Complete the ShadowHealth© Focused Exams – Special Populations: Chest Pain, Cough and Abdominal Pain assignments

Complete the ShadowHealth© Focused Exams – Special Populations: Chest Pain, Cough and Abdominal Pain assignments

After you have achieved at least 80% on the assignment(s) download, save and upload your LabPass document to the dropbox.


Professional Development

  • Write a 500-word APA reflection essay of your experience with the Shadow Health virtual assignment(s). At least two scholarly sources in addition to your textbook should be utilized. Answers to the following questions may be included in your reflective essay:
    • What went well in your assessment? Complete the ShadowHealth© Focused Exams – Special Populations: Chest Pain, Cough and Abdominal Pain assignments
    • What did not go so well? What will you change for your next assessment?
    • What findings did you uncover?
    • What questions yielded the most information? Why do you think these were effective?
    • What diagnostic tests would you order based on your findings?
    • What differential diagnoses are you currently considering?
    • What patient teaching were you able to complete? What additional patient teaching is needed?
    • Would you prescribe any medications at this point? Why or why not? If so, what?
    • How did your assessment demonstrate sound critical thinking and clinical decision making? Complete the ShadowHealth© Focused Exams – Special Populations: Chest Pain, Cough and Abdominal Pain assignments

Gynecologic Health Assignment

Gynecologic Health Assignment

Select a patient that you examined as a nurse practitioner student during the last three weeks of clinical on OB/GYN Issue. With this patient in mind, address the following in a SOAP Note 1 OR 2 PAGES :


Subjective: What details did the patient provide regarding her personal and medical history?


Objective: What observations did you make during the physical assessment?


Assessment: What were your differential diagnoses? Provide a minimum of three possible diagnoses. List them from highest priority to lowest priority. What was your primary diagnosis and why?


Plan: What was your plan for diagnostics and primary diagnosis? What was your plan for treatment and management, including alternative therapies? Include pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic treatments, alternative therapies, and follow-up parameters for this patient , as well as a rationale for this treatment and management plan.


Very Important:  Reflection notes: What would you do differently in a similar patient evaluation?






Gagan, M. J. (2009). The SOAP format enhances communication. Kai Tiaki Nursing New Zealand, 15(5), 15.


Tharpe, N. L., Farley, C., & Jordan, R. G. (2013). Clinical practice guidelines for midwifery & Women’s health (4th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Publishers.




Chapter 6, “Care of the Well Woman Across the Life Span” ,“Care of the Woman Interested in Barrier Methods of Birth Control” (pp. 275–278)


Chapter 7, “Care of the Woman with Reproductive Health Problems”


“Care of the Woman with Dysmenorrhea” (pp. 366–368)  Gynecologic Health Assignment


“Care of the Woman with Premenstrual Symptoms, Syndrome (PMS), or Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD)” (pp. 414–418)

Practicum Objectives Assignment

Practicum Objectives Assignment

Practicum Objectives Assignment

Assignment 1: Practicum Objectives

Practicum objectives are often confused with practicum goals. Although the latter relates to the former, practicum goals are broad statements of an expected practicum outcome of a course. They provide a future vision and summarize the subject area and intent of other related practicum objectives.  In comparison, learners draw practicum objectives from the practicum goals. As guiding statements for every practicum encounter, they connect the learners’ intent with   the reality within the practicum experience as well as to planned assessments (Yusuff, 2018) Practicum Objectives Assignment .

In this paper, the I identify the practicum objectives for her practicum experience and describes the key activities that will be associated with each objective. I identified content areas that the nurse faculty expects DNP learners to learn by the end of the course, and used it as the best strategy to identify the practicum objectives Practicum Objectives Assignment . At DNP level, practicum objectives describe what a DNP learner must be able to do upon completion of the practicum experience (Chatterjee & Corral, 2017). A good practicum objective clearly highlights the skills, knowledge, and attitude that a learner will gain from an activity and must answer how well or how much, who, what, when, and will do, using the SMART mnemonic.


Practicum Objectives

Upon completion of the difficult airway workshop, participants should be able to formulate an accurate algorithm for the management of an obese adult patient with inadequate face mask ventilation, according to the American Society of Anesthesiologists difficult airway algorithm.”

  • Objective 1: To obtain knowledge and practical home health experience by researching about policies within the context of Homecare Nursing upon completion of the practicum experience Practicum Objectives Assignment .
  • Objective 2: To obtain knowledge on the services that are available within the community to support greater independence, improve outcomes, and reduce readmissions of patients undergoing homebased care.
  • Objective 3: Upon completion of the practicum experience, I shall develop skills in working with interdisciplinary teams in the Home Healthcare Setting and conducting high quality assessments and consultations with patients and families to help them achieve their goals.
  • Objective 4: To network  with  other  family nurse practitioners in  the home health setting to advance knowledge and improve outcomes in the management of patients with multimorbid conditions receiving homebased care upon completion  of the practicum experience Practicum Objectives Assignment . Practicum Objectives Assignment

Key Activities Associated with Practicum Objectives

  • Objective 1: To obtain knowledge and practical home health experience by researching about policies within the context of Homecare Nursing upon completion of the practicum experience
    • Take advantage of opportunities to be part of  development  meetings, training sessions and learning opportunities  that focus on homecare nursing
    • Gain insights into the history of Homecare nursing  and how  Medicaid/Medicare  has implemented  new strategies for  improved care and efficiency
  • Objective 2: To obtain knowledge on the services that are available within the community to support greater independence, improve outcomes, and reduce readmissions of patients undergoing homebased care Practicum Objectives Assignment .
    • search and link up with community based services that support homecare nursing/homebased care
    • refer/link patients and families with  community based resources that support  homebased care
  • Objective 3: Upon completion of the practicum experience, I shall develop skills in working with interdisciplinary teams in the Home Healthcare Setting and conducting high quality assessments and consultations with patients and families to help them achieve their goals.
    • Integrate newly discovered knowledge or information in every patient or family encounter
    • Develop communication skills through active listening, and exercising situational awareness when working  with  patients, families and other healthcare providers Practicum Objectives Assignment
    • Conduct consultations with families and  patients to help them attain success and
  • Objective 4: To network  with  other  family nurse practitioners in  the home health setting to advance knowledge and improve outcomes in the management of patients with multimorbid conditions receiving homebased care
    • Every month, attend one conference to network with other FNPs specializing in home healthcare.



Chatterjee, D., & Corral, J. (2017). How to Write Well-Defined Learning Objectives. The journal of education in perioperative medicine : JEPM19(4), E610.

Yusuff K. B. (2018). Does personalized goal setting and study planning improve academic performance and perception of learning experience in a developing setting?. Journal of Taibah University Medical Sciences13(3), 232–237. Practicum Objectives Assignment

NUR-665E Nursing Education Practicum Documentation (NEPD) Goals Form

NUR-665E Nursing Education Practicum Documentation (NEPD) Goals Form

NUR-665E Nursing Education Practicum Documentation (NEPD) Goals Form
Nursing Education Practicum
Goal 1
S: To form a rapport with my students and other nurse instructors
M:  Success will be measured by assessing the quality of interaction I have with my students and other nurse instructors, and my ability to address each student by their name.
A: I can achieve this goal in the process of learning and practice.  NUR-665E Nursing Education Practicum Documentation (NEPD) Goals Form
R: Communication skills are important for a nurse. Effective communication allows the passing of information between colleagues and patients, which is central in providing health services (Kim, 2018). Furthermore, it allows the creation of working relationships that allow collaboration during learning and patient care.  Furthermore, it allows the creation of working relationships allowing the collaboration of personnel during patient care.
T: I hope to achieve this by the end of week 2 of the course. NUR-665E Nursing Education Practicum Documentation (NEPD) Goals Form
Goal 2
S: To help the students obtain effective listening skills.
M: Success will be measured by evaluating the ability of students to obtain a detailed patient history during the patient assessment. NUR-665E Nursing Education Practicum Documentation (NEPD) Goals Form
A: I can achieve this goal during the practical sessions.
R: Listening skills are central to patient care. They enable one to attain a comprehensive history from the patient while picking out the most important aspects that influence the course of presenting illness and treatment.
T: I hope to achieve this by week 2.
Goal 3
S: To teach the students skills of ethical judgment
M: This will be assessed by constantly evaluating the clinical decisions students make during patient care to ensure that they are morally sound. NUR-665E Nursing Education Practicum Documentation (NEPD) Goals Form
A: I believe I can achieve this in the course of the practicum.
R: Nursing ethics are the principles guiding the decision-making processes involved during patient care (Subedi, 2018). They ensure that nurses make moral decisions for the benefit of the patients.
T: I hope to achieve this by the end of week 4.


Goal 4
S: To help students develop effective time management skills.
M: The success will be measured by assessing the time taken by students to effectively care for a patient and noting improvements on the same.
A: I can achieve this in the course of the practicum.
R: Time management allows one to effectively manage their specific roles through organizing and prioritizing the patient’s needs and care, personal obligations, and educational responsibilities (Lucas, 2019). Furthermore, it limits burnout and increases productivity among healthcare workers.
T: I hope to achieve this by the end of week 6.
Goal 5
S: To teach students the legal aspects of patient care such as gaining consent and respecting patient autonomy.
M: Success will be measured by assessing for active patient involvement and the implementation of their opinions as students conduct their practical’s.
A:  I can attain this in the course of the practicum.
R: Patients have a right to decide on the course of their treatment without influence by the healthcare workers. Nurses have a duty to respect the patient wishes. It is the patients’ legal right to decide whether to accept or refuse treatment. Additionally, nurses are obligated to explain any procedures in detail, including the advantages and disadvantages (Subedi, 2018). It is also paramount to obtain informed consent from a patient before performing any medical procedures. NUR-665E Nursing Education Practicum Documentation (NEPD) Goals Form
T: I hope to achieve this by the end of week 6 of the practicum.

Kim, G. U., Jung, E., Cho, M., Han, S. Y., Jang, M., Lee, M., & Shim, M. S. (2019). Revisiting the meaning of a good nurse. The Open Nursing Journal, 13(1).
Lucas, B. (2019). Developing the personal qualities required for effective nurse leadership. Nursing Standard, 34(12), 45-50.
Subedi, K. K. P., Timalsina, K., & Bhele, R. L. (2018). Nurse’s awareness on ethico-legal aspects of nursing profession. Journal of Nepal Health Research Council, 16(1), 49-52. NUR-665E Nursing Education Practicum Documentation (NEPD) Goals Form

Nursing Education Practicum Documentation (NEPD)Goals Form
NUR-665E Nursing Education Practicum – Weeks 1 and 16
Directions: Complete the documentation form. The form will expand for as long as you type. You will be submitting this document in both Week 1 and Week 16. The top section is due Week 1 and the bottom section is due Week 16.

