NHS-FP5004 Capella University Managing Diversity in Healthcare Setting Paper

NHS-FP5004 Capella University Managing Diversity in Healthcare Setting Paper




Write an executive report of 4–5 pages that analyzes the role of diversity in an underperforming community program, unit, or department, and outline a plan for providing ongoing training on cultural awareness, inclusion, and sensitivity to current employees.

Be sure you read all of the requirements for this assessment and review the suggested resources to see if they may be useful in completing the assessment.

This assessment provides an opportunity to determine how you can help advance your professional field by developing a strategy for managing diversity that recognizes the synergy achieved by having a diverse and inclusive workforce. NHS-FP5004 Capella University Managing Diversity in Healthcare Setting Paper

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

  • Competency 1: Explain the concepts, principles, and characteristics of effective health care leadership.
    • Determine the influence of effective leadership on the development of a diverse and culturally competent workforce.
  • Competency 3: Analyze standards of professional ethics and the principles of diversity and inclusion as applied by health care leaders in real-world situations.
    • Outline a plan to recruit, hire, and retain a diverse workforce.
    • Outline a plan for providing employee training on cultural awareness and sensitivity.
    • Explain the benefits of a diverse and culturally competent workforce to a health care organization and the community it serves. NHS-FP5004 Capella University Managing Diversity in Healthcare Setting Paper
  • Competency 4: Determine the influence of the practitioner-scholar role on professional practice and leadership development.
    • Explain how the academic and research skills one develops as a practitioner-scholar can be of service in one’s role as a health care leader.
  • Competency 5: Communicate effectively with diverse audiences, in an appropriate form and style, consistent with applicable organizational, professional, and scholarly standards.

    Assessment Instructions


    Use the following case study as the basis of this assessment.Imagine you are the manager of a new health care facility satellite office or community outreach center located in a diverse neighborhood. The parent organization opened the facility to address the underserved health care needs of the culturally diverse residents who were not using the services offered at the main facility. The first month of operation saw a very high volume of patients, but since then, the numbers have dropped off drastically. Executive leadership wants to understand why this has happened and what you plan to do about it.After careful examination of all aspects of the facility, and talking with some of the neighborhood residents, you have determined that the residents do not feel comfortable coming to the facility because the staff does not represent the diversity of the neighborhood. Staff members were hired for their skill, but their diversity was not considered. Now, you must report to executive leadership what you have learned and how you intend to manage diversity.Note: Remember, you can submit all or a portion of your draft to Smarthinking for feedback before you submit the final version of your proposal for this assessment. However, be mindful of the turnaround time for receiving feedback if you plan on using this free service.


    Write an executive report on the need for a diverse, culturally competent staff, including your plans to address that need.Note: The requirements outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the Managing Diversity scoring guide. At a minimum, be sure to address each point. In addition, you are encouraged to review the performance level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed. You are provided an example report, to illustrate what proficient-level work for this assessment looks like.


    Report Format and APA Style

    • Use the Executive Report Template, linked in the Resources, to draft your report. You may also organize the content of your report in a format used in your organization. An abstract is not required.
    • Your report should be 4–5 double-spaced pages in length, not including the title page and reference page.
    • Apply correct APA formatting to all in-text citations and references.
    • Use Times New Roman, 12-point font.

    As you begin composing your report, consider the purpose of the report, the appropriate tone and style, and the expectations of the executive leaders who will be reading it.

    • Be clear and concise in your reporting.
    • Express your main points, arguments, and conclusions coherently.
    • Use correct grammar and mechanics.
    • Be sure to support your claims and arguments with credible evidence from 3–5 current, scholarly or professional sources.
    • Proofread your writing.
    Report Content
    • Outline a plan to recruit, hire, and retain a more diverse workforce. Note: Your outline should be a high-level overview of a plan, not a detailed plan. Other courses in your program will go into human resource practices and diversity in depth. In drafting your plan, consider the following questions:
      • How does a leader develop a diverse workforce?
      • Where will you look for more diverse employees? Will you post job ads?
      • What will the interviewing and hiring process look like? Who will do the interviewing? Who will make the final decisions? NHS-FP5004 Capella University Managing Diversity in Healthcare Setting Paper
      • What kind of incentives will you offer diverse employees to retain them? What do you need to know about the culture and values of diverse employees before developing a retention plan?
      • How will you address issues related to diversity that result in conflict?
    • Outline a plan for the ongoing training and professional development of existing staff in cultural awareness and sensitivity. Consider how your plan can:
      • Improve communications and interpersonal skills.
      • Help overcome bias and resistance to change.
    • Explain the benefits, to both the organization and the community it serves, of having a diverse and culturally competent workforce.
      • Explain the relationship between health care organizations and communities.
      • Explain the role that diversity plays in providing culturally competent care and access for the under-served in a community.
    • Determine the influence of effective leadership on the development of a diverse and culturally competent workforce.
      • Explain the importance of cultural competence for leaders in an organization.
    • Explain how the academic and research skills you develop as a practitioner-scholar can serve you in your role as an effective health care leader.
      • Explain how those skills might contribute to your credibility and effectiveness as a leader.
      • Explain how those skills might prepare you to lead a diverse workforce.



    The following resource is required to complete the assessment.

NHS FPX 5004 Diversity Team Assessment 2 Diversity Project Kickoff Presentation

NHS FPX 5004 Diversity Team Assessment 2 Diversity Project Kickoff Presentation

Diversity Mission

NHS FPX 5004 Diversity Team Assessment 2 Diversity Project Kickoff Presentation KP
Fostering and sustain a diverse and inclusive community dedicated to inspiring learning, teaching, leadership and respect for all.

