hlt54115-diploma of nursing: Practice an awareness of the psychosocial

hlt54115-diploma of nursing: Practice an awareness of the psychosocial


Discussions on understanding of self care, what you find useful in order to care for self, how you identify your own need for self care and support, the benefits of regularly performing self care, understanding of debriefing, how you could encourage colleagues to access support and participate in debriefing, and why professional self reflection as an EEN is imperative in practice. All questions will be marked as satisfactory/not satisfactory. Instruction: Provide a written reflection on the importance of Self care and Debriefing as an EEN


• Discuss your understanding of self care.
• Discuss what you find useful personally in order to care for yourself.
• Discuss how you identify your own need for self care and support.
• Discuss the benefits of regularly performing self care.
• Discuss your understanding of debriefing. hlt54115-diploma of nursing: Practice an awareness of the psychosocial
• Discuss how you could encourage your colleagues to access support and participate in debriefing.
• Discuss why professional self reflection as an EEN is imperative in your practice. What skills and knowledge you need to demonstrate
1.6 Apply in own practice an awareness of the psychosocial impact of palliative care on the person’s family or carer.
3.6 Identify and reflect on any ethical issues or concerns about the person, and discuss with an appropriate person according to organisation procedures.
5.1 Identify own need for self-care and support and implement effective ways to sustain own social and emotional wellbeing.
5.2 Encourage self and colleagues to access support and, where indicated, participate in professional debriefing. hlt54115-diploma of nursing: Practice an awareness of the psychosocial

hlt54115-Diploma of Nursing: Contribution of Pathology in Nursing

hlt54115-Diploma of Nursing: Contribution of Pathology in Nursing





Case Study

Edith, a 77-year-old lady presented to the emergency department (ED) via ambulance after falling in her home. On assessment Edith does not have any fall related injurie other than a minor graze on her left elbow.

Edith appears slightly confused and is asking for Margaret, her daughter. When contacted Margaret attends the ED department and informs staff that Edith’s local doctor recently identified Edith as recently been experiencing dementia, most probably due to Alzheimer’s disease. Margaret states that Edith does not appear more confused than normal. Given this the ED team do not suspect a potential alternative diagnosis of delirium.

Social History

Edith is a widow of five years, lives in her own home with minimal support from Margaret. Edith is relatively independent. She still drives a car, she self-regulates by not driving at night and only driving to her local shops, a friend’s house and her GP when needed. At the shops Edith pays for her groceries with larger notes as she seems unclear of how much to pass to the cashier. She became lost on the way home from the shops last week and was upset as she could not recognise where she was. After an hour she found her way home. Margaret gave her mother a mobile phone for just this type of emergency but Edith cannot understand which buttons to push and finds using the mobile phone frustrating. hlt54115-Diploma of Nursing: Contribution of Pathology in Nursing

Question 1

Edith requires a physical assessment in the ED. Provide evidence based person centred (ie Edith) rationales for each assessment provided below. ECG Respiratory Ax Skin Ax Mini cognitive assessment.


Question 2

Edith has presented with dementia, most likely in the context of Alzheimer’s Disease.

List six 6 signs and symptoms of early Alzheimer’s disease which Edith is experiencing. For each sign and symptom provide detailed data from scenario to support your answer. Provide your answer in a table below. Do not apply your answer to the ED setting.

Six (6) signs and symptoms of early Alzheimer’s Disease Edith is experiencing. Source of each must be cited Evidence/ data from Edith’s history to support presence of the sign and/or symptom.

Question 3

The medical team perform further testing to rule out any potentially reversible cause of Edith’s dementia. Edith undergoes various tests to exclude other possible contributing pathology. The medical team send Edith for a brain perfusion scan, also called a SPECT (single-photon emission computerised topography). These results confirm that a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease is most probably the cause of Edith’s dementia. Why is it important for Edith and her family to have a definitive diagnosis? Use literature to support your discussion. hlt54115-Diploma of Nursing: Contribution of Pathology in Nursing

Question 4

Edith is transferred to the ward. The medical team commence Edith on an initial 4 weeks dose of 5mg BD of Donepezil (TN Aricept) with a view to monitoring Edith for effects and incrementally increasing the dose over time.