Overall Practicum Goals (Week 1)
Overall Practicum Goals: Use the S.M.A.R.T. goal format to create goals you have for your overall practicum experience. Be sure your goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time bound (S.M.A.R.T. goals). Type your five practicum goals in the space below. Consider what you want to accomplish during this practicum course. You may choose to focus in on a specific aspect of nursing education or a variety of nursing education experiences within your selected practicum setting and population. NUR-665E Nursing Education Practicum Documentation (NEPD) Goals Form  Review these goals with your preceptor/mentor prior to submission or as soon as possible.





Evaluation of Overall Practicum Goals (Week 16)
Review the goals you wrote in Week 1 and write a reflection for each one of them. Include whether or not you met your goals and provide some detail about the process.






Example S.M.A.R.T. Goals:
Delete this example page prior to submitting this assignment.
S: I will develop a learning needs questionnaire and administer it to my students to assess their learning needs regarding my lesson plan topic NUR-665E Nursing Education Practicum Documentation (NEPD) Goals Form .
M: My success with this goal will be measured by my preceptor/mentor’s review/critique of my questionnaire, discussion of the results obtained, and self-reflection on the process and results
A: I can attain this goal during my practicum. NUR-665E Nursing Education Practicum Documentation (NEPD) Goals Form
R: Learning needs are relevant to developing the lesson plan for students at my practicum site.
T: I will achieve this goal by X date.
NUR-665E Nursing Education Practicum Documentation (NEPD) Goals Form

NR 511 Chamberlain Week 8 Differential Diagnosis and Primary Care Paper

NR 511 Chamberlain Week 8 Differential Diagnosis and Primary Care Paper




WEEK 8: Reflection

I was in a pediatric clinic for the past 8 weeks

Through this assignment, the student will:

  • Review clinical encounters to identify gaps in experience.
  • Propose a plan to narrow the gaps in experience.
  • Identify their own feelings regarding their progress, achievement of personal goals and weaknesses.
  • Chose two (2) NONPF CORE competencies and discuss how the student has met or plans to meet them in the future.  NR 511 Chamberlain Week 8 Differential Diagnosis and Primary Care Paper



There are two parts to this assignment.

  • In part 1, students will review their clinical experience documentation in to write a narrative about their experience thus far.  Students should:
    • Review their patient encounters and identify experience gaps in terms of age, acuity, certain procedures, level of complexity, etc.
    • State how they plan to narrow this gap in future practicums (i.e., focus on seeing pediatric patients under the age of 5, finding a separate pediatric site for a later practicum, et cetera)
    • Discuss how they have progressed throughout the practicum by identifying the goals that they have achieved and/or are still working toward
    • Identify areas of weakness and communicate a plan to address these areas
  • Choose two of the NONPF CORE competencies and describe either (a) how you have met them or (b) how you plan to work toward meeting them in the future. Provide specific examples from your clinical rotation as support.  FNP NONPF CORE competencies can be found at: (Links to an external site.)

Preparing the paper

  • The written portion of this assignment is to be completed in a WORD document (.doc) and submitted to the course.
  • Grammar, punctuation, spelling should be observed.  In-text citations and reference page should follow APA format.
  • Assignments will not be accepted once the course closes in Week 8.









Identify gaps in patient experiences



After reviewing the clinical encounter summary, the student   identifies any gaps in specific patient experiences (i.e. ages, acuities,   complexities, procedures, assessments, etc.) and introduces a plan to narrow   this gap in future practicum experiences.  The student also outlines   their practicum plan for the remaining classes.  NR 511 Chamberlain Week 8 Differential Diagnosis and Primary Care Paper


Discuss progression in clinical



The student discusses their overall progression in this   clinical rotation; specifically identifying personal goals that were achieved   or how the student plans to achieve in future practicum experiences.


Identify areas of weakness



The student identifies specific areas of weakness in the   clinical setting and communicates a plan to address these deficiencies.


NONPF competencies



Student choses two NONPF CORE competencies and   describes how the competencies were met or how the student plans to   meet.  Specific examples from the clinical rotation should be   provided.  NR 511 Chamberlain Week 8 Differential Diagnosis and Primary Care Paper




QSEN Competencies John Larsen Shadow Health Assignment

QSEN Competencies John Larsen Shadow Health Assignment

The Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) Institute works to prepare future nurses in the competencies of Patient-centered Care, Teamwork and Collaboration, Evidence-based Practice, Quality Improvement, Safety, and Informatics. Additional information about the QSEN competencies is available from

In this assignment you demonstrated QSEN competencies through the actions of interviewing the patient to collect subjective data, assessing the patient to collect objective data, and responding to opportunities to empathize with and educate the patient.

Using the tabs above you can view the QSEN competencies demonstrated by each of your actions. This unscored feedback is provided to illustrate the knowledge, skills, and attitudes you have demonstrated that will contribute to the quality and safety of your work as a nurse and your capacity to continuously improve the quality and safety of health care. QSEN Competencies John Larsen Shadow Health Assignment


 Established chief complaint

Patient Centered Care

Demonstrate comprehensive understanding in sign in symptoms of anxiety disorder in general, and in particular to the case presented. Consider patient thoughts, feelings, family involvement, and demographics.
Provide care with sensitivity and respect for the diversity of human experience. Assess patient needs, and values.

Evidence Based Practice

Value the concept of EBP as integral to determining best clinical practice.

Quality Improvement


Identify essential information that must be available in a common database to support patient care.
Apply technology and information management tools to support safe processes of care. Navigate the electronic health record. Document and plan patient care in an electronic health record.
Protect confidentiality of protected health information in electronic health records. Access patients records only when there is a need to know.
 Asked about onset and duration of symptoms

Patient Centered Care

Demonstrate comprehensive understanding in sign in symptoms of anxiety disorder in general, and in particular to the case presented. Consider patient thoughts, feelings, family involvement, and demographics. QSEN Competencies John Larsen Shadow Health Assignment
Provide care with sensitivity and respect for the diversity of human experience. Assess patient needs, and values.

Evidence Based Practice

Value the concept of EBP as integral to determining best clinical practice.


Identify essential information that must be available in a common database to support patient care.
Apply technology and information management tools to support safe processes of care. Navigate the electronic health record. Document and plan patient care in an electronic health record. Navigate the EHR.
Protect confidentiality of protected health information in electronic health records. Access patients records only when there is a need to know.
 Asked about aggravating factors of symptoms

Patient Centered Care

Demonstrate comprehensive understanding in sign in symptoms of anxiety disorder in general, and in particular to the case presented. Consider patient thoughts, feelings, family involvement, and demographics.
Provide care with sensitivity and respect for the diversity of human experience. Assess patient needs, and values.

Evidence Based Practice

Value the concept of EBP as integral to determining best clinical practice.


Identify essential information that must be available in a common database to support patient care.
Apply technology and information management tools to support safe processes of care. Navigate the electronic health record. Document and plan patient care in an electronic health record. Navigate the EHR.
Protect confidentiality of protected health information in electronic health records. Access patients records only when there is a need to know.
 Asked about relieving factors of symptoms

Patient Centered Care

Demonstrate comprehensive understanding in sign in symptoms of anxiety disorder in general, and in particular to the case presented. Consider patient thoughts, feelings, family involvement, and demographics.
Provide care with sensitivity and respect for the diversity of human experience. Assess patient needs, and values.

Evidence Based Practice

Value the concept of EBP as integral to determining best clinical practice.


Identify essential information that must be available in a common database to support patient care.
Apply technology and information management tools to support safe processes of care. Navigate the electronic health record. Document and plan patient care in an electronic health record. Navigate the EHR.
Protect confidentiality of protected health information in electronic health records. Access patients records only when there is a need to know.
 Asked about existing health conditions

Patient Centered Care

Demonstrate comprehensive understanding in sign in symptoms of anxiety disorder in general, and in particular to the case presented. Consider patient thoughts, feelings, family involvement, and demographics.
Provide care with sensitivity and respect for the diversity of human experience. Assess patient needs, and values. Evaluate patient’s diagnostic measures to rule out physical conditions, psychological conditions that mimic physiological issues, or any co-morbid conditions. QSEN Competencies John Larsen Shadow Health Assignment

Evidence Based Practice

Value the concept of EBP as integral to determining best clinical practice.


Identify essential information that must be available in a common database to support patient care.
Apply technology and information management tools to support safe processes of care. Navigate the electronic health record. Document and plan patient care in an electronic health record.
Protect confidentiality of protected health information in electronic health records. Access patients records only when there is a need to know.
 Followed up on history of mental health

Patient Centered Care

Demonstrate comprehensive understanding in sign in symptoms of anxiety disorder in general, and in particular to the case presented. Consider patient thoughts, feelings, family involvement, and demographics.
Provide care with sensitivity and respect for the diversity of human experience. Assess patient needs, and values. Evaluate patient’s diagnostic measures to rule out physical conditions, psychological conditions that mimic physiological issues, or any co-morbid conditions.

Evidence Based Practice

Value the concept of EBP as integral to determining best clinical practice.


Identify essential information that must be available in a common database to support patient care.
Apply technology and information management tools to support safe processes of care. Navigate the EHR. Document and plan patient care in an electronic health record.
Protect confidentiality of protected health information in electronic health records. Access patients records only when there is a need to know.
 Followed up on hypertension diagnosis

Patient Centered Care

Demonstrate comprehensive understanding in sign in symptoms of anxiety disorder in general, and in particular to the case presented. Consider patient thoughts, feelings, family involvement, and demographics.
Provide care with sensitivity and respect for the diversity of human experience. Assess patient needs, and values. Evaluate patient’s diagnostic measures to rule out physical conditions, psychological conditions that mimic physiological issues, or any co-morbid conditions.

Evidence Based Practice

Value the concept of EBP as integral to determining best clinical practice.


