Data Analysis And Quality Improvement Initiative Proposal

Data Analysis And Quality Improvement Initiative Proposal

Evidence-Based Practice Proposal – Section C: Solution Description

Evidence-Based Practice Proposal – Section C: Solution Description

Assignment: Academic Success And Professional Development Plan Part 6: Finalizing The Plan

Assignment: Academic Success And Professional Development Plan Part 6: Finalizing The Plan

Assignment: Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Part 6: Finalizing the Plan At some point in every construction project, efforts turn from design and the focus moves to actual construction. With the vision in place and the tools secured, the blueprint can be finalized and approved. Then it is time to put on hardhats and begin work.  Throughout the course you have developed aspects of your Academic and Professional Development Plan. You have put a great deal of thought into your vision and goals, your academic and professional network of support, research strategies and other tools you will need, the integrity of your work, and the value of consulting the work of others. With your portfolio in place, it is now time to finalize your blueprint for success.  Much as builders remain cognizant of the building standards as they plan and begin construction, nurses must remain mindful of the formal standards of practice that govern their specialty. A good understanding of these standards can help ensure that your success plan includes any steps necessary to excel within your chosen specialty.  In this Assignment you will continue developing your Academic Success and Professional Development Plan by developing the final component: a review of your specialty standards of practice. You will also submit your final version of the document, including Parts 1–5.


To Prepare:  Review the scope and standards of practice or competencies related to your chosen specialty. Download the Nursing Specialty Comparison Matrix. Examine professional organizations related to the specialization you have chosen and identify at least one to focus on for this assignment. Reflect on the thoughts you shared in the Discussion forum regarding your choice of a specialty, any challenges you have encountered in making this choice, and any feedback you have received from colleagues in the Discussion. The Assignment: Complete the following items and incorporate them into the final version of your Academic Success and Professional Development Plan.

Write a paragraph that provides a detailed comparison at least two nursing specialties, including your selected specialization and second-preferred specialization. Write a clear and accurate 2- to 3-paragraph justification statement identifying your reasons for choosing your MSN specialization. Provide sufficient evidence of incorporating feedback you received from colleagues in this week’s Discussion Forum. Clearly identify and accurately describe in detail the professional organization related to the specialization you have chosen to focus on for this assignment and explain how you can become an active member of this organization. Note: My first choice of specialization is Family Nurse Practitioner and the second best is Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner. Assignment: Academic Success And Professional Development Plan Part 6: Finalizing The Plan

Advanced Physical Assessment Paper

Advanced Physical Assessment Paper

Assignment Instructions:  Write a three-page paper on the use of clinical reasoning in developing and applying advanced health history and physical assessment skills at the graduate level. Consider contemporary nursing literature on the development of clinical reasoning and decision-making. How does the use of the nursing process enhance critical thinking, clinical reasoning, and clinical judgment in professional nursing practice at the graduate level. Please use the submission parameters and rubric below to guide you when completing this assignment.   Submission Parameters:  For this written assignment, please use the following guidelines and criteria. Also, please refer to the rubric for point allocation and assignment expectations. The expected length of the paper is approximately 3 pages, which does not include the cover page and reference page(s).


I.        Introduction (including purpose statement)      II.        Clinical Reasoning  Describe how clinical reasoning is used in developing and applying advanced health history and physical assessment skills at the graduate level.    III.        Nursing Process  Describe how the use of the nursing process enhance critical thinking, clinical reasoning, and clinical judgment in professional nursing practice at the graduate level.   IV.        Clinical Example  Discuss an example demonstrating the nurse’s use of critical thinking, clinical judgment, and clinical reasoning. Discuss how nursing care is provided when each of these concepts are evidenced in nursing care of the patient.     V.        Conclusion    VI.        References (consider contemporary nursing research studies or reliable electronic sources)  In regards to APA format, please use the following as a guide:  Include a cover page and running head (this is not part of the 3 pages limit) Include transitions in your paper (i.e. headings or subheadings) Use in-text references throughout the paper Use double space, 12 point Times New Roman font Apply appropriate spelling, grammar, and organization Include a reference list (this is not part of the 3 pages limit) Attempt to use primary sources only. That said, you may cite reliable electronic sources (i.e. NCSBN, AANP)

Reflection Journal: Learning From The Community

Reflection Journal: Learning From The Community

Assignment 1: Assessing And Treating Patients With Impulsivity, Compulsivity, And Addiction

Assignment 1: Assessing And Treating Patients With Impulsivity, Compulsivity, And Addiction

The Assignment: 5 pages

Examine Case Study: A Puerto Rican Woman With Comorbid Addiction. You will be asked to make three decisions concerning the medication to prescribe to this client. Be sure to consider factors that might impact the client’s pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes.

