NURS 6512 Discussions and Assignments: Advanced Health Assessment and Diagnostic Reasoning

NURS 6512 Discussions and Assignments: Advanced Health Assessment and Diagnostic Reasoning

By Day 3 of Week 1

Post a summary of the interview and a description of the communication techniques you would use with your assigned patient. Explain why you would use these techniques. Identify the risk assessment instrument you selected, and justify why it would be applicable to the selected patient. Provide at least five targeted questions you would ask the patient.

Building a Health History

The primary purpose of building health history is to gather subjective information from the patient or the patient’s family so that the patient and the healthcare team can develop a collaborative plan that will ensure effective delivery of healthcare (Ball, Dains, Solomon, & Stewart, 2015). In the case of the adolescent Hispanic boy living in a middle-class suburb, the interview would involve first setting an accommodating environment that can help enhance the patient conform in answering the questions NURS 6512 Discussions and Assignments: Advanced Health Assessment and Diagnostic Reasoning. The interview will begin by presenting a proper self-introduction and the reason for the expected interaction to ensure that the patient is aware of the reason for the interview. Besides, the interview would entail covering a health history checklist by obtaining biographical data such as age from the patient. The interaction will also include obtaining information on the reason seeking care, past health history, family health history, functional assessment, and cultural assessment. The interview questions would also be structured in both open-ended and close-ended format. NURS 6512 Discussions and Assignments: Advanced Health Assessment and Diagnostic Reasoning


Moreover, the establishment of the health history requires the employment of proper communication techniques. One of the first techniques that would be used during the communication with the patient is the avoidance of medical jargon. Ideally, it is highly unlikely that the adolescent Hispanic boy would have a grasp of medical-technical terms, and using hard jargon can result in confusion. Besides, active listening is another technique that would be used during the interview. This skill entails not only hearing what is being said but also processing and interpreting the words that are being spoken by the patient (Choudhary & Gupta, 2015). Empathy is another communication technique that will be practiced when building the health history. By expressing empathy, the patient will be more comfortable in answering questions hence ensuring that no relevant information is hidden. Building a rapport is another communication technique that would ensure that no information is withheld during the interview NURS 6512 Discussions and Assignments: Advanced Health Assessment and Diagnostic Reasoning.

The development of the health history also involves conducting a comprehensive risk assessment. As such, the most applicable risk assessment strategy that would be employed in the case of the patient is identifying mental healthcare risks through the profound evaluation of family health history. Poor mental healthcare among teenagers is one of the major public health concerns not only in the United States but also across the globe. Mental disorders in adolescents are becoming relatively common as at least one in every five youth aged between 9 and 17 are diagnosed with a mental health issue (López, et al., 2017). Since the subject in context is an adolescent, he is also at high risk of possessing or developing a mental health disorder. As such, this risk assessment technique would help in the identification of the possibility of occurrence of the risk and also the development of a proper healthcare plan for the mitigation of the risk NURS 6512 Discussions and Assignments: Advanced Health Assessment and Diagnostic Reasoning. NURS 6512 Discussions and Assignments: Advanced Health Assessment and Diagnostic Reasoning

The following are the questions that would be asked to the patient in the assessment of his healthcare risks;

  1. What is the reason for seeking care today?
  2. What are some of the past healthcare issues you have been diagnosed with and treated?
  3. Have you been diagnosed or treated for Emotional or psychiatric problems before?
  4. Does your family have any cases of mental health disorders?
  5. Does your family have a record of any significant illness such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, or hypertension?
  6. Do you engage in any activities and leisure?



Ball, J. W., Dains, J. E., Solomon, B. S., & Stewart, R. W. (2015). Seidel’s Guide to Physical Examination. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Choudhary, A., & Gupta, V. (2015). Teaching communications skills to medical students: Introducing the fine art of medical practice. International Journal of Applied and Basic Medical Research, 5(Suppl 1), S41.

López, C. M., Andrews III, A. R., Chisolm, A. M., De Arellano, M. A., Saunders, B., & Kilpatrick, D. (2017). Racial/ethnic differences in trauma exposure and mental health disorders in adolescents. Cultural diversity and ethnic minority psychology, 23(3),.NURS 6512 Discussions and Assignments: Advanced Health Assessment and Diagnostic Reasoning

By Day 6 of Week 1

Respond to at least two of your colleagues on 2 different days who selected a different patient than you, using one or more of the following approaches:

You make some good points about including functional and cultural assessments when obtaining your patient’s health history.  I agree with keeping the interview questions structured and open-ended, allowing the patient to provide data in their own words without being nudged in any particular direction. Furthermore, effective communication skills cannot be emphasized enough, especially when treating younger patients and adolescents.  If developed during formative years, effective communication skills, a core competency for practitioners, can help students and future practitioners alike (Choudhary & Gupta, 2015).  However, clinical communication skills with the pediatric and adolescent populations specifically, pose a distinct challenge for health care providers, as research in this area is complex and limited, (Frost et al., 2015). NURS 6512 Discussions and Assignments: Advanced Health Assessment and Diagnostic Reasoning

I agree with your techniques of avoiding medical jargon, actively listening, and expressing empathy.  I would add to the questionnaire more focused inquiries regarding this patient’s mental health status. For example, is the home environment chaotic, has the teen experienced any physical/verbal abuse, bullying at school, history of substance use, does he or his friend drink at parties, use cannabis in any form (vape, smoke, edibles.)  Here in California cannabis is legalized and this has resulted in the trickle-down effect of substance use becoming common ground even in middle schools, unfortunately.  Vaping is prevalent in the middle and high school populations and as providers, it’s important we ask questions in such a manner that the patient is reassured we’re not judging and we are genuinely concerned for their overall well-being.  This is where patient-specific communication skills apply NURS 6512 Discussions and Assignments: Advanced Health Assessment and Diagnostic Reasoning.

Including questions on signs or symptoms of anxiety & depression may also be useful.  Perhaps you can ask about this patient’s sleep pattern, eating habits, racing thoughts, thoughts of suicide, history of self-harm behaviors…etc. Self-harm is a crucial part of the mental health assessment, as it is one of the major reasons for admission to an adolescent inpatient psychiatric facility and a major risk factor for suicidal ideation and suicide attempts (Boylan et al., 2019).  I would definitely add the risk assessment tool of the Well-Being Index (WBI) to assess the health of the whole child. This is a reliable tool to assess the adolescent, along with perceptions of school climate to foster their overall well-being by assessing four symptom areas: depression, anxiety, rule-breaking, and substance use (Luthar et al., 2020).

I’m sure that as providers if we were to ask such questions, the adolescent patient would gradually begin to open up and share details he would otherwise keep from his family for fear of repercussion or judgment.


Boylan, K., Chahal, J., Courtney, D. B., Sharp, C., & Bennett, K. (2019). An evaluation of clinical practice guidelines for self-harm in adolescents: The role of borderline personality pathology. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment10(6), 500-510.

Choudhary, A., & Gupta, V. (2015). Teaching communications skills to medical students: Introducing the fine art of medical practice. International Journal of Applied and Basic Medical Research5(4), 41.

Frost, K., Metcalf, E., Brooks, R., Kinnersley, P., Greenwood, S., & Powell, C. (2015). Teaching pediatric communication skills to medical students. Advances in Medical Education and Practice, 35.

Luthar, S. S., Ebbert, A. M., & Kumar, N. L. (2020). The well-being index (WBI) for schools: A brief measure of adolescents’ mental health. Psychological Assessment32(10), 903-914.

response 2

Thank you for such a detailed post. Your approach in communication techniques with this teenager is professional and definitely empathic and establishing trust is very important. Adolescence is a critical developmental period associated with increased vulnerability for depressive symptoms and gender differences in depression generally emergence during adolescence (Lorenzo-Blanco et al., 2012). Although the reasons and details of the visit are not indicated, it would be important to inquire about thoughts of wanting to hurt himself or anyone else.  (Caplan, 2019) reports that the rate of self-reported mental illness for Latinos are similar to or slightly less than those of the population as a whole, which is a very large population NURS 6512 Discussions and Assignments: Advanced Health Assessment and Diagnostic Reasoning. I found it interesting that as of 2019, the Hispanic population in the United States is over 60.47 million (2021).

I worked on an inpatient acute child/adolescent behavioral unit for over 3yrs and I have found that being compassionate, yet open and asking teenagers directly, what their thoughts and feelings are about self-harm, suicide, etc has not only opened the space for trust, but for truth-building. I have witnessed how the approach of the health providers can both, be helpful and therapeutic, as well as observing how a teen will shut-down due to a lack of trust. Again, I enjoyed reading your post and your selection of questions were great. NURS 6512 Discussions and Assignments: Advanced Health Assessment and Diagnostic Reasoning


Caplan, S. (2019). Intersection of cultural and religious beliefs about mental health: Latinos in the faith-based setting. Hispanic Health Care International17(1), 4–10.

Hispanic population by state 2021. (2021).

Lorenzo-Blanco, E. I., Unger, J. B., Baezconde-Garbanati, L., Ritt-Olson, A., & Soto, D. (2012). Acculturation, enculturation, and symptoms of depression in hispanic youth: The roles of gender, hispanic cultural values, and family functioning. Journal of Youth and Adolescence41(10), 1350–1365.

Week 1: Building a Comprehensive Health History

According to a 2011 Gallup poll, nurses are ranked as the most trusted professionals in the United States. One of the most admired nursing skills is the ability to put patients at ease. When patients enter into a healthcare setting, they are often apprehensive about sharing personal health information. Caring nurses can alleviate the hesitance of patients and encourage them to be forthcoming with this information NURS 6512 Discussions and Assignments: Advanced Health Assessment and Diagnostic Reasoning.

The initial health history interview can be an excellent opportunity to develop supportive relationships between patients and nurses. Nurses may employ a variety of communication skills and interview techniques to foster strong bonds with patients and to effectively facilitate the diagnostic process. In conducting interviews, advanced practice nurses must also take into account a range of patient-specific factors that may impact the questions they ask, how they ask those questions, and their complete assessment of the patient’s health.

This week, you will consider how social determinants of health such as age, gender, ethnicity, and environmental situation impact the health and risk assessment of the patients you serve. You will also consider how social determinants of health influence your interview and communication techniques as you work in partnership with a patient to gather data to build an accurate health history. NURS 6512 Discussions and Assignments: Advanced Health Assessment and Diagnostic Reasoning

Learning Objectives

Students will:

  • Analyze communication techniques used to obtain patients’ health histories based upon social determinants of health
  • Analyze health-related risk
  • Apply concepts, theories, and principles related to patient interviewing, diagnostic reasoning, and recording patient information NURS 6512 Discussions and Assignments: Advanced Health Assessment and Diagnostic Reasoning
  • Learning Resources
Required Readings (click to expand/reduce)
Required Media (click to expand/reduce)
Assignment: Course Acknowledgement

This mandatory assignment is an acknowledgement that you fully understand the course guidelines.

By Day 3 of Week 1

Submit your Assignment.

Submission and Grading Information

Submit Your Assignment by Day 3 of Week 1.

To complete this assignment, follow the link below and answer the questions provided.

Week 1 Assignment

Discussion: Building a Health History

Effective communication is vital to constructing an accurate and detailed patient history. A patient’s health or illness is influenced by many factors, including age, gender, ethnicity, and environmental setting. As an advanced practice nurse, you must be aware of these factors and tailor your communication techniques accordingly. Doing so will not only help you establish rapport with your patients, but it will also enable you to more effectively gather the information needed to assess your patients’ health risks NURS 6512 Discussions and Assignments: Advanced Health Assessment and Diagnostic Reasoning.

For this Discussion, you will take on the role of a clinician who is building a health history for a particular new patient assigned by your Instructor.