Identify essential information that must be available in a common database.
Navigate the EHR.
 Followed up on high cholesterol diagnosis

Patient Centered Care

Demonstrate comprehensive understanding in sign in symptoms of anxiety disorder in general, and in particular to the case presented. Consider patient thoughts, feelings, family involvement, and demographics.
Provide care with sensitivity and respect for the diversity of human experience. Assess patient needs, and values. Evaluate patient’s diagnostic measures to rule out physical conditions, psychological conditions that mimic physiological issues, or any co-morbid conditions. QSEN Competencies John Larsen Shadow Health Assignment

Evidence Based Practice

Value the concept of EBP as integral to determining best clinical practice.


Identify essential information that must be available in a common database to support patient care.
Apply technology and information management tools to support safe processes of care. Document and plan patient care in an electronic health record. Navigate the EHR.
Protect confidentiality of protected health information in electronic health records. Access patients records only when there is a need to know.
 Followed up on osteoarthritis diagnosis

Patient Centered Care

Demonstrate comprehensive understanding in sign in symptoms of anxiety disorder in general, and in particular to the case presented. Consider patient thoughts, feelings, family involvement, and demographics.
Provide care with sensitivity and respect for the diversity of human experience. Assess patient needs, and values. Evaluate patient’s diagnostic measures to rule out physical conditions, psychological conditions that mimic physiological issues, or any co-morbid conditions.

Evidence Based Practice

Value the concept of EBP as integral to determining best clinical practice.


Identify essential information that must be available in a common database to support patient care.
Apply technology and information management tools to support safe processes of care. Navigate the EHR. Document and plan patient care in an electronic health record.
Protect confidentiality of protected health information in electronic health records. Access patients records only when there is a need to know.
 Asked about allergies

Patient Centered Care

Demonstrate comprehensive understanding in sign in symptoms of anxiety disorder in general, and in particular to the case presented. Consider patient thoughts, feelings, family involvement, and demographics.
Provide care with sensitivity and respect for the diversity of human experience. Assess patient needs, and values. Evaluate patient’s diagnostic measures to rule out physical conditions, psychological conditions that mimic physiological issues, or any co-morbid conditions.

Evidence Based Practice

Value the concept of EBP as integral to determining best clinical practice.


Identify essential information that must be available in a common database.
Navigate the EHR.
 Asked specifically about medication allergies

Patient Centered Care

Demonstrate comprehensive understanding in sign in symptoms of anxiety disorder in general, and in particular to the case presented. Consider patient thoughts, feelings, family involvement, and demographics
Provide care with sensitivity and respect for the diversity of human experience. Assess patient needs, and values. Evaluate patient’s diagnostic measures to rule out physical conditions, psychological conditions that mimic physiological issues, or any co-morbid conditions.

Evidence Based Practice

Value the concept of EBP as integral to determining best clinical practice.


Identify essential information that must be available in a common database.
Navigate the EHR.
 Followed up on codeine allergy

Patient Centered Care

Demonstrate comprehensive understanding in sign in symptoms of anxiety disorder in general, and in particular to the case presented. Consider patient thoughts, feelings, family involvement, and demographics
Provide care with sensitivity and respect for the diversity of human experience. Assess patient needs, and values. Evaluate patient’s diagnostic measures to rule out physical conditions, psychological conditions that mimic physiological issues, or any co-morbid conditions.

Evidence Based Practice

Differentiate clinical opinion from research and evidence summaries.
Value the concept of EBP as integral to determining best clinical practice.


Identify essential information that must be available in a common database.
Navigate the EHR.
 Asked about home medications

Patient Centered Care

Demonstrate comprehensive understanding in sign in symptoms of anxiety disorder in general, and in particular to the case presented. Consider patient thoughts, feelings, family involvement, and demographics
Provide care with sensitivity and respect for the diversity of human experience. Assess patient needs, and values. Evaluate patient’s diagnostic measures to rule out physical conditions, psychological conditions that mimic physiological issues, or any co-morbid conditions.

Evidence Based Practice

Value the concept of EBP as integral to determining best clinical practice.


Identify essential information that must be available in a common database to support patient care.
Apply technology and information management tools to support safe processes of care. Navigate the electronic health record. Document and plan patient care in an electronic health record.
Protect confidentiality of protected health information in electronic health records. Access patients records only when there is a need to know.
 Followed up on last dose of home medications

Patient Centered Care

Demonstrate comprehensive understanding in sign in symptoms of anxiety disorder in general, and in particular to the case presented. Consider patient thoughts, feelings, family involvement, and demographics
Provide care with sensitivity and respect for the diversity of human experience. Assess patient needs, and values. Evaluate patient’s diagnostic measures to rule out physical conditions, psychological conditions that mimic physiological issues, or any co-morbid conditions.

Evidence Based Practice

Differentiate clinical opinion from research and evidence summaries.
Value the concept of EBP as integral to determining best clinical practice.


Identify essential information that must be available in a common database.
Navigate the EHR.
 Followed up on medication for cholesterol

Patient Centered Care

Demonstrate comprehensive understanding in sign in symptoms of anxiety disorder in general, and in particular to the case presented. Consider patient thoughts, feelings, family involvement, and demographics
Provide care with sensitivity and respect for the diversity of human experience. Assess patient needs, and values. Evaluate patient’s diagnostic measures to rule out physical conditions, psychological conditions that mimic physiological issues, or any co-morbid conditions. QSEN Competencies John Larsen Shadow Health Assignment


Identify essential information that must be available in a common database.
Navigate the EHR.
 Followed up on medication for hypertension

Patient Centered Care

Demonstrate comprehensive understanding in sign in symptoms of anxiety disorder in general, and in particular to the case presented. Consider patient thoughts, feelings, family involvement, and demographics
Provide care with sensitivity and respect for the diversity of human experience. Assess patient needs, and values. Evaluate patient’s diagnostic measures to rule out physical conditions, psychological conditions that mimic physiological issues, or any co-morbid conditions.


Identify essential information that must be available in a common database to support patient care.
Apply technology and information management tools to support safe processes of care. Navigate the electronic health record. Document and plan patient care in an electronic health record.
Protect confidentiality of protected health information in electronic health records. Access patients records only when there is a need to know.
 Asked about substance use

Patient Centered Care

Demonstrate comprehensive understanding in sign in symptoms of anxiety disorder in general, and in particular to the case presented. Consider patient thoughts, feelings, family involvement, and demographics.
Provide care with sensitivity and respect for the diversity of human experience. Assess patient needs, and values. Evaluate patient’s diagnostic measures to rule out physical conditions, psychological conditions that mimic physiological issues, or any co-morbid conditions.
Avoid judgment, communicate wisely and maintain confidentiality.


Identify essential information that must be available in a common database to support patient care.
Apply technology and information management tools to support safe processes of care. Navigate the electronic health record. Document and plan patient care in an electronic health record.
Protect confidentiality of protected health information in electronic health records. Access patients records only when there is a need to know.
 Followed up on alcohol use

Patient Centered Care

Demonstrate comprehensive understanding in sign in symptoms of anxiety disorder in general, and in particular to the case presented. Consider patient thoughts, feelings, family involvement, and demographics.
Provide care with sensitivity and respect for the diversity of human experience. Assess patient needs, and values. Evaluate patient’s diagnostic measures to rule out physical conditions, psychological conditions that mimic physiological issues, or any co-morbid conditions.
Avoid judgment, communicate wisely and maintain confidentiality.


Identify essential information that must be available in a common database to support patient care.
Apply technology and information management tools to support safe processes of care. Navigate the electronic health record. Document and plan patient care in an electronic health record.
Protect confidentiality of protected health information in electronic health records. Access patients records only when there is a need to know.
 Asked about caffeine use

Patient Centered Care

Demonstrate comprehensive understanding in sign in symptoms of anxiety disorder in general, and in particular to the case presented. Consider patient thoughts, feelings, family involvement, and demographics.
Provide care with sensitivity and respect for the diversity of human experience. Assess patient needs, and values. Evaluate patient’s diagnostic measures to rule out physical conditions, psychological conditions that mimic physiological issues, or any co-morbid conditions.
Avoid judgment, communicate wisely and maintain confidentiality.


Identify essential information that must be available in a common database to support patient care.
Apply technology and information management tools to support safe processes of care. Navigate the electronic health record. Document and plan patient care in an electronic health record. Navigate the EHR.
Protect confidentiality of protected health information in electronic health records. Access patients records only when there is a need to know. QSEN Competencies John Larsen Shadow Health Assignment
 Asked about family, support system, and living situation

Patient Centered Care

Demonstrate comprehensive understanding in sign in symptoms of anxiety disorder in general, and in particular to the case presented. Consider patient thoughts, feelings, family involvement, and demographics
Provide care with sensitivity and respect for the diversity of human experience. Assess patient needs, and values. Evaluate patient’s diagnostic measures to rule out physical conditions, psychological conditions that mimic physiological issues, or any co-morbid conditions.
Avoid judgment, communicate wisely and maintain confidentiality.


Identify essential information that must be available in a common database to support patient care.
Apply technology and information management tools to support safe processes of care. Navigate the electronic health record. Document and plan patient care in an electronic health record. Navigate the EHR.
Protect confidentiality of protected health information in electronic health records. Access patients records only when there is a need to know.
 Asked about relevant family history

Patient Centered Care

Demonstrate comprehensive understanding in sign in symptoms of anxiety disorder in general, and in particular to the case presented. Consider patient thoughts, feelings, family involvement, and demographics.
Provide care with sensitivity and respect for the diversity of human experience. Assess patient needs, and values. Evaluate patient’s diagnostic measures to rule out physical conditions, psychological conditions that mimic physiological issues, or any co-morbid conditions.
Avoid judgment, communicate wisely and maintain confidentiality.


Identify essential information that must be available in a common database to support patient care.
Apply technology and information management tools to support safe processes of care. Navigate the electronic health record. Document and plan patient care in an electronic health record.
Protect confidentiality of protected health information in electronic health records. Access patients records only when there is a need to know.
 Asked about general symptoms

Patient Centered Care

Demonstrate comprehensive understanding in sign in symptoms of anxiety disorder in general, and in particular to the case presented. Consider patient thoughts, feelings, family involvement, and demographics
Provide care with sensitivity and respect for the diversity of human experience. Assess patient needs, and values. Evaluate patient’s diagnostic measures to rule out physical conditions, psychological conditions that mimic physiological issues, or any co-morbid conditions.