Build a culture of Diversity and Inclusion
Leverage Internal and External Partnership Opportunities
Impact the Communities We Serve by Encouraging Respect
Employee Representation
Service & Leadership
Teaching & Learning
Increase underrepresented workplace talent
Promote knowledge of medical care options in target societies
Create employment commitment surveys
Build employee systems, mentoring and patronage
Improve medical care delivery and access options
Establish employee representation teams
Diversity Mission Importance:
“Leveraging diversity to productively influence business procedures is a business imperative for many healthcare establishments as they look to leadership to support manage a new era of culturally proficient, patient-centered care that diminishes health and healthcare disparities” (Dotson & Nuru-Jeter, 2012). NHS FPX 5004 Diversity Team Assessment 2 Diversity Project Kickoff Presentation

By means of business and medical investigate data, “healthcare studies presented patients normally fare better when care for by more diverse teams. Specialized skills-focused studies usually find improvements to innovation, group discussions, and improved risk assessment. The financial presentation is also enhanced with amplified diversity” (Gomez & Bernet, 2019).

Our professional growth is also enhanced by functioning in a diverse workplace. According to an article published by Scientific USA, “decades of research by structural scientists, psychologists, sociologists, economists, and population scientists show that collectively diverse groups (that is, those with a diversity of race, ethnicity, gender, and sexual orientation) are further innovative than homogeneous crowds” (Phillips, 2014).


NHS FPX 5004 Diversity Team Assessment 2 Diversity Project Kickoff Presentation

Best Practices
Regularly converse cultural values.
Expand upon old-style beliefs about culture to include educational background, financial status, religious affiliation, gender, geographic site as well as added differences.
Inspire the sharing of testimonies to encourage the growth of scope and perception
Solicit data, analyze data ideas and create actionable steps.

Benefits of a Diverse & Inclusive Workplace
Source: University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences (2021).
A diverse and comprehensive place of work has many benefits. As reflected in our chart, the multifaceted aspects of these benefits are far-reaching and comprehensive in nature.

Increased Comfort Levels: Those who are fundamentally grounded in diversity best practices will likely engage with diverse populations confidently.
More Innovation: The collaboration among those with diverse backgrounds brings forth an environment of stimulating thoughts and perspectives.
Improved Communication: In terms of language, the ability to communicate effectively is vital. Boosted Creativity: Considering and understanding diverse perspectives aids problem-solving within a workplace team.

Increased Trust: A degree of increased trust is sometimes realized when patients can engage with those of similar identity (race, age, color, ethnicity, etc).
Reduced Health Disparities: Diverse team members can often increase understanding of specific needs of diverse groups and thus decrease barriers.
Enhanced Understanding: The ability to understand varying cultural practices and beliefs allows for effective relationship building.
Higher Retention: Workplaces deemed to be sensitive to the needs of a diverse society are likely to be attractive to prospective employees.
Increased Engagement: Removing barriers to trust and understanding increases the likelihood of companionship.

Interprofessional Group Collaboration
Source: Smartsheet.com, 2017
As the delivery of Medical service advances to become more intersected, coordinating care among healthcare multidisciplinary teams such as nurses, pharmacists, physicians, social workers, and other disciplines has a chance to increasingly implement important values. The interprofessional association is the practice of a team approach to patient care from a broader perspective.

NHS FPX 5004 Diversity Team Assessment 2 Diversity Project Kickoff Presentation KP

According to the World Health Organization, by implementing interprofessional alliance and learning to work together collectively, and appreciate one another’s beliefs platform in healthcare, various disciplines can work more fruitfully as a team to help advance patient outcomes. The importance of interprofessional group collaboration helps healthcare decrease costs by decreasing medication and procedural errors.

Project Team Members


COMMON GROUND Foster respect, equity, and inclusion.

Celebrate diversity.

Respect individual rights to confidentiality.
Stop acts of discrimination and harassment in any practice.

Protect the health and safety of others.

Protect confidential Data.
A key to working with problems of shared beliefs is to speak openly, respectfully and often.
Create opportunities for working together at the juncture of values and background.
Recognize dissimilar professional and personal responsibilities within the workplace.
Include employees from an assortment of backgrounds and experiences
Cross-functional and multi-level individuals should be encouraged to unite, and problem solve.
To expedite the projected goals of projects and view from all viewpoints. NHS FPX 5004 Diversity Team Assessment 2 Diversity Project Kickoff Presentation


NHS FPX 5004 Diversity Team Assessment 2 Diversity Project Kickoff Presentation KP


    S – Specific Be specific in pursuing an objective goal
    M – Measurable Establish a measurable indicator(s) of progress
    A – Assignable Assign the objectives/goals to the most knowledgeable person of that specific goal.
    R – Realistic Be realistic with accessible resources and Data.
    T – Time related Set timeframe of each goal in stages and expected completion date.

Team Structure

  • Diversity Team Lead
  • Patient Experience
  • Hospital Administration
  • Central Healthcare
  • Medical Information

According to study, “to improved care for diverse patient inhabitants, hospitals are working to magnify the diversity of their management team, board, and staff. And many hospital teams are developing better culture to improve the diversity and inclusion, for healthier engage all staff and provide superior, equitable care for all patients” (Health Research & Educational Trust, 2018, p.3).

Conversely, we are seeking to engage a broad range of our existing facility team members from these respective areas of our organization.


Dotson, Ebbin PhD., Nuru-Jeter, Amani PhD. “Creating the platform for a Business
Case for Leadership Diversity in Healthcare: History, Research and
Leverage”. Journal of Healthcare Management (2012), Vol 57, Issue 1.

Gomez, L.E., Bernet, Patrick. “Diversity Increases Performance and Results”. Journal of the National Medical Association (2019), p. 383-392.

Health Research & Educational Belief. “Diversity in Health Care: Cases from the Field”.
Chicago, IL: Health Research & Educational Belief (2018).

NHSFP 5004 Capella University Leadership and Group Collaboration Letter

NHSFP 5004 Capella University Leadership and Group Collaboration Letter




Write a 3–4 page letter in which you analyze your leadership skills and how you would use them to lead a project requiring group collaboration.

Assessments 1 and 2 are scenario-based, so you must complete them in the order in which they are presented.

