Master of Science in Nursing Assignment

Master of Science in Nursing Assignment

Practicum Experience Plan





Your Practicum experience includes working in a clinical setting that will help you gain the knowledge and skills needed as an advanced practice nurse. In your practicum experience, you will develop a practicum plan that sets forth objectives to frame and guide your practicum experience.


As part of your Practicum Experience Plan, you will not only plan for your learning in your practicum experience but also work through various patient visits with focused notes as well as one (1) journal entry. Master of Science in Nursing Assignment


Complete each section below.


Part 1: Quarter/Term/Year and Contact Information


Section A




Fall 6635/2022


Student Contact Information


Street Address:

City, State, Zip:

Home Phone:

Work Phone: N/A

Cell Phone:

Fax: None



Preceptor Contact Information



Street Address: 8225

City, State, Zip:

Work Phone:

Cell Phone:

Fax: 1877 669 2745

Professional/Work E-mail:





Part 2: Individualized Practicum Learning Objectives



a. Objective 1: To improve my skills to Independently complete patient’s mental health assessment



Mode of Assessment: During initial clinic visits and follow ups


PRAC Course Outcome(s) Addressed and Planned Activities:


-To improve my skills collecting data and accurately perform psychiatric assessment appropriate for a comprehensive and focused examination by the end of the practicum


-To demonstrate knowledge of psychopathology through discussion with various age groups that have different types of mental challenges with least 10 adults and 5 pediatric patients before the end of the practicum



-To demonstrate the ability to conduct individual and group psychotherapy at least 5 time with each category by the end of the practicum period.




Objective 2: To improve my skills using diagnostic and/or screening testing to formulate reasonable patient’s diagnoses.



Mode of Assessment: During initial clinic visits and follow ups


PRAC Course Outcome(s) Addressed and Planned Activities:


– To improve my skills and knowledge with selecting an appropriate psychometric test according to the patient’s presenting symptoms, then demonstrating with at least 20 patients by the end of the practicum period.


– To improve my skills formulating accurate diagnoses according to the DSM-5 based on the collecting data and the used psychometric report with at least 12 patients by the end of the practicum period.


– To develop and analyze appropriate differential diagnoses for presenting problem while prioritizing care and intervene in dysfunctional coping patterns and psychiatric disorders with at least 10 individuals by the end of this practicum




Objective 3: To acquire more knowledge regarding psychotherapeutic medications to provide an appropriate treatment plan for my patients.



Mode of Assessment: During initial clinic visits and follow ups



PRAC Course Outcome(s) Addressed and Planned Activities:



-To demonstrate ability to develop treatment plans for acute and chronic psychiatric disorders and mental health problems by the end of this praticum period and demonstrate with at least 12 patients in various age groups.


-To modify treatment plan/approaches based on the patient’s ability and readiness to learn and demonstrate with a least 12 patients by the end of the practicum period


-To teach patients, families, and groups about treatment options with respect to their developmental, physiological, cognitive, cultural ability and readiness to learn and demonstrate it with at least 12 patients.


– .



Part 3: Projected Timeline/Schedule


Estimate how many hours you expect to work on your Practicum each week. * Note: All of your hours and activities must be supervised by your Preceptor and completed onsite. Your Preceptor will approve all hours, but your activities will be approved by both your Preceptor and Instructor. Any changes to this plan must be approved. Master of Science in Nursing Assignment


This timeline is intended as a planning tool; your actual schedule may differ from the projections you are making now.


I intend to complete the 144 or 160 Practicum hours (as applicable) according to the following timeline/schedule. I also understand that I must see at least 80 patients during my practicum experience. I understand that I may not complete my practicum hours sooner than 8 weeks. I understand I may not be in the practicum setting longer than 8 hours per day unless pre-approved by my faculty.