Identify essential information that must be available in a common database to support patient care.
Apply technology and information management tools to support safe processes of care. Navigate the electronic health record. Document and plan patient care in an electronic health record.
Protect confidentiality of protected health information in electronic health records. Access patients records only when there is a need to know..
 Asked about review of systems for HEENT

Patient Centered Care

Demonstrate comprehensive understanding in sign in symptoms of anxiety disorder in general, and in particular to the case presented. Consider patient thoughts, feelings, family involvement, and demographics
Provide care with sensitivity and respect for the diversity of human experience. Assess patient needs, and values. Evaluate patient’s diagnostic measures to rule out physical conditions, psychological conditions that mimic physiological issues, or any co-morbid conditions.


Identify essential information that must be available in a common database to support patient care.
Apply technology and information management tools to support safe processes of care. Navigate the electronic health record. Document and plan patient care in an electronic health record.
Protect confidentiality of protected health information in electronic health records. Access patients records only when there is a need to know.
 Asked about review of systems for respiratory

Patient Centered Care

Demonstrate comprehensive understanding in sign in symptoms of anxiety disorder in general, and in particular to the case presented. Consider patient thoughts, feelings, family involvement, and demographics
Provide care with sensitivity and respect for the diversity of human experience. Assess patient needs, and values. Evaluate patient’s diagnostic measures to rule out physical conditions, psychological conditions that mimic physiological issues, or any co-morbid conditions.


Identify essential information that must be available in a common database to support patient care.
Apply technology and information management tools to support safe processes of care. Navigate the electronic health record. Document and plan patient care in an electronic health record.
Protect confidentiality of protected health information in electronic health records. Access patients records only when there is a need to know. QSEN Competencies John Larsen Shadow Health Assignment
 Asked about review of systems for cardiovascular

Patient Centered Care

Demonstrate comprehensive understanding in sign in symptoms of anxiety disorder in general, and in particular to the case presented. Consider patient thoughts, feelings, family involvement, and demographics.
Provide care with sensitivity and respect for the diversity of human experience. Assess patient needs, and values. Evaluate patient’s diagnostic measures to rule out physical conditions, psychological conditions that mimic physiological issues, or any co-morbid conditions.


Identify essential information that must be available in a common database to support patient care.
Apply technology and information management tools to support safe processes of care. Navigate the electronic health record. Document and plan patient care in an electronic health record.
Protect confidentiality of protected health information in electronic health records. Access patients records only when there is a need to know.
 Asked about review of systems for skin, hair, and nails

Patient Centered Care

Demonstrate comprehensive understanding in sign in symptoms of anxiety disorder in general, and in particular to the case presented. Consider patient thoughts, feelings, family involvement, and demographics
Provide care with sensitivity and respect for the diversity of human experience. Assess patient needs, and values. Evaluate patient’s diagnostic measures to rule out physical conditions, psychological conditions that mimic physiological issues, or any co-morbid conditions.


Identify essential information that must be available in a common database to support patient care.
Apply technology and information management tools to support safe processes of care. Navigate the electronic health record. Document and plan patient care in an electronic health record.
Protect confidentiality of protected health information in electronic health records. Access patients records only when there is a need to know.
 Asked about review of systems for gastrointestinal

Patient Centered Care

Demonstrate comprehensive understanding in sign in symptoms of anxiety disorder in general, and in particular to the case presented. Consider patient thoughts, feelings, family involvement, and demographics
Provide care with sensitivity and respect for the diversity of human experience. Assess patient needs, and values. Evaluate patient’s diagnostic measures to rule out physical conditions, psychological conditions that mimic physiological issues, or any co-morbid conditions.


Identify essential information that must be available in a common database to support patient care.
Apply technology and information management tools to support safe processes of care. Navigate the electronic health record. Document and plan patient care in an electronic health record.
Protect confidentiality of protected health information in electronic health records. Access patients records only when there is a need to know.
 Asked about review of systems for musculoskeletal

Patient Centered Care

Demonstrate comprehensive understanding in sign in symptoms of anxiety disorder in general, and in particular to the case presented. Consider patient thoughts, feelings, family involvement, and demographics
Provide care with sensitivity and respect for the diversity of human experience. Assess patient needs, and values. Evaluate patient’s diagnostic measures to rule out physical conditions, psychological conditions that mimic physiological issues, or any co-morbid conditions.


Identify essential information that must be available in a common database to support patient care.
Apply technology and information management tools to support safe processes of care. Navigate the electronic health record. Document and plan patient care in an electronic health record.
Protect confidentiality of protected health information in electronic health records. Access patients records only when there is a need to know.
 Asked about review of systems for neurological

Patient Centered Care

Demonstrate comprehensive understanding in sign in symptoms of anxiety disorder in general, and in particular to the case presented. Consider patient thoughts, feelings, family involvement, and demographics
Provide care with sensitivity and respect for the diversity of human experience. Assess patient needs, and values. Evaluate patient’s diagnostic measures to rule out physical conditions, psychological conditions that mimic physiological issues, or any co-morbid conditions.


Identify essential information that must be available in a common database to support patient care.
Apply technology and information management tools to support safe processes of care. Navigate the electronic health record. Document and plan patient care in an electronic health record.
Protect confidentiality of protected health information in electronic health records. Access patients records only when there is a need to know.
 Asked about review of systems for psychological

Patient Centered Care

Demonstrate comprehensive understanding in sign in symptoms of anxiety disorder in general, and in particular to the case presented. Consider patient thoughts, feelings, family involvement, and demographics
Provide care with sensitivity and respect for the diversity of human experience. Assess patient needs, and values. Evaluate patient’s diagnostic measures to rule out physical conditions, psychological conditions that mimic physiological issues, or any co-morbid conditions.


Identify essential information that must be available in a common database to support patient care.
Apply technology and information management tools to support safe processes of care. Navigate the electronic health record. Document and plan patient care in an electronic health record.
Protect confidentiality of protected health information in electronic health records. Access patients records only when there is a need to know.
 Asked “Are you troubled by the following things?”

Patient Centered Care

Demonstrate comprehensive understanding in sign in symptoms of anxiety disorder in general, and in particular to the case presented. Consider patient thoughts, feelings, family involvement, and demographics.
Provide care with sensitivity and respect for the diversity of human experience. Assess patient needs, and values. Evaluate patient’s diagnostic measures to rule out physical conditions, psychological conditions that mimic physiological issues, or any co-morbid conditions.

Evidence Based Practice

Differentiate clinical opinion from research and evidence summaries.
Value the concept of EBP as integral to determining best clinical practice.


Identify essential information that must be available in a common database to support patient care.
Apply technology and information management tools to support safe processes of care. Navigate the electronic health record. Document and plan patient care in an electronic health record.
Protect confidentiality of protected health information in electronic health records. Access patients records only when there is a need to know.
 Asked “Are you bothered by the following things?”

Patient Centered Care

Demonstrate comprehensive understanding in sign in symptoms of anxiety disorder in general, and in particular to the case presented. Consider patient thoughts, feelings, family involvement, and demographics
Provide care with sensitivity and respect for the diversity of human experience. Assess patient needs, and values. Evaluate patient’s diagnostic measures to rule out physical conditions, psychological conditions that mimic physiological issues, or any co-morbid conditions QSEN Competencies John Larsen Shadow health

Evidence Based Practice

Differentiate clinical opinion from research and evidence summaries.
Value the concept of EBP as integral to determining best clinical practice.


Know the complications that could result from neglected anxiety attack.


Identify essential information that must be available in a common database to support patient care.
Apply technology and information management tools to support safe processes of care. Navigate the electronic health record. Document and plan patient care in an electronic health record.
Protect confidentiality of protected health information in electronic health records. Access patients records only when there is a need to know. QSEN Competencies John Larsen Shadow Health Assignment
 Asked about changes in sleeping habits

Patient Centered Care

Demonstrate comprehensive understanding in sign in symptoms of anxiety disorder in general, and in particular to the case presented. Consider patient thoughts, feelings, family involvement, and demographics
Provide care with sensitivity and respect for the diversity of human experience. Assess patient needs, and values. Evaluate patient’s diagnostic measures to rule out physical conditions, psychological conditions that mimic physiological issues, or any co-morbid conditions QSEN Competencies John Larsen Shadow health .

Evidence Based Practice

Differentiate clinical opinion from research and evidence summaries.
Value the concept of EBP as integral to determining best clinical practice.


Identify essential information that must be available in a common database to support patient care.
Apply technology and information management tools to support safe processes of care. Navigate the electronic health record. Document and plan patient care in an electronic health record.
Protect confidentiality of protected health information in electronic health records. • Access patients records only when there is a need to know.
 Asked about changes in eating habits

Patient Centered Care

Demonstrate comprehensive understanding in sign in symptoms of anxiety disorder in general, and in particular to the case presented. Consider patient thoughts, feelings, family involvement, and demographics.
Provide care with sensitivity and respect for the diversity of human experience. Assess patient needs, and values. Evaluate patient’s diagnostic measures to rule out physical conditions, psychological conditions that mimic physiological issues, or any co-morbid conditions.

Evidence Based Practice

Differentiate clinical opinion from research and evidence summaries.
Value the concept of EBP as integral to determining best clinical practice.



Identify essential information that must be available in a common database to support patient care.
Apply technology and information management tools to support safe processes of care. Navigate the electronic health record. Document and plan patient care in an electronic health record.
Protect confidentiality of protected health information in electronic health records. Access patients records only when there is a need to know.
 Asked questions about “more days than not”

Patient Centered Care

Demonstrate comprehensive understanding in sign in symptoms of anxiety disorder in general, and in particular to the case presented. Consider patient thoughts, feelings, family involvement, and demographics.
Provide care with sensitivity and respect for the diversity of human experience. Assess patient needs, and values. Evaluate patient’s diagnostic measures to rule out physical conditions, psychological conditions that mimic physiological issues, or any co-morbid conditions.

Evidence Based Practice

Differentiate clinical opinion from research and evidence summaries.
Value the concept of EBP as integral to determining best clinical practice.


Identify essential information that must be available in a common database to support patient care.
Apply technology and information management tools to support safe processes of care. Navigate the electronic health record. Document and plan patient care in an electronic health record.
Protect confidentiality of protected health information in electronic health records. Access patients records only when there is a need to know.
 Asked about impact of alcohol or drugs in the past year

Patient Centered Care

Demonstrate comprehensive understanding in sign in symptoms of anxiety disorder in general, and in particular to the case presented. Consider patient thoughts, feelings, family involvement, and demographics
Provide care with sensitivity and respect for the diversity of human experience. Assess patient needs, and values. Evaluate patient’s diagnostic measures to rule out physical conditions, psychological conditions that mimic physiological issues, or any co-morbid conditions.

