NUR 300 Denver School of Nursing W4 Impaired Nurses Programs Discussion

NUR 300 Denver School of Nursing W4 Impaired Nurses Programs Discussion


Step 1 Read the article Impaired Nurses: Reclaiming Careers

Step 2 Your initial response to the article should be two paragraphs in length with at least five sentences per paragraph. Your post should reflect any thoughts, pro or con, regarding the treatment of impaired nurses. Respond to the following questions and, if it’s relevant, include your own personal experience.


  • Research the Florida Board of Nursing. Does it have an impaired nurse program? Please describe it, if possible.
  • What are your sdses should be addressed?
  • What are your thoughts about disciplinary action being made public on each state’s Board of Registered Nursing (BON) website?
  • Discuss ways in which the nurse who is impaired mentally or is physically challenged is addressed by your state board or facility. NUR 300 Denver School of Nursing W4 Impaired Nurses Programs Discussion

NUR 300 Denver School of Nursing Self Management Presentation

NUR 300 Denver School of Nursing Self Management Presentation


In this assignment, you will present a culturally sensitive self-management plan for a patient with a chronic disease.

Step 1 Choose a chronic disease that you frequently encounter in your nursing practice. Alternatively, pick a chronic disease that you would like to explore further.

Step 2 Select a culture that you often encounter in your practice or one that you would like to learn more about. For the purposes of this presentation, you may choose a culture based on religion; racial or ethnic group; cognitive, sensory, or physical disability; or sexual orientation or gender identity. NUR 300 Denver School of Nursing Self Management Presentation


Step 3 In a 6-8 slide presentation (excluding the title slide and reference slide), address the following topics: Identify the chronic disease you chose to present, including a short summary of the disease and its complications.

  • Identify and describe the culture you chose to present.
  • Identify a self-care need for a patient with the chronic illness you chose. For example, a patient with diabetes will need to monitor blood glucose levels; a patient with hypertension will need to follow a low sodium diet.
  • Identify two measurable, patient-centered goals for a patient with this self-care need. For example, “The patient will be able to give a return demonstration for obtaining a capillary blood glucose level.”
  • Present a culturally sensitive self-management plan for each goal. For example, Appalachians may believe that their lives are controlled by fate (fatalism). Therefore, they may feel powerless in their care. The plan of care will need interventions that help empower the patient. NUR 300 Denver School of Nursing Self Management Presentation
  • Describe how you will evaluate whether the goals were met. Consider methods such as Teach Back in your evaluation of the goals.
  • Provide a summary of your presentation.
  • Provide a reference slide citing any sources used in the presentation in the format requested by your instructor.

Step 4 Include talking points and details in the notes area for each slide. These notes should document what you would say to an audience about each slide if you were to present in person. NUR 300 Denver School of Nursing Self Management Presentation

Cite all sources using APA format.

*Important: Use this Sample PPP as a template to format your assignment to prevent unnecessary point deduction

NUR 300 DCN Wk 9 Blood Transfusion Incidents Prevention Root Cause Analysis

NUR 300 DCN Wk 9 Blood Transfusion Incidents Prevention Root Cause Analysis




In this written assignment, you will explore a patient incident using root cause analysis.

Step 1 Read the scenario.

Read the Root Cause Analysis Scenario Handout (assignment 9.1a) attached below.

Step 2 Complete the chart.

You have been charged with leading the interprofessional team that will investigate Mr. Jones’s issue. Your analysis should focus on systems and processes, not individual performance. Complete the Root Cause Analysis Chart (assignment 9.1b) attached below. NUR 300 DCN Wk 9 Blood Transfusion Incidents Prevention Root Cause Analysis

Step 3 Develop a plan of action.

Based on your investigation, develop a two-page (minimum) plan of action detailing the recommendations the team makes. Your plan should answer the question “What can be done to prevent a similar incident?”

*This must be in the required professional paper format, including title page and reference page, showing evidence-based research supporting your recommendations or interventions you propose.

