Leadership Competencies in Nursing and Healthcare

Leadership Competencies in Nursing and Healthcare

Leadership Theories and Personal Identification of Style and Strengths
Leadership Theory and Health Care
Reflect on the information presented this week and on your own work environment. Then, respond to the following: Which theory of leadership do you think is most effective in today’s health care environment? Why? How does ANA’s Nursing: Scope & Standards of Practice influence nursing leadership? Support your response with references from the professional nursing literature. Leadership Competencies in Nursing and Healthcare

Leadership Theory Paper
Great leaders share common characteristics. As you have heard in this week’s media presentation, leadership skills can be learned and developed. The first step in developing leadership skills is increasing your self-awareness of your leadership qualities and abilities. In order to be an effective leader, you must find a style, or styles, that meet both your needs and those of the institution. Complete at least one of the following assessment inventories. Gallup Strength Finders Myers-Briggs DiSC Review your assessment results, and determine your leadership style, strengths, and growing edges. Consider how your leadership strengths are demonstrated in your nursing practice. Then, review the list of leaders presented below. Winston Churchill Margaret Thatcher Eleanor Roosevelt John F. Kennedy Martin Luther King, Jr. Mahatma Ghandi Rudy Guiliani Abraham Lincoln César Chavéz Mao Tse Tung Lillian Wald Mother Teresa Select one person from the list. Research that individual, and write a 2–3 page summary of the selected leader’s leadership style and specific leadership characteristics demonstrated. Include in your summary any strengths or characteristics you have in common with the leader you selected. Also include how your identified strengths demonstrate mastery of ANA’sNursing:Scope & Standards of Practice, Standard of Professional Performance: Standard 12: Leadership as evidenced in your nursing practice.


Practicum Activities: Identify a Change Project This week introduced the concepts of leadership and leadership theories. In addition, the media presentation and textbook readings discussed the difference between leadership and management. As you begin your practicum this week discuss with your manager possible change projects needed in the agency. Observe your manager and other leaders at your location. Identify how management and leadership activities contribute to successful change initiatives. Informally discuss options with your manager Please address the following: What did you see as the difference between a leadership activities and a management activities? How do management and leadership activities contribute to the success of change initiatives What change projects are needed in your agency at this time. Leadership Competencies in Nursing and Healthcare

Organizational Behavior and Change Theory
Chaos and Complexity Theory in Health Care Based on this week’s readings and what has been presented on organizational theory, respond to the following: Do chaos theory and complexity theory have any place in health care systems? Why or why not? Support your response with references from the professional nursing literature.

Practicum Activities:Apply Change Theory to the Proposed Change In week one, you formulated some initial ideas about a Leadership Change Project. You discussed possible change projects with your manager. This week has presented information on change, change management, and how an organization’s mission, vision, and values are reflected in its strategic plan. Using the information presented in the resources, complete the following two activities with the guidance of your instructor. Your instructor has assigned you to apply change theory to the proposed change. Check for consistency between the proposed change and the mission/vision/values/strategic plan for the agency. Read more about change theory in your textbook. Please address the following: Which theory will you use as a framework for your change project and why? Is there consistency between the proposed change and the mission, vision, and values of the agency? If so, describe. If not, how will you address the inconsistencies? Leadership Competencies in Nursing and Healthcare

Health Promotion in Nursing Care Assignment

Health Promotion in Nursing Care Assignment

Analyze the health status of a specific minority group. Select a minority group that is represented in the United States (examples include: American Indian/Alaskan Native, Asian American, Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, Native Hawaiian, or Pacific Islander.)


In an essay of 750-1,000 words, compare and contrast the health status of the minority group you have selected to the national average. Consider the cultural, socioeconomic, and sociopolitical barriers to health. How do race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and education influence health for the minority group you have selected? Address the following in your essay:

What is the current health status of this minority group? How is health promotion defined by the group? What health disparities exist for this group? Describe at least one approach using the three levels of health promotion prevention (primary, secondary, and tertiary) that is likely to be the most effective given the unique needs of the minority group you have selected. Provide an explanation of why it might be the most effective choice. Cite a minimum of three references in the paper. Health Promotion in Nursing Care Assignment

Understanding Program Planning and Evaluation

Understanding Program Planning and Evaluation

Understanding Program Planning and Evaluation
1.1 Relate program planning to grant proposals.
1.2 Define key terminology related to program planning.
1.3 Compare program planning with program evaluation.
1.4 Identify political and technical aspects of program planning and evaluation.


