Nursing Statistics Assignment

Nursing Statistics Assignment


Write a 500-word reflection discussing your responses to the two Discussion questions below , how will understanding the statistics prepare you for reading research articles or prepare you for clinical settings. Support your ideas with at least one (1) source in your essay. Make sure to reference the citations using the APA writing style for the essay. The cover page and reference page do not count towards the minimum word amount. Review the rubric criteria for this assignment. Nursing Statistics Assignment


Discussion Question:1

Watch the two YouTube videos from Khan Academy focus on t-Tests and their importance in understanding variables related to the social sciences. After watching the videos, identify a clinical situation where a t-Test would be helpful in understanding a patient care situation (a hint: if you go to Exercise 16 & 17 in your readings, actual research studies are presented.)

DQ1 CLO – 3, 4
DQ1 PLG – 1, 2
DQ1 UMBO – 4


Discussion Question:2

After watching the video from Khan Academy on ANOVA and its importance in understanding variables related to the social sciences. After watching the video, identify a clinical situation where an ANOVA would be helpful in understanding a patient care situation (a hint: if you go to Exercise 18 in your readings, actual research studies are presented.) Nursing Statistics Assignment

DQ2 CLO – 3, 4
DQ2 PLG – 1, 2
DQ2 UMBO – 4

Morbid Obesity Assignment

Morbid Obesity Assignment


In this video a 12 year old girl, Briana, is struggling with morbid obesity. She weighs over 300 pounds. She has been told that being this overweight will affect her health. She also feels very self-conscious about her weight and is bullied by her classmates. Briana’s parents express concern about her health as well. When her mother is interviewed about what food she serves the family she appears to be very interested in making any necessary changes. A trip to the market to find out what she purchases for family meals reveals that she does not seem to know what would be best to prepare for Briana so she can lose weight. Briana’s mother appears to be “stuck” on buying what she thinks are healthy foods which includes canned vegetables and very little fresh fruit and vegetables.


Here is the link to the video, “A 12 Year Old’s Struggle with Morbid Obesity

Describe how Briana’s mother should change meal preparations to be healthier. Describe strategies that might engage Briana in the process of preparing the meals. Morbid Obesity Assignment

NR452 CAPSTONE COURSE Capstone Evidence-based Paper: Effect of Postpartum Depression in Women

NR452 CAPSTONE COURSE Capstone Evidence-based Paper: Effect of Postpartum Depression in Women

NR452 CAPSTONE COURSE Capstone Evidence-based Paper Guidelines

In this final assignment of the Capstone course, the student will use skills of inquiry gained in the
baccalaureate nursing program to identify a clinical issue upon which nurses have the ability to resolve or
have a positive impact. With a focus on the diversity of the individual as well as the variation of cultural
values of a particular population, the student will develop a plan for addressing the clinical issue. With the
incorporation of other disciplines from the health care team the student will describe the role the nurse
has in the implementation of an ethically sound plan. NR452 CAPSTONE COURSE Capstone Evidence-based Paper: Effect of Postpartum Depression in Women



This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes.
 CO # 1: Synthesize knowledge from sciences, humanities, and nursing in managing the
needs of humans as consumers of healthcare in a patient-centered environment. (PO#1)
 CO # 2: Integrate communication and relationship skills in teamwork and collaboration
functioning effectively with health team members and consumers of care. (PO#3)
 CO # 3: Utilize information technology to manage knowledge, mitigate error, and support
decision making with health team members and consumers of care. (PO# 8)
 CO # 4 Integrate critical thinking, clinical reasoning skills, best current evidence, clinical
expertise, and patient/family preferences/values in the implementation of the nursing
process. (PO# 4)
 CO # 5: Explore the impact of professional standards, legislative issues, ethical principles,
and values on professional nursing, using data to monitor outcomes and improve quality
and safety. (PO# 5, 6)
Unless otherwise instructed by the faculty, this assignment is due to be submitted in the course drop box no
later the 12 am (midnight) on the Sunday at the end of Unit 6. The College’s Late Assignment Policy applies to
this activity.
200 points

NOTE: See the detailed Grading Rubric starting on page 6 of the PDF file in Unit 1 under Assignments for the RUA 2.  Please use headers and sub-headers, use topic sentences, double check spelling and APA format, and grade your own paper first according to the rubric before turning it in. NR452 CAPSTONE COURSE Capstone Evidence-based Paper: Effect of Postpartum Depression in Women


See description

Clinical Issue

-NCLEX category – detailed description of relationship between ONE NCLEX category and patient population.

(reference to NCLEX-RN blueprint on the website will count as one scholarly source)


– Describe the importance of the clinical issue to the health of the patient population.

– Include the potential negative effect of leaving the clinical issue unresolved for:

-the patient population

-the healthcare system

-other identifiable considerations

Patient Population

-Expand on the description of the human condition found within the patient population.

-Summarize the diversity of the patient population

-ALSO specifically describe/identify the influence that cultural values may have on the plan.

Proposed Solution

-Propose a clear solution to the clinical problem that is supported by a minimum of three scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles.

-ALSO expand on the ethical considerations in developing the plan for addressing the issue affecting the patient population.


-Discuss the plan that could be implemented by a nurse to address the clinical issue.

-One short term goal and one long term goal of the intervention will be identified – include a description of how attainment of the goals will be measured.

Short term goal (SMART goal format) Description of how attainment of the goal will be measured.
Long term goal (SMART goal format) Description of how attainment of the goal will be measured.



-Identify 2 potential barriers to the success of the plan as well as a strategy for addressing each one.

Two potential barriers to the success of resolving or preventing the clinical issue (the plan) A strategy for addressing each barrier
Potential Barrier #1 Strategy for barrier #1
Potential Barriers #2 Strategy for barrier #2



-Describe a minimum of one benefit to the patient population and one benefit to the nursing profession which will result from carrying out the plan (preventing or resolving the clinical issue).

One benefit to the patient population which will result from carrying out the plan (preventing or resolving the clinical issue) One benefit to the nursing profession which will result from carrying out the plan (preventing or resolving the clinical issue)
(minimum of 1 scholarly, peer-reviewed journal article for this) 





Participants and Interdisciplinary Approach

-Identifying all the parties whose participation is important for success of implementing the plan.  The list will include a minimum of two members of disciplines outside of nursing.  Include a description of the benefit of including each member of the team to the success of the plan. A minimum of one scholarly, peer-reviewed source providing support for the success of the plan by including the healthcare team member outside of nursing.

