NUR 435 DSN Wk 8 Communication Skills for The Healthcare Professional Discussion and Responses

NUR 435 DSN Wk 8 Communication Skills for The Healthcare Professional Discussion and Responses


Step 1 Choose a communication error you have experienced or witnessed.

Think about a situation in which there was less than optimal communication between staff in two or more disciplines (changing names when appropriate).

Step 2 Post your response to the discussion board.

Respond to the following questions as related to the communication error:

  • What parties were involved in the discussion? Give a brief description of the role they played.
  • What communication technique or techniques were used to communicate with all the people involved?
  • How could the lapse in communication have been prevented? (Include communication techniques, interdisciplinary roles, negotiation, and other factors.)
  • What punishment was involved, and how could that communication have been more collaborative among the different professionals?
  • What steps has your workplace taken to improve communication between different professions to prevent future errors? NUR 435 DSN Wk 8 Communication Skills for The Healthcare Professional Discussion and Responses

Step 3 Read other students’ posts and respond to at least two of them by Friday at 11:59pm Mountain Time.

Use your personal experience, if it’s relevant, to support or debate other students’ posts. In your responses, provide the students with alternative resources for supporting their role as a delegator. If differences of opinion occur, debate the issues professionally and provide examples to support opinions.


Peer Discussion 1 (Kristen)

Recently, I experienced a communication error between a nurse and a patient. The type of communication was verbal communication. “Verbal communication is a simple form of communication but can become complex when trying to understand the cues conveyed by choice of words” (Pearson, n.d.). During the discharge instructions, the nurse was going over what to expect such as the symptoms the patient may experience. In a rush, the nurse told the patient that if she continued to experience COVID symptoms to come back to the ER. The nurse was supposed to inform the patients that If the symptoms get worse then to come back. The nurse did not clarify that and the patient came back 2 days later stating she was feeling the same and had no new symptoms but came back because the nurse informed her to come back if she was still experiencing symptoms. This communication could have been prevented if the nurse took the time to go over the discharge instructions with the patient and discussed how long the patients symptoms may last and if symptoms get worse to come back. When we complete discharges, we are supposed to go over the discharge and repeat the key points at the end. “It is helpful to repeat information so that the sender can verify that the correct message was received” (Pearson, n.d.). My workplace recently started a new discharge step that included calling the patient the day after discharge and going over the discharge manager. The discharge manger includes going over discharge instructions again and seeing if the patient was able to fill prescriptions and get a follow up appointment with their primary physician or a specialist if needed. This allows any clarifications or new questions the patients may have to be answered. NUR 435 DSN Wk 8 Communication Skills for The Healthcare Professional Discussion and Responses


Pearson. (n.d.). TOPIC 01: Elements of Communication. Retrieved August 24, 2020, from

Peer Discussion 2 (Tina)

Communication is necessary in many industries, but it is essential for the medical world. Poor communication, miscommunication, and deprived contact can lead to medical errors, such as treatment or diagnostic errors (Day & Beard, 2019). Quality communication is an essential part of the health care sector. Effective communication between nurses and carers is essential for safety and patient outcomes.

The impact of poor communication on medical errors may be more significant than indicated in the report, as it focuses only on cases of medical malpractice. It has been estimated that medical staff have poor communication during the transfer of patients, which causes 80% of serious medical errors. The following situation is an excellent example of how communication can give patients better results. NUR 435 DSN Wk 8 Communication Skills for The Healthcare Professional Discussion and Responses

The first parties included anesthesiologist and nurses. The hospital recently purchased a new blood handling device during surgical procedures. To date, the anesthesiologist has been trained and used in six surgical procedures. The device is used in this surgical condition. In this case, the device comes with two units of blood. When the anesthetist used the last unit of blood, the patient suddenly developed cardiac arrest. Anesthesiologist Dr T could not suspect air embolism and was unable to take appropriate resuscitation measures. The communication technique could not be practiced appropriately.

The lapse in communication could have been prevented, and the patient would have been successfully resurrected, but the oxygen supply to the brain was limited for a long time. It was realized that he was exposed to severe brain damage in the following days due to lack of oxygen. He was sent to a talented nursing home, hoping to return to work. There were many causes of air embolism, but communication between the anesthesiologist, the nurse and the surgeon was blocked, and new tools to understand the root causes of the side effects could not be understood.


Day, L., & Beard, K. V. (2019). Meaningful inclusion of diverse voices: The case for culturally responsive teaching in nursing education. Journal of Professional Nursing35(4), 277-281. NUR 435 DSN Wk 8 Communication Skills for The Healthcare Professional Discussion and Responses