Application: Applying Narrative and Solution-Focused Therapy

Application: Applying Narrative and Solution-Focused Therapy

Narrative and solution-focused therapy are postmodern theories of working with couples and families. In terms of counselor-client relationship, both forms of therapy can be viewed as more collaborative than other theories discussed thus far in the course. They emphasize a more equal distribution of power between counselor and client. They also promote movement away from a traditional metaphor of couple/family relations toward conceptualizing couple/family relationships as networks of co-constructed meanings. Clients are seen as active construers of reality, which, according to these theories, are infinitely re-authorable. In this way, change comes from reconceptualizing and rewriting the ways couples and families make meaning of their relationships. Application: Applying Narrative and Solution-Focused Therapy


To prepare for this Application Assignment, view two of the videos in this week’s Learning Resources (at least one narrative and one solution-focused video). Identify the couple’s or family’s issue(s) and begin to think about short- and long-term goals you might include in treatment plans for them. As you consider techniques or interventions to accomplish these goals, think about how you would measure progress in re-authoring or storytelling. Wk5 Application Paper Essay

The assignment (4–6 pages)

Based on the theory demonstrated in the narrative video:

  • Define the problem.
  • Formulate a treatment plan including short- and long-term goals.
  • Describe two theory-based interventions you would use and justify your selection.
  • Explain one anticipated outcome of each.

Based on the theory demonstrated in the solution-focused video:

  • Define the problem.
  • Formulate a treatment plan including short- and long-term goals.
  • Describe two theory-based interventions you would use and justify your selection.
  • Explain one anticipated outcome of each.

Support your Application Assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. You are asked to provide a reference list for all resources, including those in the Learning Resources for this course.

Learning Resources

This page contains the Learning Resources for this week. Be sure to scroll down the page to see all of this week’s assigned Learning Resources. To view this week’s embedded media resources, please use the streaming media players below. Wk5 Application Paper Essay


Required Resources


  • Video: (Publisher). (1994). I’d hear laughter: Finding solutions for the family [Motion picture]. [With Insoo Kim-Berg]. United States:
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Video: (Publisher). (1994). Irreconcilable differences: A solution-focused approach to marital therapy [Motion picture]. [With Insoo Kim-Berg]. United States:
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases. Application: Applying Narrative and Solution-Focused Therapy
  • Video: Allyn & Bacon. (Publisher). (2002). Narrative therapy with children. [Motion picture]. [With Steven Madigan]. United States:
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.


  • Course Text: Gurman, A. S., Lebow, J. L.., & Snyder, D.  (2015). Clinical handbook of couple therapy (5th ed.). New York, NY: Guilford Press.
    • Chapter 2, “Cognitive-Behavioral Couple Therapy”
    • Chapter 5, “Gottman Method Couple Therapy”
  • Course Text: Theory-Based Treatment Planning for Marriage and Family Therapists
    • Chapter 10, “Solution-Focused Therapy”
    • Chapter 11, “Narrative Therapy”
  • Article: Beyebach, M., & Morejon, A. R. (1999). Some thoughts on integration in solution-focused therapy. Journal of Systemic Therapies18(1), 24–42. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Article: Robbins, J. M., & Pehrsson, D. (2009). Anorexia nervosa: A synthesis of poetic and narrative therapies in the outpatient treatment of young adult women. Journal of Creativity in Mental Health4(1), 42–56. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

Optional Resources


  • Book: Bitter, J. (2009). Solution-focused and solution-oriented therapy. Theory and practice of family therapy and counseling. Brooks/Cole: Belmont, CA.
    • Chapter 10, “Solution-Focused and Solution-Oriented Therapy”
    • Chapter 11, “Postmodernism, Social Construction and Narratives in Family Therapy”


Additional Resources

Narrative Lecture 2017

Gehart’s video lecture on narrative family therapy (Running time: 58:35 mins)

Narrative Case Conceptualization template


Solution-focused Therapies 2016

Gehart’s video lecture on solution-focused therapy (Running time: 54:20 mins)

Solution-focused Case Conceptualization template






    Treatment Plans

    Michelle Blau

    Walden University





    Treatment Plans

    Treatment planning is crucial to the effective and ethical application of counseling

    services (Gehart & Tuttle, 2003). They are created with the intention to convey the counselor’s

    proposed strategies, client’s concern/goals, and experienced symptoms by way of an organized

    and systematic document (Gehart & Tuttle, 2003). Treatment plans can take many forms and are

    to be continuously updated and revised throughout the three phases of counseling: early, middle,

    and closing/termination (Gladding, 2015). Though flexible in format, there are two basic

    classifications of treatment plans: Symptom-based and Theory-based (Gehart & Tuttle, 2003).