Photo Credit: Sam Edwards / Caiaimage / Getty Images

To prepare:

With the information presented in Chapter 1 of Ball et al. in mind, consider the following:

  • By Day 1 of this week, you will be assigned a new patient profile by your Instructor for this Discussion. Note: Please see the “Course Announcements” section of the classroom for your new patient profile assignment.
  • How would your communication and interview techniques for building a health history differ with each patient?
  • How might you target your questions for building a health history based on the patient’s social determinants of health?
  • What risk assessment instruments would be appropriate to use with each patient, or what questions would you ask each patient to assess his or her health risks?
  • Identify any potential health-related risks based upon the patient’s age, gender, ethnicity, or environmental setting that should be taken into consideration.
  • Select one of the risk assessment instruments presented in Chapter 1 or Chapter 5 of the Seidel’s Guide to Physical Examination text, or another tool with which you are familiar, related to your selected patient.
  • Develop at least five targeted questions you would ask your selected patient to assess his or her health risks and begin building a health history NURS 6512 Discussions and Assignments: Advanced Health Assessment and Diagnostic Reasoning.
By Day 3 of Week 1

Post a summary of the interview and a description of the communication techniques you would use with your assigned patient. Explain why you would use these techniques. Identify the risk assessment instrument you selected, and justify why it would be applicable to the selected patient. Provide at least five targeted questions you would ask the patient.

Note: For this Discussion, you are required to complete your initial post before you will be able to view and respond to your colleagues’ postings. Begin by clicking on the “Post to Discussion Question” link, and then select “Create Thread” to complete your initial post. Remember, once you click on Submit, you cannot delete or edit your own posts, and you cannot post anonymously. Please check your post carefully before clicking on Submit!

Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses.

By Day 6 of Week 1

Respond to at least two of your colleagues on 2 different days who selected a different patient than you, using one or more of the following approaches:

  • Share additional interview and communication techniques that could be effective with your colleague’s selected patient.
  • Suggest additional health-related risks that might be considered.
  • Validate an idea with your own experience and additional research.

Submission and Grading Information

Grading Criteria

To access your rubric:

Week 1 Discussion Rubric

Post by Day 3 of Week 1 and Respond by Day 6 of Week 1

To Participate in this Discussion:

Week 1 Discussion NURS 6512 Discussions and Assignments: Advanced Health Assessment and Diagnostic Reasoning

What’s Coming Up in Module 2?


Photo Credit: [BrianAJackson]/[iStock / Getty Images Plus]/Getty Images

In Module 2, you explore the impact of functional assessments, diversity, and sensitivity in conducting health assessments. You also examine various assessment tools and diagnostic tests used to gather information about patients’ conditions and examine their validity, reliability, and impact in conducting health assessments.

Next week, you will specifically examine functional assessments as they relate to diversity and sensitivity

Registration for Shadow Health

Throughout this course, you will participate in digital clinical experiences using the online simulation tool Shadow Health. The Shadow Health digital clinical experience provides a dynamic, immersive experience designed to improve nursing skills and clinical reasoning through the examination of digital standardized patients. Using Shadow Health you will participate in health histories, focused exams, and a comprehensive assessment. NURS 6512 Discussions and Assignments: Advanced Health Assessment and Diagnostic Reasoning

There will be four Shadow Health assessment components that you will need to complete in Module’s 2 and 3:

  • Health History Assessment (Week 3 & 4)
  • Focused Exam: Cough (Week 5) for a pediatric patient presenting with cough
  • Focused Exam: Chest Pain (Week 7) for an adult patient presenting with chest pain
  • Comprehensive (Head-to-Toe) Physical Assessment (Week 9)

Before you can participate in these simulations, you will need to register for a Shadow Health account. To do this:

  • Go to the Walden Bookstore and purchase access to Shadow Health and the required texts.
  • Once Shadow Health has been purchased, an access code will be emailed to you from the bookstore.
  • Review this video explaining how to register in Shadow Health:
  • Use the Shadow Health link located in the navigation menu on the left in the Blackboard course.
  • Follow the prompts to register in Shadow Health. You will need the access code provided from the bookstore to register. Once registered, Shadow Health should always be accessed via the link in Blackboard.
  • Use only Google Chrome when accessing Shadow Health and make sure all other programs are turned off on your computer. Other browsers do not work well and will not allow the Shadow Health speech to text function to work.
  •  Once registered, complete the Shadow Health Orientation in the Shadow Health website/program and review the videos designed to assist with navigating and completing assignments.
  • Read the Shadow Health Nursing Documentation Tutorial located in the Week 1 Learning Resources.

Note: As nurses you typically use the word assessment to mean completing the physical exam. However, in the SOAP Note format, assessment means diagnosis so start getting in the habit of calling the physical exam exactly that NURS 6512 Discussions and Assignments: Advanced Health Assessment and Diagnostic Reasoning.

Week 2 Case Studies

In Week 2, your Instructor will assign you a case study related to your Discussion by Day 1 of the week. Please make sure to review the “Course Announcements” area of the course to verify your assigned case study. Please plan ahead to ensure you have time to review your case study and your Learning Resources so that you can complete your Discussions and Assignments on time.

Photo Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto

Practicum – Upcoming Deadline

In the Nurse Practitioner programs of study (FNP, AGACNP, AGPCNP, and PMHNP) you are required to take several practicum courses. If you plan on taking a practicum course within the next two terms, you will need to submit your application via Meditrek .

For information on the practicum application process and deadlines, please visit the Field Experience: College of Nursing: Application Process – Graduate web page.

Please take the time to review the Appropriate Preceptors and Field Sites for your courses.

Please take the time to review the practicum manuals, FAQs, Webinars and any required forms on the Field Experience: College of Nursing: Student Resources and Manuals web page.


Diversity is not about how we differ. Diversity is about embracing one another’s uniqueness.

—Ola Joseph


Countless assessments can be conducted on patients, but they may not be useful. In order to ensure that health assessments result in the necessary care, health assessments should take into account the impact of factors such as cultures and developmental circumstances.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

  • Analyze diversity considerations in health assessments
  • Apply concepts, theories, and principles related to examination techniques, functional assessments, and cultural and diversity awareness in health assessment NURS 6512 Discussions and Assignments: Advanced Health Assessment and Diagnostic Reasoning
  • Learning Resources
Required Readings (click to expand/reduce)
Required Media (click to expand/reduce)
Discussion: Diversity and Health Assessments

May 2012, Alice Randall wrote an article for The New York Times on the cultural factors that encouraged black women to maintain a weight above what is considered healthy. Randall explained—from her observations and her personal experience as a black woman—that many African-American communities and cultures consider women who are overweight to be more beautiful and desirable than women at a healthier weight. As she put it, “Many black women are fat because we want to be” (Randall, 2012).

Photo Credit: Getty Images

Randall’s statements sparked a great deal of controversy and debate; however, they emphasize an underlying reality in the healthcare field: different populations, cultures, and groups have diverse beliefs and practices that impact their health. Nurses and healthcare professionals should be aware of this reality and adapt their health assessment techniques and recommendations to accommodate diversity.

In this Discussion, you will consider different socioeconomic, spiritual, lifestyle, and other cultural factors that should be taken into considerations when building a health history for patients with diverse backgrounds. Your Instructor will assign a case study to you for this Discussion NURS 6512 Discussions and Assignments: Advanced Health Assessment and Diagnostic Reasoning. NURS 6512 Discussions and Assignments: Advanced Health Assessment and Diagnostic Reasoning

To prepare:

  • Reflect on your experiences as a nurse and on the information provided in this week’s Learning Resources on diversity issues in health assessments.
  • By Day 1 of this week, you will be assigned a case study by your Instructor. Note: Please see the “Course Announcements” section of the classroom for your case study assignment.
  • Reflect on the specific socioeconomic, spiritual, lifestyle, and other cultural factors related to the health of the patient assigned to you.
  • Consider how you would build a health history for the patient. What questions would you ask, and how would you frame them to be sensitive to the patient’s background, lifestyle, and culture? Develop five targeted questions you would ask the patient to build his or her health history and to assess his or her health risks.
  • Think about the challenges associated with communicating with patients from a variety of specific populations. What strategies can you as a nurse employ to be sensitive to different cultural factors while gathering the pertinent information?
By Day 3 of Week 2

Post an explanation of the specific socioeconomic, spiritual, lifestyle, and other cultural factors associated with the patient you were assigned. Explain the issues that you would need to be sensitive to when interacting with the patient, and why. Provide at least five targeted questions you would ask the patient to build his or her health history and to assess his or her health risks.

Note: For this Discussion, you are required to complete your initial post before you will be able to view and respond to your colleagues’ postings. Begin by clicking on the “Post to Discussion Question” link, and then select “Create Thread” to complete your initial post. Remember, once you click on Submit, you cannot delete or edit your own posts, and you cannot post anonymously. Please check your post carefully before clicking on Submit!

Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses.

By Day 6 of Week 2

Respond on or before Day 6 on 2 different days to at least two of your colleagues who were assigned a different patient than you. Critique your colleague’s targeted questions, and explain how the patient might interpret these questions. Explain whether any of the questions would apply to your patient, and why NURS 6512 Discussions and Assignments: Advanced Health Assessment and Diagnostic Reasoning.

Submission and Grading Information

Grading Criteria

To access your rubric:

Week 2 Discussion Rubric

Post by Day 3 of Week 2 and Respond by Day 6 of Week 2

To Participate in this Discussion:

Week 2 Discussion

What’s Coming Up in Week 3?

Photo Credit: [BrianAJackson]/[iStock / Getty Images Plus]/Getty Images

Next week, you examine assessment techniques, health risks and concerns, and recommendations for care related to patient growth, weight, and nutrition. You will also begin your first DCE: Health History Assessment which will be due in Week 4. Plan your time accordingly.

Overview of Digital Clinical Experiences (DCE) and Lab Components

Throughout this course, you are required to not only complete your standard course assignments and discussions, but you will also complete DCE and Lab Components that are either structured as optional or required assignment submissions. Please take the time to review your DCEand Lab Components for this course that are required submissions. See the table below and the attached table for specific DCE and Lab Components for the course.

Note: Each Shadow Health Assessment may be attempted and reopened as many times as necessary prior to the due date to achieve a total score of 80% or better, but you must take all attempts by the Day 7 deadline. You must pass BOTH the Health History and Comprehensive (head-to-toe) Physical Exam of at least a total score of 80% in order to pass the course. NURS 6512 Discussions and Assignments: Advanced Health Assessment and Diagnostic Reasoning


Week Digital Clinical Experiences Lab Components
Module 1:  Comprehensive Health History
Week 1: Building a Comprehensive Health History
Module 2: Functional Assessments and Assessment Tools
Week 2: Functional Assessments and Cultural and Diversity Awareness in Health Assessment
Week 3: Assessment Tools, Diagnostics, Growth, Measurement, and Nutrition in Adults and Children DCE: Health History Assessment (assigned in Week 3, due in Week 4) Case Study Assignment: Assessment Tools and Diagnostic Tests in Adults and Children
Module 3: Approach to System Focused Advanced Health Assessments
Week 4: Assessment of the Skin, Hair, and Nails DCE: Health History Assessment Lab Assignment: Differential Diagnosis for Skin Conditions (SOAP Note for differential diagnosis)
Week 5: Assessment of Head, Neck, Eyes, Ears, Nose, and Throat DCE: Focused Exam: Cough Case Study Assignment: Assessing the Head, Eyes, Ears, Nose, and Throat (Episodic SOAP Note)
Week 6: Assessment of the Abdomen and Gastrointestinal System Lab Assignment: Assessing the Abdomen (Analyze SOAP Note)
Week 7: Assessment of the Heart, Lungs, and Peripheral Vascular System DCE: Focused Exam: Chest Pain
Week 8: Assessment of the Musculoskeletal System Discussion: Assessing Musculoskeletal Pain (Episodic SOAP Note)
Week 9: Assessment of Cognition and the Neurologic System DCE: Comprehensive (head-to-toe) Physical Assessment Case Study Assignment: Assessing Neurological Symptoms (Episodic SOAP Note)
Week 10: Special Examinations—Breast, Genital, Prostate, and Rectal Lab Assignment: Assessing the Genitalia and Rectum (analyze SOAP Note)
Module 4: Ethics in Assessment
Week 11: The Ethics Behind Assessment Lab Assignment: Ethical Concerns