At each decision point, you should evaluate all options before selecting your decision and moving throughout the exercise. Before you make your decision, make sure that you have researched each option and that you evaluate the decision that you will select. Be sure to research each option using the primary literature.


Introduction to the case (1 page)

  • Briefly explain and summarize the case for this Assignment. Be sure to include the specific patient factors that may impact your decision making when prescribing medication for this patient. Assignment 1: Assessing And Treating Patients With Impulsivity, Compulsivity, And Addiction


Decision #1 (1 page)

  • Which decision did you select?
  • Why did you select this decision? Be specific and support your response with clinically relevant and patient-specific resources, including the primary literature.
  • Why did you not select the other two options provided in the exercise? Be specific and support your response with clinically relevant and patient-specific resources, including the primary literature.
  • What were you hoping to achieve by making this decision? Support your response with evidence and references to the Learning Resources (including the primary literature).
  • Explain how ethical considerations may impact your treatment plan and communication with patients. Be specific and provide examples.


Decision #2 (1 page)

  • Why did you select this decision? Be specific and support your response with clinically relevant and patient-specific resources, including the primary literature.
  • Why did you not select the other two options provided in the exercise? Be specific and support your response with clinically relevant and patient-specific resources, including the primary literature.
  • What were you hoping to achieve by making this decision? Support your response with evidence and references to the Learning Resources (including the primary literature).
  • Explain how ethical considerations may impact your treatment plan and communication with patients. Be specific and provide examples.



Decision #3 (1 page)

  • Why did you select this decision? Be specific and support your response with clinically relevant and patient-specific resources, including the primary literature.
  • Why did you not select the other two options provided in the exercise? Be specific and support your response with clinically relevant and patient-specific resources, including the primary literature.
  • What were you hoping to achieve by making this decision? Support your response with evidence and references to the Learning Resources (including the primary literature).
  • Explain how ethical considerations may impact your treatment plan and communication with patients. Be specific and provide examples.


Conclusion (1 page)

  • Summarize your recommendations on the treatment options you selected for this patient. Be sure to justify your recommendations and support your response with clinically relevant and patient-specific resources, including the primary literature. Assignment 1: Assessing And Treating Patients With Impulsivity, Compulsivity, And Addiction


Nonverbal Communication And Biology Lab

Nonverbal Communication And Biology Lab

Parts 1 and 2 have the same questions. However, you must answer with references and different writing, always addressing them objectively, as if you were different students. Similar responses in wording or references will not be accepted.

Parts 3 and 4 have the same questions. However, you must answer with references and different writing, always addressing them objectively, as if you were different students. Similar responses in wording or references will not be accepted.


APA format

1) Minimum 22 pages  (No word count per page)- Follow the 3 x 3 rule: minimum of three paragraphs per page

You must strictly comply with the number of paragraphs requested per page.

The number of words in each paragraph should be similar

         Part 1: minimum 3 pages

         Part 2: minimum 3 pages

         Part 3: minimum  8 pages (24 hours)

         Part 4: minimum 8 pages (48 hours)

Submit 1 document per part

2)¨******APA norms

        The number of words in each paragraph should be similar

        Must be written in the 3 person

All paragraphs must be narrative and cited in the text- each paragraph

The writing must be coherent, using connectors or conjunctive to extend, add information, or contrast information.  Nonverbal Communication And Biology Lab

         Bulleted responses are not accepted

         Don’t write in the first person 

         Do not use subtitles or titles      

Don’t copy and paste the questions.