Explain the relationship between program planning and grant proposals. When describing each component, address their similarities and differences as well as how they relate to each other.

Program Planning and Evaluation Paper Read all of the fictional program scenarios and choose one to work with throughout the course.

Compare program planning with program evaluation in human services organizations. Describe how the two components are related.

Identify specific examples of how program planning and evaluation interrelate in your chosen scenario

Identify technical and political aspects of program planning and evaluation you might encounter in the program scenario you chose, and explain how these aspects could affect your planning and evaluation process. Understanding Program Planning and Evaluation

prepare a Managed Care Program Assignment

prepare a Managed Care Program

Prepare a PowerPoint presentation that reviews a managed care program centered on disease management. Prepare 15-20 slides (excluding title and reference slides) documenting the major points of this program. Include detailed speaker notes with your presentation beneath each slide. The project must include these components: Title Slide with the following: Title of the managed care program Student’s name Course title/number Instructor’s name Date submitted Introduction/Thesis Statement introducing your managed care program based on disease management.


The role of preventing disease Patient incentives Physician incentives Case management Facilities Quality of care Prescription benefits The future of data use and informatics Conclusion which includes a restatement of the opening thesis statement and summary of the managed care program discussed. Reference Slide (include a minimum of four scholarly and/ or peer reviewed sources cited according to APA guidelines) Your PowerPoint presentation slides should: Be sequenced and organized clearly. Have a clear, logical progression of ideas. Utilize bullet points or short sentences, if necessary, not dense paragraphs. Have relevant visuals, such as graphs, tables, data summaries, sound and/or animation which enhance the understanding of concepts, ideas, and relationships. Have a consistent theme, format, and font which augment the readability. In addition to the presentation, please submit a Word document containing the same information as the title slide. This document will be used for your instructor to provide you with feedback regarding your work. prepare a Managed Care Program Assignment

Health Care Careers Diagram and Summary Paper

Health Care Careers Diagram and Summary Paper

Resource: Health Care Careers Diagram and Summary Grading Criteria Research mind mapping in the University Library or on the Internet. Select a health care career within the managed care organization, pharmaceutical company, research organization, college, information technology company, the health care continuum (hospital, ambulatory, longterm care), the mental health continuum (diagnostics, outpatient, inpatient), and so forth. •


Describe selected career. • Identify two or three services and products within the selected career. • Identify the workforce roles within the services and products. • Discuss the impact of the roles on the health care organizations. Create a diagram with the career choice as the focal point and identifying the work roles within one of the services or product you identify. Complete a 350- to 700-word summary of your findings and a diagram. Format your summary consistent with APA guidelines . Health Care Careers Diagram and Summary Paper

Cardiomyopathy and Congestive Heart Failure Assignment

Cardiomyopathy and Congestive Heart Failure Assignment

Mr. P is a 76-year-old male with cardiomyopathy and congestive heart failure who has been hospitalized frequently to treat CHF symptoms. He has difficulty maintaining diet restrictions and managing his polypharmacy. He has 4+ pitting edema, moist crackles throughout lung fields, and labored breathing. He has no family other than his wife, who verbalizes sadness over his declining health and over her inability to get out of the house. She is overwhelmed with the stack of medical bills, as Mr. P always took care of the financial issues.



Mr. P is despondent and asks why God has not taken him. Question Considering Mr. P’s condition and circumstance, write an essay that includes the following: · Describe your approach to care. · Recommend a treatment plan. · Describe a method for providing both the patient and family with education and explain your rationale. · Provide a teaching plan (avoid using terminology that the patient and family may not understand). Cardiomyopathy and Congestive Heart Failure Assignment

Apply Technology in Health Care Delivery Assignment

Apply Technology in Health Care Delivery Assignment

As a member of ABC Consultants, you have been hired by a large organization to develop an innovated approach using current technology in health care delivery. This can be a product, a service, or an application. Choose an organization in a sector including, but not limited to, pharmaceutical, insurance, manufacturing, software development, or facility design. Apply Technology in Health Care Delivery Assignment.