    Herein, Symptom-based plans are developed from a medical perspective where by symptoms are

    identified, measurable goals are set, and therapeutic interventions are detailed (Gerhart & Tuttle,

    2003). It is important to note that symptoms in this context are strictly defined in a psychiatric

    sense. The second form of treatment planning is Theory-based. These plans are derived within

    the context of a therapeutic model and incorporate a broad range of information including a

    greater overview of the problem, socio-cultural influences, client perspective, and the

    counselor’s theory (Gerhart & Tuttle, 2003). Using the perspectives of Bowenian and Structural

    Family Therapy, the following are simulated Theory-based treatment plans written on behalf of

    the volunteer family Adrian, Judy, and Pam. Application: Applying Narrative and Solution-Focused Therapy

    Bowenian Family Therapy Treatment Plan

    Problem: Pam is an adult woman living with her aging parents, Adrian and Judy. Application: Applying Narrative and Solution-Focused Therapy

    Pam experiences an undefined developmental disability and struggles with

    openly and clearly communicating- predominately related to emotions and

    feelings. According to Adrian and Judy, Pam will often exhibit aggressive

    behaviors and thus it is believed that she experiences a great deal of

    Commented [LS1]: Excellent introduction – just be sure to cite any media used.

    Commented [LS2]: Use APA heading format. Wk5 Application Paper Essay





    unresolved anger/resentment towards her parents. There is a clear

    maladaptive triangle wherein Adrian and Judy’s marital relationship is

    neglected because their focus remains heavily rooted in the anxieties of

    their daughter’s behaviors and symptoms (Gurman, Lebow, & Snyder,

    2015). Pam lacks a meaningful social support network. The family at large

    lacks general insight around Pam’s behaviors, including Pam herself. All

    three individuals express anxiety, sadness, fear, and confusion around the

    relationship patterns; there is love and a desire to be better connected

    amongst all three members.

    Early Phase Goals:

    1. Create a therapeutic environment and a genuine connection with the family.

    a. Open the closed-system family dynamic.

    b. Identify transgenerational dysfunction.

    c. Identify structure, configuration, and connectedness.

    2. Reduce anxiety around the stated problems, by raising Pam’s differentiation.

    a. Obtain internet to allow Pam a meaningful activity.

    b. Increase Pam’s access to socialization opportunities and friend base.

    Middle Phase Goals:

    1. Neutralize the dysfunctional triangle.

    a. Improve Pam’s and Judy’s relationship.

    i. Reframe how family view’s Jessie and Pam’s relationship.

    ii. Set a time for Pam and Judy to spend time with one another.

    1. On Pam’s time table / using Jessie’s formula.

    Commented [LS3]: Excellent application of the theory in defining the problem.

    Commented [LS4]: What might a Bowenian theorist call these stages?





    b. Continue to address Pam’s need to increase differentiation.

    i. Increase her overall independence in order to decrease her

    reliance on parents.

    ii. Decrease anxiety around parent’s dying.

    2. Address multigenerational family dynamics.

    a. Address loss of family members.

    b. Address son’s suicide and associated feelings.

    Closing Phase Goals:

    1. Confront Pam’s fears (Guerin, 1:11:1).

    a. Improved social life

    b. Improved communication.