Participants in the Plan 




(some examples might be…)

Description of the benefit of including each team member to the success of the plan. (minimum of one scholarly, peer-reviewed source providing support for the success of the plan for someone outside of nursing)
Physician/Nurse Practitioner/Physician Assistant
Physical Therapist
Respiratory Therapist
Occupational Therapist
Speech Therapist
Social Worker
Homecare Nurse
Nursing Assistant/Patient Care Technician
Case Manager



-A thorough recap of the purpose of the plan to prevent or help the clinical issue.

-A complete statement describing why addressing this clinical problem matters and to whom.


Minimum of 6 SCHOLARLY, PEER-REVIEWED Articles.  You can have more than 6 if you have some which might not be considered peer-reviewed but are quality sources.


• When selecting a clinical issue to be addressed in the assignment, the student is expected to
draw from one of the four main categories of the NCLEX-RN examination blueprint: 
of a safe and effective care environment, health promotion and maintenance of health, the
preservation of the patient’s psychosocial integrity and physiological integrity
NR452 Evidence-based Project Guidelines V3.docx Revised March 2018 ew 2
• Length of paper 8-10 pages excluding the title page and the reference page.
• The sources cited both in text and on the reference page for this assignment will be formatted
according APA 6
th edition guidelines.
• A minimum of six (6) peer-reviewed scholarly sources are required in support of the Evidence-based
Capstone Evidence-based Paper.
• This assignment will be graded using the Capstone Evidence- based Paper Rubric available in Unit 6
of the course.

The student will be required to:
 Produce an 8-10 page evidence-based paper addressing a significant clinical issue
 Identify and explore a solution to a clinical issue
 Gather additional background information on:
the clinical issue
the patient population
 Develop a plan that could be carried out by a nurse to resolve the clinical issue.
 Reflect on the knowledge and experience gained in the nursing program
 Draw from one of the four main categories of the NCLEX-RN examination blueprint
assurance of a safe and effective care environment,
health promotion and maintenance of health,
preservation of the patient’s psychosocial
preservation of the patient’s physiological integrity
With the exception of the Introduction, each criterion listed below will serve as the major headings of this
assignment due in Unit Six and will include the following:
 Title Page: (APA 6th edition formatting)
 Introduction:
 Offers a detailed description of the statement of purpose for the paper.
 Identifies a clinical issue or problem drawn from one of the four main categories of the NCLEX-RN
examination blueprint:
Assurance of a safe and effective care environment
Health promotion and maintenance of health
Preservation of the patient population’s psychosocial integrity
Preservation of the patient population ’s physiological integrity
 In this paper the student will provide a detailed description of the relationship between the category
from the NCLEX-RN examination blueprint and the clinical issue.
 The reference to the NCLEX-RN examination blueprint found at the National Council of State Boards of
Nursing website constitutes 
one scholarly reference.
 Importance: The student will describe the importance of the clinical issue to the health of a patient
population. This discussion will include the potential negative effect of leaving the clinical issue

NR452 Evidence-based Project Guidelines V3.docx Revised March 2018 ew 3
 Patient Population: The student will describe the patient population that is impacted by the clinical
issue. With a focus on the diversity of the human condition found within this patient population, the
student will describe the influence that cultural values may have on the proposed solution.
 Proposed Solution: The student will set the stage for proposing the best solution to the clinical problem
by using appropriate evidence-based data and integrating data from peer-reviewed journal articles. In
this paper, the student will:

i. Propose a clear solution to the clinical problem that is supported by a minimum of
three scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles.
Expand on the ethical considerations when developing the plan.

 Goals: While the intervention will not actually be carried out, the student will discuss the plan that could
be implemented by a nurse to address the clinical issue. One short-term and one long-term goal of the
intervention will be identified. The student will include a description of how attainment of each of the
goals would be measured.
 Barriers: The student will identify a minimum of two potential barriers to the success of the plan as well
as a strategy for addressing each one.
 Benefits: The student will describe a minimum of one benefit to the patient population and one benefit
to the nursing profession that will result from carrying out the plan. Provides a minimum of 
scholarly, peer-reviewed source 
in support of the benefit of the plan to the patient population.
 Participants and Interdisciplinary Approach: The student will identify all of the parties whose
participation is important for the success of implementing the plan.
i. This list will include a minimum of two members of disciplines outside of nursing.
ii. A description of the benefit of including each member from another discipline to the success
of the plan.
iii. A minimum of 
one scholarly, peer-reviewed source providing support for the success of the
plan by including the healthcare team member outside of nursing.
• Conclusion:
i. Provides a thorough recap of the purpose of the plan to prevent or help to resolve the clinical
ii. Includes a complete statement describing why addressing this clinical problem matters and to
• Reference Page: (APA 6
th edition formatting)




Effect of Postpartum Depression in Women Completed Sample 

Chamberlain College of Nursing

NR 452: Capstone

March 2019



Postpartum depression is a condition that occurs after birth. The birth of a newborn can trigger several emotions such as excitement, joy, fear, and anxiety. These mixed feelings can lead to depression. It is a serious complication in healthcare that goes under diagnose, and it is relevant to know that women may have various changes mentally, which affect the overall health and proper care of the infants and plays a significant risk for new mothers.

Clinical Issue

The purpose of this paper is to identify ways of improving the maternal-infant relationship for women with postpartum depression. Bringing to knowledge the importance of diagnosing postpartum early, educating women on how to identify the symptoms of postpartum and different ways to seek help. One of the four main categories of the NCLEX-RN examination blueprint of 2016 is psychosocial integrity in which the nurse provides nursing care,  that helps to promote, support mental, social and emotional stage of the clients. The clinical issues for postpartum depression need to be addressed during pregnancy and post pregnancy to assess the mental health of women.


The prevalence of postpartum depression is estimated to be between twelve percent and eighteen percent of new mother ( Lindensmith, 2018). The clinical problem will be underdiagnosed of postpartum in healthcare, and it is one of the neglected aspects of women’s healthcare. It is important to know that one out of eight women will experience symptoms of postpartum depression within two weeks after delivery and it can last up to a year. Which means that about four million birth that occurs yearly in the United State of America and this equals six hundred thousand postpartum diagnoses ( Madlala and Kassier, 2017).

The potential negative effect of leaving postpartum depression issue unresolved can lead to a mother and infant relationship to be strained, the woman will be less able to respond to the baby’s needs. Evidence-based research showed that postpartum depression mothers are inadequate caregivers due to the lack of mother and infant interaction ( Madlala and Kassier, 2017).  The more advanced the postpartum is left unattended to, can lead to underdevelopment of an infant. It is important for a new mother to have full attention towards the newborn, especially after birth because the first year of life is a critical stage, it is where the infant cognitive is developed. If the mother is not diagnosed in the early stage of postpartum, it can lead to the infant which has limited social, language and behavioral development in the future. Postpartum depression can lead to poor hygiene to both the mother and the infant, breastfeeding issues or early cessation which can lead to poor infant growth.

