Denver College of Nursing Community from Rural Colorado PPT

Denver College of Nursing Community from Rural Colorado PPT


Practicum Step 4: You will work on this assignment over weeks 9-10. It is submitted at the end of week 10. In this assignment, you will

  1. Present the findings from your practicum experience in a 10-15-minute presentation for a group of nurses. Imagine that you presenting this to your coworkers or at a nursing conference. Make it interesting and visually appealing.
  2. Create a seven- to ten-slide, professional quality presentation with approximately six bullet points per slide. Slides should contain relevant pictures, tables, and charts when indicated. In your presentation, address the following information:
    1. Title page
    2. Introduction to the at-risk group. Include descriptive and demographic data.
    3. Description of the community (city or county).
    4. Summary of the needs assessment (step 1).
    5. Summary of the health disparity and recommendation (step 2)
    6. Summary of the community strengths, assets, and programs available for this group (step 3).
    7. Description of the agency and summary of the interview (step 3).
    8. How your plan supports social justice advocacy to improve the health of at-risk populations (new information). Denver College of Nursing Community from Rural Colorado PPT
    9. References
  3. Narrate your presentation. Once you have created your slides, write a script to narrate the presentation in the notes section of your presentation. Your narration text should support and explain the information on the slides. You are also welcome to use a voice over narration.
  4. Save and submit your assignment to the Week 10 drop box.


Keep these quality considerations in mind as you create your presentation::

  • It should be organized and aesthetically pleasing (attractive design, layout, and neatness)
  • Elements on the slide should be aligned and balanced
  • Background, color choices, and font should enhance readability
  • Images support and enhance the topic. Denver College of Nursing Community from Rural Colorado PPT

NUR 370 DSN Wk 11 Integration & Self Reflection in Personal Counseling Career Essay

NUR 370 DSN Wk 11 Integration & Self Reflection in Personal Counseling Career Essay


In this writing assignment, you will reflect on your journey toward cultural competence.

Step 1 Write one to two page paper in which you address the following prompts:

  • Describe two significant moments in your professional life that relate to cultural learning.
  • Describe something in this course that impacted you.
  • What stereotypes or biases might you have regarding sociocultural influences on health that could get in the way of being a culturally competent health care provider (please do not say that you don’t have any. We all do. It is important to recognize them. NUR 370 DSN Wk 11 Integration & Self Reflection in Personal Counseling Career Essay
  • Discuss two specific actions you will take from here forward to enhance your cultural competence.


Step 2 Save and submit your assignment. When you have completed your assignment, save a copy for yourself in an easily accessible place and submit a copy to your instructor.

Cite any sources in APA format.

See the rubric for grading details. NUR 370 DSN Wk 11 Integration & Self Reflection in Personal Counseling Career Essay

NUR 370 Denver School of Nursing Wk 10 Risks with Stereotypes Discussion

NUR 370 Denver School of Nursing Wk 10 Risks with Stereotypes Discussion


Step 1 Post a response to the discussion board. In your post, respond to the following prompts:

  • Select and share one formal poverty stereotype.
  • Compare the definition to your own stereotype definition.
  • Explain two common stereotypes associated with at-risk and vulnerable populations.
  • Describe the implications for providing culturally sensitive nursing care when stereotypes go unchecked.


Step 2 Read other students’ posts and respond to at least two of them by Friday at 11:59pm MT.

Use your personal experience, if it’s relevant, to support or debate other students’ posts. If differences of opinion occur, debate the issues professionally and provide examples to support opinions. NUR 370 Denver School of Nursing Wk 10 Risks with Stereotypes Discussion

Cite any sources in APA format.

Peer Discussion (Elizabeth)

“A stereotype is an over-generalized belief about a particular category of people. It is an expectation that people might have about every person of a particular group. The type of expectation can vary; it can be, for example, an expectation about the group’s personality, preferences, or ability” (2020). A stereotype in the healthcare setting is already having a preconceived idea of someone’s history as well as their intent.