Review its website and any recent articles about the organizations. Resource: Technology and Health Care Grading Criteria Write a 1,050- to 1,750-word paper and include the following: Describe your product, service, or application (m-health, e-therapy, virtual physician visits, and so forth). Discuss the impact of your product, service, or application on quality of care, quality of life, cost of care, and access. Discuss the social, ethical, and economic impact of your product, service, or application to the organization

Adoption of EHRs – New Technology Systems in Nursing

Adoption of EHRs – New Technology Systems in Nursing

As a nurse, you can have a great impact on the success or failure of the adoption of EHRs. It is important for nurses to understand their role as change agents and the ways they can influence others when addressing the challenges of changing to a drastically different way of doing things. Everett Rogers, a pioneer in the field of the diffusion of innovations, identified five qualities that determine individual attitudes towards adopting new technology (2003). He theorized that individuals are concerned with:

1. Relative advantage: The individual adopting the new innovation must see how it will be an improvement over the old way of doing things. 2. Compatibility with existing values and practices: The adopter must understand how the new innovation aligns with current practices. 3. Simplicity: The adopter must believe he or she can easily master the new technology; the more difficult learning the new system appears, the greater the resistance that will occur. 4. Trialability: The adopter should have the opportunity to “play around’ with the new technology and explore its capabilities. 5. Observable results: The adopter must have evidence that the proposed innovation has been successful in other situations.


For this Assignment, you assume the role of a nurse facilitator in a small hospital in upstate New York. You have been part of a team preparing for the implementation of a new electronic health records system. Decisions as to the program that will be used have been finalized, and you are now tasked with preparing the nurses for the new system. There has been an undercurrent of resistance expressed by nurses, and you must respond to their concerns. You have a meeting scheduled with the nurses 1 week prior to the training on the new EHR system. Consider how you can use the five qualities outlined by Rogers (2003) to assist in preparing the nurses for the upcoming implementation. Adoption of EHRs – New Technology Systems in Nursing

To prepare:

1. Review the Learning Resources this week about successful implementations of EHRs. 2. Consider how you would present the new EHR system to the nurses to win their approval. 3. Reflect on the five qualities outlined by Rogers. How would addressing each of those areas improve the likelihood of success?

Write a 3- to 5-page paper which includes the following:

A. Using Rogers’ (2003) theory as a foundation, outline how you would approach the meeting with the nurses. Be specific as to the types of information or activities you could provide to address each area and include how you would respond to resistance. B. Analyze the role of nurses as change agents in facilitating the adoption of new technology. Adoption of EHRs – New Technology Systems in Nursing

Epidemiology Assignment Paper

Epidemiology Assignment Paper

In a written paper of 1,200-1,500 words, apply the concepts of epidemiology and nursing research to a communicable disease.

Communicable Disease Selection

Choose one communicable disease from the following list: 1.Chickenpox 2.Tuberculosis 3.Influenza 4.Mononucleosis 5.Hepatitis B 6.HIV

Epidemiology Paper Requirements

Include the following in your assignment: 1.Description of the communicable disease (causes, symptoms, mode of transmission, complications, treatment) and the demographic of interest (mortality, morbidity, incidence, and prevalence). 2.Describe the determinants of health and explain how those factors contribute to the development of this disease. 3.Discuss the epidemiologic triangle as it relates to the communicable disease you have selected. Include the host factors, agent factors (presence or absence), and environmental factors. (The textbook describes each element of the epidemiologic triangle). 4.Explain the role of the community health nurse (case finding, reporting, data collecting, data analysis, and follow-up). 5.Identify at least one national agency or organization that addresses the communicable disease chosen and describe how the organization(s) contributes to resolving or reducing the impact of disease. Epidemiology Assignment Paper


A minimum of three references is required.

Refer to “Communicable Disease Chain” and “Chain of Infection” for assistance completing this assignment.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

Teaching Project Brochure for Population Health

Teaching Project Brochure for Population Health

Create a trifold brochure based on the population and disease chosen
for the Week 5 Epidemiology Paper (Diabetes among youth)

Prepare to share your project with the class. Include the following
information in your brochure :

�Present an overview of the issue.

-Design appropriate health promotion, disease management, and risk
reduction and disease prevention strategies applicable to population care.


-Include the primary, secondary, and tertiary strategies applicable to the population and focus, presented in language that is understandable and appropriate to the population.

-Discuss future prevention techniques.

-Provide a minimum of three local, state, and/or national credible and legitimate resources (CDC, HHS) for information related to selected population and disease focus. Teaching Project Brochure for Population Health