NRSG 612 COLORADOTECH Comparing Research and Performance Improvement with Evidence Based Practices Paper

NRSG 612 COLORADOTECH Comparing Research and Performance Improvement with Evidence Based Practices Paper

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Complete a literature review of 8 supporting evidence -based research articles based on your population, intervention, comparison, outcome, and time (PICOT) research question you developed in Unit 1.

Complete the following:

  • Using your PICOT research question, use the CTU Library to locate at least 8 scholarly articles that will support your PICOT question. The articles should not be more than 5 years old.
  • After you have identified the articles to support your research question, use the provided literature review template to break down the articles, gather the important points of the article, and determine how the article directly supports your PICOT question. The goal of completing this template is to use it as a resource when developing your final project, rather than having to refer back to all of the articles. The content that you add to the content does not have to be in APA format, with the exception of actual reference article you are using to support your PICOT question. Take care to be thorough when completing the table. This will become a valuable resource to use when working on the final assignment if done correctly. An example is provided in the template that is to be used. NRSG 612 COLORADOTECH Comparing Research and Performance Improvement with Evidence Based Practices Paper


4-6 pages

APA Style

3 Reference no older than 5 years

Unit 1 Questions


All information that access originates from a specific source. Knowledge may be innate, but it still originates from us. The various knowing methods dictate how we access information. The plans include intuition, memory, sense perception, faith, imagination, reasoning, language, as well as emotion. The various methods of knowledge help to perceive and translate information in the world. This paper seeks to address how one can determine the accuracy and validity of the data. The paper will also discuss the hierarchy of evidence models and places to find personal and professional life information.

Information accuracy and validity

It is essential to research every source of information to find out about its accuracy. Some information is meant to mislead people, while others are useful. Also, one should be in a position to differentiate between facts and opinions. Opinions are generalized ideas without evidence, while facts have been proven in one way or the other. To determine the accuracy of the information, one needs to research the source of information. The person’s previous agenda in their statements can be used to decide on their real intentions in their report (Ambrosio, Votto, Gouesbet, & Wang, 2018). Credible information sources are likely to be listed by other respected sources. NRSG 612 COLORADOTECH Comparing Research and Performance Improvement with Evidence Based Practices Paper

Similarly, one should not believe every information that is repeated by several sources as accurate. Research is needed to verify the information credibility. Likewise, information validity can be verified by researching the author’s educational background. Professionals are likely to provide more accurate information compared to amateurs. Citations and references can also be used to determine the validity of the data (Ambrosio et al., 2018). For instance, if the report lacks verifiable sources and a separate reference page, then it is likely to be inaccurate. Thus, its good to always use information with consistent citations. Therefore, before using any information, it is essential to find out its validity and accuracy.

The Hierarchy of evidence

The hierarchy of evidence refers to a rank applied in determining the strength of outcomes acquired from a particular study. Several hierarchies have been approved to assess medical pieces of evidence. The study design, as well as the endpoints, impact the evidence obtained. The evidence is ranked according to the possibility of being influenced by systematic bias. The top-ranked method is free from prejudice and contains information that is more valid compared to other ranks (Parameswaran, & Agarwal, 2018). Different states have a different hierarchy of shreds of evidence.

In the US, the hierarchy has five stages. The first stage describes evidence gathered from a randomized controlled experiment, while the second stage depicts data from well-designed analyses done without randomization. The third level is a cohort study from various research groups. The fourth level involves multiple designs obtained at different intervals without requiring interventions. The last stage involves opinions obtained from respected authorities (Parameswaran et al., 2018). The information is founded on experiences and descriptive studies. NRSG 612 COLORADOTECH Comparing Research and Performance Improvement with Evidence Based Practices Paper

The most useful stage that I drive both personal and professional information is the third rank. The rank involves data compiled from various study groups, which means the information is likely to be valid. For instance, regarding my college of choice, I had to research the best college offering my course of study from various online platforms. That’s how I ended up applying for admission to the institution. I was confident that I would get the relevant skills by attending the institution.


1. As a nurse, I have gained knowledge through research studies, experimental and reading various nursing materials. Also, experience in the field of nursing has helped me to learn a lot.

2. In most cases, I conduct experiments to verify the validity of the information. Also, comparing data from various sources helps to verify the accuracy of information.

3. There is no best practice of gaining information in nursing practices. Every report must be filtered to verify its accuracy before using. NRSG 612 COLORADOTECH Comparing Research and Performance Improvement with Evidence Based Practices Paper