    2. Confront “strong-will and strong-head” personality traits (Guerin, 1:13:56).

    Theoretical Interventions & Proposed Outcomes:

    1. Genogram: a graphic chart utilized to map the familial relationships and

    lifecycles of a three-generational system (Gladding, 2015). Herein, the

    dynamics, rules, associations, boundaries, and structural patterns within a

    family are highlighted and organized (Gladding, 2015).

    a. A genogram will offer a succinct and pictorial account of Adrian,

    Judy, and Pam’s closed family system. It will abridge the sizable

    amount of demographics and historical data that will shed light on the

    intricate patterns which drive the family dysfunctions and maladaptive

    behaviors (Gladding, 2015). This intervention provides an organized

    Commented [LS5]: Review APA for correct way to cite – great attempt though!




    tracking system and offers the counselor an opportunity to engage and

    connect with the family.

    2. Relationship Experiments: tasks assigned, by the counselor, to each individual

    family member in order toto initiate the process by which dysfunctional

    patterns are reframed and diluted (Gladding, 2015).

    a. After a counselor has successfully identified the maladaptive life

    cycles and patters that cause distress within the family system, targeted

    tasks can be ascribed with the intention of rebuilding new and

    productive patterns.

    Structural Family Therapy Treatment Plan

    Problem: Adrian and Judy are generally frustrated by the therapeutic process. Their

    goals have not been met within their previous sessions and not enough

    improvement has been made. The parents of Pam, their adult daughter, do

    not feel that Pam communicates in a positive and healthy manner. Pam has

    a tendency totends to react violently out of pent up anger but is unable to

    appropriately express her emotions and their inception. It is believed by

    tThe family believes, that Pam is more aggressive and more easily angered

    by Judy rather than Adrian. Judy expresses frustration by this disparity.

    Pam relies heavily on her parents to provide her basic Activities of Daily

    Living such as meal preparation. This is an area of contention between

    Pam and Judy. It is a collective belief that Pam is spoiled by her parents.

    When she does not get her way, Pam will experience a tantrum-like

    behavior. Commented [LS6]: Good work applying the theory.





    Early Phase Goals:

    1. Joining and Accommodating: establish the counselor as the leader while

    adapting to the family’s patterns and worldview.

    2. Mapping Family Structure: identify primary systemic patterns of interaction.

    a. Focus on day-today interactions in order to shed light on family’

    underlining conflicts- primarily between Pam and Judy

    b. Compare these transactional patterns to those of Pam and others: such

    as co-worker, supervisor, friends, etc.

    Middle Phase Goals:

    1. Highlight appropriate boundaries.

    a. Redistribute power and alter the hierarchical relationship between Pam

    and Judy.

    b. Improve problem solving skills.

    i. Provide psychoeducational training on conflict management


    2. Identify the family subsystems.

    a. Covert coalition

    Closing Phase Goals:

    1. Intervene:

    a. Improve communication between all members of the family.

    b. Repetition of message.

    i. Do not allow Pam to dictate transactional patterns.

    Commented [LS7]: How might a structural family theorist label the stages? Application: Applying Narrative and Solution-Focused Therapy





    2. Reestablish appropriate and healthy boundaries.

    a. Pam will ask her parents to maintain boundaries and to not give into

    her spoiled tendencies.

    b. Start with small day-today tasks such as making breakfast on Sunday


    Theoretical Interventions & Proposed Outcomes:

    1. Spontaneous behavioral sequences: an intervention wherein a counselor hones

    in on unprompted interactions between family members. These scenarios

    provide a glimpse into the natural mannerisms and interactions between

    family members (Gerhart & Tuttle, 2003).

    a. When a spontaneous interaction occurs, a counselor focuses on the

    relational process and assists the family in understanding their

    behavioral sequences (Gerhart & Tuttle, 2003). A counselor will direct

    these interactional patterns towards a healthier and mutually beneficial


    2. Enactments: similar tolike spontaneous behavioral sequences, enactment is a

    technique wherein the counselor directly tasks the family with reenacting

    natural behavior/interactions in order to observe their genuine and unaltered

    exchanges (Gerhart & Tuttle, 2003). Enactments provide the counselor with

    the opportunity to make assessments regarding the familial structure,

    subsystems, and transactional patterns (Gerhart & Tuttle, 2003).

    a. The use of enactments presents an opportunity for counselor

    observation, assessment, and confrontation as well as client reflection,





    and response (Gerhart & Tuttle, 2003). This intervention is also useful

    in allowing the counselor an opportunity to provide the family with

    alternative behaviors, communication patterns, and interactions.


