Project Author Plan To Protect Assignment

Project Author Plan To Protect Assignment


Statement of Purpose

The purpose of this project is to develop an educational training program for nurses regarding the importance of a healthy diet for patients with obesity. 

Plan for the Protection of Human Subjects

QUESTION- Describe how you as the Project Author plan to protect the privacy and safety of the proposed content experts (human subjects) in your project.


Plan for the Protection of Human Subjects


Following approval from the D’Youville Patricia H. Garman School of Nursing, graduate faculty designee (Appendix A), (5) professionals with knowledge and expertise in the area/field of     will be personally approached and asked to voluntarily participate as a content expert in the review and evaluation of the (product) (Appendix D). Content experts will be advised that participation or non-participation as an expert reviewer will have no effect on their employment status. The Project Author has a collegial, professional, and non-supervisory relationship with the content expert reviewers thereby protecting the participants from any risk of coercion. Content experts will be guaranteed confidentiality because identifying characteristics will not be collected on the Content Expert Project Evaluation Tool and because their names will not be revealed anywhere in the project manuscript or in required project presentations. Only the Project Author will know the names of the content expert reviewers. Return of the completed content expert Project Evaluation Tool (Appendix C) will indicate implied voluntary consent to participate as a content expert reviewer. Content experts will be advised that they will not be able to withdraw from project participation once the project evaluation tool is returned to the Project Author because the evaluation tool will be returned without identifying information. Returned Content Expert Project Evaluation Tools will be stored according to the D’Youville Patricia H. Garman School of Nursing protocol in a locked drawer located in the Project Author’s (home/office) for a period of (three years (US)/six years (Canada)) and then destroyed. Project Author Plan To Protect Assignment 


Fishbone Analysis Diagram Paper

Fishbone Analysis Diagram Paper

Fishbone Analysis Diagram

Part 1: Identify a problem in your practice environment. Use the Fishbone Analysis Diagram to conduct a root cause analysis.



Part 2: In 300-500 words, address the following:

  1. What is the benefit of a root cause analysis in health care quality and safety? How does it mitigate risk?
  2. Identify quality indicators for the selected problem and discuss their associated measurement strategies.
  3. Describe the purpose of progress tracking in project management. Fishbone Analysis Diagram Paper
  1. Describe how to identify project adjustments and when it is best to implement them.

Topic: Suicidal Ideation Paper

Topic: Suicidal Ideation Paper

Topic: Suicidal Ideation

Suicide Assessment C-SSRS

The Columbia Lighthouse Project. (2016).   . Identify risk. Prevent suicide

For this week utilize the tool listed above to complete the assignment.


As you will learn throughout the program, the diagnosis of a variety of psychiatric illnesses is not always an easy or straightforward process. Multiple observations and assessment methods are often employed to reach a diagnosis. This approach can include the use of standardized assessment instruments.  This then aids you in defining a treatment plan and choosing specific treatment plans to use in the care of your clients.

You are tasked with identifying a standardized assessment instrument/tool to measure the disorders listed for each week. You will keep these instruments in the form of a “portfolio” that you can use in your clinical practice to assess clients who present with a variety of symptoms.  Topic: Suicidal Ideation Paper



Instrument/ Tool criteria:

For each assessment, you are tasked with selecting, you will identify an instrument and:

  1. List what DSM diagnosis the tool/instrument is used for.
  2. Identify an assessment/diagnosis instrument.
  3. Appraise a scholarly, peer-reviewed article that addresses the use of the instrument to support your choice as an evidence-based instrument for practice.
  4. Evaluate the instrument’s appropriateness for diagnosing the condition it is designed to assess or if the developers of the instrument reported that the instrument is only part of a comprehensive assessment for the disorder.
  5. Describe whether or not the instrument can be used to measure patient response to therapy/treatment or if it is strictly for assessment and diagnosis.
  6. Discuss the psychometrics/scoring of the instrument, including reliability and validity.
  7. Discuss any limitations associated with the use of the instrument.
  8. Include a link to view the assessment if possible.