Answer the question objectively, do not make introductions to your answers, answer it when you start the paragraph

Submit 1 document per part

3)****************************** It will be verified by Turnitin (Identify the percentage of exact match of writing with any other resource on the internet and academic sources, including universities and data banks)

********************************It will be verified by SafeAssign (Identify the percentage of similarity of writing with any other resource on the internet and academic sources, including universities and data banks)

4) Minimum 6 references (APA format) per part not older than 5 years  (Journals, books) (No websites)

All references must be consistent with the topic-purpose-focus of the parts. Different references are not allowed

5) Identify your answer with the numbers, according to the question. Start your answer on the same line, not the next


Q 1. Nursing is XXXXX

Q 2. Health is XXXX

Q3. Research is…………………………………………………. (a) The relationship between……… (b) EBI has to

6) You must name the files according to the part you are answering: 


Part 1.doc 

Part 2.doc


The number of words in each paragraph should be similar

Parts 1 and 2 have the same questions. However, you must answer with references and different writing, always addressing them objectively, as if you were different students. Similar responses in wording or references will not be accepted.

Part 1:  Nonverbal Communication

Topic: Eye contact

1. Abstract (One paragraph)

2. What is the eye contact role in communication (One paragraph)

3.  How is eye contact used in nonverbal communication (One paragraph)

4. How the culture influences the use of Eye contact in communication (Two paragraphs)

5. What are the two main advantages of the use of Eye contact in communication (Two paragraphs)

6. What are the two main disadvantages of the use of Eye contact in communication (Two paragraphs)

7. How do the gesture and posture complement the Eye contact? (Two paragraphs)

8. How do facial expressions and physical contact complement the eye contact?(Two paragraphs)

9. How does eye contact transmit the message? (one paragraph)

10. Reflection (One paragraph) Nonverbal Communication And Biology Lab

Part 2:  Nonverbal Communication

Topic: Eye contact

1. Abstract (One paragraph)

2. What is the eye contact role in social interaction (One paragraph)

3.  How is eye contact used in nonverbal communication (One paragraph)

4. How affective and mental states influence the use of Eye contact in communication (Two paragraphs)

5. What are the two main advantages of the use of Eye contact in communication (Two paragraphs)

6. What are the two main disadvantages of the use of Eye contact in communication (Two paragraphs)

7. How does the mutual perceptual–motor interaction complement eye contact? (Two paragraphs)

8. How does the formation of relationships and feelings of empathy influence eye contact? (Two paragraphs)

9. How does eye contact transmit the message? (one paragraph)

10. Reflection (One paragraph)

Parts 3 and 4 have the same questions. However, you must answer with references and different writing, always addressing them objectively, as if you were different students. Similar responses in wording or references will not be accepted.

Part 3:  Biology Lab

1. what the term “epoch” means in Biology (One paragraph)

2. Define in Biology (Three paragraphs: One paragraph per each one)

a. Anthropocene

b. Holocene

c. Pleistocene

3.  Agricultural land use (farms) is a human impact on the environment (Three paragraphs: One paragraph for “a”;  One paragraph for “b”; One paragraph for “c and d”)

a. How affects the ecosystem.

b. Summarize some of the quantitative data (2018-2022) that provide evidence of humans’ impact on the ecosystem.

c. How do you think this impact will change over the next 100 years?

d. Make a prediction based on the evidence and data you have seen so far.

4. Deforestation is a human impact on the environment

a. How affects the ecosystem (Three paragraphs: One paragraph for “a”;  One paragraph for “b”; One paragraph for “c and d”)

b. Summarize some of the quantitative data (2018-2022) that provide evidence of humans’ impact on the ecosystem.

c. How do you think this impact will change over the next 100 years?

d. Make a prediction based on the evidence and data you have seen so far.

5. Invasive Species is a human impact on the environment

a. How affects the ecosystem. (Three paragraphs: One paragraph for “a”;  One paragraph for “b”; One paragraph for “c and d”)

b. Summarize some of the quantitative data (2018-2022) that provide evidence of humans’ impact on the ecosystem.

c. How do you think this impact will change over the next 100 years?

d. Make a prediction based on the evidence and data you have seen so far.

6. Mining is a human impact on the environment

a. How affects the ecosystem. (Three paragraphs: One paragraph for “a”;  One paragraph for “b”; One paragraph for “c and d”)

b. Summarize some of the quantitative data (2018-2022) that provide evidence of humans’ impact on the ecosystem.

c. How do you think this impact will change over the next 100 years?

d. Make a prediction based on the evidence and data you have seen so far.