    Treatment plans should consist of two components: goals and interventions (Gerhart &

    Tuttle, 2003). While traditionally following basic outlines and formats; they are also individually

    tailored to the client’s needs and the counselor’s theoretical approach. In addition to the

    theoretical model, presenting problem, and proposed interventions/goals, treatment plans should

    also provide contextual information such as separating a parent’s needs from that of their child’s

    (Gerhart & Tuttle, 2003). In general, a treatment plan that is well structured and written

    irrespective of third-party mandates for reimbursement, creates opportunity for organized and

    coordinated efforts as well as effective treatment probabilities (Gerhart & Tuttle, 2003).

    Commented [LS8]: Excellent work. Wk5 Application Paper Essay






    Gehart, D. R., & Tuttle, A. R. (2003). Theory-based treatment planning for marriage and family

    therapists. Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole.

    Gladding, S. T. (2015). Family therapy: history, theory, and practice (6th ed.). Boston: Pearson.


    Gurman, A. S., Lebow, J. L., & Snyder, D. (2015). Clinical handbook of couple therapy (5th

    ed.). New York, NY: Guilford Press. (Producer). (n.d.). Bowenian family therapy [Motion picture]. [With Philip

    Guerin, MD]. United States: Retrieved from the Walden Library

    databases (Producer). (n.d.). Structural family therapy [Motion picture]. [With Harry

    Aponte, LCSW]. United States: Retrieved from the Walden Library



    Excellent application. I could clearly see how you were applying the theories and that

    you could differentiate the theories as well. Well done.


    Commented [LS9]: Remember that citations and references must match. Also, in APA, when two citations are the same, you must distinguish which citation represents which reference by using

    a lowercase letter in the year. See APA manual for when and how to do this. Application: Applying Narrative and Solution-Focused Therapy

Healthcare Issue/Stressor Discussion Assignment

Healthcare Issue/Stressor Discussion Assignment

Healthcare Issue/Stressor= Workforce Injuries In Healthcare

To Prepare:

  • Select one current national healthcare issue/stressor to focus on.
  • Reflect on the current national healthcare issue/stressor you selected and think about how this issue/stressor may be addressed in your work setting.


Healthcare issue=( Workforce injuries are much more frequent in healthcare  )

Analyze , and explain how the healthcare issue/stressor above may impact your work setting.

Then, describe how your health system work setting has responded to the healthcare issue/stressor, including a description of what changes may have been implemented. Be specific and provide examples. Healthcare Issue/Stressor Discussion

APA format 250-280 words with references and in-text citations. Healthcare Issue/Stressor Discussion Assignment

Nursing Case Study Essay

Nursing Case Study Essay

Theories in Leadership

Theories in Leadership Case Study 1

The study described in the Research Perspective (Hauck, Winsett, & Kuric, 2012) was about the introduction of evidence-based practice for a hospital. Rogers’s theory of diffusion of innovation served as the theoretical framework for that study. However, other theoretical perspectives are present. Based on situational-contingency theory, describe factors that the nurse researcher, as the leader of the implementation team, would need to consider. Consider the following:


Question 1

What considerations come into play that are outside of the group targeted for the change initiative? Are there any external stakeholders? What are the internal factors that would drive or limit change from being successful?

Question 2

How do people behave individually and in groups when it comes to adopting a practice-based change? Is there a difference between individual and group behaviors? If so, why does this occur? Nursing Case Study Essay


Question 3

What should the nurse leader do to plan for and address potentially negative attitudes of staff regarding the implementation of evidence-based practice? How should the nurse leader use nurses with positive attitudes toward the implementation of evidence-based practice?

Question 4

How can previous interactions with the nurse leader impact the success or failure of implementing evidence-based practice?

Question 5

What are the resource requirements? What are the regulatory requirement

Influence and Diplomacy Case Study 2

Ryan graduated from his BSN program about 18 months ago and has been working on a surgical unit in a large Magnet™ hospital. He belongs to his state nurses association and the Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses (AMSN).