Use the following template in completing your portfolio assignments.  Topic: Suicidal Ideation Paper

Assignment: Life Transitions Assignment

Assignment: Life Transitions Assignment


Assignment: Life Transitions Assignment
Weighting: 20% of final grade
Course Outcomes:
Transitions Discuss the various socioeconomic life transitions that the older adult will face in relation to:
• Declining function
• Shrinking social world
• Widowhood
• Late-Stage Divorce
• Late-Stage remarriage
• Grand parenting
• Reduced income
• Retirement, including the phases of retirement
• Role changes
• Awareness of mortality


Purpose of Life Transitions Assignment: To interview an older adult (over the age of 65 years) on their late life transitions. Then discuss/analyze the relevant older adult life transitions as it compares/contrasts with the course content. Assignment: Life Transitions Assignment
Instructions for Assignment
1. Interview an older adult (someone over 65 years of age). Note their approximate age. This person can be a friend, relative, neighbor, parent, or grandparent or someone you have met in the community. Acknowledge that you were instructed to interview an interesting person for your school assignment.
2. Develop your questions based on adult life transitions as it relates to a person’s lived experience.
3. When choosing a time for the interview, consider when the person feels most comfortable.
4. Consider the length of time you will be taking.
5. Assure the interviewee that they may refuse to answer any question.
6. Be empathic and nonjudgmental. Remember that the person is honoring you by sharing his/her life story.
7. Write a 4-6-page paper analyzing the person’s lived experience. Do not use their name or location to maintain confidentiality.
8. Choose 4 or 5 late-life transitions that apply to your interviewee’s lived experience to analyze.
9. Utilize APA format. The resources can be found at:
10. The essay must include a title page, in-text citations, and a reference page. (Do not reference the course slides).
11. All work is expected to be your original work in your own words. All items copied from other sources must be quoted or paraphrased or summarized with appropriate citations or references. Academic honesty is expected and required of all Conestoga students. It is critical that you familiarize yourself with the Academic Offences Policy found in the Conestoga Student Guide.
12. This assignment will be evaluated in terms of how you use the course content to interpret or explain what you described in the interview. What various life transitions occurred during this person’s older adult years?
13. Do not include the interview transcript in this assignment.
14. Review the rubric to ensure you have addressed all elements that will be evaluated.. Assignment: Life Transitions Assignment



Proficient Capable Developing Incomplete
Presentation Excellent organization and presentation of discussion.
Ideas are easy to follow
Good organization and presentation of discussion.
Most ideas are easy to follow, with little to no repetition.
Lacks organization in the presentation of discussion.
Ideas are difficult to follow but have little to no repetitions
Organization and presentation of discussion are not evident.
Ideas are difficult to follow with many occurrences of

Content All assignment criteria are readily met.
All assignment criteria are addressed but not clearly identified or recognized.
Meets majority of assignment criteria but has missed 1 or two criteria
Several gaps in meeting assignment criteria.

Analysis Application of life transitions theory to interview content Exceptional discussion with all scholarly content appropriately resourced.
Excellent linkages from the interviewees lived experience to the course content with complete analysis.
Fairly comprehensive discussion with exploration of ideas and most scholarly content appropriately resourced.
All topics are linked to the course content though analysis may be elaborated
Basic discussion with limited use of resources.
One or two topics are not linked to the course content and the analysis may be superficial.
Poor discussion with inappropriate or no resources
3 or more topics may not be linked to the course content or are lacking analysis.

Grammar & Spelling; Sentence structure Sentence structure and grammar are generally strong; occasional spelling error(s)
Free or less than (1) error in spelling, punctuation, grammar, & sentence/paragraph structure
Some correct use of, but also difficulties in, sentence structure, grammar, and spelling
(2) Minor errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar, & sentence/paragraph Structure
Rarely uses proper sentence structure, grammar, or spelling
(3) Few or more errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar, & sentence/paragraph structure
Significant problems with sentence structure, grammar, and spelling.
Incorrect elements are presented in the paper
0 elements present

References & Citations using APA Correct use of APA references and citations
All pages are included
Turn it in score<25%
Introduction is clear
Occasional lapse in APA references and citation
Minor errors (1-2.
Frequently noted difficulties with APA references, citations
Few or more errors (3 or 4) in scholarly format according to APA @
Significant problems with APA references and citations.
More than 4 errors in scholarly format according to APA @

Presentation: Purnell Model for Population Sub-Group

Presentation: Purnell Model for Population Sub-Group

Presentation: Purnell Model for Population Sub-Group 

Identify cultural influences on health and decision-making. Create a PowerPoint presentation that addresses the following items:

  1. Sub-group name and image with rationale
  2. Purnell’s Model constructs and sub-group information (n = 12)
  3. Sub-group presence and issues related to local and global community
  4. Summary of recommendations for providing culturally competent nursing care to this sub-group