Evidence Based Practice

Differentiate clinical opinion from research and evidence summaries.
Value the concept of EBP as integral to determining best clinical practice.


Identify essential information that must be available in a common database to support patient care.
Apply technology and information management tools to support safe processes of care. Navigate the electronic health record. Document and plan patient care in an electronic health record.
Protect confidentiality of protected health information in electronic health records. Access patients records only when there is a need to know.
 Assessed vitals

Teamwork and Collaboration


Identify essential information that must be available in a common database to support patient care.
Navigate the EHR. Document and plan patient care in an electronic health record.
Protect confidentiality of protected health information in electronic health records.
 Inspected eyes


Identify essential information that must be available in a common database.
Navigate the EHR.
Value technologies that support clinical decision-making, error detection, care coordination and maintain confidentiality.
 Inspected legs for edema


Identify essential information that must be available in a common database.
Navigate the EHR.
Value technologies that support clinical decision-making, error detection, care coordination and maintain confidentiality.
 Auscultated breath sounds

Evidence Based Practice

Differentiate clinical opinion from research and evidence summaries.
Value the concept of EBP as integral to determining best clinical practice.


Identify essential information that must be available in a common database.
Navigate the EHR.
Value technologies that support clinical decision-making, error detection, care coordination and maintain confidentiality.
 Auscultated heart sounds

Evidence Based Practice

Differentiate clinical opinion from research and evidence summaries.
Value the concept of EBP as integral to determining best clinical practice.


Identify essential information that must be available in a common database.
Navigate the EHR.
Value technologies that support clinical decision-making, error detection, care coordination and maintain confidentiality.
 Palpated carotid arteries

Evidence Based Practice

Describe the benefits and limitations of selected safety enhancing technologies (CPOE, Automatic alarms, Identification bands, MAR, Barcode scanning for medication administration)
Demonstrate effective use of technology and standardized practices that support safety and quality. Use appropriate strategies to reduce reliance on memory (checklists). Value the contributions of standardization/reliability to safety.


Demonstrate knowledge of basic scientific methods and processes. Describe EBP to include the components of research evidence, clinical expertise and patient/family values.
Participate effectively in appropriate data collection
Appreciate strengths and weaknesses of scientific bases for practice. Value the concept of EBP as integral to determining best clinical practice.
 Palpated brachial arteries

Evidence Based Practice

Describe the benefits and limitations of selected safety enhancing technologies (CPOE, Automatic alarms, Identification bands, MAR, Barcode scanning for medication administration)
Demonstrate effective use of technology and standardized practices that support safety and quality. Use appropriate strategies to reduce reliance on memory (checklists). Value the contributions of standardization/reliability to safety.


Demonstrate knowledge of basic scientific methods and processes. Describe EBP to include the components of research evidence, clinical expertise and patient/family values.
Participate effectively in appropriate data collection
Appreciate strengths and weaknesses of scientific bases for practice. Value the concept of EBP as integral to determining best clinical practice.
 Palpated radial arteries

Evidence Based Practice

Describe the benefits and limitations of selected safety enhancing technologies (CPOE, Automatic alarms, Identification bands, MAR, Barcode scanning for medication administration)
Demonstrate effective use of technology and standardized practices that support safety and quality. Use appropriate strategies to reduce reliance on memory (checklists). Value the contributions of standardization/reliability to safety.


Demonstrate knowledge of basic scientific methods and processes. Describe EBP to include the components of research evidence, clinical expertise and patient/family values.
Participate effectively in appropriate data collection
Appreciate strengths and weaknesses of scientific bases for practice. Value the concept of EBP as integral to determining best clinical practice.
 Palpated femoral arteries

Evidence Based Practice

Describe the benefits and limitations of selected safety enhancing technologies (CPOE, Automatic alarms, Identification bands, MAR, Barcode scanning for medication administration)
Demonstrate effective use of technology and standardized practices that support safety and quality. Use appropriate strategies to reduce reliance on memory (checklists). Value the contributions of standardization/reliability to safety.


Demonstrate knowledge of basic scientific methods and processes. Describe EBP to include the components of research evidence, clinical expertise and patient/family values.
Participate effectively in appropriate data collection
Appreciate strengths and weaknesses of scientific bases for practice. Value the concept of EBP as integral to determining best clinical practice.
 Palpated popliteal arteries

Evidence Based Practice

Describe the benefits and limitations of selected safety enhancing technologies (CPOE, Automatic alarms, Identification bands, MAR, Barcode scanning for medication administration)
Demonstrate effective use of technology and standardized practices that support safety and quality. Use appropriate strategies to reduce reliance on memory (checklists). Value the contributions of standardization/reliability to safety.


Demonstrate knowledge of basic scientific methods and processes. Describe EBP to include the components of research evidence, clinical expertise and patient/family values.
Participate effectively in appropriate data collection
Appreciate strengths and weaknesses of scientific bases for practice. Value the concept of EBP as integral to determining best clinical practice.
 Palpated tibial arteries

Evidence Based Practice

Describe the benefits and limitations of selected safety enhancing technologies (CPOE, Automatic alarms, Identification bands, MAR, Barcode scanning for medication administration)
Demonstrate effective use of technology and standardized practices that support safety and quality. Use appropriate strategies to reduce reliance on memory (checklists). Value the contributions of standardization/reliability to safety.


Demonstrate knowledge of basic scientific methods and processes. Describe EBP to include the components of research evidence, clinical expertise and patient/family values.
Participate effectively in appropriate data collection
Appreciate strengths and weaknesses of scientific bases for practice. Value the concept of EBP as integral to determining best clinical practice.
 Palpated dorsalis pedis arteries

Evidence Based Practice

Describe the benefits and limitations of selected safety enhancing technologies (CPOE, Automatic alarms, Identification bands, MAR, Barcode scanning for medication administration)
Demonstrate effective use of technology and standardized practices that support safety and quality. Use appropriate strategies to reduce reliance on memory (checklists). Value the contributions of standardization/reliability to safety.


Demonstrate knowledge of basic scientific methods and processes. Describe EBP to include the components of research evidence, clinical expertise and patient/family values.
Participate effectively in appropriate data collection
Appreciate strengths and weaknesses of scientific bases for practice. Value the concept of EBP as integral to determining best clinical practice.
 Assessed EKG readings

Patient Centered Care

Evidence Based Practice

Differentiate clinical opinion from research and evidence summaries.
Value the concept of EBP as integral to determining best clinical practice.


Identify essential information that must be available in a common database.
Navigate the EHR.
Value technologies that support clinical decision-making, error detection, care coordination and maintain confidentiality.
 Assessed lab results

Evidence Based Practice

Differentiate clinical opinion from research and evidence summaries.
Value the concept of EBP as integral to determining best clinical practice.


Identify essential information that must be available in a common database.
Navigate the EHR.
Value technologies that support clinical decision-making, error detection, care coordination and maintain confidentiality. QSEN Competencies John Larsen Shadow Health Assignment
 Assessed orientation

Evidence Based Practice

Differentiate clinical opinion from research and evidence summaries.
Value the concept of EBP as integral to determining best clinical practice.


Identify essential information that must be available in a common database.
Navigate the EHR.
Value technologies that support clinical decision-making, error detection, care coordination and maintain confidentiality.
 Evaluated abstract thinking

Evidence Based Practice

Differentiate clinical opinion from research and evidence summaries.
Value the concept of EBP as integral to determining best clinical practice.


Identify essential information that must be available in a common database.
Navigate the EHR.
Value technologies that support clinical decision-making, error detection, care coordination and maintain confidentiality.
 Evaluated attention span

Evidence Based Practice

Differentiate clinical opinion from research and evidence summaries.
Value the concept of EBP as integral to determining best clinical practice.


Identify essential information that must be available in a common database.
Navigate the EHR.
Value technologies that support clinical decision-making, error detection, care coordination and maintain confidentiality.
 Evaluated comprehension

Evidence Based Practice

Differentiate clinical opinion from research and evidence summaries.
Value the concept of EBP as integral to determining best clinical practice.


Identify essential information that must be available in a common database.
Navigate the EHR.
Value technologies that support clinical decision-making, error detection, care coordination and maintain confidentiality.
 Evaluated general knowledge

Patient Centered Care

Demonstrate comprehensive understanding in sign in symptoms of anxiety disorder in general, and in particular to the case presented.
Provide care with sensitivity and respect for the diversity of human experience. Assess patient needs, and values. Evaluate patient’s diagnostic measures to rule out physical conditions, psychological conditions that mimic physiological issues, or any co-morbid conditions.

Evidence Based Practice

Differentiate clinical opinion from research and evidence summaries.
Value the concept of EBP as integral to determining best clinical practice.


Identify essential information that must be available in a common database.
Navigate the EHR.
Value technologies that support clinical decision-making, error detection, care coordination and maintain confidentiality.
 Evaluated judgment

Evidence Based Practice

Differentiate clinical opinion from research and evidence summaries.
Value the concept of EBP as integral to determining best clinical practice.


Identify essential information that must be available in a common database.
Navigate the EHR.
Value technologies that support clinical decision-making, error detection, care coordination and maintain confidentiality.
 Evaluated memory

Evidence Based Practice

Differentiate clinical opinion from research and evidence summaries.
Value the concept of EBP as integral to determining best clinical practice.


Identify essential information that must be available in a common database.
Navigate the EHR.
Value technologies that support clinical decision-making, error detection, care coordination and maintain confidentiality.
 Assessed appearance

Evidence Based Practice

Differentiate clinical opinion from research and evidence summaries.
Value the concept of EBP as integral to determining best clinical practice.


Identify essential information that must be available in a common database.
Navigate the EHR.
Value technologies that support clinical decision-making, error detection, care coordination and maintain confidentiality.
 Assessed motor skills

Evidence Based Practice

Differentiate clinical opinion from research and evidence summaries.
Value the concept of EBP as integral to determining best clinical practice.


Know the complications that could result from neglected anxiety attack.
Assess own competency in handling patient with anxiety disorder.


Identify essential information that must be available in a common database.
Navigate the EHR.
Value technologies that support clinical decision-making, error detection, care coordination and maintain confidentiality.
 Assessed speech

Evidence Based Practice

Differentiate clinical opinion from research and evidence summaries.


Value the concept of EBP as integral to determining best clinical practice.


Identify essential information that must be available in a common database.
Navigate the EHR.
Value technologies that support clinical decision-making, error detection, care coordination and maintain confidentiality.
 Assessed affect

Evidence Based Practice

Differentiate clinical opinion from research and evidence summaries.
Value the concept of EBP as integral to determining best clinical practice.


