Assignment On Critical Thinking For A Case Study

Assignment On Critical Thinking For A Case Study

I really need help with this assignment on critical thinking for a case study:

HPI: SS is a 37 yo WF who presents to her gynecologist with c/o a 4 month history of heavy menstrual bleeding and cramping. The patient reports her menstrual period occurs every 28 days and recently has been 6 days of heavy flow. She is also experiencing urinary frequency, mild incontinence, extreme fatigue and weakness despite sleeping about 7 hours nightly. She denies abdominal distention, backache or constipation. She is G4P4 with four pregnancies in four years. Her last infant was delivered vaginally six months ago.

PMH: 3-year history of osteoarthritis in left knee; the patient indicates she started taking ibuprofen, three 200 mg tablets daily, about 2½ years ago for left knee pain but due to a progressive increase in her knee pain she has recently doubled her dose of ibuprofen daily. She also has a 3-year history of HTN that is treated with a diuretic and central acting antihypertensive. The patient feels her BP is “under control” with the medications. She has had no previous surgeries. NKDA. Assignment On Critical Thinking For A Case Study


FH/SH: Married, lives with spouse and children, non-smoker, no alcohol or illicit drug use, vegetarian X 5 years. Parents A&W, one brother, alive with DM, one sister, alive with depression and hypothyroidism.

Meds: HCTZ 25 mg daily, clonidine 0.2 mg BID, ibuprofen OTC as stated in PMH.

ROS: Extreme fatigue craves ice; mild urinary urgency with incontinence, denies hematuria, melena, hematemesis, or hemoptysis; recent SOB with exertion; progressive irritability and difficulty concentrating; denies palpitations, HA, dizziness or lightheadedness; denies history of cardiac or pulmonary disease.

unremarkable except as follows: pale, overweight WF in NAD; VS: BP 100/40, RR 17 non-labored, P 140, T 98.0; Height 5’6”; Weight 173 lbs. Systolic murmur right sternal border, tachycardic.

Labs and diagnostics: Hgb 7.2 g/dL, Hct 25%, MCV 75 µm3, Fe 27 ug/dL, TIBC 528 ug/dL. Pelvic US is consistent with diagnosis of uterine fibroids.


  1. What do you feel is her priority problem based on all the current information? (10 pts)
  2. Choose and briefly explain two potential causes for your chosen priority problem. (20 pts)
  3. List and briefly explain the reasons for at least three manifestations caused by her priority problem. (20 pts)
  4. Briefly explain the connection/reasons for the Hbg, Hct, MCV, Fe and TIBC results in this patient. Reference required for this answer. (20 pts)
  5. What patient teaching would you prioritize at this time? Do you want to prescribe or recommend anything? (20 pts) Assignment On Critical Thinking For A Case Study


Expert Answer

1. PRIORITY PROBLEM : Microcytic Anemia due to chronic blood loss Most of the symptoms that patient has, are related to anemia. If left this way, patient might suffer greater damage owing to anemia and it may worsen the condition. purchase to get the full content