Develop a Hypothetical Health Promotion Plan

Develop a Hypothetical Health Promotion Plan

Assessment 1: Health Promotion Plan
Develop a hypothetical health promotion plan, 3 pages in length, addressing a specific health concern for an individual or a group living in the community that you identified from the topic list provided. Bullying. Teen Pregnancy. LGBTQIA + Health. Sudden Infant Death (SID). Immunization. Tobacco use (include all: vaping, e-cigarettes, hookah, chewing tobacco, and smoking) cessation. Develop a Hypothetical Health Promotion Plan


1. Provides an in-depth analysis of a community health concern or need that is the focus of the health promotion plan, and articulates underlying assumptions and points of uncertainty in the analysis.
2. Explains why a health concern or need is important for health promotion within a specific population. Conclusions are well supported by current and relevant population health and demographic data and based on a perceptive analysis of the factors that contribute to health, health disparities, and access to services.
3. Establishes agreed-upon health goals in collaboration with hypothetical participants. Goals are realistic, measurable, and attainable.
4. Organizes content with a clear purpose. Content flows logically with smooth transitions using coherent paragraphs, correct grammar/punctuation, word choice, and free of spelling errors.
5. Exhibits strict and flawless adherence to APA formatting of headings, in-text citations, and references. Quotes and paraphrases correctly.

Develop a Hypothetical Health Promotion Plan