Leadership is an integral element in any job, regardless of the work title. However, it is important to recognize that leadership is not just one single skill; instead, success in leadership depends on a broad range of skills, among them decision making, collaboration, and communication.

Assessment Instructions


Read the Assessment 1 Scenario found in the Resources. Information in your assessment should be based on information from the scenario. NHSFP 5004 Capella University Leadership and Group Collaboration Letter


Develop a professional response to the supervisor using the template provided. The letter will have two main components:

  1. Identify the qualities of a successful leader and compare them to your own leadership characteristics.
  2. Make recommendations on how to lead and foster teamwork.

Please refer to the scoring guide for details on how you your assessment will be evaluated.


  • Your letter should be 3–4 double-spaced pages in length.
  • Apply correct APA formatting to all in-text citations and references.
  • Use Times New Roman, 12-point font.
  • Express your main points, arguments, and conclusions coherently.
  • Use correct grammar and mechanics.
  • Support your claims, arguments, and conclusions with credible evidence from 2–3 current, scholarly or professional sources.
  • Proofread your writing.





Write a 3–4 page letter in which you analyze your leadership skills and how you would use them to lead a project requiring group collaboration.

Assessments 1 and 2 are scenario-based, so you must complete them in the order in which they are presented.

Leadership is an integral element in any job, regardless of the work title. However, it is important to recognize that leadership is not just one single skill; instead, success in leadership depends on a broad range of skills, among them decision making, collaboration, and communication.

Assessment Instructions


Read the Assessment 1 Scenario found in the Resources. Information in your assessment should be based on information from the scenario.


Develop a professional response to the supervisor using the template provided. The letter will have two main components:

  1. Identify the qualities of a successful leader and compare them to your own leadership characteristics.
  2. Make recommendations on how to lead and foster teamwork.

Please refer to the scoring guide for details on how you your assessment will be evaluated. NHSFP 5004 Capella University Leadership and Group Collaboration Letter


  • Your letter should be 3–4 double-spaced pages in length.
  • Apply correct APA formatting to all in-text citations and references.
  • Use Times New Roman, 12-point font.
  • Express your main points, arguments, and conclusions coherently.
  • Use correct grammar and mechanics.
  • Support your claims, arguments, and conclusions with credible evidence from 2–3 current, scholarly or professional sources.
  • Proofread your writing.




Write a 3–4 page letter in which you analyze your leadership skills and how you would use them to lead a project requiring group collaboration.

Assessments 1 and 2 are scenario-based, so you must complete them in the order in which they are presented.

Leadership is an integral element in any job, regardless of the work title. However, it is important to recognize that leadership is not just one single skill; instead, success in leadership depends on a broad range of skills, among them decision making, collaboration, and communication.

Assessment Instructions


Read the Assessment 1 Scenario found in the Resources. Information in your assessment should be based on information from the scenario.


Develop a professional response to the supervisor using the template provided. The letter will have two main components:

  1. Identify the qualities of a successful leader and compare them to your own leadership characteristics.
  2. Make recommendations on how to lead and foster teamwork.

Please refer to the scoring guide for details on how you your assessment will be evaluated.


  • Your letter should be 3–4 double-spaced pages in length.
  • Apply correct APA formatting to all in-text citations and references.
  • Use Times New Roman, 12-point font.
  • Express your main points, arguments, and conclusions coherently.
  • Use correct grammar and mechanics.
  • Support your claims, arguments, and conclusions with credible evidence from 2–3 current, scholarly or professional sources.
  • Proofread your writing. NHSFP 5004 Capella University Leadership and Group Collaboration Letter

NHS FPX 5004 Assessment 1 Leadership and Group Collaboration

NHS FPX 5004 Assessment 1 Leadership and Group Collaboration KP

In response to our conversation and subsequent written communications, I would like to inform you of my desire to assume the role of Project Leader.

While the specific needs identified for such a project is disheartening, I’m thankful that the organization is actively seeking to engage the community to ultimately produce impactful and sustainable solutions utilizing organizational capabilities and industry best practices.

As a healthcare professional, my passion for the well-being of others is of the utmost importance. Upon initiating my academic studies and entering the healthcare field as a trained professional, the Hippocratic Oath was of the utmost importance. While the Oath has been historically taken by physicians, the included principles of medical confidentiality and maleficence have served as my ethical compass throughout my career. If afforded the opportunity to serve, I intend on standing upon this fundamental ethical foundation as it relates to all duties and responsibilities.


My initial understanding is that our target community of Haitians are reluctant to utilize prescribed healthcare services as evidenced by significantly diminished utilization. Also, this apprehension is the result (real or perceived) of cultural values and norms not being understood and thus honored. Furthermore, an internal employee survey has revealed that 75% of employees directly or indirectly serving this target community have expressed “concerns” about not only diversity but also workplace incivility and poor work-life balance.  NHS FPX 5004 Assessment 1 Leadership and Group Collaboration

While I have several questions to include survey methodologies, overall community engagement initiatives and resource allocation, I do feel confident that I have the training, experience and passion to effectively address these most pressing issues. Foremost, it’s imperative that you understand my approach to leadership and collaboration.

From childhood to date, I’ve always desired to be effective in all endeavors. Foremost to me is clearly defining goals and objectives while establishing a clear direction and subsequent means by which goals and objectives will be realized. This approach has served me well throughout my youth, periods of educational pursuit as well as during my entire professional career.

During my time in undergraduate school, I recall studying Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Specifically, it’s been noted that “when a deficit need has been ‘more or less’ satisfied it will go away, and our activities become habitually directed towards meeting the next set of needs that we have yet to satisfy. These then become our salient needs. However, growth needs continue to be felt and may even become stronger once they have been engaged” (McLeod , 2007, p. 2). Applying this concept to business, I believe that continued growth, observation, collaboration and assessment is necessary. Furthermore, successful managers align their vision with that of the larger organization of which they are a part (Davis, Hellervik, Sheard, Skube, Gebelein, 1996,     p. 300).

