Getting started with pediatrics

Getting started with pediatrics

Primary care of children from newborns to those on the cusp of adulthood requires considerable knowledge, as well as the finesse to manage parents and families of all types and the changing needs, attitudes, and independence of young people as they grow and mature. Considering that this week, in fact, this entire first module is focused on growth and development, it is fitting for you to reflect on your current and anticipated growth and development in advanced nursing, and specifically, in pediatric care. When you made your decision to pursue training as a family nurse practitioner, how did pediatrics factor into your thinking? Is the opportunity to work with children and adolescents a strong motivator, or does it rank for you as more of a concern?


Post a brief introduction of yourself that includes an explanation of your strengths and challenges as they apply to pediatrics and the role of a family nurse practitioner. Also explain your career goals and objectives and how your work in this course can help you accomplish those goals and objectives as a family nurse practitioner. Use your research to support your explanations by providing credible and scholarly sources.

Getting started with pediatrics