Review the dataset descriptions provided in Final Project Datasets. Select a dataset that most closely matches an area of interest.
  • Once you select your dataset, use the Final Project Worksheet to complete Part 1: Selecting a Dataset.

There are no submissions required for your Final Project this week.

Submit Final Project Worksheet, Part 1: Selecting a Dataset and Part 2: Research Questions and Design by Day 7 of Week 3.

Week in Review

This week, you considered your own levels of anxiety about quantitative research. You also examined any challenges you might have with research and how to mitigate such challenges. You reviewed the Final Project criteria in the Final Project Overview, as well as the Final Project Worksheet you will complete and periodically submit throughout this course.

Next week, you will identify research questions to help you build a foundation for your research throughout this course and inform your completion of Part 2: Research Questions and Design of your Final Project Worksheet PSYC 6800: Applied Psychology Research Methods.

Next Week

Week 2: Developing Quantitative Research Questions

Juanita is a human resources manager who works with young employees, often college students, at a call center. The call center is part of a large technology organization. Juanita has discovered that although there are many opportunities for advancement within the organization, many of the young employees leave after only a few months. She has been asked to determine how the organization might encourage more of these young employees to consider growing and building their careers within the organization. What would you do if you were in Juanita’s position? PSYC 6800: Applied Psychology Research Methods

An important first step of any research project is to develop a question or set of questions to which you want to find answers. These questions are called research questions. The answers to these research questions will come from your research. In this second week of Module 1, you will develop research questions and corresponding research designs, based on the dataset you selected in Week 1, and then select one of those questions to be the basis for your work throughout the remainder of this course.

This week, you will become familiar with the Excel data analysis menu that you will apply to your work throughout various research phases in this course). Additionally, you will continue your work on Final Project Worksheet, Part 1 and Part 2 PSYC 6800: Applied Psychology Research Methods.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

  • Create quantitative research questions.
  • Learning Resources

Required Readings

Johnson, R. B., & Christensen, L. B. (2020). Educational research: Quantitative, qualitative, and mixed approaches (7th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

  • Chapter 4, “How to Critically Review the Literature and Develop Good Research Questions” (pp. 77–105)

Note: Focus on pages 474–482 of the article “Linking Research Questions to Mixed Methods Data Analysis Procedures.”

Document: Research Question Types Quiz Worksheet (Word document)

Note: You will refer to your completed Research Question Types Quiz Worksheet again in Week 4, in order to complete that week’s Discussion 1.

Note: This document provides step-by-step instructions about how to use Excel to access datasets and conduct statistical analyses, as well as how to post visual displays of those analyses PSYC 6800: Applied Psychology Research Methods.

Study Notes

Document: Inductive Reasoning and Deductive Reasoning (PowerPoint presentation)

Document: Quantitative Research Designs (PowerPoint presentation)

Document: Quantitative Research Questions (PowerPoint presentation)

Required Media

Walden University (Producer). (2019). Research question types quiz [Interactive file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Note: Use this interactive quiz for practice identifying types of research questions (i.e., descriptive, relational, or comparative)

Optional Resources

Document: Descriptive Statistics (PowerPoint presentation)

As you consider your statistical software, this resource is common to data analysts and accessible in the Week 7 Learning Resources.

Discussion: Research Question(s)

Karen is a director of human resources at a mid-size company. Her team has been exploring causes of turnover for new employees—employees that start with the company but leave within a year. Some of the research questions she and her team have developed include:

  • What training and advancement opportunities might encourage employees to commit to long-term growth within the company?
  • What benefits are new employees seeking in career-based employment?

For this Discussion, you will generate your own research questions, based on the dataset you chose in Week 1. You will create three different types of research questions (i.e., one descriptive question, one relational question, and one comparative question). Then, select an appropriate research design for each question.

To Prepare:

  • Review this week’s Learning Resources, particularly the Onwuegbuzie & Leech (2006) article, Study Notes, Research Question Types Quiz Worksheet, and Research Questions Types Quiz (interactive media program).
  • Complete the Research Question Types Quiz Worksheet. Then, take the Research Questions Types Quiz interactive media program, referring to the Worksheet as you complete the Quiz. (Note: As you take the Quiz, you will learn the correct answer to each quiz question. Update your Worksheet to reflect the correct answers, as needed, since you will need this information in order to complete the Week 4, Discussion 1). 

By Day 4

Post one of your three different types of research questions (i.e., descriptive question, relational question, or comparative question) based on the dataset you selected in Week 1. Then, post an appropriate research design for the question you post. Explain how the research question might promote positive social change.

By Day 4

Respond to one of your colleagues’ posts and rewrite your colleague’s question to fit one of the other three research question formats (i.e., descriptive, relational, or comparative). Also, identify an appropriate research design for the rewritten question you post.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources. Use proper APA format and citations.

Return to this Discussion in a few days to read the responses to your initial posting. Note what you have learned and/or any insights that you have gained as a result of your colleagues’ comments. PSYC 6800: Applied Psychology Research Methods

Submission and Grading Information

Grading Criteria

To access your rubric:

Week 2 Discussion Rubric

Post by Day 4 and Respond by Day 6

To participate in this Discussion:

Week 2 Discussion

Assignment: Getting Ready for Data Collection

Throughout this first module of the course, you will be working with data as part of your research. There are many data collection software tools available for both collecting and managing data. In this course, you will use Excel as your method for conducting statistical analyses. Ensure you have loaded the Analysis Toolpak (see the Week 1 Assignment).

Through your Office 365 access or through your personal access, you will use Microsoft Excel for this Assignment and for your Final Project PSYC 6800: Applied Psychology Research Methods.

No Assignment submission is required for this week.

Final Project: Connecting Real-World Data through Quantitative Analysis

Have you ever thought about a topic you are really interested in and want to know more about? Are you always wondering how something happened, why it continues to happen, and what can possibly be done to address the situation? Your inquiry is really no different from searching to find the answer to a research question. However, the key to finding the answer is to first have a well thought-out research question.

For this week, you will continue working on Part 1 of your Final Project Worksheet for the submission due in Week 3.

No Assignment submission is required for this week.

Looking Ahead

Plan your time accordingly for your Part 1: Selecting a Dataset and Part 2: Research Questions and Design Final Project Worksheet submission in Week 3. You will receive feedback on your worksheet and incorporating your Instructor’s feedback will be critical to you as you move forward with your Final Project.

Week in Review

This week, you identified research questions related to descriptive, relational, or comparative approaches. These research questions help to form your foundational thinking for your research throughout the remainder of this course. You also began working on your Final Project for this course.

Next week, you will explore challenges and solutions related to the data cleaning and management process. You also will submit Part 1: Selecting a Dataset and Part 2: Research Questions and Design of your Final Project Worksheet. You will receive feedback from your Instructor on your worksheet in Week 4.

Next Week

Week 10: Inferential — Part 3

In 1908, the t statistic was introduced by William Sealy Gosset, a chemist working for the brewery of Arthur Guinness & Son in Dublin, Ireland. Gosset created the t test as an efficient way to determine which variety of barley had the best yield to make the Guinness stout beer (Pagels 2018). His problem was that he had to assess the quality of the barley yield with a relatively small sample size. With a small sample size, he needed some way to infer whether the average yield of a small sample would be the same as for a large sample PSYC 6800: Applied Psychology Research Methods.

The most frequently used t test conceptualized by Gosset was what was later known as an independent samples t test. This independent samples t test involved testing the null hypothesis that the means of two populations are equal. That is, the independent samples t test was used to compare two groups on a quantitative measure. In Gosset’s case, if he could quantify whether the mean of his small sample of barley yield would be equal to the mean of the larger sample of barley yield, Guinness would know how much barley to plant for its breweries.

For this last week of Module 2, you will use Excel to conduct and to compare independent samples of data. You will also take a quiz that covers the material in Module 2. Additionally, you will continue working on your Final Project materials, due in Week 11.

Reference:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Pagels, M. (2018, June 11). The curious tale of William Sealy Gosset. Retrieved from

Learning Objectives

Students will:

  • Conduct independent samples t test analysis
  • Analyze data using independent samples t test analysis
  • Demonstrate an understanding of data analysis

Learning Resources

Required Readings

Johnson, R. B., & Christensen, L. B. (2020). Educational research: Quantitative, qualitative, and mixed approaches (7th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

  • Chapter 18, “Descriptive Statistics” (review)

Salkind, N. J. (2016). Excel statistics: A quick guide (3rd ed.). Sage.

  • Excel Quickguide 49, “t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Equal Variances”

Required Media

Walden University (Producer). (2019f). Independent t test analysis [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 33 minutes.


Walden University (Producer). (2015d). One-sample and two-sample t-tests [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 8 minutes.


Excel Practice Datasets

Quick Guide Data Sets

Note: In order to access this data set, select the link that reads, “Click here to download all files” and select the files from the extracted file folder PSYC 6800: Applied Psychology Research Methods.