*Important: Use this Sample Paper as a template for format your assignment to prevent unnecessary point deduction. Attach the completed “Root Analysis Chart” to the end of your paper as an appendix

Handout for Assignment 9.1: Root Cause Analysis Scenario


For your assignment, read the scenario below.



John Jones requires a blood transfusion due to hemorrhage following a motor vehicle accident. The physician enters the order for blood to be drawn for a type and cross-match and then to transfuse one unit of packed red blood cells using computerized physician order entry. The nurse confirms the order for the blood work and prints the laboratory forms and stickers. The nurse gives the laboratory forms to the student nurse technician and asks him to draw blood on Mr. Jones and send it to the laboratory. The student nurse technician reviews the chart and confirms the order for blood work.


When the student nurse technician arrives at John’s semi-private room, he has to wade through several family members to reach the patient’s bed. John seems distracted by the questioning of his well-meaning family members. So the student, not wanting to interrupt their discussion, quickly asks the patient if his name is Mr. Jones. John responds with a simple yes while continuing his discussion with his family. With just the verbal confirmation and without checking the patient’s ID band, the student nurse technician proceeds to draw the blood and send it to the laboratory.


When the blood arrives on the unit two hours later, the nurse performs a cross check with another nurse to confirm the patient name, unit number, and blood type on the blood and the blood slip. They then go the patient’s room to administer the blood. The nurse asks the patient his name and he states, John Jones, which matches his ID band. The two nurses then check the ID band against the blood and the medical record. All names match. The nurses continue with their bedside check and hang the blood.


Within minutes of hanging the blood, Mr. Jones begins to complain to shortness of breath. The nurse immediately stops the blood and begins infusing normal saline. She notifies the physician and the blood bank of a possible transfusion reaction. The physician immediately comes to see the patient, who responds well to treatment. The blood bank reports that the blood and tubing that were returned to them did not match the patient’s blood type. NUR 300 DCN Wk 9 Blood Transfusion Incidents Prevention Root Cause Analysis

NUR 300 DSN Professional Issues in Nursing Global Health & Technology Discussion

NUR 300 DSN Professional Issues in Nursing Global Health & Technology Discussion


In this written assignment, you will examine the impact of technology on global health.

Step 1 Using a minimum of three scholarly sources, write a two to three page (minimum) paper that addresses the following topics:


  • Research ways in which technology can be used to address global health challenges.
  • Describe at least two specific examples of global health technology initiatives.
  • How can technology be used to improve quality of care in less developed countries?
  • What is nursing’s role in supporting global health.

Step 2 Cite all sources using APA 7th edition format. NUR 300 DSN Professional Issues in Nursing Global Health & Technology Discussion

NUR 309 Denver School Psychophysiology for The Registered Nurse Disorders Worksheets

NUR 309 Denver School Psychophysiology for The Registered Nurse Disorders Worksheets




Pulmonary System Disorders

In this assignment, you will examine the clinical manifestations, pathophysiology, and developmental considerations for two pulmonary disorders of your choosing. One should affect primarily children or adolescents and one adults.

Step 1 Locate at least one evidence-based resource to support your response.

Step 2 Use the Pulmonary System Disorders Worksheet

Step 3 Complete the worksheet.

  • In the header row of the table, enter names of the disorders.
  • In the remaining rows of the table, enter a description of the disorder, the clinical manifestations, the underlying pathophysiology, and developmental considerations (consider the age of onset with respect to the physiological, psychological, and social implications of the disease).
  • Be sure to cite all sources used to complete the worksheet and provide a reference using proper APA formatting. NUR 309 Denver School Psychophysiology for The Registered Nurse Disorders Worksheets


Reproductive System Disorders

In this assignment, you will examine the clinical manifestations, pathophysiology, and developmental considerations for a male and a female reproductive disorder of your choosing. At least one of these should be a condition that is commonly seen in older adults.

Step 1 Locate at least one evidence-based resource to support your response.