The fact that postpartum depression as long been known as an illness that affects women after delivery and confirmed by experts that, it is poorly diagnosed by physicians, unfortunately, postpartum depression is undertreated every day in our society today. Lack of treatment of postpartum depression is most likely to cause long-term effects on the infants.

There have been some programs or screening developed for postpartum depression mothers during pregnancy, post-pregnancy and in a neonatal intensive care unit, which involves pharmacological interventions, education, coaching, and family involvement (Angarath et al., 2016).

Patient Population

The difficulties and complications related to underdiagnosed postpartum depression play a huge problem in healthcare. The patient population that is affected the most with postpartum depression are women. The main purpose will be to focus specifically more on women that are of childbearing age.

It is imperative to bring an awareness to the fact that postpartum depression can affect people from all ethnicity, race, cultures, economic or educational background and that postpartum depression is a global problem that needs to be addressed aggressively.

Research has shown that cultural factors play a great huge role in triggering postpartum depression and at the same time can help to alleviate some depression symptoms. The influence the cultural value has played in postpartum depression, to be specific African women and little awareness that is brought to the community due to lack of knowledge. The research shows that the risk for African women in developing postpartum is high,  and the surprising aspect of the whole condition is how a  low number of African women seeks for help or her treated for this condition.

Proposed Solution

Solution to the clinical problem of postpartum depression will be recommending a universal screening tool like Edinburgh postnatal depression screen, which is highly recommended by the postpartum support international. The postpartum support international team should be, but not limited to midwifery, primary doctor, obstetrician-gynecologist, the pediatric and social worker.   Edinburg postnatal depression screen is a questionnaire that is developed in helping to identify some symptoms of postpartum depression as soon as possible, just to be clear (EPDS) is not a diagnostic tool, but rather a screening tool. The benefit of this screening tool is that there are self-administered, easy to complete, and there are translated into different languages. The Edinburgh postnatal depression screen main focused is on the anxiety component, depression symptoms and suicidal thoughts (Bruno et al., 2016). NR452 CAPSTONE COURSE Capstone Evidence-based Paper: Effect of Postpartum Depression in Women

The next clinical solution will be the patient health questionnaire, this screening needs to be used for all patients in the postnatal population. The aim to be able to screen and diagnosed postpartum depression early and the best part is that there is no fee involved in the screening, it is also a self-administered tool, with different languages and it is easy to complete. The difference between Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale and the Patient Health Questionnaire is, Patient Health Questionnaire Survey does not include the anxiety component but includes suicidal ideation. The implementation of this tool will help to diagnose depression symptoms and the severity of the condition ( Lindensmith, 2018).

The next clinical solution aim towards telemedicine. The idea behind this proposal was to see how effective postpartum interventions will be through telemedicine. The process involves using a different delivery method like the traditional telephone call, smartphone application, secure video,  email. The study showed the effectiveness of using telemedicine because they had a goal of reaching out to women and delivery care in the comfort of their own home, those that do not have a way of transportation and  daycare can still reach out for help through telemedicine, another priority will be those that do not want to seen in the physician office for treatment of postpartum can also access treatment and helps to break down barriers to traditional intervention for postpartum depression (Nair et al., 2016).

The ethical considerations in developing the plan for addressing the issue affecting patient population will be developing a plan in which the patient does not feel vulnerable because of the stigma behind postpartum depression. Making sure that the patient is completely involved in her care and respecting the privacy of the patients.



The nurse should formulate the plan in screening for postpartum depression with every pregnant woman that comes in for a check-up. Start by getting the patient to involve in the care, proposing a multidisciplinary checklist questionnaire that reminds the healthcare team members to follow with every patient. The nurse needs to create a short-term goal and a long-term goal.

Short term goal (SMART goal format) Description of how attainment of the goal will be measured.
The short-term goal will be the reduction of unidentified Postpartum depression by using the checklist for two months on all patients. The nurse will create a mandatory meeting for all the healthcare team members to attend, by using the checklist created to train the staff members the importance of early screening of postpartum depression with every Patient, ask some questions to identify the weaknesses in the team members and those that will need extra one on one training.  The knowledge of each individual team member will need to be evaluated weekly and staff meeting will need to be held every month for the duration of two months to reassess staff member compliance and understanding.
Long-term goal (SMART goal format) Description of how attainment of the goal will be measured.
The long-term goal involves adopting the checklist used the short-term goal for one year by all healthcare team members in the clinic with every patient. To attain the long-term goal, the nurse will continue with the implementation that was used in the short-term by continuing with the mandatory monthly meeting, using PowerPoints for visual effects. Quizzing the team members to determine their understanding and abiding by the new protocol. The nurse will determine the effectiveness of the plan, by gathering all the data collected from the checklist and presenting the statistic improvement during the monthly meeting to determine if the yearly goal has been met.



Two potential barriers to the success of resolving or preventing the clinical issue (the plan) A strategy for addressing each barrier
Potential Barrier #1: a Potential barrier to the new plan, will be no receptiveness of the team members or unwilling to change Strategy for barrier #1: The nurse will need to assess the reason why the lack of enthusiasm to change in the office and present to the staff members the good behind implementing the change with the help of evidence base and visual aid.
Potential Barriers #2: Lack of parity of insurance coverage  for mental health Strategy for barrier #2: Most people know that postpartum depression occurs all the time, but the coverage of mental health is still a battle with the insurance company. During this research, I found out that insurance company is not required to have coverage for mental health and that is a huge problem because most people cannot afford to pay out of pocket for doctor’s visit and thus making treatment for a mental health screening to be very expensive.



One benefit to the patient population which will result from carrying out the plan (preventing or resolving the clinical issue) One benefit to the nursing profession which will result from carrying out the plan (preventing or resolving the clinical issue)
One benefit to the patient population from carrying out the plan will be the reduction of underdiagnose postpartum depression by implementing telemedicine interventions, which gives the patient control over the healthcare and having the convenience by receiving healthcare in the comfort of your home. Create privacy, gives more time to spend and bond with the family and avoiding the headache of transportation or maybe traffic (Nair et al., 2016). 



One benefit to the nursing profession which results from carrying the plan,  involve noting the effectiveness and improvement of the clients in two to twelve months, span.  If the team member follows the plan has created. That will give a boost of confidence within the team members because there are taking good care of the patients and noticing a physical and mental change.