Next Week

NURS 6003C: Transition to Graduate Study for Nursing

NURS 6003C: Transition to Graduate Study for Nursing

NURS 6003/NURS 6003A/NURS 6003F/NRSE 6003C/NURS 6003N/NURS 6003C: Transition to Graduate Study for Nursing

Module 1 (Week 1): Networking for Academic and Professional Success

Laureate Education (Producer). (2018). The Foundation of Success [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

ureate Education (Producer). (2018). The Walden Journey to a Masters in Nursing: The Journey Begins [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Laureate Education (Producer). (2018). The Walden Journey to a Masters in Nursing: Networking and Collaboration [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Learning Objectives

Students will:
  • Analyze relationships among Walden’s vision, mission, goals, and social change initiatives to professional and academic goals
  • Analyze the relationship between MSN program outcomes and perspectives to professional and academic goals
  • Identify academic and professional collaborators for academic and professional success
  • Identify concepts for Walden student readiness
  • Identify individuals or teams to collaborate with for success in the MSN program and as a practicing nurse NURS 6003/NURS 6003A/NURS 6003F/NRSE 6003C/NURS 6003N/NURS 6003C: Transition to Graduate Study for Nursing


Due By Assignment
Week 1, Days 1–2 


Read the Learning Resources.
Compose your initial Discussion post.
Begin to compose Part 1 of your Assignment.
Week 1, Day 3 


Post your initial Discussion post.
Begin to check your knowledge with the Quiz.
Continue to work on of Part 1 of your Assignment.
Week 1, Day 4 


Continue to check your knowledge with the Quiz.
Continue to work on Part 1 of your Assignment
Week 1, Day 5 


Review peer Discussion posts.
Compose your peer Discussion responses.
Continue to check your knowledge with the Quiz.
Continue to compose your final draft of Part 1 of your Assignment.
Week 1, Day 6 


Post two peer Discussion responses.
Continue to check your knowledge with the Quiz.
Continue to compose your final draft of Part 1 of your Assignment.
Week 1, Day 7 


Wrap up Discussion.
Final day to complete Quiz.
Deadline to submit your final draft of Part 1 of your Assignment.


Photo Credit: David Baumber/Vetta/Getty Images NURS 6003/NURS 6003A/NURS 6003F/NRSE 6003C/NURS 6003N/NURS 6003C: Transition to Graduate Study for Nursing

Learning Resources

Required Readings

Document: Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Template (Word document)

Discussion: Networking Opportunities

In this module, you begin laying the foundation for your academic and professional success. Your efforts begin with a vision that includes your own definition of success. Your vision may vary from those of your colleagues, but this does not mean you have to take these first steps alone.

Walden University and the College of Nursing also have a vision and mission, which include helping you to make your own vision a reality. Members of your new academic community, such as faculty, support teams, and fellow students, can also be helpful. Current practitioners and other member of the professional community can also help you to clarify your vision.

This Module’s Discussion asks you to consider how the Walden mission and vision as well as the College of Nursing’s mission and vision apply to your professional and academic goals. You will also begin to identify individuals and teams who can help you along the way as you begin designing the “blueprint”—your Academic Success and Professional Development Plan—that will guide you toward your own vision for academic and professional success.

To Prepare:

  • Review the Walden and College of Nursing mission and vision statements, Walden’s goals and University Outcomes, and the MSN Program Learning Outcomes presented in this Module’s Learning Resources.
  • Reflect on your professional and academic goals as they relate to your program/specialization.
  • Consider how the information in these resources fit with your own goals and to your becoming a scholar-practitioner. NURS 6003C: Transition to Graduate Study for Nursing
  • Also consider academic and professional individuals and teams with whom you may collaborate in support of your efforts as a student at the university and as a professional within your organization and career NURS 6003/NURS 6003A/NURS 6003F/NRSE 6003C/NURS 6003N/NURS 6003C: Transition to Graduate Study for Nursing.

By Day 3 of Week 1

Post a brief introduction of yourself to your colleagues. Include an explanation as to how Walden’s vision, mission, goals, and social change initiatives relate to your professional and academic goals and to your becoming a scholar-practitioner. Also include an explanation for how the Walden MSN Program Outcomes and perspectives relate to your professional and academic goals and to your becoming a scholar-practitioner.

By Day 6 of Week 1

Respond to at least two of your colleagues’ posts by suggesting additional individuals and/or teams with whom you wish to collaborate or by offering additional networking strategies.

Submission and Grading Information

Grading Criteria

To access your rubric:

Week 1 Discussion Rubric

Post by Day 3 and Respond by Day 6 of Week 1

To participate in this Discussion:

Week 1 Discussion

Quiz: Walden’s Student Readiness Orientation

You probably have a lot of questions (and perhaps some hesitation) about the journey you are undertaking. How do I navigate the online classroom? How can I have access to a library in this environment? The Student Readiness Orientation (SRO) minicourse available on your MyWalden page provides answers to such questions and helps ensure you understand how to navigate the online classroom and utilize the many resources available to you as a student at Walden NURS 6003/NURS 6003A/NURS 6003F/NRSE 6003C/NURS 6003N/NURS 6003C: Transition to Graduate Study for Nursing.

The Readiness Check will help you determine your prepardness for navigating the online classroom.

The questions presented on the Quiz are derived from the readiness check presented in the SRO.

Click on the Week 1 Quiz link after you have read the directions carefully.

The readiness check includes 15 questions in various formats including true/false and multiple choice. If you score 12 or below, please retake the exam. You may retake the exam as many times as you would like in order to achieve your desired score. Your highest score will be recorded. To retake the Quiz, click on “Take Test Again” (this does not appear as a hyperlink but works as a hyperlink when you click on the area). NURS 6003C: Transition to Graduate Study for Nursing

To view the questions you answered correctly and incorrectly, click on your score in the “My Grades” area.

To Prepare:

  • Review the Walden’s SRO found on your MyWalden page.

By Day 7

Complete the quiz.

Submission and Grading Information

Submit Your Quiz by Day 7 of Week 1

To submit your Quiz:

Week 1 Quiz

Assignment: Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Part 1: Developing an Academic and Professional Network

When was the last time you read Meditation XVII of John Donne’s Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions?

Unless you are a student of seventeeth-century poetry, you may not be all that familiar with this piece. However, you may be much more familiar with one of its well-known phrases: “No man is an island…”NURS 6003/NURS 6003A/NURS 6003F/NRSE 6003C/NURS 6003N/NURS 6003C: Transition to Graduate Study for Nursing.

As you begin your journey toward achieving your academic and professional goals, you have a great opportunity to network with academics and professionals who can help ensure you do not travel alone. This network can help to clarify your own vision for success and can help guide you now and in the future. To paraphrase Donne, no one is an island.

Begin creating an academic and professional network by identifying which academic and professional connections and resources with which you need to collaborate to succeed in your MSN program and as a practicing nurse.

To Prepare:

  • Consider individuals, departments, teams, and/or resources within Walden University and within your profession that you believe can support your academic and professional success.
  • Identify at least two academic and at least two professional individuals, colleagues, or teams that might help you succeed in your MSN program and as a practicing nurse.
  • Download the Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Template.

The Assignment:

Academic and Professional Network

Complete Part 1 of your Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Template. Be sure to address the following:

  • Identify at least two academic and at least two professional individuals or teams to collaborate with to be successful in your MSN program and as a practicing nurse.
  • Explain why you selected these individuals and/or teams and how they will support your success in the MSN program and as a practicing nurse. NURS 6003C: Transition to Graduate Study for Nursing

By Day 7 of Week 1

Submit Part 1 of your Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Template NURS 6003/NURS 6003A/NURS 6003F/NRSE 6003C/NURS 6003N/NURS 6003C: Transition to Graduate Study for Nursing.

Submission and Grading Information

To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading, do the following:

  • Please save your Assignment using the naming convention “WK1Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension)” as the name.
  • Click the Week 1 Assignment Rubric to review the Grading Criteria for the Assignment.
  • Click the Week 1 Assignment link. You will also be able to “View Rubric” for grading criteria from this area.
  • Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My Computer button. Find the document you saved as “WK1Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension)” and click Open.
  • If applicable: From the Plagiarism Tools area, click the checkbox for I agree to submit my paper(s) to the Global Reference Database.
  • Click on the Submit button to complete your submission.
Grading Criteria

To access your rubric:

Week 1 Assignment Rubric

Check Your Assignment Draft for Authenticity

To check your Assignment draft for authenticity:

Submit your Week 1 Assignment draft and review the originality report.

Submit Your Assignment by Day 7 of Week 1

To submit your Assignment:

Week 1 Assignment NURS 6003/NURS 6003A/NURS 6003F/NRSE 6003C/NURS 6003N/NURS 6003C: Transition to Graduate Study for Nursing

NURS 6630 Week 9 quiz

NURS 6630 Week 9 quiz

NURS 6630 Week 9 quiz QUESTION 1

  1. Stephanie is a 36-year-old female who presents to the clinic with a history of anxiety. Social history is unremarkable. For the last 4 years, she has been well controlled on paroxetine, however she feels “it just doesn’t work anymore.” You have decided to change her medication regimen to vortioxetine 5mg, titrating up to a max dose of 20mg per day based on tolerability. The patient states, “I can’t even last 1 more day without feeling like my insides are going to explode with anxiety.” The most appropriate course of action would be:
a. Inform the patient to try yoga or other natural remedies until the vortioxetine takes effect.
b. Prescribe a short-term course of low dose benzodiazepine, such as alprazolam.
c. Prescribe an SNRI, such as venlafaxine, in addition to the vortioxetine.
d. Recommend in-patient mental health for the foreseeable future.



Stephanie is a 36-year-old female who presents to the clinic with a history of anxiety. Social history is unremarkable. For the last 4 years, she has been well controlled on paroxetine, however she feels “it just doesn’t work anymore.” You have decided to change her medication regimen to vortioxetine 5mg, titrating up to a max dose of 20mg per day based on tolerability. The patient asks, “When can I expect this to start kicking in?” The best response is:

  1. 3 or 4 days
  2. 1 or 2 weeks
  3. 3 or 4 weeks
  4. 10 weeks


NURS 6630 Week 9 quiz QUESTION 3

Richard is a 54-year-old male who suffers from schizophrenia. After exhausting various medication options, you have decided to start him on Clozapine. Which of the statements below is true regarding Clozapine? NURS 6630 Week 9 quiz

  1. Regular blood monitoring must be performed to monitor for neutropenia.
  2. Clozapine can only be filled by a pharmacy that participates in the REMS program.
  3. Bradycardia is a common side effect of Clozapine.
  4. A & B
  5. All of the above



Which of the following statements are true?

  1. First-generation (typical) antipsychotics are associated with a higher incidence of EPS.
  2. Second-generation (atypical) antipsychotics are associated with a higher risk of metabolic side effects.
  3. There is evidence that atypical antipsychotics are significantly more effective than typical antipsychotics in the treatment of cognitive symptoms associated with schizophrenia.
  4. A & B
  5. A, B, and C




The patient in the previous question states, “I can’t even last 1 more day without feeling like my insides are going to explode with anxiety.” The most appropriate course of action would be:

  1. Inform the patient to try yoga or other natural remedies until the vortioxetine takes effect.
  2. Prescribe a short-term course of low dose benzodiazepine, such as alprazolam.
  3. Prescribe an SNRI, such as venlafaxine, in addition to the vortioxetine.
  4. Recommend in-patient mental health for the foreseeable future.



Thomas is a 28-year-old male who presents to the clinic with signs and symptoms consistent with MDD. He is concerned about starting antidepressant therapy, however, because one of his friends recently experienced erectile dysfunction when he was put on an antidepressant. Which of the following would be the most appropriate antidepressant to start Thomas on?