Check Your Understanding Data Sets

Note: In order to access these data sets, select the link that reads, “Click here to download all files” and select the two files from the extracted file folder.

Discussion: Comparing Two Groups: Independent Sample t Tests

A researcher who wishes to compare two populations often is interested either in estimating the difference between two population means or in testing hypotheses about this difference. In order to accomplish either task, information (in the form of a sample) must be obtained from each population. The sample information then is used to make inferences about the difference between these two population means. The type of t test to use when testing hypotheses concerning two population means can depend on several factors. One of these is the method of obtaining samples. For example:

Imagine that a high school developed a new course in reading comprehension for its freshmen. The high school wants to know whether the new course is more effective than the old one. That is, will the mean reading level for freshmen who are given the course be higher than the mean reading level for freshmen who are not given the course?

One way to study the question would be to select a group of freshmen, give them the new course, and then compare their scores on a reading examination with the scores of a group of freshmen from the same institution who did not take the new course. The two samples of scores in this case are called independent. Another method would be to select one group of students and compare their scores on a reading test before they take the new course with their scores on the reading test after they take the new course.  In this case, the two samples of scores would be called dependent, or paired.

Two samples are said to be independent if the data values obtained from one are unrelated to the values of the other. In the example above, the high school could examine the mean reading level of two independent populations: one that took the new course and one that did not take the new course PSYC 6800: Applied Psychology Research Methods.

In contrast, the samples are said to be dependent if each data value from one sample is paired in a natural way with a data value from the other sample. In the example above, the same population of students took a reading test before the new course and then took a reading test after the new course. Each student would have two scores. These two scores are paired in a natural way—each score came from the same student.

Now, whether we are dealing with dependent samples or independent samples, we compare the means of two populations by focusing on their difference (i.e., Mean1–Mean2). In this course, you will learn how to make inferences about the difference between two population means when the two samples are independent, yielding what was mentioned earlier as an independent samples t test.

For this Discussion, you will expand the new dataset that you created in Week 7.

  • Review the Learning Resources Salkind course text and the document Working With Datasets Job Aid for information about how to complete the tasks identified in the To Prepare and Post activities.
  • Practice generating t-tests using the Quick Guide Data Set “Q49.Ttest – Equal.xlsx” and the Check Your Understanding Data Sets “QS49a” and “QS49b”.
  • Select a year you wish to compare between political affiliations. Based on the US Demographic Information_PA_PS dataset from Week 9, compare income between the red states and the blue states for your selected year.
  • Use Excel to help you conduct your independent samples t test of your data for this Discussion.

By Day 4 (Post First)

Post the results of your independent samples t test to compare income from the red states to income from the blue states. Next, using the p value associated with the t test (i.e., P(T<=t) two-tail), determine whether there is a statistically significant difference in income between blue states and red states. Explain how big this difference is and what this means.

By Day 6

Respond to one of your colleagues’ posts and explain what you found interesting or surprising about the comparison.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources. Use proper APA format and citations.

Note: For this Discussion, you are required to complete your initial post before you will be able to view and respond to your colleagues’ postings. Begin by clicking on the “Post to Discussion Question” link and then select “Create Thread” to complete your initial post. Remember, once you click on Submit, you cannot delete or edit your own posts, and you cannot post anonymously. Please check your post carefully before clicking on Submit!

Return to this Discussion in a few days to read the responses to your initial posting. Note what you have learned and/or any insights that you have gained as a result of your colleagues’ comments.

Submission and Grading Information

Grading Criteria

To access your rubric:

Week 10 Discussion Rubric

Post by Day 4 and Respond by Day 6

To participate in this Discussion:

Week 10 Discussion

Module 2 Quiz

Modules 1 and 2 of this course provide fundamental information about quantitative data and analysis. At the end of each of these Modules, you will take a quiz to demonstrate your understanding of the topics covered PSYC 6800: Applied Psychology Research Methods.

The Module 2 quiz assesses your knowledge of the assigned course readings and material about Data Analysis, found in Weeks 6–10.

To Prepare:

  • Review the Module 2 Learning Resources found in Weeks 6–10 and consider how these resources will help and guide you through your understanding of data analysis.

Module 2 Quiz instructions:

  • The Module 2 quiz consists of 10 multiple-choice questions.
  • Each question is worth 1 point.
  • Questions are presented in random order.
  • This quiz allows you to go back to check or change your answers at any point during your allotted time.
  • This quiz is open book, so you may use your course readings and other resources to help you.
  • You will have unlimited time to finish this quiz by Day 7 of the week.
  • You must pass the quiz with a score of at least 90% to demonstrate competency.
  • Once the quiz has been submitted, the correct answer will be indicated in instances where you have given an incorrect answer.
  • If you need to retake the quiz, a new one will be generated.

By Day 7

Complete and submit your Module 2 Quiz by Day 7.

Submission Information

Submit Your Quiz by Day 7

To submit your Quiz:

Module 2 Quiz

Final Project: Connecting Real-World Data Through Quantitative Analysis

Refer to your Final Project Overview and continue working on Parts 4 and 5 of your Final Project Worksheet.

Parts 4 and 5 of your Final Project Worksheet will be used to complete your Final Project narrative/report due by Day 5 of Week 11.

Looking Ahead

Plan for your Final Project narrative/report to be submitted by Day 7 in Week 11.

Week in Review

This week, you completed Module 2 by using Excel to compare independent samples of data. You also took a quiz over the material in Module 2. Additionally, you continued your work on your Final Project, due in Week 11.

Next week, you will enter the final stage of this course, in which you complete remaining requirements of your Final Project by interpreting quantitative data, analyzing correlation and causation, as well as evaluating threats to internal and external validity of the findings. Finally, you will submit your Final Project narrative/report.

Next Module




Module 3: Data Interpretation

Module 3: Data Interpretation is made up of Week 11 of the course. Ultimately, the goal of research is to gather, analyze, and evaluate data related to one or more research questions and hypotheses, and then share the findings in order to contribute to the collective knowledge base of the examined topic. Throughout this course, you have gathered, analyzed, and evaluated data related to your research question and hypothesis, and for this module you will develop a concise, comprehensive Final Project narrative/ report in which you share your findings, including the methodologies, limitations, and implications of your research PSYC 6800: Applied Psychology Research Methods.

Go to the Week’s Content


Week 11: Interpretation

Suppose you decided to record for each month the number of snakebites and the amount of ice cream consumed in the United States. Believe it or not, a strong positive correlation exists between these two variables. That is, as the number of snake bites increases, the amount of ice cream consumed also increases. Alternatively stated, as the number of snake bites decreases, the amount of ice cream consumed also decreases. Does this positive correlation mean that eating ice cream causes snakebites? Absolutely not! Does this positive correlation mean that snakebites cause people to eat ice cream? Absolutely not! Instead, there must be a third variable that explains this relationship. Now, as the weather gets warmer, snakes come out of hibernation and become more active. At the same time, people are more likely to eat ice cream because it is warmer. These two facts mean that warmth (or summer) acts as a confounding variable for the relationship between the number of snakebites and the amount of ice cream consumed. A confounding variable is a variable that influences both the independent variable and the dependent variable. Failing to control for confounding variables might cause a researcher to interpret the results incorrectly. As is the case in this snakebite/ice cream example, a confounding variable might reveal a false correlation between the dependent variable and independent variable, leading to an incorrect rejection of the null hypothesis. As such, researchers cannot assert that correlation equals causality. That is, correlation does not imply causation.

Welcome to Module 3. You have reached the final week of this course. As you explore the relationships that exist in your data sets, keep in mind that a relationship does not imply causality. Keep your eyes open to see the various reasons why two variables may be correlated and see what insights you can uncover. In this week, you have no discussion and should plan to spend your time completing your Final Project. PSYC 6800: Applied Psychology Research Methods

Onwuegbuzie, A. J., & Seaman, M. (1995). The effect of time constraints and statistics test anxiety on test performance in a statistics course. Journal of Experimental Education, 63, 115–124. doi:10.1080/00220973.1995.9943816


Learning Objectives

Students will:

  • Interpret quantitative data to make generalizations for positive social change
  • Differentiate causation from correlation
  • Analyze methods for interpreting data taking into consideration the extent to which the model assumptions hold
  • Evaluate threats to internal validity of the findings
  • Evaluate threats to external validity of the findings


Learning Resources

Required Readings

Note: The “Expanding the Framework of Internal and External Validity in Quantitative Research” article was previously read in Week 5 PSYC 6800: Applied Psychology Research Methods.

Optional Resources

Leech, N. L., & Onwuegbuzie, A. J. (2004). A proposed fourth measure of significance: The role of economic significance in educational research. Evaluation and Research in Education, 18(3), 179–198. doi:10.1080/09500790408668317

Guides for Creating Tables

Final Project: Connecting Real-World Data Through Quantitative Analysis

Final Project Structure and Format

Your Final Project for this course will consist of a narrative/report in which you will apply what you have learned in this course, including presenting a research question related to a dataset, exploring variables that relate to this research question, analyzing the data using descriptive and inferential statistics, describing your results, and discussing your findings, limitations, implications, and possibilities for future research.