Participants and Interdisciplinary Approach

To have a successful care for the patient, the multidisciplinary team must communicate together for the benefit of the patient.

Participants in the Plan 




(some examples might be…)

Description of the benefit of including each team member to the success of the plan. (minimum of one scholarly, peer-reviewed source providing support for the success of the plan for someone outside of nursing)
Patient The benefit of including the patient in her care will reduce patient anxiety, create trust between the patient and the provider, increases patient satisfaction and helps to improve outcome.
Nursing The benefit of the nurse being involved in the patient care will be providing care that is respectful to the patient and being the voice for the patient and helping the patient to make the right decision for her.
Physician/Nurse Practitioner/Physician Assistant/psychologist The benefit of the provider being involved in patient care will improve the patient to client relationship. The provider has to listen actively to patient concerns, spend as much time with the patient during care and explains medical plans in the patient understanding.
Social Worker Social worker plays a huge role in the care of the patient, helps the patient and family member to understand the condition and how to come to terms with the diagnosis. They provide decisions to the patient and counseling for the patient. The social worker also helps the team member recognize the emotional stage in which the patient is in.
Housekeeping Getting a housekeeper during the postpartum depression stage will help the mother to focus more on taking care of herself and the infant, instead of worrying about cleaning the house.
Other: Family Member The family member like the spouse, extended family, and even close friends can be a huge help to the mother by taking care of the infant when the mother is going through postpartum depression. Though this does not directly improve the mother to infant bonding, it will help with the development of the infant, when the father of the infant and grandparents, holds, hugs and interact with the baby (Lindensmith, 2018). NR452 CAPSTONE COURSE Capstone Evidence-based Paper: Effect of Postpartum Depression in Women



The clinical issues to prevent will be underdiagnosed of postpartum depression in healthcare in general. The purpose of this plan to bring awareness to postpartum depression among the multidisciplinary members and the insurance company,  that postpartum depression does exist,  and the issue needs to be addressed aggressively because women are afraid of the stigma and in turns do not seek treatment. It is important to address that postpartum depression can affect one out of eight women within two weeks of delivery and educate on signs and symptoms.


Angarath I. Van Der Zee-Van Den Berg, Boere-Boonekamp, M. M., Ijzerman, M. J., Haasnoot-Smallegange, R. M., & Reijneveld, S. A. (2016). Screening for Postpartum Depression in Well-Baby Care Settings: A Systematic Review. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 21(1), 9-20. doi:10.1007/s10995-016-2088-8

Bruno, A., Laganà, A. S., Leonardi, V., Greco, D., Merlino, M., Vitale, S. G., . . . Muscatello, M. R. (2017). Inside–out: The role of anger experience and expression in the development of postpartum mood disorders. The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine, 31(22), 3033-3038. doi:10.1080/14767058.2017.1362554

Lindensmith, R. (2018). Interventions to Improve Maternal-Infant Relationships in Mothers with Postpartum Mood Disorders. MCN, The American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing, 43(6), 334-340. doi:10.1097/nmc.0000000000000471

Madlala, S., & Kassier, S. (2017). Antenatal and postpartum depression: Effects on infant and young child health and feeding practices. South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 31(1), 1-7. doi:10.1080/16070658.2017.1333753

National Council of State Boards of Nursing (2013). NCLEX-RN test plan.

Nair, U., Armfield, N. R., Chatfield, M. D., & Edirippulige, S. (2018). The effectiveness of telemedicine interventions to address maternal depression: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare, 24(10), 639-650. doi:10.1177/1357633×18794332



NR452 Evidence-based Project Guidelines V3.docx Revised March 2018 ew 4


Points % Description
Introduction 20 10%  Introduces a clinical problem drawn from one of the four main
categories of the NCLEX-RN examination blueprint:
 Assurance of a safe and effective care environment.
 Health promotion and maintenance of health.
 Preservation of the patient’s psychosocial integrity.
 Preservation of the patient’s physiological integrity.
 This reference appropriately cites the NCLEX-RN
examination blueprint found at the National Council of
State Boards of Nursing website and constitutes 
scholarly reference.
Importance 20 10%  Describes the importance of the clinical problem to the health
of the patient population.
 Includes the potential negative effect of leaving the clinical
issue unresolved.
20 10%  Summarizes the diversity of the human condition found
within the patient population.
 Identifies the influence that cultural values may have on the
plan for addressing the clinical issue.
20 10%  Proposes a clear solution to the clinical problem that is
supported by a minimum of 
three scholarly, peer-reviewed
 Expands on the ethical considerations in developing the plan
for addressing the issue affecting patient population.
Goals 20 10%  Develops a minimum of one short-term goal.
 Develops a minimum of one long-term goal.
 Includes the ways in which attainment of each of the goals
will to be measured.
Barriers 20 10%  Identifies a minimum of two anticipated barriers to the
success of preventing or resolving the clinical issue.
 Describes at least one strategy for addressing each
anticipated barrier.
Benefits 20 10%  Describes a minimum of one benefit to the patient
population and one benefit to the nursing profession that
will result from preventing or resolving the clinical issue.
 Provides a minimum of one scholarly, peer-reviewed source
in support of the benefit of the plan to the patient
Participants and
20 10%  Identifies all of the parties who will be involved in the
implementation of the clinical project.
 This list includes a minimum of two members of a discipline
outside of nursing.

NR452 Evidence-based Project Guidelines V3.docx Revised March 2018 ew 5

 Includes the benefit of including each member from another
discipline to the success of the project.
 Provides a minimum of one scholarly, peer-reviewed source
in support of the success of the plan by including the
healthcare team member outside of nursing.
Conclusion 20 10%  Provides a thorough recap of the purpose of the plan to
prevent or help to resolve the clinical issue.
 Includes a complete statement describing why addressing
the clinical problem matters and to whom
APA 6th edition
Grammar and
20 10%  Uses clear and correct grammar.
 Uses proper sentence structure and flow.
 Adheres to all APA 6th edition formatting guidelines for title
page, margins, and in-text citations.
Total Points = 200 Points Earned = _____