  Number of Clinical Hours Projected for Week (hours you are in Practicum Setting at your Field Site) Number of Weekly Hours for Professional Development (these are not practicum hour) Number of Weekly Hours for Practicum Coursework (these are not practicum hours)
Week 1 16 6 6
Week 2 16 6 6
6Week 3 16 6 6
Week 4 16 6 6
Week 5 16 6 6
Week 6 16 6 6
Week 7 16 6 6
Week 8 16 6 6
Week 9 16 6 6
Week 10 16 6 6
Week 11   6 6
Total Hours (must meet the following requirements) 160 Hours 66 66







Part 4 – Signatures


Student Signature (electronic): Date: September 11, 2022



Practicum Faculty Signature (electronic)**: Date:



** Faculty signature signifies approval of Practicum Experience Plan (PEP)


Submit your Practicum Experience Plan on or before Day 7 of Week 2 for faculty review and approval.


Once approved, you will receive a copy of the PEP for your records. You must share an approved copy with your Preceptor. The Preceptor is not required to sign this form.

Setting S.M.A.R.T. Goals Savvy Strategies to Help you Succeed

Screen reader note: This presentation has clickable buttons to make this presentation interactive- clicking is not required though. You can still access all content by reviewing each page of the presentation in order.




W H A T I S A S . M . A . R . T . G O A L ?

S.M.A.R.T. is a goal-setting tool, which identifies five criteria for setting effective goals: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. Goals built around these criteria are likely to be met because they are focused, realistic, and actionable. For more specific definitions and examples of each criterion, use the buttons below:

S Specific

M Measurable

A Achievable

R Relevant

T Time Bound

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When setting a goal, be specific about what you would like to achieve. Think about how you might reach your goal, as well as what you hope to gain by achieving it.

I want to be a better student.

This is a vague goal. Without further definition, it will be difficult to achieve. To improve this goal, ask, “Why do I want to be a better student? And more importantly, how can I become a better student?”

This term, I will focus on improving my probability skills and earn at least a B in my statistics course.

This goal is much more specific. It includes a focused definition of what it means to be a better student (at least a B grade) and considers what can be gained by achieving this goal (improved math skills).

S Specific

M Measurable

A Achievable

R Relevant

T Time Bound

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Realistic, effective goals offer a way to measure your progress. Measurable goals also clearly indicate when you have succeeded in achieving your goal.

I want to be in better health.

This goal can’t be measured. What does it mean

to be in better health and how will you know when

you have achieved it?

I will improve my physical health by riding my bike to work at least three times per week.

This goal is measurable. It will be achieved when

you successfully ride your bike to work a

minimum of three times per week.

S Specific

M Measurable

A Achievable

R Relevant

T Time Bound

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A I S F O R A C H I E V A B L E Set goals that are feasible, realistic, and within reach. Goals should be challenging but not unattainable—otherwise, you may be setting yourself up to fail.

I am going to write 25 pages of my dissertation each week, so that I can finish within 6 weeks.

This goal is likely unachievable. Dissertations are meant to be written over long periods of time. Even full-time professional authors cannot adhere to such a rigorous pace.

For the entire month of January, I will dedicate at least one, distraction-free hour per day to writing my dissertation.

While still challenging, this goal is more realistic. If all goes well, at the end of January, you can commit yourself to another month of daily writing or adjust your goal to better suit your lifestyle and obligations.

S Specific

M Measurable

A Achievable

R Relevant

T Time Bound

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R I S F O R R E L E V A N T Goals should reflect your values and long-term objectives. Avoid setting goals that may distract from, or that don’t directly contribute to, the achievement of more urgent, overarching aims.

I will complete my Master’s of Nursing within three years by taking two online

classes per term.

Again, if you are a Master’s of Nursing student, it

makes sense to set a goal that is directly related

to your long-term academic and professional


I want to write a novel before I turn 40.

For career authors and creative writers, this might

be a realistic and relevant goal. However, if you are

actively pursuing a Master’s in Nursing in order to

further an established career in the health field,

focusing on a novel is likely distracting and


S Specific

M Measurable

A Achievable

R Relevant

T Time Bound

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T I S F O R T I M E – B O U N D

When you set a goal, establish a target deadline or timeframe, as well. Deadlines help you stay motivated and focused on achieving your goal.