7.  How does the yearly amount of carbon sequestered by the tree species correlate to the morphology of that species? (see file) (Three paragraphs: One paragraph for “a and b”;  One paragraph for “c and d”; One paragraph for “e”)

a. Delonix regia

b. Quercus virginiana

c. Swietenia mahagoni

d. Bucida buceras

e. Sabal palmetto

8. According to the report (see file), how many Earths (biocapacity) does your lifestyle require? Explain. (One paragraph)

9. What is your ecological footprint (in global hectares of land)? (One paragraph) Nonverbal Communication And Biology Lab

a.  How does the amount of land needed to support your way of life compare to the calculated amount of land that should ideally be available to each person?

10. According to the “By Consumption Category” graph (One paragraph)

a. What is the most significant part of your footprint (food, shelter, mobility, or goods) besides services? Explain.

11. How might we work together to reduce your neighborhood, university, city, or regional footprint? You may mention several ideas, but then discuss at least one idea for community efforts in depth and in your own words. (Two paragraphs)


Part 4:  Biology Lab

1. what the term “epoch” means in Biology (One paragraph)

2. Define in Biology (Three paragraphs: One paragraph per each one)

a. Anthropocene

b. Holocene

c. Pleistocene

3.  Agricultural land use (farms) is a human impact on the environment (Three paragraphs: One paragraph for “a”;  One paragraph for “b”; One paragraph for “c and d”)

a. How affects the ecosystem.

b. Summarize some of the quantitative data (2018-2022) that provide evidence of humans’ impact on the ecosystem.

c. How do you think this impact will change over the next 100 years?

d. Make a prediction based on the evidence and data you have seen so far.

4. Deforestation is a human impact on the environment

a. How affects the ecosystem (Three paragraphs: One paragraph for “a”;  One paragraph for “b”; One paragraph for “c and d”)

b. Summarize some of the quantitative data (2018-2022) that provide evidence of humans’ impact on the ecosystem.

c. How do you think this impact will change over the next 100 years?

d. Make a prediction based on the evidence and data you have seen so far.

5. Invasive Species is a human impact on the environment

a. How affects the ecosystem. (Three paragraphs: One paragraph for “a”;  One paragraph for “b”; One paragraph for “c and d”)

b. Summarize some of the quantitative data (2018-2022) that provide evidence of humans’ impact on the ecosystem.

c. How do you think this impact will change over the next 100 years?

d. Make a prediction based on the evidence and data you have seen so far.

6. Mining is a human impact on the environment

a. How affects the ecosystem. (Three paragraphs: One paragraph for “a”;  One paragraph for “b”; One paragraph for “c and d”)

b. Summarize some of the quantitative data (2018-2022) that provide evidence of humans’ impact on the ecosystem.

c. How do you think this impact will change over the next 100 years?

d. Make a prediction based on the evidence and data you have seen so far.

7.  How does the yearly amount of carbon sequestered by the tree species correlate to the morphology of that species? (see file) (Three paragraphs: One paragraph for “a and b”;  One paragraph for “c and d”; One paragraph for “e”)

a. Delonix regia

b. Quercus virginiana

c. Swietenia mahagoni

d. Bucida buceras

e. Sabal palmetto

8. According to the report (see file), how many Earths (biocapacity) does your lifestyle require? Explain. (One paragraph)

9. What is your ecological footprint (in global hectares of land)? (One paragraph)

a.  How does the amount of land needed to support your way of life compare to the calculated amount of land that should ideally be available to each person?

10. According to the “By Consumption Category” graph (One paragraph)

a. What is the most significant part of your footprint (food, shelter, mobility, or goods) besides services? Explain.

11. How might we work together to reduce your neighborhood, university, city, or regional footprint? You may mention several ideas, but then discuss at least one idea for community efforts in depth and in your own words. (Two paragraphs) Nonverbal Communication And Biology Lab

Family Health History Genogram Assignment

Family Health History Genogram Assignment

Build a family genogram using the SG’s website link above.  Select “unknown” if you don’t have the information asked for (i.e. age of disease onset).  Save a copy of the genogram to submit to the dropbox.