Identify essential information that must be available in a common database.
Navigate the EHR.
Value technologies that support clinical decision-making, error detection, care coordination and maintain confidentiality.
 Assessed thought processes

Evidence Based Practice

Differentiate clinical opinion from research and evidence summaries.
Value the concept of EBP as integral to determining best clinical practice.


Identify essential information that must be available in a common database.
Navigate the EHR.
Value technologies that support clinical decision-making, error detection, care coordination and maintain confidentiality.
 Assessed thought content

Evidence Based Practice

Differentiate clinical opinion from research and evidence summaries.
Value the concept of EBP as integral to determining best clinical practice.


Identify essential information that must be available in a common database.
Navigate the EHR.
Value technologies that support clinical decision-making, error detection, care coordination and maintain confidentiality.
 Assessed perception

Evidence Based Practice

Differentiate clinical opinion from research and evidence summaries.
Value the concept of EBP as integral to determining best clinical practice.


Identify essential information that must be available in a common database.
Navigate the EHR.
Value technologies that support clinical decision-making, error detection, care coordination and maintain confidentiality.
 Assessed intellect

Evidence Based Practice

Differentiate clinical opinion from research and evidence summaries.
Value the concept of EBP as integral to determining best clinical practice.


Identify essential information that must be available in a common database.
Navigate the EHR.
Value technologies that support clinical decision-making, error detection, care coordination and maintain confidentiality.
 Assessed insight

Evidence Based Practice

Differentiate clinical opinion from research and evidence summaries.
Value the concept of EBP as integral to determining best clinical practice.


Identify essential information that must be available in a common database.
Navigate the EHR.
Value technologies that support clinical decision-making, error detection, care coordination and maintain confidentiality.
 Empathized with patient’s symptoms

Patient Centered Care

Demonstrate comprehensive understanding in sign in symptoms of anxiety disorder in general, and in particular to the case presented. Consider patient thoughts, feelings, family involvement, and demographics.
Provide care with sensitivity and respect for the diversity of human experience. Assess patient needs, and values.
Know own limitations in knowledge required for comprehensive nursing care, and assume multidisciplinary role to seek clarification. Avoid judgment, communicate wisely and maintain confidentiality.

Teamwork and Collaboration

Learn the role for each health care provider accountable for the case presented


Remain with the patient during anxiety episode, educate the patient (and family) regarding the disorder, accompanied signs and symptoms, and how to cope and manage the situation.
Assess own competency in handling patient with anxiety disorder.
 Empathized with patient’s lack of solid support system

Patient Centered Care

Demonstrate comprehensive understanding in sign in symptoms of anxiety disorder in general, and in particular to the case presented. Consider patient thoughts, feelings, family involvement, and demographics.
Provide care with sensitivity and respect for the diversity of human experience. Assess patient needs, and values.
Know own limitations in knowledge required for comprehensive nursing care, and assume multidisciplinary role to seek clarification. Avoid judgment, communicate wisely and maintain confidentiality. QSEN Competencies John Larsen Shadow Health Assignment

Teamwork and Collaboration

Learn the role for each health care provider accountable for the case presented. Recognize the appropriate referral system if needed.
Demonstrate effective communication style among health care providers responsible for the case.
Advocate for the patient when needed.


Know the complications that could result from neglected anxiety attack.
Remain with the patient during anxiety episode, educate the patient (and family) regarding the disorder, accompanied signs and symptoms, and how to cope and manage the situation.
Assess own competency in handling patient with anxiety disorder.
 Educated patient on effects of anxiety

Patient Centered Care

Demonstrate comprehensive understanding in sign in symptoms of anxiety disorder in general, and in particular to the case presented. Consider patient thoughts, feelings, family involvement, and demographics.
Provide care with sensitivity and respect for the diversity of human experience. Assess patient needs, and values.
Know own limitations in knowledge required for comprehensive nursing care, and assume multidisciplinary role to seek clarification. Avoid judgment, communicate wisely and maintain confidentiality.

Teamwork and Collaboration

Learn the role for each health care provider accountable for the case presented.
 Educated patient on dietary impacts

Patient Centered Care

Demonstrate comprehensive understanding in sign in symptoms of anxiety disorder in general, and in particular to the case presented. Consider patient thoughts, feelings, family involvement, and demographics.
Provide care with sensitivity and respect for the diversity of human experience. Assess patient needs, and values.
Know own limitations in knowledge required for comprehensive nursing care, and assume multidisciplinary role to seek clarification. Avoid judgment, communicate wisely and maintain confidentiality.

Teamwork and Collaboration

Learn the role for each health care provider accountable for the case presented.
 Empathized with patient about worry surrounding relevant family history and risk factors

Patient Centered Care

QSEN Competencies John Larsen Shadow health  Demonstrate comprehensive understanding in sign in symptoms of anxiety disorder in general, and in particular to the case presented. Consider patient thoughts, feelings, family involvement, and demographics.
Provide care with sensitivity and respect for the diversity of human experience. Assess patient needs, and values.
Know own limitations in knowledge required for comprehensive nursing care, and assume multidisciplinary role to seek clarification. Avoid judgment, communicate wisely and maintain confidentiality.

Teamwork and Collaboration

Learn the role for each health care provider accountable for the case presented. Recognize the appropriate referral system if needed QSEN Competencies John Larsen Shadow health .
Advocate for the patient when needed.

NUR 7560 Advanced Pharmacology Cardiovascular and Renal Systems Diseases, Hypertension and the Integumentary and Dermatologic Systems

NUR 7560 Advanced Pharmacology Cardiovascular and Renal Systems Diseases, Hypertension and the Integumentary and Dermatologic Systems

  • Welcome to Unit 5

    Welcome to week five of Advanced Pharmacology. Drugs affecting the cardiovascular and renal systems are the focus of this week. The two systems are related physiologically, which is why they are covered in tandem. NUR 7560 Advanced Pharmacology Cardiovascular and Renal Systems Diseases, Hypertension and the Integumentary and Dermatologic Systems
    Your heart is the center of your circulatory system. To fully comprehend the drugs affecting these systems, you will need to apply the pathophysiology you learned in your prior course. Understanding cardiac functional, electrical stimulation, cardiac potential, and mechanisms to maintain blood pressure are critical.
    You will also need to be knowledgeable in homeostasis as an underlying principle to rational drug selection. The Renin-angiotensin system is of high importance in the regulation of homeostasis. Using your pathophysiology knowledge of the renal system and fluid volume will help to guide rational drug selection in addition to the topics in previous weeks of this course.
    Additionally, this week will include the integumentary and dermatological systems. While many medications are topical, there are also systemic treatments. The themes for the unit include the ongoing importance of rational drug selection based on the presentation symptoms.
    This week is foundational to your knowledge base, so please spend the time to connect your prior learning and catch up on anything you missed or review previous content and how that might impact rational drug selection for these systems. NUR 7560 Advanced Pharmacology Cardiovascular and Renal Systems Diseases, Hypertension and the Integumentary and Dermatologic Systems


    Unit Learning Objectives

    • Examine the principles of pathophysiology and therapeutics that direct the pharmacotherapeutic interventions for Cardiovascular and Renal Systems Diseases, Hypertension and the Integumentary and Dermatologic Systems (CLO 1)
    • Analyze the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic actions of agents used for management of Cardiovascular and Renal Systems Diseases, Hypertension and the Integumentary and Dermatologic Systems (CLO 2) NUR 7560 Advanced Pharmacology Cardiovascular and Renal Systems Diseases, Hypertension and the Integumentary and Dermatologic Systems
    • Apply the evidence for pharmacotherapeutic interventions in a patient with a Cardiovascular and Renal Systems Diseases, Hypertension and the Integumentary and Dermatologic Systems (CLO 1, 2)
    • Apply critical-thinking processes to the management and evaluation of expected effects and potential adverse effects of pharmacodynamic agents affecting Cardiovascular and Renal Systems Diseases, Hypertension and the Integumentary and Dermatologic Systems(CLO 1, 2, 3)
    • Evaluate the impact of pharmacogenomics, access, cost, quality, and safety on prescribing for Drugs Affecting Cardiovascular and Renal Systems Diseases, Hypertension and the Integumentary and Dermatologic Systems(CLO 4) NUR 7560 Advanced Pharmacology Cardiovascular and Renal Systems Diseases, Hypertension and the Integumentary and Dermatologic Systems
    • Examine the significance of interprofessional collaboration on patient outcomes (CLO 5)
  • Textbook
    • Woo, T. M., & Robinson, M., V. (2020). Pharmacotherapeutics for advanced practice nurse prescribers (5th ed.). F. A. Davis.
      • Chapter 13: Drugs Affecting the Cardiovascular and Renal Systems
      • Chapter 22: Drugs Affecting the Integumentary System
      • Chapter 34: Dermatological Conditions
      • Chapter 42: Hypertension
    Textbook PowerPoint
    Faculty Lectures
    Unit 5 Optional Learning Resources:

Asthma Essay – Ethical and Legal Implications of Prescribing Drugs

Asthma Essay – Ethical and Legal Implications of Prescribing Drugs

JJ is a 7-year-old male that has been dealing with asthma his entire life. Multiple treatments have been tried, which have helped symptoms, but nothing that works completely. You are treating him and know of a study regarding a new asthma medication being developed. This new medication contains a bronchodilator/steroid/antihistamine as an inhalation. None of the drugs being studied have previously been approved for children under the age of 12. The study would last for 16 weeks.Write a 2- to 3-page Asthma Essay – Ethical and Legal Implications of Prescribing Drugs paper that addresses the following: Explain the ethical and legal implications of the scenario you selected on all stakeholders involved, such as the prescriber, pharmacist, patient, and patient’s family. Describe strategies to address disclosure and nondisclosure as identified in the scenario you selected. Be sure to reference laws specific to your state. Explain two strategies that you, as an advanced practice nurse, would use to guide your decision making in this scenario, including whether you would disclose your error. Be sure to justify your explanation. Explain the process of writing prescriptions, including strategies to minimize medication errors.