  1. Vilazodonex
  2. Sertraline
  3. Paroxetine
  4. Citalopram



Stephanie is a 36-year-old female who presents to the clinic with a history of anxiety.NURS 6630 Week 9 quiz.  Social history is unremarkable. For the last 4 years, she has been well controlled on paroxetine, however she feels “it just doesn’t work anymore.” You have decided to change her medication regimen to vortioxetine 5mg, titrating up to a max dose of 20mg per day based on tolerability. The patient asks, “When can I expect this to start kicking in?” The best response is:

  1. 3 or 4 days
  2. 1 or 2 weeks
  3. 3 or 4 weeks
  4. 10 weeks



NURS 6630 Week 9 quiz QUESTION 8

Jane is a 17-year-old patient who presents to the office with signs consistent with schizophrenia. She states multiple times that she is concerned about gaining weight, as she has the perfect prom dress picked out and she finally got a date. Which of the following is the least appropriate choice to prescribe Jane?

  1. Aripiprazole
  2. Olanzapine
  3. Haloperidol
  4. Brexpiprazole



John is a 41-year old-patient who presents to the clinic with diarrhea, fatigue, and recently has been having tremors. He was diagnosed 19 years ago with bipolar disorder and is currently managed on Lithium 300mg BID. As the PMHNP, you decide to order a lithium level that comes back at 2.3mmol/l. What is the most appropriate course of action? NURS 6630 Week 9 quiz

  1. Investigate other differential diagnoses for his symptoms.
  2. Tell John to skip his next four Lithium doses and resume therapy.
  3. Tell John he needs to go to the hospital and call an ambulance to bring him.
  4. Prescribe loperamide to treat the diarrhea and ropinirole to treat the tremors



Jordyn is a 27-year-old patient who presents to the clinic with GAD. She is 30 weeks pregnant and has been well controlled on a regimen of sertraline 50mg daily. Jordyn says that “about once or twice a week my husband really gets on my nerves and I can’t take it.” She is opposed to having the sertraline dose increased due to the risk of further weight gain. You have decided to prescribe the patient a short-term course of benzodiazepines for breakthrough anxiety. Which of the following is the LEAST appropriate benzodiazepines to prescribe to this patient?

  1. diazepam
  2. alprazolam
  3. clonazepam
  4. lorazepam



Rebecca is a 32-year-old female who was recently prescribed escitalopram for MDD. She presents to the clinic today complaining of diaphoresis, tachycardia, and confusion. The differential diagnosis for this patient, based on the symptoms presenting, is:

  1. Panic disorder
  2. Gastroenteritis
  3. Abnormal gait
  4. Serotonin syndrome



Mark is a 46-year-old male with treatment-resistant depression. He has tried various medications, including SSRIs, SNRI, and TCAs. You have decided to initiate therapy with phenelzine. Which of the following must the PMHNP take into consideration when initiating therapy with phenelzine? NURS 6630 Week 9 quiz

  1. There is a minimum 7-day washout period when switching from another antidepressant to phenelzine.
  2. Patient must be counseled on dietary restrictions.
  3. MAOIs may be given as an adjunctive therapy with SSRIs.
  4. A & B
  5. All of the above




Melvin is an 89-year-old male who presents to the clinic with signs/symptoms consistent with MDD. Which of the following would be the LEAST appropriate medication to prescribe to this elderly patient?

  1. nortriptyline
  2. amitriptyline
  3. desipramine
  4. trazodone




Earle is an 86-year-old patient who presents to the hospital with a Community Acquired Pneumonia. During stay, you notice that the patient often seems agitated. He suffers from cognitive decline and currently takes no mental health medications. Treatment for the CAP include ceftriaxone and azithromycin. The LEAST appropriate medication to treat Earle’s anxiety is:

  1. sertraline
  2. duloxetine
  3. citalopram
  4. venlafaxine



NURS 6630 Week 9 quiz QUESTION 15

Martin is a 92-year-old male who presents to the clinic with signs/symptoms consistent with MDD. The patient suffers from glaucoma and just recently underwent surgery for a cataract. Which of the following is the LEAST appropriate course of therapy when treating the MDD? NURS 6630 Week 9 quiz

  1. sertraline
  2. amitriptyline
  3. duloxetine
  4. vilazodone



Sam is a 48-year-old male who presents to the clinic with signs and symptoms consistent with GAD & MDD. Which of the following medications would be the LEAST appropriate choice when initiating pharmacotherapy?

  1. duloxetine
  2. sertraline
  3. mirtazapine
  4. buproprion



Steve is a 35-year-old male who presents to the primary care office complaining of anxiety secondary to quitting smoking cold turkey 2 weeks ago. The patient has a 14-year history of smoking two packs per day. The patient has an unremarkable social history other than a recent divorce from his wife, Brittany. Which of the following would be the LEAST effective medication to treat Steve’s anxiety?

  1. Buproprion
  2. Sertraline
  3. Varenicline
  4. Alprazolam




Amber is a 26-year-old female who presents to the clinic 6 weeks postpartum. The patient states that she has been “feeling down” since the birth of her son. She is currently breastfeeding her infant. You diagnose the patient with Postpartum depression. Which of the following is the LEAST appropriate option in treating her PPD? NURS 6630 Week 9 quiz

  1. paroxetine
  2. escitalopram
  3. citalopram
  4. sertraline


Cindy is a 55-year-old patient who presents with symptoms consistent with Generalized anxiety disorder. The patient has an unremarkable social history other than she consumes two or three glasses of wine per night. Which of the following would be an appropriate therapy to start this patient on?

  1. Xanax 0.25mg BID PRN Anxiety
  2. Escitalopram 10mg daily
  3. Buspirone 10mg BID
  4. Aripiprazole 10mg daily



Mirza is a 75-year-old patient with a long history of schizophrenia. During the past 5 years, she has shown significant cognitive decline consistent with dementia. The patient has been well controlled on a regimen of risperidone 1mg BID. As the PMHNP, the most appropriate course of action for this patient is:

  1. Increase the risperidone to 1mg QAM, 2mg QPM
  2. Discontinue risperidone and prescribe a long-acting injectable such as Invega Sustenna.
  3. Discontinue risperidone and initiate therapy with clozapine.
  4. Augment the patient’s risperidone with brexpiprazole. NURS 6630 Week 9 quiz

Assignment: National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties (NONPF) Competencies Essay

Assignment: National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties (NONPF) Competencies Essay

The National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties (NONPF) has determined core competencies that apply to all nurse practitioners, regardless of specialty or patient population focus. NONPF has represented them within nine broad areas of core competence. NONPF created the first set of Nurse Practitioner Competencies in 1990; the most recent updates were incorporated in 2017. This synthesis course has had the overarching objective of preparing you to be able to synthesize knowledge gained throughout the program and be prepared to apply each of the nine core competencies within your selected areas of practice and your representative communities. National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties (NONPF) Competencies Essay


The nine broad areas of competency are:

  1. Scientific Foundations
  2. Leadership
  3. Quality
  4. Practice Inquiry
  5. Technology and Information Literacy
  6. Policy
  7. Health Delivery System
  8. Ethics
  9. Independent Practice

To Prepare:

  • Review this week’s Learning Resources, focusing on the NONPF Core Competencies Content National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties (NONPF) Competencies Essay.

The Assignment

For each of the nine NONPF competencies, write one paragraph explaining how the program has prepared you to meet it (for a total of at least nine paragraphs). Then, propose and explain how you plan to engage in social change in your community as a nurse practitioner. Be specific and provide examples.

By Day 7

Submit your National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties (NONPF) Competencies Essay Assignment.

Nursing Competencies Essay Assignment

Nursing Competencies Essay Assignment

Nursing Competencies Essay

The National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties (NONPF) has determined nine broad areas of core competence that apply to all nurse practitioners, regardless of specialty or patient population focus. NONPF created the first set of Nurse Practitioner Competencies in 1990; the most recent updates were incorporated in 2017. This course was designed to prepare you to synthesize knowledge gained throughout the program and to apply each of the nine core competencies within your selected areas of practice and your representative communities. Nursing Competencies Essay Assignment


The nine areas of competency are:


Scientific Foundations



Practice Inquiry

Technology and Information Literacy


Health Delivery System


Independent Practice

To Prepare

Review this week’s Learning Resources, focusing on the NONPF Core Competencies Content.

The Assignment

For each of the nine NONPF competencies, write one paragraph explaining how the program has prepared you to meet the competency (for a total of at least nine paragraphs). Then, propose how you plan to engage in social change in your community as a nurse practitioner. Finally, describe 1–2 legislative and/or advocacy activities in which your state nurse practitioner organization(s) are involved. Be specific and provide examples.



Nursing competencies

            Nursing competencies refer to incorporating a combination of professional skills and knowledge, personal principles, beliefs, values, and work experience in nursing practice (Lavoie et al., 2018) Nursing Competencies Essay. Nursing competencies play a vital role in nurse performance evaluation. A competent nurse must address the nine competencies of nurse practitioners for quality health outcomes to be achieved. The competencies are similar in all specialties of nurse practitioners. Therefore, a nurse practitioner must understand and apply these competencies in practice for a valid nurse practitioner license to be guaranteed. Nurse competencies are applied at all community levels to improve the general health status of a community. This paper aims to look at looking the nine core competencies of nursing and their effectiveness in practice. Nursing Competencies Essay Assignment


Scientific foundation

            It is a competence that reflects on nursing education. The competence ensures that nurse practitioners acquire a comprehensive and robust foundation of medical sciences before graduating. All nurse practitioner students must gain an understanding of pharmacology and pathophysiology in their respective specialties. The scientific competence also requires a nurse practitioner student to understand clinical setting guidelines, evidence-based practices, treatment of vulnerable diseases, and various research translations (Park & Ji, 2018). Through scientific competence, I would engage in medical research through the guidelines of evidence-based practices to develop ethical health solutions at a community level Nursing Competencies Essay.


It is a competence that prepares nurse practitioner students in professional scholarships and health advocacy roles. Leadership competence ensures that all practitioner students understand their roles as team leaders and their standards of practice while leading a team of healthcare providers (Park & Ji, 2018). Leadership competence also addresses the issue of quality communication skills and the diverse cultures that surround nurses in their daily routine. Through this competence, I would be able to gain quality communication skills, excellent decision-making skills, and the ability to solve problems. I would therefore be able to conduct programs concerning community health effectively.


            It refers to the measure of success of any health service towards the increase of the target outcome. For quality health outcomes to be achieved, nurses must apply their knowledge and skills effectively. They must also be willing to deliver health services with reduced harm and errors. The main focus of quality competence is accessing and using information databases and evaluating and interpreting research findings (Hökkä et al., 2020) Nursing Competencies Essay. I would apply my clinical and medical skills and knowledge at the community level for health status and outcome improvement through this competence.

Practice inquiry

            It is a competence that encompasses research translation. Nurse practitioners are expected to engage in academic research and understand applying the research into the clinical setting (Park & Ji, 2018). Through research application into the clinical setting, nurses understand how to apply research to their patients’ thus improving patient outcomes Nursing Competencies Essay. I would apply this competence at the community level as research-based to identify the existing health problems and the necessary solutions to these health problems. I would therefore be able to improve health status at the communal level through this competence.

Technology and information Literacy

            It is a competence that focuses on the incorporation of technology in nursing practice. A nurse practitioner should use digital communication tools, have network access, manage and create effective communication during service delivery to their patients. Nurse practitioners should know about utilizing the available technology to facilitate patients’ health information privacy. Technology should also be utilized to improve patient outcomes. Utilizing information technology helps the caregivers understand the patients’ health conditions, thus motivating them to offer the necessary treatment (Lavoie et al., 2018). The use of information technology also motivates the patients as there is guaranteed safety in their critical health information. I would apply this competence at the community level by educating the community members on disease prevention measures. For this to be achieved, I would use various social platforms and media houses, thus facilitating quality health outcomes Nursing Competencies Essay.


