NUR 598 Week 6 Individual Assignment Nursing Research Utilization Project Proposal Paper and Presentation

NUR 598 Week 6 Individual Assignment Nursing Research Utilization Project Proposal Paper and Presentation

Prepare a nursing research-based project proposal, not to exceed 5,000 words, that is designed to address a problem in the professional work setting. The cover sheet, abstract, references page, and appendices are not included in the word limit.

Include the following content:

Abstract: between 200 and 350 words

Section A: Problem Identification—Identify a work-setting problem.

Section B: Solution Description—Develop a description of the proposed solution.

Section C: Research Support— Develop a research base for the proposed solution that is sufficient to support its use.

Section D: Implementation Plan—Describe the methods to be used to implement the proposed solution.

Section E: Evaluation Plan—Describe the methods to evaluate the solution.

Section F: Decision Making— Describe the methods to be used to decide the future of the solution.

Incorporate any faculty, class, and Learning Team feedback.

Format the paper consistent with APA 6.0 guidelines. NUR 598 Week 6 Individual Assignment Nursing Research Utilization Project Proposal Paper and Presentation


Prepare a PowerPoint presentation for your nursing research-based project proposal, not to exceed 12-15 slides. 

Content (8 points) 

Content reflect graduate-level depth 

All sections of the project proposal are addressed

Points Possible = 8 Points Earned =

Presentation (2 points)

Presentation style is consistent with that expected in the professional environment

Presentation skills are consistent with graduate-level expectations

Content of slides and speaker notes in accurate

Speaker notes contain content of the actual presentation and do not repeat slide content

Slides contain an appropriate amount of content

Slides are professional in appearance and tone

Slides ad speaker notes are free of grammatical, spelling, punctuation, proofreading, and other errors.NUR 598 Week 6 Individual Assignment Nursing Research Utilization Project Proposal Paper and Presentation