NR452 Evidence-based Project Guidelines.docx Revised March 2018 SME-EP/ CIS-LS 6

Outstanding or Highest
Level of Performance
A (92–100%)
Very Good or High Level of
B (84–91%)
Competent or Satisfactory
Level of Performance
C (76–83%)
Poor, Failing or
Unsatisfactory Level of
F (0–75%)
(20 points)
Completely sets the stage for
selecting the clinical issue in
terms of the impact on the
health of a patient population.
Offers a detailed description of
the statement of purpose for
the paper while introducing a
clinical problem drawn from
one of the four main categories
of the NCLEX-RN examination
blueprint which is
appropriately cited.
19-20 points
Partially sets the stage for
selecting the clinical issue in
terms of the impact on the
health of a patient population.
Identifies most but not all of
the details describing the
statement of purpose for the
paper while introducing a
clinical problem drawn from
one of the four main
categories of the NCLEX-RN
examination blueprint which is
appropriately cited.
17-18 points
Minimally addresses the
clinical issue in terms of the
impact on the health of a
patient population. Describes
in general terms the statement
of purpose for the paper but
does not introduce a clinical
problem drawn from one of
the four main categories of the
NCLEX-RN examination
16 points
Provides a description of the
purpose of the paper but does
not address the clinical issue in
terms of the impact on the
health of a patient population.
Does not introduce a clinical
problem drawn from one of
the four main categories of the
NCLEX-RN examination
0-15 points
(20 points)
Completely describes the
importance of the clinical
problem to the health of the
patient population and
includes the potential negative
effect of leaving the clinical
issue unresolved.
19-20 points
Partially describes the
importance of the clinical
problem to the health of the
patient population with partial
inclusion of the potential
negative effect of leaving the
clinical issue unresolved.
17-18 points
Minimally describes the
importance of the clinical
problem to the health of the
patient population with
minimal inclusion of the
potential negative effect of
leaving the clinical issue
16 points
Provides minimal or no
description of the importance
of the clinical problem to the
health of the patient
population and/or the
potential negative effect of
leaving the clinical issue
0-15 points

NR452 Evidence-based Project Guidelines.docx Revised March 2018 SME-EP/ CIS-LS 7

Patient Population
(20 points)
Clearly summarizes the
diversity of the human
condition found within the
patient population. Completely
identifies the influence that
cultural values may have on
the plan for addressing the
clinical issue in the patient
population. Provides an
expanded view of the ethical
considerations of the patient
19-20 points
Partially summarizes the
diversity of the human
condition found within the
patient population. Provides
limited identification of the
influence that cultural values
may have on the plan for
addressing the clinical issue in
the patient population.
Presents an incomplete view of
the ethical considerations of
the patient population.
17-18 points
Minimally summarizes the
diversity of the human
condition found within the
patient population. Provides
marginal identification of the
influence that cultural values
may have on the plan for
addressing the clinical issue in
the patient population.
Presents an inadequate view of
the ethical considerations of
the patient population.
16 points
Summary of the diversity of
the human condition found
within the patient population
missing. Identification of the
influence that cultural values
may have on the plan for
addressing the clinical issue in
the patient population
Identification of patient
population missing completely
or lacking in description.
0-15 points
Proposed Solution
(20 points)
Proposes a clear solution to
the clinical problem that
encompasses pertinent ethical
considerations in the
development of the plan.
Appropriately supported by a
minimum of three scholarly,
peer-reviewed journal articles.
19-20 points
Proposes a solution to the
clinical problem that provides
minimal reference to the
ethical considerations of
developing the plan.
Appropriately supported by
two scholarly, peer-reviewed
journal articles.
17-18 points
Attempts to propose a solution
to the clinical problem that
does not provide reference to
the ethical considerations of
developing the plan.
Appropriately supported by
one scholarly, peer-reviewed
journal article.
16 points
Makes reference to a solution
to the clinical problem without
reference to the ethical
considerations of developing
the plan and is not
appropriately supported by
scholarly, peer-reviewed
journal articles.
0-15 points
(20 points)
Develops one or more short
term goal and one or more
long-term goal. Includes a
complete description of the
ways in which attainment of
each of the goals will be
19-20 points
Provides a partial description
of one short-term goal and one
long-term goal. Includes a
partial description of the ways
in which attainment of each of
the goals will be measured.
17-18 points
Provides a minimal description
of one short-term goal and one
long-term goal. Includes a
limited description of the ways
in which attainment of each of
the goals will be measured.
16 points
Makes reference to a short
term goal and at least one
long-term goal but neglects to
provide a description of the
ways in which attainment of
each of the goals will be
0-15 points

NR452 Evidence-based Project Guidelines.docx Revised March 2018 SME-EP/ CIS-LS 8

(20 points)
Completely describes
minimum of two anticipated
barriers to the success of the
implementation of the clinical
project and plans for
addressing them.
19-20 points
Partially describes one
anticipated barrier to the
success of the implementation
of the clinical project and plans
for addressing same.
17-18 points NR452 CAPSTONE COURSE Capstone Evidence-based Paper: Effect of Postpartum Depression in Women
Provides a minimal description
of anticipated barriers to the
success of the implementation
of the clinical project and
minimal or missing plans for
addressing them.
16 points
Little or no reference to the
anticipated barriers to the
success of the implementation
of the clinical project and plans
for addressing them.
0-15 points
(20 points)
Provides a thorough
description of a minimum of
one benefit to the patient
population and one or more
benefit to the nursing
profession that will result from
carrying out the clinical
project. Provides one or more
scholarly, peer-reviewed
source in support of the
benefit of the plan to the
patient population.
19-20 points
Provides a partial overview of
one benefit to the patient
population and one benefit to
the nursing profession that will
result from carrying out the
clinical project. Provides one
scholarly, peer-reviewed
source in support of the
benefit of the plan to the
patient population.
17-18 points
Provides a minimal overview of
benefit to the patient
population and benefit to the
nursing profession that will
result from carrying out the
clinical project. Provides one
reference for support of the
benefit of the plan to the
patient population.
16 points
Fails to provide an overview of
benefit to the patient
population and to the nursing
profession that will result from
carrying out the clinical
project. Does not provide a
reference in support of the
benefit of the plan to the
patient population.
0-15 points

