University of Westminster Wealth Maximization & Social Responsibility Discusison

University of Westminster Wealth Maximization & Social Responsibility Discusison

Question Description

I don’t know how to handle this Business question and need guidance.


What is the primary goal of the corporation?

  • Maximize Wealth – should be the primary goal of the financial manager. Unlike profit (earnings per share, EPS) maximization, wealth maximization considers the impact of current decisions on the long-term financial health of the firm.
  • Social Responsibility – firms should be socially responsible at the same time they earn “normal” profits; otherwise they probably will go out of business.
  • Wealth Maximization and Social Responsibility – actions that maximize the value of the firm also are beneficial to society; wealth maximization improves the standard of living.
  • also encourage external resources for your posts and please be sure to cite them properly. University of Westminster Wealth Maximization & Social Responsibility Discusison

Defend your answer and do your best to back it up with research!