For the format and structure of your narrative/report, you will use the Walden Writing Center APA Course Paper Template for Graduate Courses found in this week’s Learning Resources. Your narrative/report must include the information in the Assignment section below.

Assignment (4–6 pages, not including title page, tables and figures, and reference pages. The number of paragraphs in the outline below are recommended ranges and not requirements):

  • Title
  • Introduction (1 paragraph)
    • Present your research question and state your hypothesis.
  • Method (4–6 paragraphs)
    • Participants represented in the dataset
    • Instruments used to measure the variables
    • Procedures used to select, clean, and manage variables from your dataset
    • Analysis (include any tables that display the statistical analyses you conducted on your selected variables)
    • Note: Provide a citation for any reference you use to support your analysis
  • Results (2–4 paragraphs) (include any figures you feel are necessary to support your results)
    • Provide a summary of your findings. PSYC 6800: Applied Psychology Research Methods
  • Discussion (4–6 paragraphs)
    • Explain whether your findings answered your research question.
    • Describe whether you can draw causal conclusions based on the data and explain why (or why not).
    • Explain any limitations that can limit the reliability or generalizability of your findings (i.e., sample size, sampling strategy, ethical issues, threats to internal and/or external validity, or any other flaws).
    • Discuss the implications of your findings regarding how they might effect positive social change.
    • Based on your findings, what might be the possibilities for future research regarding your research question and topics?

Use proper APA style. You can find information on scholarly writing in the APA Publication Manual and at the Walden Writing Center website. In the Discussion section of your paper, use at least one scholarly reference from a content-based study to compare with your findings.

By Day 5

Submit your Final Project narrative/report this week by Day 5.

Submission and Grading Information

To submit your completed Project for review and grading, do the following:

  • Please save your Assignment using the naming convention “WK11Proj+last name+first initial.(extension)” as the name.
  • Click the Week 11 Project Rubric to review the Grading Criteria for the Assignment.
  • Click the Week 11 Project link. You will also be able to “View Rubric” for grading criteria from this area.
  • Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My Computer button. Find the document you saved as “WK11Proj+last name+first initial.(extension)” and click Open.
  • If applicable: From the Plagiarism Tools area, click the checkbox for I agree to submit my paper(s) to the Global Reference Database.
  • Click on the Submit button to complete your submission.
  • Due to the nature of this assignment, your instructor may require more than 7 days to provide you with quality feedback.
Grading Criteria

To access your rubric:

Week 11 Final Project Rubric

Check Your Assignment Draft for Authenticity

To check your Project draft for authenticity:

Submit your Week 11 Project draft and review the originality report.

Submit Your Assignment by Day 5

To submit your Project:

Week 11 Final Project

Week in Review

This week, you completed and submitted your Final Project.

Congratulations! After you have finished all of the assignments for this week, you have completed the course. Please submit your Course Evaluation by the end of the week PSYC 6800: Applied Psychology Research Methods.

The Application of Data to Problem-Solving Essay

The Application of Data to Problem-Solving Essay

In the modern era, there are few professions that do not to some extent rely on data. Stockbrokers rely on market data to advise clients on financial matters. Meteorologists rely on weather data to forecast weather conditions, while realtors rely on data to advise on the purchase and sale of property. In these and other cases, data not only helps solve problems, but adds to the practitioner’s and the discipline’s body of knowledge.

Of course, the nursing profession also relies heavily on data. The field of nursing informatics aims to make sure nurses have access to the appropriate date to solve healthcare problems, make decisions in the interest of patients, and add to knowledge.


In this Discussion, you will consider a scenario that would benefit from access to data and how such access could facilitate both problem-solving and knowledge formation The Application of Data to Problem-Solving Essay.

To Prepare:

  • Reflect on the concepts of informatics and knowledge work as presented in the Resources.
  • Consider a hypothetical scenario based on your own healthcare practice or organization that would require or benefit from the access/collection and application of data. Your scenario may involve a patient, staff, or management problem or gap.

By Day 3 of Week 1

Post a description of the focus of your scenario. Describe the data that could be used and how the data might be collected and accessed. What knowledge might be derived from that data? How would a nurse leader use clinical reasoning and judgment in the formation of knowledge from this experience?

Informatics is such an important part of healthcare and a great tool to thoroughly coordinate patient care. It is a way to promote patient care and allow patients to share important health information with their providers and vice versa (Snyder et al., 2011). During the current pandemic informatic lead virtual healthcare has become invaluable with the use of telemedicine. Telemedicine allows clinicians to perform evaluations, consultations, and diagnosis remotely (Nagle et al., 2017). Informatics has allowed healthcare to continue to grow and evolve to reach more patients and provide more complete patient care The Application of Data to Problem-Solving Essay.

I work in an outpatient pain management clinic and there are times our patients come in for a steroid injection while they have an active infection or after recently receiving a steroid shot or dose pack from another provider. This causes us to have to cancel the patient’s procedure and reschedule them. If the patient could go online and fill out a preprocedural survey prior to coming into the clinic the nurse could then review their submission and make a clinical decision on whether the patient is appropriate for injection at that time. We would then be able to avoid leaving gaps in our schedule which in turn would allow for a smoother flow through our office. According to Julie Sweeney when referring to such systems, “it is important to not only consider the technology at hand but also the workflow and the data collection process” (Sweeney, 2017). In a clinic such as ours there are times when patients must wait weeks for a procedure, so any gaps left in the schedule is a missed opportunity to provide treatment. The use of informatics as described above would allow for better patient care in the clinical setting.


Nagle, L. M., Sermeus, W., & Junger, A. Evolving Role of the Nursing Informatics Specialist The Application of Data to Problem-Solving Essay. Forecasting Informatics Competencies for Nurses in the Future of Connected Health, 212–221.

Sweeney, J. (2017). Healthcare Informatics. Online Journal of Nursing Informatics, 21(1).

Snyder, C. F., Wu, A. W., Miller, R. S., Jensen, R. E., Bantug, E. T., & Wolff, A. C. (2011). The role of informatics in promoting patient-centered care. Cancer journal (Sudbury, Mass.).

By Day 6 of Week 1

Respond to at least two of your colleagues* on two different days, asking questions to help clarify the scenario and application of data, or offering additional/alternative ideas for the application of nursing informatics principles.

*Note: Throughout this program, your fellow students are referred to as colleagues.

Thank you for your post. “Healthcare Information Technology (HIT) applications such as Electronic Medical Records, Electronic Health Records, Telemedicine, and Mobile Health have tremendous potentials to overcome some of critical issues plaguing healthcare”(Kumar, Singh, Chandwani, & Gupta 2020 p.1). I think you brought up some great points about completing questionnaires online to avoid a delay in care.  Many doctors’ offices give the patients the option to complete their paperwork online prior to appointments prevent long wait times and delays in care. I have found that some health care workers are opposed to the changes in technology The Application of Data to Problem-Solving Essay. “Healthcare research continuously produces new and innovative findings but there is evidence that these improvements are often forgotten, changed or replaced in practice long before they can reach wider populations”(Lennox, Linwood, Maher & Reed, 2020 p.2). Being able to adapt to the changes in technology and healthcare is vital to providing quality healthcare. In the midst of the pandemic it is especially important to provide quality, efficient healthcare. Great work on your post!


Kumar, M., Singh, J. B., Chandwani, R., & Gupta, A. (2020). “Context” in healthcare information technology resistance: A systematic review of extant literature and agenda for future research. International Journal of Information Management51.

L. Lennox, A. Linwood-Amor, L. Maher, & J. Reed. (2020). Making change last? Exploring the value of sustainability approaches in healthcare: a scoping review. Health Research Policy and Systems18(1), 1–24.

response 2

Thank you for your post, Emily. I also found telemedicine to be a useful tool in the arsenal of medical technology. Patients are becoming more involved in their

own healthcare The Application of Data to Problem-Solving Essay. Informatics applications allow patients to play a pivotal role in their healthcare by providing data that will direct their primary care provider

(PCP) to prescribe the appropriate treatment or further diagnostic study. As you have discussed, if the patients were able to electronically convey preprocedural

information, a gamut of lost productivity could be avoided. Such feedback of data is considered “information science” (Mastrian & McGonigle, 2017). This overall information grouping prioritizes the larger issue, rather than individual pieces of technology. It is primarily concerned with the Input, processing, output, and feedback of data and information through technology integration with a focus on comprehending the perspective of the stakeholders involved (Mastrian &


McGonigle, 2017). Ensuring the public trusts the systems in place which provide multidisciplinary safe and effective healthcare is of paramount importance. The Application of Data to Problem-Solving Essay. This is necessary to maintain participation of the patient (Sweeney, 2017).


Mastrian, K., & McGonigle, D. (2017). Nursing science and the foundation of knowledge. In Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge

           (4th ed., pp. 7–19). Jones & Bartlett Learning.