In today’s workplace, project leadership is critical to success. All of mankind’s greatest accomplishments—from building the great pyramids to discovering a cure for polio to putting a man on the moon—began as a project (Larson, Erik W., Gray, Clifford F., 2018, p.3). While often thought of as a private sector tool used to ensure efficient productivity, project management is very useful (and often critical) to achieving desired societal outcomes. The successful project leader is someone who can achieve desired results by effectively using all available resources (including people).

For our purposes and discussion, the ideal project leader will be someone who values diversity. As an African-American female, I readily relate to the historical and ongoing challenges realized within “communities of color” as well as historically marginalized groups such as women. Someone who clearly reflected a true sense of purpose as it relates to diversity was Martin Luther King Jr (MLK). While I’m certainly not comparing myself (nor anyone else) to MLK, his overall methodology during the Civil Rights Movement reflects those of an outstanding project leader.

NHS FPX 5004 Assessment 1 Leadership and Group Collaboration

As a leader, I possess a number of professional and personal qualities to successfully lead the needed project team. Not unlike MLK, I possess a great deal of love and compassion for the well-being of others. Whether in my professional and personal life, I’m pained by inequity derived from a fundamental disregard or marginalization of others. In respect to the task at hand, the Haitian community is one of diversity within itself as well as in comparison to the larger diaspora found in the United States. The historical significance of the founding of Haiti, international relationships, resource allocation, governance and immigration policy has immensely impacted the typical experience of our Haitian residents. We must first and foremost engage ourselves in both learning this history and aligning ourselves with those capable and desiring to understand.

Another critical requirement of a successful project leader will be to identify someone who can successfully build collaborations. As history teaches, MLK was able to build very powerful collaborations even among groups diametrically opposed politically, socially, religiously, demographically, financially and historically. In my professional capacity as a healthcare leader, I too effectively utilize collaboration to ensure successful healthcare outcomes. To do so, there are matters of personnel, insurance, diagnosis, emotional and legal considerations which must all be managed and appropriately adjudicated.

I’ve found that establishing and maintaining effective collaboration is critical to project leadership. Whether identifying project stakeholders, balancing technical and sociocultural needs, appropriately identifying routine operations from those which should be used within a project plan, or successfully identifying and leading throughout all project stages, the importance of effective leadership can’t be underestimated.

The composition of the interdisciplinary group of professionals will be one of the first focuses of my leadership of this project. My understanding is that the projected number of team members will be 4-6 persons. After assuring that we are utilizing an effective means of identifying and ultimately selecting these persons, I would commence with initial communications to those selected so as to schedule our first meeting.

Once the team is together, I would take the time to formally introduce myself while also providing a brief yet revealing insight into myself both as a person and a leader. As a collaborative leader, I value having a range of ideas, opinions and viewpoints expressed within a professional manner. While all viewpoints are valued and likely appropriate for our desired outcomes, it’s also imperative that I maintain the appropriate level of authority in making final decisions while also managing overall execution.  NHS FPX 5004 Assessment 1 Leadership and Group Collaboration KP

Some may resent aspects of their viewpoints not being included within our final decisions and thus a potential for conflict exists. However, it’s incumbent upon me as a leader to demonstrate courage and align varying viewpoints with our project goals. Making sure that the team has input in establishing the actual project goals and designating stakeholders to assure timely execution will further help to avoid project diminishing conflicts. To ensure effective collaboration, my approach is to use all available resources to properly lead and encourage effective communication within the team.

Our communication will take place within a designated project management tool. As an example, I’ve utilized Microsoft Project and found that it’s relatively easy to use and consists of powerful tools to document, communicate, measure, analyze and track resource expenditures at all phases of the project cycle. Those team members lacking previous experience will find the tool to be easy to learn and inclusive of “help” functions that can address most operational questions. As a “one-stop” depository, information is available at any time to all team members.

The practices of accountability, decision making, and delegation are also easily managed with Microsoft Project. From “decision trees” to “accountable party”, each owner of a designated task and/or outcome is identified. A multitude of software operations (reminders, alerts, direct communication, etc) can be made operational to ensure each team member is aware of their respective duties. Interestingly, team members can also see the impact of their respective actions (or lack thereof) as it relates to the larger project goals which serves as a form of accountability. I’m ultimately responsible for assuring that deliverables are satisfied. When necessary, individual guidance, counseling, an/or instruction will be provided.

As a lead, my passion for developing an atmosphere reflecting acceptance of all within the workplace has been a major part of my professional success. Actively engaging others, maintaining a flexible decision-making process reflecting group collaboration, and encouraging both formal and informal engagement amongst employees is highly important.

In closing, I would like to thank you for considering me for this critical leadership position. Upon a more comprehensive review of my candidacy, I believe you’ll find me to be highly professional, motivated and uniquely qualified to assume the role of project leader!


McLeod, Saul (29 December 2021) [2007]. “Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs”SimplyPsychology. Retrieved 10 January 2022.

Davis, Brian L., Lowell, Hellervik W., Skube, Carol J., Gebelein, Susan H., Sheard, James L.[1996]. Successful Manager’s Handbook.

Larson, Erik W., Gray, Clifford F., [2018]. Project Management: The Managerial Process


Pathophysiology, Nursing Role Transition, Philosophy, Evolution, Taxonomy, And Phylogeny

Pathophysiology, Nursing Role Transition, Philosophy, Evolution, Taxonomy, And Phylogeny

Parts  6 and 7  have the same questions. However, you must answer with references and different writing, always addressing them objectively, as if you were different students. Similar responses in wording or references will not be accepted.

APA format

1) Minimum 14 pages  (No word count per page)- Follow the 3 x 3 rule: minimum of three paragraphs per page

You must strictly comply with the number of paragraphs requested per page.