Submission Instructions:

  • Presentation is original work and logically organized. Followed current APA format including citation of references.
  • Power point presentation with 10-15 slides were clear and easy to read. Speaker notes expanded upon and clarified content on the slides.
  • Incorporate a minimum of 5 current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work. Journal articles and books should be referenced according to current APA style (the library has a copy of the APA Manual). Presentation: Purnell Model for Population Sub-Group


Case Study Wound Healing Assignment

Case Study Wound Healing Assignment

Case study

An 80-year-old male presents with resolving decubitus, that is now oozing and red. The wound team has been involved.  His daughter wants information regarding his skin condition.


Answer the following questions:

  1. Describe the phases of wound healing.
  2. What is resolution, regeneration and replacement?
  3. What is the significance of the oozing and discoloration?
  4. What factors impede the healing process and why?


Initial Post:

APA format with intext citations

Word count minimum of 250, not including references.

References: 2 high-level scholarly references within the last 5 years in APA format.

Plagiarism free.

Turnitin receipt.





Practicum: Evidence-Based Practice and Evaluation of the Project Through Measurable Goals

Practicum: Evidence-Based Practice and Evaluation of the Project Through Measurable Goals

Practicum: Evidence-Based Practice and Evaluation of the Project Through Measurable Goals

Overview: Dr. Marcia Stanhope (2020) explained that evidence-based public health practice refers to those decisions made by using the best available evidence, data and information systems and program frameworks; engaging community stakeholders in the decision-making process; evaluating the results; and then disseminating that information to those who can use the information. Practicum: Evidence-Based Practice and Evaluation of the Project Through Measurable Goals

Practicum Discussion: This week, your assignment will be to incorporate all of the information you have gathered from the community—including the population itself, health data, interviews/conversations with interested community members, and your community assessment, including your Windshield Survey—as well as what you have gathered from scholarly literature to propose measurable interventions. Measurable interventions mean that the results can be measured through some data that could be collected (Stanhope, 2020). This requires thinking in terms of actions and then measuring results. An evaluation of interventions is important to see whether or not they are effective in solving a health care problem. Remember, you will need to use the data you gathered to determine whether or not a problem exists in your community and to then determine whether your interventions might be effective.


By Day 4

Post your response to the following:

  • Identify one evidence-based behavior change that would promote health in your selected population.
  • Suggest one specific culturally sensitive, evidence-based, measurable intervention to address the health problem for your selected population.
  • Think in terms of measuring outcomes. What outcomes would you expect to see once the intervention(s) are in place? Be specific.

Support your response with references from professional nursing literature. Practicum: Evidence-Based Practice and Evaluation of the Project Through Measurable Goals


Nursing homework help

Module 05 Content

Top of Form

As you continue to prepare for your booth at the diversity fair, you along with your fellow committee members, want to provide the participants with information related to coexisting in a diverse environment. Through your coursework in your Ethics Around the Globe class, you feel that a brochure that provides information on Pluralism, Relativism, and Absolutism could be beneficial. These three terms address different ways that people with different ethical views can interact. Nursing homework help


Your brochure will include the following:


    • An introduction that provides an overview of ethical diversity.
    • Definition of Pluralism and an applicable example
    • Definition of Relativism and an applicable example
    • Definition of Absolutism and an applicable example
    • Available credible resources so that participants can learn more: this can be from valid websites, your text book, additional readings from the class, videos etc.


The brochure that you are creating is to be a tri-fold design, double-sided. Draw attention to your brochure by using well-placed art, an easy to read design with your content, and effective use of color.


Looking for information on how to create a brochure? Check out this resource


Submit your completed assignment by following the directions linked below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates. Nursing homework help


Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document. (Mac users, please remember to append the “.docx” extension to the filename.) The name of the file should be your first initial and last name, followed by an underscore and the name of the assignment, and an underscore and the date. An example is shown below:



