DSN A Culture of Blame and A Culture of Safety in The Workplace Discussion

DSN A Culture of Blame and A Culture of Safety in The Workplace Discussion



Step 1 Research “culture of blame” and “culture of safety”. Do you consider your current workplace to have a culture of blame or a culture of safety? Support your choice giving specific examples, if possible.

  • What is one way to promote or enhance a culture of safety in your workplace?
  • How comfortable are you reporting an error or near miss in your workplace?
  • Does your workplace provide for anonymous reporting?

Step 2 Read other students’ posts and respond to at least two of them. Provide your peer with an additional way to promote or enhance a culture of safety in his or her workplace.

Use your personal experience, if it’s relevant. If differences of opinion occur, debate the issues professionally and provide examples to support your opinions. DSN A Culture of Blame and A Culture of Safety in The Workplace Discussion

Discussion 1


Per ANA, a culture of safety describes the core values and behaviors that come about when there is a collective and continuous commitment by organizational leadership, managers, and healthcare workers to emphasize safety over competing goals (Nursing World, 2016 para. 3). And blame of culture is when employees or nurses or focusing on the question “Who” instead of “what or Why whenever errors or problems occur at the workplace (Radzi, S. 2016, para. 2).

In my workplace, one of many ways to promote the culture of safety is to allow the nurses to report safely their mistakes and treat every error as the possibility to learn (White, J 2017, para. 8). It is also important to follow the steps, for example when administering medication to patients, by following the seven rights, go along with the hospital policies, participate in differents in-service and demonstrate an understanding of the skills. When an error happens, instead of taking the time to blame the person at fault, better focus on finding out why this error happening and find a way to fix it to prevent the situation to reappear for the safety of the patient. Utilize the team lead, supervisor, and co-worker when we are in doubt about an order or a procedure.

In my workplace, there is an anonymous reporting line. This line is mostly used to report corrupt nurses, doctors, or any neglect that happening in the facility. I am comfortable reporting any mistake; I know my team is there for me. I witnessed how professional my supervisor used to handle a mistake for my co-workers. They tried to fix it, explained why it happened. And if it is applicable send the person to the in-service class as a way to prevent the same mistake in the future.


Discussion 2


A culture of safety is marked by multiple things such as a collaborative approach to identifying solutions to patient safety issues, the determination to achieve safe practices and processes and recognizing high-risk nature of activities, a commitment to use resources to address safety issues, and an environment where individuals, without fear of repercussion, can report errors (Blais & Hayes, 2016). I consider my current workplace to have a culture of safety in that we take staff and patient safety very seriously. As most of our daily operations are surrounded by surgical procedures, there are many high-risk health care activities taking place that could be harmful to patients and staff if not carried out per protocol with safety being of the utmost concern. My company promotes safety in our practice in the way of having a safety committee made up of multiple staff members from all different departments that focus specifically on improving safety outcomes in all aspects of care. Assessing work environment conditions that could be hazardous, providing awareness of safety issues, and giving information about interventions can be used to measure effectiveness of improvements over time (Blais & Hayes, 2016). All of these key points are managed through our safety team and implemented to the staff. Safety is a major focus upon any new employee being hired and trained and each new employee meets with the head of the safety team for a full day of training on office safety protocols for each department. DSN A Culture of Blame and A Culture of Safety in The Workplace Discussion

I feel very comfortable reporting an error or near miss in my practice without having any sort of repercussion because of it. We are a very teamwork based practice and only want the best for each other and our patients. We are all human and there is always a chance for error with anyone. Thankfully that has not happened often with my team but the few occasions it has, we have learned from the situation and put new education and policies in place to prevent a similar situation from occurring in the future. We always come out stronger as a team on the other side.

Blais, K., & Hayes, J. (2016). Professional issues in nursing practice: concepts and perspectives (7th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.