NR452 Evidence-based Project Guidelines.docx Revised March 2018 SME-EP/ CIS-LS 9

Participants and
(20 points)
Provides complete details
identifying all of the parties
who will be involved in the
implementation of the clinical
project. This list includes two
or more members of a
discipline outside of nursing.
Provides a complete
description of the benefit of
including each member from a
discipline outside of nursing to
the success of the project.
Provides a one or more
scholarly, peer-reviewed
source in support of the
success of the plan by
including the healthcare team
member outside of nursing.
19-20 points
Provides partial details
identifying all of the parties
who will be involved in the
implementation of the clinical
project. This list includes at
least one member of a
discipline outside of nursing.
Provides a partial description
of the benefit of including each
member from a discipline
outside of nursing to the
success of the project.
Provides a minimum of one
scholarly, peer-reviewed
source in support of the
success of the plan by
including the healthcare team
member outside of nursing.
17-18 points
Minimally details the parties
who will be involved in the
implementation of the clinical
project. May or may not
include a member of a
discipline outside of nursing.
Provides a minimal description
of the benefit of including each
member from a discipline
outside of nursing to the
success of the project.
Provides one reference in
support of the success of the
plan by including the
healthcare team member
outside of nursing.
16 points
Minimal or missing details of
the parties who will be
involved in the implementation
of the clinical project. Does not
include a member of a
discipline outside of nursing.
Missing a description of the
benefit of including members
from a discipline outside of
nursing to the success of the
project. Does not provide a
reference in support of the
success of the plan by
including the healthcare team
member outside of nursing.
0-15 points
(20 points)
Provides a thorough recap of
the purpose of the plan to
prevent or help to resolve the
clinical issue including a
complete statement describing
why addressing this clinical
problem matters and to whom.
19-20 points
Provides a partial recap of the
purpose of plan to prevent or
help to resolve the clinical
issue including a partial
statement describing why
addressing this clinical problem
matters and to whom.
17-18 points
Partially provides a minimal
recap of the plan to prevent or
help to resolve the clinical
issue including a minimal
statement describing why
addressing this clinical problem
matters and to whom.
16 points
Minimal or missing recap of the
plan to prevent or help to
resolve the clinical issue lacking
a statement describing why
addressing this clinical problem
matters and to whom.
0-15 points

NR452 Evidence-based Project Guidelines.docx Revised March 2018 SME-EP/ CIS-LS 10

APA 6th edition
Format, Grammar
and Punctuation
(20 points)
APA 6th edition format is used
accurately and consistently in
the paper, on the title page, in
text citations, and/or the
Reference page. No errors in
grammar or punctuation.
19-20 points
APA 6th edition formatting is
used with1-2 errors, on the
title page, in-text citations,
and/or the Reference page.
Less than 2 errors in grammar
or punctuation.
17-18 points
No more than 3-5 errors in
th edition formatting in
the paper, on the title page, in
text citations, and the
Reference page. No more than
3-5 errors in grammar or
16 points
More than 5 errors in APA 6th
edition formatting in the
paper, on the title page, in-text
citations, and/or the Reference
page. More than 5 errors in
grammar or punctuation.
0-15 points
Total Points Possible = 200 points

Week 6: Discussion: Treatment Of Psychiatric Emergencies In Children Versus Adults

Week 6: Discussion: Treatment Of Psychiatric Emergencies In Children Versus Adults

Post answers to the three questions below:
1. Briefly describe the case you selected (make up one).
2. Explain how you would treat the client differently if he or she were a child or adolescent.
3. Explain any legal or ethical issues you would have to consider when working with a child or adolescent emergency case
Discussion: Treatment of Psychiatric Emergencies in Children versus Adults


In this week’s Discussion, you compare treatment of adult psychiatric emergency clients to child or adolescent psychiatric emergency clients.
Post answers to the three questions below:
1. Briefly describe the case you selected (make up one).
2. Explain how you would treat the client differently if he or she were a child or adolescent.
3. Explain any legal or ethical issues you would have to consider when working with a child or adolescent emergency case. Week 6: Discussion: Treatment Of Psychiatric Emergencies In Children Versus Adults
References (also outside references welcomed)
Sadock, B. J., Sadock, V. A., & Ruiz, P. (2014). Kaplan & Sadock’s synopsis of psychiatry: Behavioral sciences/clinical psychiatry (11th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.
· Chapter 23, “Emergency Psychiatric Medicine” (pp. 785–790)
· Chapter 31, “Child Psychiatry” (pp. 1226–1253)
American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.
· “Bipolar and Related Disorders”
Note: You will access this book from the Walden Library databases.
Stahl, S. M. (2014). Prescriber’s Guide: Stahl’s Essential Psychopharmacology (5th ed.). New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.

Thapar, A., Pine, D. S., Leckman, J. F., Scott, S., Snowling, M. J., & Taylor, E. A. (2015). Rutter’s child and adolescent psychiatry (6th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Blackwell.
· Chapter 50, “Provision of Intensive Treatment: Intensive Outreach, Day Units, and In-Patient Units” (pp. 648–664)
· Chapter 64, “Suicidal Behavior and Self-Harm” (pp. 893–912) Week 6: Discussion: Treatment Of Psychiatric Emergencies In Children Versus Adults

Assignment: Decision Tree For Neurological And Musculoskeletal Disorders

Assignment: Decision Tree For Neurological And Musculoskeletal Disorders

For your Assignment, your Instructor will assign you one of the decision tree interactive media pieces provided in the Resources. As you examine the patient case studies in this module’s Resources, consider how you might assess and treat patients presenting symptoms of neurological and musculoskeletal disorders.


To Prepare
· Review the interactive media piece assigned by your Instructor.
· Reflect on the patient’s symptoms and aspects of the disorder presented in the interactive media piece.
· Consider how you might assess and treat patients presenting with the symptoms of the patient case study you were assigned.
· You will be asked to make three decisions concerning the diagnosis and treatment for this patient. Reflect on potential co-morbid physical as well as patient factors that might impact the patient’s diagnosis and treatment.
Write a 2-page summary paper that addresses the following:
· Briefly summarize the patient case study you were assigned, including each of the three decisions you took for the patient presented. Assignment: Decision Tree For Neurological And Musculoskeletal Disorders
· Based on the decisions you recommended for the patient case study, explain whether you believe the decisions provided were supported by the evidence-based literature. Be specific and provide examples. Be sure to support your response with evidence and references from outside resources. What were you hoping to achieve with the decisions you recommended for the patient case study you were assigned? Support your response with evidence and references from outside resources.
· Explain any difference between what you expected to achieve with each of the decisions and the results of the decision in the exercise. Describe whether they were different. Be specific and provide examples.
Use and cite at least 4 sources for the assignment.
Please discuss each medication option listed in Decision Point 1. Why did you not choose the alternative options? What is the mechanism of action for each medication? What are first line FDA approved medications for the disease state?
Case study assigned: YOU PICK
Under Required Media, feel free to go through both interactive scenarios as many times as you would like. Pick ONE to write your paper on and discuss the points above. Assignment: Decision Tree For Neurological And Musculoskeletal Disorders

Health & Medical Assignment Paper

Health & Medical Assignment Paper

A position paper is a document you could present to a legislator to seek support for an issue you endorse. Present your position on a current health-care issue in a one-page paper, following the assignment guidelines below. You can select your issue topic from newspapers, national news magazine articles, professional journals, or professional association literature. Health & Medical Assignment Paper


Your position paper should:

Be quickly and easily understood.

