Workplace Safety Initiative Essay Assignment

Workplace Safety Initiative Essay Assignment

Allied health professionals are uniquely qualified in many ways to recommend, implement, and provide valuable feedback regarding safety c onsiderations, risk management, and quality of service across multiple levels within a health care organization. Workplace Safety Initiative Essay Assignment


For this assignment, develop a 1,250-1,500 word proposal inclusive of the following elements:

  1. The proposal identifies and promotes one specific safety, risk management or quality improvement initiative that is recognized or proven to be successful.
  2. The proposed idea would benefit your employer/organization, or if you are not currently employed in this capacity, would benefit an organization in your city/region in your chosen health care field.
  3. The proposal must include and define roles for the organization’s top/corporate management, facility/department management, and the role of the individual allied health professional in implementing the proposed initiative’s activities.

Use the “Topic 1 Assignment Template” for crafting your proposal. Appendices are optional; if needed to support a point or idea in your proposal, please attach tables or graph resources in this section and not in the body of the proposal.

You are required to use and cite a minimum of three qualified resources from the readings or the GCU Library in order to complete this assignment successfully. Workplace Safety Initiative Essay Assignment