Fundamental Changes in Healthcare Reform

Fundamental Changes in Healthcare Reform

Explain fundamental changes in healthcare reform for specialty populations.

Patient-Centered Medical Homes (PCMHs) offer many benefits to patients, and are valued by providers and insurers, as well.

For this assignment, you will research and assess the past, present, and future role of PCMHs.

In an opening paragraph, define the structure and role of a PCMH.


In a second paragraph, identify and briefly describe a PCMH in your area (city, state).

For the body of your paper, explain the impact of PCMHs on quality improvement, care delivery, access to care, etc.

In a closing paragraph, explain what the future looks like for PCMHs. Identify any trends, projections, etc. Remember to use recent scholarly research and editorial sources as applicable, to support your viewpoints.

Fundamental Changes in Healthcare Reform