NUR 3805 UCF Module 6 Role of Nurses in Eliminating Health Disparities Discussion

NUR 3805 UCF Module 6 Role of Nurses in Eliminating Health Disparities Discussion


Answer the following questions using the book. Supply APA CITATION (IN-TEXT AND REFERENCE). Each question needs to be answer in a minimum of two paragraph. Remember to use the rubric when developing your work. CHAPTERS 14,16

1. Discuss how health care crises, such as the Covid-19 pandemic, impact the profession of nursing. What response from nursing is necessary to move the profession forward (discuss strategies across all aspects of the profession). How will these changes contribute to the health care of our nation?


2. Compare and contrast the four types of nursing care delivery models from the viewpoint of the patient. Which would you prefer and why? Examine and discuss the same question from the viewpoint of the nurse. What do you think is the role of the nurse in terms of narrowing the gaps in health care disparities? NUR 3805 UCF Module 6 Role of Nurses in Eliminating Health Disparities Discussion