Critique A Qualitative/ Quantitative Article Using Research Critique Rubric And Other Components

Critique A Qualitative/ Quantitative Article Using Research Critique Rubric And Other Components

Critique your article of choice using the Research Critique Rubric and following components:

Identification of the research question/problem/hypothesis.
Identification of topics explored in review of literature.
Identification/definition of research methodology and design
Description of subjects/participants in the study.
Exploration of ethical issues and protection of human subjects.



Data analysis.
Discussion of findings.
Use of additional sources from nursing journals.
APA style (title page, abstract, citations and reference page).
Demonstration of professional grammar and organization.
The critique should be a scholarly written paper to include a 3-5 typewritten pages in length, excluding the title page, abstract, and reference page.
Papers must be submitted in APA format with any direct quotes.
Complete the critique with the use of outside references that adequately critique your article. An example of a valid outside reference would include your course text.
Review and use the Research Critique Rubric to critique your article. Critique A Qualitative/ Quantitative Article Using Research Critique Rubric And Other Components