I live in Staten Island, New York, which is known to have many issues with opioid addictions. “In 2019, there have been approximately 51 overdose deaths and 107 naloxone saves on Staten Island, according to the latest data available from the office of District Attorney Michael E. McMahon” (, 2019). That being said, the healthcare workers in the hospital already have an idea that many individuals will be drug seeking.I feel it is very dangerous to already have a feeling that a patient is lying about their pain before even examining them. Pain is subjective meaning to determine someones level of pain you really have to rely on their word. Also, I feel that some healthcare workers also take into consideration where the patient lives and their background. For an example, if the patient is coming from a predominately poorer area, they may already have an idea that they are drug seeking as well.“Racial/ethnic minorities consistently receive less adequate treatment for acute and chronic pain than non-Hispanic whites, even after controlling for age, gender, and pain intensity. Pain intensity underreporting appears to be a major contribution of minority individuals to pain management disparities. The major contribution by physicians to such disparities appears to reflect limited awareness of their own cultural beliefs and stereotypes regarding pain, minority individuals, and use of narcotic analgesics” (KO. Anderson et al). NUR 370 Denver School of Nursing Wk 10 Risks with Stereotypes Discussion



Stereotype. (2020, September 03). Retrieved September 08, 2020, from, K. (2019, September 16). Challenges of opioid addiction on S.I. addressed by lawmakers, stakeholders. Retrieved September 08, 2020, from

KO. Anderson, C., KO. Anderson, T., JC. Ballantyne, K., MS. Bates, W., WC. Becker, D., D. Bennett, D., . . . Zola, I. Defining Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Pain Management. Retrieved September 08, 2020, from…

Peer Discussion (Paul Joe)

According to week 9 lesson, “A stereotype is a widely-held, yet simplistic and often inaccurate belief about a group of people”(Stereotype, n.d slide 4 para 1). A formal poverty stereotype is the belief that refugees from Africa are uneducated and poor. Compare to my own stereotype definition, refugees from Africa usually have language barrier upon arrival to the United States, but may not necessarily be uneducated or poor.

As mentioned above, at risk and vulnerable populations usually have the poverty and the “uneducated” stereotypes. Using refugees from DR Congo as a case study, most residents in Ravenna, Ohio stereotyped these refugees as poor because they utilize government housing and assistance programs. Also, due to language barrier and employment in minimum paid jobs, these refugees are often stereotyped as uneducated. However, most of the refugees are professionals such as doctors, nurses, engineers etc. in their home country.

When stereotypes go unchecked, nurses are likely to give less optimal care to at risk or vulnerable populations because of language barrier or cultural differences.


Stereotype, n.d Denver College of Nursing. Retrieved from…

/nur370_lps/nur370_cdn_10_01_01.html. NUR 370 Denver School of Nursing Wk 10 Risks with Stereotypes Discussion

NUR 370 Denver School of Nursing Week 11 Appreciation and Tolerance Discussion

NUR 370 Denver School of Nursing Week 11 Appreciation and Tolerance Discussion



Step 1 Post a response to the discussion board. In your post, address the following prompts:

  • Describe an experience in your nursing practice where you demonstrated or witnessed tolerance in a patient care situation.
  • Describe an experience in your nursing practice where you demonstrated or witnessed appreciation in a patient care situation.
  • Discuss the similarities and differences between tolerance and appreciation when providing care.
  • Discuss possible lifelong learning opportunities that facilitate an expanded understanding of tolerance and appreciation.


Step 2 Read other students’ posts and respond to at least two of them by Friday at 11:59pm MT.

Use your personal experience, if it’s relevant, to support or debate other students’ posts. If differences of opinion occur, debate the issues professionally and provide examples to support opinions.

Cite any sources in APA format. NUR 370 Denver School of Nursing Week 11 Appreciation and Tolerance Discussion

NUR 435 Denver School of Nursing Week 10 Migrant Health in Vietnam Discussion

NUR 435 Denver School of Nursing Week 10 Migrant Health in Vietnam Discussion


Step 1 Post your response to the discussion board.

Address the following topics in your discussion post:

  • Select a report from the IOM website.
  • Summarize the IOM report you selected.
  • Describe the impact this report has had on the nursing profession.
  • Explain how it will impact quality for consumers.
  • Include a reference list citing any sources used, written in APA format.

Step 2 Read other students’ posts and respond to at least two of them by Friday at 11:59pm Mountain Time.

Use your personal experience, if it’s relevant, to support or debate other students’ posts. Address the following topics in your responses:

  • Consider the reports chosen by other students and their impact on the nursing profession.
  • Share whether you agree or disagree on how the report impacts quality for consumers and explain why.
  • If differences of opinion occur, debate the issues professionally and provide examples to support your opinions.