           Part 1: minimum  1 page

           Part 2: minimum  1 page and one paragraph

           Part 3: minimum  1 page and two paragraphs

           Part 4: minimum  4 pages (72 hours)

           Part 5: minimum  1 page 

           Part 6: minimum  1 page 

           Part 7: minimum  1 page 

           Part 8: minimum  1 page 

           Part 9: minimum  1 page

           Part 10: minimum  1 page  

           Part 11: minimum  2 pages (48 hours)

Submit 1 document per part

2)¨******APA norms

All paragraphs must be narrative and cited in the text- each paragraph

The writing must be coherent, using connectors or conjunctive to extend, add information, or contrast information.  Pathophysiology, Nursing Role Transition, Philosophy, Evolution, Taxonomy, And Phylogeny


         Bulleted responses are not accepted

         Don’t write in the first person 

Don’t copy and paste the questions.

Answer the question objectively, do not make introductions to your answers, answer it when you start the paragraph

Submit 1 document per part

3)****************************** It will be verified by Turnitin (Identify the percentage of exact match of writing with any other resource on the internet and academic sources, including universities and data banks)

********************************It will be verified by SafeAssign (Identify the percentage of similarity of writing with any other resource on the internet and academic sources, including universities and data banks)

4) Minimum 3 references (APA format) per part not older than 5 years  (Journals, books) (No websites)

Part 4:   Minimum 6 references (APA format) per part not older than 5 years  (Journals, books) (No websites)

Part 11:   Minimum 4 references (APA format) per part not older than 5 years  (Journals, books) (No websites)

All references must be consistent with the topic-purpose-focus of the parts. Different references are not allowed.

5) Identify your answer with the numbers, according to the question. Start your answer on the same line, not the next


Q 1. Nursing is XXXXX

Q 2. Health is XXXX

6) You must name the files according to the part you are answering: 


Part 1.doc 

Part 2.doc


Part 1: Pathophysiology


Pulmonary Function:
D.R. is a 27-year-old man, who presents to the nurse practitioner at the Family Care Clinic complaining of increasing SOB, wheezing, fatigue, cough, stuffy nose, watery eyes, and postnasal drainage—all of which began four days ago. Three days ago, he began monitoring his peak flow rates several times a day.

His peak flow rates have ranged from 65-70% of his regular baseline with nighttime symptoms for 3 nights on the last week and often have been at the lower limit of that range in the morning. Three days ago, he also began to self-treat with frequent albuterol nebulizer therapy. He reports that usually his albuterol inhaler provides him with relief from his asthma symptoms, but this is no longer enough treatment for this asthmatic episode.

Case Study Questions

According to the case study information

1. Hhow would you classify the severity of D.R. asthma attack? (One paragraph)

2. Name the most common triggers for asthma in any given patients (One paragraph)

a. Specify in your answer which ones you consider applied to D.R. on the case study.

Based on your knowledge and your research

3. Explain the factors that might be the etiology of D.R. being an asthmatic patient (One paragraph) Pathophysiology, Nursing Role Transition, Philosophy, Evolution, Taxonomy, And Phylogeny

Part 2: Pathophysiology


Answer the questions in a single paragraph. Make sure the number of words is similar.

Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Homeostasis:

Ms. Brown is a 70-year-old woman with type 2 diabetes mellitus who has been too ill to get out of bed for 2 days. She has had a severe cough and has been unable to eat or drink during this time. On admission, her laboratory values show the following:

  • Serum glucose 412 mg/dL
  • Serum sodium (Na+) 156 mEq/L
  • Serum potassium (K+) 5.6 mEq/L
  • Serum chloride (Cl–) 115 mEq/L
  • Arterial blood gases (ABGs): pH 7.30; PaCO2 32 mmHg; PaO2 70 mmHg; HCO3– 20 mEq/L

Case Study Questions

Based on Ms. Brown admission’s laboratory values

One paragraph

1. Could you determine what type of water and electrolyte imbalance does she has? explain

Based on your readings and your research

2. Define and describe Anion Gaps and its clinical significance.

One paragraph

3. Describe the signs and symptoms to the different types of water imbalance

a. Describe clinical manifestation she might exhibit with the potassium level she has.

One paragraph

4. Which would be the most appropriate treatment for Ms. Brown and why?

One paragraph

5. What the ABGs from Ms. Brown indicate regarding her acid-base imbalance?


Part 3: Nursing Role Transition (Write in the first person)

Role: Nurse

Unit: Dialysis

Include the role and unit of care in the answers to the questions

1. What makes a team effective in terms of achieving expected outcomes for the patients?  (One paragraph)

2. What makes a team ineffective in terms of achieving expected outcomes for the patients?  (One paragraph)

3. What is your input on your teamwork being effective? (One paragraph)

4. Do your teamwork effective? why? (One paragraph)

5. How can the nurses avoid being a part ineffective in the teamwork (One paragraph)

Part 4: Nursing Role Transition (72 hours)

Role: ANP-certified registered nurse anesthetists

1. Abstract (One paragraph)

2. Introduction (One paragraph)

3. Describe the role (Two paragraphs)

4. Why are you becoming a Nurse Practitioner? (Write in the first person-– Two paragraphs)

Find one research article, expert opinion about the Nurse Practitioner role

5. Summarize the article. (Two paragraphs)

6. What does the Institute Of Medicine (IOM) say about the need of Nurse Practitioners?  (One paragraph)

7. Describe the effects that you will have as an advanced practice nurse in terms of healthcare industry and patient outcomes. (Write in the first person-Two paragraphs)

8. Conclusion (One paragraph)

Part 5:  Philosophy/Critical Thinking

Answer the questions in a single paragraph. Make sure the number of words is similar.

According to the movie, Wit

One paragraph

1. Describe the involvement of nurse Susy with the main character of the movie.

2. Compare what could you have done differently? Write in the first person


One paragraph

3. Discuss the family dynamic and how this affects the main character.

4. Discuss the nurse’s action and how this impacts the relationship with the patient

One paragraph- Writ in the first person

5. In your opinion, do you think that the nurses working with the patient posse a strong work ethic? Give examples.  Write in the first person-

Parts  6 and 7  have the same questions. However, you must answer with references and different writing, always addressing them objectively, as if you were different students. Similar responses in wording or references will not be accepted.