Be succinct and clear.

  • Appear very professional with the legislator’s name and title on top and your name and your credentials at the bottom.
  • Condense essential information in one, single-spaced page, excluding the title and reference list pages.
  • Be written using correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, syntax, and APA format.
  • Clearly describe the issue that you are addressing in the opening paragraph.
  • Include 3–4 bullet points regarding why you are seeking the legislator’s vote, support, or opposition. Bullet points should be clear and concise but not repetitive and should reflect current literature that substantiates your position.
  • Summarize the implications for the nursing profession and/or patients.
  • Conclude with two recommendations that you wish to see happen related to your issue, such as a vote for or against, a change in policy, or the introduction of new legislation.
  • Use current APA Style, correct grammar, and references as appropriate. Health & Medical Assignment Paper


DNP 805 Organizational Systems and Leadership Module 3 discussion

DNP 805 Organizational Systems and Leadership Module 3 discussion


What do you think are the most important leadership characteristics that support an environment of innovation. Relate these to Kotter’s change model, particularly stages 3 & 4.

Provide an example of a leader who exemplifies these characteristics.



The ACA dictated a deadline for implementation of Electronic Health Records of 2014, representing not only a significant change in the way business is to be done in the Healthcare industry but also a significant change in the way the workers who provide healthcare must perform their tasks. In the context of change, discuss how this has impacted your organization and your personal job. How can changes of this magnitude be best handled to assure a successful implementation? DNP 805 Organizational Systems and Leadership Module 3 discussion



TOPIC: PICOT-D Question Submission

The purpose of this assignment (noncredit) is to present your final PICOT-D question for your Direct Practice Improvement (DPI) Project to your faculty for any last-minute changes needed before your Final PICOT-D submission for program approval in Topic 7.


General Requirements:

Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:

  • Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments.


  1. TOPIC:  Coping with Mental Health Issues: Suicide Prevention Among Adolescents & Young Adults.
  2. Using the “PICOT-D Question Template” ATTACHED to complete the assignment
  3. Utilize feedback received on prior PICOT Question Submissions.
  4. Professor’s Feedback/Suggested PICOT-D Question- “In the adolescent population with mental health issues, how does (use a tool here that scores for suicidal ideations) impact patient referrals to the (what department would a suicidal adolescent be referred to) over 8 weeks?” DNP-815A SCIENTIFIC UNDERPINNINGS
  5. Make sure you made 100% of all the previous changes from your previous reviews.DNP Learner Name_____________________________________ Current Course ___________Submit the Completed Template *See Additional Instructions below for completing the Template on Page 2.

    Save file as First.Last.PICOT_D

    PICOT-D Question Template
    P Population **PATIENT OUTCOME**
    I Intervention
    C Comparison
    O Outcome
    T Timeline
    D Data
    What is your licensure?  APRN  RN 

    Is this practice change within the scope of your nursing practice?

     YES  No

    By submitting this form, I am attesting I have read my state’s Nurse Practice Act, and the project is within the scope of my practice.

    Problem Statement It was not known if the implementation of __________________would impact ______________ _______________ among ___________ (population).
    Purpose Statement The purpose of this quality improvement project was to determine if the implementation of _________________ (intervention, make sure you have the evidence-base here) would impact ______________(what) _______________________ among ___________(population). The project was piloted over an eight-week period in a (rural, urban or directional (eastern, western, …)________ (state) ________ (setting ie: primary care clinic, ER, OR).
    Original Research articles: 

    List all original research articles that support the intervention.

    Ensure there are hyperlinks to the articles and or embed the document.








    Creswell, J. W. & Creswell, J.D. (2018). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed

    methods approaches. (5th ed.) Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.

    PICOT-D Question Template
    P Population Medical-surgical patients admitted to the unit at the site
    I Intervention Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality’s (AHRQ) Nurse-Driven Early Mobility Protocol
    C Comparison Current or existing practice. DNP-815A SCIENTIFIC UNDERPINNINGS
    O Outcome Time to Ambulation & Length of Stay
    T Timeline 4-6 weeks (Minimum is 4-weeks)
    D Data Electronic Health Record 

    Quality Manager Data

    (add data collection tool name if you have one)

    What is your licensure?  APRN  RN 

    Is this practice change within the scope of your nursing practice?

     YES  No

    Depending on licensure and scope of practice, some DPI projects can be in conflict. Please ensure you have read your state’s Nurse Practice Act. Providing this information assists the PICOT reviewer with insight into the conduct of the project.

    PICOT For adult medical-surgical patients 18 years and older, will the implementation of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality’s (AHRQ) Nurse-Driven Early Mobility Protocol compared to current practice decrease the patient’s time to first ambulation and an average length of stay in an urban Kentucky hospital over four-weeks?
    Problem Statement Problem: 

    It was not known if or to what degree the implementation of __________________would impact ______________ when compared to _______________ among ___________ (population)


    Engel, Tatebe, Alonzo, Mustille, and Rivera (2013) indicates that early mobilization of patients decreases the average length of hospital stay in critical care areas. Fisher, Kuo, Graham, Ottenbacher, and Ostir (2010) pointed to the time to ambulation and length of stay. It is not known if a nurse-driven early mobilization protocol will decrease the mean-time to ambulation and an average length of hospital stay in the medical-surgical population of an urban Kentucky hospital (AHRQ, 2017). Whereas this population tends to be ill, they are not as critical as ICU, or post-operative patients tend to be. They are still at risk for developing hospital-acquired pneumonia, gastrointestinal delays, and muscle deconditioning. Nevertheless, the time to first ambulation and length of hospital stays could potentially be reduced if an early mobilization protocol were implemented.


    Purpose Statement Purpose: 

    The purpose of this ___________( e.g., quantitative, quasi-experimental) project was to determine if or to what degree the implementation of _________________ (direct practice improvement/intervention) would impact ______________(what patient outcome) when compared to _______________________ among ___________(patient population) in a ________ (setting e.g., primary care clinic, ER, OR) in ________ (state) over four-weeks.


    The purpose of this quantitative, quasi-experimental quality improvement project is to determine if or to what degree the implementation of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality’s (AHRQ) Nurse-Driven Early Mobility Protocol would impact the patient’s time to first ambulation and an average length of stay for adult patients in acute medical-surgical unit compared to current practice at an urban (rural or use direction: northeaster, southeaster) in urban Kentucky over four-weeks.


