The Future of Health Care Financing and Nursing Leadership

The Future of Health Care Financing and Nursing Leadership

For this final assignment, adhering to APA format, please submit a written assignment, that addresses the following questions:
Why must nurse managers and executives be knowledgeable of current issues in the field of financial management in nursing?


What are the major current issues in financial management in nursing?
Based on this information, describe strategic priorities to address the major current financial management issues to improve quality and address population health needs.

The Future of Health Care Financing and Nursing Leadership

Public Health Nursing

Public Health Nursing

  • Explain how public health nursing differs from other types of nursing.
  • Explain what is meant by the term “population health” from a public health perspective.
  • Describe how a public health nurse (PHN) analyzes and narrows a population down using various kind of information including social determinants of health.
  • Compare a PHN’s approach to population health with a hospital system’s approach to population health.


  • Consider the Covid-19 pandemic and the multifaceted approach to prevention and management of infectious diseases. Public health nurses must assume many roles over the course of a pandemic. Explain the role of the public health nurse to enforce public health law, specifically in times of pandemic.
  • Besides public health law enforcement explain at least three different roles that public health nurses assume during a pandemic.

Public Health Nursing

Worldview and Nursing Process Personal Statement

Worldview and Nursing Process Personal Statement

Assessment Description
Being able to articulate your personal worldview can help you formulate a personal philosophy of practice and enhance your influence on patients and the industry. In this assignment, you will have an opportunity to reflect on your current and future practice and the ways worldview and nursing theory influence that practice. Worldview and Nursing Process Personal Statement


Draft a 1,000-1,250 word paper in which you:

Describe your personal worldview, including the religious, spiritual, and cultural elements that you think most influence your personal philosophy of practice and attitude towards patient care.
Choose a specific nursing theory that is most in line with your personal philosophy of practice and approach to patient care and discuss the similarities. Explain how the nursing theory reinforces your approach to care.
Include in your explanation a specific example of a past or current practice and how your worldview and the nursing theory could assist you in resolving this issue.
Finally, explain how your worldview and the nursing theory will assist you in further developing your future practice.
You are required to cite five to 10 sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and nursing content.

Worldview and Nursing Process Personal Statement

Regulation for Nursing Practice Staff Development Meeting

Regulation for Nursing Practice Staff Development Meeting

Nursing is a very highly regulated profession. There are over 100 boards of nursing and national nursing associations throughout the United States and its territories. Their existence helps regulate, inform, and promote the nursing profession. With such numbers, it can be difficult to distinguish between BONs and nursing associations, and overwhelming to consider various benefits and options offered by each. Regulation for Nursing Practice Staff Development Meeting


Both boards of nursing and national nursing associations have significant impacts on the nurse practitioner profession and scope of practice. Understanding these differences helps lend credence to your expertise as a professional. In this Assignment, you will practice the application of such expertise by communicating a comparison of boards of nursing and professional nurse associations. You will also share an analysis of your state board of nursing.

To Prepare:

Assume that you are leading a staff development meeting on regulation for nursing practice at your healthcare organization or agency.
Review the NCSBN and ANA websites to prepare for your presentation.
The Assignment: (8- to 9-slide PowerPoint presentation)

Develop a 8- to 9-slide PowerPoint Presentation that addresses the following:

Describe the differences between a board of nursing and a professional nurse association.
Describe the board for your specific region/area.
Who is on the board?
How does one become a member of the board? Regulation for Nursing Practice Staff Development Meeting
Describe at least one state regulation related to general nurse scope of practice.
How does this regulation influence the nurse’s role?
How does this regulation influence delivery, cost, and access to healthcare?
Describe at least one state regulation related to Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs).
How does this regulation influence the nurse’s role?
How does this regulation influence delivery, cost, and access to healthcare?
Has there been any change to the regulation within the past 5 years? Explain.
Include Speaker Notes on Each Slide (except on the title page and reference page)

Regulation for Nursing Practice Staff Development Meeting

Critique the Role of Nursing Advocacy

Critique the Role of Nursing Advocacy

This competency assessment assesses the following Outcome(s):

MN506M5-5: Critique the role of nursing advocacy in the implementation of health policy.

Health policy briefs provide succinct overviews of health policy topics. The intended audience is policymakers, journalists, and others concerned about improving health care in the United States. The briefs explore arguments from varying perspectives of a policy proposal. They guide available research behind each perspective. Experts create health policy briefs in the field through funding from public and private grants.