Step 2 Use the Reproductive System Disorders worksheet.

Step 3 Complete the worksheet.

  • In the header row of the table, enter names of the disorders.
  • In the remaining rows of the table, enter a description of the disorder, the clinical manifestations, the underlying pathophysiology, and developmental considerations (consider the physiological, psychological, and social implications of the disease in this age group).
  • Be sure to cite all sources used to complete the worksheet and provide a reference using proper APA formatting. NUR 309 Denver School Psychophysiology for The Registered Nurse Disorders Worksheets

Musculoskeletal System Disorders

In this assignment, you will examine the clinical manifestations, pathophysiology, and developmental considerations for an acute and a chronic musculoskeletal disorder of your choosing. At least one of these should be a condition that is commonly seen in older adults.

Step 1 Locate at least one evidence-based resource to support your response.

Step 2 Use the Musculoskeletal Systems Disorders worksheet.

Step 3 Complete the worksheet.

  • In the header row of the table, enter names of the disorders.
  • In the remaining rows of the table, enter a description of the disorder, the clinical manifestations, the underlying pathophysiology, and developmental considerations (consider the physiological, psychological, and social implications of the disease in this age group).
  • Be sure to cite all sources used to complete the worksheet and provide a reference using proper APA formatting. NUR 309 Denver School Psychophysiology for The Registered Nurse Disorders Worksheets

NUR 400 Denver School Wk 8 Data Collection Method for PICOT Question Discussion

NUR 400 Denver School Wk 8 Data Collection Method for PICOT Question Discussion



Step 1 Reflect on your proposed research question or problem of interest.

  • Consider the data collection instruments that can be used in quantitative research.
  • Consider the data collection procedures that can be used in qualitative research.


Step 2 Post a response to the discussion board responding to the following questions:

  • What are the various data collection instruments used in quantitative research?
  • What are the various data collection procedures used in qualitative research?
  • Briefly describe situations or scenarios in which these two data collection procedures might be used.
  • In your proposed quantitative study, what data collection instrument(s) might you use? Provide a rationale for your choices.
  • In your proposed qualitative study, what data collection procedure(s) might you use? Provide a rationale for your choices. NUR 400 Denver School Wk 8 Data Collection Method for PICOT Question Discussion

NUR 400 Denver School Week 8 Quantitative & Quantitative Data collection Strategies Paper

NUR 400 Denver School Week 8 Quantitative & Quantitative Data collection Strategies Paper


Due: Sunday night at 11:59pm Mountain Time

In this assignment, you will write a paper that describes data collection strategies used in quantitative and qualitative research; the paper will also describe strategies to gain trust with participants in your proposed research question or problem of interest.

Step 1: Reflect on your proposed research question or problem of interest.

Step 2: As you prepare to write your paper, consider the following questions:

  • What data collection strategies are used in quantitative research? Why?
  • What data collection strategies are used in qualitative research? Why?
  • What quantitative or qualitative data collection strategies would you use in your proposed research study and why?
  • Which strategy or strategies would help you to gain trust with your participants? Why?


Step 3: Write a two-four page paper.

Write a paper that describes and summarizes the various data collection strategies used in quantitative and qualitative research and those strategies used to gain participant trust. Identify and describe the qualitative or quantitative strategies you would use in your proposed study and the ways in which you would gain trust with participants.

Construct your paper and cite any sources in APA format.

Step 4: Save and submit your assignment. NUR 400 Denver School Week 8 Quantitative & Quantitative Data collection Strategies Paper

NUR 425 Denver School of Nursing Week 8 Health Needs of Men Prostate Health Paper

NUR 425 Denver School of Nursing Week 8 Health Needs of Men Prostate Health Paper



Due: Sunday night at 11:59pm Mountain Time

In this written assignment, you will explore the health needs of men or the elderly.