The significance of ethical, legal, and medical considerations that clinicians give to the use of off-label drugs and drugs with known adverse effects is “above all, do no harm.” Also known as the principle of non-maleficence, in practice, it encourages nurses to prioritize the safety of patients while preventing damage or injury (Arcangelo et al., 2017). As a result, over the years, patient safety has been the most emphasized component of healthcare quality across the globe. In this paper, the author analyzes the ethical and legal implications of prescribing drugs not yet approved for clinical use in the pediatric population. The author also discusses the strategies nurses can employ to address disclosure and non-disclosure and guide decision-making. Asthma Essay – Ethical and Legal Implications of Prescribing Drugs Nurses should recognize clinical dilemmas related to prescribing drugs in clinical practice, and make appropriate decisions based on their values and laws that govern nursing practice. Asthma Essay – Ethical and Legal Implications of Prescribing Drugs

Case Overview

The case study involves a 7-year-old male J.J who has been dealing with asthma for the entire of his life. Although he has received multiple treatments that have helped immensely for symptomatic relief, no treatment has proven to work. During routine care as the author manages him, I recall of study about the development of a new drug for asthma, which comprises of both a bronchodilator/steroid/antihistamine, administered through inhalation, and yet to be approved for use in children aged less than 12 years. On the other hand, the study would last for 16 weeks Asthma Essay – Ethical and Legal Implications of Prescribing Drugs.

Ethical and Legal Implications of Selected Scenario


Nurses have an ethical and legal obligation to safeguard patients from preventable harm. In the context of the selected case scenario, nurses have a legal and ethical responsibility to educate patients about their condition, available management options approved by the FDA, and those not yet approved by the FDA. To safeguard patients from possible harm, the prescriber should due their due diligence to evaluate the benefits versus the risks of a drug not yet approved for use, using the most recent and best available evidence. For patients with chronic or long-term illnesses such as asthma, the prescriber should evaluate the patient for potential factors that could be influencing poor outcomes such as exposure to triggers and non-adherence (Mitchell & Oliphant, 2016) Asthma Essay – Ethical and Legal Implications of Prescribing Drugs. Failure to safeguard a patient from possible harm that may result from intake of a drug not approved by the FDA for asthma can result in legal charges for the prescriber. Ultimately, the state in which the prescriber practices can revoke his/her practices license.


Pharmacists have a broad scope of knowledge on the drugs currently approved by the FDA to manage different conditions including the five rights of medication administration. In practice, pharmacists are legally obligated to ensure that the clinician prescribes the right drug for the right diagnosis and patient (Mitchell & Oliphant, 2016). For off-label drugs, pharmacists have a professional role to evaluate their risks versus benefits and advice otherwise, before dispensing. Going against the aforementioned responsibilities can result in loss of a practice license authority. Asthma Essay – Ethical and Legal Implications of Prescribing Drugs

Patient and Patient’s Family

Patients have a right to information. When seeking care, the nurse should discuss and evaluate patients’ physical, emotional, social, and psychological needs, and address them appropriately using a holistic approach (Clark, 2018). The nurse must share the information obtained from the evaluation such as the diagnosis, the available and alternate management options, with respective side effects with the patient. Although this patient is a minor, the nurse should share the same information with both the child and caregiver to enhance self-care efforts in the management of asthma. If the nurse proceeds to prescribe the new drug without sharing this information, it not only violates patient’s right to informed consent, but also the principle of justice Asthma Essay – Ethical and Legal Implications of Prescribing Drugs. Ultimately, any associated adverse outcome can result in additional health-related costs for the patient and the family. From a legal perspective, the family can take legal action   against the hospital and the prescriber.

Strategies to Address Disclosure and Non-Disclosure

The author’s state NPA (Nursing Practice Act) requires that nurses should comprehensively discuss the indication, risks, benefits, mode of action, and method of administration of every drug that a nurse prescribes. For drugs under clinical investigation, the act further requires that all nurses practice ethical prescribing by; obtaining informed consent from the patient (legal caregiver), confirming the diagnosis, demonstrating that current management methods are not satisfactory, obtaining concrete information from credible sources on the drug’s safety and usefulness.

Strategies to Guide Decision Making

To decide whether to prescribe the new drug in the selected scenario, the author would share with the patient all the relevant details of the new drug, and request the need to consult a more experienced specialist. During the consultation, the nurse would share the details of the new drug as well as the study as this approach aligns with the State’s NPA.  If upon completion of the consultation it emerges that the benefits of the new drug outweigh the risks with the consent of the legal caregiver, the author would proceed to prescribe it. If vice versa, the author would reconsider evaluating the patient for other factors could be influencing a poor prognosis.


Process of Writing Prescriptions

When writing a prescription, Arcangelo et al., (2017) recommend that clinicians should follow the following six steps;

  • Determine the issues that a patient has
  • Evaluate the therapeutic objectives
  • Select the right drug
  • Start therapy using the right information
  • Share/educate the patient on  possible risks, adverse effects, benefits, and warnings
  • Conduct regular follow-up
  • Asthma Essay – Ethical and Legal Implications of Prescribing Drugs



Arcangelo, V. P., Peterson, A. M., Wilbur, V., & Reinhold, J. A. (Eds.). (2017). Pharmacotherapeutics for advanced practice: A practical approach (4th ed.). Ambler, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Clark, J. (2018). Rational prescribing in primary health care. In Releasing Resources to Achieve Health Gain (pp. 31-36). CRC Press.

Mitchell, A., & Oliphant, C. M. (2016). Responsibility for Ethical Prescribing. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners12(3), A20. Asthma Essay – Ethical and Legal Implications of Prescribing Drugs

Drugs Affecting the Central Nervous System, Pain Management, Alcohol and Drug Addiction

Drugs Affecting the Central Nervous System, Pain Management, Alcohol and Drug Addiction

  • Welcome to Unit 4

    Drugs that affect the central nervous system can be broadly categorized into those used to treat psychiatric or neurological conditions. These drugs affect neuroreceptors and neurotransmitters, in different parts of the brain, to bring a response Drugs Affecting the Central Nervous System, Pain Management, Alcohol and Drug Addiction. Like the previous week, understanding the central nervous system will have a critical impact on rational drug selection and side effect management. So please spend ample time in this area.
    Pain management, both acute and chronic, are topics of national concern, due to high rates of controlled substance abuse. The treatment plan is guided by the history, intensity, duration, aggravating and relieving conditions, and structures involved in causing the pain. In this course, we will focus on the pharmacology and the goals of treatment, along with rational drug selection, keeping in mind a safe and effective treatment plan.
    Another key area of practice will be managing alcohol and drug addiction. Knowing the signs that indicate a possible addiction and possible treatment to assist the patient in recovery are a key component of the NP role. Drugs Affecting the Central Nervous System, Pain Management, Alcohol and Drug Addiction

    Unit Learning Objectives

    • Examine the principles of pathophysiology and therapeutics that direct the pharmacotherapeutic interventions affecting the central nervous system, as well as pain management and Alcohol/drug addiction (CLO 1)
    • Analyze the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic actions of agents affecting the central nervous system, as well as pain management and Alcohol/drug addiction (CLO 2)
    • Apply critical-thinking processes to the management and evaluation of expected effects, potential adverse effects, and potential interactions of pharmacological agents affecting the central nervous system, as well as pain management and Alcohol/drug addiction (CLO 3)
    • Apply critical-thinking processes to the management and evaluation of expected effects, potential adverse effects, and potential interactions of pharmacological agents affecting pain management and Alcohol/Drug addiction (CLO 1,2,3)
    • Evaluate the impact of pharmacogenomics, access, cost, quality, and safety on prescribing forDrugs Affecting the Central Nervous System, Pain Management, Alcohol and Drug Addiction (CLO 4)
    • Examine the significance of interprofessional collaboration on patient outcomes (CLO 5) Drugs Affecting the Central Nervous System, Pain Management, Alcohol and Drug Addiction
  • Item

    Learning Materials

    • Woo, T. M., & Robinson, M., V. (2020). Pharmacotherapeutics for advanced practice nurse prescribers (5th ed.).F. A. Davis.
      • Chapter 12: Drugs Affecting the Central Nervous System
      • Chapter 27: Alcohol and Drug Addiction
      • Chapter 44: Pain Management: Acute and Chronic Pain
    Textbook PowerPoints
    Faculty Lectures
    Unit 4 Optional Learning Resources:
  • Item

    Faculty Lecture: Alcohol and Drug Addiction – Alcohol and Benzos

  • Item

    Faculty Lecture: Alcohol and Drug Addiction – Opiates Drugs Affecting the Central Nervous System, Pain Management, Alcohol and Drug Addiction

  • Item

    Unit 3 and 4 Case Study

    See Submission Link in Unit 3
  • Assignment
    To prepare you for your future practice and management of patient pain and inquiry into possible opioid use disorder.This assignment is intended to allow you to show evidence of achieving the following Course Learning Outcomes (CLO):
    • CLO 1: Apply critical thinking and best scientific evidence to the management and evaluation of expected effects, potential adverse effects, and potential interactions of pharmacological agents for the treatment of self-limiting acute conditions and chronic diseases across the lifespan (MSN PLO 7) (ILO 1,5) (MSN Essential I)
    • CLO 2: Analyze the pharmacodynamics and the pharmacokinetic impact of pharmacologic therapies in the treatment of diseases and altered states. (MSN PLO 1,7) (ILO 1,5) (MSN Essential I)
    • CLO3: Formulate therapeutic regimens for patients, including patients with altered pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics special populations, such as infants and children, pregnant and lactating women, and older adults with using cultural competence. (MSN PLO 7) (ILO 1) (MSN Essential VIII)
    • CLO 4: Evaluate the impact of pharmacogenomics, access, cost, quality, and safety on prescribing. (MSN PLO 5) (ILO 1) (MSN Essential III) Drugs Affecting the Central Nervous System, Pain Management, Alcohol and Drug Addiction
         You must sign in to the account created in unit 1 at the CDC Training and Continuing Education Online to receive the Continuing Educaiton Certificate
    To further assist in your learning, complete the following CDC Module #5: Assessing and Addressing Opioid Use Disorder (
    It may be helpful to also download a copy of the: CDC Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain – United States, 2016
    You will have the opportunity at the end of the module to obtain Continuing Education Credit. Please submit this certificate to the assignment link as proof of completion of the module and obtain credit for the assignment. Drugs Affecting the Central Nervous System, Pain Management, Alcohol and Drug Addiction
    Submit Completion Certificate/CE to Assignment link Due Date: Sunday of Week 4
  • Item

    Exam 1 Practice Quiz

    You will have unlimited access to the practice quiz throughout the term. It is 50 questions in length. This is not graded but for your practice and review. Drugs Affecting the Central Nervous System, Pain Management, Alcohol and Drug Addiction
  • Item

    Exam 1: Study Guide

  • Test
  • Item

    Unit Conclusion

    As we wrap up week four of advanced pharmacology, we learned about the drugs that affect the central nervous system, such as those used to treat psychiatric or neurological conditions. These drugs affect neuroreceptors and neurotransmitters in different parts of the brain to bring a response. This is not the last time you will learn about neurotransmitters or receptors, so keep this learning in mind as we proceed to the cardiovascular and renal systems.
    Always focus on the goals of treatment, along with rational drug selection, keeping in mind safe and effective treatment plan Drugs Affecting the Central Nervous System, Pain Management, Alcohol and Drug Addiction

Capstone Project Topic Selection and Approval

Capstone Project Topic Selection and Approval

Requires Lopeswrite

Assessment Description

In collaboration with the approved course preceptor, students will identify a specific evidence-based topic for the capstone project change proposal. Students should consider the clinical environment in which they are currently employed or have recently worked.