I want to run a marathon.

This goal may be achievable, but without a timeframe, it doesn’t mean much. Many of us want to run a marathon someday; fewer of us commit to and train for a specific event.

I will adhere to the Runner’s World 16-week training schedule, so that I am prepared to run the Boston Marathon on April 15th.

This goal is specific, measurable, achievable, and time- bound. It includes a deadline, which is tied to a particular event and realistic training plan.

S Specific

M Measurable

A Achievable

R Relevant

T Time-Bound

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S . M . A . R . T . G O A L S Q U I Z – Q U E S T I O N 1

1.) A middle school teacher sets the following goal: I will attend two professional development workshops.

Which two S.M.A.R.T. criteria does this goal fail to meet?

Time Bound

and Specific

Relevant and


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S . M . A . R . T . G O A L S Q U I Z Q U E S T I O N 1 C O R R E C T A N S W E R

A middle school teacher sets the following goal: I will attend two professional development workshops. Which two S.M.A.R.T. criteria does this goal fail to meet?

Time Bound and Specific

That’s right! Setting a goal to attend two workshops is measurable. When the teacher has attended two workshops, they’ve achieved their goal. Moreover, attending professional development is likely relevant to a middle school teacher. However, this goal is not specific (which two workshops and why?), nor is it tied to a deadline (when will this task be completed?).

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S . M . A . R . T . G O A L S Q U I Z Q U E S T I O N 1 I N C O R R E C T A N S W E R

A middle school teacher sets the following goal: I will attend two professional development workshops. Which two S.M.A.R.T. criteria does this goal fail to meet?

Relevant and Measurable

Take a second look at this one: setting out to attend two workshops means that the goal is measurable. When the teacher has attended two workshops, they have achieved their goal. Moreover, attending professional development is likely relevant to a middle school teacher. However, this goal is not specific (which two workshops and why?), nor is it tied to a deadline (when will this task be completed?).

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S . M . A . R . T . G O A L S Q U I Z – Q U E S T I O N 2

2.) A doctoral Public Health student sets the following goal: To improve my grammar, I will complete the Sentence Structure Basics and Verbs modules in the Writing Center with a 90% score within 6 months.

Does this goal meet all five S.M.A.R.T. criteria?



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S . M . A . R . T . G O A L S Q U I Z Q U E S T I O N 2 C O R R E C T A N S W E R

A doctoral Public Health student sets the following goal: To improve my grammar, I will complete the Sentence Structure Basics and Verbs modules in the Writing Center with a 90% score within 6 months. Does this goal meet all five S.M.A.R.T. criteria?


That’s right! This goal does, in fact, meet all five criteria. The student refers to specific modules, sets a metric to determine success (90%), and attaches the goal to a timeframe of 6 months. Moreover, this is an achievable goal—the student is not expecting perfection, and the timeline is realistic. Finally, for a doctoral student who will eventually write a dissertation, proper grammar is especially important, which means that this goal is relevant.


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S . M . A . R . T . G O A L S Q U I Z Q U E S T I O N 2 I N C O R R E C T A N S W E R

A doctoral Public Health student sets the following goal: To improve my grammar, I will complete the Sentence Structure Basics and Verbs modules in the Writing Center with a 90% score within 6 months. Does this goal meet all five S.M.A.R.T. criteria?


This goal does, in fact, meet all five criteria, and here’s why: the student refers to specific modules, sets a metric to determine success (90%), and attaches the goal to a timeframe of 6 months. Moreover, this is an achievable goal—the student is not expecting perfection, and the timeline is realistic. Finally, for a doctoral student who will eventually write a dissertation, proper grammar is especially important, which means that this goal is relevant.