Explain to mode of action of Donepezil with respect to the pathophysiology of Alzheimer’s Disease?

Question 5

Alzheimer’s disease is associated with progressive memory loss. Outline why Edith is experiencing progressive memory loss.

Question 6

The following nursing problems are relevant for Edith:

Potential for decreased nutritional status impacting well-being and cognitive state and
Progressive impairment of memory and ability to live in her own home. For each of the above nursing problems and provide five (5) relevant evidence based interventions for Edith that consider the specific clinical progression of Alzheimer’s Disease. Prioritise your interventions from 1(highest priority) to 5 (lower priority) for each problem. Justify your prioritisation with consideration of Edith situation Include evidence based rationales for each intervention explaining why the interventions are specifically relevant for Edith who has Alzheimer’s Disease. Answer may be supplied table format such as the example below.
Problems Write your justification of prioritisation here  
Problem 1


Evidence based Intervention Rationale – supported by literature.
  1. 1.
  2. 2.
  3 3.
  4 4.
  5 5.


  Problem 2 Write your justification of prioritisation here.  
Problem 2 Evidence based Intervention Rationale – supported by literature.
  1. 1.
  2. 2.
  3. 3.
  4. 4.
  5. 5.

Question 7

Edith is still driving a car but admits she occasionally gets lost and is losing confidence. What duty of care do the health care professionals have to Edith with respect to her driving a car now that she has a formal diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease? You may include reference to your State authorities eg. Police or Road authority. hlt54115-Diploma of Nursing: Contribution of Pathology in Nursing

hlt54115-Diploma of Nursing :Aged Patients

hlt54115-Diploma of Nursing :Aged Patients

HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing



Q1. As an EN, you must have the knowledge of the legal framework and ethical concepts to nursing practice,.and apply those knowledge and concepts and perform within the scope of professional nursing practice. Refer tothe relevant legal and regulatory requirements including law, Acts and guidelines, and complete the following  questions.

a. Children and other vulnerable people need special protections in health care. List three (3) Victorian and/or federal specific legislation regarding children and young people.

b. Hundreds of applicants apply to work as nurses, child care educators every day. How does the Victorian State legislation ensure the safety of children and vulnerable populations against applicants with a history of criminal activity or child molestation? hlt54115-Diploma of Nursing :Aged Patients

c. Describe what mandatory reporting is, who is required to report, what they are mandated to report.

d. Name at least three (3) legislation that prescribes mandatory reporting requirements in Victoria or South Australia respectively.


e. As an EN, you have an obligation of mandatory reporting of Child abuse and neglect. Refer to the relevant legislation and complete the following table regarding the legal and ethical considerations relevant to mandatory reporting when you notice any abuse of children in the workplace or clinic.

Q2. Research the Code of Ethics for Nurses in Australia, and in your words, describe how those codes are applied in nursing practice

Q3. a. How does the Mental Health Act of 2014 provide for the development and implementation of codes of practice?
b. List examples of two (2) Victorian and/or commonwealth legislations, and two (2) standards that apply to mental health.
c. Another vulnerable population is older people, particularly if they are in care. Name the Commonwealth Act that describes special obligations and considerations for aged patients . hlt54115-Diploma of Nursing :Aged Patients

hlt54115-Diploma of Nursing: Therapeutic Goods Act

hlt54115-Diploma of Nursing: Therapeutic Goods Act



1.    Relate the role of the NSW Poisons and Therapeutic Goods Act to the safe administration of medication. Include an outline of what the act is designed to do and its impact on the use of medication 2.    Complete the following table describing the drug schedules of the NSW Poisons and Therapeutic Goods Act.


