Denver School of Nursing A Global Perspective on Health Care Essay

Denver School of Nursing A Global Perspective on Health Care Essay


Step 1 To complete this discussion, you will be logging into The Neighborhood. The Neighborhood is a virtual community that enables you to achieve a deep understanding of total patient care. The Neighborhood’s stories, activities, and case studies on more than 40 characters provide a 360°-view of a client’s life. The Neighborhood will enhance the skills you use daily in the nursing profession.

Step 2 Review The Neighborhood assignment from Week 5, when Jenna was diagnosed with diabetes. You should now be reviewing Episodes 14 and 15, after Jenna has been seen for a follow-up appointment. In this assignment, you will evaluate the health-promotion interventions that Jenna should have been following.


Step 3 Answer the following prompts in your initial post due Wednesday at 11:59 pm Mountain Time:

  • Describe the purpose of evaluating health-promotion interventions.
  • Describe the information that the evaluation of health-promotion interventions provides.
  • Describe an approach to evaluating the health-promotion intervention for Jenna.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the health-promotion intervention that Jenna was given to improve her health using the approach you identified. Denver School of Nursing A Global Perspective on Health Care Essay

(Neighborhood Season 3 Episode 14-15)

It has been a couple of months since Jenna began a treatment plan for diabetes management. She has a follow-up visit with Dr. Yin (the pediatric endocrinologist) and Marjorie, the CDE. She proudly shows her record of blood glucose levels from her blood glucose monitor, which reflects excellent glycemic control. She claims to have been following the diet, exercising, and taking her medication. She also tells them she has lost some weight – maybe 7 pounds. Dr. Yin and Marjorie note that she has lost 4 pounds since her last visit and that her Hb A1c level is 10.2%. Dr. Yin and Marjorie recognize the need for additional education with Jenna and confront her about the measurements recorded on the glucometer.

Jenna is excited about the fact that Jessica is moving back home with them. She has missed her older sister and loves her children. Despite some of her recent disappointments with the diabetes and excessive weight gain, Jenna takes comfort in the close relationships she experiences within her family. Denver School of Nursing A Global Perspective on Health Care Essay