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S . M . A . R . T . G O A L S Q U I Z Q U E S T I O N 3

3.) A Bachelor’s of Psychology student sets the following goal: I want to improve my listening skills.

Is this goal measurable?



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S . M . A . R . T . G O A L S Q U I Z Q U E S T I O N 3 C O R R E C T A N S W E R

A Bachelor’s of Psychology student sets the following goal: I want to improve my listening skills. Is this goal measurable?


Good work! This goal is not measurable. It does not include a way to measure or track the student’s improvements. Furthermore, because it does not offer a definition of what improved listening skills looks like, it would be impossible to know when this goal has been achieved.

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S . M . A . R . T . G O A L S Q U I Z Q U E S T I O N 3 I N C O R R E C T A N S W E R

A Bachelor’s of Psychology student sets the following goal: I want to improve my listening skills. Is this goal measurable?


This goal is not measurable. It does not include a way to measure or track the student’s improvements. Furthermore, because it does not offer a definition of what improved listening skills looks like, it would be impossible to know when this goal has been achieved. Master of Science in Nursing Assignment

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More Resources

Now that you’ve completed this interactive

lesson, take the next step by setting your

own S.M.A.R.T. goals. The Academic

Skills Center offers additional resources

around S.M.A.R.T. goal-setting, including

a blog post and a helpful template:

• S.M.A.R.T Goal-Setting (blog post)

• S.M.A.R.T. Goals Template (PDF)

Questions? Email us at






Clinical skills self-assessment


Rosine Ngwana

College of Nursing-PMHNP, Walden University

Dr. Kelly White


PRAC 6645: Psychotherapy with Multiple Modalities




















In order to deliver high-quality, prompt, secure, and effective treatment, nurse practitioners coordinate their efforts with a wide range of healthcare professionals. To provide high-level treatment, clinicians need a wide range of abilities. Clinical expertise is crucial for making accurate diagnoses and providing effective treatment for a wide range of mental health issues. Clinical competence must be evaluated in order to ascertain current abilities and pinpoint improvement opportunities (Bennett, 2017). The essay’s focus should be on the positive aspects and areas for development of the practicum, as well as the experience’s overall purpose.

Self-Assessment Form

Desired Clinical Skills for Students to Achieve Confident (Can complete independently) Mostly confident (Can complete with supervision) Beginning (Have performed with supervision or need supervision to feel confident) New (Have never performed or does not apply)
Comprehensive psychiatric evaluation skills in: 
Recognizing clinical signs and symptoms of psychiatric illness across the lifespan X      
Differentiating between pathophysiological and psychopathological conditions   X    
Performing and interpreting a comprehensive and/or interval history and physical examination (including laboratory and diagnostic studies)   X    
Performing and interpreting a mental status examination   X    
Performing and interpreting a psychosocial assessment and family psychiatric history     X  
Performing and interpreting a functional assessment (activities of daily living, occupational, social, leisure, educational).   X    
Diagnostic reasoning skill in:
Developing and prioritizing a differential diagnoses list X      
Formulating diagnoses according to DSM 5 based on assessment data X      
Differentiating between normal/abnormal age-related physiological and psychological symptoms/changes   X    
Pharmacotherapeutic skills in:
Selecting appropriate evidence based clinical practice guidelines for medication plan (e.g., risk/benefit, patient preference, developmental considerations, financial, the process of informed consent, symptom management)     X  
Evaluating patient response and modify plan as necessary   X    
Documenting (e.g., adverse reaction, the patient response, changes to the plan of care)   X    
Psychotherapeutic Treatment Planning:
Recognizes concepts of therapeutic modalities across the lifespan     X  
Selecting appropriate evidence based clinical practice guidelines for psychotherapeutic plan (e.g., risk/benefit, patient preference, developmental considerations, financial, the process of informed consent, symptom management, modality appropriate for situation)   X    
Applies age appropriate psychotherapeutic counseling techniques with individuals, families, and/or groups   X    
Develop an age appropriate individualized plan of care   X    
Provide psychoeducation to individuals, family, and/or groups     X  
Promote health and disease prevention techniques X      
Self-Assessment skills:
Develop SMART goals for practicum experiences X      
Evaluating outcomes of practicum goals and modify plan as necessary X      
Documenting and reflecting on learning experiences X      
Professional skills:
Maintains professional boundaries and therapeutic relationship with clients and staff X      
Collaborate with multi-disciplinary teams to improve clinical practice in mental health settings   X    
Identifies ethical and legal dilemmas with possible resolutions   X    
Demonstrates non-judgmental practice approach and empathy X      
Practices within scope of practice   X    
Selecting and implementing appropriate screening instrument(s), interpreting results, and making recommendations and referrals:
Demonstrates selecting the correct screening instrument appropriate for the clinical situation   X    
Implements the screening instrument efficiently and effectively with the clients   X    
Interprets results for screening instruments accurately   X    
Develops an appropriate plan of care based upon screening instruments response X      
Identifies the need to refer to another specialty provider when applicable X      
Accurately documents recommendations for psychiatric consultations when applicable   X    