Provide a definition of each drug schedule including the special considerations for storing these drugs.
3.    Identify the schedule of the following medications, outline the correct legal requirements, and the role of the EN in relation to who can administer (second person check)  and the  handling in the work place according the Poisons Standard (the SUSMP)

hlt54115-diploma of nursing: Medical Terminology

hlt54115-diploma of nursing: Medical Terminology

HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing





Task Instructions
To complete Assessment 2, you will be required to read two (2) case studies and respond to a number of medium-response questions. Your responses must be typed into the spaces provided beneath each question, and the whole document must be submitted to the LMS portal as your response to Assessment 2. These questions must be answered in full. When responding to the questions, please pay attention to the entire question being asked, as well as the prescribed word count (if provided). You are required to use the correct medical terminology when answering all questions. Answers requiring references must be provided in alignment with Think Education policy. hlt54115-diploma of nursing: Medical Terminology


Assessment Question

Based on the information received in the case study, you need to consider how best to plan appropriate care for Yu Yan. Using the template, develop a care plan for Yu Yan taking into account the information provided. This requires you to:

• Specify four (4) nursing diagnoses or risk factors associated with the client’s health variations

• Record at least two (2) nursing interventions that could be applied for each diagnosis

• Clarify how your planned intervention reflect the client’s interests and physical, emotional and psychosocial needs

• Note at least one (1) expected outcomes that you would hope for as a result of each intervention. (consider SMART goals when discussing outcomes)  hlt54115-diploma of nursing: Medical Terminology

Nur 3030-management of deteriorating patient: Clinical Features Risk

Nur 3030-management of deteriorating patient: Clinical Features Risk





Case Study

This assessment task allows students to demonstrate theoretical clinical knowledge around nursing assessment, pathophysiology of factors impacting on clinical deterioration, planning of nursing care, nursing and medical management, and evaluation of care. Students are required to answer the case scenario questions provided. Students should attempt all questions in the case study:
Sharon is a 66-year-old, admitted to the medical ward with a diagnosis of Right Pulmonary Embolism She has been commenced on Apixaban 10mg PO BD for 7 days to treat her PE. Nur 3030-management of deteriorating patient: Clinical Features Risk
• History of presenting complaint: increased right sided chest pain and increased shortness of breath for 1 week.
• Past Medical History: Previous Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) & hypertension
• Regular Medications: Micardis
• Nil Known Allergies.


Question 1: Provide a description of the pathophysiology of a pulmonary embolism and in your answer make links to the patient history to highlight relevant risk factors and clinical features.


Question 2: Explain the use of Apixaban in the management of a PE. In your answer include – mechanism of action, indications, side effects and contraindications.
Sharon is resting in bed. You attend to her routine vital signs, which reveal the following:
• Conscious state – Alert
• Temperature: 36.3
• Pulse: 98 bpm and regular
• Blood Pressure: 110/62mmHg
• Respiration: 22 bpm
• SpO2: 91% on room air (Fi02 21%)
• Pain: 3/10
Question 3: Review Sharon’s vital signs above. Using your knowledge of reversible causes of patient deterioration (one of the 4H’s & 4T’s), discuss the following:
• Describe onereversible cause Sharon is experiencing and describe the pathophysiology that occurs which results in patient deterioration.
• Describe the impact of a pulmonary embolism on the Ventilation/Perfusion Ratio and link to the above vital signs.
Question 4: Discuss two prioritiesd nursing assessments that would be prioritised for Sharon’s present deterioration (excluding vital signs). For each nursing assessment, ensure your discussion includes a description of the assessments in the context of Sharon condition and clear rationale as to why these assessments would be priority. Nur 3030-management of deteriorating patient: Clinical Features Risk
Question 5: Discuss two prioritised nursing interventions that you as a Registered Nurse could initiate to manage Sharon’s deterioration. For each intervention, ensure your discussion includes link to evidence-based practice and provides rationale as to how it would improve the physiological outcomes of Sharon’s condition.Nursing interventions would include nursing activities or actions that the nurse could initiate in response to nursing assessment findings. Note: please be aware of the difference between an assessment and an intervention.
Question 6: Describe two relevant nursing evaluations that you would complete in response to the interventions you have just described. For each evaluation, provide a brief rationale as to how these evaluations will assist in preventing the further clinical deterioration of Sharon.  Nur 3030-management of deteriorating patient: Clinical Features Risk