Step 1: Choose a health need to investigate.
From the following list, choose one health need to focus on for this assignment:

  • Health needs of men: prostate health, cardiovascular health, sexual dysfunction, alcohol abuse
  • Health needs of elderly: bone health, stroke care, cancer, social isolation . NUR 425 Denver School of Nursing Week 8 Health Needs of Men Prostate Health Paper

Step 2: Research the incidence and impact of this health need.
Research the incidence and impact of the problem among the specified population. Use at least three scholarly sources (that is, peer-reviewed journal articles or websites written by a group that has expertise and strong credentials in the field of interest). Make sure that you use APA format to properly cite sources used.


Step 3: Propose prevention strategies.
Propose two relevant population-based strategies at each level of prevention (primary, secondary, and tertiary).

Step 4: Summarize your findings and intervention proposals.
Write a three-four page paper that includes:

  • The incidence and impact of this health problem on the population
  • Two relevant population-based strategies at each level of prevention (for a total of six)
  • A hypothesis of which strategy would lead to the greatest impact on health outcomes for this population. Explan your answer and include evidence supporting your decision.

Step 5: Save and submit your assignment.
When you have completed your assignment, save a copy for yourself in an easily accessible place and submit a copy to your instructor.

Cite any sources in APA format. NUR 425 Denver School of Nursing Week 8 Health Needs of Men Prostate Health Paper

NUR 400 Denver School Wk 9 Reliability Validity and Integrity in Action Discussion

NUR 400 Denver School Wk 9 Reliability Validity and Integrity in Action Discussion


Step 1 Reflect on your proposed research question or problem of interest.

Step 2 Post a response to the discussion board responding to the following questions:

  • How would you describe the concepts of reliability and validity as they pertain to quantitative research studies?
  • What are measures the researcher can take to ensure integrity in qualitative research studies?
  • Describe how you could maintain reliability and validity in your study.
  • Describe what measures you could take to ensure integrity in your study.


Step 3 Read and respond to two other students’ posts by Friday 11:59pm MT.

Read other students’ posts and respond to at least two of them. Use your personal experience, if it’s relevant, to support or debate other students’ posts. If differences of opinion occur, debate the issues professionally and provide examples to support your opinions. NUR 400 Denver School Wk 9 Reliability Validity and Integrity in Action Discussion

Cite any sources in APA format.

NUR 425 Denver School Wk 9 International Red Cross & Red Crescent Movement Organization Discussion

NUR 425 Denver School Wk 9 International Red Cross & Red Crescent Movement Organization Discussion


Step 1: In your initial post to this discussion forum, respond to the following prompts. Include personal and practice-related experiences or observations as examples that support your response.

  1. Explore an organization that serves a vulnerable population.
    1. Select a reputable local or regional organization that serves at least one vulnerable population.
    2. Learn about the organization through information readily available (for example, a website or brochure) and/or a brief phone interview with an employee of the organization. NUR 425 Denver School Wk 9 International Red Cross & Red Crescent Movement Organization Discussion
    3. Find out how a member of the vulnerable population would access the services of this organization, what services are available, what health issues are addressed, how the services are financed, the hours of operation (if applicable), who is employed by the organization (for example, public health nurses, social workers, psychologists, chaplains, community health workers), and so on.
  2. Post an informational profile that identifies the organization and describes the organization’s impact on the health of this population. Include information about how a member of the vulnerable population would access the services of this organization, what services are available, what health issues are addressed, how the services are financed, the hours of operation (if applicable), who is employed by the organization (for example, public health nurses, social workers, psychologists, chaplains, community health workers), and so on.


Step 2: Your initial post should be 2-3 paragraphs in length. In addition to your post, be sure to provide a meaningful response to at least two of your peers’ posts by Sunday night at 11:59pm Mountain Time. Read other students’ postings and respond to at least two other students’ postings. To extend the learning and application related to this discussion forum, ask questions about or add to the information posted about the organization. Use a professional tone when interacting with your peers. Cite all references in APA format. NUR 425 Denver School Wk 9 International Red Cross & Red Crescent Movement Organization Discussion