He recently moved to another town for graduate school and took a job in a small community hospital. The new chief nursing officer is trying to create a shared governance structure. The nursing staff seems disinterested in participating in such a governance structure. Some of them complain that they do not want to “think” about nursing beyond what they have to do at the bedside. Nursing Case Study Essay

Ryan served on the practice council at the hospital where he worked after graduation. The nurses he works with now are discouraging him from volunteering to serve on one of the new councils being formed to implement shared governance. He is frustrated by his colleagues’ lack of interest in participating in decision making about nursing care. He wonders if this is the right place for him to work while in his graduate program. Although this hospital is closely affiliated with the school of nursing where he is a graduate student, the nurses on his unit openly challenge the wisdom of his decision to pursue a graduate degree.

Question 1

What resources should Ryan use to gain support for his desire to participate in the new shared governance structure?

Question 2

If Ryan wants to test the job market to find a position in a more positive nursing work environment, what resources can he use?

Question 3

Ryan has been subjected to a lot of questions and negative comments by some of the senior staff nurses about his graduate studies. They tend to negate the importance of advancing one’s nursing education. How can he redirect their comments? Nursing Case Study Essay

Evolution of the Nurse Leader Case Study-3

Margaret Compton, RN, is 52 years old and recently widowed. Her husband died a week after traumatic injuries from a serious fall on a hiking expedition.

Margaret has been out of the work force for 23 years, electing to stay at home and take care of her three children while her husband worked. Her youngest is in his third year of college, and Margaret has realized that she needs to return to the workforce.

During her husband’s hospitalization, Margaret realized that she missed nursing and eagerly looks forward to returning to active practice. She kept her license active all these years, but during her husband’s hospitalization, Margaret saw that much has changed since she left her last nursing position.

Question 1

What specific challenges does Margaret face in returning to the nursing workforce after 23 years?

Question 2

What has changed in health care that will make her work different now?

Question 3

What do you think is the same in nursing over time?


Professional Standards for Nursing Leadership Case Study 4

You are the nurse manager of a busy operating room in a large metropolitan hospital, serving both adult and pediatric clients. A case is scheduled involving a child who will have a hip arthroplasty. The surgical technician usually scheduled for the pediatric cases is unavailable to assist with this case, so you schedule a surgical technician who has assisted with multiple hip arthroplasties but has never performed one on a younger child. After the procedure, the child has permanent damage to his sciatic nerve, and his parents have filed a lawsuit against the surgical technician, you as the nurse manager, and the hospital. Nursing Case Study Essay

Question 1

How do you suspect that the court will react to such a case?

Question 2

What would their findings likely be in such an instance and why?

Question 3

What could you have done to prevent this outcome?

Professional Standards for Nursing Leadership Case Study 5

Joe Rodriquez, 19, presents to the hospital Emergency Department with a diagnosis of West Nile virus. He has a fever of 102° F, chills, and generalized aching in all his muscles. He reports that he was recently hiking in a wooded portion of the state and was bitten repeatedly by mosquitoes, despite the fact that he used an insect repellent. He and his parents are informed about this condition, including the need for immediate hospitalization and the treatment plan. Joe refuses to be hospitalized, stating that he will follow all medical recommendations at home. He asks to be assigned a home healthcare nurse to assist with his medical treatment. His parents are totally torn between honoring their son’s wishes and forcing the admission of their son, so that he can receive the needed medical and nursing care.

Question 1

You are the nurse manager for the emergency department, and staff members approach you about this patient. How would you begin to resolve this dilemma?

Question 2

What type of direction would you give staff members to allow them to come to a satisfactory conclusion?

Question 3

How does the Code of Ethics for Nurses (ANA, 2001) provide guidance in reaching needed decisions? Nursing Case Study Essay

HSC 3111 Health Services Administration Discussion Paper

HSC 3111 Health Services Administration Discussion Paper


Answer the following questions from chapters 1, 2, 4 and 5.