hlt54115-diploma of nursing: Management Plan

hlt54115-diploma of nursing: Management Plan

HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing





Short Answer Case Study

Fei Hong is a 60-year-old Chinese grandmother who speaks little English. She has moved to Australia to help her daughter with her 3-year-old twins. Fei has started to show signs of early dementia and also has a hearing and sight impairment. While trying to help cook dinner for the family, Fei lost her footing and had a fall. She hit her head on the tiles and is found by her daughter unconscious but still breathing. hlt54115-diploma of nursing: Management Plan


Question 1: Given Fei’s daughter has found her unconscious on the floor, discuss the first aid management in this scenario.

Question 2: Fei has arrived at the hospital and the scan shows a bleed in the brain. On return from the scan, Fei becomes unconscious again, this time she has also stopped breathing. Explain the process of the DRSABCD action plan?

Question 3: During the resuscitation, your manager on shift was at a meeting and is unaware of what happened. Are you required to inform them of what has occurred during this time? Explain your answer.

Question 4: This is your first time being involved in a medical emergency and you are feeling quite overwhelmed. Complete the stress management plan in relation to this scenario. ❖ See completed stress management plan

Question 5: While caring for Fei, you need to transfer her from her back to her side. Discuss what steps you would need to take in order to complete this nursing task [Hint: Consider mobility assessment and nursing skills involved].

Question 6: You are unable to find the equipment required to assist Fei. Discuss the process that needs to be taken and what you as an Enrolled Nurse should consider. hlt54115-diploma of nursing: Management Plan

hlt54115-Diploma of Nursing: Case of Mrs. jeeny with Chronic Disease

hlt54115-Diploma of Nursing: Case of Mrs. jeeny with Chronic Disease

HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing





Students are required to choose a patient with Chronic disease from the placement and prepare the case study based the instructions are being provided.


1. Provide an overview of the patient’s condition and outlining the purpose of the paper
2. Describe the pathophysiology of the selected chronic disease.
3. You need to identify all the care priorities of the patient from this scenario and present a comprehensive discussion and justification identifying the first two nursing care priorities within a clinical scenario using the Levitt-Jones’ Clinical Reasoning Cycle. Students are required to provide critical analysis and justification of the care priorities using appropriate literature.
4. Explain how would you plan a health education based on the selected care priorities.
5. Explain the pharmacokinetics of TWO medication that patient takes. hlt54115-Diploma of Nursing: Case of Mrs. jeeny with Chronic Disease



Mrs jeeny is a 70-year old retired woman admitted to the Private hospital diagnosis with Major Depressive Disorder, PTSD and Borderline Personality Disorder. This is Jenny’s sixth admission to the hospital. Current problems are unstable mood, flashback of memories, anxiety and grief. Her parents died in 2019. She is attending Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy. She lives with her husband and her pet Dog. She has 5 children (married live seprately). She has history of self-harm by cut self with box cutter and recently tried self-harm by burning skin or cut skin and skin is healed as dressing is done by GP. She has history of sexual assault 20 years before by his ex-husband and cousin. She is prescribed Panadol Osteo 1-2 tablets 4 hourly (PRN) for knee pain recently, Quetiapine 50mg bd (mane and midday) to reduce 25mg every week then ceased under Dr Peter Thai, Psychiatrist. Jenny is allergic to morphine and side effect is vomiting. You are the Registered Nurse looking after Jenny in the behavioral management ward. She is having ketogenic diet to low the sugar because if sugar level high she got problem of diarrhea. hlt54115-Diploma of Nursing: Case of Mrs. jeeny with Chronic Disease