Capstone Project Topic Selection and Approval


The capstone project topic can be a clinical practice problem, an organizational issue, a leadership or quality improvement initiative, or an unmet educational need specific to a patient population or community. The student may also choose to work with an interprofessional collaborative team.

Students should select a topic that aligns to their area of interest as well as the clinical practice setting in which practice hours are completed.

Write a 500-750 word description of your proposed capstone project topic. Include the following:

  1. The problem or issue, intervention, quality initiative, educational need, or collaborative interprofessional team project that will be the focus of the change proposal.
  2. The setting or context in which the problem or issue, intervention, quality initiative, educational need, or collaborative interprofessional team project can be observed Capstone Project Topic Selection and Approval.
  3. A description (providing a high level of detail) regarding the problem or issue, intervention, quality initiative, educational need, or collaborative interprofessional team project.
  4. Effect of the problem or issue, intervention, quality initiative, educational need, or collaborative interprofessional team project.
  5. Significance of the topic and its implications for nursing practice.
  6. A proposed solution to the identified project topic with an explanation of how it will affect nursing practice.

You are required to cite to a minimum of eight peer-reviewed sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years, appropriate for the assignment criteria, and relevant to nursing practice. Plan your time accordingly to complete this assignment. Capstone Project Topic Selection and Approval

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.


Rubric Criteria

Total40 points


1. Unsatisfactory

2. Insufficient

3. Approaching

4. Acceptable

5. Target

Proposed Solution for Identified Project Topic and Implications for Nursing Practice

Proposed Solution for Identified Project Topic and Implications for Nursing Practice

0 points

A proposed solution to the identified project topic with an explanation of how it will affect nursing practice is omitted.

3 points

Topic is presented but criteria are incomplete.

3.16 points

Topic and most criteria are presented. There are some omissions or inaccuracies. Some support is needed.

3.56 points

Topic and criteria are presented. Minor aspects are unclear or require support.

4 points

Topic and criteria are clearly and logically presented. Support and rationale are evident.

Effect of Identified Problem or Issue

Effect of Identified Problem or Issue

0 points

Effect of the identified problem or issue, intervention, quality initiative, educational need, or collaborative interprofessional team project is omitted.

4.5 points

Effect of the identified problem or issue, intervention, quality initiative, educational need, or collaborative interprofessional team project is presented but is largely incomplete.

4.74 points

Effect of the identified problem or issue, intervention, quality initiative, educational need, or collaborative interprofessional team project is summarized. There are some omissions or inaccuracies. Some support is needed.

5.34 points

Effect of the identified problem or issue, intervention, quality initiative, educational need, or collaborative interprofessional team project is presented. Minor aspects are unclear or require support.

6 points

Effect of the identified problem or issue, intervention, quality initiative, educational need, or collaborative interprofessional team project is clearly and logically presented. Support and rationale are evident.

Development, Structure, and Conclusion

Advances position or purpose throughout writing; conclusion aligns to and evolves from development.

0 points

No advancement of the thesis, position, or purpose is evident. Connections between paragraphs are missing or inappropriate. No conclusion is offered.

2.1 points

Writing lacks logical progression of the thesis, position, or purpose. Some organization is attempted, but ideas are disconnected. Conclusion is unclear and not supported by the overall development of the purpose. Capstone Project Topic Selection and Approval

2.21 points

Limited advancement of thesis, position, or purpose is discernable. There are inconsistencies in organization or the relationship of ideas. Conclusion is simplistic and not fully aligned to the development of the purpose.

2.49 points

The thesis, position, or purpose is advanced in most aspects. Ideas clearly build on each other. Conclusion aligns to the development of the purpose.

2.8 points

The thesis, position, or purpose is logically advanced throughout. The progression of ideas is coherent and unified. A clear and logical conclusion aligns to the development of the purpose.

Detailed Description of Project Topic

Detailed Description of Project Topic

0 points

A description of the project topic is omitted.

4.5 points

A description of the project topic is presented but is largely incomplete.

4.74 points

A description of the project topic is presented. There are some omissions or inaccuracies. Some support is needed.

5.34 points

A description of the project topic is presented. Minor aspects are unclear or require support.

6 points

A detailed description of the project topic is clearly and logically presented. Support and rationale are evident.

Project Topic for Focus of Change Proposal

Project Topic for Focus of Change Proposal

0 points

The problem or issue, intervention, quality initiative, educational need, or collaborative interprofessional team project that will be the focus of the change proposal is omitted.

1.5 points

The problem or issue, intervention, quality initiative, educational need, or collaborative interprofessional team project that will be the focus of the change proposal is presented but is largely incomplete. Capstone Project Topic Selection and Approval

1.58 points

The problem or issue, intervention, quality initiative, educational need, or collaborative interprofessional team project that will be the focus of the change proposal is summarized. There are some omissions or inaccuracies. Some support is needed.

1.78 points

The problem or issue, intervention, quality initiative, educational need, or collaborative interprofessional team project that will be the focus of the change proposal is presented. Minor aspects are unclear or require support.

2 points

The problem or issue, intervention, quality initiative, educational need, or collaborative interprofessional team project that will be the focus of the change proposal is clearly and logically presented. Support and rationale are evident.


Selects and integrates evidence to support and advance position/purpose; considers other perspectives.

0 points

Evidence to support the thesis, position, or purpose is absent. The writing relies entirely on the perspective of the writer.

1.8 points

Evidence is limited or irrelevant. The interpretation of other perspectives is superficial or incorrect.

1.9 points

Evidence is used but is insufficient or of limited relevance. Simplistic explanation or integration of other perspectives is present.

2.14 points

Relevant evidence that includes other perspectives is used.

2.4 points

Specific and appropriate evidence is included. Relevant perspectives of others are clearly considered.

Thesis, Position, or Purpose

Communicates reason for writing and demonstrates awareness of audience.

0 points

The thesis, position, or purpose is not discernible. No awareness of the appropriate audience is evident.

2.1 points

The thesis, position, or purpose is unfocused or confused. There is very little awareness of the intended audience.

2.21 points

The thesis, position, or purpose is discernable in most aspects but is occasionally weak or unclear. There is limited awareness of the appropriate audience.

2.49 points

The thesis, position, or purpose is adequately presented. An awareness of the appropriate audience is demonstrated.

2.8 points

The thesis, position, or purpose is clearly communicated throughout and clearly directed to a specific audience.

Mechanics of Writing

Includes spelling, capitalization, punctuation, grammar, language use, sentence structure, etc.

0 points

Errors in grammar or syntax are pervasive and impede meaning. Incorrect language choice or sentence structure errors are found throughout.

1.8 points

Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors are present. Inconsistencies in language choice or sentence structure are recurrent.

1.9 points

Occasional mechanical errors are present. Language choice is generally appropriate. Varied sentence structure is attempted.

2.14 points

Few mechanical errors are present. Suitable language choice and sentence structure are used.

2.4 points

No mechanical errors are present. Appropriate language choice and sentence structure are used throughout.

Setting or Context Where Project Topic Is Observed

Setting or Context Where Project Topic Is Observed

0 points

The setting or context in which the problem or issue, intervention, quality initiative, educational need, or collaborative interprofessional team project can be observed is omitted.

3 points

The setting or context in which the problem or issue, intervention, quality initiative, educational need, or collaborative interprofessional team project can be observed is presented but is largely incomplete.

3.16 points

The setting or context in which the problem or issue, intervention, quality initiative, educational need, or collaborative interprofessional team project can be observed is summarized. There are some omissions or inaccuracies. Some support is needed.

3.56 points

The setting or context in which the problem or issue, intervention, quality initiative, educational need, or collaborative interprofessional team project can be observed is presented. Minor aspects are unclear or require support.

4 points

The setting or context in which the problem or issue, intervention, quality initiative, educational need, or collaborative interprofessional team project can be observed is logically presented. Support and rationale are evident.

Topic Significance and Implications for Nursing Practice

Topic Significance and Implications for Nursing Practice

0 points

Significance of topic and its implications for nursing practice is omitted.

3 points

Topic is presented but criteria are incomplete.

3.16 points

Topic and most criteria are presented. There are some omissions or inaccuracies. Some support is needed.

3.56 points

Topic and criteria are presented. Minor aspects are unclear or require support.

4 points

Topic and criteria are clearly and logically presented. Support and rationale are evident.

Peer-Reviewed Articles

Peer-Reviewed Articles

0 points

Fewer than six peer-reviewed articles are presented.

1.5 points

Fewer than seven peer-reviewed articles are presented. Overall, only five articles meet the assignment criteria. Capstone Project Topic Selection and Approval

1.58 points

Eight peer-reviewed articles are presented. Overall, only six articles meet the assignment criteria.

1.78 points

Eight peer-reviewed articles are presented. Overall, only seven articles meet the assignment criteria.

2 points

Eight peer-reviewed articles are presented, and each article clearly meets the assignment criteria.


Uses appropriate style, such as APA, MLA, etc., for college, subject, and level; documents sources using citations, footnotes, references, bibliography, etc., appropriate to assignment and discipline.

0 points

Appropriate format is not used. No documentation of sources is provided.

1.2 points

Appropriate format is attempted, but some elements are missing. Frequent errors in documentation of sources are evident.

1.26 points

Appropriate format and documentation are used, although there are some obvious errors.Capstone Project Topic Selection and Approval

1.42 points

Appropriate format and documentation are used with only minor errors.

1.6 points

No errors in formatting or documentation are present.