Policy refers to all local, state, national and global level programs implemented to facilitate the allocation of health resources. Nurses play a vital role in the legislation and advocacy of these programs since they better understand patients’ primary and complex needs. Nurses, therefore, engage in policy legislation to help address social concerns such as literacy, poverty, and violence at the community level (Hökkä et al., 2020). Nurse students may opt to support any existing healthcare policy to help them understand policy development and implementation in a clinical setting. Through these existing healthcare policies, nurse students can also be able to develop other ethical healthcare policies. Nurses can use these policies to create awareness among community members of their health rights as citizens. As a nurse practitioner, I would use this skill to educate the community members on their rights, such as health insurance as US citizens. Nursing Competencies Essay Assignment

Health delivery systems

Health delivery systems encompass the process of planning, developing, and implementing any public and community health program. Nurse practitioners engage in health delivery systems through developing major organizational reforms, enhancing decision making, and creating culturally competent care (Lavoie et al., 2018). The skill also helps the nurses to critically think on organizational resource allocation as well as organizational structures. Nurses can apply this skill at the community level in policy implementation after identifying an existing health problem.


It involves gaining a proper understanding of ethical issues that should be observed between nurse-patient interactions. It plays a vital role in helping nurse practitioners make proper decisions on a patient’s health status. It also helps nurse practitioners understand all the consequences of the decisions made towards patient treatment procedures (Hökkä et al., 2020). Through the skills of ethics, community health dilemmas are handled by nurses in time. Quality care delivery by nurses is also maintained under the available guidelines that govern nursing practice. Ethics also helps nurses to maintain the privacy of the communal health information Nursing Competencies Essay.

Independent practice

            It is a competence that embraces a nurse practitioner as a licensed healthcare provider who can independently work without any supervision. The skill, therefore, facilitates nurse practitioners to conduct health assessment, diagnosis, and treatment prescription to patients (Lavoie et al., 2018). Therefore, nurse practitioners are recognized by law as professionals who have the skills and knowledge to manage both diagnosed and undiagnosed patients independently Nursing Competencies Essay. Therefore, nurses are expected to offer quality healthcare services at the community level through critical thinking since not all decisions require clinical interventions. Nurses should ensure quality healthcare service delivery through offering culturally accepted health services.

There are various advocacy activities that my home State of Illinois nurse practitioner associations are involved in. One of the most popular is the Illinois action coalition. It is a program that was implemented to provide solutions to health-threatening factors (de Cordova et al., 2019). It was also formed to implement solutions to the problems that nurses face in their daily routine.

In conclusion, nurse competencies have been widely used to transform health community changes. Nurses utilize a combination of all these nine competencies, which have facilitated the improvement of health community status. These skills have also facilitated quality health service delivery by nurses. Nursing Competencies Essay Through these competencies, nurses have also been able to gain quality skills, knowledge, and experience that motivate them towards providing healthcare to their patients. Nursing Competencies Essay Assignment



de Cordova, P. B., Steck, M. B. W., Vermeesch, A., Pierre, N., Rankin, A., Ohlendorf, J. M., …

& Derouin, A. (2019, January). Health policy engagement among graduate nursing

students in the United States. In Nursing forum (Vol. 54, No. 1, pp. 38-


Hökkä, M., Martins Pereira, S., Pölkki, T., Kyngäs, H., & Hernández-Marrero, P. (2020).

Nursing competencies across different levels of palliative care provision: A systematic

integrative review with thematic synthesis. Palliative Medicine34(7), 851-870.

Lavoie, P., Michaud, C., Belisle, M., Boyer, L., Gosselin, E., Grondin, M., … & Pepin, J. (2018).

Learning theories and tools for the assessment of core nursing competencies in

simulation: A theoretical review. Journal of Advanced Nursing74(2), 239-250.

Park, S. J., & Ji, E. S. (2018). A structural model on the nursing competencies of nursing

simulation learners. Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing48(5), 588-600.  Nursing Competencies Essay


NURS – 6521N Advanced Pharmacology

NURS – 6521N Advanced Pharmacology

Week 1: Basic Pharmacotherapeutic Concepts/Ethical and Legal Aspects of Prescribing

How do beta-blockers work? What exactly do antibiotics do to the bacteria they target? What effects does an anti-depressant have on blood flow?


Questions like these are related to the underlying pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes of pharmacotherapeutics. As an advanced practice nurse, understanding these fundamental pharmacotherapeutic concepts is important to ensure that the prescription drugs you recommend for your patients will be safe and effective to treat and/or manage their symptoms. Additionally, as the advanced practice nurse, it is your responsibility to ensure that when prescribing prescription drugs, you adhere to the ethical and legal principles set forth for prescribing drugs as an added layer of protection and safety for the patients you will treat.  NURS – 6521N Advanced Pharmacology

This week, you will analyze factors that may influence pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics processes of a patient and assess the details of a personalized plan of care that you develop based on influencing factors and patient history. You will also evaluate and analyze ethical and legal implications and practices related to prescribing drugs, including disclosure and nondisclosure, and analyze the process of writing prescriptions to avoid medication errors.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

  • Analyze factors that influence pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes in patients
  • Assess patient factors and history to develop personalized plans of care
  • Evaluate ethical and legal implications related to prescribing drugs
  • Analyze ethical and legal practices of prescribing drugs
  • Analyze strategies to address disclosure and nondisclosure
  • Justify advanced practice nurse strategies to guide prescription drug decision-making
  • Analyze the process of writing prescriptions to avoid medication errors

Learning Resources

Required Readings (click to expand/reduce)
Required Media (click to expand/reduce)

Discussion: Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics

As an advanced practice nurse assisting physicians in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders, it is important to not only understand the impact of disorders on the body, but also the impact of drug treatments on the body. The relationships between drugs and the body can be described by pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics.

Pharmacokinetics describes what the body does to the drug through absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion, whereas pharmacodynamics describes what the drug does to the body.

Photo Credit: Getty Images/Ingram Publishing

When selecting drugs and determining dosages for patients, it is essential to consider individual patient factors that might impact the patient’s pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes. These patient factors include genetics, gender, ethnicity, age, behavior (i.e., diet, nutrition, smoking, alcohol, illicit drug abuse), and/or pathophysiological changes due to disease.

For this Discussion, you reflect on a case from your past clinical experiences and consider how a patient’s pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes may alter his or her response to a drug. NURS – 6521N Advanced Pharmacology

To Prepare
  • Review the Resources for this module and consider the principles of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics.
  • Reflect on your experiences, observations, and/or clinical practices from the last 5 years and think about how pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic factors altered his or her anticipated response to a drug.
  • Consider factors that might have influenced the patient’s pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes, such as genetics (including pharmacogenetics), gender, ethnicity, age, behavior, and/or possible pathophysiological changes due to disease.
  • Think about a personalized plan of care based on these influencing factors and patient history in your case study.
By Day 3 of Week 1

Post a description of the patient case from your experiences, observations, and/or clinical practice from the last 5 years. Then, describe factors that might have influenced pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes of the patient you identified. Finally, explain details of the personalized plan of care that you would develop based on influencing factors and patient history in your case. Be specific and provide examples.

By Day 6 of Week 1

Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses and respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days by suggesting additional patient factors that might have interfered with the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes of the patients they described. In addition, suggest how the personalized plan of care might change if the age of the patient were different and/or if the patient had a comorbid condition, such as renal failure, heart failure, or liver failure.

Note: For this Discussion, you are required to complete your initial post before you will be able to view and respond to your colleagues’ postings. Begin by clicking on the “Post to Discussion Question” link, and then select “Create Thread” to complete your initial post. Remember, once you click on Submit, you cannot delete or edit your own posts, and you cannot post anonymously. Please check your post carefully before clicking on Submit!

Submission and Grading Information

Grading Criteria

To access your rubric:

Week 1 Discussion Rubric

Post by Day 3 of Week 1 and Respond by Day 6 of Week 1

To Participate in this Discussion:

Week 1 Discussion

Assignment: Ethical and Legal Implications of Prescribing Drugs

What type of drug should you prescribe based on your patient’s diagnosis? How much of the drug should the patient receive? How often should the drug be administered? When should the drug not be prescribed? Are there individual patient factors that could create complications when taking the drug? Should you be prescribing drugs to this patient? How might different state regulations affect the prescribing of this drug to this patient? NURS – 6521N Advanced Pharmacology

These are some of the questions you might consider when selecting a treatment plan for a patient.

Photo Credit: Getty Images/Caiaimage

As an advanced practice nurse prescribing drugs, you are held accountable for people’s lives every day. Patients and their families will often place trust in you because of your position. With this trust comes power and responsibility, as well as an ethical and legal obligation to “do no harm.” It is important that you are aware of current professional, legal, and ethical standards for advanced practice nurses with prescriptive authority. Additionally, it is important to ensure that the treatment plans and administration/prescribing of drugs is in accordance with the regulations of the state in which you practice. Understanding how these regulations may affect the prescribing of certain drugs in different states may have a significant impact on your patient’s treatment plan. In this Assignment, you explore ethical and legal implications of scenarios and consider how to appropriately respond.

To Prepare
  • Review the Resources for this module and consider the legal and ethical implications of prescribing prescription drugs, disclosure, and nondisclosure.
  • Review the scenario assigned by your Instructor for this Assignment.
  • Search specific laws and standards for prescribing prescription drugs and for addressing medication errors for your state or region, and reflect on these as you review the scenario assigned by your Instructor.
  • Consider the ethical and legal implications of the scenario for all stakeholders involved, such as the prescriber, pharmacist, patient, and patient’s family.
  • Think about two strategies that you, as an advanced practice nurse, would use to guide your ethically and legally responsible decision-making in this scenario, including whether you would disclose any medication errors.


By Day 7 of Week 1

Write a 2- to 3-page paper that addresses the following:

  • Explain the ethical and legal implications of the scenario you selected on all stakeholders involved, such as the prescriber, pharmacist, patient, and patient’s family.
  • Describe strategies to address disclosure and nondisclosure as identified in the scenario you selected. Be sure to reference laws specific to your state.
  • Explain two strategies that you, as an advanced practice nurse, would use to guide your decision making in this scenario, including whether you would disclose your error. Be sure to justify your explanation.
  • Explain the process of writing prescriptions, including strategies to minimize medication errors.

Reminder: The College of Nursing requires that all papers submitted include a title page, introduction, summary, and references. The College of Nursing Writing Template with Instructions provided at the Walden Writing Center offers an example of those required elements (available at All papers submitted must use this formatting.

Submission and Grading Information

To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading, do the following:

  • Please save your Assignment using the naming convention “WK1Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension)” as the name.
  • Click the Week 1 Assignment Rubric to review the Grading Criteria for the Assignment.
  • Click the Week 1 Assignment link. You will also be able to “View Rubric” for grading criteria from this area.
  • Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My Computer button. Find the document you saved as “WK1Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension)” and click Open.
  • If applicable: From the Plagiarism Tools area, click the checkbox for I agree to submit my paper(s) to the Global Reference Database.
  • Click on the Submit button to complete your submission.
Grading Criteria

To access your rubric:

Week 1 Assignment Rubric

Check Your Assignment Draft for Authenticity

To check your Assignment draft for authenticity:

Submit your Week 1 Assignment draft and review the originality report.

Submit Your Assignment by Day 7 of Week 1

To participate in this Assignment:

Week 1 Assignment

What’s Coming Up in Module 2?

Photo Credit: [BrianAJackson]/[iStock / Getty Images Plus]/Getty Images

In the next module, you will examine the impact of changes in pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes on patient drug therapy for cardiovascular disorders and the types of drugs prescribed to patients with respiratory disorders.

Looking Ahead: Week 2 Assignment

In Week 2, your Instructor will assign you a case study related to Assignment 1 by Day 1 of the week. Please make sure to review the “Course Announcements” area of the course to verify your assigned case study. Please plan ahead to ensure you have time to review your case study and Learning Resources in order to complete your Assignment on time. NURS – 6521N Advanced Pharmacology

Photo Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto

Practicum – Upcoming Deadline

In the Nurse Practitioner programs of study (FNP, AGACNP, AGPCNP, and PMHNP) you are required to take several practicum courses. If you plan on taking a practicum course within the next two terms, you will need to submit your application via Meditrek .

