NUR 471 Week 2 Individual Assignment Community Health News Article Paper

NUR 471 Week 2 Individual Assignment Community Health News Article Paper

Community Health News Article Paper

Select a current news article relating to a current community health concern. Consider such topics as environmental health, abuse, violence, infectious disease, or another health-related topic. Be prepared to discuss the article with the class.


Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper using the article. Include a brief description of the article and news source, the community described in the article, the community health concern described in article, and means—or lack of means—to address the concern as described in the article.

Utilize at least three professional references.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

NUR 478 Week 4 Individual Assignment Access to Care Paper

NUR 478 Week 4 Individual Assignment Access to Care Paper

Write a 1,050- to 1,500-word paper, which includes the following required elements:


A payor source, Medicare or Medicaid
A patient scenario involving a patient covered under the selected payor source.
Describe key eligibility requirements the patient must meet to qualify for coverage in a particular healthcare setting
Patient benefits provided in a particular healthcare setting under this payor source
Any limitations to coverage that would limit the patient’s access to care.
The nurse’s role in educating the client about their coverage with this payor source.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines

NUR 478 Week 2 Individual Assignment Nursing Licensure Debate

NUR 478 Week 2 Individual Assignment Nursing Licensure Debate 

Debate the benefits of national nursing licensure versus individual state licensure, with pro- and con-, or benefits versus disadvantages, positions assigned by the faculty.


Discuss the benefits of having individual state Nurse Practice Acts by exploring the Nursing Practice Act for a state of your choice.
Investigate multi-state licensure compacts to determine how these compacts might benefit or place at risk professional nursing practice. This paper should be between 700—1050 words and include at least three references (one reference from the text and one references should be from the University of Phoenix Library).

NUR 478 Week 1 Individual Assignment Ethics Case Study

NUR 478 Week 1 Individual Assignment Ethics Case Study

Read the University Material: Ethics Case Study on the student website.
Describe, using ethical principles, how you apply these principles in this situation.
Describe any conflicts between your personal values and the ethical principles you applied in this situation.
Describe how this situation is handled if the patient was in a different setting.


Identify a professional nursing organization and describe how this organization incorporates ethical principles into their practice.
Include two references with this paper (at least one reference should be from the University of Phoenix Library).
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. It should be 350-700 words.
Submit your paper in Week One.

NUR 492 Week 3 Assignment Organizational Structure and Culture Paper

NUR 492 Week 3 Assignment Organizational Structure and Culture Paper

Obtain a nursing organizational chart for your agency, department, or service area.
Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you address the following:
Identify the type of organizational structure.


How does the structure create an environment of support for client-centered care?

Discuss the use of information systems, communication methods, and a decision making-ability with culture and organizational structure of the agency.

Obtain an organizational chart from your health care setting and prepare to discuss the various lines of communication and reporting. Identify what you observe to be the formal and informal reporting lines and look at issues of power and control, as well as who the real leaders in this organization are. How are the social and cultural influences of your community integrated into the delivery of care in your organization?

How do generational differences influence the organizational culture of the workplace?

NUR 492 Week 2 Assignment Interview of Health Care Leader

NUR 492 Week 2 Assignment Interview of Health Care Leader

Interview a health care leader of your choosing. Discuss topics related to leadership style and the roles and responsibilities of leadership and management.


Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper summarizing your interview and prepare to discuss your summary in class. Questions for the interview should include, but are not limited to, the following:
• Could you briefly share about your background and the role you have today?• How would you describe a leader?
• What are important qualities or characteristics of leaders?
• What is your personal philosophy of leadership?
• What learning experiences have had the most influence on your own personal development as a leader?
• How do you see leadership evolving in nursing today?
• What are the most challenging issues in your current position?
• As a leader (or manager) in your career, have you had a mentor? If so, how did this influence your leadership style?
• What advice would you give someone who is aspiring to a leadership position?
Format your paper according to APA guidelines.NUR 492 Week 2 Assignment Interview of Health Care Leader

NUR 482 Week 4 Individual Assignment Adverse Trend and Data Management

NUR 482 Week 4 Individual Assignment Adverse Trend and Data Management

Identify an adverse trend (across multiple patients) that could occur within your organization.

Part I: Flow Chart

Create a flow chart or step-by-step guide identifying how you will collect, review, and apply data to make a decision that will affect patient care in general.

Identify the steps you will take to collect, review, and apply data to make a decision that will affect patient care.

List the type and source of information needed in each step.

Identify the technologies used in each step.


Part II: Paper

Write a 750- to 1,050-word paper explaining the flow chart or step-by-step guide.

Describe how you may become aware of the trend in question and why you would want to investigate further.

Describe the data you would need to collect, the source(s), and why you would need this data.

Describe the data collection methods you would use and why.

Describe how the data would affect your response to the adverse trend.

Explain how you will use the technology in each step.

Describe any regulatory, legal, and ethical issues related to the use of data and the technologies used.

Include at least three peer-reviewed references, and develop an APA-formatted reference page.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Attach the flow chart and reference page as appendices to the paper. NUR 482 Week 4 Individual Assignment Adverse Trend and Data Management

NUR 482 Week 3 Individual Assignment Informatics Needs Assessment

NUR 482 Week 3 Individual Assignment Informatics Needs Assessment

Write 700- to 1,500-word paper describing how a needs assessment could provide relevant feedback to upper management.


Address the following:

Explain how and why a needs assessment must be completed before a new EHR may be selected.

Describe some of the factors that need to be considered in the needs assessment.

Explain what data you want to collect and how or where you can access it.

Describe who you would consult and why.

Note. Do not include names; list only professional roles (such as Chief Nursing Officer).

Reference your course textbook and two additional peer-reviewed references, and develop an APA-formatted reference page.

NUR 482 Week 2 Individual Assignment New Hire Education Tool Paper

NUR 482 Week 2 Individual Assignment New Hire Education Tool Paper

Create an educational or training tool for new nursing hires that describes the nurse’s role in the use of informatics and technology.

Incorporate at least one theory (nursing theory, informatics theory, change theory, or other supporting theory) that relates to informatics in nursing.

Ensure that the educational tool addresses the following points:

Define nursing informatics.


Describe the nurse’s roles and responsibilities in quality data management.

Explain why comfort with technology and informatics is important in patient care and administration.

Identify ways the new nursing hire may become more comfortable with health care technology.

Include a minimum of three peer-reviewed resources, and develop an APA-formatted reference page.

Format the educational tool as a matrix, brochure, video, podcast, slide presentation, or another format approved by your facilitator.

NUR 482 Week 2 Individual Assignment New Hire Education Tool Brochure

NUR 482 Week 2 Individual Assignment New Hire Education Tool Brochure

Create an educational or training tool for new nursing hires that describes the nurse’s role in the use of informatics and technology.

Incorporate at least one theory (nursing theory, informatics theory, change theory, or other supporting theory) that relates to informatics in nursing.

Ensure that the educational tool addresses the following points:


Define nursing informatics.

Describe the nurse’s roles and responsibilities in quality data management.

Explain why comfort with technology and informatics is important in patient care and administration.

Identify ways the new nursing hire may become more comfortable with health care technology.

Include a minimum of three peer-reviewed resources, and develop an APA-formatted reference page.

Format the educational tool as a matrix, brochure, video, podcast, slide presentation, or another format approved by your facilitator.