HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing Medication Compliance

HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing Medication Compliance

1. a) Discuss reasons for the changing demographics of the aged population

b) Discuss how these changes influence aged care services provision and the impact this may have on the older person.

2. List and briefly describe two (2) theories of ageing and how these theories may affect the individual’s adaptation to ‘growing old’.

3. a) Describe the Aged Care Funding Instrument (ACFI) including the three (3) domains and the categories within each domain.

b) What impact does ACFI have on aged care provision in residential aged care?

4. a) List and describe two (2) health assessment tools that may be used to assess the mental, physical and/or functional ability of the older person. HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing Medication Compliance

b) How could the enrolled nurse use these tools to promote health maintenance for the older person?


5. Define the following current legal and ethical terms that may have an impact on the older person. How can the enrolled nurse ensure their effectiveness in providing positive outcomes for the older person?

· Guardianship

· Advocacy

· Advanced health directives

· Rights and responsibilities

6. Briefly discuss your awareness of community values, attitudes and beliefs towards ageing and the aged person

7. List two

(2) pieces of legislation relating specifically to aged clients and their carers.

8. a) Describe two (2) factors that may affect medication compliance by the older person.

b) What actions can be taken to address these factors?

c) Describe one (1) age related change in the body affecting medication metabolism

9. Discuss the potential long term impact that complex care issues may have on the client, their family and/or significant others in the community setting.
10. Define and describe four (4) types of elder abuse to which the older person may be subjected.

11.  a) List four (4) behaviours that may be triggered by physical, emotional, environmental and/or mental stress (including dementia) in the older person during a hospital stay. HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing Medication Compliance