For information on the practicum application process and deadlines, please visit the Field Experience: College of Nursing: Application Process – Graduate web page.

Please take the time to review the Appropriate Preceptors and Field Sites for your courses.

Please take the time to review the practicum manuals, FAQs, Webinars and any required forms on the Field Experience: College of Nursing: Student Resources and Manuals web page.

Next Week

Week 2: Cardiovascular System

Alterations of the cardiovascular system can cause serious adverse events and may lead to death when not treated in a timely and safe manner. Unfortunately, many patients with cardiovascular disorders are unaware until complications appear. In clinical settings, patients often present with symptoms of several cardiovascular disorders, making it essential for you, as the advanced practice nurse, to be able to recognize these symptoms and recommend appropriate drug treatment options.

This week, you examine the impact of patient factors that may lead to changes in pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes on patient drug therapy for cardiovascular disorders. You also explore ways to improve drug therapy plans for cardiovascular disorders based on patient factors and overall health needs.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

  • Analyze the influence of patient factors on pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes
  • Analyze the impact of changes in pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes on patient drug therapies
  • Evaluate drug therapy plans for cardiovascular disorders

Learning Resources

Required Readings (click to expand/reduce)

Required Media (click to expand/reduce)

Assignment: Pharmacotherapy for Cardiovascular Disorders

…heart disease remains the No. 1 killer in America; nearly half of all Americans have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or smoke—some of the leading risk factors for heart disease…

—Murphy et al., 2018

Despite the high mortality rates associated with cardiovascular disorders, improved treatment options do exist that can help address those risk factors that afflict the majority of the population today.

Photo Credit: Getty Images/Science Photo Library RF

As an advanced practice nurse, it is your responsibility to recommend appropriate treatment options for patients with cardiovascular disorders. To ensure the safety and effectiveness of drug therapy, advanced practice nurses must consider aspects that might influence pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes such as medical history, other drugs currently prescribed, and individual patient factors.

Reference: Murphy, S. L., Xu, J., Kochanek, K. D., & Arias, E. (2018). Mortality in the United States, 2017. Retrieved from

To Prepare
  • Review the Resources for this module and consider the impact of potential pharmacotherapeutics for cardiovascular disorders introduced in the media piece.
  • Review the case study assigned by your Instructor for this Assignment.
  • Select one the following factors: genetics, gender, ethnicity, age, or behavior factors.
  • Reflect on how the factor you selected might influence the patient’s pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes. NURS – 6521N Advanced Pharmacology
  • Consider how changes in the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes might impact the patient’s recommended drug therapy.
  • Think about how you might improve the patient’s drug therapy plan based on the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic changes. Reflect on whether you would modify the current drug treatment or provide an alternative treatment option for the patient.
By Day 7 of Week 2

Write a 2- to 3-page paper that addresses the following:

  • Explain how the factor you selected might influence the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes in the patient from the case study you were assigned.
  • Describe how changes in the processes might impact the patient’s recommended drug therapy. Be specific and provide examples.
  • Explain how you might improve the patient’s drug therapy plan and explain why you would make these recommended improvements.

Reminder: The College of Nursing requires that all papers submitted include a title page, introduction, summary, and references. The College of Nursing Writing Template with Instructions provided at the Walden Writing Center offers an example of those required elements (available at All papers submitted must use this formatting.

Submission and Grading Information

To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading, do the following:

  • Please save your Assignment using the naming convention “WK2Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension)” as the name.
  • Click the Week 2 Assignment Rubric to review the Grading Criteria for the Assignment.
  • Click the Week 2 Assignment link. You will also be able to “View Rubric” for grading criteria from this area.
  • Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My Computer button. Find the document you saved as “WK2Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension)” and click Open.
  • If applicable: From the Plagiarism Tools area, click the checkbox for I agree to submit my paper(s) to the Global Reference Database.
  • Click on the Submit button to complete your submission.
Grading Criteria

To access your rubric:

Week 2 Assignment Rubric

Check Your Assignment Draft for Authenticity

To check your Assignment draft for authenticity:

Submit your Week 2 Assignment draft and review the originality report.

Submit Your Assignment by Day 7 of Week 2

To participate in this Assignment:

Week 2 Assignment

What’s Coming Up in Week 3?

Photo Credit: [BrianAJackson]/[iStock / Getty Images Plus]/Getty Images

Next week, you will examine strategies for the treatment and management of respiratory disorders, including asthma. You will analyze asthma and stepwise management and consider the impact of this approach for patient health.

Next Week

To go to the next week:

Week 3


Week 3: Respiratory System

Asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are significant public health burdens. Currently, more than 25 million people in the United States have asthma (, 2019). As an advanced practice nurse, you will likely encounter patients who will present with respiratory disorders, including asthma or COPD. Understanding specific treatment protocols as well as the types of pharmacotherapeutics used to treat respiratory disorders is important to ensure the effective and safe delivery of advanced nursing practice.

This week, you will evaluate drug therapy plans for patients who present with asthma and analyze the stepwise approach to asthma treatment and management from a patient in your professional practice.

Reference: (2019). Respiratory diseases. Retrieved from

Learning Objectives

Students will:

  • Evaluate drug therapy plans for asthma
  • Assess the impact of asthma treatments on patients
  • Analyze the stepwise approach to asthma treatment and management

Learning Resources

Required Readings (click to expand/reduce)
Required Media (click to expand/reduce)
Optional Resources (click to expand/reduce)

Assignment: Asthma and Stepwise Management

Asthma is a respiratory disorder that affects children and adults. Advanced practice nurses often provide treatment to patients with these disorders. Sometimes patients require immediate treatment, making it essential that you recognize and distinguish minor asthma symptoms from serious, life-threatening ones. Since symptoms and attacks are often induced by a trigger, advanced practice nurses must also help patients identify their triggers and recommend appropriate management options. Like many other disorders, there are various approaches to treating and managing care for asthmatic patients depending on individual patient factors. NURS – 6521N Advanced Pharmacology

Photo Credit: Photo Library / Getty Images

One method that supports the clinical decision making of drug therapy plans for asthmatic patients is the stepwise approach, which you explore in this Assignment.

To Prepare
  • Reflect on drugs used to treat asthmatic patients, including long-term control and quick relief treatment options for patients. Think about the impact these drugs might have on patients, including adults and children.
  • Consider how you might apply the stepwise approach to address the health needs of a patient in your practice.
  • Reflect on how stepwise management assists health care providers and patients in gaining and maintaining control of the disease.
By Day 7 of Week 3

Create a 5- to 6-slide PowerPoint presentation that can be used in a staff development meeting on presenting different approaches for implementing the stepwise approach for asthma treatment. Be sure to address the following:

  • Describe long-term control and quick relief treatment options for the asthma patient from your practice as well as the impact these drugs might have on your patient.
  • Explain the stepwise approach to asthma treatment and management for your patient.
  • Explain how stepwise management assists health care providers and patients in gaining and maintaining control of the disease. Be specific.

Submission and Grading Information

To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading, do the following:

  • Please save your Assignment using the naming convention “WK3Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension)” as the name.
  • Click the Week 3 Assignment Rubric to review the Grading Criteria for the Assignment.
  • Click the Week 3 Assignment link. You will also be able to “View Rubric” for grading criteria from this area.
  • Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My Computer button. Find the document you saved as “WK3Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension)” and click Open.
  • If applicable: From the Plagiarism Tools area, click the checkbox for I agree to submit my paper(s) to the Global Reference Database.
  • Click on the Submit button to complete your submission.
  • NOTE: SafeAssign does not accept files over 10MB in size. Please attempt to keep your files under 10MB.
Grading Criteria

To access your rubric:

Week 3 Assignment Rubric

Check Your Assignment Draft for Authenticity

To check your Assignment draft for authenticity:

Submit your Week 3 Assignment draft and review the originality report.

Submit Your Assignment by Day 7 of Week 3

To participate in this Assignment:

Week 3 Assignment

What’s Coming Up in Module 3?

Photo Credit: [BrianAJackson]/[iStock / Getty Images Plus]/Getty Images

In the next module, you will examine diagnoses for patients with potential GI and hepatobiliary disorders. You will also develop a drug therapy plan based on patient history and diagnosis.

Next Week

PSYC 6717 Behavioral Consequences Scenario Worksheet Assignment

PSYC 6717 Behavioral Consequences Scenario Worksheet Assignment

Instructions: Identify in each of the following scenarios the behavioral consequence that is being used (positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive punishment, negative punishment, extinction). Define the principle you identified using the information provided in the scenario to illustrate how your answer represents that principle.


  1. Benny does not like to do homework, but he does like to eat pizza. His parents promise to give him pizza on the weekend if he does all of his homework for that week. Benny finishes all of his homework and gets a pizza on the weekend.

This would be positive reinforcement, The Pizza is added in regards to Benny finishing all of his assignments. PSYC 6717 Behavioral Consequences Scenario Worksheet Assignment

  1. Melissa is a 10th-grade student. At the beginning of the year, she raises her hand to answer a question, and the teacher calls on her. Melissa gives a wrong answer, and the teacher makes a comment about Melissa not being very smart. Melissa does not raise her hand the rest of the year.


Negative punishment, something is being taken out to diminish a specific conduct. Melissa’s certainty is taken out and she no longer needs to take an interest in class. PSYC 6717 Behavioral Consequences Scenario Worksheet Assignment




  1. Jose is a student in the same class as Melissa. When he raises his hand to answer a question, the teacher ignores him. He continues to raise his hand a number of times during the first week of class, and his teacher never calls on him. He gives up and does not raise his hand again the rest of the year.


Negative Punishment,  not recognizing Jose is being removed where it passes on Jose to not have any desire to partake in class any more. PSYC 6717 Behavioral Consequences Scenario Worksheet Assignment


  1. Rosa is in the same class as Melissa and Jose. The first day of class, she raises her hand to answer a question. The teacher calls on her, and she answers correctly. The teacher compliments her on getting the answer correct. Rosa raises her hand many more times during the year and is frequently called on by the teacher.

Positive Reinforcement, the delight of addressing the inquiry effectively and getting applauded by the instructor just makes Rosa need to keep responding to inquiries in class.

  1. Lyle tells her son Ryan to turn off the TV and do his homework. Ryan starts to complain, so his mother tells him to forget it. Ryan continues to watch TV. Mrs. Lyle continues to let Ryan watch TV whenever he complains. What consequence is influencing Mrs. Lyle’s behavior? PSYC 6717 Behavioral Consequences Scenario Worksheet Assignment

Negative reinforcement, Mrs. Lyle not having the option to lay down the law and permitting her child to proceed with not paying attention to her solicitations to wind down the television just causes her child to pull off everything. Making him not pay attention to anything she needs to say. PSYC 6717 Behavioral Consequences Scenario Worksheet Assignment


  1. Josh doesn’t care if he gets into trouble and has to stay after school. However, none of his classmates share his fondness for detention. When Josh tries to make his peers laugh by making rude noises and silly faces during class, his teacher starts to write the names of those students who are laughing and encouraging Josh on the blackboard under the word “detention.” Josh’s peers quickly stop attending to him. After several futile attempts to get their attention, Josh gives up this behavior. What might have weakened Josh’s disruptive behavior? What might have weakened Josh’s peers’ behavior of attending to him?


Negative punishment, Josh’s hankering for consideration is being removed by the instructor on the grounds that those understudies who are empowering kid’s conduct’s will be in a difficult situation too, lead to those understudies to stop their activities. Likewise causing kid to presently don’t act the manner in which he was.



  1. When Maya answers a question in class, her classmates often laugh at her speech impediment. When this happens, Maya usually puts her head down and sobs, to the delight of her peers. After a while, Maya stops speaking altogether. What might have strengthened Maya’s peers’ teasing behavior? What might have weakened Maya’s speaking behavior?