  • She lost 30,000 on investment(bitcoins)
  • Friend died recently
  • Ongoing grief od parents

hlt54115 diploma of Nursing: Describe the Pathophysiology of Gastro Oesophageal Reflux Disease

hlt54115 diploma of Nursing: Describe the Pathophysiology of Gastro Oesophageal Reflux Disease

HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing





Case Study

A 41-year-old Caucasian female, Sarah has been admitted to have a gastroscopy.  She is having this procedure as part of investigations to determine if she has Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disease (GORD). Sarah’s symptoms include:

  • Upper abdominal discomfort, which is worse at night
  • Nausea
  • Regurgitation of small amounts of food

An examination revealed the following:

  • Body Mass Index (BMI) of 35
  • Blood Glucose Level – 6mmol/L
  • Diet high in fat and sugar, low in fruit and vegetables
  • No exercise each week
  • High alcohol intake

Sarah’s vital signs are:

  • Temperature – 36.3 degrees
  • Pulse – 96
  • Respiration Rate – 24

Blood pressure – 162/88



1. Describe the pathophysiology of Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disease (GORD).

2. Identify four (4) common clinical manifestations of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD).

3. Sarah has tooth decay, due in part from her undiagnosed GORD.  Identify at least two (2) referrals that would be appropriate for her in regards to her tooth decay and a brief description of their role.

4. Sarah is prescribed Omeprazole to help treat her Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disease (GORD).  Describe the action, indication for use and contraindications of Omeprazole

5. Based on the case study, describe two (2) health professionals that you could refer Sarah to assist her with management of the gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD). hlt54115 diploma of Nursing: Describe the Pathophysiology of Gastro Oesophageal Reflux Disease

Hlt54115Diploma of Nursing Simulated Environment

Hlt54115Diploma of Nursing Simulated Environment




You will be observed by your assessor in the workplace or dedicated simulated environment performing a task to the required standard as outlined in the appropriate unit of competency. This may involve the use of a role play or case study to establish the context for assessment and this specific information will be provided by your assessor prior to the assessment taking place.


It is important ensure you read and understand all observable criteria for the associated demonstration including role plays or scenarios on which you will be observed. If any point is unclear please seek clarification from your Assessor. Please ensure you are familiar with the key criteria your assessor will be looking for during the assessment process. Hlt54115Diploma of Nursing Simulated Environment
Assessment OBSERVATION -SCENARIO 1 . . Student Name` Student Number — Student Signature ,, ssessment=Date Assessment Location Assessment Time/ Duration CHCDIVOOI Work with diverse people Your Assessor will present themselves as Kevin in the below scenario: You are working in office and your boss asks you to organise a BBQ for the team. He believes it will increase morale. You send out an email telling the team about the BBQ and let them know you are ordering pork sausages and assorted sandwiches. You ask if anyone has any food intolerances. One member of your team is Kevin and he is Muslim. He advises that he doesn’t eat pork and hoped you might be able to get chicken or beef sausages. The BBQ begins and there are only pork sausages on the BBQ and the assorted sandwiches are all mixed. He can’t eat anything. During the activity, did the student satisfactorily demonstrate required skills though completion of the required task’s? Observable Task Assessment criteria MR FER

1. Responds appropriately Establishes supportive and safe environment Values and respects diversity Adjusts communication style to meet the individuals needs Used effective language skills to respond

2. Provides appropriate solution/resolution Empathises to Kevin’s situation Recognise how communication has broken down Provides an acceptable resolution

3. List 2 possible reasons that this situation may have occurred. Hlt54115Diploma of Nursing Simulated Environment