Peer Discussion (Sarah)

In the article, Poor Education Predicts Poor Health- A Challenge Unmet by American Medicine, Richard Johnston (2019) explains the connection between a persons education quality and quality of health. Although many Americans “are just fine”, there are too many Americans that lack the basic skills to ensure a life that includes steady employment, health and wellness, social stability, and overall well-being. Furthermore, this article explores the depressingly low health statistics within the United States despite the U.S. spending more on health care than any other country. One alarming statistic that was highlighted was that children born in the U.S. are 57% more likely to die before adulthood than children who are born in 19 other wealthy countries (Johnston, 2019). This leads one to question if there is a connection between education and health? More specifically, Johnston (2019) explains that better educational opportunities are statistically linked to better over-all health and better educated adults tend to live longer, healthier lives than their peers who are less educated. The social class divide and can be seen in a myriad of ways including one’s diet, use of substances such as drugs, alcohol, and smoking, physical exercise, financial burdens and freedoms, social support, and personal stressors such as housing and transportation. Additionally, education not only improves one’s knowledge, but it also improves reasoning skills, social skills, and the ability to understand the science behind choices one makes that include a healthy lifestyle and how to achieve it (Johnston, 2019). According to Johnston (2019) “getting an education can prevent disease. Inadequate education is a fundamental driver of deficiencies in other social determinants of health. It is a realistic target for improvement that offers an individual a path out of poverty and ill health; and coincidentally, it offers the nation a stronger workforce, a more stable economy, and more intelligent participants in its democracy” (p. 5). NUR 435 Denver School of Nursing Week 10 Migrant Health in Vietnam Discussion

As nurses, this report sheds light on the absolute importance of community outreach and finding the populations within our communities, states, and country that have social determinants of health that affect their access to quality education and health care. These communities need us, as nurses and health care providers, to reach them where they are at; go into the schools, community centers, and more to offer health education that includes nutrition, health and wellness, sexual health and safety, preventative screenings, vaccines, social support, hygiene, and more. Furthermore, this sheds light on areas where we, as nurses, can use our voice to create change in policies both in education and health care. By using our voices, platform, and presence in the community we can impact the educational and health care quality provided to the “consumers” within our communities. Although social determinants of health are challenging, knowledge and education is powerful. The more we can teach and provide to the people we hope to serve, the better suited they will be improve their health and overall well-being, and they can teach their children and so forth.


Johnston, R. (2019). Poor education predicts poor health—a challenge unmet by american medicine. National Academy of Medicine. Retrieved from

Peer Discussion (Patricia)

The report I chose was The Next Decade of Nursing: NAM Town Halls Explore How New Roles, New Tech, and Social Needs Are Transforming the Field (Micelli, 2019). This article discusses the expansion in the field of nursing from the traditional clinical role to “health system leadership, clinical research, and digital health” (Micelli, 2019, p. 2).

The impact of this report is that it stresses the importance of education of future nurses in public health as well as clinical nursing. Nurses should be lifelong learners and the expansion of nursing roles into research and community health is vital (Micelli, 2019). Because of their position on the front lines of care, nurses have a critical role to play in the change needed in nursing, especially the outcomes of social determinants and health disparities (Micelli, 2019).

Changes in the education provided during and continuing after nursing school, resulting in more nurses practicing to the highest level of their education, will impact healthcare through the removal of disparities and inequities, and will be felt across the nation in areas such as the health of “migrant workers, firearm violence prevention, and the heart health of formerly incarcerated black men” (Micelli, 2019, para. 9).

These changes in education of nurses will allow for any nurse to find their niche. Not all nurses desire to remain in bedside or clinical nursing, especially older nurses, and they can find a very rewarding career in another area such as public or community health, informatics, or nursing education. Every nurse has a different reason for choosing nursing as a career and “We have to always remember why we got into this and give people equal opportunity to act on their ‘why’” (Micelli, 2019, para. 16). NUR 435 Denver School of Nursing Week 10 Migrant Health in Vietnam Discussion


Micelli, S. (2019, August 27). The next decade of nursing: NAM Town Halls explore how new roles, new tech, and social needs are transforming the field. National Academy of Medicine.…

NUR 445 DSN Wk 10 Patients Who Receive Information About Medicine Presentation

NUR 445 DSN Wk 10 Patients Who Receive Information About Medicine Presentation




Due: Sunday night at 11:59pm Mountain Time

In this two-part presentation assignment, you will describe a quality improvement initiative that is currently being monitored in your workplace.