Part 6: Evolution, Taxonomy, and Phylogeny

Watch the following videos on evolution, taxonomy and phylogeny and understand how they are related to one another. Then, read the following scientific article by Donley et al. (2004) (see part 6 and 7 File) and answer

The pap3r discusses similarities between lamnid sharks and tunas. Lamnids, sharks belonging to the family Lamnidae such as Carcharodon carcharias and Isurus oxyrinchus

1. All have which taxonomic groupings in common?

2. Explain the concept of convergent evolution as discussed in the article.

a. Provide a correctly cited example of one other pap3r that discusses convergent evolution between these taxonomic groups.

Scientific literature often involves approaching complicated topics with terms or concepts you have never encountered before.

3. Provide an example of something the article you found interesting but were unfamiliar with prior to reading.

a. Discuss ways you find it helpful to approach these complex subjects when reading a pap3r.


Part 7: Evolution, Taxonomy, and Phylogeny

Watch the following videos on evolution, taxonomy and phylogeny and understand how they are related to one another. Then, read the following scientific article by Donley et al. (2004) (see part 6 and 7 File) and answer

The pap3r discusses similarities between lamnid sharks and tunas. Lamnids, sharks belonging to the family Lamnidae such as Carcharodon carcharias and Isurus oxyrinchus

1. All have which taxonomic groupings in common?

2. Explain the concept of convergent evolution as discussed in the article.

a. Provide a correctly cited example of one other pap3r that discusses convergent evolution between these taxonomic groups.

Scientific literature often involves approaching complicated topics with terms or concepts you have never encountered before.

3. Provide an example of something the article you found interesting but were unfamiliar with prior to reading.

a. Discuss ways you find it helpful to approach these complex subjects when reading a pap3r. Pathophysiology, Nursing Role Transition, Philosophy, Evolution, Taxonomy, And Phylogeny

Part 8: Nursing leadership

1. Explain why leaders are made and are not born (Three paragraphs)


Part 9: Nursing Leadership

1. Define what is meant by strength-based leadership in nursing (One paragraph)

2. Give one profound/complete example of strength-based leadership in nursing (One paragraph)

3. What characteristics have the nurses capable of demonstrating strength-based leadership (One paragraph)

Part 10: Nursing Leadershipwrite in the first person

Role: Nurse

Position to advocate: Patient

Situation: A head nurse who appeared to be intoxicated with alcohol physically abused an elderly woman while she was showering her. The nurse became aware of the behavior of the head nurse.

Nursing should be an advocate for themself, their client, and their profession.

1. Describe the situation daily

2. Describe your position

3. How did you deal with the situation as a leader nurse?

Part 11: Nursing philosophy (Write in the first person)

1. Introduction (One paragraph)

2. What is your idea of what a nurse should be? (One paragraph)

3. Why do you want to be a nurse? (One paragraph)

4. How do you identify with the feelings of others? (One paragraph)

5. How do you plan to handle conflict amongst your patient and their family members? (One paragraph)

6. Do you enjoy and find fulfillment in serving others? (One paragraph) Pathophysiology, Nursing Role Transition, Philosophy, Evolution, Taxonomy, And Phylogeny

Role: Nurse

Create A PowerPoint About Chronic Diseases And Population Health Management

Create A PowerPoint About Chronic Diseases And Population Health Management


NURS FPX 4050 Assessment 4 Final Care Coordination Plan

NURS FPX 4050 Assessment 4 Final Care Coordination Plan


NURS FPX 4050 Assessment 4 Final Care Coordination Plan

The global burden of stroke is a big health challenge of increasing importance. According to Owolabi et al (2021), in 2019, stroke came second as the leading cause of long-term disability (143million DALYs) and death (6.6 million people) globally. In absolute terms, the last three decades has seen worldwide incidence rise by 70%, its mortality increased by 43%, and daily-adjusted life years lost due to stroke increased by 70% (Owolabi et al., 2019). This growing burden globally suggests that the present primary stroke and heart disease prevention and management strategies are either insufficiently effective or not used widely enough. At the moment, there is a lack of clarity on which interventions are practical, scalable, and cost-effective. However, there is relevant literature on previous interventions for stroke prevention. The Millions Hearts Initiative co-led by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control identify several interventions and strategies for preventing stroke and heart attacks. Community health promotion strategies include physical activity, tobacco control, and sodium reduction. Clinical interventions include cholesterol management, using aspirin when appropriate, hypertension control, smoking cessation, and the use of health information technology to improve diagnosis and management of risk factors for stroke and family involvement in medical decisions.

Consider Ethical Decisions in Designing Patient-Centered

Common ethical principles, including justice, beneficence (acting in the best interests of patients), non-maleficence (not harm), and respect for persons can help identify ethical issues that could emerge during the design and implementation of public health interventions (PHIs) for stroke. Healthcare professionals play a major role in public health and have compulsory community obligations like advocating for healthcare reforms. But their primary ethical obligations are to promote the best interests of the patients. The principle of beneficence requires nurses to support health interventions that actually benefit the consumers while non-maleficence calls for ensuring community interventions cause no harm to consumers (DeCamp et al., 2018). Patient-centred care demands organizations to select PHIs that meet the needs of the patients and create systems that do not deteriorate the capacity of the team to provide patient care. Health organizations must commit to the full spirit of population health goals. When the hospital presents a health intervention to a screening measures (like screening for ischemic stroke), for instance, it needs to also dedicate to designing cate processes to prevent ischemic strokes.  NURS FPX 4050 Assessment 4 Final Care Coordination Plan


The principle of respect for people requires safeguarding the dignity of the patient, such as allowing the patient to make informed decisions about care that is consistent with personal values (DeCamp et al., 2018). The nurse’s judgment should be recognized to help the patients make such decisions. Organizations should develop and use health interventions in manners that are evidence-based, respect cultural differences and patient preferences, and align with physician ethical responsibilities. For instance, interventions that accommodate cultural differences after discharge are effective at preventing readmissions. Procedural and distributive justice alike should be considered in an ethical assessment of public health interventions. As per distributive justice, organizations must ensure primary care clinicians have the resources, time, and administrative support to allow them provides care to the disadvantaged, healthy, and chronically ill (DeCamp et al., 2018). Ethically, procedural justice requires creating opportunities to involve patients in their own care and medical care decision-making such as through patient and family advisory councils. Patient engagement is thus key to wider justice-based obligations to design fair decision processes separate from immediate effects. Healthcare interventions must involve clinicians and patients in their development and implementation. This can result in well-designed interventions that are effective and encourages trust in the long run.

