Project Author Plan To Protect Assignment

Project Author Plan To Protect Assignment


Statement of Purpose

The purpose of this project is to develop an educational training program for nurses regarding the importance of a healthy diet for patients with obesity. 

Plan for the Protection of Human Subjects

QUESTION- Describe how you as the Project Author plan to protect the privacy and safety of the proposed content experts (human subjects) in your project.


Plan for the Protection of Human Subjects


Following approval from the D’Youville Patricia H. Garman School of Nursing, graduate faculty designee (Appendix A), (5) professionals with knowledge and expertise in the area/field of     will be personally approached and asked to voluntarily participate as a content expert in the review and evaluation of the (product) (Appendix D). Content experts will be advised that participation or non-participation as an expert reviewer will have no effect on their employment status. The Project Author has a collegial, professional, and non-supervisory relationship with the content expert reviewers thereby protecting the participants from any risk of coercion. Content experts will be guaranteed confidentiality because identifying characteristics will not be collected on the Content Expert Project Evaluation Tool and because their names will not be revealed anywhere in the project manuscript or in required project presentations. Only the Project Author will know the names of the content expert reviewers. Return of the completed content expert Project Evaluation Tool (Appendix C) will indicate implied voluntary consent to participate as a content expert reviewer. Content experts will be advised that they will not be able to withdraw from project participation once the project evaluation tool is returned to the Project Author because the evaluation tool will be returned without identifying information. Returned Content Expert Project Evaluation Tools will be stored according to the D’Youville Patricia H. Garman School of Nursing protocol in a locked drawer located in the Project Author’s (home/office) for a period of (three years (US)/six years (Canada)) and then destroyed. Project Author Plan To Protect Assignment 