Step 1 Research quality improvement initiatives in your workplace.

Research information about a quality improvement initiative in your workplace or in another clinical setting. Gather information about the initiative from individuals who actually collect and/or manage data for the initiative. If necessary, discuss with your nurse manager which initiatives are most important on your unit. NUR 445 DSN Wk 10 Patients Who Receive Information About Medicine Presentation

Step 2 Research quality improvement standards.

Using the Internet, review websites such as those for the Joint Commission or the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and gather information on the standard for the initiative.


Step 3 Create the second part of a 14- to 16-slide presentation.

Create your presentation by addressing the following points and make sure that you properly cite any resources used. Include a slide for each of the following:

  • Title page
  • Introduction
  • Conclusion
  • References

In addition to these four slides, each of the following bullet points should have its own slide. For Week 9, you answered questions 1 through 3. You will answer questions 4 through 8 this week.

  1. Describe the quality improvement initiative and why it is important.
  2. What evidence was used to determine that quality improvement was needed?
  3. Explain what goal the initiative is trying to achieve.
  4. What national standards are being met by addressing the initiative?
  5. Which quality indicators will be used to measure the improvement in the initiative? Describe the quality indicators and how they support the initiative.
  6. Explain who collects the data and what is done with the data/how it is used/who uses it.
  7. Determine the agencies to which they report their information.
  8. Determine nursing’s involvement in helping with the initiative.

Step 4 Add presenter’s notes.

Include brief talking points as needed in the notes area for your slides. These notes should clarify/provide additional details about the information on the slides.

Step 5 Save and submit your assignment.

When you have completed your assignment, save a copy for yourself in an easily accessible place and submit a copy to your instructor.

Cite all sources in APA format. NUR 445 DSN Wk 10 Patients Who Receive Information About Medicine Presentation

See the rubric 

for the grading details.

NUR 309 DSN Reproductive System and Musculoskeletal System Disorders Worksheets

NUR 309 DSN Reproductive System and Musculoskeletal System Disorders Worksheets



In this assignment, you will examine the clinical manifestations, pathophysiology, and developmental considerations for a male and a female reproductive disorder of your choosing. At least one of these should be a condition that is commonly seen in older adults.

Step 1 Locate at least one evidence-based resource to support your response.

Step 2 Download the Reproductive System Disorders


Step 3 Complete the worksheet.

  • In the header row of the table, enter names of the disorders.
  • In the remaining rows of the table, enter a description of the disorder, the clinical manifestations, the underlying pathophysiology, and developmental considerations (consider the physiological, psychological, and social implications of the disease in this age group).
  • Be sure to cite all sources used to complete the worksheet and provide a reference using proper APA formatting. NUR 309 DSN Reproductive System and Musculoskeletal System Disorders Worksheets



In this assignment, you will examine the clinical manifestations, pathophysiology, and developmental considerations for an acute and a chronic musculoskeletal

disorder of your choosing. At least one of these should be a condition that is commonly seen in older adults.

Step 1 Locate at least one evidence-based resource to support your response.

Step 2 Download the Musculoskeletal System Disorders


Step 3 Complete the worksheet.

  • In the header row of the table, enter names of the disorders.
  • In the remaining rows of the table, enter a description of the disorder, the clinical manifestations, the underlying pathophysiology, and developmental considerations (consider the physiological, psychological, and social implications of the disease in this age group).
  • Be sure to cite all sources used to complete the worksheet and provide a reference using proper APA formatting. NUR 309 DSN Reproductive System and Musculoskeletal System Disorders Worksheets

Denver College of Nursing Global Health and Technology Paper

Denver College of Nursing Global Health and Technology Paper

In this written assignment, you will examine the impact of technology on global health.

For all writing assignments, you will run your paper through a program called SafeAssign. This will formulate a similarity report and will give you a percentage. If you percentage is greater than 30%, please review the report and see where you are flagged for similarity. If you have properly cited your information with a quote or an in-text citation, you are good to go! If you have neglected to cite your information, please do so and re-submit your paper for grading to prevent plagiarism.