Positive Punishment, what helped Mayas friends would be the realizing that they are causing her inconvenience by crying. Maya as of now not wished to talk before class since she would not like to get chuckled at. PSYC 6717 Behavioral Consequences Scenario Worksheet Assignment. The understudies chuckling at Maya have driven her to quit talking before the class. PSYC 6717 Behavioral Consequences Scenario Worksheet Assignment



Assignment: Application of Behavioral Theory


To effectively determine best methods for behavior change, the professional behavior analyst needs to develop a strong understanding of how to analyze the situation, including the target behavior, antecedent conditions, and consequences for the behavior. Understanding the terms and phrases used in applied behavior analysis is critical to appropriately evaluate a situation and determine effective methods for behavior change PSYC 6717 Behavioral Consequences Scenario Worksheet Assignment.

One of the most frequently misused terms in psychology is “negative reinforcement.” Many people use this term to describe punishment because it “sounds better.” In behavioral psychology, terms are sometimes used differently than they are in everyday language. For example, the term “reinforcement” means that the rate of a behavior is increased. The term “punishment” means the rate of a behavior is decreased. The term “positive” means a stimulus is presented, and the term “negative” means a stimulus is removed. Therefore, negative reinforcement occurs when an aversive stimulus is removed, which results in an increase in probability of the behavior it followed.

For this Assignment, you will explore the application of behavioral theory. You will review a set of scenarios, analyze and identify the applied behavioral characteristic involved in the scenario, and explain how the scenario meets the definition of the characteristic you identified.

To Prepare

  • Review the Learning Resources for this week, including the required weekly media programs.
  • Review the “Behavioral Consequences Scenario Worksheet” found in the Learning Resources. You will use this worksheet to complete the Assignment. PSYC 6717 Behavioral Consequences Scenario Worksheet Assignment

Assignment (1–2 pages)

Complete the Behavioral Consequences Scenario Worksheet. To complete the worksheet, do the following for each scenario:

  • Identify and define the following consequences used in applied behavior analysis in each scenario (i.e., positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive punishment, negative punishment) PSYC 6717 Behavioral Consequences Scenario Worksheet Assignment.
  • Explain how each scenario meets the definition of the applied behavior analysis characteristic you identified. Within your explanation, identify each of the components of the definition within the scenario.

Be sure to support your Assignment with specific references to behavior-analytic theory and research. In addition to the Learning Resources, search the Walden Library and/or the internet for peer-reviewed articles to support your Assignment. Use proper APA format and citations, including those in the Learning Resources. 

By Day 7 of Week 1

Submit the Behavioral Consequences Scenario Worksheet.

Submission and Grading Information

To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading, do the following:

  • Please save your Assignment using the naming convention “WK1Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension)” as the name.
  • Click on the Week 1 Assignment Rubric to review the Grading Criteria for the Assignment.
  • Click on the Week 1 Assignment link. You will also be able to “View Rubric” for grading criteria from this area.
  • Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My Computer button. Find the document you saved as “WK1Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension)” and click on Open.
  • If applicable: From the Plagiarism Tools area, click the checkbox for I agree to submit my paper(s) to the Global Reference Database.
  • Click on the Submit button to complete your submission. PSYC 6717 Behavioral Consequences Scenario Worksheet Assignment
Excellent Good Fair Poor
10.5 (70%) – 12 (80%)
Assignment demonstrates an excellent understanding of all of the concepts and key points presented in the text/s and Learning Resources. Assignment provides significant detail including multiple relevant examples, discerning ideas, and evidence from scholarly sources (i.e., Learning Resources, Walden Library, and/or internet).
8.5 (56.67%) – 10.25 (68.33%)
Assignment demonstrates a good understanding of most of the concepts and key points presented in the text/s and Learning Resources. Assignment includes moderate detail, discerning ideas, and sufficient evidence from scholarly sources (i.e., Learning Resources, Walden Library, and/or internet). PSYC 6717 Behavioral Consequences Scenario Worksheet Assignment
(33.33%) – 8.25 (55%)
Assignment demonstrates a fair understanding of the concepts and key points as presented in the text/s and Learning Resources. Assignment may be lacking in detail and specificity and/or may not include sufficient pertinent examples, discerning ideas, evidence from scholarly sources (i.e., Learning Resources, Walden Library, and/or internet).
(0%) – 4.5 (30%)
Assignment demonstrates poor understanding of the concepts and key points of the text/s and Learning Resources. Assignment is missing detail and specificity and/or does not include any pertinent examples discerning ideas, or sufficient evidence from scholarly sources (i.e., Learning Resources, Walden Library, and/or internet).
(20%) – 3 (20%)
Assignment is well organized, uses scholarly tone, follows APA style, uses original writing and proper paraphrasing, contains very few or no writing and/or spelling errors, and is fully consistent with graduate-level writing style. Assignment contains multiple, appropriate and exemplary sources expected/required for the assignment (i.e., Learning Resources, Walden Library, and/or internet).
(13.33%) – 2 (13.33%)
Assignment is mostly consistent with graduate-level writing style. Assignment may have some small or infrequent organization, scholarly tone, or APA style issues, and/or may contain a few writing and spelling errors, and/or somewhat less than the expected number of or type of sources (i.e., scholarly sources from the Learning Resources, Walden Library, and/or internet).
(6.67%) – 1 (6.67%)
Assignment is somewhat below graduate-level writing style, with multiple smaller or a few major problems. Assignment may be lacking in organization, scholarly tone, APA style, and/or contain many writing and/or spelling errors, or shows moderate reliance on quoting versus original writing and paraphrasing. Assignment may contain inferior sources (number or quality of scholarly sources from the Learning Resources, Walden Library, and/or internet).
(0%) – 0 (0%)
Assignment is well below graduate-level writing style expectations for organization, scholarly tone, APA style, and writing, or relies excessively on quoting. Assignment may contain few or no quality sources (i.e., scholarly sources from the Learning Resources, Walden Library, and/or internet). PSYC 6717 Behavioral Consequences Scenario Worksheet Assignment

PSYC 6717 Module 1 Test: Introduction to Applied Behavior Analysis

PSYC 6717 Module 1 Test: Introduction to Applied Behavior Analysis

Each module in this course provides fundamental information in a critical area of applied behavior analysis. At the end of each module, you will take a test to demonstrate your understanding of the topics covered.

This week’s Test assesses your knowledge of the assigned course readings and material introducing you to applied behavior analysis. PSYC 6717 Module 1 Test: Introduction to Applied Behavior Analysis


To Prepare

  • Review the Learning Resources and consider how these resources will guide your understanding of applied behavior analysis as you prepare for your Module 1 Test.

Test Instructions

  • This Test consists of 10 multiple-choice or true/false questions.
  • Each question is worth one point.
  • Questions are presented in a random order.
  • This Test allows you to go back to check or change your answers at any point during your allotted Test time.
  • You may use your course readings and other resources to help you. This Test is open book.
  • You will have unlimited time to finish this Test by the end of the week.
  • You must pass the Test at 90% for competency. PSYC 6717 Module 1 Test: Introduction to Applied Behavior Analysis
  • Once the Test has been submitted, the correct answer will be indicated when you have given an incorrect answer.
  • If you need to retake the Test, a new Test will be generated.


Module 1 Test: Introduction to Applied Behavior Analysis

Each module in this course provides fundamental information in a critical area of applied behavior analysis. At the end of each module, you will take a test to demonstrate your understanding of the topics covered.

This week’s Test assesses your knowledge of the assigned course readings and material introducing you to applied behavior analysis. PSYC 6717 Module 1 Test: Introduction to Applied Behavior Analysis

To Prepare

  • Review the Learning Resources and consider how these resources will guide your understanding of applied behavior analysis as you prepare for your Module 1 Test. PSYC 6717 Module 1 Test: Introduction to Applied Behavior Analysis

Test Instructions

  • This Test consists of 10 multiple-choice or true/false questions.
  • Each question is worth one point.
  • Questions are presented in a random order.
  • This Test allows you to go back to check or change your answers at any point during your allotted Test time.
  • You may use your course readings and other resources to help you. This Test is open book.
  • You will have unlimited time to finish this Test by the end of the week.
  • You must pass the Test at 90% for competency. PSYC 6717 Module 1 Test: Introduction to Applied Behavior Analysis
  • Once the Test has been submitted, the correct answer will be indicated when you have given an incorrect answer.
  • If you need to retake the Test, a new Test will be generated. PSYC 6717 Module 1 Test: Introduction to Applied Behavior Analysis

NURS 6002 / 3 Part 1: Developing an Academic and Professional Network Example

NURS 6002 / 3 Part 1: Developing an Academic and Professional Network Example

Academic and Professional Success Plan Template


This document is to be used for NURS 6003 Transition to Graduate Study for Nursing to complete Assessments 1-6. Just as importantly the document serves to organize your thoughts about planning for your academic and professional success. NURS 6002 / 3 Part 1: Developing an Academic and Professional Network Example

For specific instructions see the weekly assessment details in the course, or ask your instructor for further guidance.


Week 1 | Part 1: My Academic and Professional Network


I have identified and secured the participation of the following academic (at least two) and professional (at least two) individuals and/or teams to form the basis of my network. This network will help me to clarify my vision for success and will help guide me now and in the future. NURS 6002 / 3 Part 1: Developing an Academic and Professional Network Example


Directions: Complete the information below for each member of your network. For more than four entries repeat the items below with details of your additional network member(s) in the ‘ADDITIONAL NETWORK MEMBERS’ section. NURS 6002 / 3 Part 1: Developing an Academic and Professional Network Example


Name: xx


Title: Student Success Advisor

Organization: xx


Academic or Professional: Academic


Why I selected this individual and/or team and how they will support my success in the MSN program and as a practicing nurse: xxx has been calling to check in to make sure I have everything I need academically. She has been helping me with navigating the University page and figuring my way out as its been a lot. NURS 6002 / 3 Part 1: Developing an Academic and Professional Network Example




Name: xxx

Title: Enrollment Specialist

Organization: xx

Academic or Professional: Academic


Why I selected this individual and/or team and how they will support my success in the MSN program and as a practicing nurse: I selected xxx because he has been very instrumental in me getting back into the groove of school and helping me keep up and reminding me when things are due. NURS 6002 / 3 Part 1: Developing an Academic and Professional Network Example





Name: xxx



Title: PMHNP Student/RN



Organization: xx



Academic or Professional: Professional



Why I selected this individual and/or team and how they will support my success in the MSN program and as a practicing nurse: I selected Raquel because she has been encouraging and inspiring me every step of the way, as well as giving me the drive and motivation needed to go when life says otherwise. NURS 6002 / 3 Part 1: Developing an Academic and Professional Network Example




Name: xxx


Title: Special Educator

Organization: xxx


Academic or Professional: Professional


Why I selected this individual and/or team and how they will support my success in the MSN program and as a practicing nurse: xxx has been my main motivator when I think I just cannot make it anymore she is always there to push me through. Always there to help me with finding research or researching difficult assignments.




Week 2 | Part 2: Academic Resources and Strategies

I have identified the following academic resources and/or strategies that can be applied to success in the nursing practice in general or my specialty in particular. NURS 6002 / 3 Part 1: Developing an Academic and Professional Network Example

Directions: In the space below Identify and describe at least three academic resources or strategies that can be applied to the MSN program, and at least three professional resources that can be applied to success in the nursing practice in general or your specialty in particular. For each, explain how you intend to use these resources, and how they might benefit you academically and professionally.


Academic Resource/Strategy 1


Academic Resource/Strategy 2


Academic Resource/Strategy 3

Professional Resource/Strategy 1




Professional Resource/Strategy 2

Professional Resource/Strategy 3




Week 3 | Part 3: Strategies to Promote Academic Integrity and Professional Ethics


I have analyzed the relationship between academic integrity and writing, as well as the relationship between professional practices and scholarly ethics. I have also identified strategies I intend to pursue to maintain integrity and ethics of my academic work while a student of the MSN program, as well as my professional work as a nurse throughout my career. The results of these efforts are shared below.