Sweeney, J. (2017). Healthcare informatics. Online Journal of Nursing Informatics (OJNI)21(1) The Application of Data to Problem-Solving Essay.

Discussion: Interaction Between Nurse Informaticists and Other Specialists Essay

Discussion: Interaction Between Nurse Informaticists and Other Specialists Essay

Nature offers many examples of specialization and collaboration. Ant colonies and bee hives are but two examples of nature’s sophisticated organizations. Each thrives because their members specialize by tasks, divide labor, and collaborate to ensure food, safety, and general well-being of the colony or hive.

Of course, humans don’t fare too badly in this regard either. And healthcare is a great example. As specialists in the collection, access, and application of data, nurse informaticists collaborate with specialists on a regular basis to ensure that appropriate data is available to make decisions and take actions to ensure the general well-being of patients.

In this Discussion, you will reflect on your own observations of and/or experiences with informaticist collaboration. You will also propose strategies for how these collaborative experiences might be improved Discussion: Interaction Between Nurse Informaticists and Other Specialists Essay.


To Prepare:

  • Review the Resources and reflect on the evolution of nursing informatics from a science to a nursing specialty.
  • Consider your experiences with nurse Informaticists or technology specialists within your healthcare organization.

By Day 3 of Week 3

Post a description of experiences or observations about how nurse informaticists and/or data or technology specialists interact with other professionals within your healthcare organization. Suggest at least one strategy on how these interactions might be improved. Be specific and provide examples. Then, explain the impact you believe the continued evolution of nursing informatics as a specialty and/or the continued emergence of new technologies might have on professional interactions Discussion: Interaction Between Nurse Informaticists and Other Specialists Essay.

Nurse informaticists interact with other healthcare professionals daily to ensure easy and efficient collection and dissemination of information relating to clinical decisions, patient health records, and organizational operations. Additionally, they are a significant factor in facilitating consistency in the provision of safe, quality care (Ball, 2005). Knowledge management systems combine knowledge needs, the basis of knowledge, and decision support systems that inform decision-making (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2017). Nurse informaticists play an integral role in effective knowledge management and transfer in healthcare systems by forming informatics tools and systems that facilitate new knowledge creation and sharing within interdisciplinary teams (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2017). The nurse informaticists translate between data languages, between different systems, and interdisciplinary staff, thereby enabling communication between systems and different health professionals (Public Health Informatics Institute, 2017). Discussion: Interaction Between Nurse Informaticists and Other Specialists Essay

One strategy to improve this interaction is through conducting research to enhance nursing informatics. There are opportunities for mining of various data in the electronic health records (EHR) to detect trends and patterns. Algorithms have been designed and utilized to mine EHRs for significant adverse events such as catheter-associated bloodstream infections, cases of pneumonia acquired in hospitals, and patient falls (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2017). To increase AE detection accuracy, comprehensive programmed algorithms to identify AE, which incorporate information from all clinical data sources, must be designed (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2017) Discussion: Interaction Between Nurse Informaticists and Other Specialists Essay.

The continuing growth and emergence of new technology and nursing informatics tools have tremendous implications for professional interactions. The use of technology increases the quality and efficiency of providing health services to patients (Ball, 2005). Healthcare information systems are used to coordinate all activities in a healthcare system at the management level. Additionally, information acquisition is simpler and more convenient, time is saved for patients when seeking medical assistance, workflow is improved, and treatment decisions can be made quickly (Ball, 2005). The application of technologies in managing health information has generally enhanced patient safety (Ball, 2005). The failures and inefficiencies in healthcare provision are easily identified when the administration and interdisciplinary professionals can access current, accurate, and relevant information from information management systems. (Ash et al., 2004). Technology and EHRs that support inter-professional communication enhance collaboration and improve patient outcomes (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2017) Discussion: Interaction Between Nurse Informaticists and Other Specialists Essay.


Ash, J. S., Berg, M., & Coiera, E. (2004). Some unintended consequences of information technology in health care: the nature of patient care information system-related errors. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 11(2), 104-112.

Ball, M. J. (2005). Nursing Informatics of tomorrow. Healthcare Informatics Online, 2(5). Retrieved from

McGonigle, D., & Mastrian, K. G. (2017). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge (4th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning

Public Health Informatics Institute. (2017). Public Health Informatics: “translating” knowledge for health [Video file]. Retrieved from

By Day 6 of Week 3

Respond to at least two of your colleagues* on two different days, offering one or more additional interaction strategies in support of the examples/observations shared or by offering further insight to the thoughts shared about the future of these interactions Discussion: Interaction Between Nurse Informaticists and Other Specialists Essay.

You made some interesting points about electronic health records(EHR) being able to detect trends and patterns. By detecting these trends, it would help significantly in helping with consistency to provide safe care to patients. I work on a med-surg floor and see a lot of readmissions. To prevent readmissions, nurses rely on technology to keep everything efficient and organized. Nurse informaticists play a massive role in evolving technology (Laureate Education, 2018). As a nurse, this is one of the reasons why interacting with other professionals is important. Nurse informaticists communicate with other healthcare professionals by providing evidence-based clinical decisions ((McGonigle & Mastrian, 2017). It is essential for nurses to understand how technology relates to their patients and their care. Nursing informatics already plays a significant role and will play an even more prominent role in the future, benefiting a positive outcome.


Laureate Education (Producer). (2018). The Nurse Informaticist [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

McGonigle, D., & Mastrian, K. G. (2017). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge (4th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning Discussion: Interaction Between Nurse Informaticists and Other Specialists Essay.

sample post 2

The American Nurses Association defines nursing informatics as “the specialty that integrates nursing science with multiple information and analytical sciences to identify, define, manage and communicate data, information, knowledge, and wisdom in nursing practice” (as cited in HIMSS, 2019).  Nursing informatics (NI) is essential to nurses by enhancing their daily practice and ensuring they make sound, evidence-based clinical decisions (McGonigle, 2017).  NI uses modern technology to access data in all facets of the nursing profession, including daily care, administration, and learning and research. Using these newer technologies allows nurses to be more efficient and improves their patients’ outcomes (Darvish et al., 2014) Discussion: Interaction Between Nurse Informaticists and Other Specialists Essay.

Our floor nurses, such as myself, have no contact with facility informaticists or data/technology specialists in my current employment.  I am unaware of the location or contact methods to reach informatics teams for my facility.  We are directed to bring any issues to the nursing executive team. Modern technology is limited in the facility due to the closed and secure correctional environment in which I work.  However, there have been movements toward adopting an electronic health record (EHR) to replace the current paper charts that we continue to use.  Our facility approved the medical department’s use of a mobile hotspot device and Kindle tablet to do telehealth visits for offenders due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  In addition to those, we recently obtained a cell phone and a second tablet to use.

Management sent staff emails, which included basic directions on operating both the mobile hotspot and Kindle tablet along with how to use these devices to contact on-call mental health or medical providers after regular business hours.   Management later sent a second email giving further detailed and step-by-step instructions on using these devices after multiple questions arose regarding their instructions.  One of the issues staff has found with these devices is that the provider must be aware they will be receiving a Google Meet request via work email.  Unless providers have prior knowledge to access their email, they do not respond or join the requested Google Meet session.  There has been no instructional email providing directions on when or how to use the new cell phone and second tablet available for staff to use when necessary.  These types of training emails have always been the regular practice that is not due to the COVID-19 pandemic Discussion: Interaction Between Nurse Informaticists and Other Specialists Essay.

The electronic health record that our facility was planning to implement has been postponed indefinitely due to COVID-19. We are unable to ascertain when our statewide facilities will be able to adopt this new technology.  With the paper charts’ current use, patient information is sometimes difficult to find.  Sometimes, looking for the charts themselves is very time-consuming when some staff members do not replace them in the medical records room.  Patient information physically travels between facilities often leading to displaced information and damaged or lost charts.

A fully integrated EHR would be one way to improve communication and collaboration between all multidisciplinary health care team members, resulting in safer care and better outcomes for our patients.  Another benefit of an EHR in my facility would provide nursing staff quicker, more complete access to patient information.  More thorough instructions, including videos, would help my facility give more in-depth and necessary staff training instead of the current method of providing email directions that generally require clarifications for better explanations.  Another strategy to reduce frustration and stress is to have small guidance sessions to ensure all staff fully comprehend new procedures when implementing advanced technology Discussion: Interaction Between Nurse Informaticists and Other Specialists Essay.


Darvish, A., Bahramnezhad, F., Keyhanian, S., & Navidhamidi, M. (2014). The role of nursing informatics on promoting quality of health care and the need for appropriate education. Global journal of health science. 6(6). 11–18.

Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society, Inc. (HIMSS). (2019). What is nursing informatics? Retrieved from

McGonigle, D., & Mastianm, K. (2017). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge (4th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning Discussion: Interaction Between Nurse Informaticists and Other Specialists Essay.


sample response

Thank you for your post.  I enjoyed reading it.  You are in a challenging situation during this pandemic when technology seems to be rising to its fullest capabilities, but close contact education is struggling.  According to Francis (2017), nurses who do not have the technology to incorporate nursing informatics can not be impacted by its capabilities, nor can patient’s health care be optimized.

We were about ready to switch over to a new EHR program until COVID-19 came along.  That was delayed until our facility’s chief surgeon decided to omit the new program and remain with our current program.  Tyler (2020) included that having a clearly defined process, and an easy-to-understand technology remains simple for a management crisis.  I found this acceptable as switching to a different EHR could create frustration and stress among healthcare workers and compromise patient care during this pandemic.  In your situation, switching from paper to technology would be a whole new ball game.  Your efforts would not be directed towards patient care; instead, it would help learn and implement new technology.  However, introducing the mobile hotspots and tablets for virtual appointments is the first step towards introducing nursing informatics Discussion: Interaction Between Nurse Informaticists and Other Specialists Essay.

Kaminski (2015) states that more universities and colleges incorporate nurse informatics into their education to help prepare nurses since some facilities are still lacking technology use.  By doing this, students will know the importance of nursing informatics and help inspire informatics into their careers.  It will prevent being blind-sighted with technology.

This may help you approach a new strategy once the pandemic is over.  You may be enticed to approach the nurse executive team about a time frame for introducing the new EHR system.  Sometimes a crisis can delay the process, and time is often neglected.  Gather information and facts on the use of paper charts versus electronic.  It is putting your case together to help make that change and be a part of a better change.  If interested, it would be beneficial to be on the nurse executive team.  I do not know what your interests are for that Discussion: Interaction Between Nurse Informaticists and Other Specialists Essay.


Francis, I. (2017). Nursing informatics and the metaparadigms of nursing. On-Line Journal of Nursing Informatics, 21(1), 1-6.

Kaminski, J. (2015). Why every nurse needs nursing informatics courses. Canadian Journal of Nursing Informatics, 10(3). Discussion: Interaction Between Nurse Informaticists and Other Specialists Essay

NURS 6501: Advanced Pathophysiology Discussion: Alterations in Cellular Processes

NURS 6501: Advanced Pathophysiology Discussion: Alterations in Cellular Processes

NURS 6501: Advanced Pathophysiology Discussion: Alterations in Cellular Processes

Case Study Scenario 2: Cystic Fibrosis

A mother brings her 6-month-old daughter to the HCP for evaluation of possible colic. The mother says the baby has had many episodes of crying after eating and, despite having a good appetite, is not gaining weight. The mother says the baby’s belly “gets all swollen sometimes.” The mother says the baby tastes “salty” when the mother kisses the baby. Further work-up reveals a diagnosis of cystic fibrosis. The mother relates that her 23-month-old son has had multiple episodes of “chest congestion” and was hospitalized once for pneumonia. The mother wants to know what cystic fibrosis is and she also wants to know if she should have any more children NURS 6501: Advanced Pathophysiology Discussion: Alterations in Cellular Processes.


Cystic fibrosis is an autosomal recessive inherited disease. According to McCance & Huether (2019), approximately 1 in 25 whites carry one copy of an allele that can cause cystic fibrosis. Because an individual must be homozygous for a recessive allele to express the disease, the carriers are phenotypically normal (p. 151). The cystic fibrosis gene is located on chromosome 7. More than 2000 different variants of this gene are known to produce cystic fibrosis. The cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator gene mutation results in the abnormal expression of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator protein (McCance & Huether 2019, p.1220). Cystic fibrosis newborn screening is the optimal method to diagnose the disease during the asymptomatic period. The early diagnosis is associated with improved physical development and slower lung deterioration due to the lower frequency of infections (Olszowiec-Chlebna et al., 2021).

In this scenario, the mother believes the baby may be suffering from colic due to crying after eating. With cystic fibrosis presentation of oily-looking stool and abdominal distention are early stages of the disease. According to McCance & Huether (2019), 85% of individuals with cystic fibrosis, present early in life with pancreatic insufficiencies, which causes nutrient malabsorption and failure to thrive in children (p. 1380) NURS 6501: Advanced Pathophysiology Discussion: Alterations in Cellular Processes.

The mother makes a comment to the doctor that the baby tasted salty when kissed. This happens due to the dysfunction of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator protein results in altered sodium, chloride, and potassium reabsorption, all of which remain external to the surface of the epithelium membrane with reduced clearance from tubule structures lined by affected epithelia (McCance & Huether, 2019, p. 1380).

This deficiency in chloride ions leads to a salt imbalance that results in secretions of abnormally thick, dehydrated mucus. Some of the digestive organs, particularly the pancreas, becomes obstructed, causing malnutrition, and the lungs become clogged with mucus, making them highly susceptible to bacterial infections, especially Pseudomonas (McCance & Huether, 2019, p. 151). The typical features of cystic fibrosis lung disease are mucus plugging, chronic inflammation, and chronic infection of the small airways (McCance & Huether, 2019, p. 151).

Clinical manifestations involve the respiratory and gastrointestinal systems. Respiratory symptoms include persistent cough or wheeze, excessive sputum production, and recurrent or severe pneumonia. Digital clubbing may appear in the early stages; in the latent stage development of the barrel chest, or persistent crackles occur (McCance & Huether, 2019, p. 1221). Approximately 8% of CF patients will present with haemoptysis during a pulmonary exacerbation, and it is speculated that 1 in 100 CF patients will have a massive haemoptysis episode each year, with an associated two‐year mortality risk ranging from 5.8% to 16% (Gavioli & Aung, 2020) NURS 6501: Advanced Pathophysiology Discussion: Alterations in Cellular Processes.


Gavioli, E., & Aung, C. C. (2020). Haemoptysis management in cystic fibrosis: A case report and treatment pathway. Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics, 45(4), 845-847. http://doi:10.1111/jcpt.13179

McCance, K. L., & Huether, S. E. (2019). Pathophysiology: The biologic basis for disease in adults and children. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Mosby.

Olszowiec-Chlebna, M., Mospinek, E., & Jerzynska, J. (2021). Impact of newborn screening for cystic fibrosis on clinical outcomes of pediatric patients: 10 years’ experience in Lodz Voivodship. Italian Journal of Pediatrics, 47(1). http://doi:10.1186/s13052-021-01040-5

Week 1: Cellular Processes and the Genetic Environment

One of the more common biology analogies refers to cells as the “building blocks” of life. This rightfully places an emphasis on understanding cells, cellular behavior, and the impact of the environment in which they function.

Such an understanding helps explain how healthy cell activity contributes to good health. Just as importantly, it helps explain how breakdowns in cellular behavior and alterations to cells lead to health issues.

This week, you examine cellular processes that are subject to alterations that can lead to disease. You evaluate the genetic environments within which these processes exist as well as the impact these environments have on disease NURS 6501: Advanced Pathophysiology Discussion: Alterations in Cellular Processes.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

  • Evaluate cellular processes and alterations within cellular processes
  • Evaluate the impact of the genetic environment on disease
  • Learning Resources
Required Readings (click to expand/reduce)
Required Media (click to expand/reduce)

Discussion: Alterations in Cellular Processes

Photo Credit: Getty Images

At its core, pathology is the study of disease. Diseases occur for many reasons. But some, such as cystic fibrosis and Parkinson’s Disease, occur because of alterations that prevent cells from functioning normally.

Understanding of signals and symptoms of alterations in cellular processes is a critical step in diagnosis and treatment of many diseases. For the Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN), this understanding can also help educate patients and guide them through their treatment plans.

For this Discussion, you examine a case study and explain the disease that is suggested. You examine the symptoms reported and explain the cells that are involved and potential alterations and impacts.

To prepare:

  • By Day 1 of this week, you will be assigned to a specific scenario for this Discussion. Please see the “Course Announcements” section of the classroom for your assignment from your Instructor. NURS 6501: Advanced Pathophysiology Discussion: Alterations in Cellular Processes
By Day 3 of Week 1

Post an explanation of the disease highlighted in the scenario you were provided. Include the following in your explanation:

  • The role genetics plays in the disease.
  • Why the patient is presenting with the specific symptoms described.
  • The physiologic response to the stimulus presented in the scenario and why you think this response occurred.
  • The cells that are involved in this process.
  • How another characteristic (e.g., gender, genetics) would change your response NURS 6501: Advanced Pathophysiology Discussion: Alterations in Cellular Processes.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses.

By Day 6 of Week 1

Respond to at least two of your colleagues on 2 different days and respectfully agree or disagree with your colleague’s assessment and explain your reasoning. In your explanation, include why their explanations make physiological sense or why they do not

Note: For this Discussion, you are required to complete your initial post before you will be able to view and respond to your colleagues’ postings. Begin by clicking on the “Post to Discussion Question” link and then select “Create Thread” to complete your initial post. Remember, once you click on Submit, you cannot delete or edit your own posts, and you cannot post anonymously. Please check your post carefully before clicking on Submit!