Summary of strengths:

Getting along with all types of professionals, patients, and their loved ones is one of my talents in healthcare. There are spoken, nonverbal, and textual kinds of communication. When I communicate with patients and their loved ones, I always try to do it with compassion. Patients benefit from increased security and well-being when information is shared between doctors and nurse practitioners (Durmaz et al., 2018). So that patients don’t suffer needless harm, I, for one, try my best to provide precise details to nurse practitioners during handoffs. Word choice and empathy are particularly important when communicating with patients and their loved ones (Durmaz et al., 2018). If a nurse really wants to help a patient, it will show in how she treats them. Building trust between a nurse and patient requires two-way communication (Durmaz et al., 2018). In order to get positive results, it is crucial to communicate the treatment strategy and educate patients about their illness. The family of a patient needs accurate updates about their condition.

I am competent at identifying clinical indicators of mental disease. I have conducted evaluations on a wide range of people suffering from a wide range of mental disorders. During my clinical rotation, I have interacted with a wide variety of people experiencing various difficulties. I try to figure out whether a patient has a loss of interest in regular activities or a persistently down mood, for instance. An accurate diagnosis relies on a precise identification of symptoms (Percy & Richardson, 2018).

I am skilled at establishing and sustaining a trustworthy connection with my patients. Never do I want to have more than one relationship with a patient. I am aware of when to pass a patient on to the next available therapist if I believe that their emotional connection to me may negatively impact their treatment. The achievement of favorable health results and the cultivation of patient trust both depend on a healthcare system that adheres to ethical and legal standards (Percy & Richardson, 2018). Regardless of a patient’s race, sexual orientation, gender, age, or health, I treat them with respect and compassion. No matter how different individuals may be, I think they should all have access to quality medical care. One of the most effective ways to increase patient trust and diversity is to maintain a nonjudgmental attitude in the healthcare setting (Bennett, 2017).


Opportunities for growth:

Improved nursing practices are essential for meeting the requirements of patients of all backgrounds. Building a connection with my mentor as a nurse is the first development opportunity I have. I need to make an effort to spend more time with my advisor in order to get clarification on the numerous points that need work. Improving the process of conducting and analyzing a psychosocial evaluation and family psychiatric background is one such topic. My expertise in doing psychological evaluations is lacking. Assessing a patient is crucial for making correct diagnosis (Pelin & Ayise, 2019). It would be helpful if I could combine this information with my family’s psychological background as well. Thanks to the data, I’ll be able to make more informed diagnoses of a wider variety of patients. The knowledge I get from my mentor in conducting and analyzing a psychosocial evaluation and family mental history will be invaluable. Second, virtual events like webinars and conferences provide a chance to expand your business. This site is essential for educating nurse practitioners (Pelin & Ayise, 2019). For instance, nursing organizations, prominent medical professionals, and hospitals will address new concerns during webinars and seminars. Webinars will focus on issues including prejudice and the creation of individualized treatment programs for patients.