Study and analyze the family’s pedigree genogram diagram and health history table that you’ve created with your client. Remember, you, as a non-geneticist cannot be expert on all genetic disorders and genetic contributions to disease.  Therefore, your goal as an RN, is to recognize genetic factors, diseases, or conditions that may contribute to your client and children’s health risks.  (Review links above again) Look carefully at the genogram and family health history assessment table and describe the risks you assess, such as:

  • Major medical/chronic medical concerns (obesity, diabetes, heart disease, COPD, renal failure)
  • Chronic psychiatric conditions (depression, bi-polar, anxiety, substance abuse, etc)
  • Miscarriages, Congenital malformations
  • Dysmorphic features (hexadactyly or six fingers or toes; wide-spacing between eyes, low-set ears, etc.)
  • Intellectual disability (mental retardation, learning disabilities, or developmental delay)
  • Any other concerns. (Obesity, inactivity)
  • Genetic disorders (sickle cell, cystic fibrosis) Family Health History Genogram Assignment


From this client’s family health assessment, decide, then explain what genetic factors, disease(s) or conditions are the greatest risk to your client and children.

Discuss 2 specific counseling interventions you could plan that would reduce health risk to client’s family (after assessing the family’s health history and genogram).

Write a short summary of the benefits of a family health history and risk assessment for your family.  Summarize the recommendations.

5.  APA format   Paper will be 3-4 pages in length (not counting title page, diagram/genogram and references).


1.  The SG’s genogram diagram

2. The client’s family history table

3.  The APA Case Study paper of your client’s family health history (using headings # 2, 3, & 4 above). Family Health History Genogram Assignment

NURS 687 Assignment

NURS 687 Assignment

How does humanistic therapy, Gestalt therapy, and classical Freudian psychodynamic psychotherapy differ? Which would you recommend for James and why? Include one specific technique from the type of therapy you selected. See attachment.

James is 61-year-old divorced male who has suffered from symptoms of anxiety for years. He will wake up feeling great, and then without provocation, he develops a sense of panic. He says his heart races, and he feels nauseated, dizzy, and feels certain he is dying. His daughter is an FNP, and James calls her almost daily, convinced he is having a heart attack. He has undergone extensive physical exams and evaluations, but all tests have been normal. He is in excellent health and takes no medications.


James is a high school history teacher and has always enjoyed his job. He is very active and enjoys coaching the school’s debate team but hasn’t dated since his divorce five years ago. He is also very close with his children and grandchildren. His family history reveals his mother had generalized anxiety and his father died in a car accident at his age. He does not want to start taking medication but is open to therapy.

For your initial post, please address the following:
how does humanistic therapy, Gestalt therapy, and classical Freudian psychodynamic psychotherapy differ? Which would you recommend for James and why? Include one specific technique from the type of therapy you selected.


Paper should be at least 300 words. Use at least two scholarly source to connect your response to national guidelines and evidence-based research in support of your ideas. Use inside citation. All sources must be referenced and cited using APA Style, including a link to the source. NURS 687 Assignment


Module 05 Written Assignment – Suicide Precaution Policy

Module 05 Written Assignment – Suicide Precaution Policy

Module 05 Written Assignment – Suicide Precaution Policy
Module 05 Written Assignment – Suicide Precaution Policy
Module 05 Content
Purpose of Assignment:
To demonstrate understanding of creating a therapeutic and safe environment for a suicidal client.

This assignment will use a word document to create a policy outline. Clearly identify sections of the policy based upon the listed expectations.


You are working on a newly opened observation unit in the hospital. Recently there has been an overflow of suicidal clients awaiting placement at the psychiatric facility. The staff recognizes there is not a fully developed policy on how to safely care for a suicidal client. Working together with case management and other staff nurses, you have been asked to create policy recommendations. Your recommendations should include:
How to create a safe environment
Considerations or actions needed when a client is admitted or discharged
Considerations or actions during the client’s admission (length of stay)
Identify allowable and restricted personal items for the client
Expectations of client monitoring
Describe the requirements of how the client is to be monitored, how often, and by whom. Module 05 Written Assignment – Suicide Precaution Policy
Nursing Considerations
Expectations of nursing interactions when dealing with suicidal client
Required documentation expectations
Describe the roles of CNA, LPN, RN

Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.)
Logical, original and insightful
Professional organization, style, and mechanics in APA format
Submit document through Grammarly to correct errors before submission.

Submit your completed assignment by following the directions linked below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document. (Mac users, please remember to append the “.docx” extension to the filename.) The name of the file should be your first initial and last name, followed by an underscore and the name of the assignment, and an underscore and the date. An example is shown below:

Jstudent_exampleproblem_101504. Module 05 Written Assignment – Suicide Precaution Policy