Review Questions

CHAPTER 1: Understanding Health Systems: The Organization of Health Care in the United States

  1. Describe the significant trends in the evolution of health care services in the United States over the past 100 years.
  2. How has the role of government changed in the U.S. health care system, and what future trends in government involvement do you anticipate?
  3. Describe the differences in health care systems for the middle class, the poor, and the military.
  4. How is health affected by behaviors, economics, and social structure?
  5. Describe your view of the role of health care services in the nation’s success and survival as a coherent democracy. HSC 3111 Health Services Administration Discussion Paper

CHAPTER 2: Technology in the U.S. Health Care System

  1. List the different classifications of health care technology (by industrial group).
  2. Why is it important to understand that medical technology is a collection of specific subgroupings?
  3. Briefly describe the stages of medical technology development.
  4. Describe the four phases of clinical testing in humans.
  5. Discuss the technological assessment process carried out by health insurance plans.
  6. How has medical technology affected clinicians and organizations?

I- Answer The following question base in this chapter:


Review Questions

CHAPTER 1:            Understanding Health Systems: The Organization of Health Care in the United States

  1. Describe the significant trends in the evolution of health care services in the United States over the past 100 years.
  2. How has the role of government changed in the U.S. health care system, and what future trends in government involvement do you anticipate?
  3. Describe the differences in health care systems for the middle class, the poor, and the military.
  4. How is health affected by behaviors, economics, and social structure?
  5. Describe your view of the role of health care services in the nation’s success and survival as a coherent democracy.      HSC 3111 Health Services Administration Discussion Paper


CHAPTER 2:            Technology in the U.S. Health Care System

  1. List the different classifications of health care technology (by industrial group).
  2. Why is it important to understand that medical technology is a collection of specific subgroupings?
  3. Briefly describe the stages of medical technology development.
  4. Describe the four phases of clinical testing in humans.
  5. Discuss the technological assessment process carried out by health insurance plans.
  6. How has medical technology affected clinicians and organizations?

Introduction to Health Services

Professor Miguel Figueroa
Assignment #2


Review Questions- please answer all questions in complete sentences.


CHAPTER 4: Financing Health Systems

  1. Describe the size of the U.S. health care industry in financial terms, and discuss the growth in health care expenditures.
  2. Describe the flow of finance in health care in the United States, referring specifically to payment sources and outlays for health care services.
  3. Describe the three main types of health insurance in the United States, referring specifically to voluntary health insurance, social health insurance, and welfare medicine.
  4. Briefly describe Medicare Parts A, B, C, and D. HSC 3111 Health Services Administration Discussion Paper
  5. Briefly describe the Medicaid program.
  6. Discuss the methods of physician reimbursement in the United States.
  7. Provide an overview of the prospective payment system.
  8. Describe the resource-based relative-value scale payment method.


CHAPTER 5: Private Health Insurance and Managed Care

  1. What is insurance, and why is it used?
  2. How does private health insurance violate the standard principles of insurance?
  3. Describe the three methods for categorizing health insurance in the United States.
  4. Briefly describe the differences among commercial insurance industry, the Blues, and HMOs.
  5. What is managed care? List the main objectives of managed care.
  6. Briefly describe PPO and HMO plans.
  7. List the common managed-care practices designed to influence physician behavior.
  8. Describe the role of the gatekeeper.
  9. Describe the impact of managed care on both the Medicare and Medicaid programs.
  10. Discuss the conflict of interest inherent in managed care.
  11. Briefly describe the characteristics of the uninsured population in the United States. HSC 3111 Health Services Administration Discussion Paper


Florida International University Patient Centered Care & Nursing Role Research Paper

Florida International University Patient Centered Care & Nursing Role Research Paper


This research paper should address the following:

1. Describe the dimensions of Patient-Centered Care and how do you apply PCC in your current practice.

2. Effective communications between health care providers and the patient is an essential component of PCC, why?

3. Describe an interprofessional healthcare team in your area of work. Do the members work collaboratively? Do they improve patients’ outcomes, how?


4. Think about your experience as a nurse student, have you observed effective communication improve patients’ outcomes? Have you observed the impact of poor communication on patients’ outcomes?