The third way to develop is through participating in nursing groups. Both the ANA and the NLO are organizations that I would want to become a part of, and I hope to soon. A nurse’s career can only advance with the help of organizations (Wills et al., 2020). Benefits of participation include chances to learn and grow as an individual, make new connections, get financial aid, and further one’s education. As a nurse, for instance, I may expand my knowledge base and access additional professional tools by engaging in networking activities. The provision of mental healthcare to low-income families via volunteer work is the fourth development potential. Volunteering will provide me the chance to interact with a wide range of patients and get insight into the many facets of mental health treatment (Wills et al., 2020). It is my intention to devote some of my free time to volunteering on weekends and on certain weekdays. Examples include the widespread mental health issues, such as depression, among the state’s varied Louisiana population as they prepare for the onslaught of Hurricane Ida. The Covid-19 epidemic has had a negative impact on the state’s economy and the lives of many people. By gathering a group of students and bringing a preceptor to talk about using various screening instruments for mental health disorders, I may learn advanced technological skills. This group’s frequent meetings will help me become more proficient in a wide range of areas (Pelin & Ayise, 2019). I want to improve my knowledge and abilities with the help of Walden Library. To find recent, correct, and evidence-based data, I plan to explore peer-reviewed publications. I’ll be able to better recognize trends in mental healthcare thanks to the reliable data you’ve provided (Percy & Richardson, 2018).


Now, write three to four (3–4) possible goals and objectives for this practicum experience. Ensure that they follow the SMART Strategy, as described in the Learning Resources.

1. Goal: Learn to effectively convey knowledge to patients, relatives, and interdisciplinary groups.

a. Objective: Please make use of a variety of ways to provide information to patients and their loved ones.

b. Objective: Establish open lines of communication to foster productive partnerships with interdisciplinary groups.

c. Objective: Show that you can connect with them via your words and build trusting relationships with them.


2. Goal: Learn how to correctly choose which mental diagnostic screening techniques will be most useful for a certain patient.

a. Objective: Make the using your understanding of nursing to locate and evaluate potential screening methods.

b. Objective: Apply your in-depth knowledge as a nurse to determine the specific signs that indicate a certain mental disorder.

c. Objective: Exhibit expert nursing judgment in selecting and using diagnostic equipment.


3. Goal: Create a proper analysis, differential, treatment, and monitoring strategy.

a. Objective: In order to arrive at a diagnosis, you should use a variety of methods.

b. Objective: Develop a possible diagnosis using your expert nursing judgment.

c. Objective: Make a therapy and monitoring strategy that will work. Master of Science in Nursing Assignment


4. Goal: Gain patients’ confidence by always doing what’s right in terms of the law and professional ethics.

a. Objective: Ensure constant, cordial contact with patients.

b. Objective: Respect the applicable law and ethical guidelines while providing care to patients of diverse backgrounds.

c. Objective: Improve your understanding of cultural differences and shifts by using your nursing expertise.



Signature: Rosine Ngwana


Course/Section: NURS 6645/WINTER 2022



Bennett, L. L. (2017). The Gap Between Nursing Education and Clinical Skills. ABNF Journal28(4).

Durmaz, Y. C., Serin, E. K., & Polat, H. T. (2018). Determination of Problem-Solving and Communication Skills of Nursing/Midwifery Students. International journal of caring sciences11(3).

Pelin, K., & Ayise, K. (2019). Assessment of mentorship applications in nursing clinical education. International Journal of Caring Sciences12(2), 869-876.

Percy, M., & Richardson, C. (2018). Introducing nursing practice to student nurses: How can we promote care compassion and empathy? Nurse education in practice29, 200-205.

Wills, J., Hancock, C., & Nuttall, M. (2020). The health of the nursing workforce. A survey of National Nurse Associations. International Nursing Review67(2), 294-299. Master of Science in Nursing Assignment