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Top of Form




NURS-6003N-18-Transition to Graduate Study

Erika Harris

Top of Form

I am pursuing an MSN to become a Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner. A PMHNP should be able to care for the primary psychiatric needs across the lifespan and in a myriad of settings(Population-Focused Competencies Task Force, 2013). I did not have difficulty in making this choice. As a Junior while getting my Bachelors of Arts in Psychology, I took a class entitled Survey of Psychology. This class outlined the many different careers in psychology. Upon reading the description for Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner, I was immediatedly intrigued. Up until that point, I did not know that there was a field within psychology where the practitioner takes a holistic approach. While it has become more popular among Psychologists and Psychiatrists to take a holistic approach, when I took this class in 2007, these disciplines were much more narrow in their discipline’s approach. With this information, I decided to do some research and realised that once I achieved my Bachelor’s in Psychology, I could get a MSN to become a PMHNP. I found that this helped me focus during nursing school. I was surprised at the limited amount of information about working in psychiatry in the nursing program. However, I have only worked in psychiatry since receiving my ADN. It has been eight years since my graduation from the ADN program in 2014, and I still have the passion and desire to become a PMHNP. ADVANCED PATHOPHYSIOLOGY ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONS


The American Psychiatric Nurses Association is an organization that provides resources, continuing education and networking opportunities for nurses working in psychiatry(American Psychiatric Nurses Association, 2022). This organization has several different types of memberships that cover a wide range of lifestyles. For instance, there is a student membership which is the most restrictive membership, and the regular membership, that affords individuals the opportunity to vote within the organization, participate in committees and can pursue election to their board of directors(American Psychiatric Nurses Association, 2022). In order to become a member, one has to input their information and pay dues.


American Psychiatric Nurses Association. (2022). About APNA. Retrived from

American Psychiatric Nurses Association. (2022). Membership in APNA. Retrieved from

Population-Focused Competencies Task Force. (2013). Population-Focused Nurse Practitioner Competencies. Retrieved from

Bottom of Form


Ginger Shrader

My choice for continuing my education is Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner. This was not an easy decision for me as I knew I wanted to pursue a master’s degree after finishing my bachelor’s degree. I was also busy working full-time and raising a family. I graduated with my bachelor’s degree when I was five months pregnant with our last baby. My original plan was to keep going to school to pursue my master’s degree, I thought I would become a Certified Nurse Midwife, I mean why not I was currently a Labor and Delivery nurse. However, after I had my son, who is now four years old, I decided to put school off to enjoy my family more. As my kids were getting older and my youngest was starting school full-time, I decided it was time for me to also start back to school.

I no longer wanted to become a Certified Nurse Midwife, so I started looking into all the master’s programs. Reading over what each program had to offer and then looking into what I really wanted to do as a grown-up was a difficult task. At first, I thought that I would become a Family Nurse Practitioner, that way I could have many options as to what field I really wanted to work in. I could teach, I could still work in women’s health or I could work with children. However, during Covid-19 when I saw how badly many of my family and friends were suffering from mental health issues, I made my decision to find a master’s program in Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner. I had finally made my decision to return to school to continue my education to help others who suffer from mental health. I looked into many different schools but decided on Walden University for its online ability and they were willing to work around my work-life balance (Walden, n.d.).

A professional group that I will be a member of is the American Psychiatric Nurses Association. To become a member, I will pay needed dues and input my information for verification of educational achievements (American Psychiatric Nurses Association, 2022). However, this will provide me with the resources that I will need to better serve my patients. Being a member of this professional group will keep me well informed and up to date with all the new and improved studies and technology. It is important to stay on top of my continued learning to give my patients the best evidence-based care (Cherry et al., 2019).


American Psychiatric Nurses Association. (2022). Membership in APNA. Retrieved from

Cherry, B., Caramanica, L., Everett, L. Q., Fennimore, L., & Scott, E. (2019). Leveraging the power of board leadership in Professional Nursing Organizations. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, Publish Ahead of Print.

Walden University. (n.d.). Master of Science in Nursing (MSN). Retrieved November 14, 2018, from

NURS-6501N-21-Advanced Pathophysiology

Question 1

Scenario 1: Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

A 29-year-old female presents to the clinic with a complaint of hirsutism and irregular menses. She describes irregular and infrequent menses (five or six per year) since menarche at 11 years of age. She began to develop dark, coarse facial hair when she was 13 years of age, but her parents did not seek treatment or medical opinion at that time. The symptoms worsened after she gained weight in college. She got married 3 years ago and has been trying to get pregnant for the last 2 years without success. Height 66 inches and weight 198. BMI 32 kg.m2. Moderate hirsutism without virilization noted.  Laboratory data reveal CMP within normal limits (WNL), CBC with manual differential (WNL), TSH 0.9 IU/L SI units (normal 0.4-4.0 IU/L SI units), a total testosterone of 65 ng/dl (normal 2.4-47 ng/dl), and glycated hemoglobin level of 6.1% (normal value ≤5.6%). Based on this information, the APRN diagnoses the patient with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and refers her to the Women’s Health APRN for further workup and management.  ADVANCED PATHOPHYSIOLOGY ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONS


Question: What is the pathogenesis of PCOS? 