Submission and Grading Information

Grading Criteria

To access your rubric:

Week 1 Discussion Rubric

Post by Day 3 of Week 1 and Respond by Day 6 of Week 1

To Participate in this Discussion:

Week 1 Discussion


Practicum Manual Acknowledgment

The Practicum Manual describes the structure and timing of the classroom-based and practicum experiences and the policies students must follow to be successful in the nurse practitioner (NP) specialties.

Click here and follow the instructions to confirm you have downloaded and read the entire MSN Nurse Practitioner Practicum Manual and will abide by the requirements described in order to successfully complete this program.

What’s Coming Up in Week 2?

Photo Credit: [BrianAJackson]/[iStock / Getty Images Plus]/Getty Images

Next week, you will examine alterations in the immune system and the resultant disease processes. You will also consider patient characteristics, including racial and ethnic variables, that may impact altered physiology NURS 6501: Advanced Pathophysiology Discussion: Alterations in Cellular Processes.

Practicum – Upcoming Deadline

In the Nurse Practitioner programs of study (FNP, AGACNP, AGPCNP, and PMHNP) you are required to take several practicum courses. If you plan on taking a practicum course within the next two terms, you will need to submit your application via Meditrek .

For information on the practicum application process and deadlines, please visit the Field Experience: College of Nursing: Application Process – Graduate web page.

Please take the time to review the Appropriate Preceptors and Field Sites for your courses.

Please take the time to review the practicum manuals, FAQs, Webinars and any required forms on the Field Experience: College of Nursing: Student Resources and Manuals web page.

Next Week

I really enjoyed reading your post.  I always found it interesting how one of the findings with CF is a “salty” taste which causes “high

levels of salt in the sweat of patients with cystic fibrosis suggested an abnormality in electrolyte transport from the sweat gland” (Yu, 2021).

I had a coworker who had given birth many years ago long before I became a nurse.  and I remember her telling me her daughter had a

salty taste when she kissed her little girl.  I many years later learned that the little girl had be diagnosed with CF.  Many years ago, before

there was ample research like we have now, the life span of an individual with CF was not ling at all.  Now, with all the

technology  and  research, a person living with CF is expected to live approximately 40 years (Naehrig & Naehrlich, 2017) which still is

terribly young for anyone to lose their life, however,  for this disease is quite an accomplishment from many years ago.

Great post and fanrastic information.  I truly hope at some point research can find a cure for this awful disease.  My son has a

classmate, 14 year old wonderful girl who suffers from this disease.  Her PFT’s are always at a great percentage.  Every now and then she

has to be hospitalized for treatment when she is ill.  She is very active with sports and overall, she has a wonderful happy and active life. NURS 6501: Advanced Pathophysiology Discussion: Alterations in Cellular Processes


Melissa Fary


Naehrig, S., Chao, C. M., & Naehrlich, L. (2017). Cystic Fibrosis. Deutsches Arzteblatt international114(33-34), 564–

Yu E, Sharma S. Cystic Fibrosis. [Updated 2021 Aug 11]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island

(FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2021 Jan-. Available from:       

response 2

Your post on cystic fibrosis is very informative. Cystic fibrosis is an inherited disease that causes severe injury to the lungs, digestive system, and other organs in the body. According to the May Clinic, the thick and sticky mucus associated with CF clogs the tubes that carry air in and out of your lungs which can cause signs and symptoms such as; persistent cough, wheezing, repeated lung infection, exercise intolerance, and sinusitis. Also, the thick mucus can block tubes that carry digestive enzymes from the pancreas to your small intestine. Without these digestive enzymes, the intestines can’t completely absorb the nutrients in the food one eats which can cause signs and symptoms such as; foul-smelling greasy stools, poor weight gain, intestinal blockage, and chronic or severe constipation (Mayo Clinic, 2020). In the scenario, the mother would like information about CF and if she should have another child. A child will be born with CF only if they inherit one CF gene from each parent. A parent can be a CF carrier, and pass the CF gene on to their child. Once parents have had a child with CF, they have a 1 in 4 chance that each additional child will be born with CF. This means there is a 3 out of 4 chance that additional children won’t have CF. But these children may be carriers of the CF gene (Stanford Children’s Hospital, n.d.) NURS 6501: Advanced Pathophysiology Discussion: Alterations in Cellular Processes.  Great post!


Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. (2020, March 14). Cystic fibrosis. Mayo Clinic.

The Cystic Fibrosis Center at Stanford. (n.d.). Genetics and CF. The Cystic Fibrosis Center at Stanford. NURS 6501: Advanced Pathophysiology Discussion: Alterations in Cellular Processes.

NURS 6501 necrotic tissue Essay – Alterations in Cellular Processes Discussion

NURS 6501 necrotic tissue Essay – Alterations in Cellular Processes Discussion

Advanced Pathophysiology Week 1 Initial Post

Scenario 4

A 27-year-old patient with a history of substance abuse is found unresponsive by emergency medical services (EMS) after being called by the patient’s roommate. The roommate states that he does not know how long the patient had been lying there. Patient received naloxone in the field and has become responsive. He complains of burning pain over his left hip and forearm. Evaluation in the ED revealed a large amount of necrotic tissue over the greater trochanter as well as the forearm. EKG demonstrated prolonged PR interval and peaked T waves. Serum potassium level 6.9 mEq/L  NURS 6501 necrotic tissue Essay – Alterations in Cellular Processes Discussion.


Why is the patient presenting with these symptoms?

The patient was unresponsive due to an overdose. Narcan, an opioid antagonist used to reverse the actions of opioid overdose, was given in the field. Opioids are known for depressing the respiratory system thus leading to respiratory failure or distress. The patient mos t likely experienced respiratory failure and passed out (McCane & Huether, 2019). The necrotic tissue is most likely the result of a fall after passing out and could represent cellular damage and perhaps even a broken bone. Necrosis might also represent damage from lying or an undetermined amount of time in one position, in this case, the left hip and forearm (McCance & Huether, 2019). Necrosis is tissue death caused by lack of blood and oxygen and can be caused through or because of Rhabdomyolysis (Cabral, Edding, Portacarrero, & Lerma, 2020). This could have also caused the high level of potassium (Chatzizisis, Misirli, Hatzitolios, & Giannoglou, 2020). This release of potassium could also be what is causing the prolonged PR interval and peaked T-waves (Weiss, Qu, & Shivkumar, 2017). NURS 6501 necrotic tissue Essay – Alterations in Cellular Processes Discussion

How would gender or genetics change your answer?

In this case, gender would not play a significant role. The clinical presentation of drug overdose in male versus female are not greatly different as shown in the study by (Syse, et al., 2019). Age would play a difference only in that it usually takes less of a drug taken by mouth to cause an overdose in polder adults due to decreased metabolism and excretion (Vu, Beselman, Monolakis, Wag, & Rastegar, 2018). The mentioned study also points out that people with heart conditions or COPD are also at greater risk of opioid overdose. NURS 6501 necrotic tissue Essay – Alterations in Cellular Processes Discussion


Cabral, B., Edding, S., Portacarrero, J., & Lerma, E. (2020). Rhabdomyolysis. Disease a Month, 66.

Chatzizisis, Y., Misirli, G., Hatzitolios, A., & Giannoglou, G. (2020). The syndrome of rhabdomyolysis: Complications and treatment. European Jourmal of Inernal Medicine, 568-574.

McCance, K., & Huether, S. (2019). Pathophysiology the biologic basis for disease in adults and children. St Louis, MO: Elsevier.

Syse, V., Brekke, M., Grimsrud, M., Persett, P., Heyerdahl, .., Hovda, K., & Vallersnes, O. (2019). Gender differences in acute recreational drug toxicity: a case series from Oslo, Norway. BMC Emergency Medicine, 29.

Vu, Q., Beselman, A., Monolakis, J., Wag, A., & Rastegar, D. (2018). Risk factors for opioid overdose among hospitalized patients. Journal of Clinical Pharmacy & Therapeutics, 784-789.

Weiss, J., Qu, H., & Shivkumar, K. (2017). Electrophysiology of Hypokalemia and Hyperkalemia. Circulation: Arrhythmia & Electrophysiology, 1-10 NURS 6501 necrotic tissue Essay – Alterations in Cellular Processes Discussion.

response 1

Hi Margaret. The scenario assigned to you gave me an interest. I had a patient last month with necrotic tissue on her right arm due to substance abuse. I was fascinated with your post, and I did some readings that I would like to share.