Select one policy brief from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation website:

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. (n.d.). Health policy in brief.

  1. Identify the primary issue discussed in the brief, summarize the brief, and state the relationship of the issue to APN practice.
  2. List at least three strengths, weaknesses, advantages, and/or disadvantages of the issue.
  3. Describe at least three solutions or recommendations for the issue.
  4. In your role as an APN, list at least three ways you would advocate for or against the policy implementation?

In your paper, you may take the position either for or against the policy proposal, or both.

Critique the Role of Nursing Advocacy

Applying Nursing Theory to Patient Care

Applying Nursing Theory to Patient Care

  1. Describe the purpose of applying nursing theory to patient care.
  2. Explain why nursing theory is meaningful to current practice.
  3. Explain how a nursing theory can be applied before planning and providing care in current practice.


  4. Discuss which theory best reflects your personal view of the essence of nursing and how it has been helpful to you for planning and providing care to your patients.

Applying Nursing Theory to Patient Care

Introduction to Nursing Research

Introduction to Nursing Research

Describe sampling theory and provide examples to illustrate your definition. Discuss generalizability as it applies to nursing research.


Compare independent variables, dependent variables, and extraneous variables. Describe two ways that researchers attempt to control extraneous variables. Support your answer with peer-reviewed articles.

Describe the seven ‘levels of evidence’ and provide an example of the type of practice change that could result from each.

Introduction to Nursing Research


Week 2 Case Study: Public Health Nursing

Week 2 Case Study: Public Health Nursing

Review the following case study and complete the questions that follow. Submit your completed paper 

As a public health nurse at a free clinic, you are assessing and interviewing a 21-year-old woman who has come to the clinic because she doesn’t have any energy and hasn’t felt good in weeks. During the interview, you learn that she averages one meal per day, smokes up to two packs of cigarettes per day, and rummages through trash to find items she can sell to purchase food, snacks, and cigarettes. She admits to using street drugs every once in a while when she can find someone who will share with her. She admits her life is a mess and she doesn’t know how to make it better.


  • What data can you gather based on available client information?
  • What questions should you ask yourself while interviewing this client?
  • During planning, how can you, as the nurse, best assist this client?
  • What are the potential strategies that would assist the client to a “better” life?

Your paper should be 2 pages in length, in APA format, typed in Times New Roman with 12-point font, and double-spaced with 1” margins. If outside sources are used, they must be cited appropriately.

Week 2 Case Study: Public Health Nursing

Future of Nursing Report

Future of Nursing Report

Assessment Description

Review “The Future of Nursing 2020-2030: Charting a Path to Achieve Health Equity,” and explore the “Campaign for Action: State Action Coalition” website, both located in the topic Resources. In a 1,000-1,250-word paper, discuss the influence “The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health” and state-based action coalitions have had on nursing practice, nursing education, and nursing workforce development, and how they continue to advance the goals for the nursing profession. Future of Nursing Report


Include the following:

Describe the work of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine that led to the report, “The Future of Nursing 2020-2030: Charting a Path to Achieve Health Equity.”
Explain the trend occurring in the nursing workforce and how nursing education is adapting to meet the evolving needs of the profession. What is the role of the nurse in leading change?
Discuss the role of state-based action coalitions. Explain how these coalitions help advance the goals specified in the National Academy of Sciences report, “The Future of Nursing 2020-2030: Charting a Path to Achieve Health Equity.” Future of Nursing Report
Research the initiatives on which your state’s action coalition is working. Summarize two initiatives spearheaded by your state’s action coalition. Discuss the ways these initiatives advance the nursing profession.
Describe barriers to advancement that currently exist in your state and explain how nursing advocates in your state overcome these barriers.
You are required to cite a minimum of three sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years, appropriate for the assignment criteria, and relevant to nursing practice.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

Future of Nursing Report


Current Trends In Nursing Practice

Current Trends In Nursing Practice

Explain how interprofessional collaboration will help reduce errors, provide higher-quality care, and increase safety. Provide an example of a current or emerging trend that will require more, or change the nature of, interprofessional collaboration.


2)  Describe one innovative health care delivery model that incorporates an interdisciplinary care delivery team. Explain how this model is advantageous to patient outcomes.

Current Trends In Nursing Practice