Assignment On Critical Thinking For A Case Study
Assignment On Critical Thinking For A Case Study
I really need help with this assignment on critical thinking for a case study:
HPI: SS is a 37 yo WF who presents to her gynecologist with c/o a 4 month history of heavy menstrual bleeding and cramping. The patient reports her menstrual period occurs every 28 days and recently has been 6 days of heavy flow. She is also experiencing urinary frequency, mild incontinence, extreme fatigue and weakness despite sleeping about 7 hours nightly. She denies abdominal distention, backache or constipation. She is G4P4 with four pregnancies in four years. Her last infant was delivered vaginally six months ago.
PMH: 3-year history of osteoarthritis in left knee; the patient indicates she started taking ibuprofen, three 200 mg tablets daily, about 2½ years ago for left knee pain but due to a progressive increase in her knee pain she has recently doubled her dose of ibuprofen daily. She also has a 3-year history of HTN that is treated with a diuretic and central acting antihypertensive. The patient feels her BP is “under control” with the medications. She has had no previous surgeries. NKDA. Assignment On Critical Thinking For A Case Study
FH/SH: Married, lives with spouse and children, non-smoker, no alcohol or illicit drug use, vegetarian X 5 years. Parents A&W, one brother, alive with DM, one sister, alive with depression and hypothyroidism.
Meds: HCTZ 25 mg daily, clonidine 0.2 mg BID, ibuprofen OTC as stated in PMH.
ROS: Extreme fatigue craves ice; mild urinary urgency with incontinence, denies hematuria, melena, hematemesis, or hemoptysis; recent SOB with exertion; progressive irritability and difficulty concentrating; denies palpitations, HA, dizziness or lightheadedness; denies history of cardiac or pulmonary disease.
unremarkable except as follows: pale, overweight WF in NAD; VS: BP 100/40, RR 17 non-labored, P 140, T 98.0; Height 5’6”; Weight 173 lbs. Systolic murmur right sternal border, tachycardic.
Labs and diagnostics: Hgb 7.2 g/dL, Hct 25%, MCV 75 µm3, Fe 27 ug/dL, TIBC 528 ug/dL. Pelvic US is consistent with diagnosis of uterine fibroids.
- What do you feel is her priority problem based on all the current information? (10 pts)
- Choose and briefly explain two potential causes for your chosen priority problem. (20 pts)
- List and briefly explain the reasons for at least three manifestations caused by her priority problem. (20 pts)
- Briefly explain the connection/reasons for the Hbg, Hct, MCV, Fe and TIBC results in this patient. Reference required for this answer. (20 pts)
- What patient teaching would you prioritize at this time? Do you want to prescribe or recommend anything? (20 pts) Assignment On Critical Thinking For A Case Study