Question 2

Scenario 1: Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

A 29-year-old female presents to the clinic with a complaint of hirsutism and irregular menses. She describes irregular and infrequent menses (five or six per year) since menarche at 11 years of age. She began to develop dark, coarse facial hair when she was 13 years of age, but her parents did not seek treatment or medical opinion at that time. The symptoms worsened after she gained weight in college. She got married 3 years ago and has been trying to get pregnant for the last 2 years without success. Height 66 inches and weight 198. BMI 32 kg.m2. Moderate hirsutism without virilization noted.  Laboratory data reveal CMP within normal limits (WNL), CBC with manual differential (WNL), TSH 0.9 IU/L SI units (normal 0.4-4.0 IU/L SI units), a total testosterone of 65 ng/dl (normal 2.4-47 ng/dl), and glycated hemoglobin level of 6.1% (normal value ≤5.6%). Based on this information, the APRN diagnoses the patient with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and refers her to the Women’s Health APRN for further workup and management.

Question: How does PCOS affect a woman’s fertility or infertility? 



Question 3

Scenario 2: Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)

A 30-year-old female comes to the clinic with a complaint of abdominal pain, foul smelling vaginal discharge, and fever and chills for the past 5 days. She denies nausea, vomiting, or difficulties with bowels. Last bowel movement this morning and was normal for her. Nothing has helped with the pain despite taking ibuprofen 200 mg orally several times a day. She describes the pain as sharp and localizes the pain to her lower abdomen. Past medical history noncontributory. GYN/Social history + for having had unprotected sex while at a fraternity party. Physical exam: thin, Ill appearing anxious looking white female who is moving around on the exam table and unable to find a comfortable position. Temperature 101.6F orally, pulse 120, respirations 22 and regular. Review of systems negative except for chief complaint. Focused assessment of abdomen demonstrated moderate pain to palpation left and right lower quadrants. Upper quadrants soft and non-tender. Bowel sounds diminished in bilateral lower quadrants. Pelvic exam demonstrated + adnexal tenderness, + cervical motion tenderness and copious amounts of greenish thick secretions. The APRN diagnoses the patient as having pelvic inflammatory disease (PID).

Question: What is the pathophysiology of PID?




Question 4

Scenario 3: Syphilis

A 37-year-old male comes to the clinic with a complaint of a “sore on my penis” that has been there for 5 days. He says it burns and leaked a little fluid. He denies any other symptoms. Past medical history noncontributory.

SH: Bartender and he states he often “hooks up” with some of the patrons, both male and female after work. He does not always use condoms.

PE: WNL except for a lesion on the lateral side of the penis adjacent to the glans. The area is indurated with a small round raised lesion. The APRN orders laboratory tests, but feels the patient has syphilis.    ADVANCED PATHOPHYSIOLOGY ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONS

Question: What are the 4 stages of syphilis?


Unit 1 Discussion 2 – Evolution of the APRN and Comparing Roles of the APRN

Unit 1 Discussion 2 – Evolution of the APRN and Comparing Roles of the APRN

Unit 1 Discussion 2 – Evolution of the APRN and Comparing Roles of the APRN
This unit is an overview of the variety of advanced practice roles, titles as well as services provided to include roles and responsibilities. Theoretical concepts are important to understand where the APRN stemmed from and where we are strides are being made to impact practice in the future.


Evaluate and discuss the emerging roles of the advanced practice nurse role. (Course objective 1, 2)
Examine advanced practice nurse roles utilizing a theoretical perspective. (Course objective 1, 2)
Evaluate advanced practice roles from a global perspective. (Course objective 1,2)
1. Now that you have a little experience in learning about the advanced practice registered nurse (APRN), have you worked with or have you received care from an APRN, what has been your experience with this?

2. How has your view of the role of the APRN changed prior to beginning the program? What has been your biggest revelation about the role of the APRN?

3. What information would you like to share with others about the role of the APRN? Also fucus on Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner PMHNP role specifically.
4. Why are advanced nurse practitioners important?
5. What is the nurse practitioner impact on health care? Unit 1 Discussion 2 – Evolution of the APRN and Comparing Roles of the APRN