Directions: In the space below craft your analysis/writing sample, including Part 1 (The Connection Between Academic and Professional Integrity) and Part 2 (Strategies for Maintaining Integrity of Work). NURS 6002 / 3 Part 1: Developing an Academic and Professional Network Example


Part 1: Writing Sample: The Connection Between Academic and Professional Integrity


In the space below write a 2- 3-paragraph analysis that includes the following:


Explanation for the relationship between academic integrity and writing
Explanation for the relationship between professional practices and scholarly ethics
Cite at least 2 resources that support your arguments, being sure to use proper APA formatting.
Use Grammarly and SafeAssign to improve the product.
NURS 6002 / 3 Part 1: Developing an Academic and Professional Network Example
Explain how Grammarly, Safe Assign, and paraphrasing contributes to academic integrity


PART 2: Strategies for Maintaining Integrity of Work


Expand on your thoughts from Part 1 by:


Identifying and describing strategies you intend to pursue to maintain integrity and ethics of your 1) academic work while a student of the MSN program, and 2) professional work as a nurse throughout your career. Include a review of resources and approaches you propose to use as a student and a professional.

Week 4 | Part 4: Research Analysis


I have identified one topic of interest for further study. I have researched and identified one peer-reviewed research article focused on this topic and have analyzed this article. The results of these efforts are shared below.


Directions: Complete Step 1 by using the table and subsequent space below identify and analyze the research article you have selected. Complete Step 2 by summarizing in 2-3 paragraphs the results of your analysis using the space identified. NURS 6002 / 3 Part 1: Developing an Academic and Professional Network Example


Step 1: Research Analysis

Complete the table below

Topic of Interest:
Research Article: Include full citation in APA format, as well as link or search details (such as DOI)
Professional Practice Use:
One or more professional practice uses of the theories/concepts presented in the article

NURS 6002 / 3 Part 1: Developing an Academic and Professional Network Example
Research Analysis Matrix
Add more rows if necessary

Strengths of the Research Limitations of the Research Relevancy to Topic of Interest Notes




Step 2: Summary of Analysis

Craft a summary (2-3 paragraph) below that includes the following:

Describe your approach to identifying and analyzing peer-reviewed research
Identify at least two strategies that you would use that you found to be effective in finding peer-reviewed research
Identify at least one resource you intend to use in the future to find peer-reviewed research
NURS 6002 / 3 Part 1: Developing an Academic and Professional Network Example


Week 5 | Part 5: Professional Development


I have developed a curriculum vitae to capture my academic and professional accomplishments to date.


The results of my efforts are below.


Directions: Complete Step a curriculum vitae (CV) in the space provided.




Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Use the space below to write your CV based on your current education and professional background. Alternatively, you may write this in a separate document and copy/paste the results below.

NOTE: If needed there are a variety of online resources available with tips and samples of graduate nurse CVs.

Week 6 | Part 6: Finalizing the Plan


I have considered various options for my nursing specialty, including a close look at my selected (or currently preferred) specialty and second-preferred specialty. I have also developed a justification of my selected (or preferred) specialty. Lastly, I have examined one professional organization related to my selected or preferred specialty and considered how I can become a member of this organization.


The results of my efforts are below.


Directions: Complete Step 1 by writing 2-3 paragraphs in the space below comparing the nursing specialty you have selected – or the one you prefer if your choice is still under consideration – to your second preference. Identify each specialty and describe the focus and the role that graduates are prepared for. Identify any other differentiators you feel are significant, especially those that helped or may help you reach a decision.


Complete Step 2 by writing a paragraph identifying and justifying your reasons for choosing your MSN specialization. Be sure to incorporate any feedback you received from colleagues in this week’s Discussion Forum.


Complete Step 3 by examining and identifying one professional organization related to your selected or preferred specialty. Explain how you can become a member of this organization. NURS 6002 / 3 Part 1: Developing an Academic and Professional Network Example



Step 1: Comparison of Nursing Specialties

Use the space below to write 2-3 paragraphs comparing the nursing specialty you have selected – or the one you prefer if your choice is still under consideration – to your second preference. Identify each specialty and describe the focus and the role that graduates are prepared for. Identify any other differentiators you feel are significant, especially those that helped or may help you reach a decision.



Step 2: Justification of Nursing Specialty

Use the space below to write a paragraph identifying and justifying your reasons for choosing your MSN specialization. Be sure to incorporate any feedback you received from colleagues in this week’s Discussion Forum. NURS 6002 / 3 Part 1: Developing an Academic and Professional Network Example


Step 3: Professional Organizations

Use the space below to identify and examine one professional organization related to your selected or preferred specialty. Explain how you can become a member of this organization. NURS 6002 / 3 Part 1: Developing an Academic and Professional Network Example

NURS 6050 Assignment: Legislation Grid and Testimony/Advocacy Statement

NURS 6050 Assignment: Legislation Grid and Testimony/Advocacy Statement

Legislation Grid and Advocacy Statement

Legislation Grid

Health-related Bill Name Promoting Physical Activity for Americans Act
Bill Number S. 1301
Description The identified bill is sponsored by Sharrod Brown, the senior Senator for Ohio (Govtrack, 2021). The Senator is a democrat. The bill was first introduced to the House of Representatives on April 22, 2021.The bill seeks to authorize the Secretary for Health and Human Services (HHS) to be publishing a report on physical activity and the interventions aimed at controlling specific measures of interest. The bill also requires that the secretary for HHS to publish evidence-based intervention aimed at promoting physical activity among specific populations of the community. The bill would also require that any other federal agency that would wish to promote physical activity among the community members should base on the published research-based report. NURS 6050 Assignment: Legislation Grid and Testimony/Advocacy Statement. 


Federal or State? Federal
Legislative Intent The legislative intent of the bill is to foster the utilization of the latest medical innovation and research in the promotion of physical activity among the communities. The other intent is to ensure that population specific interventions are used when promoting physical activity. With the increase in the rate of obesity and lifestyle diseases, the legislative intent of the bill is to improve effectiveness of physical activity promotion practices so as to further improve the rate of community members involved in physical activity within the community. NURS 6050 Assignment: Legislation Grid and Testimony/Advocacy Statement The rate of obesity and lifestyle related diseases would be fostered in the quality of the patient intervention. NURS 6050 Assignment: Legislation Grid and Testimony/Advocacy Statement 


Proponents/ Opponents Proponents: Sponsoring legislators, the healthcare professionals and the members of the community especially at risk of developing obesity and lifestyle diseases. 


Opponents: The secretary for HHS would likely challenge the bill with the basis of the cost of carrying out research for publishing the report after every 10 years.
Target Population NURS 6050 Assignment: Legislation Grid and Testimony/Advocacy Statement The bill targets all the citizens of the United States especially considering that a large proportion are at risk of being obese because of not meeting the minimum requirements for physical activity. 


Status of the bill (Is it in hearings or committees?) The bill was passed by the Senate on 30th July 2021 through a voice vote (Govtrack, 2021). The bill will be forwarded to the House for the second time before proceeding to the next subsequent stages. 



General Notes/Comments 



The bill, presented by Sherrod Brown is considered to offer a uniquely important opportunity for the promotion of physical activity and in essence improve the intervention to combat obesity. The bill with two sponsors is projected to be having at least 48% probability of being ascended into law because of its feasibility and relevance to the prevailing situation.


Legislation Testimony/Advocacy Statement

The personal position in the bill in question is to join the proponents and thus support the bill. The bill proposes a suitable approach for promoting physical activity considering that it proposes the implementation of evidence-based intervention (Bowen, et al. 2021). The rate of obesity in the United States has been consistently growing over time. The rate of obesity between 1999 and 2000 was 30.5% as compared to the rate of 42.4% between 2017 and 2018 (Gelius, et al. 2020) NURS 6050 Assignment: Legislation Grid and Testimony/Advocacy Statement. Obesity is also closely associated with an increased risk of various lifestyle diseases such as hypertension, diabetes and certain types of cancers. The lifestyle health conditions are among the top ten leading causes of death in the United States. Only 19.3% of the United States citizens meet the minimum recommended physical activity rate and thus indicating a significantly high demand for better interventions to promote physical activity. Physical activity is a key element that contributes to body weight besides diet. Promoting physical activity is therefore considered to be important.

Considering the opponents for the bill the bill base counter-arguments on the cost carrying out research to publish the reports after 10 years, it would be vital to consider that 10 years is a significantly wide interval (Bowen, et al. 2021). The opponents should also be informed about the extreme cost incurred annually due to obesity. It is estimated that the cost associated with adult obesity ranges between $147 billion to 210 billion annually (Piercy, et al. 2018). The high cost due to unproductivity at workplace and the cost of treatment for obesity related conditions is higher as compared to the cost of carrying out research for 10 years to publish a report. NURS 6050 Assignment: Legislation Grid and Testimony/Advocacy Statement The opponents should also be informed about the importance of utilizing evidence-based intervention since it helps to promote the utilization of the latest research findings into practice. Considering the dynamic nature of clinical practices, it is important to embrace research even when promoting physical activity. NURS 6050 Assignment: Legislation Grid and Testimony/Advocacy Statement


Bowen, P. G., Opoku-Agyeman, W., Clay, O. J., McCaskill, G., Mixon, V., Sen, B. P., … & Martin, M. Y. (2021). Promoting Physical Activity Through Policy at a Single Safety-Net Clinic: A Pilot Study. Translational Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine6(2), e000160.

Gelius, P., Messing, S., Goodwin, L., Schow, D., & Abu-Omar, K. (2020). What are effective policies for promoting physical activity? A systematic review of reviews. Preventive medicine reports18, 101095.

Govtrack, (2021) S. 1301: Promoting Physical Activity for Americans Act. Retrieved from: NURS 6050 Assignment: Legislation Grid and Testimony/Advocacy Statement

Piercy, K. L., Troiano, R. P., Ballard, R. M., Carlson, S. A., Fulton, J. E., Galuska, D. A., … & Olson, R. D. (2018). The physical activity guidelines for Americans. Jama320(19), 2020-2028.


Assignment: Legislation Grid and Testimony/Advocacy Statement

As a nurse, how often have you thought to yourself, If I had anything to do about it, things would work a little differently? Increasingly, nurses are beginning to realize that they do, in fact, have a role and a voice.

Many nurses encounter daily experiences that motivate them to take on an advocacy role in hopes of impacting policies, laws, or regulations that impact healthcare issues of interest. Of course, doing so means entering the less familiar world of policy and politics. While many nurses do not initially feel prepared to operate in this space effectively, the reward is the opportunity to shape and influence future health policy.

To Prepare:

  • Select a bill that has been proposed (not one that has been enacted) using the congressional websites provided in the Learning Resources. NURS 6050 Assignment: Legislation Grid and Testimony/Advocacy Statement.

The Assignment: (1- to 2-page Legislation Grid; 1-page Legislation Testimony/Advocacy Statement)

Be sure to add a title page, an introduction, purpose statement, and a conclusion. This is an APA paper.

Part 1: Legislation Grid

Based on the health-related bill (proposed, not enacted) you selected, complete the Legislation Grid Template. Be sure to address the following:

  • Determine the legislative intent of the bill you have reviewed.
  • Identify the proponents/opponents of the bill.
  • Identify the target populations addressed by the bill.
  • Where in the process is the bill currently? Is it in hearings or committees? NURS 6050 Assignment: Legislation Grid and Testimony/Advocacy Statement

Part 2: Legislation Testimony/Advocacy Statement

Based on the health-related bill you selected, develop a 1-page Legislation Testimony/Advocacy Statement that addresses the following:

  • Advocate a position for the bill you selected and write testimony in support of your position.
  • Describe how you would address the opponent to your position. Be specific and provide examples.
  • At least 2 outside resources and 2-3 course specific resources are used. NURS 6050 Assignment: Legislation Grid and Testimony/Advocacy Statement.