According to Ciccarone, Unick, Cohen, Mars, Rosenblum, abscesses, cellulitis, and injection-related wounds are highly prevalent among persons who inject drugs, likely due to repeated injection into the same anatomical site, resulting in venous and other tissue trauma (Ciccarone, et al. ,2016). Moreover, injections in a nonsterile environment and practices such as reusing needles or sharing used equipment facilitate local soft-tissue bacterial inoculation, with subsequent risk of serious complications such as sepsis, gangrene, amputation, and death. (Smith, Robinowitz, Chaulk, Johnson, 2015). NURS 6501 necrotic tissue Essay – Alterations in Cellular Processes Discussion

In addition, frequency of injection has a direct relationship with infection risk as well. Type of drug injected also affects the risk of skin soft tissue infections, with heroin and speedball (combined heroin and cocaine) posing a greater risk of infection and methamphetamines decreasing this risk. (Brown & Ebright, 2002). Also, Black tar heroin has specifically been associated with higher rates of skin infections (Phillips & Stein, 2010) NURS 6501 necrotic tissue Essay – Alterations in Cellular Processes Discussion.

With these learnings, I am cautious with my patients who are being discharged to take out their IV access before endorsing transport services. This instance can prevent our in-hospitalized patient to use the IV access for illicit drug use just in case.



Brown PD, Ebright JR. (2002). Skin And Soft Tissue Infections in Injection Drug Users. Retrieved from

Ciccarone D, Unick GJ, Cohen JK, Mars SG, Rosenblum D. (2016). Nationwide Increase in Hospitalizations for Heroin-related Soft Tissue Infections: Associations with Structural Market Conditions. Retrieved from

Phillips KT, Stein MD. (2010). Risk Practices Associated with Bacterial Infections Among Injection Drug Users in Denver, Colorado. Retrieved from

Smith ME, Robinowitz N, Chaulk P, Johnson KE. (2015). High Rates of Abscesses and Chronic Wounds in Community-Recruited Injection Drug Users and Associated Risk Factors. Retrieved from NURS 6501 necrotic tissue Essay – Alterations in Cellular Processes Discussion.

Sample response 2

Great post. Overdoses are becoming more common and Narcan is one of those drugs we always keep handy especially in the hospital setting. Naloxone reverses opiate-related cases in and out the hospital without the addictive effects (Wojcicki, 2019). In most opiate OD cases it most time not intentional. Depending on the drug of choice the symptoms vary, but eventually respiratory distress begins, and the users is not far from becoming unresponsive, like the patient was in the scenario. An opioid overdose is caused by the overly excessive stimulation of the opiate pathways leading to respiratory issues and maybe even death (Schiller, 2021). I agree that your patient may have lost consciousness and fell to the ground on that necrotic side and may have possible broken something causing another systemic response. Gender wouldn’t affect the results. Whether male or female, an overdose with pretty much affect everyone the same way but in different rates. NURS 6501 necrotic tissue Essay – Alterations in Cellular Processes Discussion

Schiller, E. Y. (2021, July 18). Opioid overdose. StatPearls [Internet].

Wojcicki, J. M. (2019). Dying alone: the sad irrelevance of naloxone in the context of solitary opiate use. Addiction (Abingdon, England)114(3), 574–575. NURS 6501 necrotic tissue Essay – Alterations in Cellular Processes Discussion

Discussion: Alterations in Cellular Processes

Photo Credit: Getty Images

At its core, pathology is the study of disease. Diseases occur for many reasons. But some, such as cystic fibrosis and Parkinson’s Disease, occur because of alterations that prevent cells from functioning normally.

Understanding of signals and symptoms of alterations in cellular processes is a critical step in diagnosis and treatment of many diseases. For the Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN), this understanding can also help educate patients and guide them through their treatment plans.

For this Discussion, you examine a case study and explain the disease that is suggested. You examine the symptoms reported and explain the cells that are involved and potential alterations and impacts.

To prepare:

  • By Day 1 of this week, you will be assigned to a specific scenario for this Discussion. Please see the “Course Announcements” section of the classroom for your assignment from your Instructor NURS 6501 necrotic tissue Essay – Alterations in Cellular Processes Discussion.
By Day 3 of Week 1

Post an explanation of the disease highlighted in the scenario you were provided. Include the following in your explanation:

  • The role genetics plays in the disease.
  • Why the patient is presenting with the specific symptoms described.
  • The physiologic response to the stimulus presented in the scenario and why you think this response occurred.
  • The cells that are involved in this process.
  • How another characteristic (e.g., gender, genetics) would change your response. NURS 6501 necrotic tissue Essay – Alterations in Cellular Processes Discussion

Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses.

By Day 6 of Week 1

Respond to at least two of your colleagues on 2 different days and respectfully agree or disagree with your colleague’s assessment and explain your reasoning. In your explanation, include why their explanations make physiological sense or why they do not

Note: For this Discussion, you are required to complete your initial post before you will be able to view and respond to your colleagues’ postings. Begin by clicking on the “Post to Discussion Question” link and then select “Create Thread” to complete your initial post. Remember, once you click on Submit, you cannot delete or edit your own posts, and you cannot post anonymously. Please check your post carefully before clicking on Submit! NURS 6501 necrotic tissue Essay – Alterations in Cellular Processes Discussion

Discussion: Alterations in Cellular Processes

Discussion: Alterations in Cellular Processes

At its core, pathology is the study of disease. Diseases occur for many reasons. But some, such as cystic fibrosis and Parkinson’s Disease, occur because of alterations that prevent cells from functioning normally.

Understanding of signals and symptoms of alterations in cellular processes is a critical step in diagnosis and treatment of many diseases. For the Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN), this understanding can also help educate patients and guide them through their treatment plans.

For this Discussion, you examine a case study and explain the disease that is suggested. You examine the symptoms reported and explain the cells that are involved and potential alterations and impacts.

To prepare:

  • By Day 1 of this week, you will be assigned to a specific scenario for this Discussion. Please see the “Course Announcements” section of the classroom for your assignment from your Instructor. Discussion: Alterations in Cellular Processes


By Day 3 of Week 1

Post an explanation of the disease highlighted in the scenario you were provided. Include the following in your explanation:

  • The role genetics plays in the disease.
  • Why the patient is presenting with the specific symptoms described.
  • The physiologic response to the stimulus presented in the scenario and why you think this response occurred.
  • The cells that are involved in this process.
  • How another characteristic (e.g., gender, genetics) would change your response.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses.

Genetic factors play two roles in this case first, as you have mentioned, genetics play a role in the recurrent  infection, especially in cases where genetics contributes to reduced immunity or allergies (Loh et al., 2017). It is also important to appreciate the role of genetics when it comes to triggering the hypersensitivity to amoxicillin.  It is likely that a mutation  in the patient’s HLA-B*55:01 has contributed to the development of mild forms of penicillin allergies in the patient (Krebs et al., 2020). This calls for extricate investigation in order to find an antibiotic that will not trigger anaphylaxis in the patient and thus guarantees positive outcomes in the patient Discussion: Alterations in Cellular Processes.


Krebs, K., Bovijn, J., Zheng, N., Lepamets, M., Censin, J. C., Jürgenson, T., … & Fadista, J. (2020). Genome-wide study identifies association between HLA-B∗ 55: 01 and self-reported penicillin allergy. The American Journal of Human Genetics, 107(4), 612-621.

Loh, J. M., Lorenz, N., Tsai, C. J. Y., Khemlani, A. H. J., & Proft, T. (2017). Mucosal vaccination with pili from Group A Streptococcus expressed on Lactococcus lactis generates protective immune responses. Scientific reports, 7(1), 1-9 Discussion: Alterations in Cellular Processes.

Gout Essay- NURS 6501 Case Study Analysis

Gout Essay- NURS 6501 Case Study Analysis

Gout Essay- NURS 6501 Case Study Analysis


Gout is a form of arthritis characterized by severe pain and tenderness in the joints (Singh & Cleveland, 2018). Unlike other diseases, gout results from a combination of factors such as demographic factors of an individual to underlined health conditions, medications, and diet. It is therefore a condition that needs to be prevented by observing both social and lifestyle practices that promotes health and wellbeing.


The symptoms presented by the patient result from gout. Gout comes about as a result of the accumulation of urate crystals in an individual’s joint resulting in inflammation and severe pain in the joins. Urate crystals develop when an individual has excess uric acid in the blood, which then builds up in the joints hence causing pain (Burke, Kottgen, & McAdams-DeMarco, 2019). From the case study, the patient has excess uric acid meaning that he is likely suffering from gout Gout Essay- NURS 6501 Case Study Analysis. Moreover, urate crystals can come about when a human kidney fails to excrete enough urate. If any of the two processes take place, then an individual is likely to develop gout. As presented in the case, gout majorly targets the big toe but can develop in any other joint such as the ankles, elbows, fingers, and knees. The pain develops fast and would be severe within 12 hours after the time it begins.

Gout affects an individual’s physical function, productivity, and even health-related quality of life (McCance, Huether, Brashers, & Rote, 2019). For instance, the severe pain in the joints affects mobility and can also interfere with other body functions such as resulting in headaches.  It also results in increased healthcare costs, where an individual, especially the old has to constantly seek medical attention due to severe pain in the joints. When not controlled on time, gout can increase the severity of other health conditions Gout Essay- NURS 6501 Case Study Analysis.