Identify Relevant Health Policy Implications for the Coordination

Obamacare, commonly known as the Affordable Care Act (ACA) did create opportunities to design and test new approaches to care delivery and payment that enhance care coordination, resulting in reduced spending, improved health, and better quality care (Chernew, Conway, & Frakt, 2020). A new initiative developed in 2014, Accountable Care Organizations (ACO), meant to specifically improve care coordination, brings together healthcare providers in the entire healthcare system to prevent medical errors and ensure that their patients do not get unnecessary services. When care coordination programs are well-designed, they can help meet triple aims by reducing wasteful spending and improving patients’ experiences and their health. For instance, the Community-based Care Transitions Program of the Centers of Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) coordinates hospital discharge to other healthcare settings and aims to lessen hospital readmissions (Chernew, Conway, & Frakt, 2020). More so, care coordination is facilitated through the meaningful use of health information technology.

Other Obamacare provisions target quality flaws that can result in inefficiencies and put the health of the patient at risk. The law, for example, imposes financial charges on healthcare organizations with high rates of readmissions and hospital-acquired conditions, a move that has led to a reduction in adverse health events. The Obamacare provision also sought a lasting change in how medical care is organized and provided. The ACO has been testing bundled payment system, a single reimbursement meant for all medical services needed for a certain health procedure or condition (Chernew, Conway, & Frakt, 2020). An implication for this is that post-acute, physician, or hospital services can all be covered under one payment and this should incentive different providers to collaborate well. NURS FPX 4050 Assessment 4 Final Care Coordination Plan

Priorities that a Care Coordinator would establish when discussing the Plan with a Patient and Family Member

The first nursing priority is to establish with a stroke patient is blood pressure monitoring. When people experience an ischemic stroke, inadequate blood flow caused by a blood clot might have caused the death of brain cells (Kleber, 2021). The surrounding area can be entirely lost if the efforts to promote an increase in pressure to promote collateral circulation are not done. At times the patient may be forced to go to intensive care to get neuro checks and vasoactive drips to keep it high enough to preserve the brain area. The key is to prevent the stroke from exacerbation. As such, the nurse should clarify current blood pressure medications with the doctor and order aspirin and deep venous thrombosis prevention. Another priority is to do systematic and routine neuro exams. Each time the nurse goes to the patient’s room should be a neuro examination. If something is going astray in the brain, the first thing to change is the level of consciousness or mental status. The changes may be happening if the patient suddenly falls asleep and cannot wake up. Things the nurse should check during neuro exams include vocal quality, level of consciousness, pupillary changes, orientation, and ability to follow commands (Kleber, 2021).

The nurse should also focus on another priority area: measures to prevent a stroke from happening, treating stroke caused by brain bleeding, and reducing further complications. The nurse should design measures to improve mobility and prevent deformities like elevating the affected arm to prevent fibrosis and edema (Tang et al. 2020). The nurse should also establish an exercise program to enhance blood circulation, maintain joint mobility, and prevent further deterioration of the neuromuscular system. The nurse should discuss with the patient how to prevent should pain such as by practising a range of motion exercises. Tell the patient how to improve self-care such as by assisting with dressing activities, encouraging personal hygiene activities, and ensuring the patient does not ignore the affected area. Lastly, the nurse should improve family coping by providing counseling and support to the family and developing attainable goals for patients at home (Tang et al. 2020).  NURS FPX 4050 Assessment 4 Final Care Coordination Plan

Use the literature on evaluation as a guide to compare learning session content with best practices, including how to align teaching sessions to the Healthy People 2030 document

Education for stroke patients, their caregivers and families is an important section of stroke care that need to be included as part of all medical encounters. An individualized education plan should cover all important aspects of stroke care and delivery, and cover content specific to the readiness level of care. Education topics include stroke awareness and action, rehabilitation, transitions, and community integration (Cameron et al., 2017). Stoke awareness and action should cover signs and symptoms of stroke when to seek help, and risk factors for stroke like smoking and hypertension. Rehabilitation should cover the type of rehabilitation exercises and activities that should and could be done between scheduled sessions with therapists (Cameron et al., 2017). Transitions should include things like self-management skills of daily living and appropriate expectations for recovery of deficits, likely transition points appropriate to the person, and time frames. Community integration should include the type of services available in the community and how to access them like communication support and mobility assistance, need for follow-up care, and physical adjustments like preventing complications, medication adherence, and post-stroke fatigue. Other content areas should include nutrition (healthy eating strategies), coping with perceptual deficits, and financial resources (Cameron et al., 2017).