The paper must be typed in APA format with a minimum of 1000 words (excluding first and references page) with a minimum of 4 evidence-based references using the required Arial 12 font. Follow the APA example paper under the folder APA tools. Make sure references are used according to APA guidelines and electronic references must be from reliable sources such as CDC. Florida International University Patient Centered Care & Nursing Role Research Paper

Florida National University Patient Education Centered Dimensions Discussion

Florida National University Patient Education Centered Dimensions Discussion




NUR3805 Nursing Role and Scope Research Paper # 2

The paper should address the following:

1. Describe the dimensions of Patient-Centered Care and how do you apply PCC in your current practice.

2. Effective communications between health care providers and the patient is an essential component of PCC, why?

3. Describe an interprofessional healthcare team in your area of work. Do the members work collaboratively? Do they improve patients’ outcomes, how?


4. Think about your experience as a nurse student, have you observed effective communication improve patients’ outcomes? Have you observed the impact of poor communication on patients’ outcomes?

The paper must be typed in APA format with a minimum of 1000 words (excluding first and references page) with a minimum of 4 evidence-based references using the required Arial 12 font. Follow the APA example paper under the folder APA tools. Make sure references are used according to APA guidelines and electronic references must be from reliable sources such as CDC. Florida National University Patient Education Centered Dimensions Discussion

Florida International Role of The Nurse in Quality Improvement Discussion

Florida International Role of The Nurse in Quality Improvement Discussion

FIU Role Development in Professional Nursing Practice Discussion Questions

FIU Role Development in Professional Nursing Practice Discussion Questions


Chapter 8: Safety and Quality Improvement in Professional Nursing Practice

1. How do best practices contribute to quality and safety?

2. How can the commitment to quality improvement be integrated throughout all roles and at all levels of professional nursing practice?


Select one question as your DQ 1

· Follow the discussion questions participation and submission guidelines.

· Follow the 3 x 3 rule: minimum three paragraphs per DQ, with a minimum of three sentences each paragraph.

· All answers or discussions comments submitted must be in APA format according to Publication Manual American Psychological Association (APA) (7th ed.) ISBN: 978-1-4338-3216-1

· Minimum of two references, not older than 2015. FIU Role Development in Professional Nursing Practice Discussion Questions

Florida International University Patient Centered Care & Nursing Role Research Paper

Florida International University Patient Centered Care & Nursing Role Research Paper


This research paper should address the following:

1. Describe the dimensions of Patient-Centered Care and how do you apply PCC in your current practice.

2. Effective communications between health care providers and the patient is an essential component of PCC, why?

3. Describe an interprofessional healthcare team in your area of work. Do the members work collaboratively? Do they improve patients’ outcomes, how?


4. Think about your experience as a nurse student, have you observed effective communication improve patients’ outcomes? Have you observed the impact of poor communication on patients’ outcomes?


The paper must be typed in APA format with a minimum of 1000 words (excluding first and references page) with a minimum of 4 evidence-based references using the required Arial 12 font. Follow the APA example paper under the folder APA tools. Make sure references are used according to APA guidelines and electronic references must be from reliable sources such as CDC. Florida International University Patient Centered Care & Nursing Role Research Paper

Florida National University Patient Education Centered Dimensions Discussion

Florida National University Patient Education Centered Dimensions Discussion


NUR3805 Nursing Role and Scope Research Paper # 2

The paper should address the following:

1. Describe the dimensions of Patient-Centered Care and how do you apply PCC in your current practice.

2. Effective communications between health care providers and the patient is an essential component of PCC, why?

3. Describe an interprofessional healthcare team in your area of work. Do the members work collaboratively? Do they improve patients’ outcomes, how? Florida National University Patient Education Centered Dimensions Discussion


4. Think about your experience as a nurse student, have you observed effective communication improve patients’ outcomes? Have you observed the impact of poor communication on patients’ outcomes?

The paper must be typed in APA format with a minimum of 1000 words (excluding first and references page) with a minimum of 4 evidence-based references using the required Arial 12 font. Follow the APA example paper under the folder APA tools. Make sure references are used according to APA guidelines and electronic references must be from reliable sources such as CDC. Florida National University Patient Education Centered Dimensions Discussion