Step 1 Using your textbook, and a minimum of two additional scholarly sources, write a two to three page (minimum) paper that addresses the following topics:

Research ways in which technology can be used to address global health challenges.
Describe at least two specific examples of global health technology initiatives.
How can technology be used to improve quality of care in less developed countries?
What is nursing’s role in supporting global health. Denver College of Nursing Global Health and Technology Paper

Denver School of Nursing Advanced Practice Specialty Nursing Role Discussion

Denver School of Nursing Advanced Practice Specialty Nursing Role Discussion




Step 1 Choose an advanced practice or specialty nursing role of interest to you.

Step 2 In your post, respond to the following questions:

  • Reflect on your career goals and choose an advanced practice or specialty nursing role. (ARNP)
  • Describe the role and why it is of interest to you.
  • In what type of health care setting do you wish to practice this role? Hospital Emergency Room
  • What is the population you wish to care for?
  • What degree do you need to assume this nursing role?
  • What are your major responsibilities in this role? Denver School of Nursing Advanced Practice Specialty Nursing Role Discussion


No research or APA is required for this week.

Step 3 Read and respond to other students’ posts.

Select two students who chose roles different than the ones you chose. Identify the similarities and differences in these roles in the following areas:

  • Educational and certification requirements
  • Type of practice settings
  • Population served
  • Responsibilities of the roles

Use your personal experience, if it’s relevant, to help support or debate other students’ posts. If differences of opinion occur, debate the issues professionally and provide examples to support your opinions.

Discussion 1 Yolette

I would like to have a specialty in Med-surge first and second in stroke education. There are too many diseases that people are suffering from because of neglect and mostly lack of education; one of them is stroke. My mother died from a posterior stroke; and recently I have a patient, a young man of 45 years old, that was, at that time, paralyzed from a recent stroke. I don’t know the lowest level for this type of job, but I do know that I will go for my Master’s in Nursing as soon as I am done with my BSN program. I would like to create a team for pre and post-stroke care of any race, dedicated to patients that are subject or not to have a stroke, and for post-education after a stroke. This program will also help nurses understand better this disease.

My responsibility will be to coordinate the relationship between the stock program and hospital or other facilities, by pointing potential patients. This program will affect all kinds of communities or churches to provide education to the population on how to have a proper lifestyle including exercises, diet, blood pressure monitoring, and regular doctor check-ups. I hope those two specialties accompanied by my Master’s in nursing will grant me enough skills to realize my dream.


Discussion 2 Jing

One of the specialty nursing roles that I have always been interested in is forensic nursing. A forensic nurse is a Registered or Advanced Practice Nurse who has received specific education and training. Forensic nurses provide specialized care for patients who are experiencing acute and long-term health consequences associated with victimization or violence or have unmet evidentiary needs relative to having been victimized or accused of victimization. They also collect evidence, provide medical testimony in court, and consult with legal authorities. Forensic nurses work in a variety of fields, including sexual assault, domestic violence, child abuse and neglect, elder mistreatment, death investigation, corrections, and in the aftermath of mass disasters. In the United States, forensic nurses most frequently work in hospitals, community anti-violence programs, coroners and medical examiners offices, correctional institutions, and psychiatric hospitals. I like this role because it is a unique specialty that blends the worlds of nursing, science, and the legal system. It also provides me opportunities to work with many types of people in diverse settings. Denver School of Nursing Advanced Practice Specialty Nursing Role Discussion

To become a forensic nurse, the minimum requirement is to earn a BSN or AND degree while holding an active RN license in the state of practice. Forensic nursing employers most often prefer that nurses have prior clinical nursing experience including medical-surgical, pediatric, or psychiatric nursing. Additional certificate programs such as the SANE-A for working with adults and adolescents and the SANE-P for working with pediatric patients are also available for nurses to achieve the highest standards for sexual assault nurse examiners. Master’s or doctoral degree programs in forensic nursing are also an option for nurses who want to further advance their careers. These degrees prepare nurses to work in clinical forensic roles, teaching, legal nurse consulting, research, forensic psychiatric nursing, violence prevention programs, and roles that require collaboration with the criminal justice system. Forensic nursing is estimated to be one of the fastest-growing fields in the nursing profession, and I am considering the option for my potential career path.