The best practice for stroke awareness, recognition and response include educating all members of the public and all medicals providers that stroke is a medical emergency, education to focus on recognizing the signs and symptoms of stroke and actions to take when witnessing and experiencing the signs of stroke, and education to include information that stroke affects people of all age including old adults, newborns, and children (Boulanger et al., 2018). The best practice for emergency medical services management of acute stroke patients includes asking the patient to immediately contact 911 when they experience signs of stroke. Furthermore, screen clinically and with neurovascular imaging patients with disabling acute ischemic stroke within 24 hours of stroke symptom onset (Boulanger et al., 2018). NURS FPX 4050 Assessment 4 Final Care Coordination Plan

Healthy People is an effort from the national government which sets objectives and goals to enhance the health and overall well-being of its people in the US. Since organizations, communities, and states in the US use Healthy people’s objectives to determine their priorities, healthcare educators can also benefit from it. The Healthy People 2030 can help educators improve the wellbeing and health of stroke patients through four practical ways. The first is through the identification of needs and priority populations (Healthy People, 2022). Here the educator can brown objectives to learn about national goals to promote good health and see how these goals align with their priorities. After this, the educator can set own targets by finding using national data to set goals for their programs. The third way is by finding inspiration and practical tools. The educators learn about successful interventions, programs, and policies, and by looking for evidence-based resources used in the community (Healthy People, 2022). Lastly, the educator can monitor national progress and use the information for benchmarking (Healthy People, 2022). They can check for updates on progress towards attaining national objectives and use the information to inform program and policy planning.


Boulanger, J. M., Lindsay, M. P., Gubitz, G., Smith, E. E., Stotts, G., Foley, N., … & Butcher, K. (2018). Canadian stroke best practice recommendations for acute stroke management: prehospital, emergency department, and acute inpatient stroke care, update 2018. International Journal of Stroke13(9), 949-984.

Cameron, J. I., O’Connell, C., Foley, N., Salter, K., Booth, R., Boyle, R., … & Heart and Stroke Foundation Canadian Stroke Best Practice Committees. (2017). Canadian stroke best practice recommendations: managing transitions of care following a stroke, guidelines update 2016. International Journal of Stroke11(7), 807-822

Chernew, M. E., Conway, P. H., & Frakt, A. B. (2020). Transforming Medicare’s Payment Systems: Progress Shaped By The ACA: A narrative review of Affordable Care Act payment reforms. Health Affairs39(3), 413-420.

DeCamp, M., Pomerantz, D., Cotts, K., Dzeng, E., Farber, N., Lehmann, L., … & Tilburt, J. (2018). Ethical issues in the design and implementation of population health programs. Journal of general internal medicine33(3), 370-375.

Healthy People. (2022). Use healthy people 2030 in your workhttps://health.gov/healthypeople/tools-action/use-healthy-people-2030-your-work

Kleber, K. (2021, March 11). Nursing priorities for stroke patients. FRESHRN. https://www.freshrn.com/nursing-priorities-ischemic-stroke-patients/

Owolabi, M. O., Thrift, A. G., Mahal, A., Ishida, M., Martins, S., Johnson, W. D., … & Group, S. E. C. (2021). Primary stroke prevention worldwide: translating evidence into action. The Lancet Public Health.

Tang, E. Y., Robinson, L., Exley, C., Flynn, D., Stephan, B., & Price, C. (2020). Care priorities for stroke patients developing cognitive difficulties: a Delphi survey of UK professional views. BMC health services research20(1), 1-9.

Health Inequalities And Health Inequities

Health Inequalities And Health Inequities

Discuss the differences between health care inequities and inequalities. Describe how health care inequities and inequalities have, or have not, affected you or someone you know.

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary


Part I: Identify an assignment in this course that had a positive impact on you. How will you be able to apply the skills you learned from it to gain life and/or career success?


Part II: As technology used in medicine changes and advances, how can a health care professional stay up to date while still maintaining the ethics and integrity as they adapt to the changes? How do these new changes affect your feelings as a patient of a health care professional who uses the new technologies?

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary. Health Inequalities And Health Inequities

Minor Ethical Infractions Assignment

Minor Ethical Infractions Assignment

Unit VI PowerPoint Presentation (STANDARDS )



For this assignment, imagine that you are a healthcare administrator, and you have noticed that some of your employees have become a bit lax in how they present their personal image to the patients. There have also been recent instances of minor ethical infractions. You decide to hold a meeting with all of the employees to discuss this issue and retrain. Minor Ethical Infractions Assignment

Develop a PowerPoint presentation consisting of 8–12 slides (not counting the title and reference slides) to share at this meeting. In the presentation, address the following topics:

· the importance of personal image in patient care including appearance, grooming, and language;


· the importance of maintaining personal and professional ethical standards;


· the connection between communication, personality, and ethics and how they can work together to help employees present a professional image to patients; and


· methods employees can use to improve their own personal images. Minor Ethical Infractions Assignment


Be as creative as possible with this presentation. Try to grab your audience right from the start, and hold their attention throughout your presentation. You may use pictures or graphics or other forms of multimedia to illustrate your points. You are highly encouraged to utilize the Notes section of the presentation to add additional talking points to enhance the message you want to get across.


In addition to your textbook, you must use at least one peer-reviewed source and one source from a reputable, industry-specific website (e.g., government entities, nonprofit organizations). All sources used, including the textbook must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. All references or citations used must be in APA style. Minor Ethical Infractions Assignment

Health Promotion Final Paper

Health Promotion Final Paper

Health Maintenance Plan for a Selected Disease in a Selected Population


The purpose of this assignment is to develop a health maintenance plan for a selected Disease, such as asthma, hepatitis, hypo and hyperthyroidism, and coronary artery disease, in a selected Population.

Your paper should:

1. Assess, develop, and recommend health maintenance plans for clients in all developmental stages of life within the primary care practice. 2. Apply evidence-based guidelines to the identification and prevention of significant healthcare problems affecting populations at risk. Health Promotion Final Paper


Submission Instructions:

· The paper is to be clear and concise and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation and misspelling.

· The paper should be formatted per current APA and 4-5 pages in length, excluding the title, abstract and references page.

· Incorporate a minimum of 4 current (published within last five years)  scholarly journal articles  or  primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work.

· Complete and submit the assignment by 11:59 PM ET Sunday.

· Late work policies, expectations regarding proper citations, acceptable means of responding to peer feedback, and other expectations are at the discretion of the instructor. Health Promotion Final Paper