Hospital Acquired Pressure Ulcer Assignment

Hospital Acquired Pressure Ulcer Assignment

Do nursing interventions for healthcare acquired pressure ulcer (HAPU) demonstrate decreased ulcers in patients/ patient fall in a hospital setting 


Complete a thorough analysis and assessment of a patient safety problem in nursing. Identify the QSEN category that your problem is reflective of and why this problem needs to be solved. If the problem was observed during a clinical rotation, a few questions to address in the paper might be: 1) Specifically what was the situation? Give a detailed description. 2) Who were the people involved in the situation? 3) What do you believe was the underlying cause of the situation? 4) Was the behavior adaptive or maladaptive? In addition, what did you observe to validate this judgment? If the problem was observed, the use of first person when describing the problem is appropriate. If the problem was not observed, document a thorough analysis and assessment. Give as many details as possible so the reader is fully informed of the problem, the issues involved with the problem, and the implications to the profession of nursing. Identify the QSEN category that your patient safety issue is related to.


Planning/Literature Review

Conduct a review of the literature that addresses the problem/issue. The paper needs to include no less than 5 current (within the past five years), scholarly (peer reviewed) sources. In the planning/literature review section of the paper, summarize the problem from the point of view from each author and include any suggestions for improvement identified by each source. Provide a synthesis/summary of the combined sources. Sources must be reflective of nursing and healthcare in the United States. Global sources can be used, but the information should be applicable to your practice. Hospital Acquired Pressure Ulcer Assignment



In this section of the paper identify your suggestions for improving the problem/issue. Be very specific in developing your interventions making sure to thoroughly respond to the: who, what, when and where of each intervention. Include rationale for each intervention. Devote at least one paragraph to each intervention.



How do you plan on determining problem/issue resolution? How will you know if your interventions are successful? Consider multiple ways of collecting data to determine success or a need to change the plan. If you expect to use a data collection form or other tool, include that information here and if possible, place a copy of the tool in an appendix. Summarize your findings or what changes you expect to see as a result of your proposed interventions. Guidelines. It must be computer generated, 6-8 pages of content not to include the title or reference pages, double-spaced, and in APA format. The elements that will be evaluated are: statement of the problem, duration or frequency of the problem, literature support for the problem, suggestions for problem resolution original and literature based. Other elements that will be graded are: organization of the paper, neatness, spelling, punctuation, grammar, clarity, smooth flow of thought, adherence to APA format, and quality of references. Hospital Acquired Pressure Ulcer Assignment


CRITERIA Excellent Acceptable Not acceptable
Description of problem Clear presentation of the problem including: duration or frequency, impact on client care, implications for the nursing profession, reflective of the QSEN concept. Interventions for problem resolution included. Evaluation of problem clearly articulated. Presentation of the problem not completely clear or thoroughly identified. One or more of the following omitted from the paper: duration or frequency, impact on the unit milieu, implications for the profession of nursing. Interventions for problem resolution modestly developed or completely omitted. Evaluation unclear or weakly presented. Presentation unclear: one or less of the following elements presented duration or frequency, impact on the unit milieu, implications for the profession of nursing. Interventions for problem resolution poorly developed, or completely omitted. Evaluation omitted.
Literature supporting study Clear presentation of studies reviewed and relevance clearly stated to the problem. Problem resolution supported and referenced in the literature review. At least 5 scholarly and primary references cited. Any reference cited must be within the past 5 years Presentation not completely clear, reviews incomplete and relevance not clear. Problem resolution not completely supported by cited literature. Less than 5 scholarly references and/or secondary references cited. Presentation of supporting literature not clear and/or relevant to research study. Problem resolution not supported by any of the literature cited. Two or fewer scholarly references and 2 or more secondary references cited.
Professional product Paper is neat and submitted on time. Spelling, punctuation and grammar are correct. Paper is clear and thoughts are congruent with topic. APA format is completely or near completely correct. Hospital Acquired Pressure Ulcer Assignment Paper is neat and submitted on time. Some spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors. Some incongruenc in presentation of paper topic. Some errors in APA format Paper is not neat and/or late. Many spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors. Incongruence in presentation of paper topic. Many errors in APA format.