You are a nurse at Samaritan General Hospital. You have been asked to create patient education handouts for a variety of integumentary disorders. After you gather the information to put in the handout, you will ask your peers for feedback on the information.

Step 2 Select an integumentary disorder that you would like to learn about and, if necessary, research the pathophysiology of the disorder.

Step 3 Your first task is to describe the pathophysiology of the disorder that you will include in the patient handout. This information should be followed by common signs and symptoms of the disorder. Be sure to cover the pathophysiology of the disorder in terms a patient (or his or her caregiver) would be able to understand. Be sure to cite all sources you use and provide a reference using proper APA formatting.

Step 4 In addition to your original post, be sure to provide a meaningful response to at least two of your peer’s posts by Friday night at 11:59pm Mountain Time.

In your response, provide constructive feedback on the content included in the information as well as the appropriateness of the information for the patient. If differences of opinion occur, debate the issues professionally and provide examples to support your opinions.

Discussion 1 Sharon

It’s interesting to me that several skin disorders often tend to flare up in cycles. Since psoriasis is an immune system disorder, it seems the flare-ups are often caused by things that engage the immune system (“Psoriasis”, 2020, para. 14). One of those triggers is stress. I’ve known many people that often get sick right after a stressful event (such as exams, recitals, tournament, job deadlines, etc). The immune system is bulking up and the adrenal glands release higher doses of corticosteroids to help deal with the stress. But once the source of stress is gone, the body needs a recovery time to catch back up, and often this makes people sick in some way, especially if they already have a disorder such as this one.

“Psoriasis” (2020). WebMD.,passed%20from%20person%20to%20person. Denver School of Nursing Advanced Practice Specialty Nursing Role Discussion

Discussion 2 Lori

Pressure Ulcers can and are a serious integumentary disorder that can grow large very quickly. Pressure ulcers are from a lack of mobility and over the past 15 years have become rare due to the conscientious use of pressure-reducing measures and technology available. Almost all pressure ulcers are preventable and curable at an early stage. Individuals with poor circulation can be harder to heal but still have a fair chance at the ulcer healing with proper care. Poor profusion can cause pressure ulcers and can make it difficult to heal. Pressure ulcers form when soft tissue is compressed for long periods of time between bony prominences and external surfaces forming tissue ischemia and hypoxia. You may have heard the term, Bed sore, that is the same thing as a pressure ulcer.

Signs and Symptoms of a pressure ulcer include but not limited to, reddened areas, fever, soreness in a specific area, reddened area with white around it, pain, swelling, pus-like look, warm to touch area, and unusual skin changes in a specific area. Pressure ulcers typically form on heels, elbows, ankles, midfoot, hips, and other bony prominences. Denver School of Nursing Advanced Practice Specialty Nursing Role Discussion


Agrawal, K. (2012) Pressure Ulcers

Denver School of Nursing Personal Statement for FNP Program Discussion

Denver School of Nursing Personal Statement for FNP Program Discussion


Hi there, below please find my personel statement for FNP program. Please feel free to ad-lib. It doesn’t need to be word for word.

Throughout young adulthood, I never knew what I was going to pursue as a lifelong career. I mean I was enrolled in the nursing program from day 1 after high school, but that was more of a decision my mother pushed rather than an actual career choice. I knew the kind of person that I was, full of empathy for others, quick to jump to decisions with excellent critical thinking, and genuinely a person who was big on honesty and integrity. It wasn’t until a few failed career paths and the arrival of my daughter that I realized that my mother picked this option for me because she knows me better than I know myself.


Once I made knew that is what I wanted to do and not just another thing to do, there was no stopping me. Within a year of working in a hospital, I have accomplished being a Medical Surgical Nurse, becoming Charge Nurse, and transferred to the Intensive Care Unit because of my ability to apply my critical thinking skills towards quick implementations. After receiving my ASN, I quickly decided that I was going to pursue my bachelors and finished within a year. I am a recent graduate with my bachelors as of September 30, 2020 with a 3.7 GPA and am ready to continue with my Masters.

As a family Nurse Practitioner and a mother, I would make an effort to continue educating myself about specific needs of my community, including the demographics and what diseases have been most common. Additionally, this position allows me to work closely with clients and their families, all while keeping me close to home with my own family. Denver School of Nursing Personal Statement for FNP Program Discussion