NUR 406E Lees McRae College Health Promotion Model Analysis Paper

NUR 406E Lees McRae College Health Promotion Model Analysis Paper

Need help with my Nursing question – I’m studying for my class.


Once nurses have identified what community health problems exist through a thorough examination of the epidemiological information and their Windshield Survey, they then move towards developing a health intervention. As the first step in creating the health intervention, nurses should use models as a guide to develop a targeted plan to change health behaviors and/or outcomes. For this assignment, you will use the same community that you examined for your Community Assessment paper. Using Keller, Strohschein, Lia-Hoagberg, and Schaffer’s (2004) Intervention Wheel as the health promotion model, select one of the negative health indicators identified in the Community Assessment paper that you wish to explore further. NUR 406E Lees McRae College Health Promotion Model Analysis Paper


The Intervention Wheel (Keller et al., 2004) is a multi-layered tool composed of three distinct elements:

  • The model is population based.
  • The model encompasses community, systems, and individual/family levels of practice.
  • The model identifies and define 17 public health interventions.

Each of these elements of practice contributes to improving public health. The 17 public health interventions are grouped into five wedges and the wedges are placed in the Intervention Wheel (Keller et al., 2004) in an order that reflects their relationship (see descriptions of each public health intervention in table 1.1 in the DeMarco and Healey-Walsh (2020) textbook).

  1. Surveillance, disease, and other health event investigation, outreach, screening, and case finding;
  2. Referral and follow-up, case management, and delegated functions;
  3. Health teaching, counseling, and consultation;
  4. Collaboration, coalition building, and community organizing;
  5. Advocacy, social marketing, and policy development and enforcement (Keller et al., 2004, p. 458). NUR 406E Lees McRae College Health Promotion Model Analysis Paper

You will use the health promotion model to examine current evidence-based promotion, or health prevention process for assessment and diagnosis on your chosen clinical project population. This assessment and diagnosis will lead to your final assignment of developing a health implementation plan. Using the five wedges of the Intervention Wheel (Keller et al., 2004), pick one or two interventions in each of the five wedges to explore the health indicator you have chosen. Discuss in your assessment and diagnosis the necessary cultural competencies the nurse must demonstrate for the population involved in your clinical project.

Keller, L., Strohschein, S., Lia-Hoagberg, B., & Schaffer, M. (2004). Population-based public health interventions: Practice-based and evidence-supported. Part I. Public Health Nursing, 21, 453-468. doi:10.1111/j.0737-1209.2004.21509.x. NUR 406E Lees McRae College Health Promotion Model Analysis Paper