    The purpose of this quantitative, quasi-experimental quality improvement project is to determine if or to what degree the implementation of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality’s (AHRQ) Nurse-Driven Early Mobility Protocol would impact the patient’s time to first ambulation and an average length of stay compared to current practice. The project will take place on the adult, medical-surgical unit, at an urban (rural or use direction: northeaster, southeaster) Kentucky hospital over four-weeks.

    The nurse-driven early mobilization protocol is defined as ambulating all admitted patients in the medical-surgical unit, four times a day at least 100 feet each time, irrespective of the diagnoses, unless contraindicated. The first ambulation should happen within 24 hours of admission. The average length of hospital stay refers to the average number of days that patients spend in hospital (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2019). This is a measurement of the quality of care provided by the hospital. DNP-815A SCIENTIFIC UNDERPINNINGS

    Original Research articles: 

    List all original research articles that support the intervention.

    Add hyperlinks and or the document embedded (Required)







    Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD. (2017) Introduction and evidence

    for early mobility: A protocol to get patients out of bed faster: Facilitator guide. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.

    Creswell, J. W. & Creswell, J.D. (2018). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed

    methods approaches. (5th ed.) Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.

    Engel, H. J., Tatebe, S., Alonzo, P. B., Mustille, R. L., & Rivera, M. J. (2013). Physical Therapist-Established Intensive Care Unit Early Mobilization Program: Quality Improvement Project for Critical Care at the University of California San Francisco Medical Center. Physical Therapy93(7), 975–985.

    Fisher, S. R., Kuo, Y. F., Graham, J. E., Ottenbacher, K. J., & Ostir, G. V. (2010). Early ambulation and length of stay in older adults hospitalized for acute illness. Archives of internal medicine170(21), 1942–1943. for Economic Co-operation and Development. (2019). Length of hospital stay. Retrieved from DNP-815A SCIENTIFIC UNDERPINNINGS

Practicum Experience Plan Assignment

Practicum Experience Plan Assignment

As you establish your goals and objectives for this course you are committing to an organized plan that will frame your practicum experience in a clinical setting, including planned activities, assessment, and achievement of defined outcomes. In particular, they must address the categories of clinical reasoning, quality in your clinical specialty, and interpersonal collaborative practice.


For this Assignment, you will consider the areas you aim to focus on to gain practical experience as an advanced nurse practitioner. Then, you will develop a Practicum Experience Plan (PEP) containing the objectives you will fulfill in order to achieve your aims. In this practicum experience, when developing your goals and objectives, be sure to keep adult health guidelines and best practices in mind. Practicum Experience Plan Assignment

To prepare:

  • Review your FNP or AGPCNP Clinical Skills and Procedures Self-Assessment Form you submitted in Week 1 and think about areas for which you would like to gain application-level experience and/or continued growth as a nurse educator. How can your experiences in the Practicum help you achieve these aims?
  • Review the information related to developing objectives provided in this week’s Learning Resources.  Your practicum learning objectives that you want to achieve during your Practicum experience must be:
    • Specific
    • Measurable
    • Attainable
    • Results-focused
    • Time-bound
    • Reflective of the higher-order domains of Bloom’s taxonomy (i.e., Application level and above)


Note: please make sure your objectives are outlined in your Practicum Experience Plan (PEP).

  • Discuss your professional aims and your proposed Practicum Objectives with your Practicum Preceptor to ascertain if the necessary resources are available at your Practicum site.


Record the required information in each area of the Practicum Experience Plan,  including 3–4 practicum learning objectives you will use to facilitate your learning during the Practicum experience. Practicum Experience Plan Assignment

By Day 7

Submit the Practicum Experience Plan for assessment and faculty approval.

When your Instructor has approved your plan, forward the signed PEP to your Preceptor and retain a copy for your records.

Submission and Grading Information

To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading, do the following:

  • Please save your Assignment using the naming convention “WK2Assgn2+last name+first initial.(extension)” as the name.
  • Click the Week 2 Assignment 2 Rubric to review the Grading Criteria for the Assignment.
  • Click the Week 2 Assignment 2 link. You will also be able to “View Rubric” for grading criteria from this area.
  • Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My Computer button. Find the document you saved as “WK2Assgn2+last name+first initial.(extension)” and click Open.
  • If applicable: From the Plagiarism Tools area, click the checkbox for I agree to submit my paper(s) to the Global Reference Database.
  • Click on the Submit button to complete your submission.
Grading Criteria

To access your rubric:
Week 2 Assignment 2 Rubric

Check Your Assignment Draft for Authenticity

To check your Assignment draft for authenticity:
Submit your Week 2 Assignment draft and review the originality report.

Submit Your Assignment by Day 7

To submit your Assignment:
Week 2 Assignment 2. Practicum Experience Plan Assignment

Teaching Plan. Scoliosis on 15 year old Female

Teaching Plan. Scoliosis on 15 year old Female


Teaching Plan. Scoliosis on 15 year old Female

1. Purpose: To document and evaluate teaching skills necessary to provide teaching to an individual client with a demonstrated need. With the completion of this assignment the student will be able to achieve the following objectives.

a. Demonstrate ability to thoroughly assess the learning styles of an individual or family using given developmental or cultural models.

b. Demonstrate ability to anticipate learning needs based on developmental or cultural assessments.

c. Identify and utilize teaching/learning principles to facilitate achievement of learning goals and outcomes.


d. Select and prioritize learning strategies based on the developmental or cultural assessment to achieve learning goals and outcomes.

e. Support rationales for teaching plan using teaching and learning theories from required readings with references.

2. Nursing Competencies:

a. Assessing and identifying developmental, cultural, and socioeconomic factors affecting a client.

b. Providing evidence-based health information and teaching based on developmental, cultural, and socioeconomic factors affecting a client or family

c. Integrating teaching/learning activities into client interactions based on developmental, cultural, and socioeconomic factors affecting a client or family. Teaching Plan. Scoliosis on 15 year old Female

d. Incorporating health promotion and teaching into the plan of care based on developmental, cultural, and socioeconomic factors affecting a family or client.

3. Plan: submitted to the clinical instructor during the teaching experience. Your clinical instructor must approve the topic.

a. Develop nursing diagnosis (NANDA)

b. Develop two (2) learning objectives

c. State methodology (teaching methods)

d. Provide and utilize teaching aids

e. State needed resources

4. Implementation: Outline (step by step)

5. Evaluation: Evaluate your project describing the effectiveness of teaching methods and aids, learner’s response, ability to meet objectives, and self-evaluation including what the student learned and what the student would do differently in the future. A copy of the entire teaching plan with the evaluation of patient learning is to be submitted to your clinical instructor during the teaching presentation. This write-up should be 2-3 pages. Teaching Plan. Scoliosis on 15 year old Female