The gout problem is different among diverse demographics. The problem is more prevalent among men than women at an early age. However, in older ages the gender variations and risk of gout reduces. In terms of race and ethnicity, blacks have a high chance of suffering from gout than whites (McCance, Huether, Brashers, & Rote, 2019). Additionally, research reveals that blacks and other ethnic minorities are not well exposed to quality healthcare than the white majority hence resulting in disproportionate morbidity.

There are various processes or risk factors that result in gout. The major risk factor is medical conditions. Here, individuals with certain health conditions like diabetes, kidney problems, Type II diabetes, Hypertension, Obesity, heart problems, and high blood pressure can easily develop gout (Choi, Karlson, & Curhan, 2020). These conditions affect the way the kidney excretes uric acid or how uric acid is absorbed in the blood hence resulting in excess of the acid in the blood which is later transported into the joints Gout Essay- NURS 6501 Case Study Analysis. The specific type of medical prescription might also increase the chance of being diagnosed with gout. For instance, some medications like thiazide diuretics for treating hypertension trigger the increase of uric acid in the human blood. When such medications are used without proper control, they might result in gout development. The age and sexual orientation of an individual have an impact on gout conditions. In most cases, gout is prevalent among men than women since women naturally have lower uric acid in their bodies. However, this changes after menopause, where the women uric acid levels are almost equal to that of men resulting from decreased levels of estrogen, and hence they have an almost equal risk of developing gout. Generally, gout affects older individuals of more than 50 years of age due to lower rates of excretion of urate in the kidney. Diet also affects the risk of being diagnosed with gout. Food rich in meat, fruit sugar, and seafood have a lot of uric acids which in turn increase their levels in the body (Choi, Karlson, & Curhan, 2020). Moreover, an individual whose family history presents persistent cases of gout has a higher possibility of developing the disease Gout Essay- NURS 6501 Case Study Analysis.

In conclusion, gout conditions can result from different factors such as age, gender, medical conditions and interventions, and dietary patterns. The combination of these factors increases the risk of getting the disease, meaning that individuals should be careful about their lifestyle practices as a sure way of controlling gout. Gout Essay- NURS 6501 Case Study Analysis



Burke, B., Kottgen, A., & McAdams-DeMarco, M. (2019). Gout in Older Adults:The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study. The Journals of Gerontology Serries A:Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 223-227.

Choi, H., Karlson, A., & Curhan, G. (2020). Obesity,weight change,hypertension,diuretic use,and risk of gout in men:the health professionals follow-up study. Arch Intern Med, 742-748.

McCance, K., Huether, S., Brashers, V., & Rote, N. (2019). Pathophysiology: The Biologic Basis for Disease in Adults and Children. New York: Elsevier.

Singh, J., & Cleveland, J. (2018). Gout and dementia in the elderly:a cohort study of medicare claims. BMC Geriatrics, 12-16 Gout Essay- NURS 6501 Case Study Analysis.


Module 2 Assignment: Case Study Analysis

An understanding of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems is a critically important component of disease diagnosis and treatment. This importance is magnified by the fact that these two systems work so closely together. A variety of factors and circumstances that impact the emergence and severity of issues in one system can have a role in the performance of the other.

Effective disease analysis often requires an understanding that goes beyond these systems and their capacity to work together. The impact of patient characteristics, as well as racial and ethnic variables, can also have an important impact.

Photo Credit: yodiyim / Adobe Stock

An understanding of the symptoms of alterations in cardiovascular and respiratory systems is a critical step in diagnosis and treatment of many diseases. For APRNs this understanding can also help educate patients and guide them through their treatment plans. Gout Essay- NURS 6501 Case Study Analysis

In this Assignment, you examine a case study and analyze the symptoms presented. You identify the elements that may be factors in the diagnosis, and you explain the implications to patient health.

To prepare:

By Day 1 of this week, you will be assigned to a specific case study scenario for this Case Study Assignment. Please see the “Course Announcements” section of the classroom for your assignment from your Instructor Gout Essay- NURS 6501 Case Study Analysis.

Assignment (1- to 2-page case study analysis)

In your Case Study Analysis related to the scenario provided, explain the following

  • The cardiovascular and cardiopulmonary pathophysiologic processes that result in the patient presenting these symptoms.
  • Any racial/ethnic variables that may impact physiological functioning.
  • How these processes interact to affect the patient.

By Day 7 of Week 4

Submit your Case Study Analysis Assignment by Day 7 of Week 4

Reminder: The College of Nursing requires that all papers submitted include a title page, introduction, summary, and references. The sample paper provided at the Walden Writing Center provides an example of those required elements (available at All papers submitted must use this formatting Gout Essay- NURS 6501 Case Study Analysis.


Excellent Good Fair Poor
Develop a 1- to 2-page case study analysis, examing the patient symptoms presented in the case study. Be sure to address the following: 

Explain both the cardiovascular and cardiopulmonary pathophysiologic processes of why the patient presents these symptoms.

28 (28%) – 30 (30%)

The response accurately and thoroughly describes the patient symptoms.

The response includes accurate, clear, and detailed reasons, with explanation for both the cardiovascular and cardiopulmonary pathophysiologic processes supported by evidence and/or research, as appropriate, to support the explanation.

25 (25%) – 27 (27%)

The response describes the patient symptoms.

The response includes accurate reasons, with explanation for both the cardiovascular and cardiopulmonary pathophysiologic processes supported by evidence and/or research, as appropriate, to support the explanation.

23 (23%) – 24 (24%)

The response describes the patient symptoms in a manner that is vague or inaccurate.

The response includes reasons for the cardiovascular and/or cardiopulmonary pathophysiologic processes, with explanations that are vague or based on inappropriate evidence/research.

(0%) – 22 (22%)

The response describes the patient symptoms in a manner that is vague and inaccurate, or the description is missing.

The response does not include reasons for either the cardiovascular or cardiopulmonary pathophysiologic processes, or the explanations are vague or based on inappropriate or no evidence/research.

Explain how the cardiovascular and cardiopulmonary pathophysiologic processes interact to affect the patient.
28 (28%) – 30 (30%)
The response includes an accurate, complete, detailed, and specific explanation of how the cardiovascular and cardiopulmonary pathophysiologic processes interact to affect the patient.
25 (25%) – 27 (27%)
The response includes an accurate explanation of how the cardiovascular and cardiopulmonary pathophysiologic processes interact to affect the patient.
23 (23%) – 24 (24%)
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of how the cardiovascular and cardiopulmonary pathophysiologic processes interact to affect the patient.
(0%) – 22 (22%)
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of how the cardiovascular and cardiopulmonary pathophysiologic processes interact to affect the patient.
Explain any racial/ethnic variables that may impact physiological functioning.
23 (23%) – 25 (25%)
The response includes an accurate, complete, detailed, and specific explanation of racial/ethnic variables that may impact physiological functioning supported by evidence and/or research, as appropriate, to support the explanation. Gout Essay- NURS 6501 Case Study Analysis
20 (20%) – 22 (22%)
The response includes an accurate explanation of racial/ethnic variables that may impact physiological functioning supported by evidence and/or research, as appropriate, to support the explanation.
18 (18%) – 19 (19%)
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of racial/ethnic variables that may impact physiological functioning, and/or explanations based on inappropriate evidence/research.
(0%) – 17 (17%)
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of racial/ethnic variables that may impact physiological functioning, or the explanations are based on inappropriate or no evidence/research.
Written Expression and Formatting – Paragraph Development and Organization:
Paragraphs make clear points that support well-developed ideas, flow logically, and demonstrate continuity of ideas. Sentences are carefully focused—neither long and rambling nor short and lacking substance. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement and introduction are provided that delineate all required criteria.
(5%) – 5 (5%)

Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity Gout Essay- NURS 6501 Case Study Analysis.

A clear and comprehensive purpose statement, introduction, and conclusion are provided that delineate all required criteria.

(4%) – 4 (4%)

Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 80% of the time.

Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are stated, yet are brief and not descriptive.

(3%) – 3 (3%)

Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 60%–79% of the time.

Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are vague or off topic.

(0%) – 2 (2%)

Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity < 60% of the time.

No purpose statement, introduction, or conclusion were provided.

Written Expression and Formatting – English Writing Standards:
Correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuation
(5%) – 5 (5%)
Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation with no errors.
(4%) – 4 (4%)
Contains a few (1 or 2) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.
(3%) – 3 (3%)
Contains several (3 or 4) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.
(0%) – 2 (2%)
Contains many (≥ 5) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors that interfere with the reader’s understanding.
Written Expression and Formatting – The paper follows correct APA format for title page, headings, font, spacing, margins, indentations, page numbers, running heads, parenthetical/in-text citations, and reference list.
(5%) – 5 (5%)
Uses correct APA format with no errors.
(4%) – 4 (4%)
Contains a few (1 or 2) APA format errors.
(3%) – 3 (3%)
Contains several (3 or 4) APA format errors.
(0%) – 2 (2%)
Contains many (≥ 5) APA format errors.