Universal Healthcare in the United States

Universal Healthcare in the United States

Write a 600- to 800-word paper that discusses universal healthcare in the United States.

Assignment Content
The topic of universal healthcare or, more specifically, a single payer healthcare system, has begun to gain some momentum and has been a topic at each of the Democratic Presidential debates over the last few months. Universal Healthcare in the United States
Consider the topic of universal healthcare and your perspective on this topic.
Write a 600- to 800-word paper that discusses universal healthcare in the United States.


Research and Discuss the following topics:
What is universal healthcare?
What are some of the problems in our healthcare system that have led to increased interest in and support of universal healthcare?
How might a universal healthcare system impact cost of care, quality of care, and access to care in the US? Universal Healthcare in the United States
List two likely positive outcomes of a universal healthcare system.
List two likely negative outcomes/cons of a universal healthcare system.
Share your perspective on a universal healthcare system.
Cite at least 2 reputable references. Reputable references include trade or industry publications, government or agency websites, scholarly works, a textbook, or other sources of similar quality.
Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

Universal Healthcare in the United States